How many wishes can you make for the New Year? How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true. Is it so easy to make a wish and have it come true?

The ashes of a treasured piece of paper in a glass of champagne, 12 white grapes swallowed while the clock strikes, a coin under the tablecloth as a symbol of wealth, or new red underwear as a guarantee of hot sex - you may have already done all this, more than once. If it seems to you that traditional signs do not work, it is better to choose a time and perform your own ritual... not forgetting the rules of Feng Shui and the advice of psychologists.

1. In a couple of days: free up space

Why do some dreams come true and others don't? Maybe there is simply not enough room for them in your life? It’s better to start preparing New Year’s wishes by saying goodbye to the past. Moreover, you need to part with him both in word and in deed.

It’s not enough to simply brush off the dust and remove from the surface everything that is out of place. As you walk through the house, carefully look around to notice and throw away everything that is broken, old and unnecessary without regret. Look into your closets and get rid of at least those items or pairs of shoes that you have never worn in the previous 12 months. In general, all items from the “what if you need it” category are solid candidates for discarding. The Chinese or Feng Shui experts would say that such things accumulate stagnant, blocking energy. New Year's Eve is based on approximately the same logic. Italian tradition: On December 31, not only clothes fly from windows and balconies, but sometimes even old furniture. The meaning of “sorting out the rubble” is to clear the space around of what is pulling into the past and make room for something new in your own life.

Think about what some of the things that you are getting rid of may be associated with for you: old misconceptions, old habits, empty affairs, outdated connections, wrong relationships - everything that you want to leave in the past. If you are outside the city or have a fireplace in the house, it is good to throw several of the most “charged” symbolic objects into the fire: for example, a crumpled cigarette pack, a receipt from an unnecessary purchase, a note from an unpleasant person...

Don't forget to clean your desktop, remove all junk from your mail, update your diaries and notebooks.

In the days remaining until the New Year, try to complete at least one (even small) task, fulfill a promise to someone, or repay a debt. Listen to yourself and notice how a new feeling of lightness grows inside.

2. The day before: set a vector of desires

It is customary to thank the passing year by remembering all the good things. This ritual has an important psychological meaning. Over the past 12 months, you have changed, and your desires have changed with you (even if it is not obvious at first glance). By analyzing your feelings and assessing events, you can form a vector of movement for the better. To do this, you can use NLP techniques. Take 2 sheets of paper and a pen, find a few free minutes and try to honestly answer the following questions.


Remember: what events happened in your life over the past year?

Which ones were the most joyful - and why?

Which ones are the most unpleasant and why?

Write down the three most important themes that have defined the past year.

Which of the following do you NOT want to face in the new year?

What have you achieved that you are most proud of?

What do you think others underestimated?

What is your biggest regret that happened this year?

What did you wish for that did not come true?

How do you feel about the general mood of the past year? Notice both positive and negative emotions.


Looking back, what did you miss most in the past year? (For example: time, cash, support, determination, etc.)

If something happened again, what would you do differently?

What has this year taught you, what lessons will you remember?

Name at least three things for which you are grateful to other people, the Universe, and life itself.

Name at least three things you are grateful to yourself for.

Save the piece of paper with the second list (“Conclusions”), and burn the first, still listening carefully to the feeling of lightness that continues to grow inside. By celebrating positive changes, you start the movement of time.

3. Night of December 31st: “charge” your dream

If the previous stages of work have been completed correctly, you are ready to name your desires. It is important to formulate them specifically, with details and your own feelings: imagine exactly what you feel when they become a reality.

Pay attention to what or who your desire is directed at: you personally; on your relationships with people; globally on your role in this life or place in the Universe.

Try to place the main emphasis not on external circumstances (for example, “I want to meet ideal man""), but on my own role and quality in this situation (“I want to be a happy, loved and loving woman”).

Eliminate any negations and the particle “not”: for example, instead of “I want to lose 10 kg” it is better to say “It’s easy for me, I’m in optimal weight and in excellent shape"; instead of “I don’t need anything” - “I always have enough money for what is important to me.”

Our words have powerful energy: if the desire is correctly formulated and written down, it becomes a goal, and the Universe immediately begins to implement it. Place the piece of paper with your wishes in an envelope and hide it in a secluded place. If in the process of work your imagination has created some kind of symbolic image, try to draw it - carefully, in colors, with love. Roll this piece of paper into a roll, tie it with a ribbon and hang it on christmas tree: After the holidays it will also need to be removed in order to be deployed next December.

Finally, to consolidate the result, on the first day (or even the first night) of the new year, you can perform the “Ritual of Eight Oranges.” It is believed that these solar fruits embody the energy of prosperity and joy of life, and the number “8” symbolizes prosperity according to Feng Shui. When entering the house, throw them onto the floor over the threshold so that they roll throughout all rooms except the bathroom and toilet. As you roll the oranges, sincerely and out loud wish yourself all the very best - happiness, love, success, wealth, health, etc. During the first week of the New Year, give these fruits to your guests or neighbors. But most importantly, catch the feeling of the holiday and carry it into the future: your dreams are already beginning to come true!

How to make a wish on New Year to make it come true

People have been making wishes for a long time. A special place Such rituals include making a wish on New Year's Eve. Apparently, the enormous power of universal joy and fun helps to convey desires to places where something will influence their fulfillment.

Perhaps one of the most famous, however effective ways riddles is like this. You need to write a wish on a piece of paper and read it as the chimes strike, burn it, shake the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it.

The problem is that in those very last minutes it is very difficult to gather your thoughts amidst the general noise, jokes and laughter. Maybe, if you really want it, you’ll still be able to make the desired wish, that’s why it’s cherished. Moreover, rumor claims that the method works.

They also make a wish on the New Year tree. In addition to the beautiful Christmas tree, you will need a bouquet of flowers, ideally donated by someone. Carefully sorting through the petals, they think about their cherished desires. Exactly one hour before midnight, you need to pick exactly three petals, whisper a wish, throw them into a glass and hide them under the tree. When the clock strikes, they take out a glass and drink together with everyone.

You can make a wish on a sparkler or candle. Yellow Dog she will like candles and lights on New Year's Eve, so you can count on her patronage. A wish should be whispered over the fire.

How to make a wish for the New Year 2018 so that it comes true

The most important thing for a wish to come true is to formulate it correctly. There should be no negativity in it, no particles of “not”, only positivity. The desire should sound without the words “I want”, because it has already come true: you already want a car or get married.

It is very important to express your dream correctly. Here's a dream come true: big bright apartment, but together with mother-in-law or other relatives.

The dream must be real. Having an average income, you should not dream of becoming a millionaire, because this is unlikely to come true. It is more realistic to wish for a promotion at work, which will lead to improved well-being. But, in this case, you need to try to fulfill your desire. Because in many ways its implementation depends on the person himself and it is before New Year's Eve will help bring order to your thoughts and desires. And if some wish is not fulfilled, then there is a reason for it: fate has prepared something else, even better. It is only important to consider your chance in time and do the right thing.

Hello dear readers. We are all waiting for the onset of December, when we can already start planning the New Year celebrations. Both adults and children rejoice at this holiday, because this is the only night of the year when you can safely make wishes, and they will definitely come true. During this magical time, everyone wants their dream to come true, but not everyone knows how to make a wish correctly. In general, this is a whole New Year’s ritual that must be carried out according to certain rules. Of course, you can also make a wish mentally, but it is unlikely that such a wish will come true in the near future. We must respectfully turn to the approaching year, or rather to its symbol, so that it will contribute to the fulfillment of the desire we have made.

So it's time to get to know practical advice, which will outline the specific sequence of actions necessary to carry out the correct ritual.

We need a 100% guarantee that our wishes will come true, right? And such a guarantee can be given to us by carrying out certain New Year rituals, which we will talk about very soon.

How to make a wish for the New Year. 17 ways to make it come true

The practical part of the ritual will not cause you any difficulties at all. But if not everything, then a lot depends on the correct formulation of your cherished desire.

It happens that not only does a wish not come true, but also any opportunity for its fulfillment disappears. It is worth remembering exactly how the sentence was constructed, because often on a subconscious level we construct it with a certain degree of denial of the desire itself.

Many people underestimate New Year's Eve, because they believe that you can make a wish on any day, and you shouldn't wait for the right time. Others don’t even believe in realizing their dreams on their own, but that’s a completely different question.

We know that a wish can come true if we approach this issue correctly. Wishes made on New Year's Day have special power, especially when they are supported by certain actions.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that the desire is formulated correctly, because the success of its implementation depends on this.

Follow these rules:

Rule #1

✔ It is necessary to formulate a desire in the present tense , because quite often we build our desires in the past tense: “I want my loved ones to be healthy.”

That is, in our desire the future collides with the past, and this is not entirely correct. The universe regards this as something that already existed once: “your loved ones were healthy.” Therefore, it is better to build a sentence in this way: “my loved ones are healthy, and every day they feel better.” Essentially, you don't stay in the past, but you don't run into the future either.

Rule #2

✔ Try to avoid any denial of your desires , because they can be taken literally.

We are used to saying what we don’t want, for example: “I don’t want to lose my position.” The particle “not” gives our desire a negative connotation, which is why the result is that the person actually loses his job. It’s better to say, “I want to stay in my position,” so your energy is directed towards exactly what you really want. Desire with denial speaks of the fear that oppresses a person, and fears, as we know, come true.

Rule #3

It is advisable to make a positive message after each wish you make., which would indicate that you really need what you wished for.

In addition, you need to emphasize that making your desire come true is very simple, and it is done with great pleasure. For example: “this will benefit my family” or “all this can be done very easily.”

Rule #4

✔ Do not use the words “should” or “must”.

Just as you don’t owe anything to anyone, neither do you, so you need to replace them with words with more positive attitude. Also, you should not promise something, because promises are not always fulfilled by people either.

Rule #5

✔ Desires should not carry any negative energy , because they can even harm you.

Often people use wishes for another person as a wish, and sometimes they are not of the most positive content. Remember that the Universe does not tolerate negative wishes, because everything you wish for can easily return to you, but in a completely different size.

Rule #6

✔ Give thanks for what you already have.

Many people only know how to ask for help, but will never be grateful for it. Know how to appreciate what life has given you, otherwise you simply will not be able to appreciate the fulfillment of your cherished desire given by the Universe. You shouldn’t ask for everything at once, but don’t be afraid to ask for what you really deserve.

Rule No. 7

✔ The words “at least” should not be used.

Ask for what you think is necessary, because such words only diminish your dream, without making its implementation complete. The universe will listen and fulfill your every desire if you ask for it correctly.

Rule #8

Try to clearly imagine how your wish will come true, and how you feel about it.

Avoid any abstract expressions that could be interpreted ambiguously. The saying should be simple and understandable, which will help you avoid the fulfillment of “not your” desires.

Rule #9

✔ Believe in the implementation of your plans , soak up its energy.

The right attitude and faith play an important role in the process of making your desire come true. After all, if you don’t believe in your dream, then maybe you don’t really want it to come true.

Therefore, it is so important to choose exactly the desire that you really need to come true.

New Year's wish - TOP 8 ways to make and fulfill your plans

You already know how to formulate your request correctly, and now it’s time to move on to the practical part, which, in fact, will bring you closer to your dream. There are a sufficient number of methods from which you can choose the one that you like best. The main thing here is that a person has the desire to fulfill his desire.

This method can probably already be considered a classic, because such a ritual has been carried out every year for many years. In general, one can guess that if this method has gained such popularity, then it has helped to fulfill more than one desire.

You need to prepare in advance small pieces of paper on which you will write your wishes. And you should start writing them at the last minute of the old year.

Please note that you need to think through the formulation of your desires in advance in order not to get confused at the right moment, because you will not have as much time as it seems.

The paper with what is written should be burned as quickly as possible, and the remaining ashes should be thrown into a glass of champagne. The contents of the glass must be drunk before the clock strikes midnight and the New Year begins. Here it is important to drink all the liquid along with the ashes, leaving nothing in the glass.

But don’t forget to congratulate your loved ones on the coming of another year, for which everyone has high hopes. In general, the most important part lies in formulating your dream, and everything else can be done in one minute.

2. Dish as a symbol of dreams

As always, at the first stage you need to correctly formulate your desire, based on the rules that we have already familiarized with. In addition, you need to clearly decide for yourself that this desire is the most important and you really need its implementation.

Now try to describe your dream in three words. If you dream of a new apartment, then decide what it represents. Usually a new apartment is the beginning of something new - family, security and comfort.

Well, if your desire is to create your own family - this is love, motherhood and devotion. In general, you must clearly decide what this or that desire means to you.

Well, now you need to choose the symbol of your dreams, which you can reflect in the form of a delicious New Year's dish. Do you want to visit a specific country? Bake a cake in the shape of its symbol or buy a drink from the same country at the store. Well, if your dream is some material thing, then just try to give the dish its shape.

Make a wish and feel free to start eating the dish that symbolizes it. In addition, you and your guests will be faced with the task of eating a dish or drinking a drink completely, because this is the only way your wish will come true next year.

3. Making a wish while jumping from a chair

The time of the New Year is magical, so you need to try to seize this moment and ask the symbol of the next year for help.

And to do this, you just need to stand on a chair and make your wish. Just like in childhood, when you had to sit on a chair and recite a memorized New Year’s verse in front of the whole family.

Standing on a chair, you need to imagine as clearly as possible the moment when your wish will come true. Imagine yourself in the environment where you want to be and the emotions you want to feel.

Why exactly do you need to stand on a chair? The fact is that in the last seconds of the old year you will need to have time to jump out of your chair. Thus, it is as if you are moving not only into the new year, but also into new life, where your wishes have already come true.

4. Letter to Santa Claus

Do not think that only children can write such letters. Of course, we all understand that such messages will not reach the recipient, but you will not do this for him at all, right?

Writing a letter here is regarded more as a ritual that will help you express all your desires in correct form, which will help them come true. After you have put everything you dream about on paper, you need to hide the letter in an envelope that will protect it from prying eyes.

We leave the envelope with the letter under the tree until the moment when you have a desire to remove it. Usually the New Year tree is removed with the onset of spring, so your desires will have plenty of time to soak up the festive energy.

When you decide to remove the New Year's tree, you need to hide your letter in a secluded place where no one will get to your dream.

Imagine how interesting it will be for you to open this envelope a year later and read your desires that you so dreamed of at the end of last year. That's when you can check whether at least one of them came true or not.

5. Postcard with a picture of a dream

In order to find the right card that will depict your desire, you will have to sweat a little.

If one is not found, there is an option to independently create the design of the postcard you need and print it on a printer.

On back side postcards, write wishes to yourself, after which you will have to send it to yourself via mail. Yes, it sounds a little strange, but believe me, making your wish come true is worth it.

You should also keep such a postcard throughout the whole year, and by the time the next one comes, you will probably be interested in remembering the past and checking whether your dream has come true.

6. Wish card

But this card is unusual; it will not consist only of written words. You can depict your desires, either in the form of a diagram or in the form of drawings or photographs.

Basically, you'll need a piece of plastic small size, which will serve as the basis for your desires. You can place on them everything that is somehow related to your most cherished dreams. By the way, magazine clippings will be the most ideal means of expressing your desires.

Please note that it is best to make such a card on the last day of the year. So, thoughts about the upcoming fulfillment of desires will not leave you until midnight.

7. Forest round dance of wish fulfillment

No matter how funny it may sound, even a round dance can help you in this matter. The most interesting thing is that you will have to dance in the forest, but don’t be alarmed, you definitely won’t have to do this on New Year’s Eve.

A few days before the New Year, you will have to go to the forest, gathering all your friends and family. Don't be lazy and take with you a few Christmas tree decorations, rain and sparklers.

Dress up any Christmas tree you like and dance around it. It is important here that everyone present has fun and joy. Children will like this idea the most.

It is at this time that you need to concentrate as much as possible on your desires and think about them constantly.

8. Bottle with wishes

This method is most suitable for that moment New Year's Eve when the bottle of champagne has already been emptied. Each of the guests must write a dream on a small piece of paper and roll it into a tube.

We place all the “tubes” with desires in a bottle and close it with a cork. Place the bottle out of sight, somewhere dark.

New Year is a magical time, and even as adults, people continue to expect miracles on New Year's Eve. Making a wish while the clock strikes is an old tradition that is repeated from generation to generation. What methods are there? make a wish for the New Year so that it will surely come true?

General rules for formulating New Year's wishes

Before you make a wish, learn how to do it correctly.

  • Use only the present tense in your wording. If you use future tense words, the wish may never come true. Because the message will forever remain in the future.
  • Remember that the Universe takes everything said and thought literally. Therefore, be careful with your statements. Do not use statements like “I want to get this position at any cost!” Think about it, is this true, are you really willing to pay any price to fulfill your desire?
  • You cannot use the words “should,” “will,” or the particle “not.” All these words carry negative energy. For example, not “I will have to succeed,” but “I will succeed.” Feel the difference!
  • Never make wishes that are negative towards other people. No one has repealed the boomerang law, and everything bad will come back to you fivefold.
  • Be sure to thank the Universe for everything you already have. Learn to be grateful, and the Universe will reward you for it.
  • When you make a wish, do not use words such as “at least”, “at least”. Leave it to the Universe to give you more. Don't ask for “just any job”, ask for the job of your dreams.
  • Do not make ambiguous wishes that can be interpreted in two ways. All messages must be clear and precise.
  • Try to make as direct a wish as possible, rather than a side wish. For example, you should not ask good job with a good salary if your ultimate goal is to purchase a home. Make a wish to get housing, and the Universe itself will decide how to make your wish come true, with the help new job or something else.
  • Don't make wishes that indirectly affect your loved ones. Your desire should concern only you.
  • You should not tell other people about your desires. The fact is that someone else's negative energy can interrupt your messages to the Universe.
  • Try to make realistic wishes, ones that can come true, and not those whose fulfillment is impossible in principle. And, of course, believe that they will be fulfilled, and then they will really be fulfilled!

Rituals for making wishes come true for the New Year

It is believed that all wishes made on New Year's Eve will certainly come true. However, it is best to carry out one or more rituals to ensure that everything works out.

  • The most popular way is with a note and champagne. It lies in the fact that as soon as the chimes begin to strike, you need to have time to write down a pre-formulated desire on a piece of paper, quickly burn it, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink to the bottom. If you make it before the end of the clock, it is believed that your wish will definitely come true.
  • If your desire is tangible and material, prepare for New Year's table a treat in the form of your desire. For example, if you dream of a new home, you can bake a cake in the shape of a house or prepare a salad like this.
  • Write a letter to Santa Claus and put it under the Christmas tree. May it remain there until the end of all New Year's holidays. Then seal the envelope and put it away. You can open the letter on the eve of next year, and check if your wish comes true.
  • Send yourself a well wishes card. Put it in a visible place or, conversely, put it in a secluded place, and review it from time to time.
  • On New Year's Eve, make a wish card. Paste images of what you dream about onto a piece of Whatman paper. And place this card in a visible place. The more often your gaze turns to this card, the more likely all your wishes will come true.
  • Before you make a wish for the New Year, gather all your friends, loved ones and relatives, stand in a round dance, and make circles around the New Year's beauty. Your wish will be made in a favorable atmosphere, and the favorable mood of everyone else will help you with this.
  • Make some craft with your own hands that will symbolize your desire. Hang the craft on the Christmas tree and leave it there until the end of all New Year's holidays, and then save it.
  • Another way to make wishes for the New Year is to wait for the chimes to begin counting down the last moments of the year, and, at this time, go out onto the balcony or lean out the window and say your dreams out loud. This is considered a direct message to the Universe.
  • After the first bottle of champagne is drunk along with the chiming clock, put the leaves with your wishes, rolled into a tube, into it. The bottle should be sealed and stored until next year.
  • Another way to make a wish on New Year’s Eve is to jump high at exactly 12, with the last chime, and have time to make a wish at the very moment of the jump.
  • The next method requires a little preparation. Prepare and wash 12 grapes in advance and place them next to you. As soon as the clock starts striking 12, make your wish and, with each stroke of the clock, eat one grape. Don’t forget to say your desire to yourself.
  • If you are celebrating the New Year in the company of not very close people, but just very good acquaintances, you may not feel comfortable burning notes or eating grapes on a whim. In this case, try to finish the first glass of champagne last. Until the glass is empty, you cannot put it on the table.
  • Another way to make a wish is to do it while the sparkler is burning. With its sparks, it seems to actively send your message to the Universe. Keep whatever remains of it.
  • If your main desire is to have more money, celebrate the New Year with a bill clutched in your hand. It’s not for nothing that they say that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.
  • Try to light a candle at exactly 12 o'clock and make a wish at this time. Leave it on the table until it burns completely. Take care of a saucer or candle stand in advance. After all, if the melted wax begins to drip onto the tablecloth, the candle will have to be disturbed, but this is not recommended.
  • On New Year's Eve, find out what kind of year is ahead Eastern calendar. Prepare for festive table dishes that the animal symbol of the year likes. Dress in clothes that match the color of the symbol of the year. It is believed that all these actions contribute to the fact that the symbol of the coming year will help make your dreams come true.

And remember, the most important thing is that if you really and sincerely want something, it will certainly come true! May all your wishes come true!

Someday, all of us make the decision to start a new life. Some on Monday, some every month on the first day, some every year. New Year is the perfect excuse to radically change your life. How should you make wishes for the New Year so that they will certainly come true, and so that next year everything will go exactly the way you want?

Champagne with ashes

About what is the most effective method Making a New Year's wish is to write it on a piece of paper, burn it and dissolve it in a flute of champagne, which you need to drink before the clock strikes 12, probably everyone knows. But at the same time, many of our compatriots assure that even if you manage to complete all these actions before the New Year arrives, it is not a fact that your wish will come true. What is the reason?

According to experts, the reason is that the person performing the magic ritual is not able to concentrate on what he wants. Our thoughts are busy trying to complete all the manipulations before the last strike of the clock, and this is absolutely wrong! So it is necessary to take care in advance of preparing the things needed during the ceremony - a pencil or pen, a piece of paper, matches...

And at the most important moment, nothing should distract you from your cherished desire - let your hands act automatically, and your thoughts be focused on the main thing.

It is also extremely important to decide on your desires prematurely. Because, as practice shows, vague and non-specific desires do not always come true and are extremely rare. So don’t write on a piece of paper, I want to change it marital status or I want to become rich - specifically indicate how exactly you want to get money and what status you want.

Moreover, if your desire is aimed at a certain person, be sure to write his name. And be sure to think in advance about how exactly your desire will sound, so as not to waste precious time formulating your thoughts.

12 New Year's wishes

There is another method of making wishes for the New Year, which is less common. According to him, you must write 12 different wishes on separate pieces of paper, and then put them under the pillow, having previously rolled them into a tube.

The next morning, when you wake up, you need to pull out one piece of paper without looking - the wish written there will certainly come true. Moreover, it is necessary to remember that this method will only work if you go to bed no later than 3 am. And remember: if during sleep some leaves that are hidden under your pillow fall out, then fate is favorable to you - these wishes will also be fulfilled. This magical ritual must be performed following certain rules. So that your efforts are not in vain, we have listed them below.

  • Before the New Year comes, you can only cut leaves on which you will subsequently write your wishes. Desires can begin to write only after the chimes strike.
  • You must write your wishes on pieces of paper alone.
  • Make only dreams that can actually come true within the next year.
  • Your desires must be specific and you must necessarily think about their possible results.
  • Your desires must be formulated clearly, and while writing them down, you must imagine their fulfillment.
  • During the magical ritual You are allowed to use exclusively new wishes - you do not need to repeat wishes that you made during the striking of the clock.

Take a serious approach to drawing up your wishes - because it would be a shame to use the magic of New Year's Eve to get something that you, in essence, do not need. It is necessary to think through all the desires in advance, and then rewrite them on separate sheets of paper, special attention You should pay attention to the process of visualizing each desire.

Draw your wish!

You can also draw your dream. This must be done after the chiming clock, using bright colors, special watercolor sheets and natural brushes. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you know how to draw or not - you can even sketch out what you want.

Thus, especially if in the new year you want to receive new apartment, you should draw a house on a piece of paper. If you want to be loved and love, draw, for example, two hearts pierced by one arrow.

Including, you can depict the figure of a woman and a man by decorating them wedding rings, child, jewelry or money and so on.

That is, you can draw absolutely whatever you want - it is important that the resulting picture evokes associations with your dream. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s beautifully drawn or not - this picture is not intended for a competition, but to make your dreams come true.

When drawing, you can use any color except black. Try to make your picture fun and bright. When the drawing is ready, roll it into a tube and tie it with a red ribbon. Then melt a little wax and drop it onto the resulting scroll, trying to get it on the tape and paper at the same time.

Let the wax cool a little, then write your initials on the wax and hang it on the New Year tree, be sure to warn your family so that none of them touches your wish.

The scroll must hang on the tree for 7 days, until Christmas arrives, then it must be removed and hidden in a secluded place. Wait until the wish you made comes true, unroll the scroll and outline the picture depicted on it in red. Your painting should be kept in this state until you have a new dream for such a magical ritual - then the painting can be burned.

Unknown guest

You can not just write a wish on a piece of paper or draw it, but also... ask people! If you want to radically change something in your life, be sure to celebrate the New Year in a company where there will be people you don’t know. Choose one of them, and when the clock strikes 12, having formulated your desire, touch this person’s hand. In the same way, you can make a wish for a person you know, if he appeared in this company completely unexpectedly for you.

Of course, we all want good changes in life, and therefore, in this way, you can only make a wish when the guest you have chosen behaves correctly, kindly and well-mannered with you. And if you come across a brawler, a brawler, or a drinker, it is better to choose a different method of making a wish for the New Year, so as not to harm yourself.

Although, it also happens that during a celebration a person begins to behave completely differently, and you have already made a wish for him. And if this happens, immediately renounce your plan - remember that you will always have time to slow down the fulfillment of your desire.

There are many different methods for making a New Year's wish - some of them have been around for a long time, and others have been invented more recently. But all of them, if taken seriously and competently, can actually bring results. In addition, your New Year's wish can come true even if you didn't do anything special for it - it's important to truly believe in it.

What New Year's wishes can you make?

Almost any - on the condition that you approach this matter very responsibly, everything you want will be fulfilled. Just don’t make a wish automatically or because everyone at the party is doing it. This makes absolutely no sense!

Don’t make New Year’s wishes that could somehow harm people. Don’t wish bad things on others, don’t want what already belongs to someone, don’t want revenge... Don’t forget that the New Year is good and happy holiday, and your desire should also be bright and kind. Only in this case will it be fulfilled!