Work with your left hand if you are right-handed. Developing the left hand. Why learn to write with your left hand at all?

Did you know that the left hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere controls the left side? The natural development and improvement of the actions of any side of the body (when writing, performing basic actions, etc.), in turn, leads to the development of the opposite hemisphere. This is how the leading “arm”, “leg”, etc. are formed. and the leading hemisphere (opposite).

Writing with your left hand - developing intuition

Did you know that the left hemisphere is responsible for analysis and logic, and the right hemisphere (the leading hemisphere of “lefties”) is responsible for the creative sphere, imagination, intuition? And if you decide to develop your creativity, and maybe even increase your intuition, then think about how to learn to write with your left hand (of course, if you are right-handed)!

Learning to write with your left hand

Organizational aspects

Step 1: Define your goal

Before you take action, give yourself an answer: why do you want to learn to write with your left hand? As a rule, the absence of a clear goal threatens the lack of results.

Step 2. Prepare tools

Do you remember how nice it was to write in beautiful notebooks as a child? Or your favorite pen? Don't think that these are trifles! It is very important to choose quality paper. It’s good if it’s a lined or squared notebook. It cannot be said unequivocally that the sheets should be white or gray. Choose what you like. It's the same with a fountain pen. Write to the one you like. But. There's a nuance here. The pen you like to use with your right hand (your dominant hand) may simply not be comfortable for writing with your left hand. It is better to have several pens and, as you learn, choose the most convenient one.

Step 3. Place

When studying, it is also important where you write. Find a place that is convenient for you. The left side of the table should be clear of unnecessary things (remember, your elbow will now be there). The light should come from the top right.


  • Sit as you feel comfortable. Make sure the area is well lit (remember, on the right). Now the tilt of the notebook that is familiar to you (as a “right-hander”) will most likely be uncomfortable. Turn the notebook in a way that is comfortable for your left hand. Perhaps as you learn, you will change the inclination of your notebook.
  • Take a pen. Don't focus on the correct grip or how you hold the pen with your right hand. Take the pen in a way that is COMFORTABLE for you. The comfort of holding the pen will also change as you learn.
  • Then the question arises: what to write? Many sites with a similar topic will tell you about school copybooks (or offer to make them yourself). Write line by line one letter and number. Our position strongly advocates not to do this. Why? Monotonously writing one character will certainly develop your technique. If you do this constantly. Monotonous, day after day. Would you like to do this?

Write what interests you! Then the desire will not disappear, and you will immediately master all the letters and their connections. Rewrite your favorite book (yes, even if it's "War and Peace"), write a letter to a friend or loved one, rewrite your favorite recipes from the Internet. You never know, fantasize, because you are starting to develop your creative field!

Writing with your left hand: important additions

  1. Systematicity. To learn to write with your left hand (and to learn anything at all), it is important to do it regularly. It’s better to do 15-20 minutes every day than 5 hours in a row, but once a week. This is explained simply. In 5 hours you will only get exhausted and get negative emotions, and this will lead to a reluctance to continue. Systematic training will have results every time (you will see it and rejoice). At the same time, the technique will improve every day (handwriting will improve, writing speed will increase). Whereas a break of several days will lead to the fact that each time you write like the first time (your hand will not get used to it).
  2. Persistence and faith in victory. Don't be discouraged by sloppy letters that don't fit on the lines. Yes, that's normal! Regular training will 100% lead to the expected result. Remember how you learned to write with your right hand. When did your “ideal” handwriting develop? Yes, it will take time, perhaps quite a bit. Remember your goal!
  3. Constant training. Try to perform with your left hand any other actions that you did with your right. Brush your teeth, comb your hair, sweep, etc. - train your hand and brain. Just be careful! Your left hand does not yet have the proper dexterity, now you are like a child, so actions that can somehow harm you or others should be done with your usual hand (pouring hot tea, ironing, handling a knife, etc.)

Hello everyone, Andrey Kosenko here.

Doing familiar things in a new way

Today we continue to talk about self-development. This time I'll tell you about quite interesting exercise, which I myself practice periodically, and which I also recommend to you. This exercise will require very little time from you, literally just a few minutes a day, besides, you can combine it with your daily activities, but it will have a very, very strong and positive effect on the development of your brain.

So, the point of the exercise is this: start doing your daily routine and usual procedures in a new way. For example, if you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, then start brushing them with your left hand. Or change it periodically: keep it for one day toothbrush in the right hand, and the next day in the left. Or, for example, you are working at a computer, hold the mouse with your right hand, then right now take it and move it to left hand and try to work like this for a while.

Stimulate brain development

It is clear that at first your brain will resist, you will feel some extra movement of thought, you will replay all your actions, and additionally control them. But after a while, you will begin to develop new connections, and it will be easier for you, for example, to control the mouse with your left hand. Then, after a while, you will transfer the mouse again to your right hand, and then again to your left, and this way you can change the hand you work with throughout the day.

What is this for? This is necessary for the development of your brain. With this exercise, new neural connections are developed in your brain, new areas of your brain are activated, it begins to use more of its resources, use more of its potential. Plus, your concentration increases. Try eating with the other hand, that is, holding a fork, knife or other cutlery in a different hand than usual, try performing any usual actions with the other hand. For example, you can also start writing with your other hand, this also greatly stimulates the brain, activates it very much.

Let's use both hands

Plus, for example, if we continue the theme of writing with the other hand, then I recommend the following exercise: take one pen in one hand, another in the other hand and begin to draw some figure in parallel. To begin with, you can simply draw crosses with both hands, then complicate the exercise and draw a cross with one hand and a zero with the other. Then you make it even more complicated and draw a square with one hand and a triangle with the other. Then you can even start writing different words different hands, that is, you write one word with one hand and another with the other.

It turns out that during this activity your brain will very, very quickly switch between one action and another, it will “creak” very much, it will strain very much, but such explosive training is very, very good for your brain. So try it, practice it, and you don’t have to do it for too long, you don’t have to sit for half an hour and write. Literally, for a maximum of five minutes, draw with two hands, write with two hands. You can generally include the rest of the exercises throughout the day, just replace your usual actions with them. That is, brush your teeth with the other hand, move the mouse to the other hand, or use cutlery with the other hand.

Following the example of the greats

Believe me, this has a very, very strong effect on the development of your brain. For example, the same Gaius Julius Caesar and, say, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, they could write with both hands. We will not consider the contribution to history of these people, but the fact that they were geniuses, that their brains worked above the average level, is undeniable.

In fact, anyone can master this, all that matters is practice. Just take five minutes every day and you will succeed. Therefore, start right from the current moment, move the mouse to the other hand and forward to developing your brain. I'm sure you will succeed!

Thank you everyone, Andrey Kosenko was with you. See you in the next castes, bye everyone!

Maybe you know or have heard out of the blue that the right hemisphere of the human brain is responsible for the left side of the body, and the left hemisphere controls the right side. For example, the right hemisphere receives most of the information from the left eye or ear, from the left arm or leg. It follows that physical development each side of the human body leads to the development of the hemisphere that is responsible for it. Thus, the right side of the brain is more developed in people, while the left side is more developed in right-handed people.

Now briefly about what the right and left parts of the human brain are responsible for.

The left hemisphere is responsible for logical and analytical thinking, language and mathematical abilities, it remembers numbers, mathematical symbols, names, dates, facts, and controls the movements of the right half of the body. The left hemisphere perceives information literally and processes it step by step, observing the order.

Unlike the left, the main specialization of the right hemisphere is intuition. It specializes in processing nonverbal information, that is, information that is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images. Unlike the left hemisphere, which perceives the literal meaning of words, the right hemisphere understands metaphors, the figurative meaning of words. With the help of the right hemisphere, a person dreams and fantasizes. It is responsible for mysticism and religiosity, for musical abilities and fine arts. Thanks to the right hemisphere, a person can navigate the terrain. The right hemisphere is more associated with emotions. It is capable of processing a lot of different information in parallel, considering the problem as a whole, without breaking it into parts.

How can you check which hemisphere is better developed?

Look at the picture.

If you have the feeling that the girl is spinning clockwise, it means that your left hemisphere is more active at the moment. If, in your opinion, it rotates counterclockwise, then your right hemisphere is active. By the way, if you try to look at the picture with a defocused gaze, you can “make” the girl rotate in the other direction.

In a person who writes equally well with both his right and left hands, both halves of the gray matter are equally well developed. Synchronizing the work of both hemispheres of the brain is an excellent way for a right-handed person to develop creative abilities and intuition. A person who has learned to write with his left hand can discover talents that were previously unknown to him. In addition, both hands contribute to the development of motor coordination

For example, the right hemisphere receives most of the information from the left eye or ear, from the left arm or leg. It follows that the physical development of each side of the human body leads to the development of the hemisphere that is responsible for it. Thus, a left-handed person has a more developed right side of the brain, while a right-handed person has a more developed left side.

Now briefly about what the right and left parts of the human brain are responsible for.

Left hemisphere

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logical and analytical thinking, language and mathematical abilities, it remembers numbers, mathematical symbols, names, dates, facts, and controls the movements of the right half of the body. The left hemisphere perceives information literally and processes it step by step, observing the order.

Right hemisphere

The main specialization of the right hemisphere is. It specializes in processing nonverbal information, that is, information that is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images. Unlike the left hemisphere, which perceives the literal meaning of words, the right hemisphere also understands the figurative meaning of words. With the help of the right hemisphere, a person dreams and fantasizes. It is responsible for mysticism and religiosity, for abilities in music and the visual arts. Thanks to the right hemisphere, a person can navigate the terrain. The right hemisphere is more associated with emotions. It is capable of processing a lot of different information in parallel, considering the problem as a whole, without breaking it into parts.

Why should right-handed people learn to write with their left hand?

The most important tool for brain development - Using two hands, a person develops both hemispheres. In a person who writes equally well with both his right and left hands, both halves of the gray matter are equally well developed. Synchronizing the work of both hemispheres of the brain is a great way for a right-handed person to develop creativity and intuition. A person who has learned to write with his left hand can discover talents that were previously unknown to him. Additionally, developing fine motor skills through learning to write or make art out of natural materials both hands contributes to the development of coordination of movements.

Most people throughout their lives train and develop only their right hand, and the left is assigned only an auxiliary role. But if our hands are designed in the same way, then why not try to learn how to perform the same actions with your left hand, and why is this necessary?

The answer to this question lies in the peculiarities of the human brain. The left hemisphere controls logical thinking, speech, writing and is responsible for the work of the right half of the body, and the right hemisphere is the center of intuition, creative perception, and coordinates the left half.

According to the observations of art therapists, drawings made with the left hand are distinguished by their extraordinary imagery, emotionality and realism. This is typical for both artists and those who have never painted. In addition, people who managed to develop their left hand along with their right note how their lives have changed with the inclusion of intuition and the activation of creative perception of reality.

According to one of the theories of classical psychology, the human personality is a set of subpersonalities - different internal images: Parent, Adult, Child. The first two are critical, judicious and rational. They live in the left hemisphere. And the third, the Inner Child, spontaneous, irrational, creative - in the right.

Therefore, developing the left hand is about establishing contact with the creative essence of oneself.

By developing the left hand, a person makes the brain work more productively, connecting intuitive, creative channels to logic and rationalism.

There are several effective ways development of your left hand, and regular training will definitely lead you to achieve.

Learn to write with your left hand

This is a fun, albeit challenging activity. To succeed in this matter, . For a person striving for self-development, the goal will be enrichment logical thinking creative potential.

To make training enjoyable, you need to comfortably equip yourself workplace. Desk lamp is now located on the right, and the left side of the table remains free, since the hand and writing pad are now located there.

A stylish pen and a bright notebook with a notebook will create the appropriate emotional mood, so that when you look at them, you will want to work. For writing, you will need lined paper, since you will have to learn to write again. The main thing is that the process of writing with your left hand brings joy, otherwise the training will soon become boring and ineffective.

How to arrange the notebook? To make your hands less tired during work, the upper left corner should be placed slightly higher than the right, and the left elbow should be conveniently placed on the table.

To write with the left hand, you will need writing implements longer than usual, since a left-handed person holds a pencil slightly higher than a right-handed person, the distance from the sheet of paper to the grip of the pen is 3 - 4 cm.

To develop writing technique, you will need copybooks for left-handers in order to write letters first and then phrases, as first-graders do. This is how the writing technique will develop and develop. If such activities are not to your taste, then you can write down your thoughts or write down your favorite quotes from books or popular expressions.

In the first stages of training, it is better to write in block letters, then switch to capital letters. You need to start by writing the alphabet. You can also use the technique of tracing text written in pencil with a pen. The mirror writing method is suitable for fun. Writing in reverse, with the letters turned 1800, will help achieve desired result. This was done by Leonardo da Vinci, whose both hands were equally developed. In addition, writing from right to left is natural for left-handed people with a dominant right hemisphere.

To achieve success, you need to practice regularly for a few minutes. This will bring more benefits than rare but long-term training.

Training is not limited to the specially allotted time. The left hand needs to be loaded at every opportunity. For example, write down phone numbers, recipes and other useful information.

Training your left hand requires a lot of patience, time and effort.

And it is unlikely that you will be able to immediately achieve visible quick results, so on the path to self-development you will have to stock up on patience and endurance. You should not expect good writing speed in the first stages of training; the quality of writing will be more important, that is, a practiced skill, control of a previously unruly left hand. The speed of writing will develop at the next stage of work.

Draw with your left hand

The most successful way to train. After all, the right hemisphere of the brain develops, where creative potential lies. Drawing allows you to better develop the motor skills of your left hand. First, you should put dots on paper, then connect them, make a schematic drawing. It is useful to start synchronized drawing using both hands, gradually leaving the left hand in the work.

Use your left hand in everyday work

Constantly use your left hand rather than your right hand in everyday situations: brushing teeth, combing your hair, using a fork, spoon and other cutlery. When the skills have not yet been developed, you cannot use sharp objects: a knife, a needle, a straight razor, so as not to injure yourself.

You need to constantly use your left hand, bringing the movements to automaticity. Don’t forget about the goals of developing your left hand, reinforce the work with positive motivation so that the classes don’t get boring and are beneficial.

The following techniques will help you remember to train. For example, write on your palms: “Right”, “Left”. When performing this or that action, use your left hand rather than your right. Visual memory will definitely work. It will be useful to wear the watch not on your left hand, but on your right hand. An unusual sensation will remind you that everything is now done by your left hand. You can stick stickers with the inscription: “Left” on various items household items (door handles, telephone, refrigerator, electric kettle).

Make your left hand stronger

In addition to writing, physical exercise is necessary to train the left hand.

  1. Exercises with the ball. Throw the tennis ball up and catch it with your left hand. After hitting the ball against the wall, catch it with your left hand. It is advisable to use rackets and, as your skill improves, change large ones to small ones. Exercises in a gym with a basketball court will help improve the actions of your left hand. Stand to the right of the basketball basket and throw the ball into it with your left hand. Make 10 – 20 throws. In addition, it is useful to learn to dribble the ball as easily with your left hand as with your right. To achieve the result, keep your right hand behind your back.
  2. Playing badminton with your left hand will bring tangible results.
  3. Lifting weights. Power loads should be transferred from right hand to the left. Hand expanders and dumbbells are suitable for this. Weight should be increased gradually.
  4. Juggling. This is a useful, exciting and spectacular activity that develops dexterity and coordination of movements. You need to juggle three to four balls.
  5. . Majority device musical instruments Requires both hands to work equally. So, you can learn to play the guitar. Guitarists pay great attention to the development of the fingers of their left hand. Designed for this purpose the whole system exercises. It will be useful to learn how to beat a drum roll.
  6. Swimming lesson. Perfectly develops coordination and, accordingly, the brain. In all types of swimming, both hands are equally involved.
  7. Spinning after eating. Another good way develop your left hand. For this activity you will need balls on strings. Holding the ends of the ropes with your hands, perform rotational movements.

The list of exercises can be supplemented by anyone who wants to engage in self-development, in accordance with their own imagination and hobbies.

The development of motor skills has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, makes reactions faster, and thinking becomes flexible. However, at first you should not expect quick results. The opposite effect is possible. Due to the increased load on the brain, the speed of thinking and concentration slow down significantly, but once the brain adapts, it will begin to work much more efficiently than before.

Skeptics wonder: is this a myth? And is it worth putting in so much effort? However, scientists have long proven the connection between manual development and brain function. When exposed to reflex points located on the hands, impulses are sent to the central nervous system. Acupressure affects internal organs. For example, during a massage thumb hands, an increase in brain activity is achieved.

The development of the left hand improves not only brain activity, making the “gray cells” work more actively, but also encourages you to play sports, makes you move more, and improve your body. And as a result, achieving the next step on the path to self-improvement.

Acquiring the skill of using both hands equally is the development of new thinking, a transition to a qualitative new level life, enriching the logical, rational principle with creativity and intuition.