Smoke removal system for a gas boiler. Smoke removal systems. Vertical outlet through the roof

As often happens, having installed a heating boiler at home, we are only then concerned about the problem of removing combustion products. But this is far from it simple task, as it seems. Fortunately, modern technical means allow you to quickly solve this problem without much hassle and with minimal financial costs.

In addition, when burning, the boiler consumes a significant amount of oxygen. If oxygen is taken from the interior of the room, this can create drafts.

In addition to drafts, this solution to the problem as a whole significantly worsens the microclimate in the room and greatly reduces the temperature. After all cold air will be drawn into the room, and a significant amount of boiler energy will be spent on warming it up to room temperature. It also negates the use efficient systems protection from the cold.

It will be much more profitable to supply air from outside the room directly to the boiler without coming into contact with the air inside the room. are able to solve both the problem of smoke and the problem of supplying the boiler with oxygen.


Smoke removal using a coaxial system is the simplest and most inexpensive option, both for private homes and for small public and retail spaces. The system consists of two pipes: one of larger diameter, the other of smaller diameter, laid one inside the other.

Usually diameter big pipes is 100 mm, and the smaller one is 60. A diameter of 60 mm is quite sufficient for the operation of most small gas boilers. When using high-power boilers, a thicker pipe is required.

The inner pipe is used to remove combustion products outside interior spaces. Smoke, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, water vapor leave the room and go outside, using the traction force of the boiler itself.

The outer pipe serves to provide access to air from outside the room to support combustion. Actually, the air to power the boiler enters through the space between the inner and outer pipes.

The coaxial system is less fire hazardous, since the temperature of the outer pipe is low, and the likelihood of flammable objects and substances coming into contact with the inner smoke exhaust pipe is low. But the elements of this system are expensive, and if the length of the chimney is large, then it makes sense to use another - a separate smoke removal system.


In a separate smoke removal system, two pipes are used - one brings air into the boiler, and the other removes combustion products. This system is suitable for more powerful boilers that produce a fairly large amount of smoke.

In the case of separate smoke removal, there are no special restrictions on the type of boiler - both gas and non-gas boilers can be used. solid fuel, and on fuel oil.

This system is quite inexpensive to install. After all, the boiler is often located in a special room, where it is quite simple to provide oxygen supply.

Here it is more profitable to use two separate pipelines - for air supply and for smoke removal. In addition, conventional elements can be used to supply air ventilation systems, available at any hardware store.

Installation features

Both smoke removal systems are installed using standard components: using pipes and adapters. Branch pipes are straight sections of the system. They are connected to each other and attached to the walls of the building using special fasteners. Adapters are used to ensure connection of pipes in difficult areas.

But here, too, everything is not so simple. Adapters use different types: the first is used if the pipe is bent in horizontal plane, and the second type, if the bend is in the vertical plane. In addition, adapters are used to pass through combustible floors and some other areas.

The smoke exhaust system must be made collapsible, because during operation there is a need for periodic cleaning of soot.

It is worth noting that not all boilers are initially designed for the smoke removal system that you plan to use. Some of them will require special adapters that will allow you to switch from coaxial pipes to conventional ones, or vice versa.

Installation of a gas boiler is a complex process in which every stage, every component is important. Therefore, when a conversation arises about smoke removal from a gas boiler, it is necessary to understand that we are talking about the right approach to the selection and installation of a chimney. The quality of work and safety of operation of the heating equipment itself depends on this pipe.

What is a smoke removal system

If we talk specifically about gas boilers, then the smoke removal system is actually a pipe that is made of non-combustible materials. The cross-sectional shape can be round or rectangular. It is installed on a gas boiler, or rather, on its outlet pipe, which connects the chimney to the firebox where the fuel is burned. And they lead the other end out onto the street.

The main requirement for a smoke removal system for a boiler is complete tightness of the structure and as few deviations from the straightness of the circuit as possible. In this case, a calculation must be made for the cross-section of the pipe, which depends on the power of the gas equipment.

What is the best way to make a chimney for a gas boiler?

As mentioned above, the chimney must be made of non-combustible materials. Therefore, manufacturers offer enough wide range this product from different materials.

  1. Brick. It has great mechanical strength, the brick retains heat for a long time. Among the disadvantages: you can only collect rectangular shape, which is not ideal for gas flows. In addition, the surface of the chimney is porous and unsmooth, which affects the speed of movement of the exhaust gases. This means there is a decrease in traction. Here we must add the complexity of installation, large specific gravity and big problems with maintenance.
  2. Steel. This modular system smoke removal of gas boilers, that is, the chimney is assembled from several parts. Manufacturing material – acid-resistant stainless steel thickness 0.6-1 mm. This type has many advantages: low specific gravity, low price, ease of installation and maintenance, smooth internal surface, high corrosion resistance. The only negative is that such a smoke removal system must be insulated. This type may include corrugated pipes and sandwich modifications.
  3. Ceramic. In fact, this is a combination of several materials: the chimney itself, made of heat-resistant ceramics, insulation in the form of a mat made of non-combustible material and a protective channel made of cellular concrete. This option is not inferior to the metal one.
  4. Asbestos-cement. In principle, not bad cheap option, but it has two quite serious drawbacks: low mechanical strength and the inability to create outlet circuits.
  5. Polymer. They are most often used if it is necessary to remove flue gases at low temperatures. They are not used in other smoke removal systems.

To summarize, it can be noted that the best option today there is a stainless steel chimney and a ceramic model.

Coaxial and separate systems

All smoke exhaust systems are divided into two groups: with natural draft and forced. The first is when flue gases are discharged vertically installed chimney, and air enters the firebox of the gas boiler to burn fuel through the ash pan. This type of boiler is called an open-fired boiler.

There are boilers with a closed firebox, in which air enters the combustion chamber through the chimney itself. The latter is called coaxial. The second system is called separate. How are they different from each other?

Coaxial smoke removal system

A coaxial duct is two pipes inserted into each other. Flue gases are removed through the inner pipe, and air enters the firebox through the gap between the pipes. Ideal design with excellent characteristics. Today it is often used in private housing construction, where low-power boilers are installed.

The coaxial smoke exhaust system is fireproof because the flue gases do not heat the outer pipe. The latter is usually removed through the wall, near which the gas boiler is placed.

Separate smoke removal system

A separate smoke exhaust system consists of two separately located pipes. Flue gases are removed through one, and gases enter the firebox through the other. fresh air. That is, there are two pipes in the design of a gas boiler. This type of chimney pipe is most often used in high-power boilers, in which a large amount of fuel is burned, and this requires large diameter chimney.

It should be noted that for separate smoke removal systems you can use any ready-made chimneys made of different materials. The main requirement for them is no different from chimneys with natural draft. But conditions come first fire safety.

Installation of chimneys for atmospheric gas boilers

Atmospheric gas boilers belong to the category with an open firebox. Their distinctive feature is gas burner, in which air is mixed with gas and then ignites at the exit of the nozzle. Hence the high efficiency of fuel combustion.

As for the chimney, natural smoke removal with the installation of a pipe is most often used here round section. True, the location of the pipes may be different.

  1. Vertically up through the floors of the house.
  2. Horizontally across the room with access to the street, and then vertically beyond the roof of the building.

The chimney structure for atmospheric boilers is not cast in any way from conventional ones. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe. It should be bigger.

Fire safety requirements

Fire safety rules are the main requirement to which the selection and installation of a smoke exhaust system pipe is tied. What are these requirements?

  1. The smoke channel must ensure complete removal of flue gases.
  2. It must be resistant to high temperatures(+400C).
  3. The joints between the connected parts of the chimney must be sealed.
  4. A vertical chimney can have a deviation from the vertical of no more than 30°.
  5. You cannot install a pipe with a large number of turns. Their maximum number is 3.
  6. The chimney should not touch materials that could ignite due to the temperature of the flue gases.
  7. The pipe is led beyond the roof 0.5 m above the ridge (this is the minimum).
  8. If roofing material– this is a flammable coating, for example, bitumen shingles, then a spark arrestor is installed on the upper edge of the chimney.
  9. On the street and in unheated rooms, it is necessary to ensure insulation of the smoke removal system.
  10. The joints of two sections should not be located inside the floors of the house.
  11. Horizontal sections and turns cannot be built in the attic; revisions for cleaning cannot be made here.


Manufacturers of gas boilers in the instructions for use indicate exactly what cross-section of the chimney should be installed on the purchased unit. Therefore, in this regard, no calculations are needed. But if there is a need to carry out such calculations, then there are several relationships that are taken as a basis.

  1. For 1 kW of thermal energy you need at least 8 cm² of pipe section. In such a chimney, the speed of movement of flue gases should be 0.15-0.6 m/s.
  2. The ratio is 1:10, where the first indicator is the area of ​​the chimney, the second is the firebox.

How to check chimney draft

The draft in the chimney is the speed of movement of the flue gases. There is a special table where this indicator is shown depending on the temperature of the gases and the air temperature outside, because these two values ​​determine the natural removal of the gas mixture.

The table shows that the maximum thrust is 0.818 m/s. This means that instruments such as an anemometer cannot determine the amount of thrust. Because it has a limitation - 1 m/s.

The easiest option is to bring a flame of fire to the firebox door. This could be a lit match, a lighter, or a piece of paper. Flame deflection indicates the presence or absence of draft.

Errors are common. Unfortunately, craftsmen do not pay attention to details, and there are no such things in boiler room smoke removal systems. Here are just the most common mistakes, as well as recommendations from experts:

  • the parameters of the smoke exhaust pipe are incorrectly selected;
  • number of turns more than three;
  • there are long horizontal sections;
  • insulation has not been carried out in areas that run along the street or in unheated rooms;
  • the length of the chimney is significant, which creates reverse draft due to a strong gust of wind;
  • deviation of the upper part of the chimney from the vertical;
  • a large cross-section of the chimney pipe, due to which the flue gases quickly cool, hence the reduction in draft;
  • fan connection in gas boilers with forced smoke removal must be strictly carried out according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, taking into account the parameters of the system itself;
  • strictly adhere to fire safety requirements.

And one more question that worries the owners of private houses is how to properly remove the system outside the building. In principle, the answer to this question was given in the section on chimney installation. Of course, everything will depend on what design of pipe is used. If it is a coaxial chimney, then the installation is carried out horizontally, all others are vertical.

A separate smoke removal system provides for division into two separate channels - removal of flue gases and intake of combustion air. The system combines two types of elements - single-wall and double-wall insulated chimneys.


A separate smoke removal system is used to supply combustion air and remove flue gases from domestic gas boilers with closed camera combustion, where the flue gas temperature does not exceed
200 Co. The installation is allowed to have a vacuum or overpressure up to 200 Pa. Most popular area
applications - multi-apartment residential buildings with individual (apartment) heating.

Everyone in contact with flue gases System elements are made of high-quality, corrosion-resistant aluminum AW-6060 and AB-46100 by extrusion or casting, and are seamless. The system elements are manufactured in thicknesses of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mm, with a round cross-section. Diameter options: 60, 80 and 100 mm. WITH outside The chimney elements are painted white (9016 according to the RAL catalogue).

The insulated elements of the CONTI separate smoke exhaust system are covered with a layer of FONITECK insulation, 8 mm thick, based on melamine resin. The outer covering layer is made of aluminum and also painted white. Used in conditions low temperatures, at outdoor installation chimney and/or air duct. Insulated chimneys can be installed both inside and outside the building on an external wall.

Elements of a separate system can be used in conjunction with elements of a coaxial system. In-house and external production controls by an independent testing institute ensure that high product quality standards are always maintained.

When designing, local and federal regulations should be followed. building codes and rules, as well as rules for installing gas-using equipment.

The chimney must ensure complete removal of flue gases from the boiler to the atmosphere, and the air duct must provide the required volume of air for gas combustion. The air intake must be made directly from outside the building.

Calculation of the smoke removal system

The design of a separate smoke exhaust system should be determined taking into account local conditions, boiler characteristics and chimney geometry. The calculation comes down to checking the pressure and temperature conditions. The pressure condition is that the vacuum at the entrance to the chimney, in all weather conditions and in all operating modes of the boiler, must be sufficient to overcome the resistance of the boiler, the chimney and ensure the flow of air for combustion. Temperature condition limits minimum temperature inner surface chimney. It should not exceed 0OC. Failure to comply with this condition, during the period negative temperatures, will lead to freezing of condensate inside the chimney, narrowing of the working cross-section and possible emergency shutdown of the boiler. Confirmation that the minimum temperature of the internal surface of the chimney exceeds the dew point temperature of water vapor in the combustion products is not required, because All elements of CONTI chimneys are made of moisture-resistant materials that provide maximum resistance to corrosion.

Separate smoke removal schemes

Horizontal output via outer wall(smoke exhaust).

The chimney is discharged horizontally through the outer wall, without installing a chimney. The air duct is also routed horizontally through the outer wall. Standard kits can be used.

Vertical outlet through the roof.

The chimney is discharged vertically through the roof. When passing through the roof, a vertical terminal is installed. The air duct is routed horizontally through the outer wall.

Application: individual houses.

Vertickalth conclusion byonralreadyth wall.

The chimney is discharged vertically along the outer wall. In this case, to install the chimney, it is necessary to use insulated elements of a separate smoke removal system. The air duct is routed horizontally through the outer wall.

Application: individual houses.

POconnectionseto a collective chimney (with an individual air duct).

The chimney is connected to the collective chimney in the shaft. The air duct from each boiler is routed horizontally through the outer wall.

Connection to a collective chimney (with a collective air duct).

The chimney is connected to the collective chimney in the shaft. The air duct is connected to the collective ventilation duct.

Application: apartment buildings.

Multi-channel chimney (with individual air duct).

An individual chimney from each boiler is discharged vertically upward in a common shaft. The air duct from each boiler is routed horizontally through the outer wall.

Application: apartment buildings.

Multi-channel chimney (with collective air duct).

An individual chimney from each boiler is discharged vertically upward in a common shaft. The air duct is connected to the collective ventilation duct.

Application: apartment buildings.

Multi-channel chimney (with an air duct connected to the chimney shaft).

An individual chimney from each boiler is discharged vertically upward in a common shaft. The air duct is connected to the same shaft (air is taken from the free space in the shaft).

Application: apartment buildings.

Chimney (vertical section)

Chimney - vertical channel to create draft and remove flue gases from the boiler and chimney up into the atmosphere. The chimney must have a vertical direction and have no narrowings. It is prohibited to route the chimney through residential premises. The butt joints of chimneys should be located outside the ceiling structure at distances that ensure ease of installation, maintenance and repair. A condensate collector and a device for cleaning and inspection must be provided at the bottom of the chimney.

When installing chimneys in a shaft, the following minimum dimensions must be taken into account:

Minimum clearances to combustible materials

The minimum clearance to combustible materials for single-wall chimneys is 50 mm, for insulated ones - 0 mm.

Vertical chimney terminal

When installing the chimney vertically, above the roof, the following distances must be observed:

In all cases, the height of the chimney

above the adjacent part of the roof should be

not less than 0.5 m, and for houses with flat roof- not less than 2.0 m.

Smoke exhaust (horizontal section)

Chimney - a horizontal channel for removing flue gases from the boiler to the chimney or out through the wall of the building. Installing a chimney through the outer wall of the building, without using a vertical chimney, is possible only in individual houses.

When designing a chimney, try to minimize its length. It is advisable to use no more than 3 90° turns. If it is necessary to control flue gases and remove condensate in the chimney, appropriate elements are provided.

Horizontal flue terminal

When installing a horizontal terminal, the following distances must be observed:

Air duct

Air duct - a channel for supplying air to the boiler. The air duct is discharged into a shaft (vent duct) or through a wall. In the latter case, depending on the climate zone, it is possible to use CONTI insulated elements to avoid the formation of condensation on the outer surface of the air duct pipe during low temperatures.

Similar to the chimney, try to minimize its length. It is advisable to use no more than 3 90° turns. The end of the duct must be equipped with a tip to protect it from debris and birds.

Condensate drainage

During operation of the smoke removal system, condensation may form on the inner wall of the chimney. It is very important to avoid condensation getting into the work area boiler, because this in turn can lead to the destruction of its active elements. To drain condensate, it is necessary to install a condensate collector. It is permitted not to install a condensate collector in cases where it has been confirmed that the temperature of the inner surface of the chimney wall at the mouth will be higher than the “dew point” temperature.

Further drainage of condensate is allowed into the sewer system provided it is diluted
in a ratio of 1:25, if the total power of the boilers does not exceed 260 kW. In other cases, it must be neutralized before being discharged into the sewer.

General provisions

Before installation, make sure that the packaging is intact and that the O-rings are present. System elements must be stored in their original packaging and protected from dirt and moisture. Use tools suitable for working with aluminum. After installation, near the connection between the chimney and chimney, be sure to install a sign indicating the type of chimney system.

Connecting elements

The elements of a separate smoke exhaust system are connected into a socket using O-rings. In this case, the parts must be installed in such a way that the socket is oriented in the direction of the flow of combustion products. O-rings are inserted into a special groove in the socket immediately before installation. When joining elements, it is allowed to use silicone spray for better sliding.

  • Consistently lowering the assembled trunk into the channel, supplement it with pipes until it joins the tee.
  • Secure the barrel with clamps for fastening to the wall, installing them at intervals of 2-3 m.
  • Mount the shaft door in the shaft wall, at the location where the revision is installed.
  • Install a tip at the mouth of the chimney.
  • Installation of the chimney and air duct should begin with the boiler adapter. Adapters come in two types: single block and double block. Single-block ones are mounted directly on the coaxial pipe of the boiler. When installing two-block adapters, an additional boiler hole for the air duct is used.

    Next, depending on the installation geometry, install pipes and elbows sequentially required sizes. If necessary, install a flue gas control element and a condensate trap. These two elements are usually installed closer to the boiler smoke pipe.

    Changing the length of straight elements (pipes)

    Straight elements (pipes) of the CONTI separate smoke exhaust system can have a length of 6000, 2000, 1000, 500 and 250 mm. During installation, if necessary, the length of the pipe can be changed. To do this, using a bench tool, cut off the unnecessary part strictly from the side of the smooth insert, i.e. the bell must remain untouched.

    It is necessary to cut off the socket only at the end element of the chimney and air duct, when installing the tips.

    Attention! It is prohibited to shorten the insulated elements of the separate CONTI system.

    Final instructions

    The CONTI separate smoke exhaust system has been designed and tested to meet the requirements for gas tightness, corrosion resistance and ease of handling. Can only be used for installation original elements CONTI, taking into account the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. System elements must be protected from sparks, contamination and contact with lower quality materials.

    Coaxial chimneys for wall-mounted gas boilers have recently been widely used for modern heating equipment. This great solution for a private house in the absence of a chimney pipe, as well as for apartment buildings having a common riser for smoke removal.

    Simplicity of design and aesthetic appearance do coaxial chimney indispensable for proper operation gas wall-mounted double-circuit or single-circuit boiler. Let us take a detailed look at its features, operating principles, requirements for installation and installation of this structure.

    Coaxial chimney for a gas boiler: what is it and where is it used

    Coaxial chimney is used for heating with forced draft. The boiler itself must be turbocharged, i.e. have a built-in fan to exhaust combustion products. The very concept of “coaxial” means coaxial, i.e. chimney "pipe in pipe". Through the outer pipe there is an influx of air into the boiler, and through the inner pipe the exhaust gases are exhausted into the atmosphere.

    The diameter of these chimneys is usually 60/100. His inner tube is 60 mm, and the outer one is 100 mm. For condensing boilers, chimney diameter: 80/125 mm. The material used is steel coated with heat-resistant enamel. white. We look at the standard equipment according to the photo diagram.

    There is also such a thing as an insulated coaxial chimney. This is the same coaxial chimney, only outer pipe It is made not of metal, but of plastic. Or the second option: when the inner pipe is slightly longer than the outer one. This was done specifically to prevent condensation from forming on the outer pipe. This type of chimney costs a little more, but not much.

    A coaxial chimney can be composed of several elements:

    — coaxial pipes (extensions) of different lengths from 0.25 m to 2 meters;

    — coaxial elbow (angle) at 90 or 45 degrees;

    — coaxial tee;

    - the tip of a pipe, sometimes an umbrella;

    - clamps and gaskets.

    Manufacturers of coaxial chimneys for gas boilers

    When purchasing a wall-mounted gas boiler, you will be offered to immediately buy a coaxial pipe for it. In a normal, standard situation, a coaxial kit for a horizontal smoke exhaust system is sold, which includes: a 90-degree elbow, a 750 mm extension with an outdoor tip, a crimp clamp, gaskets and decorative inserts.

    If your case is slightly different, then all other parts and elements can be purchased separately. These elements are universal for almost any manufacturer of wall-mounted gas boilers.

    The exception is the first element, this is either the first elbow or the first pipe from the boiler. The fact is that each boiler manufacturer has its own seating characteristics. This applies to branded (native) coaxial chimneys.

    But there are times when pipes for a certain brand of boiler are not available or they are very expensive. For example, a branded coaxial kit for a German boiler costs about 70 euros. In such cases, you can consider purchasing its analogue.

    Analogues of coaxial chimney manufacturers

    These kits have universal seats, and the holes for attaching the starting elbow (outlet) coincide with most manufacturers of gas boilers presented on the Russian market.

    Coaxial chimney "Royal Thermo"

    Coaxial chimneys from " Royal Thermo» suitable for , Vaillant or Navien. When purchasing Royal pipes, look carefully at the packaging; on the end of it, each brand of boiler has its own article number: “Bx” - Baxi, “V” - Vaillant, “N” - Navien.

    Another manufacturer on the market of coaxial pipes and elements for them is the company “ Grosseto».
    Their chimneys are universal and suitable for boilers of the Ariston, Vaillant, Wolf, Baxi, Ferroli brands, as well as Korean and Korea Star.

    The main advantage of universal analogues of coaxial chimneys is their low price. It differs from branded kits by two or even three times.

    Installation and requirements for installation of a coaxial (coaxial) chimney

    The coaxial chimney can be installed in three options:

    — horizontally with access to the street;

    — horizontally with outlet to the shaft (apartment heating);

    - vertically with outlet to an existing chimney.

    The most common withdrawal method coaxial chimney There is an option - horizontally with access to the street.

    Coaxial chimney into the wall

    From the diagram above we see:

    1 — coaxial pipe with tip;

    2 — coaxial elbow;

    4 - coaxial pipe (extension);

    For correct installation coaxial chimney there are a number of requirements

    1. The total length of the chimney should be no more than 4 meters.

    2. Only two turns are allowed, no more than two knees.

    3. Minimum distance from the pipe to the section of the ceiling and walls made of non-combustible material should be 0.5 meters.

    4. The horizontal section of the pipe should be made with a slight downward slope towards the street.

    These must be done so that the resulting condensate does not flow into the boiler, but goes outside.

    Separate chimney systems for gas boilers

    Another popular method of removing combustion products from turbocharged gas wall-mounted boilers is a separate smoke removal system. What is this?

    There are times when, for one reason or another, it is impossible to remove a coaxial chimney. For this purpose, a system was developed consisting of two separate pipes: one for the release of gases, the other for sucking air into the boiler. Let's look at the installation diagram.

    Separate chimney for boiler

    As a rule, the diameter of such pipes is 80 mm. Material: steel. In some cases, the air suction pipe is replaced with a flexible aluminum corrugation, which stretches up to 3 meters.

    In order to install a separate chimney on a gas boiler, you need to buy a special adapter - a channel separator. It is installed on top of a mounted boiler and converts the “pipe-in-pipe” outlet into a separate one, onto which the pipes are then mounted.

    Some manufacturers, for example, the same Navien, took care of consumers in advance and produce wall-mounted gas boilers with already installed system for separate pipes. This is a purely Korean version of boilers, designated under the article “K”. A boiler with such a system will be called “Navien Deluxe-24 K”, where 24 is its power in kW.

    Installation of a boiler with a separate chimney system

    Pipes can be laid out in 3 options:

    - both pipes into one wall;

    - both pipes in different walls;

    - one pipe into the wall, the second into the existing chimney.

    Which smoke removal method is right for your home is up to you to decide. design organization. According to technical specifications, they make up individual project for every home.

    It specifies the design of the gas boiler (floor-mounted, wall-mounted), its maximum power, as well as which pipes should be installed: separate ones or whether it is necessary to buy a coaxial chimney for a gas boiler.

    The only thing they do not have the right to decide for you is the brand of the boiler. No one can force you to buy a model from a specific manufacturer. Here the choice is only yours. Let's watch the video.

    It occupies a central place and can rightfully be considered the heart of the heating system. Modern boilers, besides purely professional qualities, also have ergonomic design, which is certainly pleasant for every owner.

    Boilers can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. Floor standing boilers, as the name suggests, are installed on the floor and are most often connected to a high-performance tank for the preparation of domestic hot water. Wall boilers ideal for heating an apartment or residential building and preparing hot sanitary water. The wall-mounted boiler meets all current requirements for a minimum of space required. Compared to a floor-mounted, wall-mounted boiler, it is smaller in size and does not occupy a large area, as it is installed on the wall. It can be easily installed in the kitchen, bathroom or attic.

    Let's focus on the wall-mounted boiler and look at it in more detail.

    A boiler is a heat generator, in which the energy from fuel combustion is transferred to a coolant, which is most often water, using a heat exchanger.

    Features of wall-mounted boilers

    Wall-mounted boilers are single- and double-circuit. Single-circuit boilers provide only room heating.

    Double-circuit - they simultaneously heat the room and provide hot water supply. The advantage of double-circuit boilers over single-circuit boilers seems obvious, because when you buy one boiler, you solve two problems at once. But there are individual cases, for example, in a private house there may be central water supply and there will be no heating. Then single-circuit boilers come to the rescue.

    In wall-mounted boilers, the principle of heating water is flow-through. Coolant - water is not heated in some container, but is heated in a “flow mode”.

    Wall-mounted boilers with open and closed combustion chamber

    Wall-mounted boilers are also divided into boilers with an open and closed combustion chamber.

    In boilers with an open combustion chamber (with natural draft), combustion air is taken directly from the room in which the boiler is located, and exhaust gases are discharged into a chimney, which must be provided in the room. When there is no chimney or the boiler is installed in an apartment where a chimney is not designed in principle, boilers with a closed combustion chamber come to the rescue. In this case, the boiler is equipped with a special smoke removal system. The fact is that the design of such a boiler includes a smoke exhauster, which forcibly removes combustion products from the firebox, and accordingly, it does not need a chimney with natural draft.

    The advantage of such boilers is that they do not burn oxygen in the room and do not require additional air flow to support the combustion process. This boiler room layout: a wall-mounted gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber with a coaxial chimney is most often used when organizing apartment heating. The convenience lies in the fact that the owner himself can regulate the intensity of the heating and water supply. And you also don’t need to pay for neighbors if the house has a common boiler room, and the fee is charged without heat meters, apartment by apartment. The result is savings from installing a short and inexpensive coaxial chimney instead of a traditional, more expensive one.

    It often happens that the owner does not want to put the chimney on the roof of the cottage for aesthetic reasons, or for fear that the roof slope may become covered with icicles and the chimney will simply break. In such cases, a vertical coaxial chimney also helps out.

    Possibilities of wall-mounted boilers

    Gas wall-mounted boilers are designed for heating private houses or apartments, as well as for cooking hot water. As a rule, they have compact sizes, while successfully combining many useful properties. Manufacturers take into account that the boiler will be visible all the time, and therefore wall-mounted boilers have an exquisite design.

    The operation of the boiler is controlled by automation, which, depending on the degree of automation, will itself maintain the set temperature regime in the house. For example, you can control the operation of the boiler yourself by setting the desired temperature for a given time (timer) and in the desired room (for example, at night the temperature is +20, and during the day +22). The heating system may include a “warm floor”, the temperature of which can also be controlled using a boiler. The gas boiler automatically turns off when there is no gas and automatically turns on when the gas is turned on, that is, it has an automatic ignition unit. The boiler automation controls the presence of flame, draft in the chimney, and heating of the coolant.

    Selecting a wall-mounted boiler

    First you need to decide which boiler you need: single- or double-circuit.

    The heat loss of 1 m² of house area can be averaged as 100 W. But this is provided that your home is not adjacent to unheated premises. At the same time, the ceilings should be 3 m and not very many windows. If you want to heat corner room, or a room with two or more windows, then heating 1 m² will require about 150 W.

    A more detailed calculation can be obtained from manager-consultants who will select equipment based on the parameters of your house or apartment.

    Let's assume that you have already tentatively decided or have been helped to determine the required power for heating needs.

    The next issue that you have to decide is the boiler’s performance for hot water supply. And here the approximate mathematics is also very simple. Approximately 400 l/hour flows from one tap. IN technical specifications boiler productivity is usually given per minute, i.e., in l/min. So, if one hot water supply point is enough for you, then you need a boiler with a capacity of 400 l/hour: 60 = 6.6 l/min.

    If, having assessed your needs, you need at least two hot water supply points, then the boiler that would suit you should have a capacity of at least 13.2 l/min. So, we seem to have sorted out the expense. However, this is not entirely true.

    It's a matter of water temperature. After all, we wash our hands, dishes, take a shower, as a rule, we don’t hot water, but warm. More precisely, the comfortable temperature of “warm” water is approximately 40 C°. Returning to the characteristics of boilers, in which, in addition to the DHW temperature range, for example, 30−50 C° ±3 C°, a parameter such as flow rate at Δt 25 is given; 30; 35. What kind of Δ is this? It's very simple: this is the difference between the temperature of the cold water entering the boiler and the hot water heated by the boiler. Let's assume that the temperature cold water 10 C°. To get the desired output of 40 C° (or a little less - a matter of taste), we need to heat the water by 30 C°. Accordingly, we are interested constant flow water at Δt 30 C°, which, for example, is equal to 13.2 l/min. So, this boiler is guaranteed to provide two water supply points in any mode of use.

    Thus, we choose a boiler based on DHW performance and, returning to the “power” column, we are very surprised to see 27.5 kW.

    “Where is such a powerful one for a house of 150 m²? This is a mistake! - you say to the seller. No, not a mistake. Indeed, the increased power of a wall-mounted appliance is usually determined by your appetite for preparing hot water.

    An important selection criterion is whether the combustion chamber is open or closed. If you are going to place the boiler in a separate house, then a boiler with an open combustion chamber would be preferable. If a wall-mounted boiler is intended to be installed in an apartment or in a house where there is no chimney, you should choose a boiler with a closed combustion chamber.

    Modern wall-mounted gas boilers have a whole range of advantages. Firstly, they remain operational (they do not block or turn off) over a fairly wide range of gas pressure. This property is simply vital when using boilers in Russia, because In our country there is a problem of constant pressure drop in the main gas. Good wall-mounted boilers ignite reliably and operate even at a gas pressure of 2 mBar. Of course, the power at this pressure is reduced by almost 6 times, but it works stably. At the same time, they retain at least 90% of the power at a gas pressure of 13 mBar.

    Secondly, almost all boilers have a burner power control system that allows you to smoothly change the burner power in the range of 37-100% depending on demand and thereby reduce the likelihood of scale formation in the heat exchanger, increasing the comfort of use.

    Thirdly, they are equipped with all the necessary degrees of protection, ensuring high level safety of these boilers. Electrolux wall-mounted boilers have two levels of protection against scale formation. On the one hand, this is a temperature control system in the primary circuit, which allows you to respond almost instantly to a critical increase in temperature in the heat exchanger, which significantly reduces the likelihood of scale formation. On the other hand, it also has a magnetic system for reducing scale formation, based on the fact that under the influence magnetic field the salts are separated and aligned in such a way that they do not precipitate when heated. If this does not happen and scale settles on the heat exchanger, it burns out and the boiler becomes faulty.

    RUSKLIMAT presents a wide range of reliable, durable and economical wall-mounted gas boilers, and also offers its services for the selection, installation and maintenance of equipment.
    Based on your needs, our specialists will individually select the equipment that is most suitable for you.