DIY garage made of metal profiles. How to build a garage from a profile pipe? Tools and materials for work

Construction of a garage based on profile pipe rectangular or square section made of galvanized steel - one of the simplest and available ways building a “house” for a car. With the help of simple tools and equipment, you can build a garage within 1-2 days, taking into account the time to arrange the foundation.

Profile pipes are widely used in the construction of prefabricated buildings and structures - hangars, covered markets, kiosks, stalls, warehouse complexes. The pipes show themselves to be durable, but lightweight material for the construction of a frame, which is then sheathed with sheet steel, profiled sheets, plywood or chipboard.

The popularity of profile pipes in construction is due to their advantages:

  • lightness;
  • strength;
  • high speed of frame construction;
  • durability.

The most compelling argument in favor of profile pipes is their affordable cost. Compared to massive buildings made of brick, cinder blocks, foam or aerated concrete blocks, constructing a garage will cost the user several times less. In this case, there is no need to waste time on the lengthy process of erecting walls and subsidence of the building, which often takes up to 6 months.

Advantages of a garage made of metal profiles

The decision to build a garage from profile pipes is more than justified. The advantages of this method of construction low-rise building include both economic and practical aspects.

  • Low total cost of construction, including foundation construction.
  • Easy to do. No special skills are required to assemble the frame. Any person who knows how to handle welding machine, pliers and a screwdriver can do the job. It does not require any complex equipment, tools or outside help to implement the project.
  • A simple, lightweight and inexpensive foundation. A garage based on metal profile pipes, even with cladding and roofing, weighs very little, so its installation does not require a massive monolithic foundation. It will be enough to build a simple strip, pillar or tile base.
  • Strength. Despite the apparent vulnerability, the structure based on all-metal profiles turns out to be quite strong and stable. It withstands shock and vibration, high and low temperatures, wind loads.
  • Possibility of dismantling and transportation. Made frame garage can be easily disassembled in a few hours or transported assembled using a crane and low-loader tractor.

The fact that parking a personal car in an individual garage is preferable from any point of view than on the street (in a public parking lot, under the windows of an apartment, or anywhere else) is pointless to dispute. In addition to the fact that a garage is a small workshop (plus a cellar, a place to store unnecessary things, and so on - everyone uses it in their own way), it also significantly extends the life of the car.

Many people question the feasibility of erecting a building from a metal profile with their own hands, but even the most ardent skeptic will not deny that such construction is one of the least expensive options. What to consider, how to plan everything and correctly build a simple garage from a metal profile - these and other questions can be answered in this article.

It would not be entirely correct to give any unambiguous recommendations for all stages of construction. Much depends on the location where the garage will be located (size of the site, distance from the residential building), the desire to supply electricity, cold water, financial capabilities of the owner, experience in construction and many other factors. It is much more useful to do a review various options building a box for your car, and what exactly to choose, the reader will decide for himself.

Garage layout

This is where you should start. Garage is common name covered parking space, and what exactly do we need?


If the box is designed for 1 passenger car, then the optimal parameters are 3 x 5 (m). This is enough to additionally install a desktop (), mount shelves, cabinets and the like. That is, set up your own mini-car service (home workshop).

Accordingly, the box for 2 pieces of equipment should be wider - about 4.5 m. You should also focus on the brands of cars. After all, after being placed in the box, they should not stand close together so that it is impossible to open the door without hitting the “neighbor”.

The optimal height is considered to be 2.2 - 2.5 m. For example, many car owners are fans of fishing. Therefore, the ceiling under the roof will be a convenient place for storing various fishing gear, a rubber boat and other, including household items.

Box configuration

The most popular form of garage is a parallelepiped. Such a structure is much easier to build than a “shell”.

Garage roof

There are only 2 options - single (flat) or gable. In principle, when assembling a garage from a metal profile, the difference is small, since in the latter case you do not have to build a powerful rafter system, as is done when building residential buildings. The fact that the consumption of materials will be large is a minus, but the increase in usable space is a plus.


What will they be like - rotary, hinged (), number of doors, will there be a door in one of them? All these nuances should be decided in advance.

Cellar, inspection hole

As a rule, these additional “objects” are found in almost every box. And if the pit is still in question, then food storage is an indispensable attribute of almost any garage. Therefore, when determining its size, you need to take into account the convenience of the location of the cellar and its use.

Garage frame

What is it made of? In principle, you can sheathe anything with corrugated sheets. For example, timber.

Working with wood is not difficult, but its drawback is known - the need for systematic treatment of the material with anti-rotting agents (). Therefore, most often for such lung buildings type of metal selected. To reduce the weight of the structure, it is better to take profiled blanks. Pipes are different - for the garage frame it is more advisable to purchase products with a rectangular cross-section.

It is much easier to connect such workpieces, and then, during operation, if you have to drill a support (for example, to secure shelves, hooks, etc.), this will be much more convenient than making holes in round samples.

Metal profile

The range of these products is quite extensive.


For a garage, it is more advisable to purchase galvanized steel. Firstly, sheets with polymer coating are more expensive. Secondly, the process of cutting them (and this will certainly have to be done) is much more complicated. In the private sector, the main electric tool when working with iron is a grinder. Thermal effects in the cut area lead to melting of the polymer, metal splashes lead to its burning. Therefore, such work requires experience. And is there any point in spending money on more expensive material if the zinc coating looks good, and if necessary, it’s easy to paint the garage in any color?

Profile Options

For a garage, a metal profile of category “C” or “NS” is sufficient, both for the walls and the roof. Thickness – 0.5; wave height – not less than 20 (mm). There is no point in purchasing cheaper products labeled “8” or “10”. Such sheets will not provide adequate structural strength. Constant vibration of thin rolled products will lead to the formation of cracks and deformation of the metal in places where it is fixed with fasteners. Consequences of excessive savings - frequent repairs sheathing.

Note! When calculating the required number of sheets, you need to take into account 2 points:

  • They are laid with a small (about 15 cm) “overlap”.
  • When cutting, it is not always possible to ensure the accuracy of the cut along the line.

Garage construction technology


The light weight of the structure makes it easier to erect. The construction method (marking, excavating soil, preparing mortar, etc.) is described in detail on our website; just search for the word “foundation.” More interesting is what type of base to choose?


Most often you can find recommendations on precisely this basis, with the caveat -. But is there any point in doing this? Digging a trench, assembling and installing a reinforcing frame (and you also need to know how to knit it), working with mortar, loading and compacting it, waterproofing - all this increases costs and increases construction time. Moreover, significantly, since complete hardening artificial stone throughout the entire depth will take at least 3 weeks.

Foundation options

No. 1 – having dug a small trench around the perimeter, lay reinforced concrete beams. Such a base will provide the required strength. The time for its construction and costs are minimal. But there is a problem - how to attach metal profile posts to reinforced concrete?

No. 2 - the same, only use timber instead of beams. Waterproofing is easy to do. At the bottom of the trench, after filling a small “cushion”, for example, a P/E film (thick) is laid. One can argue for a long time about the durability of such a foundation (railway sleepers are evidence of reliability), but the fact that installation of the frame will be significantly simplified is certain.

Pile foundation

An excellent option for the garage. Screw into the ground screw piles(a cross-section of 108 is sufficient) can be done alone. All that remains is to weld the ends and mount the supporting frame from a channel or profile slats of the appropriate dimensions.


You can use metal or asbestos-cement pipes. The only thing you have to do is install 3-4 rods inside each (to give rigidity) and pour them into the cavities concrete mortar with a filler of small fractions (crushed stone, pebbles). To fix the support frame on such a foundation, the reinforcing bars must rise above the pipe cut.


Dig holes, add ASG, install a large-section metal profile, reinforce with broken bricks and fill with mortar.

Garage frame

After installing the vertical posts, they are fastened with horizontal slats (again, profiled) - at the top, bottom and in the center. Even at the design stage, you need to take into account all the nuances of arranging a garage - location suspended structures(shelves, cabinets). In accordance with the diagram, additional crossbars are installed on which all the “stuffing” will be attached.

If a gable roof is provided, then it is necessary to assemble trusses (triangular in shape). Two extreme + intermediate (to increase the strength of the roof). The number of the latter is determined depending on the length of the garage. This design, as a rule, is mounted on the ground, and then raised and attached to the box frame.

Fastening sheets

There is nothing complicated about this. The only condition– the fastener must enter the profile supports strictly perpendicular to their plane. Self-tapping screws are selected depending on the type of sheets. For products with a polymer coating - with special washers. Features of fixation are shown in the figures.


Mineral wool is not the best option. You will have to install lathing, high-quality vapor and waterproofing, on both sides, since such slabs gradually accumulate moisture. And profiled sheets are metal, and by definition the formation of condensation on them cannot be avoided. Besides, usable area After such insulation, the size of the garage will decrease somewhat.

Sprayed materials. Polyurethane foam is not suitable for the “do-it-yourself” method, since special equipment is required. You will have to invite specialists and pay them.

It would probably be more advisable to opt for . All cladding has a strict geometry, so there will be no problems with fixing the samples.

What to fasten with? Judging by the reviews, there are two main methods - silicone glue or polyurethane foam. Such interior decoration Boxing won't take much time.

Note! Before installing the expanded polystyrene boards, everything internal surfaces should be covered with waterproofing material.

It turns out that no special difficulties should arise in the process of building a box made of metal profiles. If you plan everything in advance, draw up a drawing and prepare tools and materials, then a couple of days is enough for your personal car to find a roof over its “head”. Good luck, dear reader!

The advantages of a garage made of corrugated sheets are difficult to overestimate. This structure is reliable and aesthetically pleasing appearance. However, the main factors are affordable price for materials and a real opportunity to build a garage from a metal profile with your own hands.

Metal profile for a garage - features of choice

When you decide to build a building from corrugated sheets, spend a little time on preparation. Construction reliable protection for a car begins with sketches. Drawings of the future building will allow you to calculate required quantity construction and consumables. However, even a professionally executed design does not guarantee the quality of construction if building materials of inadequate quality are used.

The reliability of the garage depends on the corrugated sheeting, also known as metal profiles. For construction, it is better to use a metal profile with the letter “C” or “NS”. This marking indicates the material intended for wall cladding. The numbers that appear after the letters indicate the depth of the profile and the width of the sheet in millimeters.

The reliability of the structure depends on the thickness of the sheet and the height of the profile. This is the case when savings lead to additional costs. To provide reliable fixation light, low-quality corrugated sheeting will have to install additional racks and use self-tapping screws. But thin sheet unable to withstand significant mechanical stress.

However, the reliability of the garage depends not only on the cladding material - metal profiles, but also on other structural elements: foundation, roof, frame. The latter, by the way, can be built from both metal structures and wood. Therefore, to build nice garage Let's look at each element separately with our own hands.

Construction begins with the foundation

Construction of a garage begins with the foundation. It determines how long a building made of corrugated sheets will serve its owner. The most reliable is considered to be a base made of monolithic reinforced concrete slab. It will not cost much, since the weight of the garage is insignificant and it does not need a powerful monolithic foundation. It is enough to pour a 15–20 cm layer of sand and gravel and fill it with concrete.

If the burial level allows groundwater(1.5–2 m), then an opening can be made in the slab for future inspection hole. This will not greatly complicate the design of the formwork, but it may be useful in the future.

Creating a concrete base is not difficult and is carried out in several stages:

  1. 1. The perimeter of the future garage is marked (the dimensions depend on the dimensions of the car);
  2. 2. In accordance with the marking lines, a trench with a depth of 0.5 m is dug (in some cases it is necessary to go deeper by 1 m);
  3. 3. A layer of sand and gravel (20 cm thick) is poured onto the bottom of the dug trench;
  4. 4. Additional holes 50 cm deep are dug under the frame posts;
  5. 5. Upon completion of the excavation work, assess the condition of the soil - if it crumbles, you will need to take care of the formwork;
  6. 6. Reinforcement. Yes, the weight of a profile garage is small, but strengthening the foundation increases its reliability several times. As a rule, reinforcement 1–1.2 cm thick is used for these purposes. The rods are tied together with wire and laid in a trench. Sometimes spot welding is used;
  7. 7. We install racks in pre-prepared recesses. If necessary, we fix them with supports. The distance between the racks depends on the width of the corrugated sheet;
  8. 8. Pour concrete (layer 20 cm).

There are a few tips that will help you a little in your work. When pouring sand or crushed stone into a trench, wet it to avoid cracks in the concrete. To protect the racks from corrosion, treat them with a special solution before installation. After the concrete is poured, pierce it with a rod for ventilation. By the way, M500 is considered the optimal grade of concrete. Together with the foundation, you can immediately make an inspection pit and concrete the floor of the garage.

After the foundation gains strength (depending on the weather), we begin to form the frame of the future building. There are two ways to install vertical racks: using corners and anchor bolts or by walling them into the foundation. By choosing the second method, we will save a little and make our work easier.

Frame formation

Assembly of the frame in our case comes down to the following steps:

  1. 1. Prepare the slats and crossbars required sizes(they must be indicated in the drawings);
  2. 2. We attach horizontal partitions to the support posts. The reliability of the structure is ensured by three strapping belts: at the bottom, at the top and in the center;
  3. 3. We form the base for the future roof. The simplest and most profitable option is a pitched roof;
  4. 4. We make a frame for the gate. You need to again turn to the sketches of the garage and weld the frame in accordance with the dimensions indicated there. You can get by with bolts. However, the gate is a movable structure, so welding is preferable.

You'll have to tinker a little with the gate. The frame for them is made of metal corners - from them you need to weld a rectangular frame of the required size. It is strengthened with the same corners - stiffening ribs are added. Then the hinges are welded to the front pillars. The place for the return hinges on the gate frame is simply marked - apply it to the posts and mark the places where they need to be secured.

The final stage of frame construction is the creation of a foundation for the future roof. Metal rafters will be more securely fastened by welding. After all, it bears significant snow and wind loads.

Features of roofing structures made of corrugated sheets

The main requirement for a garage roof is reliability. Therefore, for garages, as a rule, simple lean-to or gable roofs. Both designs have proven their effectiveness, but a roof with a single slope is cheaper to construct. Can't say it's special complex design, but some nuances are present.

Roof slope. It depends on the height of the walls, the quality (thickness) of the profiled sheet. In addition, it is taken into account climatic conditions region: wind and snow load. As a rule, the angle of inclination varies from 8 to 15°. Its waterproofing also depends on the slope of the roof - with a small angle, increased demands are placed on it.

The creation of a garage roof begins at the stage of forming the frame. It is then that the rafters of the future roof are installed. Main advantages pitched roof– it is simple and reliable, and its installation can be completed in a few hours:

  1. 1. Prepare racks that will set the slope of the roof (by this point you should already have decided on the angle and direction of the roof);
  2. 2. A horizontal girder is installed, giving the structure additional rigidity;
  3. 3. The rafters are laid on the racks - they should extend beyond the perimeter of the garage by 15-20 cm;
  4. 4. On rafter system are mounted metal pipes square section - they play the role of sheathing. The distance between them depends on the size of the garage. The minimum quantity is 3 lines of rigidity.

Using special programs you can calculate optimal distance between posts and rafters. However, as a rule, this value ranges from 1 to 1.2 m.

Installation of metal profiles - the final stage of construction

Sheathing the garage with corrugated sheets begins only after you have verified the rigidity of the frame. That is concrete base must be completely dry, the fastening points should not cause any concern. When using bolts to connect, tighten them again. A reliable frame will not allow the corrugated sheets to deform.

When calculating the material, keep in mind that the sheets need to be mounted vertically - rain and snow in this case will cause the least damage to the wall. The corrugated sheeting is mounted in such a way that the edges of the sheets overlap each other. By the way, when you order corrugated sheeting, indicate the desired dimensions - this will reduce labor costs.

From tools and consumables we will need: metal screws with rubber seal(roofing), screwdriver, waterproof membrane, plumb line, level, marker, pliers, metal scissors, strip bender, bending pliers, .

After the preparation, fastening of metal profile sheets is carried out in several stages:

  1. 1. Sheathing begins with the walls. The first sheet should fit snugly against the stand. Then it is screwed on with self-tapping screws;
  2. 2. The second sheet lies on the first with an “overlap” in one wave. After which both sheets are fastened together with self-tapping screws in several places. The entire garage is sewn up in this way. Please ensure that the edges of the sheets, especially their corners, are adjacent to the racks;
  3. 3. Work on the roof begins with laying a waterproofing layer (waterproof membrane) and planks. The drain is fixed at the lowest point of the roof using special holders - hooks. Then, along the perimeter of the building are placed bent sheets gland. They act as windproof strips and are designed to protect the garage from excess moisture;
  4. 4. On the roof, sheets of metal profiles are attached in such a way as to ensure water drainage, i.e. they are a continuation of the “vertical” walls of the garage.

Now you know how to build a garage from corrugated sheets with your own hands. By the way, the design can be improved. Lay it along the internal perimeter and you will get a full-fledged garage, ensuring the safety of the car in any climate and weather conditions.

The most popular and prefabricated garage structure is a garage made of metal profiles, which you can build with your own hands. Moreover, its functionality can be different: for temporary parking of a car, for example, on summer cottage, and an insulated garage with a workshop and inspection hole.

A garage made of metal profiles with an inspection hole can be erected in less than a month. To make a recessed inspection hole, it is convenient to use ready-made concrete blocks, the foundation around the perimeter is strip. It is more convenient to create a garage floor using concrete screed made of moisture-resistant concrete. The walls consist of a frame assembled from metal profile, and double-sided profiled cladding metal sheets, between which insulation is laid. Any material can be used as insulation modern materials for ventilated facades: mineral and stone wool, polystyrene boards, as well as polyurethane foam insulation.

Foundation and floors

Garage made of metal profiles – easy construction, so a width of 20-30 cm and a height of about 40 cm is sufficient for it.

Foundation technology:

Construction of the frame and walls of the garage

The frame can be made from a metal U-shaped profile, fastening it with self-tapping screws. To work, you will need metal scissors, a screwdriver, a tape measure and an estimated amount of U-shaped galvanized profile, as well as metal screws.

Insulation and interior decoration of the garage

You need to insulate your garage if you plan to use it as a workshop for minor repairs, as well as in areas with harsh winters for easy starting of the car. winter time. Mineral or stone wool in the form of mats. Mineral mats have high heat-insulating properties; they are convenient to attach between profile posts; moreover, they do not support combustion, which is important for a garage.

  1. Select mats of the required thickness, usually 5 or 10 cm. Taking into account the size of the mats, transverse slats are attached to the racks.
  2. Stacked thermal insulation mats in the spaces between the racks, a vapor-moisture insulation film is attached on top of the thermal insulation.
  3. The finishing is done from metal profiled sheets, securing them with self-tapping screws.

Using this technology, you can also build a lightweight garage from corrugated sheets without insulation and an inspection hole; it will cost much less and is quite suitable for temporarily parking a car in a country house or in a summer country house.