How to fertilize plants with banana peels. Banana fertilizer and other fertilizers from improvised means. For which plants is banana fertilizer suitable and for which not?

Banana peel is an incredibly useful fertilizer for gardening and indoor flowers, as well as for seedlings of vegetables and fruit and berry bushes and trees. Using tinctures from banana peel, flowers on the windowsill will delight you with abundant blooms, because they will receive everything they need minerals for growth and development. In this article we will tell you how banana peels are useful as fertilizer for indoor plants and colors, how to apply it.

Benefits of banana peels in gardening

Banana skin has been used in gardening for a long time. Its benefits are as follows:

  • improves the structure and heals the soil microflora;
  • accelerates the growth of indoor flowers;
  • strengthens plant immunity and helps fight pests;
  • saturates with useful substances, as a result of which plants tolerate the lack of sun and heat less painfully in the autumn-winter period.

The advantages of banana peels over store-bought fertilizers are that the product contains virtually no chemicals. Banana peels contain potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and nitrogen. Microelements are needed for abundant flowering growth and development of indoor plants. Vegetable seedlings grow faster when using banana fertilizer. Banana peels are used to wipe the leaves of indoor plants to remove dust.

Banana peel replenishes the deficiency of potassium and phosphorus, so it is used instead of potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

Disadvantages of Using Banana Peel

Banana peel as a top dressing has its drawbacks. It is worth remembering that bananas are brought from afar and are picked green. In order for fruits to ripen, they are treated with chemicals and soaked in a solution of chlorine and ammonium sulfate. Hormonal agents are also used for treatment.

In small quantities, these substances stimulate the growth of flowers, but in large doses they are harmful to both humans and plants when fertilized. The second disadvantage of using banana peels is that they do not completely compensate for the deficiency of nutrients. Be sure to apply ready-made fertilizers.

For which plants is banana fertilizer suitable?

Banana peels, especially fresh ones, are used only for some plants. We provide a list in the table.

House flowers are fed at the budding stage. In this case, flowering is more luxuriant and longer. Banana fertilizer is universal. It is used for garden, greenhouse and indoor plants. Greenhouse plants that lack light and heat respond well to fertilizing. The peel releases enough light and heat for the seedlings to grow.

Tip #1. Use fresh raw materials only when replanting plants, placing the skins at the bottom of the pot. In other cases, add infusion to the plants or use fried peels.

Methods for using banana peel

Raw materials in the form of fertilizing are used in several ways. Let's look at it in detail in the table.

It is healthier to dry the peel naturally

Feeding seedlings with raw peel has its own characteristics. Before planting, half a peel is placed in each hole; it is first cut into strips 1.5 cm thick. Then the skins are sprinkled with earth so that the roots do not touch the fertilizer, otherwise they will burn. Top dressing is used for seedlings of roses and other shrubs during winter planting. When banana peels rot, they produce a huge amount of heat, even more than manure.

Banana fertilizer at home, unlike store-bought products, quickly deteriorates. Fertilizer in powder form is stored in an airtight glass container. Fresh skins, like the infusion, are stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 5 days. The dried peel is stored in paper bag. Application rates banana fertilizer in the table.

Characteristic For indoor plants For fruit and berry bushes and trees For greenhouse crops
Dosage 2-3 tsp. per pot if the plant is young, and root system weak, then more than 2 tsp. they don't put it 100-200 ml per bush From 50 ml to 100 ml per plant, depending on the type of crop
Feeding frequency 1 time per week No more than 2 times a week, water directly under the root No more than once a week

Preparation of raw materials for feeding

Banana peels are used not only in their raw form. It is roasted in the oven. To do this, place the peel on foil on a baking sheet and fry. This may take up to 40 minutes. The peel is then cooled and crushed. Use 1 tbsp. l. fertilizers The skins are dried for batteries for two days, and they are also dried for fresh air V hot weather. But be sure to cover it from flies. Well-dried peel is uniform in color, without black spots.

When dried, all the beneficial substances are preserved. The peel is cut into strips 1.5 cm wide and strung like mushrooms on a thread. Dried at a temperature not lower than 15 ° C. To use fresh banana peels all year round, they are frozen in the freezer. Be sure to store in an airtight container.

Compost is made from banana peels. To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • soil (two parts);
  • banana peels (one part);
  • starter for compost “Baikal”.

Flower food recipes

Lots of supplements. There are even complex fertilizers, which includes several components. The recipes are as follows:

  1. Fertilizer for spraying soil and foliage. You will need raw materials from four bananas. The skins are dried in the oven and ground into powder. Add 2 tsp to it. powder eggshells(grind the shells in a coffee grinder) and 20 g of magnesia. The ingredients are poured into 1 liter of water and allowed to brew for 2-3 hours. The infusion is sprayed on the leaves or added to the root no more than once a week.
  2. Complex product with orange peel. The dressing is prepared as follows: banana and orange peels are taken in a 1:1 ratio. Be sure to grind it. Fill with peel of three liter jar one third of the volume, pour 1 tbsp on top. l. sugar and pour to the top warm water. Leave for 3 weeks, shake the contents every 5 days. Use once a month.
  3. Infusion. The product is suitable for watering and foliar spraying. They also wipe the leaves of indoor plants. To prepare, the skins are thoroughly washed, then crushed and placed in a liter jar to half the volume. The container is filled with water. They insist for a day. The infusion is drained and water is added to a volume of 1 liter.
  4. Infusion for fertilizing greenhouse plants. The infusion is prepared in a three-liter jar. Place 3 peels and fill with water. Leave for 2 days. Water once a week. Store fertilizer in the refrigerator. You should not use fertilizing more often than written, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

It is known that bananas are processed before transportation. If you throw the peel on the garden, all the chemicals will be absorbed into the soil, and then they will get into the vegetables and fruits. Wash the peel under running water hot water. A water tincture for watering flowers is prepared as follows: 4 peels are placed in a jar and filled to the top with water. Leave for 5 days, then filter and store in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Before use, the infusion is heated and diluted in half with water.

The water tincture quickly deteriorates and smells unpleasant.

For subsequent waterings, store the liquid in the refrigerator, but do not mix it with the tincture that was previously used for fertilizer. A rich cocktail is prepared from banana peels. One skin is ground in a blender with 200 ml of water. Add 2 tsp. 1 time per month. Fertilizer is spread on the surface of the soil.

Recipe for feeding against aphids on plants

Banana peels are a source of plant nutrition and help get rid of pests. The skins contain a large dose of potassium, which is not tolerated by aphids. Prepare an infusion against aphids and at the same time feed as follows:

  1. The peels of three large bananas are placed in a 3 liter jar.
  2. Fill with water to the top and leave for 3-4 days.
  3. The finished infusion is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  4. Water the plants at the roots with infusion, no more than once a week. When flowers are infested with aphids, the peel is buried in the soil, and some of the insects leave.

Tip #2. Do not use banana peels against aphids on garden flowers if there is an anthill nearby. The skins contain a lot of sugar and the ants water to feast on them.

The infusion of banana peels attracts insects, especially flies and ants.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. Why does banana fertilizer start to mold in the soil?

This occurs due to a lack of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. To correct the situation, it is necessary to apply humic and nitrogen fertilizers.

Question No. 2. How are banana peels useful when growing seedlings on a windowsill?

Banana peels contain hormones that are growth stimulants. They promote the rooting of seedlings and their rapid growth.

Question #3. How long does it take for fertilizer to decompose, and how often do you fertilize?

Fresh peels rot in the soil in 10 days, so they are used no more than once a month. If you use tinctures or powder from banana skins, then use it no more than once a week.

Question #4. How to make banana peel powder to feed potted flowers?

The skin is dried in the oven or at room temperature. The dried peel is then ground in a coffee grinder to a powder. Mix the powder with the soil or pour it into the pot no more than once a month.

Question #5. Is it possible to mulch the soil after applying banana fertilizer?

It is possible and even necessary. The smell and taste of the peel will not attract flies and ants. Mulch will help the peels decompose quickly.

Mistakes gardeners make when using banana peels

Mistakes when using peels as fertilizers are:

  1. To keep indoor plants healthy and disease-free, adequate nutrition in the form of banana peel tincture is not enough. The soil must be suitable in composition and contain a sufficient amount of humus. Together with banana peel fertilizers, humates are used, for example, sapropel, peat, vermicompost.
  2. Banana peel contains beneficial nutrients in high dosage, but it contains papain. These are substances that can destroy thin, weak roots. Banana peel cheeses should not be placed on top of the soil or buried 2-5 cm deep. The raw materials are placed on the bottom of the pot and planted on top indoor flower. While the roots begin to grow, the peel will rot and will not harm the flower.
  3. In addition to the fact that for indoor flowers, raw banana peels are not placed on top of the soil, they are not mulched.

Hot countries supply to middle lane fruit with amazing properties for both people and plants - these are bananas. They come in fodder and dessert varieties, but their nutritional value does not decrease. Lovers of indoor flowers have created several interesting and healthy recipes for feeding flowers.

Nutritional value of the skin

Banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants contains potassium compounds and, to a lesser extent, phosphorus and magnesium. These are the main components for setting buds and long-term flowering.

Of the microelements, calcium is especially useful, which is necessary for the ripening of vegetable fruits. It is contained in the pulp, which is also used for feeding.

Natural organic matter is more quickly absorbed by plants, as it contains a chelated form of microelements. The effect of applying banana peel fertilizer for indoor crops occurs faster and lasts longer.

Is there any harm in fertilizing flowers?

Banana peel fertilizer can harm crops if not properly treated first laundry soap. The fact is that manufacturers use various chemicals to increase the shelf life of products.

When eaten, the peels are thrown away, so there is no harm to humans. But this can be harmful for plants. Therefore, if you plan to prepare banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants, then each fruit must be washed with soap and water before use.

Use in recipes for indoor plants

Banana can be used as a flower fertilizer in several ways. It is rarely buried fresh in the ground for fear of mold. Fresh peels can be used for seedlings, and here's why: before being sent to consumers, fruits are treated with ripening accelerators.

These chemicals affect the growth rate of seedlings. For adult plants, this factor is not so important, so the peels are dried or fried.

The most common methods are:

  • drying and grinding into powder;
  • fermentation;
  • infusion - preparing banana water for flowers.

Banana peels are used as fertilizer for indoor flowers to increase the number of flower stalks, the duration of flowering and the brightness of color.

Fried banana skins

Processing with hot air in an oven or microwave is considered a bad method. Firstly, a plaque remains in the nutria, which over time begins to emit an unpleasant odor.

Video: Miracle fertilizer from banana peels

Secondly - everything harmful substances in this way they are not removed, but there is less organic matter. If you brew banana peels with boiling water as fertilizer for flowers or gardens, this preserves the organic matter, but the chemicals are not removed, but go into the water.

Preparation of powder for plant nutrition

Drying is carried out using radiators or under the sun's rays in hot weather. At the same time, banana skins are covered with gauze to prevent flies from laying eggs in the organic matter. This will lead to contamination of the soil in the pot and death of the root system.

It is important that the process proceeds quickly. In this case, rotting of organic matter can be avoided. After drying, the raw material is crushed with a blender or in a meat grinder. It should be stored in a closed jar in the refrigerator.

Eggshells and bananas

A complete fertilizer for flowers is made from banana peels, coffee and egg shells. Crusts are a source of potassium, coffee grounds are rich in various microelements, and egg shells are a source of calcium. To prepare you will need:

  • 1 skin;
  • shell 3 eggs;
  • 3 used sieves from under the coffee maker;
  • glass of water.

All components are crushed in a blender. The result is a brown viscous mass. Feeding indoor plants with banana peels, coffee and shells is laid on top of the soil, after watering it. After mulching, water again to ensure nutrients get into the soil.

This combination is loved by tomatoes, cucumbers, and melons.

Citrus peels, sugar and bananas

There is a recipe for a mixture that can be stored for years, periodically diluting a few tablespoons with water for irrigation. This is fermented or fermented liquid compost.

What you need:

  • peeling vegetables, fruits (bananas) – 3 parts;
  • brown sugar – 1 part;
  • clean water - Part 1.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the peels and banana peels into small pieces.
  • Add sugar, stir.
  • Backfill cleaning. Shake.

In order for the fermentation process to proceed more intensively, there must be room left in the container for air gap. Every day the jar is opened slightly and the gas is released. The mixture is ready in 3 months, in this case, all solids are completely rotted thanks to bacteria.

For one liter of water you need to add 1 ml of fertilizer for banana peel flowers. Store in a cool place.

Composting Bananas

How to make fertilizer from banana peels by composting - for this you need garden composter or a place under compost heap. It is better to hold such an event at the dacha or in your own garden.

Compost in an apartment will emit an unpleasant odor unless it is anaerobic and is not completely covered. Both fresh and dry peels are suitable for the “common cauldron”. Dry ones need to be soaked before adding compost.

Along with the skins, soil, peat, leaves, grass, and weeds are added. To make the process go faster, it is recommended to use natural organic solvents - bacterial preparations Baikal EM-1, Shining or other similar products.

The main rule of compost is to maintain the amount of nitrogen and carbon-containing substances. The peel in this case will be classified as a carbon component because it does not contain nitrogen.

Grass, droppings or manure are added to it to start the processes of combustion and melting of the components into a single mass. Quick fertilizer for flowers made from banana peels in 3 months. Naturally, this takes about one and a half years.

Liquid fertilizers

Liquid flower food made from banana peels includes an infusion of water. To do this, the raw materials are placed in a jar and poured clean water. After a day, the nutrient liquid is ready and used for watering. The skins are refilled with water and used further.

Banana peel is actively used by flower growers as a fertilizer for not only garden but also indoor flowers. It contains a lot of potassium, thanks to which the plants on the windowsill will bloom and develop profusely. What kind of banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants can be prepared easily and quickly at home?

Benefits of banana peel

Banana skin has long been used in gardening. . Useful properties it is as follows:

Banana peel has advantages over potash, phosphorus fertilizers, purchased in a store, since it is almost devoid of a chemical component and does not have unpleasant odor. The composition of the peel is filled with the following elements:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen.

The value of the resulting fertilizer from the peel lies in its high potassium content and slightly less phosphorus. It contains little nitrogen, but contains magnesium and calcium. All these microelements are required by indoor flowers for development and increased flowering. There is enough nitrogen to grow green mass. Magnesium is especially valuable for flowers that chronically lack light, as it promotes photosynthesis. With the use of banana peel flower food, their seedlings grow faster. The leaves of domestic plants are wiped with the peel and freed from dust.

Disadvantages of using peels

There are also disadvantages to using this fertilizer. You should know that bananas are transported from afar and they are collected for this purpose when they are still green. Their rapid ripening is achieved by treating them with various chemicals and soaking them in a solution of ammonium sulfate and chlorine. The fruits are also treated with hormonal agents. Such substances in small doses promote the growth of flowers. In large quantities, they are harmful to both people and plants.

Another disadvantage of banana peel as a fertilizer for flowers is that this fertilizer does not completely cover the lack of useful components in them. Plants additionally require the application of ready-made fertilizers.

Types of fertilizers

Plant nutrition from banana peels is prepared in the form of infusions and solutions. They are used either independently or in combination with the addition of various useful components. Banana skins are used to make syrups and cocktails as fertilizer for home crops. Such fertilizers have their advantages and disadvantages. To find out how effective each of the proposed fertilizers is, you should test it in practice and observe how the crop being grown behaves with it.

Fertilizers from fresh and frozen skins

Housewives often use fresh banana peels as fertilizer for indoor plants. It is cut into small pieces, which are buried in the ground. In this case, it is difficult to determine how many banana skins are needed so that they decompose quickly and their quantity does not become excessive. They decompose slowly, and to speed up this process, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be used.

Natural fertilizer for home flowers can be made from frozen fresh banana peels. Skins from eaten fruits do not need to be thrown away, but placed in plastic bag or a special tray and put it in freezer. Later they can be taken out and used if necessary. All nutritional components are preserved in such skins. These fertilizers are useful for roses, begonias, violets, cyclamens, and ferns.

Banana peel tincture

Fertilizer in the form of an infusion is often used to water indoor flowers.. To do this you need:

  1. Before preparing the infusion, bananas should be washed with hot water.
  2. Grind by hand.
  3. Fill half a 1 liter jar with them.
  4. Add water to cover the peel.
  5. Leave the skins to steep for a day.
  6. After this, the infused solution is poured into another container and water is added to a liquid volume of 1 liter.

The infusion has a strong smell, so if you don’t like it, you can dry the skins for fertilizer.

Dried shell fertilizers

Dried banana peels are often used as fertilizer for indoor flowers. Cooking recipe useful feeding This method is one of the most common. The peel is green or yellow and does not contain black spots. It is first washed, cut into pieces and dried in the sun (in summer), in a room radiator, placing it up on the newspaper inside, or oven, but not in the microwave until it turns brownish-black. The readiness of the fertilizer during the drying process can also be judged by the appearance of brittleness.

The skins should be dried, not roasted, so keep the oven temperature as low as possible. After drying is complete, the banana peel is ground in a blender (coffee grinder) to a powdery state. This product can be stored in a hermetically sealed container, for example glass jar with lid. The resulting powder can be sprinkled on top of the ground as mulch. in a flower pot and then water the plant. The dried product can also be mixed with soil when planting or replanting a crop using a 1:10 ratio. Apply this fertilizer once a month.

Instead of turning the skin into powder, you can crush it into small pieces and place them at the bottom of the pot as drainage when planting and replanting house plants. The plants will be fertilized.

Cocktail with peel

To prepare it, place banana skin in a blender glass, add 200 ml of water and mix the mixture thoroughly. In the form of fertilizer, 2 teaspoons of this cocktail are placed on top of the loosened soil in the pot where the plant is located, approximately once a month.

Complex fertilizers

In this case, feeding from banana peels is combined simultaneously with various useful components, among which citrus skins and granulated sugar can be used. Top dressing is prepared from 1 part of crushed skins of this fruit and 1 part of citrus zest. This mixture is placed in a 3 liter jar, filling 1/3 of its height.

Place 1 tbsp on top. l. granulated sugar and fill the jar to the top with boiled, non-hot water. The mixture is infused in warm conditions for about 3 weeks. It is shaken periodically. After 3 weeks, the infusion is filtered and stored in a cool place. Before use, the fertilizer is diluted with plain water in a ratio of 1:20. Used once a month.

Another option is to take 2-3 skins large fruits banana, put in a 3 liter jar, add onion, garlic peels, dry nettle in the amount of one handful, fill everything with water and place in a sunny place. After 4 days, the solution is filtered and diluted with ordinary water in a 1:1 ratio. It is good to periodically water both seedlings and grown flowers with this liquid.

Spraying with banana solution

Banana peels are used as fertilizer for indoor plants not only by adding it to the ground, but are also effective and foliar feeding. They are carried out by spraying the leaves of the plant with a prepared fertilizer solution. This requires:

  1. Dry the skins of 4 bananas.
  2. Using a blender or coffee grinder, turn them into powder.
  3. Add to it the crushed shells of 3 eggs, 20 g of magnesium sulfate (magnesia), 900 ml of water.
  4. Shake the solution until the magnesium dissolves.

Store the solution in the refrigerator. Spray the plant with this solution from a spray bottle about once a week.

In order to receive good fertilizer for flowers from banana skins and to use it effectively, you need to know:

So no need to throw away peeled banana skins. It is better to use them to prepare healthy supplements, which is easy to do with your own hands. And the effect of such banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants will be simply amazing! Thanks to banana feeding, the plants will actively develop, delighting those living in the house with their rich flowering.


The main advantage of banana is high content potassium Contains less phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and nitrogen. These are the components that indoor plants need. Homemade banana infusion for flowers is useful because it is released into the soil gradually in small portions. And this will protect against overdose and chemical burns.

For plants during the period of releasing buds and flowering, a real godsend is an infusion of banana skins, which makes this process longer and better. Flowers receive nourishment and energy from nutrients during flowering. The rest of the plant does not remain deprived.

Some are skeptical about such an economical and simple option fertilizing But such plant care products made at home are not inferior in quality to store-bought ones.

Infusion recipe for watering

An infusion of banana peels is prepared for watering flowers without much difficulty.


  • banana skins – 3 pcs.;
  • purified water.


  1. Place the skins in a 3-liter jar.
  2. Fill with purified water.
  3. Leave for 2 days.
  4. It is advisable to strain.
  5. Dilute with water 1:1.

The classic infusion of banana peels for irrigation is used in the same way for greenhouse crops.

For fertilizer

For indoor flowers with individual needs, an infusion of banana peels is used as a fertilizer, with the addition of other components.


  • banana skins – 3 pcs.;
  • onion peel;
  • garlic peel;
  • dry nettle.


  1. Place banana peel and a handful of dry ingredients in a 3-quart jar.
  2. Fill with purified water.
  3. Leave it on the window so that the sun's rays enter.
  4. Leave for 4 days.
  5. Strain.
  6. Dilute with water 1:1.

A good top dressing would be an infusion of banana peels for flowers that are in the process of growing or have already grown.

How to water flowers correctly

First, find out the degree of soil moisture. So watering banana peel infusion will bring maximum benefit. Despite the considerable number of recommendations for proper watering, there is no universal method.

To properly use banana peel infusion for watering, you should follow the basic rules:

  • for desert type cacti and succulents, watering should be moderate summer time when plants are actively growing;
  • you need to provide sufficient space for watering so that the compost is 10-20 mm below the level of the edge of the pot;
  • for plants that require moderate watering, it is necessary to saturate them with moisture in the summer, much less in winter, and allow the outer layer of compost to dry out between all waterings;
  • most flowering plants need constant moisture support, while the compost should not always be wet - for this you should wait until the top layer of compost dries;
  • few species (azalea, cyperus) need wet compost; an infusion of banana skins is often used for abundant watering.

Drip irrigation scheme

For plants that need constant moisture support, there is drip irrigation. Even in the absence of the owner of the house, the flowers receive the necessary nourishment. To do this you need:

  1. Install specially purchased for drip irrigation droppers or make them from improvised means ( plastic bottles, hoses, etc.) with your own hands.
  2. Provide water supply by filling a bottle or other container.
  3. Holes made in the cap of an inverted plastic bottle will ensure a constant supply of moisture for the compost.
  4. If necessary, pour in the infusion of banana skins.

Using a decoction

If you need to get useful remedy To water indoor plants as quickly as possible, you can prepare a banana decoction.


  • banana peel - 3 pcs.;
  • purified water – 1 l.


  1. Place the peel into the bowl after the water has boiled.
  2. Keep on low heat for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Cool, strain.

After complete cooling, the banana peel decoction can immediately be used for watering indoor plants, similar to the infusion.

Banana peels are very useful as fertilizer for indoor flora. It is liked by many gardeners precisely because it contains a lot of nutrients that promote growth and strengthen the root system. Banana peels contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. It is these substances that houseplants need in certain quantities.

Making banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants will not take much of your time and effort. You don’t have to worry that the plant will get a chemical burn, because the banana peel will share its nutrients not immediately, thereby not causing harm to the flower.

In powder form

As a fertilizer for indoor plants, banana peels should be thoroughly dried. In order to get enough powder, you should prepare one and a half kilograms of crust in advance. It needs to be cut and placed on the windowsill, having previously laid down clean A4 sheets.

Be sure to place the peels on the windowsill with the inside facing up so that the pulp can dry faster. It wouldn't hurt to dry it in the oven. After it is ready, grind it in a blender or coffee grinder. Store the prepared fertilizer in a glass jar and be sure to cover it with a lid.

Indoor flowers should be fertilized during their flowering period. For one flower pot medium size requires two teaspoons of powder. Sprinkle the powder evenly over the surface of the ground and water thoroughly.

As a tincture

Feed flower plants and a special tincture of banana peels. For this you need not dried, but fresh peel. Prepare a bottle in advance, preferably one that holds three liters. Rinse it thoroughly and place banana skins (three or four), then fill with warm water. Let this tincture sit for two days.

After the required time has passed, you can begin to water the plants in the room. For home flowers, you should stick to a one to one ratio when diluting the infusion with water. It is recommended to water seedlings with this fertilizer.


Fresh peels must be placed during transplantation or when the plant is first planted. Remember that before planting or replanting a flower, you must prepare the soil. All this will take you about two to three weeks. The banana peel must completely decompose during this time in the soil.

This fertilizer helps the plant grow foliage very well.

As compost

To prepare this fertilizer, you need quite a lot of banana skins, as well as a special preparation (you can take “Baikal”). The peels must be thoroughly cut, mixed with soil and sprinkled with the preparation. All the soil should be left for about a month so that the banana peels are completely decomposed. As soon as the specified time has passed, it is necessary to repeat the procedure.

Combination recipes

Any gardener will not miss the chance to get natural organic matter for your garden, while creating various fertilizers. Let's look at the most popular recipes.

Nourishing tea

To make it you will need:

  • one teaspoon of leaf green tea;
  • banana peel powder - two tablespoons;
  • one liter of boiling water.

You need to mix the powder with one teaspoon of loose green tea and add boiling water. Leave until the tea has cooled completely. If your plant is withering, then fifty milliliters will be enough for it to begin to come to life. This hour is ideal for indoor flowers.

Refreshing shower

In order to prepare the solution, you will need:

  • two tablespoons of crushed eggshells;
  • six tablespoons of peel powder;
  • twenty grams of magnesia;
  • nine hundred milliliters of water.

Fill all dry ingredients with water. Be sure to stir thoroughly to dissolve the magnesium sulfate. Store the resulting liquid in the refrigerator. You should not spray this solution too often.

This nourishing and soul-refreshing product will make your plants feel much better.