Interesting Christmas fortune telling for girls. The best Christmas fortune telling. Fortune telling for Christmas and Epiphany. To meet the groom

IN Christmas Eve pious believers do not eat food, but by ten o’clock in the evening they go to church, where they celebrate the holiday of Christmas. Only when the first star appears - the symbol of the Star of Bethlehem - is it possible to taste the juice ( Lenten dish, which is a wheat or rice broth with honey and fruits). Hence the name of this day - Christmas Eve. The holiday of Christmas itself symbolizes the triumph of man's reconciliation with God.

The day of the strictest fast is the eve of the Nativity of Christ, called Christmas Eve or Christmas Eve. However, despite fasting and superstitions, Christmas Eve has long been considered one of the most successful for fortune telling.

Magic and the mystery inextricably linked with it have always aroused great interest among people. This science appeared many thousands of years ago and improved over time, adding new methods to its baggage. Magic is traditionally divided into black, gray and white.

Black magic includes witchcraft, sacrifices, love spells and the like.

Gray magic is the magic of harmony. Evil and good principles merge in it, thereby maintaining balance. The gray magician can cause both good and evil.

White magic is the highest level in the hierarchy of magic. It is a symbol of wisdom and purity. The energy of goodness and light emanates from white magicians. It is among white magicians that you can find real healers, endowed with a natural gift to help people.

Why are people so attracted to fortune telling? After all, if you think about it, the answer to any question can be obtained through inference - predicting the course of future events based on previous ones. The fact is that in addition to the cause-and-effect relationship, there is another, closer and deeper connection. It can be called differently: similarity, analogy, affinity. This type of connection was pointed out by Hermes Trismegistus (a magician and scientist who lived in Egypt five thousand years ago), expressing it in the law “What is below is like what is above. What is above is like what is below.”

Fortune telling is rightfully considered one of the most important branches of the hermetic sciences. It is the right way change the unfavorable course of upcoming events. Some people mistakenly believe that fortune telling is a prediction. This is not so, because the answer to questions is inscribed in the subconscious, and fortune-telling symbols bring it to the conscious level. By guessing, a person receives information about the most likely events, therefore, knowing what to expect, he can change the course of these events. Sometimes it can be difficult to immediately understand the information presented and systematize it into a coherent whole. But the one who walks will master the road and, over time, the fortuneteller will master all the subtleties of interpreting fortune telling. By correctly using the information received, you can avoid many mistakes and troubles, prevent possible difficulties, find the most correct ways out of current situations.

FOLK TELLING FOR CHRISTMAS. Fortune Telling for Baptism

Fortune telling on mirrors

Since ancient times, girls have used this method as a fortune telling for their betrothed. They usually tell fortunes at midnight on two mirrors, one of them should be large, the other should be smaller. They should be installed so that an endless corridor is formed and so that large mirror a ray of light or a candle was reflected, and in the small one was the first mirror. Next you need to say “Show yourself, my betrothed.” As soon as you see a figure in the mirror, immediately say “Cheer, me!” - and turn the mirror over.

Fortune telling by coals

Focus and throw a handful of salt on the coals. A sign will appear there. If it's bright< то это good sign, dark - warning of danger. Beautiful house or a castle is a good sign, predicts financial well-being and success in business. Trees symbolize a strong family and the birth of a child. Wild animals - news from afar. A horse or any kind of transport is travel. The bell is news of a wedding. Cradle - news of birth. A hand extended to a fortuneteller is a request for help. The heart is great love. Wheel - change. Pets are friends, new acquaintances. A dagger or a gun - a quarrel.

Fortune telling by onion, bread and wedding ring

At least two people must participate in this fortune telling. For fortune telling, three glasses are used: onions are placed in one glass, bread in the other, and wedding ring. Place the glasses on a tray and cover with a towel, so that the person being told the fortune cannot see which glass contains what. Then the one to whom the fortune is told asks: “What awaits me this year?” - and chooses one of the glasses. If the chosen glass contains onions, it means that the questioner will cry a lot this year; bread - success and financial well-being await him; wedding ring - marriage or marriage.

Fortune telling with thread and wedding ring

This method of fortune telling is used by unmarried girls. For fortune telling you will need a thread, a cut glass and a wedding ring. To start fortune telling, you need to hang the wedding ring on a thread and hold it so that it is in the glass, but does not touch it. Next you need to ask the question: “At what age will I get married? " After these words, the ring on the thread begins to swing and hit the walls of the glass. Count how many times it hits. It is at this age that you will get married.

➠ Before fortune telling, a wish is placed on the table white rose and place a bowl of clean water.

Fortune telling by book

This is a very simple way of fortune telling. Any book (except scientific) is suitable for him; it is best to take poetry. You should ask a question of interest and open any page at random, without looking, placing the index finger of your right hand on any of the lines of text. The content of the selected line will be the answer to the question.

Fortune telling by ring

For this fortune telling you will need a glass filled with any liquid and a ring previously rubbed with wax. Dip it into a glass and ask any question you have. If the ring sinks, then the answer is positive; if it does not sink, the answer is negative.

Fortune telling about your future husband

Put four card kings under your pillow, they say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about him in a dream.” If you dream about the king of spades, the husband will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts symbolizes the young and rich, the crosses symbolizes a military man or businessman, and the tambourine symbolizes the beloved.

Fortune telling for marriage

On Christmas night, go to the crossroads and, having thought about your future groom, draw a circle. Then, standing in it, listen carefully to what is happening around you. If you hear laughter and singing, it means that you will soon get married; if you hear crying, swearing, lamentations, it means that the year will be unsuccessful and marriage is not expected.

Fortune telling the gender of the unborn child

For this fortune telling you will need a ring or a needle. Then, slowly lower the object suspended by a hair or thread near the hand of the one you are telling fortunes about. If an object (ring or needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often, a boy); if it is pendulum-shaped, it will be a boy (less often, a girl); if the object does not move, there will be no children.

You can put a comb under the pillow, saying: “Mummer, comb my head.” The betrothed should appear in a dream and comb your hair.

➠ First, the ring must be lowered into a glass of water, and a needle must be pierced through the woolen fabric.

Fortune telling on small objects

In the evening, young men and women gather, take a tray, some pour a ring on it, some a cufflink, some an earring, some a button, a coin, or other small things. They cover the tray with a towel, sing a well-known melody over it, shake the tray under the towel several times, throw off the towel, and, without looking, everyone drags with their left hand one of the things lying on it.

The one who gets, for example, a coin will get rich, the one who gets the handkerchief will grieve in the new year, the one who gets the key will buy a new home, and the one who gets the ring must roll it along the floor, while observing which way it goes. it will roll: if it reaches the door, a wedding awaits it this year.

➠ The girls cut the threads to the same length and set them on fire. Whichever girl's thread burns out first, she will be the first to be married. If the thread goes out immediately and less than half is burned, the marriage will not take place soon.

Spoon fortune telling

Place in a tub of water wooden spoons according to the number of relatives, remembering which one belongs to whom. Then shake the water. In the morning, evaluate the result. If all the spoons are in a pile, then no one will leave the city for a year. If someone else is lying separately, it means that this particular family member will change his place of residence this year.

Fortune telling on an egg

For this fortune telling you will need a fresh egg. Make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. When the protein curls, you need to guess your future based on the shape it takes.

A church means a wedding, a ring means engagement, a ship means a business trip for a man or the return of a husband from a business trip for a woman. If the protein sinks to the bottom, you should be careful.

Fortune telling by candle

If the desire concerns the achievement of any goal, take a red candle for this fortune-telling. Yellow symbolizes warmth and spirituality. You can tell fortunes with a yellow candle for any positive desire. An orange candle should be used for fortune telling if you need to arouse someone's sympathy for you. Green- this is the color of life, therefore, if the desire concerns career growth or well-being, you should choose this particular color. Blue symbolizes calmness and tranquility. Having chosen a blue candle, feel free to make a wish for protection from troubles. A purple candle will help cope with ailments. The purple candle is used in fortune telling to solve the problem of excess weight and other health-related issues.

Further actions during fortune telling should be as follows:

— on a blank piece of paper, write your wish briefly and clearly (unambiguously);

- place a piece of paper on an empty table and place it on it new candlestick(you can use the old one, but if you want everything to go smoothly, you should buy a new one);

- place a small saucer with any food on the table vegetable oil, it is desirable that it be located at right hand;

— take the candle in one hand, lightly dip the fingers of the other in vegetable oil;

- use your imagination. When rubbing oil into a candle, you need to clearly imagine that the wish you have made is permeating it. The fingers should move from the middle to the top, then to the base;

- dip your fingers again and repeat;

- insert the candle into the candlestick and wipe your hand;

- light a candle and, concentrating your thoughts as much as possible on the wish you have made, look at the flame (not at the fire itself, but slightly above or to the sides);

- after a while, feeling tired, in last time concentrate and imagine what you lit the candle for;

- after mentally pronouncing the words written on paper, take out the note and burn it;

- blow out the candle, wrap it in clean paper and hide it until next time.

➠ Before starting fortune telling, the following words should be said: “A candle burning in the night, a magical flame! My energy went to fulfill a secret desire. Light in the darkness! Spirit of Fire! Show me your face! Turn the wheel of human destiny to happiness. Let the darkness disappear - vile enemy! One, two, three - so be it!

Fortune telling with a key

For this fortune telling, take any key, preferably an old one, place it with a beard between the sheets of a bound book, which you then tie tightly. The pinched key should be securely fixed between the pages of the fortune telling book. Next, use a ring or key bow to hang the book on a rope attached to the ceiling, and guess which of the girls present will get married this year. Then, one by one, name the names of the girls present. If the book has been hanging motionless until now, then at someone’s name it will turn over, which will serve as a sign that the girl whose name made the book move will get married this year.

Fortune telling by beans

For fortune telling you will need 41 beans.

Next, arrange them on the table into nine piles in three lines. At first, make just piles of 41 beans without counting, by eye. Next, count out 4 beans from the first, which you place aside as follows: from the first pile, set aside 4, 3, 2 and 1 bean, the last one will serve to form the first pile of the second row. Then take on the second pile of the three initial ones and treat it in the same way as with the first: attach the remainder to the second line to form a second pile in it. Thus, in the first row of fortune telling there should be three piles, each of which should contain no more than 4 beans. The second row of fortune telling is built from those piles where the beans were counted in groups of 4; all these beans should also be arranged into arbitrary three piles for fortune telling.

Next, you need to form a third row for fortune telling, only it is not counted, but is compiled by dividing the entire remainder of the first two lines into arbitrary last three piles. At the same time, you should repeat the words to yourself: “I wish, I hope, it will come true!”

In the first row of fortune telling, the middle of the three piles is symbolically called the head, the third pile - the hand, the middle one with the second - the heart. In the third, the third pile is a foot in the hike. These are the main piles, therefore, when making a guess, they choose the one that comes closest to the question. The head contains answers to questions about intelligence, abilities and character; the hand symbolizes estate, wealth, poverty; heart - sadness, joy, feelings, love; leg on a hike - travel, road, letters, departure.

As soon as the fortune telling question comes to one of the four piles, look how many beans are in it: if even number, it means that something unfavorable is coming, and if it’s odd, on the contrary, it’s favorable. You should also compare the number of beans with the first pile of the same line or row, where the answer to the question is visible, since an odd number in a pile is a symbol of prosperity, and an even number in the first pile of the same row means achieving the goal.

➠Before starting fortune telling with beans, you should hold them in your hands so that they are charged with the energy of the fortuneteller.

Fortune telling with a torch

If a person wants to find out how successful his affairs will be this year, then, taking a birch splinter in his hands for fortune-telling, he goes to a spring, river or well, wets this splinter and, returning home, lights it with fire. If the torch lights up quickly, then this is a sign financial well-being, if it burns with a bang and not particularly smoothly - minor financial difficulties.

Fortune telling on a headdress

People resort to this fortune-telling if they want to find out what will happen this year. They take three things for fortune telling: any part of the headdress, a piece of bread and a piece of wood. Place all three fortune-telling things in an empty, clean pot. Next, closing or blindfolding their eyes, they approach the pot and take the first thing they come across. If you get a headdress in your hand, this is a sign of marriage, a piece of bread is your former life in your parents’ house, and a piece of wood is a sign of trips and meetings.

Fortune telling with eggs

In Russian villages, they still use an ancient ritual that makes it possible to find out the sex of a child even before birth. A pregnant woman should take the egg out from under the hen, break it and see what gender the embryo is. The sex of the unborn chick is believed to match the sex of the unborn child.

Egg fortune telling is a method of prediction associated with recognizing silhouettes.

Pour into a glass warm water and dissolve the egg white in the water. If the protein sinks to the bottom of the glass, this portends trouble: fire, loss, deception, betrayal. It is believed that this sign portends loneliness for unmarried girls.

But usually the protein remains in the center of the glass and, having curled up, takes on the shape various figures, which are interpreted as follows:

- the church foretells a girl’s imminent wedding;

- a ship with sails symbolizes the imminent arrival of her husband for married woman, foretells marriage and departure to another country for a girl, and a long journey for a young man.

Thus, all the resulting images should be interpreted by association.

➠ For fortune telling with eggs, it is advisable to use eggs from domestic chickens, because store-bought eggs are unlikely to be suitable for this purpose.

Let's start with the fact that Christmas fortune-telling is a whole ritual, the purpose of which is to establish contact with otherworldly forces that can reveal a person's future. They are usually held on holy days, from Christmas to Epiphany, because it is believed that it is during this period that the souls of the dead roam and unclean forces become active. Our ancestors believed that during Christmas time it was easiest to look into the face of your future.

Various options for fortune telling during the Christmas holidays

How else did our grandmothers and great-grandmothers try to look into their future? They had many options:

  • With a mirror on the image of the groom - this type of fortune telling at Christmas has not lost its popularity for many centuries. The girl lights candles and sits between two mirrors to look at the multiple reflections. The most best time to see the image of the future groom in the reflections - it's midnight.
  • On the side of the place of residence in marriage - with the help of a felt boot: during this fortune-telling at Christmas, girls take turns throwing any shoes (shoe, boot, felt boot) onto the road. Her sock will precisely indicate the direction in which she is destined to get married.
  • On the floor of future children: take a needle and pass it through woolen fabric (this is what you need to take for fortune telling on Christmas night), or put the ring in a glass of water and take it in your hand. Then any of the objects is suspended on a thread and slowly lowered next to the hand. If the object moves in a circular motion, a girl will be born; if it swings like a pendulum, it will be a boy; if it does not move at all, then there will be no children.
  • On the order and speed of marriage: the essence of such fortune-telling at Christmas is that girls cut themselves a thread of the same length and then set it on fire. The first one to marry will be the one whose thread burns out faster. If it immediately goes out or does not burn out even half, there will be no marriage.
  • According to the rooster: take two plates - grain or coins are poured into one, water is poured into the second. A mirror is placed next to the plates and the rooster is released. If the rooster approaches the mirror, then the groom will be gentle and handsome. If he chooses grain (money), he is rich. Choosing water means a drunkard. At Christmas, rooster fortune telling is convenient because of the large number of results. Although sometimes they also take a chicken - if the rooster chooses it, then the betrothed will be a womanizer.
  • For quality of life with the groom: can be placed in any container various items, and the girls take turns choosing them blindly. The choice made during fortune telling at Christmas depends on future life: sugar - sweet, ash - bad, onion - for tears, ring - a girl will get married (gold - for a rich life), a glass - a cheerful life, and so on.
  • With matches: insert two matches into the sides of the box and light them. If fortune telling at Christmas needs to be simple, choose this: the whole point here is to make the heads of the burnt matches turn towards each other. If this happens, the “mysterious” couple will be together.
  • According to the shadows: take a blank sheet of paper, crumple it and set it on fire on a flat plate. The meaning of this fortune-telling for Christmas is that while the leaf is burning, the girl, with the help of a candle, examines the emerging shadows against a smooth background. By the images they create, you need to guess your future.
  • With a ring in the image of the groom: the girl puts the wedding ring in a glass of water and examines the image of her betrothed inside the ring. Such Christmas fortune-telling is necessarily accompanied by the saying: “My betrothed, mummer, appear, show yourself!”
  • For the age of the betrothed by the barking of a dog: the girls take turns listening to the barking of dogs. Basically, this is fortune telling New Year and Christmas, so they can be held on any night. A ringing bark promises a young groom, and a hoarse bark promises an old one.
  • On the cards: a girl chooses four kings from a deck and puts them under her pillow before going to bed, saying: “Who is my mummer, who is my betrothed, dream of him in my dreams.” If at Christmas you dream of the King of Diamonds according to fortune-telling, the suitors will be desirable, the one of the cross - a businessman or a military man will be wooing, the one of red - a rich and young groom, the one of spades - an old and jealous one.
  • For relatives: during the evening meal, as part of fortune telling on the night before Christmas, they go to look at the neighbors' windows. If the heads of people sitting at the table are visible, it means that all relatives will be alive. If the heads are not visible, trouble will happen to loved ones.
  • In the ring - he is thrown to the floor. If it rolls towards the door, then the girl will soon be married. If they tell fortunes to a man, then he is on a business trip. In another interpretation - leaving home.
  • By calling: at midnight they go out into the street and ask the first person they meet his name. The betrothed will be called by this name. The groom will be as rich and handsome as the passerby who was called out.
  • On the onion: the girls take each onion and mark them, and then plant them in the ground. Whose onion sprouts faster will be the first girl to get married.
  • On egg white: the contents of a fresh egg are poured through a small hole into a glass of water, and after the white has curled, they look at the shape and guess their future from it. At Christmas, fortune telling will show a man a business trip if a squirrel turns into a ship, and a woman - the return of her husband from a trip. The cube is a coffin, the ring means betrothal, and the view of the church means a wedding.
  • Eavesdropping - this fortune telling is done under neighbors' windows. If they vigorously sort things out, then the year will be “fun.” If the house is quiet, a harmonious year is expected.
  • With a cat: make a wish and call the cat to you. If an animal crosses the threshold with its right paw, the dream is not destined to come true, but with its left paw, it will come true.
  • Using a book: It is best to choose books with spiritual content. At Christmas, fortune telling from a book consists of taking an arbitrary page and line number from the bottom or top. Then the hidden place in the book is opened and read. The meaning of the text is interpreted in accordance with what is most exciting at the moment.
  • Fortune telling with logs: one approaches the woodpile with one's back and selects a log from it by touch. A smooth and even log without knots is a spouse with an ideal character. Heavy and thick - a wealthy husband. A log with branches - many children will be born. Krivoe is a lame and askew husband.
  • Dream fortune telling. This ritual is performed on the night from Monday to Tuesday. This is a very simple Christmas fortune-telling: they write the name of a young man on a piece of paper and kiss him with painted lips, then place it under the pillow on a small mirror with three bay leaves. On one they write “Misail”, on the second - “Azarius”, on the third - “Ananias”. Next, according to the rules of such fortune-telling at Christmas, they cast a spell: “From Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill, who dreams of me - let him come to me in a dream.” Another way is to place a spruce branch at the head of the bed at night. When completing such Christmas fortune-telling, they say: “I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, and I will dream about someone who thinks about me.” The one who comes in a dream loves.

On the night from Thursday to Friday at Christmas, fortune telling is different. When going to bed they say: “Thursday is with Wednesday, Tuesday is with Monday, Sunday is with Saturday. And Friday is alone, and I, young, alone. I’m lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: the first one sees, the second one will tell, and the third one will indicate fate.”

On Christmas Day, fortune telling for dreams is also carried out if they lie down in a new place. Before going to bed they say: “In a new place, the bride will dream of the groom.” In a dream they look at their betrothed.

  • Fortune telling by wax. The wax is melted in a mug. Then, according to the rules of Christmas fortune-telling, milk is poured into a saucer and placed on the threshold, saying: “Brownie, my master, come under the threshold, drink milk and eat wax.” At Christmas, fortune-telling continues by pouring melted wax into milk at the last words and carefully observing the solidified wax image. Seeing a cross means illness; if it appears, it means problems in financial matters. Seeing a flower during fortune telling on Christmas night means getting married (getting married) or meeting your loved one. The image of a beast means the appearance of an enemy. Wax spread in stripes - for crossings, roads. An asterisk means good luck in studies and in the service. A human figurine means finding a friend.

We wish you only good things to happen in the New Year! And always remember: Christmas fortune-telling is interesting and fun, but each person is the architect of his own happiness.

Probably, Christmas night is the time when we all subconsciously feel something magical in the air, we succumb to this charm, are charged with the magic of this moment. It is believed that on Christmas Eve, evil spirits, various spirits and ghosts who want to come into contact with us, enter our world. For this reason, it was at this time that our ancestors tried to look behind the dense veil of time, when all these spirits could help them during Christmas fortune-telling sessions. On Christmas Eve we want to lift the dark veil that hides our future, see secret signs, change our lives. The Christmas fortune telling presented here will help those who believe not only in our physical world, but also into hidden signals coming to our subconscious from the unknown, astral plane.

In this section you can get acquainted with various folk fortune-telling for Christmas, which have been used on our land for centuries. Most fortune telling can be used at any time, not just on Christmas Eve. But, as you know, they gain the greatest power precisely at Christmas, on the night of January 6-7. Christmas fortune telling is very popular among girls who want to find out their future in their personal lives. During fortune telling on Christmas Eve, many people see their future grooms, who are believed to be shown to them by the devil himself.

Remember to adhere to the following whenever possible necessary rules for fortune telling for Christmas:

1. The room where the prediction session takes place should be as quiet as possible. The slightest sounds, whispers and noise outside the window pose a serious problem, forcing you to focus more intensely on the question, all the time “tying up” a thin thread of contact. All this is not useful, since the magnetic substance does not tolerate ruptures and shocks.

2. During the entire fortune telling session, it is not recommended to cross your arms and legs. Otherwise, this will lead to “overlapping” of communication channels, which will cause their narrowing and subsequent difficulties in overcoming these “barriers.” It looks like a kinked hose with water flowing through it. It will either stop altogether or run in a thin stream.

Online fortune telling on Christmas Eve is also very popular. In addition to tea and coffee grounds, you can use the achievements of modern civilization. And our next Christmas fortune telling will help you with this.

A very popular fortune telling, it has special power at Christmas. Ask what awaits you in such and such a period of time and you will receive an answer in the form of matching pictures.

Clarifies the present. Three cards will show you the attitude of your loved one towards you.

The Chinese prediction system will give an accurate forecast on any of your questions.

Nativity of Christ Russian Orthodox Church always celebrates January 7th. Is it possible to conduct fortune telling on the night before Christmas, as well as on Christmastide, how does the Church relate to this issue and why.

January 7, 2018. Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays, with which a lot has long been associated folk traditions and beliefs. Thus, it is widely believed that on the night before Christmas, and then on Holy days, right up to the feast of Epiphany, one can tell fortunes. Some are sure that the Church even blesses fortune telling at this time. But that's not true.

Since pagan times, there has been a belief that on these days all the secrets of the future are revealed and can be known. But this has nothing to do with the real event of Christmas. Of course, on New Year's and Christmas days we all want a miracle. And it seems that if you only look beyond the real edge of existence, you will immediately learn something important about your life.

But it is no accident that Christians express their religious feeling with the word “faith” and not with the word “knowledge.” Faith is based on complete freedom in spiritual life with reliance on God's providence for every person. And fortune telling is a violation of such freedom, because those who want to look into the future try to “shake out” the necessary information, to make it a subject of knowledge, not faith.

The Church not only denies the practice of fortune telling, but also warns against it. After all, fortune tellers often resort to various spells, sometimes directly or allegorically turning to the enemy of God.

Is it possible to tell fortunes at Christmas and during the holidays and why?

Fortune telling is not at all harmless from a psychological point of view. After all, a person becomes somewhat dependent on what he sees in the coffee grounds, in the starry sky or on maps. The fortuneteller, as it were, imposes a program on the actions and deeds performed and subconsciously begins to strive for exactly what is “prescribed” for him - fortune-telling, predicted or dropped out. Thus, a person is deprived of freedom of action and room for maneuver. It is as if a person is not responsible for his actions, because they seem to be predetermined. However, this is a deception and an illusion - you will still have to answer, and this can lead to serious problems. If, trying to resolve them, a person again resorts to fortune-telling, then the knot of conventions and obligations is tightened ever tighter, and there is less and less inner freedom left. It's not far from a mental disorder.

Is it possible to tell fortunes at Christmas and during the holidays and why?

Therefore, the Church has always spoken out against this pagan tradition and never blesses fortune telling. After all, God breathes only where there is freedom. This was expressed in the fact that He was not born in the Roman imperial palace, not in the chambers of King Herod, and not even in the house of the Jewish High Priest. The Divine Infant was born in a cave where shepherds hid animals in bad weather. His Christmas was not accompanied by thunder and lightning, noisy feasts. God did not want to prove to anyone that the born Baby is the very Son of God, the Savior of the world, whom everyone is waiting for. He gave the human heart the freedom to choose whether to believe in Christmas or not.

And the one whose heart is open to the born Christ will not resort to fortune-telling, reducing his entire life to lines, spots and accidents.

Christmas night and Christmas time are the times when the universe is ready to reveal its secrets to you. You can’t guess after baptism, but before January 18 you can try to find out your fate.

For fortune telling to succeed...

People who have comprehended the secrets of fortune telling give some advice on how to tell fortunes for Christmas at home.

  • They tell fortunes on Christmas night (from January 6 to 7) and on Christmas Eve (until January 18).
  • The future will open up if you take fortune telling seriously. It is better to do magic alone, in peace and quiet. You can guess in a company if everyone is serious. In any case, lock yourself in a separate quiet room.
  • You should not cross your arms and legs - this will block information channels.
  • Girls unravel their hair and let their hair down.
  • Tune in to joyful, bright events. Consider all unfavorable forecasts as a warning. “Forewarned is forearmed” - now you can definitely cope with adversity.
  • At the end of the fortune telling, they thank higher powers for your help.
  • You definitely need to wash your face after casting a spell.

Fortune telling in company

Girls usually do fortune telling, but men can also try to look into the future.

On the cups

You will need:

  • 6 identical cups;
  • a piece of bread;
  • spoon of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • coin;
  • ring;
  • water;
  • towel.

One of the above items is placed in each cup, and water is poured into one. The fortune tellers take turns approaching the table and, without looking, choose a cup. To prevent prying, all cups are covered with a towel.

The result of fortune telling depends on the contents of the selected cup.

  • Water - everything will remain the same, without changes.
  • Sugar – a “sweet” carefree year.
  • Salt is for tears.
  • Bread - the year promises material well-being and prosperity.
  • Coin - for marriage with a rich man.
  • The ring is for the wedding.

On the bulbs

Simple and truthful fortune telling for Christmas at home, time-tested.

Girls choose an onion and mark theirs (you can tie a thread or stick a sticker with your name). The bulbs are placed in a bowl of water. You will have to wait until the onions sprout: the one who sprouts first will be the first of the fortune-tellers to get married (the second, third are also determined...). If the bulb does not sprout, the girl should not think about marriage yet.

Fortune telling by words

In these fortune telling words predict the future. Sometimes you have to rack your brains about what they mean - their meaning is not always clear. It is best to write down the text so that in a year you can check whether the prophecy has come true.

Fortune telling by book

Take a book and focus on what you want to know (what the coming year will be like, whether you will meet your love, how your career will turn out, etc.). Now guess the page and line number (top or bottom). Open the book and read the hidden line - it will be the answer to the cherished question.

Fortune telling on TV or radio

The principle of fortune telling is the same as in the book. Ask an exciting question and turn on the TV or radio. The first words heard will become the answer you are looking for.

Relationship fortune telling

This fortune telling is for those who have already met their soul mate and want to know what their relationship will be like in the new year. Suitable for singles and family people.

On pins and needles

They tell fortunes about a loved one or several close people (friends, parents, children) to find out which of them will be around next year.
It will take so many needles different sizes: how many close people are around. Will fit safety pins(tailor's, with a ring eye). Each needle corresponds to a certain person, one belongs to the fortuneteller. They can be marked in some way, for example, with a speck of nail polish, or remembered by their size. The needles are dipped in a cup of vegetable oil so that they are covered with a fatty film.

Carefully place the needles into a bowl of water, one at a time, and carefully shake the bowl. The result is interpreted by the arrangement of objects.

  • If the needle remains on the surface, this person will be nearby in the new year. If it sinks to the bottom, relations will go wrong next year and conflict is possible.
  • The tips are connected - to a strong union (including marriage).
  • Connect along the entire length - to cooperation and friendship.
  • If the needle floats far away, the connection with the person will weaken.
  • If the fortuneteller’s needle sinks to the bottom, it means that a new stage will begin in his life and a change in his usual environment will occur.
  • If all the needles sink, it means they have not been sufficiently oiled. You will have to repeat the entire procedure again.

On salt, sugar and ash

A pinch of salt, sugar and ash is thrown into a bowl of water at midnight. Then separately lower your hair and the hair of your loved one and carefully shake the bowl. The result is seen in the morning:

  • the hairs are united - the union will be strong and long-lasting;
  • apart - separation awaits the couple in the future;
  • the hair has drowned - adversity awaits its owner.

Fortune telling for the unborn child

On Christmas night you can tell your fortune about the gender of your unborn child.

On the ice

In the evening, water is poured into a glass and a ring is placed. Before going to bed, bring the container into the house - the water should freeze to the bottom - and look at the surface of the frozen water. Each hillock is a son, each hole is a daughter.

Around the ring

For an unmarried girl, the result is interpreted for the first child.
A thread from the fingers to the elbow is threaded into the wedding ring. Hold the thread with the ring over your palm: soon it will begin to move. If the movements are circular, the birth will be a girl, if the movements are pendulum-like, the birth will be a boy.

Fortune telling about your future husband

Simple fortune telling for Christmas at home will tell you the qualities of your future spouse.

On the logs

Fortune telling is suitable for those who have a woodpile at their disposal. You should go to the barn and take the first log you come across. The qualities of a future spouse are judged by appearance tree.

  • A flat log with smooth bark is a handsome, hard-working spouse.
  • Rough bark - the spouse will be distinguished not by beauty, but by hard work.
  • The thicker the log, the richer future husband, and vice versa.
  • A log with knots promises a friendly and large family.

On the bulbs

If a girl large selection for grooms, divination will help determine their betrothed. On Christmas night they take as many bulbs as there are guys in mind. Each onion corresponds to one of the fans (you can mark them with stickers or threads). Place everything together in a bowl of water. Now you need to wait for the first onion to sprout. The one whom it means is the betrothed.

On beans

Take 3 beans: unpeeled, peeled and half peeled. Each grain is wrapped in a separate bag - they should be identical in appearance. Place grains under the pillow. In the morning, immediately after waking up, without looking, they take out one bag.

What do beans mean:

  • purified promises a rich groom;
  • unrefined - poor;
  • semi-purified - the husband will have an average income.

Fortune telling in the snow

At midnight they go out into the street and fall into a snowdrift (first they undo their hair and all the tie belts and remove the pectoral cross). Then they get up and leave without looking back. The result is checked in the morning according to the state of the depression in the snow.

  • Soft smooth snow - the husband will be kind and flexible.
  • Rugged surface in rough stripes - the husband will have a tough, unyielding character.
  • The trail turned out to be very deep - to several marriages.
  • There is not the slightest trace left at the place of the fall - in the near future the girl will be alone.
  • There is a snowy hill at the site of the fall - caution should be exercised, as troubles and danger are expected next year.

Christmas fortune telling is an interesting pastime, but it should be remembered that a person’s fate is in his hands.

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