What is rickets in puppies? Exercises for hernia of the cervical spine video. Treatment of cervical hernia

Changes in the quality of nutrition affect the incidence of rickets in dogs. It is becoming less and less common, which is good news, since this disease disfigures the animal and causes it severe suffering. However, the rarity of the disease does not mean its complete absence.

The main danger is that an inexperienced person can easily miss the first signs of the disease in their pet, a newly purchased puppy or newborn offspring.

Causes of the disease

Rickets is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body, which leads to disorders in the formation, formation and development of bones. If for some reason there is a lack of vitamin D, its metabolites involved in the absorption of calcium, at the time of the most intensive growth of the bone skeleton, this affects the mineralization of bones and their growth, as well as shape.

Basically, rickets is most noticeable by the curvature and weakness of the limbs, but all bones, without exception, are affected by the disease.

In dogs, the disease can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Heredity.
  2. A genetic disorder during fetal development caused by disease, toxins, insufficient or unbalanced nutrition.
  3. Problems with the absorption of vitamin D through the skin.
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of the parathyroid glands.

Since rickets in " pure form“It is quite rare in domestic dogs, especially purebred dogs; it is often confused with secondary feed hyperparathyroidism, that is, problems with the functioning of the parathyroid glands.

Such difficulties in determining the disease require mandatory diagnosis at a veterinary clinic, since two various diseases by completely different means.

Moreover, it is not always possible to get rid of rickets only by sunbathing or even consuming vitamin D, since the disease is associated with a whole complex of disorders - deficiency of vitamin D and calcium, as well as excess phosphorus.

Treatment is also complicated by the fact that there are several forms of vitamin D:

  • cholecalciferol, produced in the skin under the influence solar radiation and entering the dog’s body with food;
  • ergocalciferol, supplied to the body exclusively through food.

In order to cure an animal, you need to quickly respond to the first signs of the disease, undergo diagnostics and begin the correct treatment prescribed by an experienced veterinarian.

Which breeds are more susceptible

It is impossible to single out any one breed that suffers more from rickets than others or does not have a tendency to this disease. Dogs of any breed are affected, including mongrels. The risk group includes those breeds whose representatives, during the selection process, received congenital skeletal pathologies - basset hounds, dachshunds, Rottweilers, bulldogs and other dogs with a “raw” constitution and crooked short limbs and a long body.

With the development of rickets, changes in the skeleton of such animals are especially noticeable. The same can be said about dogs with an elegant constitution and thin legs, especially Chihuahuas. Deformations of their limbs are immediately noticeable and should seriously alarm the owner. In healthy dogs, bones do not just bend.

Main symptoms

While the bitch is feeding the puppies breast milk, the problem does not manifest itself, since the food contains all the necessary substances in ideal proportions. Rickets usually appears after the puppy begins to feed itself. If the food is chosen incorrectly, or other problems are added, the balance is disrupted and signs of rickets may appear:

  1. A sick puppy stands out in the litter due to its small in size, he is the weakest and smallest, stronger brothers and sisters often offend him and take away food.
  2. The dog has an unsociable or extremely affectionate, “sticky” disposition.
  3. Unlike its larger and stronger brothers, it gets tired quickly, can often sit down or lie down, its paws tremble, and its gait becomes uneven. Sometimes such animals suffer from convulsions and spasms due to weakness of muscles and bones.
  4. Typically, sick puppies have an excellent appetite, but after eating they may feel sick, have constipation or diarrhea, and the conditions can change each other regularly.
  5. With good nutrition, the dog's ribs and spine protrude, and the limbs become weak and crooked. Characteristic sign Rickets is a large belly with general thinness and crooked legs.
  6. The animal's joints enlarge, and nodular formations appear on some bones (ribs). The joints are not just enlarged - their shape is changed.
  7. When moving, the owner may notice that the puppy places its paws strangely, as if turning them in or out. Sometimes it can be just one paw or even individual joints, for example, the metatarsal parts of the foot, toes.
  8. When examining your teeth, you need to pay attention to the condition of the enamel. U healthy dog it is smooth, white and shiny. One of the signs of rickets is a change in the color and texture of the enamel - it can be grayish or yellowish, becoming dull, as if porous. There may also be deviations in the process of changing baby teeth to permanent ones.

The sooner the owner notices deviations in the puppy’s behavior and health, the sooner treatment can begin. Rickets is dangerous not only because of the dysfunction and condition of the skeleton. Deformation of the bones leads to the fact that the internal organs are displaced, and this has an extremely negative effect on the overall health and development of the dog.

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

With developed rickets, a conclusion can be made even by appearance animal, but the veterinarian will definitely conduct a full examination, check the movement and feel the joints and limbs of the dog. Then he will send the animal for tests and examinations:

  1. Biochemistry of blood.
  2. Calcium and phosphorus levels.
  3. Radiography.

Based on the data obtained, doctors will conclude what caused the manifestations, and whether it is really rickets or manifestations of a malfunction of the parathyroid glands. This is very important, since the choice of treatment and prescription of medications depends on it.

It is especially necessary to determine the level of phosphorus and calcium, since this analysis will allow the veterinarian to create the correct menu or prescribe appropriate medications to compensate for the missing mineral.

Treatment method and prognosis

In the early stages of the disease, it is quite easy to cope with it. In most cases, it is enough to change the dog’s diet to a balanced one. Best fit finished products, which will be selected by the veterinarian.

In cases where there are noticeable changes in the skeleton, or the puppies are already large, it will be necessary to use drug treatment - calcium and vitamin D supplements in combination with irradiation under an ultraviolet lamp. Medicines can only be given as prescribed by a doctor, since sometimes calcium or vitamin tablets can even be harmful, for example, when there is an excess of phosphorus in the animal’s body.

It is recommended to regularly walk the dog at a calm pace, without unnecessary running and haste, since a weakened animal does not need additional stress on sore bones. But movement is useful, as it strengthens the muscles. A strong muscle frame prevents further bending of the bones.

Unfortunately, if rickets is detected late (after 12 months), no drugs will correct the deformed skeleton. Such animals need to change their diet and, if there is an excess of phosphorus, try to remove its excess from the body. It is very important to strengthen the muscles so that they take on part of the load that the weakened and deformed parts of the skeleton cannot withstand.

To avoid irreparable consequences, the dog needs to be fed properly, walked in the sun and visited a veterinarian regularly.

What to do at home

If a puppy is diagnosed with rickets, it is equally important for the owner to avoid two extremes - to pamper the dog in every possible way, not allowing him to move, so as not to increase the curvature of the bones, or, on the contrary, to “drive” him too intensely in order to strengthen the muscles.

It is important to use the right professional food, give the dog adequate physical activity, do not forget about the need for ultraviolet radiation for health, but do not keep the animal under the scorching rays of the sun - this can cause burns and even sunstroke.

If there are many puppies and the weak ones are abused, the owner will have to feed the baby separately so that he gets a full portion and grows strong and strong.

Possible complications

The most serious thing that threatens a sick animal is pathological fractures due to severe curvature of the bones and “washing out” of calcium from them. In addition, the deformed skeleton is not able to support the normal functioning of the dog, and it will have problems with mobility and difficulties in socialization. Crooked, damaged limbs will not allow the dog to lead a normal active lifestyle.

If the disease is advanced, the animal may become disabled. Rickets can lead to dysfunction internal organs, especially the cardiovascular system.

Prevention measures (diet)

Since rickets occurs due to nutritional disorders and lack of natural sunlight, the main methods of prevention are proper feeding of the puppy, the use of balanced professional food and walks on fresh air. The dog should eat either ready-made food, or its menu of homemade products should be prepared by a professional, taking into account age, weight, activity and health status.

Since the disease can appear for other reasons, the puppy must be regularly shown to the veterinarian and all his recommendations must be followed. If the owner himself has noticed signs of ill health, one should not act on his own and try to treat the animal with children’s medications for rickets, give vitamins or mineral supplements, stuff it with cottage cheese, jelly, jellied meats and brain bones.

First you need to find out the cause of the disease and get tested, and then take adequate measures. This is the only way to not harm, but to improve the dog’s health.

Regular walks outside help the animal improve its health, even if the owner believes that the dog does not spend enough time in the sun. It must be remembered that ultraviolet rays can penetrate even through glass, so even when walking in the shade or partial shade, the animal will receive the necessary dose of radiation that promotes the production of vitamin D.

A deficiency of useful components can negatively affect the health of the animal, for example, with a lack of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, the risk of developing rickets increases. A similar condition also occurs if these elements are not absorbed by the body. Rickets in dogs is not uncommon. Despite the fact that the disease is not fatal, it can greatly undermine health, turning healthy people into beautiful dog, a disabled dog with serious physical disabilities. What is required from the owner so that his pet does not encounter this disease?

The animal’s body is a complex, well-coordinated system, and the loss of even one link can lead to serious problems. Therefore, rickets can develop even if there is a deficiency of only one component.

No matter how much calcium and phosphorus you give your dog, without vitamin D, pathology will still develop, since without it calcium cannot be absorbed. In turn, without required quantity phosphorus, a violation of the vitamin-mineral balance can be expected.

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to diagnose pathology at an early stage. It is usually discovered when there are already obvious signs of a violation:

  • the pet becomes lethargic, apathetic, tired even after a short walk;
  • the dog begins to stoop;
  • the joints of the limbs become knotty, the muscles become flabby;
  • the dog stands and moves on half-bent legs;
  • disturbances in the activity of the nervous system and internal organs may occur;
  • characteristic rachitic rosaries appear on the ribs - thickenings in the area where they connect with cartilaginous tissue;
  • the pet stops growing and developing, the paw bones become soft and fragile;
  • teeth grow slowly and change with a lag;
  • pathological changes affect the tissues of the heart and liver.

The pet’s strange preferences can also be alarming, for example, it can eat soil, feces, stones, and inedible objects. Since rickets can lead to irreversible processes, early diagnosis and timely treatment are important.


The most effective results can be achieved if therapy is prescribed to a pet under one year of age, when there is still an opportunity to influence the processes of bone tissue formation. If it was possible to detect the pathology at an early stage, then the situation can be corrected by correcting the diet. To do this, do the following:

  • the veterinarian prescribes special food enriched with vitamins and minerals;
  • at natural feeding It is recommended to give your pet fish oil, as well as calcium and vitamin D supplements;
  • It is imperative that the dog regularly eats raw meat, cottage cheese, egg yolk, milk, and cereals.

To stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D, a four-legged patient is recommended to undergo a course of quartz irradiation. Initially, the procedure lasts no more than 3 minutes, gradually increasing the time until the duration is 20 minutes. After 8-10 weeks, the veterinarian may schedule a follow-up appointment.

The owner is advised to walk the pet in the sun more often, but to exclude any active physical activity. If the dog cannot fully move, then its condition can be alleviated with the help of massage and salt rubdowns, which significantly speed up metabolic processes.

As a rule, all of the above applies to the treatment of puppies. Pathological changes in the body adult dog cannot be corrected, since her bone skeleton is fully formed. In this case, the doctor may recommend a set of exercises that help build muscles that help the skeleton withstand stress.

The pet is prescribed special nutritional supplements that normalize the vitamin and mineral balance. In addition, immunostimulating drugs and homeopathic remedies may be included in therapy.


Preventing the development of rickets in an animal is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary to provide your pet with complete, balanced food. Special attention Pregnant and lactating females, who need vitamins and minerals more than others, deserve it. Not only the health of the mother, but also the future offspring depends on this. If the litter is large and the bitch does not have enough milk for everyone, it is important to provide the babies with high-quality complementary foods.

The second difficult stage is the transfer of puppies from mother's milk to regular food or commercial diets. The menu should consist of healthy, nutritious foods. And when choosing dry food, you should give preference to premium and super-premium brands.

Modern ready-made feeds contain all the necessary minerals, in accordance with daily norms. With natural feeding, the pet will have to be given additional complexes and vitamin supplements; you should consult a veterinarian on this issue.


Rickets is not life-threatening, but without treatment it can lead to disability in the dog. A pet who previously performed any kind of work - watchman, security guard, hunter, etc., with this disease will not be able to perform it.

Pathology can lead to deformation of the bones of the chest, pelvis, and hip joints. The last change affects the pet's gait, it begins to limp. Deformation of the pelvic bones is a serious condition that complicates childbirth.

The most dangerous consequence Rickets is considered a change in the bones of the sternum. If the disease is in an advanced stage, then when you touch the ribs the dog will experience severe pain. In addition, deformed chest bones are easily injured.

Most diseases are easier to prevent than to treat, and this applies 100% to rickets. At proper care and good nutrition, this pathology occurs extremely rarely.

Rickets is a chronic disease that occurs mainly in large breeds, including German, Eastern European, Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd dogs (Alabais). With this pathology, a disorder of phosphorus-calcium metabolism occurs, which leads to demineralization of bones and their curvature during the growth and development of the body. The disease can also appear in adult animals, but then all the symptoms will be blurred.

Reasons for appearance

The greatest effect on rickets in German Shepherd and other large breeds of dogs are deficient in vitamin D, as well as calcium and phosphorus. Lack of vitamin D (cholecalciferol) usually develops due to insufficiency of ultraviolet light, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and acidosis. Often the pathology is complicated by a lack of other vitamins and substances.

In dogs, these conditions arise due to feeding them with cow's milk, since it is much poorer in calcium and phosphorus than dog milk. The purchased pasteurized product contains 1.8% less calcium and 2.3% less phosphorus. Feeding a puppy an adult diet (meat by-products and cereals) also leads to rickets, since they also contain little of these microelements.

Pathogenesis of rickets

In the early stages, pathogenesis in a pet is associated with a lack of vitamins and microelements. In later stages of the disease, the consequences of curvature of bones and joints have a great influence on the symptoms.

With a deficiency of vitamin D3 in a shepherd dog, the excretion of phosphorus in the urine increases, due to which bone tissue cells are not sufficiently saturated with this element, which leads to metabolic disorders in them.

As a result, cartilage tissue grows as compensation. The ratio of the organic part of the bone to the inorganic part becomes 3:2, instead of 2:3 (as is normal). At this stage, rickets can be detected on x-ray; it manifests itself in the form of increased transparency of the skeleton. In this case, cartilage tissue grows especially strongly on the epiphyses of bones, the articular surfaces are often destroyed, which is why arthrosis and pain appear.

A striking diagnostic sign of the late stage is the curvature of the bones of the limbs, which develops under pressure from the torso. In the later stages, the disease is complicated by catarrhal inflammation of the intestines, bronchopneumonia, and nutritional dystrophy.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the bones are bent, diagnosis will not be difficult. But at earlier stages it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination:

  • a history of unbalanced feeding and lack of UVL;
  • a delay in changing teeth will clearly indicate a deficiency of phosphorus and calcium;
  • a general blood test for calcium and phosphorus will reduce their concentration;
  • X-rays will show decreased bone density;
  • a blood plasma test will show an increase in alkaline phosphatase levels.

Primary rickets in a German Shepherd puppy or a puppy of another large breed is recorded quite rarely; secondary rickets, which develops as a result of hyperthyroidism, is much more common. Therefore, if symptoms are detected, the blood should be tested for thyroid hormone levels.

Symptoms of rickets

What rickets looks like depends on the stage of development of the disease; a clear clinical picture appears only at a late stage of the pathology:

First, the animal exhibits a perverted appetite; the puppy tries to eat inedible objects, even feces and soil. Because of this, indigestion develops, greenish diarrhea, dysbacteriosis with flatulence. At this stage, rickets can be suspected due to slower tooth change and deterioration of enamel.

Then rapid fatigue, lethargy, uncertainty and unsteadiness of gait are detected. Sometimes lameness, trembling of the limbs are clearly visible, and an increase in temperature is felt. Bones become brittle, break easily, and the incidence of fractures increases significantly.

At a later stage, rickets can be identified by thickening of the joints and curvature of the bones, which greatly affects the gait. There is also flabbiness of the muscles, weakness of the muscle corset, which is why the back begins to sag. When moving, the animal feels quite severe pain.

The back sags and becomes half hunchbacked. When palpating the ribs, hard nodes can be detected on them. The shepherd's joints are bent due to their heavy body, so it becomes very painful to walk, as a result they completely refuse to move. Limbs turn inward or outward.

Treatment of rickets

Treatment of rickets gives good results only in young animals in the early stages of the disease. In adult pets or in dogs with severe forms of pathology, it is not possible to completely restore health and cure rickets.

Bone deformation cannot be eliminated by drug treatment; surgical intervention is ineffective.

Therapy is prescribed only after the cause of the disease has been identified using a blood test, symptoms and medical history. For correct selection dosages of vitamins and microelements will require accurate information about the concentration of these compounds in the blood plasma, since an excess of calcium, phosphorus or cholecalciferol will also have an adverse effect.

Depending on the stage of the pathology and the age of the animal, it is determined how and with what to treat rickets:

  • normalization of nutrition (giving feed with a normal content of microelements);
  • normalization of nutrition and administration of drugs with calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D;
  • predominantly used medicines, nutritional correction can be carried out later, after metabolism has been restored;
  • the use of medications with the addition of symptomatic therapy to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, heart activity and other affected body systems.

With any treatment regimen, the animal must undergo physiotherapy under UVL. But when vitamin D3 is administered in the form of injections, ultraviolet irradiation is not carried out so that an overdose does not occur.

To treat rickets in an Alabai puppy, a German shepherd, a Caucasian shepherd and others, you need vitamin complexes:

  • "Vitamult";
  • "SA-37";
  • "Tetravit";
  • "Trivitamin";
  • Tocopherol;
  • Ergocalciferol.

To increase calcium levels, the dog is given the following medications:

  • "8 in1 Excel Calcium";
  • "SA-37";
  • Calcium borgluconate;
  • "Kalfoset";
  • "Calcidi";
  • Calcium chloride or gluconate.

To restore general condition, the following medications are given:

  • "Vitam";
  • "Gamavit";
  • "Kathozal";
  • "Caforsen";
  • "Cyanophore".

Prevention of rickets

Basically, you need to feed the animal properly and regularly walk it for at least half an hour a day. For prevention, it is useful to visit a veterinarian to monitor the enamel and the transition of baby teeth to adult ones. Proper feeding of a puppy primarily involves giving dog milk and feeding bone by-products. If the pet is left without a mother, then you can give specially developed bitch milk substitutes (Royal Canin Babydog Milk).


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Rickets in puppies is a fairly common phenomenon in veterinary practice, which is caused by metabolic disorders, deficiency of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in the animal’s body.

As a rule, rickets affects mainly small young dogs under one year old, regardless of breed. Moreover, if the disease is not treated on time, rickets will provoke irreversible severe consequences and will cause disability for an older pet.

Rickets (English disease) is a chronic disease of animals of non-contagious etiology, caused by metabolic disorders, lack of minerals, amino acids, and vitamins in the body.

The disease has varying degrees of severity and is manifested by impaired bone formation (bone tissue formation), insufficient mineralization of bone tissue, deformation, softening, and curvature of bones, which is caused by vitamin D deficiency.

  • Bones become weaker and more brittle due to the low lime content in the tissues.
  • The joints become inflamed.
  • Rickety dogs are susceptible to fractures and lag behind in growth and development compared to their peers.
  • The changes affect mainly the knee, hock, wrist, and elbow joints.

Rickets in veterinary practice is diagnosed mainly in puppies and young dogs up to one year old. The disease can be congenital or acquired.

With rickets in dogs, in addition to pathological changes in the bone structures, skeleton, joints, the processes of hematopoiesis, the work of internal organs are disrupted, metabolic-oxidative, regenerative processes slow down. The disease, if its treatment is not started in time, significantly worsens the quality of life of our little brothers. Severe neglected pathology often leads to death.

Causes of rickets

Rickets is a polyethylological disease, so the causes of rickets in animals are very diverse. The exact etiology of the disease is not fully understood. Most experts agree that the development of rickets is caused by a violation of the absorption of beneficial components by the dog’s body at the time of intensive, active growth and development.

The main causes of rickets in puppies and dogs:

  • hypo- (lack of phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D3);
  • unbalanced nutrition, poor diet, feeding with low-quality feed;
  • physical inactivity, insufficient level physical activity;
  • violation of the regime, daily routine;
  • genetic, breed predisposition;
  • chronic pathologies, disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • disturbances in work, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pathologies of intrauterine development;
  • violation of the ratio of calcium, phosphorus in the body;
  • metabolic failures;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • unsuitable conditions of detention (lack of ultraviolet radiation, dampness, moisture);
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • age-related changes;

Important! One of the main causes of rickets in puppies is the insufficient supply of nutrients necessary for normal growth and development with food, as well as their poor digestibility.

In particular, rickets in puppies of small breeds and large dogs provokes a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamin D. It is a mixture of provitamin D2 and D3. It is the main regulator of calcium exchange between the blood and internal organs. Improves the absorption of this microelement. Regulates protein metabolism. In case of insufficient calcium intake, vitamin D is washed out of the bone structures, which leads to their deformation, softening, and curvature.

Vitamin D is synthesized under the influence of sunlight, so its lack in the body of animals can be caused precisely by the lack of UV radiation. When exposed to ultraviolet light, vitamin D is converted into active form. Synthesis occurs in the superficial layers of the epidermis. Therefore, to prevent rickets, a dog, like any other pet, needs a sufficient amount of sunlight.

It should be understood that an excess of calcium reduces the absorption of phosphorus and other minerals, which are also necessary for young animals for normal growth and development. Therefore, a violation of the ratio of these microelements often leads to the development of this pathology in domestic animals.

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In animals, the disease can be caused by a violation of skin biosynthesis, malfunction of the thyroid, parathyroid glands, and adrenal glands. If the endocrine glands do not work properly, they do not enter the bone structure. the right quantity calcium and phosphorus. Rickets in pets is often caused by congenital or acquired liver pathologies. Note that the process of converting vitamin D, which comes from feed and food, occurs from liver tissue.

Other causes of rickets in dogs

Rickets in puppies and young dogs can be caused not only by a poor, unbalanced diet, or a violation of the feeding regime. Pathology is often provoked by a sudden transition to new foods. A sudden change in the usual diet leads to disruption in work digestive tract, disturbance of protein and fat metabolism.

Important! Rickets in puppies of large breeds (great Danes, shepherds, mastiffs) can be caused genetically and is hereditary. If the ancestors of dogs were found to have disorders at the cellular level, rickets are often born in the litter.

Early weaning of small puppies from a nursing mother dog, feeding babies with low-quality milk formulas also underlies the development of rickets, regardless of their breed. Rickets in newborn puppies often occurs if, before mating, the expectant mother was exhausted, suffered from systemic, chronic pathologies, or received poor quality food. An unbalanced diet in pregnant, lactating (nursing) bitches leads to the birth of rickety puppies, since babies with colostrum and milk receive not only immune protection, but also all the necessary nutrients.

Age-related changes also lead to impaired mineralization of bone tissue, loss, and weakening of muscle tone. Calcium is actively washed out of the bones into the bloodstream. Therefore, in elderly dogs, diseases such as ostemalacia and osteoporosis are noted. The disease is characterized by curvature, softening, and deformation of bone structures.

Symptoms of rickets in puppies and dogs

Rickets, its symptoms and manifestations in pets are not always noticeable in the early stages, so the disease often becomes chronic. In young dogs and small puppies, the signs of the disease are not as pronounced as in adults. Some manifestations of rickets, especially in the early stages, can only be noticed by a veterinarian after a comprehensive examination.

Important! The intensity of the manifestations of the clinical picture largely depends on the form, stage of the disease, physiological, individual indicators of the animal’s body.

The main signs of rickets in a puppy and dogs:

  • Violation of growth and development. Rickety puppies are very different in physical parameters from their peers. Babies are smaller, weaker, less active.
  • Fatigue, lethargy, apathy. Dogs get tired quickly after short activity, sleep most of the day, and refuse active games.
  • Problems with the functioning of the digestive tract(vomiting, nausea, unstable stool, perverted taste preferences, voracious appetite, weight loss). Animals suffer from diarrhea, followed by chronic constipation.
  • , pallor of mucous membranes. Rickety puppies often show interest in inedible items due to a lack of nutrients needed by the growing body. Dogs eat soil, chew furniture and walls.
  • The appearance of thickenings on the paws, ribs, twisted limbs, nodular thickenings on the joints. Muscle weakness.
  • Trembling, unsteady gait, loss of coordination, pain when walking, inadequate response to stimuli, inappropriate behavior. Animals may show excessive affection or, on the contrary, be reluctant to make contact with humans and their relatives, becoming fearful and skittish.
  • Violation of the replacement of milk teeth. Molars crumble, fall out, change their shape, have weak enamel, and are deformed. The taste is affected. Complete replacement Decay of primary teeth in rachitic individuals occurs at approximately one year, rather than at six to eight months.
  • Body disproportion, non-compliance with breed standards.

Dogs suffering from rickets look very weakened, emaciated, and have difficulty gaining weight with an increased appetite. Rickety puppies have a sagging back, a curved spine, front and hind legs, and an enlarged, swollen tummy. The joints on the paws are thickened. When they are palpated, pain occurs.

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Bone structures are weakened, so dislocations and fractures often occur. Small pets clumsy and are carried to the side when walking. Trembling in the limbs is complicated over time by periodically occurring muscle spasms and cramps. Pathological changes in rickets affect the forearms and sternum. The chest “sags,” becomes deformed, becomes wider, and looks “barrel-shaped.”

IN running forms Rickets affects the ribs, head bones, hip joints, and spine, which leads to disruption of the internal organs and systems and disability of the dog. Mental developmental disorders are subsequently observed in rickety dogs.

Consequences of rickets

Despite the fact that rickets itself does not pose a particular danger to the lives of animals, if treatment is not started in time, the disease can provoke serious consequences and irreversible changes in the animal’s body. Rickets often becomes a cause of disability. If treatment is not started, older dogs develop chronic systemic diseases and pathologies that are difficult to treat.

Important! In the early stages, rickets is completely curable and the prognosis is favorable, but in adult pets after a year it is almost impossible to achieve a complete cure with medications and dietary adjustments.

  • In severe forms of rickets, the bone structures of the skeleton and paws in young animals stop developing and often break.
  • It is difficult for dogs to move due to acute pain when moving.
  • Over time, hip dysplasia and chronic bursitis develop.
  • Sick dogs lie most of the time, are reluctant to make contact, move little, and refuse to follow commands.
  • The disease leads to deformation of the pelvis and skull of the head.
  • Rickety dogs look disproportionate in contrast to healthy, strong relatives.
  • A curved spine, thickening on the ribs, and a deformed sternum provoke disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory systems, liver, kidneys, digestive, and genitourinary tracts of dogs.

Important! Deformation of the pelvic structures in females will further prevent normal pregnancy and the birth act.

Especially with the chronic form of rickets in adult dogs, it suffers nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Animals are diagnosed with gastroenteritis. Metabolism and absorption are completely disrupted nutrients coming from food and feed. Palpation of the peritoneum causes a painful spasm.

Frequent convulsions, muscle weakness, and seizures similar to epileptic ones are noted. Prolonged, frequently repeated attacks lead to coma and can cause the death of a pet.


You can determine and suspect the development of rickets in a dog in the early stages by the pet’s appearance and uncharacteristic behavior. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, we recommend taking your pet to a veterinary clinic for a detailed examination.

The diagnosis is made based on medical history and external clinical manifestations. X-rays, ultrasound, and other instrumental studies are mandatory. For a general biochemical analysis, blood is taken. If necessary, differential diagnostics are prescribed.


Treatment of rickets is prescribed by a veterinarian on an individual basis. Methods and therapy are selected taking into account the stage, severity of the disease, age, general condition of the four-fingered patient, and the root cause. Medical therapy is aimed at normalizing metabolism and relieving the main symptoms.


If the cause of rickets is a deficiency of vitamin D, a lack of calcium, phosphorus, and other macro-microelements, the veterinarian makes nutritional adjustments and prescribes special therapeutic and preventive foods enriched with vitamins, amino acids, and minerals.

To compensate for the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the treatment of rickets, ergocalceferol (5-10 thousand IU) or trivatamine, Vittri, as well as calcium supplements (borgluconate, gluconate, calcium chloride, Brevex) are used. With an optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body, the treatment process for rickets is significantly accelerated, regardless of the stage of development.

Animals are prescribed alcohol and oil solutions for injection or oral administration. Intravenously, simultaneously with taking ergocalciferol or trivitamin, calcium gluconate is administered two to three times a week in the indicated dosage. Vitamins A, E, preparations containing B vitamins, fish oil (one teaspoon) are prescribed.

Important! It is very important to adhere to the dosage specified by the veterinarian, since an excess supply of vitamins will disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system and lead to the development of hypervitaminosis, which will also adversely affect the pet’s condition.


Particular attention is paid to adjusting nutrition. Puppies may be prescribed therapeutic diet, especially if the pathology has led to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet must be completely balanced in terms of the content of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. Stick to a routine and routine.

Advice! If you have problems with the diet, consult your veterinarian or experienced dog breeders regarding nutrition. The veterinarian will select the optimal diet for your pet, taking into account the age and needs of the body.

If your pet is kept on natural food, supplement the diet with vitamin and mineral supplements and medications. It is useful for puppies to give fish oil two to three times a week, 25-30 ml, and meat and bone meal.

Recently, a very common problem with which people turn to special help. The success of treatment depends on the condition of the hand and the identified cause that caused the ailment, as well as on how correctly the diagnosis is carried out. There are 7 popular diseases that cause pain in the elbow joint:

Spinal hernia of the cervical part occurs due to protrusion of the fibrous ring. Prolonged protrusion leads to its rupture, this is accompanied by the fact that the nucleus pulposus, shifting towards the protrusion, falls into the spinal canal.

This causes compression of the nerve ends of the spinal cord, which respond to this with severe pain. As a result, the work of many organs and departments is disrupted.

Treatment in such cases comes down to neutralizing pain and restoring the functioning of the spinal column.

Gymnastics for the back for hernias of different locations in remission

Exercises for cervical hernia

You can start using them after the acute period has passed, the main symptoms have gone away or have significantly decreased. Exercises for a cervical hernia help improve blood circulation in the brain and damaged areas, eliminate pain in the neck and head, and tinnitus.

They help restore the mobility of the spinal column, increase its flexibility, and relieve tense muscles.

Treatment of cervical hernia

Treatment of cervical hernia is divided into two options - medication and surgery to remove the hernia. Both methods of treatment include the appointment of gymnastics during the rehabilitation period.

After the symptoms of pain have been eliminated with medication and the patient is able to move, they begin to perform therapeutic exercises for recovery.

Since one of the predisposing factors for the formation of a neck hernia is excess weight, exercises for weight loss are necessary. Also, for weight loss, it is recommended to follow a diet that limits the consumption of fatty and unhealthy foods.