Planting and growing peanuts. Peanuts – grown in open ground; how to grow groundnuts

Many adults and children enjoy eating delicious and nutritious peanut kernels. It is eaten independently and complemented with some dishes. Its kernels are highly nutritious and beneficial for the body. Peanuts quickly cause a feeling of fullness, so they are popular among those who are determined to control their own weight. Peanut kernels are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Peanut butter contains linolenic acid, vitamin B and vitamin E. Peanut butter contains folic acid.

Peanuts are annual plant, belonging to the legume family. The peanut bean is equipped with a constriction and a durable shell. There are fruits inside the bean. In peanuts they are called kernels. Today, peanuts are no longer considered exotic plant. Many amateur gardeners already know and share secrets of how to grow peanuts at home.

Necessary conditions for cultivation


An important condition for a rich peanut harvest in the garden is a sufficiently good level of lighting. The peanut bush should not be shaded by other plants.

If you grow peanuts at home, you need to allocate a place for it with good lighting so that a sufficient amount of sunlight falls on the plant.

Window sills located on the eastern and south sides. If there is still not enough light, then you can use artificial lighting.

Optimal temperature conditions

Plays an important role in growing peanuts temperature regime. A comfortable temperature for the plant is from 20 to 27 degrees. When the temperature exceeds + 30 degrees and falls below – 15 degrees, the growth of the peanut bush stops.

Humidity level

During the flowering of peanuts, beans are formed underground, which constantly need moisture. Under no circumstances should water stagnate. Too much high humidity slows down seed ripening. This is why peanuts should not be sprayed.

Containers for growing peanuts

Sprouted peanut seeds are transplanted from small cups into wide containers, since the shoots should not be allowed to hang down over the edge of the container.

As soon as the flowering period ends, fruits begin to form. Branches with ovaries begin to descend down and burrow into the ground, where the fruits ripen.

In this regard, peanuts can only be planted in a fairly wide container.

Soil selection and fertilization

Soil selection

Considering that fruits form in the ground, you need to carefully choose the soil. Loose black soil is perfect for this; you can also plant seeds in sandy loam or neutral soil.

Growing a peanut plant requires potassium, magnesium and large amounts of humus.

Fertilizers for feeding the soil

Growing peanuts requires fertilizing the soil several times per season. Feeding mineral fertilizers made per one hundred square meters:

  • Nitrogen is added in an amount of 0.45 - 0.6 kilograms;
  • Phosphorus - the amount varies in the range of 0.5 - 0.6 kilograms;
  • Potassium is applied exclusively to sandy loam soil in an amount not exceeding 0.45 kilograms.

Feeding periods

Fertilizing the soil is carried out three times during the period of growing peanuts in the garden:

  • The period of formation of true leaves.
  • The period of bud setting.
  • The period of fruit formation.

Plant Formation

Seed selection

For planting, you can use grains that were collected no earlier than 3 years ago.

The most popular varieties currently are:

  • Runner;
  • Virginia;
  • Spanish;
  • Valencia.

The following varieties are perfect for temperate climates:

  • Krasnodarets 13 and 14;
  • Steplyak;
  • Valencia 433;
  • Klinskaya.

Before purchasing, you need to make sure that the seeds are not processed or fried.

Formation of bushes

From peanut seeds a low bush is formed, which consists of branched stems with feathery leaves dark green and small yellow flowers.

Peanuts have one amazing feature: their flowering period is one day. This means that within 24 hours the flowers of the plant must have time to be pollinated in order to ensure the formation of fruits.

Pest protection

The most common pest is the mole cricket. To destroy it, you can make bait. To do this, you need to collect peelings and grain, then dig them in the garden next to the peanuts and cover them with roofing felt. A little manure or humus is poured onto the top. From time to time the bait needs to be checked and mole crickets collected.

From seedling to first harvest

Planting peanuts

Growing peanuts begins with sprouting seeds. To do this, you can use a saucer on which the grains are soaked in a damp cloth.

For the first time summer days The sprouts are transplanted into prepared soil in the garden. It is advisable to make the beds 45 centimeters wide; everyone chooses the length themselves. Plant the sprouts at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other and 60 centimeters from the other row.

At the beginning of April, the seeds should be planted in plastic cups. The planting depth should be about 3 centimeters. The glasses are placed in a sunny place and watered.

Peanut seedling care

To reap a rich harvest, peanut bushes must be hilled several times during the season:

  • before flowering begins, plants need to be hilled up; the height should be at least 50 centimeters;
  • 10 days after flowering;
  • then hilling should be carried out once every 10 days. At the beginning of August, hilling should be stopped.

Several times a season it is necessary to fertilize with mineral fertilizers.


When the peanut bushes stop growing, their leaves and stems dry out and turn yellow, you can begin harvesting.

The plants need to be dug up and, after shaking off the remaining soil, put away to dry. They should be dried together with the bushes. After about 10 days you can separate the beans.

It turns out that growing peanuts at home and in the garden is a very simple process and every gardener can do it.

Peanut is the most valuable oilseed crop. In addition to oil, its kernels also contain a lot of protein. The taste of peanuts competes with nuts. No wonder it is called groundnut. And one more thing good property of this crop: peanuts are an excellent precursor for many vegetable plants.

It enriches the soil with nitrogen and significantly eliminates weeds. Its tops are fully eaten by livestock, both fresh and dry.

I will share my experience of growing peanuts. For planting, I stock up on selected seeds, remembering that you cannot expect a good harvest from bad seeds. I plant peanuts from April 25 to May 15, when the soil warms up to 15°. An accompanying sign is the flowering of white acacia.

In our area, in the same area, it is possible to pre-grow radishes. After removing it, I clear the area of ​​plant debris and plant peanuts. I use a special planter. I place the seeds in moist soil, in furrows previously made with a three-foot marker. I leave row spacing 70 cm, the distance between plants in rows is 15-18 cm. I plant peanuts with grains freed from husks - 2-3 grains per nest hole.

The normal plant density is 1100-1200 per 100 m2. In sparse places I replant seedlings, which take root well. I don’t feed the plants at the time of care, because my plot has been well-filled with fertilizers since the fall. I even put sapropel - river silt. In the spring I add ammophosphate (1.5-2 kg per hundred square meters), so caring for peanuts comes down to constant loosening of the rows and hilling. I water using ditch or sprinkler method. From 100 m2 I remove 50 kg of peanuts.

Of the peanut varieties, I prefer Acorn, which I purchased at the All-Union Research Institute of Oilseed Crops in Krasnodar. I don’t have any seeds for distribution.

K. Ivanov, amateur vegetable grower, Krasnodar region

(Homestead farming No. 6, 1985)

Ground nut - peanut

Peanut or groundnut is a small annual plant up to 60 cm high, similar to beans. Brazil is considered to be the birthplace of peanuts. Currently, the largest areas cultivated for this crop are allocated in India, China, Burma, Indonesia, and African countries. In the United States, groundnuts became widespread after the boll weevil destroyed cotton plantations in the southern states, and farmers had to switch to growing another crop that provided a stable income. And today peanuts are to Americans what potatoes are to Russians. And the state of Alabama even erected a monument to the cotton boll weevil, thanks to which the country received a nutritious product whose nutritional value is much higher than that of potatoes.

Peanuts came to Russia at the end of the 18th century, but in industrial scale They began to grow it only in Soviet times. On the territory former USSR it is grown in Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Ukraine, and the Krasnodar Territory.

In more northern regions, peanuts are usually delayed in development and do not ripen, as they have a long growing season. Early varieties Acorn, Perzuvan-462 ripen in 100-120 days from full germination to harvesting. The medium-ripening variety Krasnodarets requires 120-150 days from full germination. It should be taken into account that peanuts are a heat-loving crop. Seeds germinate at a temperature of +15°C, and the optimal temperature during the growing season is 20-25°C.

Culture loves lungs in mechanical composition, fertile soils with a neutral reaction. In autumn, dig up the soil for peanuts to a depth of 20-25 cm and add 4-6 kg of rotted manure or compost, 20-30 g phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and in the spring - 10-15 g of nitrogen fertilizers and 100-200 g of ash per 1 sq. m.

Peanuts are drought-resistant but moisture-loving crops. During the season, it requires 6-8 waterings with a bucket of water per 1 square meter. m. By the way, the yield of peanuts during industrial cultivation with irrigation is 40 c/ha, without irrigation - 10-16 c/ha.

It is not easy to create southern conditions for growing peanuts in our climate zone. But you can try to get a harvest if you speed up the growing season of plants. The duration of the growing season depends entirely on the length of daylight hours. You can make peanuts bloom and bear fruit much earlier if you give them southern nights. To do this, the plants are covered with a lightproof box two hours before sunset, removing it only two hours after sunrise. This creates a southern short day, which forces the plant to ripen and produce a harvest earlier.

The same technique, called photoperiodism in agronomy, can also be used when preparing seeds - making them germinate with a shortened day, keeping them for 3-4 days in less light. “This will replace shading during the growing season and make it unnecessary. Then obtaining a nut crop in the north will no longer present any difficulties,” writes the outstanding Russian agronomist and naturalist A. G. Doyarenko. “The use of photoperiodism for many southern crops, especially annual ones, can give exceptional results, expanding the boundaries of their cultivation. This is a very rich, interesting and promising area for research, accessible to any amateur."

Peanuts are grown as seedlings and in a seedless way. In the south, seedlings are sown in mid-April and planted at the age of 20-25 days. Sow in open ground in early May, when the soil warms up to plus 15-16°C, to a depth of 6-10 cm according to the 50x50, 70x70 pattern, 7-8 seeds or 4-5 beans per nest.

In the Southern Urals, this soil temperature occurs at the end of May. Shoots appear in 12-15 days. After three weeks the plants bloom.

Peanut has amazing property, not repeated in flora, - he buries his ovaries into the ground. Flowers are formed in the axils of the leaves and are collected in inflorescences. Their number depends on the level of agricultural technology and external conditions– moisture reserve in the soil and air temperature. After the flower withers, a fruit stem appears from the leaf axils - a gynophore, at the end of which there is an ovary. It grows quickly, bends and goes into the ground. After the gynophore penetrates the soil to a depth of about 5 cm, the ovary begins to develop into a pod. That's why peanuts are called groundnuts, because the ripe fruits need to be dug out of the ground. In past centuries, when there were no earthmoving combines, slaves were sent to collect peanuts, just as we once were “to pick potatoes.”

Given the specific nature of fruiting, during the flowering period peanuts must be hilled up like potatoes.

During the growing season, the crop needs two or three fertilizing with mineral (30-35 g/10 l of water) or organic (0.5 l/10 l of water) fertilizers of 3-5 l per 1 sq. m. m.

Peanuts are harvested when they reach technical ripeness, when the bulk of the beans are well filled and the shell is hard and straw-yellow in color. The dug up beans are dried. Store in a cool, dry, warm place. In other conditions they easily become moldy. The first sign of mold damage is dark spots.

Peanuts are a healthy dietary product

Peanuts are distinguished by a high content of vitamins and microelements, a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids and pleasant taste. The seeds of this nut contain about 50 percent fat and more than 35 percent protein. Moreover, fats are mostly unsaturated, that is, they help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. In fact, peanuts and peanut butter have less fat than most other nuts. Therefore, products from it are included in many diets for diabetics and overweight people. Scientists say that if you eat peanuts regularly, your risk of cardiovascular disease will decrease dramatically. Groundnuts are also good source folic acid, therefore very useful for pregnant women. American doctors recommend eating a handful of peanuts or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter daily. By the way, in terms of nutritional quality, 100 g of peanuts can be equivalent to 200 g of beef and 150 g of cheese. True, if you eat too many nuts, you won’t get double the benefits. A handful a day is enough.

In the US, 75 percent of people start their day with a peanut butter sandwich. And American children are given peanut butter sandwiches to school. In this country, there are institutes for the study of peanuts, clubs for peanut lovers, and even a “peanut press” in which materials devoted to groundnuts are published.

Confectionery products are made from peanut seeds. It is eaten fried. The vegetative mass is used to feed livestock.

Peanuts are not only a valuable food and oilseed crop, but also a raw material for wide range industrial products, including adhesives, synthetic fibers, paper coating compounds, flame retardants, paper and fabric sizing, water repellents, etc.

Medicinal and nutritional properties of peanuts:

Has a beneficial effect on sexual potency

Improves memory and attention

Improves hearing sensitivity

Useful for severe exhaustion and serious illness.

The substances that peanuts are rich in are necessary, and in large quantities, for the normal functioning of nervous tissue, heart, liver and other organs and systems.

For long-term dry cough, it is recommended to give roasted peanuts to the child along with rice porridge several times a day.

Owners of garden plots in the North show a genuine interest in growing not only zoned crops, but also southern ones, which are rare in our country. I would also include cultivated peanuts (also known as Chinese nuts, ground pistachios, ground nuts) as such. In the 16th century was brought from South America to Asia and then to Europe. In the 18th century appeared in Russia. Currently, only one subspecies of this plant is cultivated in the Krasnodar region - the common peanut. In culture it has two forms: bush and creeping. Bush peanuts with a height of 50-60 cm are more common. The root of the peanut is highly branched and can penetrate to a depth of 1.5 m. The branches of the bush are round at the base, tetrahedral and pubescent at the top. The leaves are pinnate, glossy on the upper side, pubescent on the lower side. The flowers sit one or two or three in the axils of the leaves. The color of the corolla is yellow or orange. In flowers it is possible cross pollination. After fertilization bottom part The ovary of above-ground flowers elongates, forming a needle-like organ - a gynophore, which grows upward for 5-6 days, and then bends, grows downward, penetrating into the soil to a depth of 8-10 cm with the ovary sitting at its end. After this, the fruit begins to develop from the ovary in moist soil - a non-cracking, cocoon-shaped bean with a thick mesh skin, most often containing 2-5 seeds. The seeds are elongated oval and round, dark red or light pink in color. The bean itself has a mass of 0.3-3 g. On fertile soils, up to 700 fruits are formed on the bush with sufficient heat and moisture. Peanut is a fairly heat-loving plant, and even with a long growing season (150-180 days).

Perhaps this is what is holding back our gardeners from trying to grow peanuts in the cool climate of our region. After all, seeds begin to germinate at a soil temperature of 12...15°C (like corn), but we have adapted to growing corn in the North-West and even get our own harvest. So why shouldn’t a practicing, inquisitive gardener grow peanuts among the other legumes that we cultivate here? Here we must take into account that peanuts are one of the first food products in the world in terms of calorie content. And the vegetative mass is used to feed livestock. In terms of feed merits, it is not inferior to the hay of perennial leguminous grasses, which we do not have a lot of here. Peanuts contain about 42% oil, up to 22% protein and about 13% carbohydrates. Peanut seeds contain over 50% high-quality fatty oil, about 20% protein and up to 18% carbohydrates, fiber, purines, saponins, vitamins B, E, pantothenic acid (B5), biotin (vitamin H).

Peanut kernels in all types are a delicious, nutritious product. Peanut varieties - Acorn, Krasnodar 1708 (Adyg), Perzuvan 46/2.

It's actually not difficult to grow peanuts. We dig up the soil in the fall and loosen it in the spring. We sow beans or hulled seeds into warm, moist soil (an accompanying sign is the flowering of white acacia). After sowing, the soil is rolled. From my own experience, I note that nuts for sowing must be shelled by hand, since mechanical shelling usually damages the embryo. I think every gardener understands where this leads. Care - regular weeding, loosening, hilling, watering (at least 8 times, the last one 20-30 days before harvesting). It is quite possible to grow peanuts within a 120-day frost-free period. In the North-West, peanuts can be grown in a greenhouse, through seedlings. They remove it before frost sets in, digging out the bushes with a garden fork. Shake off the ground and put it in windrows for 5-7 days to dry, then sort it. The average bean yield is 0.5 kg/m2. Peanuts are usually eaten roasted and, along with sunflower seeds, are a favorite delicacy of Russians.

(Gardener No. 5, 2011)

Peanut nut

Peanuts (groundnut, Chinese nut, ground pistachio) – annual herbaceous plant legume family. Peanuts, at their core, are quite a heat-loving plant. Maybe this is what keeps the gardener from growing peanuts in our cool climate. After all, seeds begin to germinate at a soil temperature of 12-15°C - the same as for corn, but we still grow corn), and why not try growing peanuts. After all, it occupies one of the first places among food products in terms of calorie content. Peanut is a valuable oilseed crop. Its seeds contain about 60% fat and more than 35% protein. Peanut oil is used in the canning and soap industries and in medicine. The cake obtained after separating the oil contains up to 45% protein and 8% fat. It is used in the manufacture of canned food, halva, cakes and other confectionery products. Whole beans are also in demand in their natural form. They are eaten raw, and most often fried, and are a favorite treat for both children and adults. Stems – good food for livestock. The husk (bean skin) is used for making insulating materials and for fuel. Groundnuts were brought to Europe in the 16th century from China, so their beans for a long time called Chinese nuts. The growing season of peanuts is 120-160 days. Optimal temperature for plant growth 25-28°C. At temperatures below 12°C, fruits are not formed. Peanuts have the following varieties: Perzuvan 46/2, Acorn, Krasnodar 1708. Peanuts are sown with beans or shelled seeds (usually shelled) in heated, moist soil in a square-cluster method (70x70 cm) 7-8 seeds or 4-5 beans per nest . You can - at a distance of 70 cm from one another, in a row - 15-18 cm, 2-3 grains per nest hole. Seeds are planted in the soil at 8 cm, and beans at 10 cm. The sowing rate for seeds is 5-9 g, beans - 7-12 g per 1 m2. After sowing, the soil is rolled. Care - regular weeding and loosening, hilling, watering (at least 8 times, the last one 20-30 days before harvesting).

Peanuts are little susceptible to pests and diseases. Peanuts are harvested before the onset of autumn frosts when the beans are well formed and easily separated from the gynophore. They dig up bushes with a garden fork, much less often with a shovel. They shake off the soil and lay them out for 5-7 days to dry, then the beans are threshed, dried and sorted. The average bean yield is 0.5 kg/m2. When harvesting in wet weather (autumn), the beans are dried in dryers (at temperatures up to 40°C). During storage, the moisture content of the beans should be no more than 8%.

I. Krivega, amateur gardener

(Gardener, 2012)
Peanuts in the garden

Are you used to buying peanuts at the market or supermarket? Would you like to enjoy some nuts from your own garden? It turns out that growing peanuts on a plot is not so difficult. Experts say that if you can handle potatoes, then you can handle peanuts!

Cultivated peanut is an annual plant with branched shoots and pinnate leaves; yellow-red flowers are arranged in clusters on stalks of 4-7 in the corners of the leaves, but only the lower ones bear fruit, and the upper ones are usually sterile.


After fertilization, the peduncle with the ovary at the end begins to lengthen, stretch towards the ground, penetrate into the soil, where the fruit grows - a swollen, oval 2-4-seeded bean (not a nut!). One plant can produce up to 40 beans.

The seeds, the size of a medium-sized bean, contain up to 40-50% oil and 30% protein. Their color is dark red or light pink.

The pigment that gives the skin its color protects the plant from insects, but if it enters the human body it can cause mild poisoning (diarrhea). However, this nuance is not a reason to refuse to eat peanuts: the pigment is easily removed by soaking.

Peanut is a plant that requires heat, moisture, light and nutrients. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 12°C. Seedlings are sensitive to frost. At a temperature of -1°C they die.


The optimal temperature for plant growth and development is 25-28°C. Fruits are formed in autumn only at temperatures above 12°C. Peanuts absorb the most moisture during the flowering and fruiting phases. In insufficiently moist soil, the ovaries develop poorly and the bean harvest is small.

Depending on the variety and weather conditions, the ripening period of peanuts from planting to harvest lasts 120-160 days. In the conditions of Belarus, early varieties can be grown by sowing seeds in open ground, late varieties can only be grown through seedlings, otherwise the crop will not have time to ripen.


For growing peanuts, fertile sandy soils are selected, preferably on a southern slope, well-lit and protected from cold winds. Unsuitable are structureless, saline and swampy lands in the lowlands, where there is a high probability of spring frosts.

Peanuts are sown after any crops except the legume family. The soil is prepared in the fall: they add organic fertilizers at a dose of 2-3 kg/sq.m., phosphorus - 60-80 g/sq.m. m, potash - 40-50 g/sq.m and planted to a depth of 12-17 cm. In the spring, 2-3 harrowing is carried out to destroy weeds.

Before sowing, the seeds from the beans are husked. Peanuts are sown when the soil warms up to 15°C at a depth of 10 cm, which usually occurs at the end of May. Peanuts are sown in a wide row with row spacing of 45-70 cm. The distance between seeds in a row is 10-20 cm. Early varieties are sown more densely, late varieties less frequently. Seeding rate – 6-9 g/sq.m. Planting depth is 6-8 cm.

If used late varieties or spring is late and cold, it is worth growing seedlings in pots and planting them at 25-30 days of age at the same depth and in the same pattern.

Caring for peanut crops includes harrowing before germination, 2-3 inter-row cultivation and weeding in rows and 1-2 hillings during the period when the ovaries lie on the soil. Hilling up is especially effective after rains or watering. If the soil moisture is insufficient, 3-4 moderate waterings are carried out.


The harvest is being collected late autumn, but before the onset of cold weather and rainy weather. Harvesting begins when the leaves turn yellow, when the grain is easily separated from the shell. Plants are dug up with a pitchfork, completely torn out of the ground and turned over to dry. Depending on weather conditions, drying can last from 3 days to several weeks.

In unfavorable weather, plants removed from the soil must be tied into small sheaves and dried under a canopy. When the beans are easily separated from the plant, they are torn off and dried by spreading them thin layer, stirring occasionally. If this is not done, mold may appear on the fruit.

Ripe grains are usually more dark color, round, fairly large in diameter, without wrinkles on the skin. Thin, wrinkled, light-colored grains are immature, and it is better not to use them for sowing.

Cleaned grains should be fried in the oven or in a frying pan before use. In addition to the fact that its taste will significantly improve and the red skin will peel off, it will also undergo a certain disinfection - after all, it was pulled out of the ground.

It is best to store peanuts unshelled (in beans), in fabric bags in a dry place.


Powdery mildew. The first signs of the disease appear in the form of single spots on both sides of the leaves, covered with a powdery coating, with the coating most often found on the upper side of the leaves. Gradually, the spotting grows and covers the entire leaf, which turns yellow and dries out. Similar spotting develops on stems and embryos, which die. The disease can be prevented only by strictly following agricultural practices for growing peanuts.

Fusarium wilt of peanuts. On young plants, the disease manifests itself in the form of root rot, which causes suppression of growth, yellowing and rapid death of plants. After a period of subsidence of the disease, it develops with new strength during the period of flowering and laying of the first fruits. Plants turn yellow, wilt and usually become necrotic before harvest. The roots of affected plants darken and rot, and pads of light mycelium develop at the base of the stem. Fruits are not formed, and if they are formed, they turn out to be small and underdeveloped. Control measures: compliance with a 3-4 year crop rotation, obtaining seeds from healthy areas, correct agricultural techniques when growing peanuts, including early dates, optimal depth and sowing density, timely harvesting.

Gray rot of peanuts. Signs of the disease appear from the end of flowering until the plants are harvested. On the tops or edges of the leaves, growing, vaguely limited rusty-brown spots are formed, moving along the petioles of the leaves to the stems, upper part which withers and dies. Affected plants do not produce fruit, or the ovaries remain small and sterile. With late infection, the pathogen settles on the bean valves, forming a dense gray coating mushroom. The beans remain small and deformed, and the seeds remain puny. Control measures: growing peanuts on a high agricultural background, ending irrigation 1-1.5 months before harvesting, timely harvesting.

Andrey Tchaikovsky, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

How to plant and grow peanuts. How to sow and grow seedlings? Is it possible to plant in open ground? How to care for planting? When to harvest? (10+)

Peanuts in the garden

Peanut loved in our latitudes as native, however, its homeland is South America. It has come a long way to our table: from South America it came to China and only then to Europe, which is why it was known for a long time under the name “Chinese pistachio,” although this has nothing to do with reality. Peanuts belong to the legume family.

The popularity of peanuts is quite understandable and is explained by a rare combination of taste and beneficial properties.

Beneficial properties of peanuts and their uses

Peanuts are very valuable in terms of their nutritional properties; they contain a large amount of vitamins: B1, B2, niacin, C and, in addition, a number of useful elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and phosphorus. Peanuts are a very nutritious food product, and how could it be otherwise with such a calorie content: per 100g - 551 kcal.

Peanuts are truly rich in antioxidants and thanks to this they help in the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, aging processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the genitourinary system. A higher protein content can only be found in soybeans.

Peanuts are easily digested by the body, although they are very filling, thanks to high content proteins. The high percentage of fat and protein makes peanuts an excellent raw material. In many countries, the main product from peanuts is oil, which is not inferior in its benefits to olive oil. Peanuts are useful not only for people, but also for animals: the shell and tops of groundnuts are very nutritious and healthy food for cattle.

We are accustomed to eating peanuts as a salty snack and as an addition to baked goods.

Peanuts are also used in cosmetology, pharmacology and the chemical industry.

Growing peanuts in open ground

Peanuts grow as medium-sized shrubs, bloom with small yellow flowers, and the beans (what we call nuts) set and ripen underground.

Despite the fact that peanuts are a heat-loving plant, practice shows that they grow quite successfully in our climatic conditions. In warmer places in the country, you can grow peanuts right away. open ground.

In this case, the site needs to be prepared in the fall, and in the spring the soil needs to be leveled and the beds outlined. Between the holes you need to maintain a distance of about 30 cm, and between the rows - at least 60 cm.

The nuts need to be taken out of the cocoon and placed in a hole 5-7 cm deep, 3 pieces each. Planting should be done in early May, when the soil is sufficiently warm and the likelihood of frost is practically excluded. The soil for peanuts should be loose and well fluffy; heavy and clayey soils are not suitable.

There is no need to water immediately, because the soil is already wet at this time of year, but when the first shoots appear, you can start watering. Almost immediately, the peanuts will begin to bloom with small yellow flowers. As soon as the peanuts bloom, they need to be covered with earth. You need to hill up high; as the bush grows, you need to increase the soil shaft of hilling. Careful hilling is advisable until the bush is completely strong. This procedure is very important and it will have a positive effect on the amount of harvest. Watering should be done sparingly, especially if there is sufficient rainfall.

In addition, it is worth regularly weeding the peanut rows, ridding them of weeds, this will also help maintain a loose soil structure.

Growing peanut seedlings

You can plant seedlings of peanut bushes in open ground. You need to start growing seedlings from the beginning of April: you need to place peanut seeds (nuts) in cups with soil to a depth of about 3 cm. The soil should be loose, soft and moderately moist. Cups are placed on window sills on sunny side and watered and fluffed moderately. Seedlings should be planted in open ground in pre-prepared soil in early June.

Attention should be paid to selecting a place for planting peanuts: it is advisable to choose a sunny place where potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers were previously grown, but not any other legumes.


You can harvest when the bushes begin to dry out. This usually occurs at the beginning of October. The weather should be sunny, warm, and the ground dry so that the bush can be easily pulled out. About a week before harvest there is no need to water at all. You can check whether the peanuts are ripe by digging up one bush.

It is convenient to dig up peanut bushes using a fork: the rhizome needs to be carefully pryed up, the cocoons with peanuts should remain on the bush if the harvest is harvested on time. The dug up bushes should be left in a well-ventilated, dry place for a couple of days, then the cocoons with peanuts should be picked and dried at room temperature until completely dry. An indicator that the peanuts are dry is the sound when shaking the cocoon: the nuts should roll freely.

After this, the peanuts are ready for consumption and further manipulation.

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The ground nuts that everyone loves so much, that is, peanuts, number 70 different varieties and it is quite possible to grow it yourself, like on summer cottage, and just on the windowsill.

In addition to tasty fruits, it blooms very beautifully with white or bright yellow flowers and easily adapts to any conditions. Outside of South America, mainly one species is grown - the so-called “cultivated peanut”, or simply groundnut, which in turn has many varieties.

Description and features of growing peanuts

This is a beautiful annual legume, from 30 to 75 cm in height, with a tap root system, very branched. In that how to grow peanuts in the garden, there is nothing complicated - thanks to such universal roots, it takes root well in any conditions.

Peanut stems are faceted, hairy or smooth, and the branches depend on the variety and can be either creeping or straight. With straight branches, peanuts look like a small bush, strewn with small flowers and are very decorative.

The peculiarity of groundnuts is that the actual flowering for fertilization lasts only a day, and after that the gynophore begins, that is, the receptacle is formed. As it grows, it lengthens and “drills” into the ground and buries itself. The fruits themselves are formed in the soil. That's why peanuts are called groundnuts.

However, thinking about it, how to grow groundnuts, you should not assume that this is an exclusively “fodder” crop; on the contrary, it produces a lot, and it blooms all summer long. Therefore, it is quite suitable for decorating flower beds.

Planting and caring for peanuts

In that how to grow peanuts, there is nothing complicated. Everyone who had a garden grew peas. So, groundnuts are the closest relatives of peas; you need to plant and grow peanuts in the same way as.

Peanuts, like all beans, love light, fertile soils without stagnant moisture. Loves sunny places and warmth. This is worth considering when choosing a landing site.

Having decided that where to grow peanuts, you need to prepare the place itself. Ground nut loves warm soil, so planting it before the end of May is not recommended. Of course, if there is no threat of frost, and the ground has warmed above 16 degrees, then you can plant it.

For planting, you need to prepare holes in a checkerboard pattern, with a depth of no more than 15 cm and at a distance of 25 to 50 cm. The distance depends on how warm the climate is. The hotter the summer, the more powerful they will be, and accordingly, the farther they should be from each other.

Grow peanuts Can like seedlings, and seeds. It is not difficult to prepare seedlings yourself by sprouting nuts on the windowsill. They need to be planted no earlier than April in order to get viable, attractive bushes ready for open ground by the end of May.

In that how to grow peanuts at home, not having a summer cottage is also not difficult. Groundnuts grow well in deep boxes on the balcony or just in tubs in the room.

What does it have to do with, how to grow peanuts in a pot, on a loggia or in open ground there is no difference. The most important thing is to remember that groundnuts love warmth and cannot tolerate stagnant excess moisture.

As for caring for it, everything is very simple. Watering is necessary once a week, and if it has rained or there is simply increased humidity in the air, then once every one and a half to two weeks.

Regarding , peanuts. Like any legume, it is very susceptible to mineral supplements and doesn't like organics. Also, if nuts grow in the garden, you need to clear the bed of weeds.

Useful properties peanuts

Legumes in general have many beneficial properties for humans, and peanuts are no exception. Firstly, this is a very nutritious product, it contains:


    vegetable fats;



    other minerals and vitamins.

One hundred grams of ground nuts contains almost a daily dose of magnesium and phosphorus necessary for humans. Secondly, peanuts contain lenolic acid, which prevents the development of sclerosis in the human body and is necessary for the body to produce arachidone acid, which is a natural counterbalance to the formation of cholesterol plaques and increases blood clotting. What makes groundnuts an indispensable product for hemophilia. Thirdly, dietetics has proven the fact that peanuts:

    good prevention of atherosclerosis;

    relief from cardiac pathologies;

    slows down the aging process;

    prevents the growth of cancer cells;

    accelerates the breakdown of fats.

In addition to all this, groundnuts contain a lot of tryptophan, this is one of the amino acids that promotes the synthesis of serotonin in the body. The same hormone, a sufficient amount of which:

Accordingly, regularly eating one hundred grams of nuts will have a beneficial effect on your state of mind and nervous system. The groundnut kernel is a source of fiber. Accordingly, daily consumption of peanuts is prevention:

    stomach and intestinal cancer;

    gallstone diseases.

Types and varieties of peanuts

All peanuts grown industrially for food production and simple consumption are divided into main groups:

    Spanish varieties.

These are the smallest nuts that are used to produce butter and salted nuts in bags. The best of this group include Dixie, Argentine, Florispen and about ten more names.


These are “giants” capable of favorable conditions growing 130 cm in height. With large “selected” fruits in bright red skin. For this reason, this group of varieties is often called “red-skinned nuts.”


The highest yielding and delicious varieties of peanuts with large oblong kernels. The most unpretentious. The best of them are North Carolina Runner, Bradford Runner, Green Georgia.


These ground nuts are used in confectionery production. Representatives of the Shulamit, Wilson, Gull, and Gregory varieties are most often found in cookies and cakes.

In that how to grow peanuts correctly, both in the room and on the balcony or at the dacha there is nothing complicated. But, having grown nuts, you need to remember that in addition to the benefits, they also have contraindications:

    this is a strong allergen, so you should not exceed the amount of 200 grams per day;

    for arthritis or arthrosis, peanuts are prohibited due to their high protein content;

    If you have metabolic disorders and are overweight, you also don’t need to get carried away with nuts, since this is not a dietary product at all.

As for harvesting and processing the crop, like any bean, peanuts will notify you that everything is ready with yellowing leaves and drying stems. Usually nuts ripen at the end of September, beginning of October.

Fruits selected from the soil must be thoroughly dried. Under favorable conditions, you can get a yield of up to 500-600 grams from one, which is very good, considering the simple agricultural technology and unpretentiousness of legumes.

Peanuts are a favorite treat for many people, regardless of age. This type of nut can be grown in open ground if you know the rules for planting seeds, caring for them and growing technology.

If all requirements are followed correctly, growing peanuts at home will not be a hassle. Before you start sowing, you need to figure out which variety will take root better, necessary conditions for growing it, when and how to plant peanuts.

Peanut seeds for planting

Experienced gardeners know when to plant peanuts. Best time for this purpose - mid-spring, when the earth is not completely warmed up, which is ideal condition. Good harvest will bring zoned varieties.

The most common of them in Russia are the following:

  • Stepnyak;
  • Valencia 433;
  • Klinskaya;
  • Krasnodarets 14;
  • Virginia;
  • Runner.

It is worth remembering that one type of seed is used for roasting and eating, and another variety is used to create peanut butter. First, we decide on the purpose of planting peanuts, then on the climatic characteristics of each variety, and only then choose the most suitable option.

When choosing seeds for planting, certain selection criteria are taken into account:

  1. The kernels should be large or medium in size (small ones may not germinate).
  2. Each of them should have a peel. It contains microelements that prevent the nut from spoiling. It is not recommended to remove it until landing.
  3. Kernels should only be taken raw (fried are not suitable).
  4. There should be no spoiled, bitten or otherwise damaged plants.

To get a high-quality harvest, you need to germinate peanuts for planting. To do this, pour a drop of epin into a container with water, put the seeds in it and leave overnight. After the procedure, they will soften and roots will appear.

How to grow peanuts at home?

After the seeds for planting have been selected and processed, it is necessary to prepare the soil. There are several technologies for growing peanuts at home. It can be grown in an apartment by properly equipping a nursery and directly in. In other conditions, nuts are planted only in the south of the country.

Growing seedlings begins with preparing seeds. To do this, they are wrapped in damp cloth and kept for 10 days. Next, the peanuts are planted in open ground. The depth of the holes when planting is 3 cm; 2-3 seeds are placed in one hole.

If peanuts are planted in open ground, then the depth of the hole should be at least 10 cm, and the distance between them should be at least 50 cm.

After sowing, the land is watered abundantly.

Soil preparation and selection

The harvest will be successful if they grow nearby. The place is chosen to be sunny and well ventilated. Peanuts do not like darkening, although they tolerate it in minimal quantities. Suitable option there will be soil containing humus. If the soil is saline or contains acid, then when digging.

Before planting, the soil must be cleared of weeds, dug up and loosened. Favorable time for sowing is mid or late spring. The nut ripens quickly, the first fruits will already appear in July, and therefore it is undesirable to delay the planting time.

The plant blooms only for a day, although profusely. After this, fertilization occurs and the ovary appears. It must be buried, otherwise the crop will die.

At home, peanuts are planted from seeds in small containers, the soil is regularly moistened and loosened. The plant should be located in a ventilated area and on good lighting. Peanuts during the entire growing period should.

Peanut care in open ground

The basic rule for caring for peanuts is hilling them. The procedure must be carried out three times during the entire period.

A mineral complex is suitable as a fertilizer. It must be added after the first leaves appear.

You need to water in such a way that the soil is kept moist at all times. Irrigation is perfect for this.

Peanut collection

Collection is carried out in dry soil and sunny days. A week before, you need to stop watering.

The first sign of ripeness is yellowed leaves. When grown in open ground, this happens in mid-September - then the collection process begins. They are carefully dug out of the ground and placed to dry completely. Separate the nuts from each other dry. Complete drying takes about 10 days.

Up to 50 beans are usually collected from one bush. Peanuts are stored in fabric bags in a ventilated area at a temperature of at least 10 °C. You can determine ripeness by lightly shaking the nut. It is ready to eat when it clinks slightly.

VIDEO: growing peanuts

You can learn how to grow peanuts in practice from this video: