Gas filling device. Gas equipment for a car. How gas equipment works.

The LPG reducer converts gas from liquid to gaseous state and also maintains the required outlet pressure. The LPG reducer has a coolant temperature sensor and gas filter. To convert gas from liquid to gaseous state, the reducer is connected to the engine cooling system. The gas injection system reducer changes the gas output pressure depending on the pressure in the intake manifold of the car engine.


The LPG filter cleans the gas from foreign impurities. It is worth noting that the LPG filter needs to be changed on time, because... The service life of gas-cylinder equipment largely depends on this. Also, the Lovato filter combines gas pressure and temperature sensors.


Gas injectors are designed to inject gas into the engine. Modern gas injectors are highly accurate and fast devices specially designed to supply gaseous fuel to a car engine. The faster the LPG injectors, the more accurate the fuel supply. That's why the Lovato gas injector line includes several classes of LPG injectors suitable for all types of car engines.


A fuel type switch is required to switch from gas to gasoline and vice versa. In addition, it displays the remaining amount of gas fuel using a light indication.


The electronic control unit (ECU) is the brain of the entire gas system. He collects everything necessary information from various sensors and determines the amount of gas supplied to the engine. The ECU is connected to the standard gasoline supply control unit in the car. Analyzing the information received from the standard unit and gas sensors, the ECU generates signals to control gas injectors.


The filling device is designed for filling a gas cylinder and contains check valve, preventing gas from escaping. There are several options for installing the VCU: When installing gas equipment on a car, the most common method is to install the VCU in the gas tank flap, next to the neck of the gas tank. Thus, the traditional refueling location is preserved, the refueling unit is protected from external factors and visually hidden. Another method is to install a mortise VDU in the bumper or fender of the car. This method is used at the request of the car owner or if it is not possible to install the VZU in the gas tank flap. The third option is a suspended VZU. This option is used when placing the VU, for example, next to a tow bar, or when installed on trucks.


The HBO multivalve is installed in the neck of the cylinder and is the most important element HBO safety. It contains several components responsible for the safety of gas equipment and performs following functions: - prevents backflow of gas from the cylinder; - controls the gas supply level, and, in an emergency, stops the gas supply, for example, if a gas line breaks; - does not allow filling the cylinder with gas to the limit, due to the fact that when heated, gas tends to expand; - prevents the pressure inside the cylinder from increasing above the permissible value; - provided that the multivalve is equipped with an electromagnetic valve (gas solenoid valve), it shuts off the gas supply when the car is running on gasoline, when the car is turned off or the engine is stopped; - informs about the remaining amount of gas.


The gas cylinder is used to store gas fuel. There are 2 main types of cylinders - toroidal and cylindrical. Toroidal (torus) come in internal and external versions. Internal option is installed instead of a spare wheel in the trunk, and the external one is placed under the bottom of the car, also instead of a “spare wheel”. It is worth noting that toroidal HBO cylinders are the most popular, because... their use does not reduce luggage space. The absence of a spare wheel can easily be solved, for example, using aerosols for repairing wheel punctures. Cylindrical gas cylinders are used most often for a larger gas volume capacity, because If you compare the same price toroidal and cylindrical, then the second will be larger in volume. When using a cylindrical cylinder, you have to sacrifice luggage compartment space. Cylindrical options are the main ones for trucks. As for the safety of gas cylinders, both types of gas cylinders are made of durable metal, up to 4 mm thick and can withstand pressure several times higher than the state of the cylinder during full refueling. Each product is tested at the manufacturer. By right, we can say that the LPG cylinder is the strongest element of your car.

For everyone who has decided to acquire a gas boiler for their home - a private house, cottage, or is dealing with issues heating system production premises, it would be useful to know what the operating principle of a gas heating boiler is and what types of heating devices are available.

Knowing the design of gas heating boilers, you can make right choice equipment and subsequently be theoretically savvy in its operation, know how you can achieve greater savings when using heaters, and also understand possible reasons faults of an existing boiler, and not treat it as a mysterious “black box”. As they say, informed is forearmed.

Boilers are only part common system heating systems and in turn have different designs, but there are key components present in each of them. The main components of a gas boiler include: gas supply system, burner, heat exchanger. How do they interact with each other and how does the gas heating boiler itself work, and what exactly should happen inside the boiler to make the house warm?

Heat is produced by burning gas. The gas supply system is responsible for its uniform supply to the burner, which must be turned on at this moment. The heat obtained during combustion is transferred to the heat exchanger, which is responsible for transferring heat to the heating system. The role of a heat exchanger, as the name suggests, is to exchange heat between two substances. This can be heating or cooling. Heat exchangers are designed in different ways, but their main idea is that the resulting temperature of one liquid inside the heat exchanger is transferred to another liquid, which will then distribute this temperature through the pipes of the entire heating system.

Regulation of gas supply to the boiler and water circulation in the system

If gas burner screw it on - the gas will flow in a smaller volume, the flame will become smaller and the resulting temperature will be lower. IN modern boilers This process occurs automatically: the temperature is controlled and switches to the required mode independently.

If the burner goes out, the incoming gas will not be able to burn and will pose a danger to the premises and its occupants. There are auto mechanisms that can regulate this process and determine whether the system is ready to supply gas. If not, the gas simply does not flow. To heat the room faster by circulating water in the heating system, boilers are equipped with pumps.

Thus, depending on the type, class and model of the boiler, the following can be installed in it:

  • pump;
  • control system;
  • safety system;
  • protection and diagnostic systems.

Majority modern models equipped with automatic gas supply, emergency protection and temperature control: they independently monitor the operation of the pump, the current state of the thermal level and switch modes and states without manual intervention. The person who bought the boiler does not have to interfere with its independent work, if of course the device is working properly. And in case of failure of one or another unit or mechanism, maintenance of gas boilers is provided.

How is the work inside the boiler regulated?

If the boiler is turned on and in working condition, sensors built into the control system check the temperature of the heating system and transmit the results to the thermostat. A thermostat is a device responsible for automatically regulating a heating device in terms of maintaining the temperature set by the consumer. Sensors are an integral part of the thermostat.

If the temperature measured is below normal, automatic system translates heating device in heating mode, the water is heated in the heat exchanger and, using a pump, if there is one, is supplied to the pipes, distributing heat throughout the room.

The heating system is closed, that is, water, which acts as a coolant, constantly circulates through the pipes without changing its volume.

If the volume is disrupted, the entire system may not function correctly. Usually this is noticed in one way or another, for example, if a gas boiler is noisy, this may be evidence of a lack of water in the heating system, which in turn leads to overheating of the boiler. In such cases, check the thermostat adjustment (the device responsible for maintaining a constant temperature), if it is normal, check the water level and add it if necessary, providing the system with the necessary volume for normal functioning.

Single-circuit and double-circuit boilers

Despite the fact that a heating boiler is a complex device, its basic diagram is clear to anyone who wants to understand it. For example, the answer to the question what is a double-circuit gas boiler is quite simple. The boiler is designed to heat a home, providing a circuit (a system of pipes throughout the room) with heat. If a water heating system is also connected to the boiler, which is carried out approximately according to the same principle, then the boiler serves two circuits and is equipped with two heat exchangers. Depending on this, boilers are divided into single- and double-circuit.

Thus, gas boilers for heating and hot water supply are double-circuit boilers. If there is one circuit (heating only), then only the heating pipes are heated, if there are two (heating and water heating), then the system alternately sends heated water either to the pipe system intended for heating or to the water supply pipes.

Thermal control devices

To automatically regulate the operation of the boiler, many built-in devices are used.

A thermostat or programmer is responsible for regulating the temperature.

In more simple models boilers, the temperature is regulated by a thermoelement - a special device that is metal structure, capable of changing size (decreasing or increasing) under the influence of temperature. When heating/cooling, the thermoelement changes size, acting on a lever located next to it that closes or opens the draft damper. The volume of air entering the combustion chamber, in turn, depends on the thrust force, controlling the combustion process.

Advanced models are equipped with controllers that regulate air flow using a built-in fan. Thus, a thermostat can be a fairly simple or complex, and even programmable, device. Programmable thermostats - programmers - can control the execution specified settings for a whole week, taking into account the required temperature down to the minute.

Proper use of thermostat settings allows you to achieve savings on energy consumption of 20-30%, which will significantly reduce heating costs. Having reconsidered the need to purchase this device, you can buy a programmer for a gas boiler, even if you already have a boiler.

Programmers are devices that provide automatic temperature control. These devices can save energy consumption, provide the required indoor climate control and extend the life of heating equipment. You can regulate the water temperature in the heating system and the air temperature in the room. Standard water temperature control provides for manual or automatic switching on/off of the heating mechanism depending on the required water temperature in the radiator.

If it gets cooler or warmer outside, a different water temperature in the pipes is required and more and more adjustments have to be made. Such systems can be equipped with an electronic display and automatic adjustment. But the principle of their operation is to constantly bring the system into a mode in which the desired water temperature is achieved by turning the boiler on/off every few minutes. In this mode of constant readiness to turn on the burner, the pump runs constantly. This wears out the equipment.

A more justified option is a programmer that controls the temperature of the air in the room, rather than the water in the pipes, when the desired comfortable temperature is set and the boiler is controlled, also turning it on and off, while starting and turning off the pump only when the air temperature change sensor is triggered. The air cools and heats up more slowly, so starts occur less frequently, which minimizes energy costs and reduces equipment wear. Those who want to get more significant savings and a comfortable temperature buy a room programmer for a gas boiler; they are widely represented on the market.

What can you save on when using a gas boiler?

Saving and its reasonable miscalculation especially current question, when it comes to heating and choosing a boiler. In terms of savings, on gas boilers Floor-standing reviews from experts agree - floor-standing ones are less resource-consuming.

Competent installation

Experts also agree that efficient, reliable and economical operation of the boiler is only possible with proper organization not only the installation of the boiler itself, but also the entire heating system. In addition, it is important to take into account all measures to prevent equipment failure, since repairs, service gas boilers are also significant material costs, which in turn can also be reduced by promptly contacting a gas boiler service center, as well as by drawing up a gas boiler service agreement.

Do-it-yourself boiler cleaning

Washing heat exchangers yourself can also reduce costs if you choose the appropriate type of device that allows you to do this procedure yourself. It is important, also from the point of view of economy, that the gas boiler in a private house must be grounded. You can get acquainted with the main types of gas boilers for heating a private home. Even if the boiler has been in operation for a long time, but this requirement has not been met, it should not be neglected: it is worth learning how to ground a gas boiler in a private house and carry out this procedure.

Choosing a gas boiler

A means of saving is the choice of boiler itself. Cheap, more expensive, with or without automation, what you can win at the very beginning and in subsequent operation - all this is important to take into account and calculate. A striking example of the ambiguity of calculating heating savings can be the purchase of an AGV type boiler (gas water heating apparatus), which means the most cheap look an old, Soviet-style boiler with primitive automation. The standard AGV gas boiler has a very low price, but also low efficiency, but does not require electricity. Only an accurate calculation will help determine the degree of savings when using this device. You can read about domestic gas boilers in our article.

It is also important to determine the potential problems of certain boilers when choosing optimal model. For example, a MORA gas boiler will constantly suffer faults until it fails in unstable conditions electrical voltage, at the slightest setting errors and lack of water in the system.

And the reviews for the Master Gas Seoul gas boiler are contradictory at first glance, but they provide information about the vulnerabilities of this model - the accumulation of combustion waste in the boiler, which leads to noisy fan operation, leaks and unstable water temperature during supply, while with its main functions, heating, this model copes well.

Probably, every budget model has these kinds of features that, under certain conditions, may not appear, thus justifying savings on the purchase, and with knowledge of the boiler structure, as well as the strengths and weaknesses each model, you can not remain indifferent and not let the situation take its course, but manage the level of comfort and the amount of costs when operating heating equipment.

Which fit and worked perfectly on carburetor engines, was difficult to use for engines with fuel injection. This led to the emergence of 2nd generation HBO.

Description and equipment

HBO 2 was intended for converting both carburetor and fuel injection engines (mono injectors and other injection engines) to gas fuel. It should be noted that according to the European classification of generations, our HBO 2 is also the first generation among Europeans.

Unlike the first generation, the HBO 2 kit includes an electronic evaporator gearbox instead of a vacuum one, and also instead of regular button When the fuel type switch appears, a fuel selection button equipped with electronics appears.


The 2nd generation HBO kit for the carburetor now looks like this.

  • filling valve;
  • filling and consumable
  • coarse filter (often built into the evaporator reducer);
  • -evaporator (electronic);
  • button for switching fuel type "Gas" - "Petrol" with wiring. Accordingly, each type of engine (carburetor or injector) has its own button;
  • mechanical dispenser (with one or two “greed” screws to adjust the amount of propane-butane mixture supplied to the car engine);
  • mixer (for mixing propane-butane mixture with air);
  • gasoline electric valve (which shuts off the supply of gasoline to the carburetor when the engine is running on gas).


HBO 2 on the injector has a set of equipment similar to the carburetor, with the exception of a few changes. In the configuration for the injection engine in the above list, instead of a gasoline electric valve, an injector operation emulator and a lambda probe emulator are used.

When the engine is running on gas, the injector emulator informs the gasoline controller about the supposed operation of gasoline injectors. This helps to avoid check engine error messages.

In addition to 2nd generation HBO emulators, a so-called “cracker” is installed on the injector. This is an anti-pop valve that prevents destruction of the intake manifold. Unlike aluminum carburetor versions, it is often made of plastic. The valve opens when there is excessive pressure in the intake manifold, and after the pressure normalizes, it closes again. It is mainly mounted on the air filter housing.

Operating principle

The operating principle of the 2nd generation HBO is not fundamentally different from the operating principle of the 1st generation.

  • The liquefied propane-butane mixture, located in a cylinder under pressure, is supplied through a multivalve and a flow line to the gas electric valve.
  • Then, when the fuel selection button is switched to the gas position, the gas electrovalve opens the supply of the liquefied gas mixture to the evaporator reducer, and then, through the dispenser and mixer, to the engine.

The difference from HBO 1 is manifested only in the fact that the use of a fuel type selection button, equipped with electronics, allows you to start a car on gas fuel without additional manipulations. If the engine does not start within a certain period of time, the electronics of the button will automatically shut off the gas supply to the evaporator reducer, signaling this with LED indicators. On physical level this means the electric gas valve is de-energized.

For subsequent starting, you will need to either switch the fuel type to gasoline using the button, or turn off and turn on the ignition.

Installation of VZU

As in the previous paragraph, you should decide on the location of the remote refueling device. Usually it is mounted under the car bumper, because... this is the least labor-intensive option.

The very first installers did not bother with the placement of the VSU and mounted it directly in the trunk of the car next to the cylinder. It's even easier. But with this installation method, you will have to open the trunk to refill the cylinder.

In more expensive and modern cars, the VZU can be placed in the gas tank flap. In this case, the aesthetic appearance of the car will not be affected, but you will need to carry a special adapter for the gun with you. And when refueling, give it to the gas station employee.

Gas line laying

The next step is to lay a gas line from the LPG cylinder to the engine compartment. The installation is carried out under the bottom of the car, positioning the pipeline so as to minimize the risk of damage. Some installers advise placing the gas line next to the gasoline line. For safety reasons, we would still advise separating these highways.

Pay attention! The outlet and inlet of the line are made slightly larger in diameter in order to be able to insert seals into them.

Read about what materials are used for highways.

Mixer installation

The next step is to select a mixer that will be installed between the car's intake manifold and the carburetor. It is imperative to ensure a tight connection and prevent possible air leaks at the connection points.

Installation of solenoid valves

The next step is to install the gasoline and. Please note that there are several types of electromagnetic gas valves. The best option There will be a choice of a valve with a coarse filter.

In this article we will talk about gas equipment for cars, consider the classification and installation diagram of gas equipment, what it consists of and how it works.

Classification of HBO by generation

1st generation
Vacuum-controlled mechanical systems that are installed on gasoline carburetor cars.
2nd generation
Mechanical systems supplemented by an electronic dosing device operating on the feedback principle with an oxygen sensor (lambda probe). They are installed on cars equipped with an injection engine and a catalyst.
3rd generation
Systems providing distributed synchronous gas injection with a metering distributor controlled by an electronic unit. Gas is supplied to the intake manifold using mechanical injectors, which are opened by overpressure in the gas supply line.

According to current laws, a system of at least the fourth generation is allowed to be installed on a car.

4th generation
Distributed sequential gas injection systems with electromagnetic injectors, which are controlled by a more advanced electronic unit. They differ in that gas is supplied directly to the intake manifold through special gas injectors. They are controlled by their own electronic control unit, which synchronizes its operation with the standard controller and simultaneously performs the functions of an emulator.

This system is popular in the market due to its low cost and quick installation. It can interact with the standard engine control unit via the OBD-2 diagnostic connector, and then the adjustment accuracy becomes higher. On engines with direct fuel injection, an HBO 4+ system is installed, which is connected to the engine control unit. This is due to the design of the engine, when gasoline is supplied to the combustion chamber to cool it.

5th generation
The main difference is that the gas enters the collector not in an evaporated state, but in a liquid one. This allows for more precise dosing of fuel supply and increases efficiency. This system It is insensitive to sudden temperature changes and ensures that the engine starts on gas even in winter. In the manufacture of 5th generation equipment, an element base is used that is fundamentally different from the previous ones. One of these differences is the installed pump, thanks to which liquid gas is supplied to the gas injectors.

The new design does not require the use of an evaporator reducer. Instead, a pressure regulator is installed to ensure constant gas pressure in the line, which is 5 bar higher than in cylinders. Thanks to this level of operating pressure, the heat generated by the engine does not cause steam to form in the tubes.

6th generation
Just like the previous system, the 6th generation system injects fuel in a liquid state, but through standard engine injectors. In winter, you can also run the engine on gas. This system is the most advanced due to the complete integration of the two fuel systems. But it is also expensive, so it is rarely used in practice.

Main Components

Reducer-evaporator serves to heat the propane-butane mixture, evaporate it and reduce the pressure to a value close to atmospheric pressure.

Gas reducer serves to reduce gas pressure and transfer it from a liquid to a gaseous state. This requires heating the gearbox with liquid from the cooling system. May have vacuum or electronic control. On all reducers, gas pressure is adjusted using a special screw.

Electromagnetic gas valve serves to shut off the gas line when the engine is parked or running on gasoline. Equipped with a filter for cleaning the fuel mixture.

Solenoid petrol valve in carburetor cars, it cuts off the supply of gasoline when the engine is running on gas. In injection cars, its functions are performed by an injector emulator.

Fuel selector- installed in the car interior and designed to transfer the engine from one type of fuel to another from the driver’s seat without stopping the engine. There are switches on which the gas level in the cylinder is shown using LEDs.

The multivalve is mounted on the neck of the cylinder. Includes filling and flow valves, gas level indicator and sampling tube. A special high-speed valve stops gas leaks in case of emergency damage to the gas main.

The ventilation box is attached to the neck of the cylinder. A multivalve is placed inside it. In the event of a gas leak from the cylinder, the ventilation box removes its vapor from the luggage compartment to the outside.

Gas container. There are cylindrical and toroidal cylinders (for a niche for a spare tire). According to safety regulations, fill no more than 80% of the full volume. There are 4 generations of cylinders: the first type - all steel; the second - made of alloy steel with composite winding); the third - an aluminum vessel with a composite winding) and the fourth type - the most modern and durable - from composite materials. It is the latter that are the most expensive, but also the easiest.

How does the HBO scheme work?

LPG diagram: 1 - cylinder 2 - multi-valve 3 - high-pressure gas line 4 - remote filling device 5 - gas valve 6 - evaporator reducer 7 - dispenser 8 - air and gas mixer 9 - gasoline valve 10 - fuel type switch

Liquefied petroleum gas (propane-butane) comes under pressure from balloon(1) in high pressure gas line(3). Gas consumption from the cylinder occurs through multivalve(2), through which refueling is also carried out using remote filling device(4). Along the main line, gas in the liquid phase enters the gas filter valve(5), which cleans the gas from suspended matter and tarry deposits and shuts off the gas supply when the ignition is turned off or when switching to gasoline.

Next, the purified gas flows through the pipeline to reducer-evaporator(6), where the gas pressure decreases from sixteen atmospheres to one. As the gas intensively evaporates, it cools the gearbox, so the latter is connected to the engine’s water cooling system. The circulation of antifreeze allows you to avoid freezing of the gearbox and its membranes. Under the influence of vacuum created in the intake manifold of a running engine, gas from the gearbox through the low pressure hose through dispenser(7) goes to mixer(8) installed between air filter and carburetor throttle valves. Sometimes, instead of installing a mixer, gas fittings are directly inserted into the carburetor.

Operating modes are controlled using fuel switch(10) installed on the instrument panel. When selecting the "GAS" position, the switch opens the electromagnetic gas valve(5) and turns off the electromagnetic gasoline valve(9). And, conversely, when switching from gas to gasoline, the switch closes the gas valve and opens the gasoline valve. Using LEDs, the switch allows you to control which fuel is currently being used.

You should know that the installation of gas equipment on a car must be officially registered with the traffic police and regulatory authorities. If this is not done, the inspector may issue a fine of 500 rubles or a warning for operating a car to which changes have been made without permission. In practice, 90 percent of drivers do not even know that they need to register a car with LPG.

LPG or gas equipment is a device that is installed on a car and allows the use of gas as fuel. The use of gas equipment in a car allows you to reduce gasoline costs and increase engine life, reduce repairs, and also reduce the amount of harmful emissions. With daily movements in the area of ​​100 km, installing gas equipment on a car pays off within 3 - 4 months.


Many car enthusiasts have heard of HBO, but do not know the definition of this abbreviated name. And it’s simple: this is the name given to the system of devices that supply gas from a cylinder to the engine, that is, gas-cylinder equipment. This design is mounted as an auxiliary one, and its presence allows you to switch from gasoline to gas. Let's look schematically at what is included in this very HBO in the car. To simplify the enumeration as much as possible: balloon, gas pipelines and devices that provide correct delivery gas The first important device on the “cylinder-motor” line is the evaporator.

It is necessary in order to convert liquefied (liquid) propane into a gaseous state using antifreeze from the engine cooling system. Due to the temperature difference, the gas evaporates and in this form enters the gas reducer. What role does the gearbox play? The most important: helps supply gas to the right quantity and controls blood pressure. The last section of the pipeline leads to a mixer or ramp with nozzles (depending on the generation of gas equipment). The system is equipped with a gas filter, because mechanical particles cannot enter the cylinders of an internal combustion engine.

Pressure gauges are also connected to monitor the pressure in the cylinder and reducer. In injection machines, gas equipment is controlled by a separate electronic unit. From it, the “gas/petrol” button is displayed in the cabin. This means that if HBO is installed, the standard power system also remains, and you can switch to gasoline at any time.


Italy is a pioneer in gas equipment. More than 50 years ago, small family-owned companies in northern Italy began to develop the production of components for converting gasoline cars to gas. Italy is still the main supplier of gas equipment for cars and new gas technologies.

Recently, this baton has been actively picked up by countries such as Poland, especially in the field of electronics, Türkiye, China and Lithuania. In addition to Italy, which today is the country with the largest distribution of gas equipment on cars, many cars with Euro gas equipment also appeared in Poland, Russia, Ukraine - Milano Ukraine, in countries South America, India, China and Australia. In many of these countries, automakers produce either all-gas or dual-fuel (e.g., gasoline and natural gas) vehicles directly off the assembly line.

Operating principle of HBO

Gas equipment on cars works on various forms gas: liquefied and gaseous. Most often, liquefied gas is used for work - a propane-butane mixture. Less commonly, compressed natural gas (methane). There are few methane gas stations, so compressed gas cylinders are not popular. How does the HBO system work? Gas flows from the cylinder through the filter to the reducer. Since it is under pressure in the cylinder (about 16 atm), it moves through the pipe by gravity. Once in the reducer, the liquefied gas is converted into steam and evaporates. To do this, the reducer reduces its pressure and heats it up. While the engine is running, heat from the engine is used to heat the liquid gas. After the reducer, gas vapors pass through another filter and enter the mixer.

In many LPG systems, the gas enters the mixer through nozzles. Their number corresponds to the number of cylinders - pistons. And their opening is controlled by an electronic control unit. By sending commands to the injectors, the control unit regulates the number of injections and the amount of gas that enters the combustion chamber. The engine starts and the first 20 - 30 seconds of operation take place on gasoline. As soon as the gearbox warms up, the gas equipment control system automatically turns on the gas supply and its injection into the combustion system.

In this case, the gasoline supply is automatically turned off. The reverse switch to gasoline occurs when the pressure in the gas pipes decreases, that is, when the gas in the cylinder runs out. In addition, the control system has the ability to manually switch between gasoline and gas modes. The described operating principle is a scheme for liquefied propane-butane fuel. For natural gas(methane) a different scheme is used. Since it is a gas, it goes directly to the gas injectors and then into the combustion chamber without a filter or reducer.

Registration of gas equipment

Gas equipment must be documented with the relevant services. This statement is fair and greatly limits the ability to install gas equipment with your own hands. The fact is that in order to register gas equipment with the Traffic Inspectorate, you need to present a special certificate and license for the right to engage in work on the installation of such gas equipment. It turns out that independent interventions in the design of the car are unacceptable.

The issue has been repeatedly raised among motorists that a car with an installed but unregistered gas power system cannot pass MOT. The traffic police refuse to register or deregister such cars with LPG. Problems will arise, but only if there are no relevant documents for the installed gas equipment. Documents for gas equipment can also be legally asked for at a gas station, although in practice this does not happen.

The difficulties arise from the fact that the installation of any systems, and especially from the 4th generation and higher, will require significant re-equipment of the vehicle. For HBO-4, you need to drill holes in the intake manifold for gas injectors, you need to cut the wiring to gasoline injectors, connect to car sensors, etc.

Generations of HBO

HBO is technical system, which is developing and modernizing. Therefore, today there are 6 generations of gas equipment. They differ in the principle of gas supply and the method of turning off the gasoline supply. Note: by and large, all HBO systems can be divided into 3 main groups and intermediate hybrid types between them. The three main gas injection systems are: for carburetor (mechanical) fuel injection; for distributed injection injection; for direct injection of fuel into the engine. We will describe six generations of equipment - their operation and differences. HBO-1 is a system with mechanical blocks that are installed exclusively on carburetor engines. Their reducer injects gas through nozzles at low pressure inside the mixer. Therefore, it received the name “vacuum”.

This system has many shortcomings and complaints; fires are not uncommon; HBO-2 is a system for carburetor and simple injection engines, but it is modernized with an electromagnetic gearbox. This made it possible to organize the gas supply, it was different meanings pressure in the mixer, made it easier to start the engine, making a “cold” start possible. The electromagnetic gearbox also made it possible to control the fuel selection with a button from inside the car; HBO-3 is a system for injection engines, in which the gearbox is equipped with controllers and operates in fully automatic mode. It reads the readings of the oxygen sensor in the exhaust gases and uses them to regulate the composition of the gas mixture. The gearbox also has a temperature sensor, which allows it to turn on only after warming up. Another improvement of HBO-3 is injector emulators. They simulate the operation of gasoline injectors so that the electronic unit does not put the engine into emergency mode. Injector emulators have eliminated the need to integrate a separate gasoline valve into the system. Gas equipment systems of the first generations are considered obsolete.

Among the other three, HBO-4 gained the most popularity, thanks to optimal combination prices and quality of his work. This is what most drivers prefer to install. HBO-4 is a system for injection engines. An improvement to the HBO-4 are gas injectors. They take on the function of injecting gas into the mixer-manifold. And they eliminate the need for the reducer to build up pressure to inject gas into the mixer. The number of injectors corresponds to the number of pistons-cylinders. Each injector has a controller installed that controls its operation - it determines the amount of gas injected and the injection frequency. There are no gasoline emulators here; their function is performed by the electronic unit itself. He, the control unit, pauses the operation of the gasoline injectors and starts the gas ones. At the same time, the gasoline unit continues to operate without injecting gasoline. Gas equipment of the fourth and subsequent generations are systems for periodic (cyclic, phase) supply of fuel (gas). This supply made it possible to reduce the consumption of liquefied fuel.

LPG of subsequent generations, the 5th and 6th, do not operate on methane gas, since they use exclusively liquefied gas. In their design, liquefied fuel enters the combustion chamber in liquid form, bypassing the vaporization phase. HBO-5 - gas is injected in the form of a liquid, which is called “liquid injection”. It is fed into a chamber built into a cylinder fuel pumps(similar to the gasoline supply system). To submit liquid fuel the pump pumps up pressure to 5 atm. To constantly build up pressure in the system, a pressure reducer operates. A slight increase in pressure prevents evaporation of liquid gas when heated by a running engine. This system starts easily without gasoline, without the need to warm up the engine on gasoline. They also feature reduced gas consumption and increased power. There is no evaporator reducer in HBO-5; HBO-6 is installed on engines with direct injection. Uses liquefied gas. The HBO-6 system consists of a tank that is connected to the gasoline fuel supply line. GBO-5 and 6 are the most expensive options for installing gas equipment on a car.

Installation Features

What to consider when installing gas equipment on a car? A gearbox is a device that will take up space under the hood. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the optimal location for it. It must be accessible for maintenance - periodic replacement of filters. The gearbox must be mounted on the car frame; it cannot be mounted on the engine due to vibrations. Hoses for supplying antifreeze should not be bent or kinked. Antifreeze hoses are connected to the system in parallel.

Then the gearbox and heater radiator will be supplied with antifreeze in equal quantities. Next to gas cylinder there should be no hot muffler and no vibrating body parts. The gas injectors are located as close as possible to the gasoline injectors. The mixture should be as close to the candle as possible - this guarantees the stability of its combustion. However, installing LPG requires professional knowledge, so this section is please help to control the installation of gas equipment on your car.


The word “gas” itself carries a certain danger, so manufacturers of gas systems pay special attention to huge attention security of their systems.

The gas cylinder fittings are equipped with fire, emergency and solenoid valves, as well as a valve that shuts off the gas flow in the event of a gas line break. Under the hood of the car, gas-cylinder electronics instantly shut off the gas supply if gasoline is used or the car’s engine is stopped.

All components of gas equipment undergo mandatory certification and numerous tests confirming their safety. Safety standards for gas equipment on cars installed on the secondary market are absolutely identical to the standards for gas cars produced by automakers. By installing gas equipment on your car, you can be sure that you are protected in the same way as the owner of a gas car with gas equipment installed directly on the conveyor.

There are some opinions about the dangers of using gas equipment in a car. In fact, this is nothing more than a myth.

Advantages of HBO

Gas equipment for cars is more economical than running a gasoline or diesel engine. It reduces fuel consumption and extends engine life. Here is a description of the main advantages of gas-powered cars: A car with gas equipment can run on both gas and gasoline. Fuel costs are reduced. The ride quality of the car improves: it moves smoother, without jerking, starts and accelerates faster. The amount of harmful emissions is reduced. This occurs due to more complete combustion of fuel. A mixture of propane and butane has a high octane number (up to 108), due to which it burns almost completely, leaving no exhaust gases or other emissions. Note: according to research, the percentage reduction in harmful emissions for a carburetor engine is 2/3 or 70%. For diesel - half or 52%. The advantages of LPG also include: an increase in engine life, thanks to careful treatment of the engine, more complete combustion of fuel, and less carbon deposits on the cylinders; increasing vehicle mileage without refueling; Instead of one gasoline tank in the car, there are two tanks with two types of fuel. The advantages listed above are inherent in LPG systems installed in licensed, verified workshops using high-quality certified equipment. It is also important after installing HBO to do it in a timely manner. technical service and change filters. Namely - every 10 - 15 thousand km. Note: the first inspection after installing the LPG must be completed earlier - after 1.5 thousand km.

Disadvantages of HBO

Significant installation costs gas equipment per car. Its cost is several tens of thousands. In addition, you must complete the installation additional equipment to the traffic police, which will also require spending money and time. Reducing the amount of free space is important for cars with a small trunk. However, this drawback can be made irrelevant if you use a remote model of a gas cylinder, which is mounted outside the body and does not take up space inside the trunk or interior. Increasing the number of technical inspections and payment for their implementation. Increased safety requirements - gas is more dangerous than gasoline. Installation of new equipment will void the manufacturer's warranty. Therefore, it is not always advisable for a new car with a factory warranty.


Currently, in addition to traditional and injection gas equipment on cars, new directions of development have appeared. These are diesel gas systems, so-called gas diesel engines. In other words, the use of gas in diesel cars.

In such LPG systems, gas is supplied to the engine simultaneously with the supply of the main fuel - diesel. The use of gas-diesel equipment can significantly reduce fuel costs, this is especially true for use on long-haul tractors.

The second modern direction is the use of gas in gasoline cars with direct gasoline injection. On these modern cars, gasoline injectors are installed directly into the combustion chamber of the engine. LPG for direct injection, which can be installed on these machines, also uses the simultaneous supply of gas and gasoline.

Another modern trend is the deepening of connections between gas and automotive control systems. Modern gas equipment can communicate with standard car controllers through data transmission systems using certain protocols, which allows you to inform the driver, for example, through an on-board computer about problems or malfunctions in the operation of gas equipment.