Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses. Pros and cons of wooden houses built using frame technology. Advantages and disadvantages of prefabricated frame houses Frame houses advantages and disadvantages

We decided to build a house according to frame technology? Check out the disadvantages frame houses, before starting construction.

About the advantages of frame and frame-panel houses managers construction companies arias are sung. They are inexpensive and highly environmentally friendly, and your grandchildren will inherit them. Well just fairy house. Is this really true, or are we being told another fairy tale?

Frame houses or frame-panel houses are known to everyone who has seen old Soviet dachas. Thanks to these dachas, the technology was popularly called “frame-slit”, and we traced the disadvantages of frame houses to the advent of Finnish, Norwegian and Canadian technologies so actively advertised now.

Controversial merits

Advertising of frame houses appeals to economy, environmental friendliness, and speed of construction. Let us consider in detail what building a house using frame technology entails and what obvious disadvantages have already appeared during operation.

Noise level- in most of these houses there is very low level soundproofing. Being on the second floor, you will hear a conversation or a working TV on the first floor without making any effort. The fact is that having adopted foreign technology, we did not adopt their pedantry - the wrong arrangement ventilation ducts or installation of partitions in violation of technology - and you live in “noise hell”.

Humidity– wood, especially poorly processed wood, tends to absorb and retain moisture. With poor ventilation and handling construction beams fungus appears, and this is a direct threat to health.

Ignition– in frame houses the risk of fire is much higher. Basically, all because of the same violations building codes: for example, improper insulation of the roof structure, chimneys. Materials add their contribution - 90% is wood impregnated with flammable agents and adhesives.

Thermos effect– frame houses do not “breathe”; there is poor air exchange in them. It is cold in such houses in winter and hot in summer. In general this is an exaggeration due to the fact that most people confuse plastic panels, from which shops and panels are used to build frame-panel houses.

Fragility- compared to brick houses and houses made of stone, frame houses made of light panels are very short-lived. Manufacturers guarantee us an operational life of up to 100 years, but the reality of domestic construction is such that no one believes the guaranteed terms.

Instability– frame houses are very sensitive to vibration – work washing machine can set the whole house in motion. Instability leads to loss of rigidity of the entire structure.

Low quality- the general quality of materials provided on the market, their improper storage, lack of necessary skills and experience among builders give rise to a low-quality product - a low-quality house, unsuitable for habitation.

Is everything bad?

Despite the above-mentioned disadvantages and shortcomings, the construction of frame houses is slowly, creakingly developing and looking for its market. With all the nuances, this best option for a young family to acquire own home. Majority negative aspects arise due to the unprofessionalism of builders, a disregard for the process and basic ignorance. If everything were so bad and impractical, this technology would have been abandoned long ago in both Europe and the USA, but they have been building this way for centuries.

We do not urge you to abandon this construction technology. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the disadvantages of a frame house to avoid disappointment in the future.

As the name itself suggests, frame house- construction based on a frame. The frame is made from thick wooden beam or metal. The material for building walls is usually SIP panels or boards.

Projects for frame-type houses are sets of documents that contain complete information about the future building. They consist of two sections: architectural and constructive. The first shows the exterior of the building from different angles. The second contains construction plans, diagrams, drawings, specifications, estimates, and installation instructions. Moreover, this applies not only building structures, basic communications (electrical, plumbing, ventilation) are also taken into account.

Sectional design of a frame house Source

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses

In terms of reliability and durability, frame houses are not inferior to buildings made from other materials. Their main advantages:

  • Low cost and short construction time.
  • Connection strength building elements among themselves. Due to this, the building is less susceptible to damage as a result of shrinkage on problematic soils. Errors during construction and damage do not cause serious consequences.
  • Complex technological processes not required for finishing; finishing work can be done all year round.
  • The structure is lightweight, which makes it possible to do without a powerful foundation.
  • Good thermal insulation of walls allows you to quickly warm up rooms and save on heating.
  • The design of the walls allows you to hide all communications.
  • Architectural possibilities are limited only by imagination; you can create almost any configuration.

Modern frame houses are often built in modern or high-tech styles Source

But the “framework” also has certain weaknesses. But “forewarned is forearmed” - for every shortcoming there is a successful example of solving the problem:

  • Short service life. GOST states that the service life of frame houses is 75 years. But, if you make repairs every 25 years and treat the structure carefully, it will last more than a century.
  • Low environmental friendliness. Not all materials used in construction are made from natural ingredients. For example, SIP panels are made using synthetic adhesives; polystyrene foam is used as insulation inside them. This point is quite controversial; it is currently found in full eco-friendly house It's unlikely to work. In the end, everything depends on the quality of the materials used, and therefore on the integrity of the construction company.
  • Low sound insulation. This should be kept in mind if construction is planned near railways, highways or airports. The problem can be solved simply - you need to select a suitable one before starting construction soundproofing material.
  • Prone to rot. At high humidity the wood begins to deteriorate, mold and mildew appear. Timely treatment with antiseptics completely solves this problem.

Initial processing of materials is carried out at the production stage Source

  • Fire hazard. Any structure made of wood contributes to the spread of fire. Special fire-fighting compounds that are used to treat wooden surfaces come to the rescue.

Types of frame construction

Before you buy a frame house project, you need to understand what types of frame houses there are. There are 4 main types, all other varieties are a combination of elements from different modifications in one building. The following types of buildings are used:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of frame houses from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Frame houses made of frames with floors

Such buildings are also called " Canadian houses» It is believed that when they were developed in Russia, Canadian construction standards were taken as a basis.

The main difference is that they consist of several layers. Each layer is a floor fixed on its own platform base. The base (frame) of the first floor is usually called the basement floor. The name is conditional; the building may not have a basement. The harness is mounted directly on the foundation and acts as a support for the floor bars connected by joists. Thus, a shield is obtained that looks like a pallet for transporting and storing goods.

Ceiling on the frame of a frame house Source

Vertical beams are the main load-bearing structures. At the bottom they are attached to horizontal beams, at the top they are connected by the same beams, creating the foundation for the second floor.

Frame houses with continuous posts

Such buildings are also called Finnish. It is not known whether they were invented in Finland or not, but it is there and in the neighboring countries that they are widespread.

They differ from other types in that the main load-bearing element they have solid vertical buildings passing through two floors (hence the name - continuous). The ceilings between floors are mounted on support boards, embedded in the main posts at the second floor level. The boards are not only a support, they pull the racks together, thereby increasing the overall strength of the structure.

When constructing continuous racks it is necessary special attention pay attention to the correct installation. If even a slight deviation to the side is allowed on the first floor, the construction of the second floor will be very difficult or completely impossible.

Vertical racks are the basis for the entire house Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building frame houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Post-and-beam houses

This type of building is common in Germany, they are also called half-timbered. By appearance they are easy to distinguish from others - all external pillars, transverse and inclined beams of the walls are visible from the outside. The service life is longer than that of other houses. There are architectural monuments that are 5-6 centuries old.

In these structures, only thick beams are used. Not only are they made from vertical racks, but horizontal floors and diagonal supports. This is the main difference; in other structures, boards of a smaller cross-section are used for floors and joists.

The construction of such houses is more labor-intensive due to the fact that the structural parts are attached using mortise joints. But, there are projects of small frame houses in which the beams are bolted.

Post-and-beam frame house Source

Frame-rack structures

Unlike the above buildings, the vertical posts of such structures not only support walls and ceilings. Additionally, they are used as piles. They are driven into the ground or placed on concrete supports. This makes it possible to raise the structure above ground level. This feature will be useful when constructing buildings in wetlands or flood zones. Another advantage is good ventilation of the lower part of the house. The boards remain dry, which prevents the formation of mold and mildew.

In houses of this type, the load from the roof and cross-sections is evenly distributed across the vertical posts. Doors, windows or insulated panels are installed in the space between them. If additional reinforcement is necessary, diagonal supports are installed.

The entire frame of the house is supported by powerful racks Source

What is included in the basic package of the project

Standard construction is considered to be a house with a size of 6x8 m. Various suppliers offer both standard projects and individual ones, taking into account the wishes of the customer. But, despite all the differences in architecture and design, there is the concept of a basic configuration. It includes:

  • Floors– logs, ceilings, vapor barrier film, floorboards (rough and finished).
  • Walls– load-bearing timber, wall panels, insulation, materials for finishing, decorative elements.
  • Interfloor ceilings– floor joists for the second floor floor, vapor barrier film, floor boards (rough and finished).
  • Windows and doors with platbands and slopes.
  • Roof– rafters, sheathing, roofing material(usually metal tiles), insulation, wind-moisture-proof film, finishing materials.

Pay attention! The foundation is usually not included in the basic designs of houses using frame technology. This is due to the fact that you can select the required type of foundation only after inspecting the construction site. In some cases, geological surveys may be required. This is especially true for problematic soils (high moisture content, thick layer of humus, alumina).

Properly conducted geological surveys are the key to a high-quality foundation at the lowest possible price Source

If you plan to build a house higher than one floor, it is better to entrust such work to specialists, wrong choice may bring serious disappointments in the future.

Stages of assembling a frame house

The construction technology is reminiscent of the classic construction of a wooden house, but there are differences. The sequence is as follows:

  • Construction of the foundation and its waterproofing.
  • Wiring the house (installation of the frame crown).
  • Preparation and installation of the frame.
  • Flooring.
  • Installation of wall structures.
  • Installation of interfloor ceilings.
  • Flooring roofing material.
  • Installation of windows and doors.
  • Insulation and exterior finishing.

The most critical stages are foundation and installation load-bearing structures. It’s clear why the foundation is important. Particular attention is paid to the accuracy of the assembly and installation of the frame because it serves as the basis for the entire structure. Any distortion or deviation from the level will create difficulties in the future when installing other elements.

Video description

Visually watch the step-by-step demonstration of building a frame house in next video:

Is it possible to make changes to already completed projects?

Very often, customers are not satisfied with standard projects, and they want to make certain changes to them. All organizations that develop projects can do this. The only question is whether they will do it for free.

It happens that changes seem insignificant to the future owner of the house, and they can be made by pressing two or three keys, then the program will do everything. In practice, it may turn out that in order to implement the plan it is necessary to make a new project.

For example, the designer will agree to recalculate the insulation material or change the purpose of the premises free of charge. Add a veranda or porch from another project, remove a door or window - in most cases, but not always. If you need to change the size of the house, it’s unlikely. To do this, you will need to recalculate the dimensions of all load-bearing structures, floors, foundations, and facades. True, such cases are quite rare; any catalog of frame house projects allows everyone to choose either standard project, or adapt it to suit yourself with minor changes.

Video description

In the following video, see what a full-fledged frame house project is like:

How to choose a suitable house project for permanent residence

Buildings for permanent residence suggest the possibility of their use at any time of the year, both in the heat of summer and in the cold of winter. When designing your future home, you need to pay special attention to this. If there is no need to live in the building when low temperatures, you can save on thermal insulation. To prevent the summer heat from interfering with a comfortable stay in the house, a small layer of this material is enough. If people are expected to stay permanently, it is necessary to provide such a thickness so that heat is retained even at the lowest temperatures. For central Russia, the insulation thickness is recommended to be at least 150 mm; 200 mm is considered optimal.

Video description


Properly made (in compliance with all technology requirements) frame buildings cannot be called the cheapest. Before building a house using frame technology, you can look at the projects and prices for materials in the supplier’s catalog and assess your financial capabilities. But their undeniable advantages are the variety of design options and construction technologies. This gives everyone the opportunity to choose the most optimal option for themselves.

Frame house construction, which has long been a popular construction technology used in the construction of small private houses, has shown a steady increase in popularity recently. In addition, individual technological solutions, associated primarily with the emergence of new building materials with improved characteristics.

Let us list the advantages of frame houses

Frame houses have two basic benefits and, often having a decisive influence on the choice of the developer in their favor. Firstly, frame construction is one of the fastest construction technologies, and secondly, the construction of a frame house is relatively inexpensive. Regarding the construction time, it must be said that on average they are several months. In addition to the speed of implementation of the construction technology itself, the reduction of construction time is facilitated by the fact that the frame structure does not shrink. Therefore, there is no need to pause between constructing the walls and performing finishing works. The financial costs of building a frame house themselves are small, but they can, if necessary, be further reduced by lightening the foundation and using unedged boards in some designs.

However, the strengths of frame houses are not limited to these undoubtedly most important advantages. Structures erected using frame technology are distinguished by considerable strength. Thanks to this, they are able to withstand earthquakes of about 7 points on the Richter scale and gusty winds.

Technology frame construction allows you to quite simply implement individual solutions for individual designs, layouts, architectural details. Frame houses have virtually no limitations in options exterior finishing; a variety of traditional and modern materials can be used here, ranging from brick to vinyl siding.

In frame buildings there is the possibility of hidden installation of main communications (inside the walls), therefore, there is no need to construct various “highways” from boxes or something similar. True, this opportunity should not be abused, since some types of communications require regular access, for example, for their maintenance or repair.

Frame houses do not have much mass. This circumstance allows the use of lightweight foundation options, which is very appropriate when the soil’s load-bearing capacity is weak.

Houses built using frame technology do not undergo significant deformation if they are not heated during the cold season. This factor is important for country house construction. IN country houses Often in winter no one lives permanently.

The main disadvantages of frame houses

Like the basic advantages, there are two significant undeniable disadvantages of frame buildings. First: high probability of rodents appearing in wall cavities. It should also be mentioned here that if the frame wood is poorly treated with antiseptics, it can soon be attacked by insects. But this is only possible if the construction technology is violated. Second: low degree fire safety frame houses.

The remaining disadvantages of buildings erected using frame technology are relative. Many of them can be eliminated, in particular, with the help of modern technological solutions.

It is believed that redevelopment of frame houses is impossible. However, if you wish, you can actually reserve the opportunity to remodel if you use frame-and-frame technology when building a house. Such buildings, depending on their size (therefore, on the presence of load-bearing partitions) can be subject to complete or partial redevelopment. But frame-panel houses from standard structural elements Indeed, they cannot be redeveloped.

The situation is similar with the claim regarding the low number of storeys of frame buildings. A frame-frame house may well be two-story or three-story. If the structure has a large mass, you can use not wooden, but metal frame, although this is not always necessary. In a frame-panel house, the construction of a second floor is not recommended, but light device attics are quite acceptable.

There is an opinion that frame houses have weak thermal insulation characteristics. This point of view is quite outdated. Today, with the availability of various insulation materials The thermal insulation of a frame house can be at least as good as a house made of timber or, moreover, a brick structure.

In terms of sound insulation, the situation is somewhat more complicated. However, the application modern materials allows you to obtain protection for frame buildings from airborne noise decent level. The protection of a frame house from impact noise really leaves much to be desired.

The last drawback often attributed to frame buildings is their short service life. In this regard, we can say that, of course, there are other construction technologies, allowing you to build a house that will last for centuries. The service life of frame houses in accordance with official standards is 75 years. Is this so little, especially if we remember that the cost of frame construction is low? Perhaps the costs will be worth it.

So what's the bottom line? Analysis of strengths and weaknesses houses built using frame technology suggests that the prospects for the development of this type of housing construction in the private construction sector look very optimistic.

By purchasing land plot for construction, more and more often its owners prefer to build on it not a classic stone structure, but or. Meanwhile, advisers and reviews on websites often warn them about the disadvantages of such buildings for permanent residence. So how reliable is it? this type housing? What are the real disadvantages of this technology?

If you look for it specifically, negative properties can be found anywhere, including in brick buildings and multi-story buildings. panel houses. But it is worth paying attention to individual construction shortcomings in order to reduce or eliminate them as far as possible at the construction level. Let us dwell in more detail on the advantages and disadvantages of frame structures.

Disadvantages of frame houses

  • . Wooden materials They are indeed quite flammable, and such a danger exists. However, the industry today produces a wide variety of fire retardants. These are special ones that extremely increase the fire-resistant properties of wood even in direct contact with fire.
  • Fragility. It is considered one of the main disadvantages of a frame structure. Yes, there actually is such a problem - the chance that a home will last hundreds of years is quite small. What could stop him, other than physical impact such as a meteorite falling on him? In buildings of this type, time has the greatest effect on those located in the outer walls. But this factor can be fought. About once every 30 years it is simply replaced. To do this, remove the sheathing, carefully remove all unusable insulation, replace it with a new one, return the vapor barrier to its original place, etc. And your home will become cozy and warm again.

  • Rotting frame house

    Nothing ideal exists, and it is even more difficult to imagine a completely ideal home. American citizens are extremely easy-going and often change their place of residence.

    Residents of Europe are more conservative, treating the house as a family nest, often serving as a home for several generations. But both choose a similar type of development. In Europe, America and Scandinavia, the number of private and public buildings built using frame technology is growing. If the disadvantages of such a method were really so significant, it is unlikely this method would become so popular. What are the advantages of structures built using frame technology?

    Advantages of frame houses

    • Significant savings on foundation construction. Frame light structure and durable, so does not need . Such a building is quite stable, and not too sensitive to possible seasonal movements of the foundation that arise due to.
    • Impressive construction speed- an undoubted advantage of a frame house. It is quite possible to erect a building from scratch to the roof in one decade - three months. Compared to a building of similar area, the difference can be up to six months. A frame house along with its foundation can be built in eight weeks, and a brick structure in the same number of months.
    • During construction frame structure no need to wait for shrinkage to occur. And the structure is made of bricks, logs or needs it. Its duration can be up to one year, only after a certain time you can begin leveling load-bearing walls, and subsequent works. That is, at least two years may pass before you can enjoy your new home. You can safely move into a frame house after finishing the finishing touches.
    • Saving on equipment– another advantage of frame construction. All components used in construction are quite compact and relatively lightweight. Therefore, there is no need to use special equipment to move and lift individual parts.
    • Good earthquake resistance. Frame building quite stable due to the absence of major rigid connections between the elements. In addition, the tree has sufficient flexibility to withstand without destruction.
    • Due to the low thermal conductivity of wood, a frame house saves heat better than a house made of
    • Redevelopment. It will not be difficult to carry out redevelopment in a finished home. It will not be accompanied by large expenses and labor-intensive processes.
    • Variability. Availability of a variety of projects, the ability to choose the right one or implement your own project. To everyone finished project attached detailed plan its implementation, helping to carry out construction.

    Risk of disappointment in building a frame house

    The risk of disappointment is present in everything, and this can happen with a built house. They can contribute to this in a bad way quality materials, not very conscientious or unskilled workers, violation of the sequence of activities, damage to materials from their improper storage. However, if you follow technology, adhere to the necessary standards, and choose high-quality materials, then the built house will faithfully serve your family for many years.

Frame wooden houses have a number of advantages. One of the most important things is that, with their high thermal efficiency, the use of modern materials, short construction times and much more, they are no less environmentally friendly than traditional wooden houses made of timber and logs. Wood is a universal natural natural material, which is used by a person throughout his entire existence.

There are a number various technologies wooden frame house construction, each of them has its pros and cons, but they are united by one undeniable advantage - they are all distinguished by short construction times and significant cost savings, both during the construction of the house and during operation.

It should be especially noted that modern frame houses have practically nothing in common with the frame-panel houses familiar to us since Soviet times, or as they were also popularly called - “frame-slotted”. Thus, the disadvantages of frame houses of previous years in modern construction completely excluded. Now it is almost impossible to name any disadvantages of frame houses, if, of course, these buildings were carried out professionally and in compliance with standards.

The main advantages of wooden frame construction include the following:

  • 1 Possibility of building a house at any time of the year- you can “put” a frame house on a ready-made foundation both in the most severe frosts and in the hot summer - the main components of a frame house, wood and thermal insulation, are not afraid of “extreme” temperature changes, in addition, the construction technology itself excludes the presence of “wet” processes, such such as plastering and concrete work.
  • 2 Ultra-short construction time- frame houses with an area of ​​100 - 150 sq.m. “turnkey” is built in 4-8 weeks, with the interior finishing taking up most of the time.
  • 3 High thermal efficiency of frame houses- thanks to the use of modern thermal insulation materials, a frame house, with a relatively small wall thickness (from 150 mm) is much cheaper to heat in winter and cool in summer.
  • 4 Absent such a significant disadvantage as shrinkage of the house- since in modern frame houses intended for year-round residence, exclusively chamber-dried wood with 12-18% humidity is used, your new home will never present such surprises as skewed doors and windows, cracks on the walls, etc., and proceed to interior decoration at home you can immediately after building the “box” of the house.
  • 5 During the construction of a house, the use of heavy equipment is not required, since all parts of a frame house are relatively light in weight and can be moved by two or three people, which, in turn, allows preserving the existing vegetation and landscape at the construction site.
  • 6 Regarding low weight of the structure frame house - this can significantly reduce the cost of building a foundation.
  • 7 Frame house has high seismic resistance and is resistant to seasonal movements of the foundation.
  • 8 Opportunity to do everything engineering communications hidden in the wall.
  • 9 High sound and noise insulation frame houses - mineral slabs used as thermal insulation in the walls of a frame house significantly reduce the noise level in your home.
  • 10 Long service life - settlement period The service life of a frame house is at least 85 years!

And this is not a complete list of advantages. wooden houses built using frame technology. Thus, taking into account the obvious advantages of frame houses, we can confidently say that this construction option is fast, profitable and reliable. Call us and we will be able to convince you to make your choice to build a modern, cozy and comfortable frame wooden house!

We know everything about the construction of frame houses. Our company's many years of experience set us apart from our competitors. Believe me, our arguments in favor of such housing are completely justified.

The construction of frame houses is our job, and we try to carry it out at a high professional level: by contacting Mechtaevo, you can be sure of the accuracy and reliability of the information, the quality and meeting the construction deadlines. We hope that with our help you can build the frame house of your dreams!