Insult a person with clever words. How to humiliate a person without swearing, phrases with clever words

We all know that one word can hurt, offend and even humiliate a person. In the last century, honor and dignity were very valuable, and in order to preserve them, people fought duels. IN modern world It costs nothing to offend and morally humiliate any person. In this article we will look at what words can humiliate each of us. With the help of humiliation, you can bring a person to great stress. There are situations when some people deserve to be treated this way.

Moral humiliation of a person

Humiliation is when a person’s self-esteem in the eyes of other people drops. This happens for several reasons: in order to educational work or for self-affirmation of the one who insults. In any case, the person experiences psychological trauma and nervous shock. Everyone who has experienced humiliation in their life will henceforth subconsciously try to avoid such an attitude towards themselves. This will be an excellent lesson for those who have high levels of egoism and self-esteem and who do not accept the opinions of other people.

How can you morally humiliate a person?

Most often, moral humiliation and psychological attack occur in a married couple. When the relationship has reached a certain point, the husband and wife constantly try to humiliate and offend as painfully as possible. If partners humiliate each other every now and then, they thereby increase their self-esteem. Here the problem lies in internal complexes, mental trauma received in childhood, self-doubt, and selfishness. By insulting a partner, a person feels his inner strength. But this only indicates the failure and weakness of the offending person.

This applies not only to family people, but also to others who have relatives and friends. What hurts most is when loved ones reach the point of insulting, unreasonable humiliation. It is easy to offend a person if you know all his shortcomings.

How to humiliate a man with words

If a woman has such a desire, it means she has reached the boiling point. There is an opinion that men are morally weak. Even the most confident man can be infuriated by any criticism addressed to him. Let's consider the ways in which representatives of the stronger sex can be humiliated.

  • First find out his life criteria, his self-esteem. Men are proud of the fact that they are males, so you can play on this. Let him know that he does not satisfy you as a man. Some may be greatly offended and others may feel greatly humiliated. Everything will depend on the situation.
  • A great way to humiliate a man is to make an angry statement after a night out. Say he wasn't on high level, such words can deal a serious blow to manhood and even make a guy impotent for a while.
  • For men, appearance plays a significant role. They are sensitive to their pumped up muscles. Therefore, it is worth saying that the other guy has more pumped up muscles, your partner will grind his teeth in resentment.
  • Hit on talent and dignity. All men want to be talented in everything, but they lack special data. Then constantly tell him about celebrities who at his age reached all the heights and became popular.
  • Call him a “mama’s boy,” a coward, a loser, a mumbler. Your statements will not leave him indifferent.

Methods of verbal humiliation

Let's look at how to humiliate with clever words and more.

  • All people are like people, and you are a real miscarriage of society.
  • Your intellect went for a walk and disappeared forever.
  • Don't pick my brains, go vacuum some cacti in the desert.
  • It’s better to leave in English, otherwise I’ll send it in other languages.
  • Don't rustle the holey bag at me.

Now you know many words that can be used to humiliate a person. Think carefully about whether you need to do this, because the properties of a boomerang can also work. You should learn to forgive and live in harmony with others. Because only in this case are you guaranteed good mood And positive attitude. By offending others, you will never become stronger and you should not take revenge either. We wish you good luck and wise decisions.

Some relationships at a certain moment enter a phase when it is no longer possible to save them, and most importantly, there is no desire. Sometimes a guy is so disappointing or hurtful that it becomes difficult to calm the bitterness and calm the anger. In this state, sometimes an irresistible desire arises to cause him no less suffering. In this case, you can use words, because, as you know, this is the most powerful weapon, capable of even killing.

What to say

This primarily depends on what kind of relationship you had with the guy. Let's say close ones. This means that quite a lot is known about its weaknesses and shortcomings. It is advisable to direct your efforts to these places. If you wish, you can even use its advantages for your own purposes. For example, he is physically attractive, knows it and is very proud of his appearance. One might condescendingly remark: “Strange. Usually girls are proud of a pretty face, but for real men, that is, other qualities are valued. I understand that you have nothing else to boast about, but don’t advertise it like that, otherwise others will know about it.” Or: “You are so happy with your appearance, as if you were going to make money from it. Or is there something I don’t know about you?!” Or this: “Even a more handsome guy would make me sick if he was so stupid. You’d better read something, huh?”

A win-win option for any guy with whom you had a close relationship is to express your joy at the end of it. You can say: “Well, better late than never! Finally, at least I’ll meet a man.” The enthusiastically spoken phrase also touches: “Y-ah... I lost a lot of time with you, I need to make it up!” Usually the guy in this case tries to say something offensive, like “who needs you” or “you are a zero in intimate terms.” To this one can exclaim in amazement: “Why were you going crazy? Now I’ll find someone really worthwhile, at least I’ll finally experience pleasure.” Or: “Have you ever thought that maybe I didn’t always notice your participation?”

You can say a lot of humiliating phrases to anyone, even someone who is not too close to you, for example: “I’m sorry, there’s too much difference between us - they took care of my upbringing.” Or: “Just in case, move away from me a little, otherwise they will think that we are together.” You can say something like: “I ask one thing, if suddenly a miracle happens and you find a girl, the main thing is to always take precautions! People like you cannot reproduce.” A phrase said with participation can also hurt quite strongly: “Only one thing can save you: make a mysterious face and be silent, you can sometimes grin thoughtfully, just don’t open your mouth - you’ll ruin everything!”

Special attention should be paid to public insults. If there are spectators, verbal humiliation can be turned into subtle mockery. However, here you need to be especially careful not to lose your dominant position. To do this, you can use several techniques prepared in advance. A universal way to repel a sudden attack from a guy is to exclaim with surprise, even approval, you can applaud at the same time: “Not bad, not bad! It's even great for you! The answer was almost equal! So maybe you've been pretending to be a fool until now? Come on, give me something else?” After which, despite what he says, without hesitation, answer in a disappointed tone: “No, I wasn’t pretending, it’s all true, it’s a pity.”

When you are with a guy in the presence of third parties, you can have a lively conversation with everyone except the guy; suddenly turn to him and try to explain the meaning of some word that one of the interlocutors or you yourself just said. This should be done as naturally as possible, as if this explanation was dictated by concern for the mentally retarded young man, and not with the intention of offending him. You can also, after telling a joke, turn to him with words full of sad tenderness: “Everyone is laughing, and are you laughing, poor thing? Let me explain to you the meaning of the joke?

If the situation is not conducive to long-term communication, for example, the guy will try to retreat as quickly as possible, you can use short, caustic phrases without backstory. As a rule, they concern appearance guy. You can exclaim in surprise in front of everyone: “What’s wrong with you? Did your mom dress you again?” Or: “Why did you dress so lightly? Look - you'll catch a cold! Everything is so bad, but in five years you won’t be able to do anything at all.” If at first glance there is nothing to complain about, you can say something like: “Why do you look like that, have you decided to push for pity? Well, in general, maybe you’re right, at least someone will pick it up.” However, the most important thing is not what to say, but how to say it: in order to hurt more.

How to behave

First of all, do not get angry under any circumstances. It is best to pretend that you are in a great mood or, in any case, a completely calm state of mind. The power of words spoken in anger is halved; In addition, a person brought out of balance loses his dominant position. Thus, it is necessary to tune in to a complacent, calm mood and maintain this appearance no matter what.

The possibility of force majeure should be taken into account. The situation can turn out in the most unexpected way, and besides, the guy will not necessarily remain silent; perhaps he will try to respond with a barb or hit a sore spot with a reciprocal word. You have to be prepared for this and take the blow. In this case, it is necessary at all costs to continue to remain calm or even pretend that this attack sincerely amused you.

If you can’t quickly find the right words, you can resort to the technique of diverting attention to appearance. This technique implies sudden attention to some detail or change in the guy himself. For example, his offensive speech can be suddenly interrupted with the words: “What’s wrong with you?! You're all stains! No need to strain your modest feelings so much mental abilities! Calm down, you can live with this too,” while depicting almost concern for his condition, pity for him. Without giving you time to come to your senses, seize the initiative with the words: “Well, okay, okay, gather your thoughts, come up with something original, consult with someone smart, then speak again.”

If you need additional background as support or to create the illusion of spontaneity and lightness, you can start a correspondence with someone over the phone. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a friend, a mother, or a complete stranger. You can pretend that this correspondence is much more important than the presence of this guy. When you receive each message, you can smile, sometimes laugh, answer briefly, but with a feeling of joy, each time being distracted again by the guy with words like: “So what am I talking about? Oh yes. Well, so…”, and then continue the verbal humiliation, interrupting each time with a new message with the words: “Now, just a minute...”.

It is best to avoid words such as “idiot”, “asshole”, “bastard”, etc. They are not as humiliating as they might seem, but they significantly reduce the status and sense of worthy dominance of the humiliating person, more like a tantrum. You can interrupt the conversation at any moment, as if suddenly turning your attention to the guy again, saying: “What, are you still here?” or: “You can go, you’re free for today.” If he tries to object or add something else, interrupt him and say in a “confidential” tone something like: “Honestly, I would chat with you more, but I already wasted a lot of time. Understand: there are people who are worth this time much more.” At this point you can turn around with dignity and leave.

Anyone can face insults from others, and the feelings that manifest themselves at this moment are quite unpleasant.

Of course, it’s easier to answer with bad words, it’s easy and simple. However, this can lead to unpleasant and sometimes dangerous consequences.

Not everyone can respond to an insult with clever words without swearing; this technique should be learned in advance.

There are many phrases with which you can besiege and humiliate a person, and sometimes bring the offender to tears. Here's how to do this, you can find out below from ways of insulting without swearing.

How to humiliate a handsome guy?

Human psychology is designed in such a way that even one impudent word can cause severe offense.

However, it is not at all necessary that this be swear word, to humiliate, insult, besiege, put in place can be done with cultural words. But not everyone can do this.

Often unpleasant situations arise between a girl and a guy - a quarrel, misunderstanding, and sometimes a fight with insults.

In the latter case, it is worth using several techniques to humiliate and insult the offender with clever words, so that he would not raise his hand in the future.

Pay attention! The worst and most unpleasant thing a man can do to a girl or woman is to raise his hand.

In these situations, it’s worth hitting him where it hurts most, and this should be done morally. Guys are greatly offended by phrases using the word “impotent.”

The table shows the qualities that are considered holy for a guy.

If you want to take revenge on the offender, then in correspondence or in words you can use phrases that mention these qualities in a bad light:

Quality Phrases
Masculine dignity, strength. Guys react painfully to phrases that mention their sexual abilities.

A girl can morally insult and humiliate a person with phrases that contain the word “impotent”

You are a moral impotent!
Only an impotent man can offend a woman!
You are impotent not in your pants, but in your soul! (Or maybe both!)
If you want to hurt a guy’s pride, then during a conversation you can hurt his status and wealth.

This will be especially unpleasant for those who have a really low income or no job.

Since ancient times, it was believed that a man is a breadwinner, therefore the inability to have wealth is considered the greatest humiliation

You are the shame of your parents and their ruin!
You are not able to provide yourself with even toilet paper!
You are hiding your own inadequacy behind your insolence!
If you want to brutally besiege the offender with cultural words, then you can choose phrases.

In which the emphasis will be on the stupidity and recklessness of the guy, even if he is well brought up and has a higher education.

With their help, girls can firmly put a person in his place without swearing.

You have failed neither as a person nor as a man!
Unlike mine, your dignity has sunk to the bottom!
You are an immoral, weak and wretched person!
All your words are helpless attempts to prove something!
I feel sorry for looking at you!
I would offend you, but nature has already done it for me!

How to insult a woman without swearing?

Sometimes women themselves ask for humiliation and insults. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to respond to curses; you can answer harshly and competently without swearing. Phrases will sound offensive and unpleasant, even worse than swear words.

Women are sensitive to criticism of their appearance. It is important to choose the words correctly and beautifully, you don’t need to say directly: you are scary, you are ugly, but they will help you delicately understand this.

For a girl, phrases with a hint of ugly appearance will be offensive and unpleasant:

  • When God created women, he decided to save money on you!
  • I would offend you, but I’ll just advise you to look in the mirror!
  • Your words are the helpless barking of a dirty mongrel!
  • Surprisingly, she’s not rich in intelligence and has no face!
  • It’s a pity to spit in such a face!

You can take revenge on a woman in another way.

Phrases that mention excessive popularity among men are very offensive:

  • There’s nowhere to put a sample on you!
  • You have already given all your dignity to other people's men!
  • You are the shame of the father and the tears of the mother!
  • You are a quality man's bedding!
  • Your whole life is serving your master’s sugar!
  • No normal guy will even look in your direction!
  • All your attractiveness ended 10 men ago!
  • To get involved with you is to disgrace yourself!

You can put a woman in her place and morally humiliate her with clever words that can hurt a person as an individual.

The phrases should point out the flaws of the mind, they should make her look like a fool in front of everyone.

Let's consider several suitable options:

  • If you were smart, then you would have a decent man!”
  • Men don't leave smart women!
  • So, I look at you and at first glance it seems that you are a fool! And then you look and it’s true - you’re a fool!

How to send a person away in a cultural manner?

Sometimes there are times when you want to send a cultural message stranger, who bothers you with his uninteresting and empty conversations.

However, you don’t need to answer sharply right away, this can greatly offend your interlocutor; you can do this in cultural words without swearing.

Important! If you do not want to offend a person, then you can patiently continue to listen to his conversation and delve into every word in order to at least somehow support him.

But this unpleasant situation can be resolved carefully, accurately, without humiliation and insults.

Learn a few simple techniques:

  1. During a conversation try asking questions that relate to another topic, so you can take the conversation in another interesting direction.

    If the interlocutor still continues to talk about a topic that does not interest you, ask him questions in a sharper tone, but you should still not turn to aggression.

  2. Humor and laughter will be able to give a different twist to the conversation. Use jokes, sarcasm, the whole spectrum of humor, so you can quickly escape from an annoying conversation and end it.
  3. During a conversation try to say the same short phrase - “Yeah”, “Really”, “Mmm”, “I see”, Well” and so on.

    Or you can just remain silent. As soon as the interlocutor understands that the conversation does not interest you, he will fall silent and go looking for a “new victim.”

Clever curse words

You can easily insult a person with clever words. Phrases may hint at illness, disadvantage, weakness, appearance, status or other important qualities.

They should be used if the offender offended without reason, insulted, or even raised his hand.

Let's consider clever phrases without swearing:

  • You're doing the right thing by giggling. They don't laugh with your teeth!
  • You'll fall under hot hand- you'll fly under the hot foot
  • Teeth are not hair; if they fly out, you won’t catch them.
  • You remind me of the ocean... You make me just as sick.
  • I probably have to look like a sucker to fit in with you.
  • There is no need to feel sorry for him, he is not sick, this is his usual appearance.
  • Yes, beauty is clearly not your advantage.
  • I would send you, but, apparently, you have already been there.
  • A positive Rh factor is, apparently, the only “plus” in the list of your advantages.
  • It's okay, I didn't remember your name either.
  • I don’t have the strength to listen to your insanity.
  • Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?
  • As an outsider, what do you think about the human race?
  • I would like to punch you in the teeth, but why should I improve your appearance?
  • At least there is one positive thing about your body. It's not as scary as your face!
  • The brain isn't everything. But in your case it’s nothing!
  • Be careful not to let your brain get into your head!
  • I like you. They say I have disgusting taste, but I love you.
  • Have your parents ever asked you to run away from home?
  • If only I had a face like yours. I would sue my parents!
  • Don't be upset. Many people have no talent either!
  • Don't be offended, but you, what- work spread ignorance?
  • Keep talking, someday you will manage to say something smart!

To send the offender away, it is not necessary to use swear words and insults, this can be done with clever words.

Clever phrases and cultural words can cause offense worse than profanity.

They can relate to a person’s appearance, health, status, and wealth. The main thing is to present everything beautifully and correctly so that the offender is silent.

Useful video

AND the art of insulting beautifully or how to insult a person

So how insult a person? Yes, very easy! Just don't insult action, insult better in words. After all, a word is worse than any weapon. In a word, you can not only insult, but also kill a person. Therefore, be extremely careful! Should not be used insults as a means of attack. Only as a weapon of self-defense. In a dialogue, in an argument, to put the exploded person in his place. That is, beautifully and gracefully parry your opponent’s statements. Direct all his attacks back towards him. This works especially well before the argument has completely turned to emotions. Construct your statements with contradictory phrases. Very often this puts the opponent into a stupor. A person does not immediately understand whether he was praised or crapped on. After all, he is initially determined to resist on your part. But there is no harsh resistance.
It's very useful quality, the ability to turn a person off with a word. Especially nowadays! Yes, and at all times, people with a well-spoken tongue were valued in society. They were quoted, their phrases were remembered. And then they themselves used it in everyday situations. Ability to find in time the right word, quickly react to an attack in your direction, there is a very good quality. It is stupid and useless to prove something to a person, especially if he is not initially inclined to constructive dialogue. And he's trying to humiliate you and insult. Point his own weapon in his direction. Insult his! Only not rudely, but gracefully and beautifully. Listen carefully to what they tell you. And respond quickly and effectively. But you shouldn’t stupidly and blindly repeat after someone. Situations in life are different. Improvise. Practice. And we will help you with this a little. And don't forget for insult to a person You can get a deadline! And sometimes in the ear! Think about who and where insult.
And yet, how to insult someone? There are a great many ways! Let us introduce you to some of them.

1. Agree with offensive you person, and lower it to the same level.
This is the simplest thing - it's a classic:

- Yes, you are a complete fool and an idiot!
- Yes. I have a certificate too! Do you think it’s very smart to prove something to a fool?

- You're just a fool!
- Agree! This is because you constantly have to talk to fools.

– I’m not satisfied with your answers!
– What questions, such answers!

– Yes, I’m smarter than all of you combined!
- Certainly! After all, you are crazy. I wish I had a watchman for this shed...

2. Take a statement directed at you to the point of absurdity:

- Hey, slow down!
– I can’t, there must be only one brake. (It’s impossible, our pair already has one brake!)

- What are you doing?
- I'm doing it in my pants.

– Why are you scamming me now?
– And now who do you consider yourself to be, a bee or a rabbit?

3. Turn a negative statement into a positive one:

- You are a horse!
– If it weren’t for the suckers, where would you be now?

- There are only idiots around!
– Is it unusual for you to feel smart?

– What kind of phone is being grabbed when I’m talking to you?!
– I also prefer to talk to smart people!

4. Press the person “too weakly.” After all, no one likes to feel like a weakling:

– You’re dancing somehow crappy..
– I’m not dancing, I’m just moving my legs so you don’t crush me... (And you know how great I am at cross-stitching!)

-What are you babbling about?
- It’s strange, but others like my speech... Don’t you have a sense of beauty, or have hearing problems?

– Are you pretending to be smart?
– Do you have problems communicating with smart people?

5. What do you want?

- Well, why are you quiet?
– Did you already want to get to the surgeon’s table by this time?

- Well, who is brave here?
“You talk to me like that, as if your subscription to the emergency room is disappearing.”

– You are a simple housewife!
– Would you like me to be a currency prostitute?

That's all for today. If suddenly there are wishes from grateful readers, then we will be happy to introduce you to other ways, how to insult someone.
In the meantime, read insults on our Clueless Site.

Have you ever thought about how to morally kill a person? I think everyone thought about it. Starting from an early age, when a person encounters the social environment, he begins to experience pressure. Peers test each other's strength, gradually transferring similar behavior into adult life. Someone is leaving these childhood pranks in the past. But there are people who like to humiliate others. How to repel them and forever discourage them from training on you?

How to morally kill a person while maintaining dignity

Let's say an insolent person publicly speaks out, is insulting, sarcastic, makes inappropriate jokes, and mocks in every possible way. The friendly laughter of his friends and those around him can throw anyone off balance. But... this situation can easily be turned against the offender. What does he expect from you? In Russian speaking, bummer. To show their superiority, such people assert themselves at the expense of others. This is a kind of duel: whose spirit is stronger? Now I will list a number of tips on how to morally kill a person in such a situation:

  • Keep your cool. A calm, ironic attitude towards attacks sobers up the offender and intrigues observers.
  • To offensive questions like “Well, how is it... so and so?” you can simply say: I don’t know, you know this better..
  • All nasty things can be turned against the attacker, calmly ironizing his words without dirt or insults. Don't stoop to your opponent's level.
  • Observers will quickly lose interest in the incident or even laugh at clumsy attempts to humiliate you.
  • Seeing your spiritual superiority and inner strength, the mocker will quickly retreat in search of a weaker victim.

There are situations when we experience treacherous betrayal. Most immediately think about revenge, mentally savoring the details, imagining what they will do in response. But it is much more possible to kill a person morally while maintaining dignity and spiritual nobility. Believe me, squabbles, plans for revenge, and various nasty things in response humiliate you, making you petty. Later it will be unpleasant for you, maybe even ashamed.

It is much wiser to act wisely and carefully. Refute the slander. Make hidden intrigues public. Turn the offender's baseness against himself. The worst thing is public condemnation. However, think a hundred times when punishing others this way: maybe people deserve a second chance?

The best way to kill a person morally is to show him his baseness so that he clearly understands it. Pangs of conscience, mental humiliation, condemnation of others will force you to seriously think about your own behavior. Maybe even get better. I wish everyone to be worthy, wise, strong people, capable of repelling any impudent person!