Laying of metal-plastic pipes. Do-it-yourself installation of metal-plastic pipes: connection technology and wiring examples. Installation using push-in fittings

Metal water pipe plastic pipes- the most common option for installing water pipes in houses and apartments. They have firmly reigned in this market segment. And there are good reasons for this.

On this page we will describe all the pros and cons of such a water supply system, and also describe in detail how to install it yourself metal-plastic pipes, how to connect them using fittings, etc.

There are several objective indicators that allow metal-plastic pipes to outshine their competitors when installing a water supply system in an apartment or house:

  1. Easy to install. If the work is carried out carefully, it can be performed by anyone without any preparation. In practice, this is something like a construction set, the assembly of which does not require expensive tools or special skills.
  2. Reliability. The 50-year guarantee is proof of this. But note that this applies to pipes, not their connections.
  3. Price. One thing can be said: “Cheaper, but for nothing.” Some competition in this parameter may come from polypropylene pipes, but otherwise they lose.

Based on the above, water supply using metal-plastic pipes is reliable, inexpensive, and you can assemble it yourself. Naturally, connecting to the central system is the prerogative of professionals.

It's unfortunate, but Every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. In the case of metal-plastic water supply, these are fittings.

A fitting is a device with which you can:

  • change direction;
  • drown out;
  • connect;
  • branch.

In our case we are talking about metal-plastic pipes. If the fitting has the same diameter at both ends, then it is straight; and if different, then transitional.

But these are only their varieties according to their intended purpose, but according to the method of fixation, all fittings are divided into crimp and press fittings.

  1. Compression fittings. Otherwise called ring-shaped, or serviced. In such cases, fixation is carried out due to conical shape, inner surface, a ferrule nut that, when tightened, compresses the trim ring. Such connections can be disassembled and require periodic maintenance. Usually once a year, compression fittings on metal-plastic pipes through which the hot water, you should check and, if necessary, tighten it a little. The reason for their weakening is temperature deformation from hot water. For their installation, two gas (adjustable) wrenches are required.
  2. Press fittings. Or maintenance-free, they are fixed on the pipe by pressing in a special crimp sleeve. The work is carried out using press tongs. They can be manual or electric. The first ones cost from 4 tr., the second ones from 25 tr. The connection turns out to be permanent, but with a guarantee against leaks, regardless of the water temperature. Most often, press fittings are used in connections that will be walled into walls, or with difficult access after repairs.

The reliability and quality of connections depend on the scrupulous execution of instructions. But for the price... Although press fittings are cheaper than crimp fittings, they are total cost for installing water supply in an apartment is equal to the cost of metal-plastic pipes.

Planning a water supply system “on paper”

The most important and paramount thing is the water supply layout plan. If you have never done this, then you can create it from scratch without any particular difficulties, although this undertaking is quite painstaking. But it all starts with the consumer.

  1. It is necessary to designate the places where the taps will be. This is the kitchen and bathroom. With proper construction, they are usually located nearby, which makes organizing a water supply system easier and significantly reduces the cost. Ideally, if they are located in adjacent rooms, only one pipe will be required, from which branches will go through a tee to different rooms.
  2. The place where water enters the house is indicated. There are only two options: central water supply or a private well (well). Depending on this, you may need additional equipment. In particular, when using water from a well, it is necessary to install a hydraulic accumulator (above the consumer level). From it, water will flow by gravity into the house. This system is preferable because it does not require the pump to be turned on constantly. The hydraulic accumulator does not have to be metal. It can be “poured” from concrete. And already installed in the house:
  3. Filter system (configuration depending on water quality).
  4. Boiler.

Accordingly, if water is supplied to the house from the central water supply system, then only monitoring devices will need to be installed at the entrance to account for consumption.

This circuit diagram. It is unacceptable to make recommendations on a filtration system without knowing the quality of the water. The same applies to the water heating system. Depending on the conditions, the boiler can be electric or gas. Using a liquid or liquid water heater solid fuel not economical and associated with certain difficulties. Especially in the summer.

Required tools and materials

A string unwinds from the taps along the wall. In places of bending or branching, nails are hammered in and the direction changes. Accordingly, two (or three) strings will already go from the tees. Having marked the entire system in this way, it is necessary to draw its location on the wall. You can use chalk or water-based emulsion.

Only after this, the string must be removed and its length measured. Additionally, count the number of fittings and their types.

IMPORTANT: increase the resulting pipe footage by 10%. This is common practice.

Regarding the choice of pipe diameter, there is already an established opinion. For almost all residential buildings and apartments, a metal-plastic pipe ᴓ16 mm is more than enough. It provides a supply of up to 3 m 3 /hour. And most water meters are not designed for higher flow rates. And why more?

Choosing a manufacturer of metal-plastic pipes is perhaps the most difficult task. There are quite often fakes on the market. Buy a pipe from a reputable store or from trusted suppliers. We recommend that you refrain from purchasing metal-plastic pipes from Chinese manufacturers. Negative reviews are too common. The highest quality metal-plastic pipes are produced in Belgium ( Henco), Germany ( Frankische and Sanha).

What tools you will need:

  • Cutter for metal-plastic pipes (from 250 rubles).
  • Caliber with countersink (from 200 RUR).
  • Conductor (from 500 rubles).
  • Press tongs (from RUR 4,000, but can be rented).
  • Two gas (or adjustable) wrenches.
  • Hammer.
  • Screwdriver.

How to use the tool

The caliber restores the shape of the pipe after cutting, and the countersink removes the chamfer and removes burrs. If the caliber is without a countersink, then its work can be done using fine sandpaper.

The conductor is used to bend a metal-plastic pipe. It can be external and internal. In some cases, using the internal one is more convenient, because it does not slip in your hands. But it is not always possible, because the bend point may be far from the end of the pipe. Therefore, we recommend choosing an external conductor.

Press pliers will be required if you will be using maintenance-free fittings. Based on 16 years of experience, we recommend press fittings. And there is only one reason. Most residents forget about servicing their compression fittings after a year. And this leads to leaks. But the choice is yours.

From consumables You will need: self-tapping screws, fastenings for metal-plastic pipes, FUM tape.

The process of installing metal-plastic pipes

It is necessary to begin the installation of a metal-plastic water supply from the source to the consumer (to the taps). Unwind a piece of pipe from the roll to the nearest fitting, and cut it with a knife. Calibrate, deburr and chamfer. Then insert the pipe into the fitting until it stops. The press fittings have special holes, for depth control. The edge of the metal-plastic pipe should be visible in them. Then insert the fitting into the pliers and crimp the connection.

Compression fittings are secured using the nuts and rings included in the kit.

Working with press pliers with your own hands is quite simple, since you won’t be able to insert the fitting “crookedly” into it.

All press jaws have replaceable pipe jaws different diameters. Don't go wrong when choosing sponges.

The installation process for compression fittings is slightly different. First, a nut is put on the prepared piece of pipe, then a cutting ring, and after that, the pipe is inserted into the body of the fitting itself. Before tightening the nut, we strongly recommend winding with FUM tape. Only two or three turns are required. You need to start from the edge of the thread and wind it while holding the tape taut. After this, moisten the thread with sunflower oil. This technique will protect against leaks!

The nut is first tightened by hand until it stops. And only then, holding the fitting with one gas wrench, tighten the clamping nut with the other. You don't have to pull with all your might, but you do need to apply a little force.

Installation using press jaws

The metal-plastic pipe should be fixed to the wall every meter. Special fasteners are fixed into the surface through a self-tapping screw, and a pipe is inserted into them.

In those places where this is permissible, the pipe can be bent using a jig. To do this, put a conductor on the pipe, bring it to the desired location, and carefully, holding the product with your hands at a distance equidistant from the target location, bend the pipe in the desired plane. Considering that the bending radius of a metal-plastic pipe is equal to its 8 diameters, this approach is not practical everywhere.

Checking and eliminating leaks

After installing the metal-plastic pipes, connect them to the tap using the hoses included in the kit. Then go along all the routes again and visually check the integrity of the assembly.

Pay attention to tees and splitters. Sometimes, being carried away by one branch, the installer forgets about fixing the pipe in another.

Open the taps at the end of the water supply (kitchen and bathroom). And only after that, slowly, in order to avoid possible water hammer, open the water supply valve to the system. It is most convenient to perform this stage with a partner. He must control the water output at the final destination. As soon as the water starts flowing, to flush the pipes, let it drain for 2-3 minutes. Then close the outlet valves, this will increase the pressure in the system, and go along the entire route of laying the pipe. Check all connections. If in doubt, run a paper towel (or toilet paper).Don't confuse condensation with a leak!

We guarantee that if you have completed the work according to our recommendations, then in 99.9% there will be no leaks. If any connection causes you reasonable concern, then tighten it a little.

In order to install a water supply system, it is not at all necessary to always resort to the expensive services of specialists. The article describes step by step the sequence of installing metal-plastic pipes for water supply with your own hands when renovating a bathroom. Using it, you will do similar work yourself.

Properties of metal-plastic pipes

Metal-plastic pipes are currently widely used for the installation of pipelines for heating and water supply systems. Compared to traditional steel, they have several valuable properties, due to which they are most often used:

  • metal-plastic pipes do not rust and deposits do not form on their inner surface;
  • have a long service life, manufacturers guarantee a service life of up to 50 years;
  • simple and technological installation does not require special qualifications from the performer;
  • relatively low price of materials and installation costs.

For installation of water supply major renovation the customer chose from several bathrooms alternative options metal-plastic pipes with connections using press fittings.

Preparation for installation

We come up with the configuration of the future water supply system. It was decided that the use of collectors was not practical. This makes the pipeline more expensive, but does not provide any operational advantages. Therefore, it was decided to make pipeline branches to individual water collection points using tees.

After purchasing all the necessary fittings, we laid them out on the floor in the order in which they would be connected in the pipeline. This “rehearsal” made it possible to make sure that all fittings were purchased correctly.

For installation of the water supply we have prepared the following tools and auxiliary materials:

  1. Special scissors for cutting metal plastic and a calibrator.
  2. Press pliers for crimping connections.
  3. Adjustable and gas wrenches.
  4. Flax and sealing paste.

Before the installation of the pipeline in the bathroom began, the necessary preparatory work. All the old plumbing was dismantled along with the pipes, the walls were plastered with the preliminary installation of beacons. After the plaster had dried, sufficiently loose grooves for the pipes were cut into the wall.

Installation of water supply

Connecting pipes with press fittings involves two operations:

  1. Use scissors to cut the pipe to the required length. Using a calibrator, we correct the shape of the cut and chamfer simultaneously from the outer and inner surfaces of the pipe.
  2. Insert the pipe into the fitting sleeve until it stops. The end of the pipe should be visible through special inspection holes. Use pliers to crimp the fitting twice.

The photograph shows that as a result of crimping, two annular compressions are formed on the sleeve.

To simplify the work, we first assemble the individual parts of the water pipe. For example, we crimp water sockets for installing a mixer and attach them to a special mounting plate.

We install the prepared pieces of pipeline in their appropriate place and secure them. The mounting strips are attached to the wall using dowels and screws, the pipes are carefully bent and laid into the grooves.

We connect the assembled parts of the water supply system into a single whole on site. The crimping pliers device allows you to rotate the tool handles into a position convenient for work.

We continue to sequentially install all parts of the water supply system and connect it to the hot and cold water. To make it possible to replace water meters and taps in the future, we make the connection of the pipeline to the meters collapsible, using “American” ones.

The entire work of installing the pipeline from metal-plastic pipes took an hour and a half. Upon completion of installation, we put plugs on all water outlets, opened the taps on the risers and left the pipeline with water under pressure for several days. The grooves were not covered to check the connections for leaks. Work on finishing the bathroom continued at this time.

The installed water supply system turned out to be airtight: there were no leaks in any connection. You can fill the grooves with plaster and finish tiling the walls.

Helpful Tips:

  1. The connection on press fittings is non-separable. If there is an error, it cannot be redone. It is useful to have a few spare fittings in case this happens.
  2. You don’t have to buy press jaws; you can rent them.
  3. Metal-plastic pipes must be bent with caution. If the pipe wall becomes damaged during bending, the pipe should be replaced.
  4. To prevent the pipe from experiencing excessive stress under the plaster when heating and cooling from water, it is better not to smear it directly into the plaster: place an electric corrugation on the pipe. For a pipe with a diameter of 16 mm, a 25 mm corrugation is ideal.

We hope the article will be useful to you, and you will be able to install a pipeline from a metal-plastic pipe with a connection using press fittings yourself.

Metal-plastic (metal-polymer) pipes are composite pipes made from polymer pipe, reinforced with metal.

They are strong, durable, easy to install, resistant to aggressive environments and are often used in the construction of water pipelines, heated floors, systems for transporting compressed air and various liquids (including chemically aggressive ones), for laying electrical wires and cables.

  • outer protective layer made of cross-linked polyethylene;
  • inner layer made of food-grade plastic;
  • between the layers of polyethylene there is a reinforcing aluminum shell;
  • aluminum and polyethylene layers are bonded together with adhesive layers.
Photo: structure of a metal-plastic pipe

This design provides unique properties metal-plastic pipes:

  • metal-plastic pipes are easily bent, cut and hold their shape, thanks to the aluminum core;
  • the outer and outer layers of polyethylene are highly resistant to corrosion and protect the inner shell of aluminum from moisture and aggressive environments;

These design features determine the ease and convenience of installation of metal-plastic pipes, their reliability, durability and wide application conditions.


To the main technical specifications include:

  • pipe diameter. Metal-plastic pipes with diameters from 16 to 53 mm are produced. Pipes with a diameter of over 40 mm are practically not used in housing construction; pipes with a diameter of 40 and 32 mm are actively used when laying out the water supply network in a private house. The most popular and cheapest pipes are 16 mm, fittings for them are much cheaper than others. However, they and 20 mm pipes should only be used in networks central water supply at normal pressure in the water supply network;
Photo: pipe diameters and table of pipe diameters for heating
  • pipe wall thickness(can be 2 or 3.5 mm);
  • permissible bending radius. Lies in the range of 80-550 mm with manual bending and 50-180 when using a pipe bender.

Photo: pipe bend

Connection methods

For connection, special connectors (fittings) are used.

Fittings for these pipes are of two types:

  • compression threaded fittings;
  • press fittings.

Benefits of using fittings

  • quick and easy installation;
  • no welding required;
  • the labor intensity of the process of installing plumbing and heating systems is reduced;
  • no special skills are required to perform the work;
  • A very simple way to connect metal-plastic pipes with other types of pipes (steel, copper, plastic).

Compression Threaded Fittings

Compression fittings with threads for metal-plastic pipes are the most expensive. They allow you to make dismountable connections.

A wide range of dismountable compression fittings of various types is produced.

Types of threaded compression fittings:

  • corners: nut-collet, collet-collet, collet-fitting;
  • adapters: fitting-collet, nut-collet, collet-collet;
  • crosses;
  • tees: three collets; fitting-two collets;
  • water sockets: two collet nuts and a collet nut.
  • No special tools are required to install compression fittings. They are threaded and for their installation it is enough to have open-end or adjustable wrenches on hand;
  • Compression (crimp) fittings for metal-plastic pipes are recommended for connecting pipes of cold water supply systems.

Compression fitting for metal-plastic pipes consists of:

  • fitting;
  • compression ring;
  • union nut.

Photo: compression type connection

Press fittings

During installation, press fittings are widely used when installing hot and cold water supply systems, when installing heating systems and heated floors.

Photo: press fitting diagram

This is due to the fact that press fittings have the following advantages over compression fittings:

  • hidden laying of pipelines is allowed;
  • Pouring with concrete is allowed;
  • the connections are permanent. There is no need for annual preventive tightening of nuts at pipe joints;
  • maximum permissible operating pressure at joints up to 10 atm:
  • The service life of a connection using a press fitting is up to 50 years.

Their use is limited only by the need to use special presses (manual or automatic) during installation, which are not cheap.

Available wide range fittings for a press, allowing you to assemble a pipeline of any required configuration:

Photo: press fittings
  • tee fitting;
  • square;
  • coupling;
  • water socket;
  • cross.


  • light weight;
  • durability (service life up to 50 years);
  • high throughput (one third higher than throughput similar metal pipes);
  • economical and simple installation;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • resistance to clogging;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high plasticity;
  • high maintainability and ease of repair;
  • are not able to conduct stray currents (antistatic);
  • aesthetic appearance.

In order for the bathroom to have a neat appearance, you need to install a screen under the bathtub with your own hands, for example, from plastic panels. Read about this in the article:.

Find out in more detail about installing a sewer system in a private house with your own hands.


  • are afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • mechanical strength and thermal resistance are lower than the corresponding parameters of copper and steel pipes;
  • cannot be used as grounding conductors;
  • accumulate electrostatic charges;
  • require periodic maintenance (when using compression fittings);
  • When using compression connectors, it is unacceptable to place them in concrete screed, it is necessary to provide access to the connectors for their periodic tightening;

Compression fitting installation

Required tool:

  • adjustable or open-end wrenches;

Photo: adjustable wrenches
Photo6 scissors for cutting metal-plastic pipes
Photo: pipe calibrator

Installation of compression fittings on metal-plastic pipes is carried out in the following order:

  • the pipe is straightened in a section of 10 cm on both sides from the cutting site;
  • the location of the cut is outlined;
  • at the intended location the pipe is cut at a right angle;

Photo: cutting a metal-plastic pipe
  • the cut end is sanded with sandpaper and given the correct rounded shape using a special reamer (calibration);
  • a fitting and a cut compression ring are put on the pipe;

Photo: installation
  • the fitting is wetted in water and put on the pipe so that the end of the pipe evenly touches the fitting;
  • The nut is tightened by hand until it stops in the fitting. It should spin easily. If the nut is tight, then it is not on the thread. You need to try to unscrew and re-tighten the nut;
  • Take 2 adjustable or open-end wrenches. One holds the nut body, the other tightens the nut 2-3 turns;
  • check assembled system to leak.

Photo: checking for leaks

Important! Do not use excessive force when tightening the fitting. If a leak appears at the connection point, you need to carefully tighten the fitting nut.

Video: installation using threaded (collet) fittings

Installation of a press fitting on a metal-plastic pipe

Necessary toolfor installation of press fitting:

  • automatic or manual press jaws;

Photo: press jaws
  • scissors for cutting metal-plastic pipes or a hacksaw;

Photo: fine sanding paper
  • special development and calibration to give the pipe the correct rounded shape.

Installation of a press fitting on a pipe:

  • the pipe is straightened within the cut area;
  • the location of the incision is outlined;
  • the pipe is cut with scissors or sawn with a hacksaw at a right angle;

Photo: cropping
  • With inside The end of the cut pipe is chamfered and burred using a reamer and sandpaper;

Photo: cleaning
  • using a special calibration tool, the ovality of the pipe that occurs during its cutting is eliminated;

Photo: calibration
  • a special crimp coupling is put on the pipe;
  • a special insulating gasket is placed on the fitting fitting to protect against electrical corrosion;

Photo: installation of a press fitting
  • the fitting fitting is carefully inserted into the pipe and crimped with press pliers;

Photo: crimping
  • with correct crimping, two uniform rings should appear on the fitting coupling;
  • For some manufacturers, the coupling of the press fitting is initially permanently fixed to the fitting, so after preparing the pipe at the connection point, the pipe is immediately seated on the fitting.

The correct fit of the pipe on the fitting is controlled through the hole in the coupling and the coupling is crimped.

Important! It is allowed to crimp the connection only once using press pliers. Repeated crimping is strictly prohibited!

Video: installation using press fittings

Installation rules

When performing installation work, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • Before installation, it is recommended to store pipes indoors, no closer than 1 meter to heating devices. Storage under a canopy is acceptable;
  • carry out installation work at a temperature not lower than +10ºС;
  • do not unload rolls of pipes by dropping them from a height;
  • if metal-plastic pipes were transported at low temperatures, they must be kept indoors for 24 hours;
  • open laying of metal-plastic pipes is permissible in places protected from mechanical and thermal influences, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Before pipe laying work begins, all fire and welding work must be completed;
  • When laying open metal-plastic pipes, their laying is allowed only after completion of all finishing works indoors;
  • When marking, it is unacceptable to use sharp objects;
  • It is unacceptable to twist the pipes during installation or allow excessive bending;
  • pipe bending can be done manually;

In this case, the bending radius should not exceed 5 pipe diameters. If you need a larger bend, you must use a special tool for bending metal-plastic pipes.

  • Metal-plastic pipes are very flexible, so they must be secured. When laying open metal-plastic pipes, special fastening clips are used. At horizontal wiring pipes are fixed every 0.5 meters, and if vertical - every 1 meter;
  • all pipeline fittings must be secured in such a way as to avoid transfer of load to the pipes;
  • If it is necessary to pass a pipe through a wall or other structure, special sleeves must be used.

To save on bathroom renovation costs, install it yourself acrylic bath, using the video in the article: .

Are toilets with a bidet function easy to use? Read the reviews.

What is the use of plastic in the sewerage system of a private house? sewer well with bottom, .


The scope of application is very wide:

  • hot and cold water supply systems;
  • installation of floor and wall radiator-free heating (“warm floors” and “warm walls”);
  • radiator heating systems, with a circulating coolant temperature not exceeding 95 degrees;
  • irrigation systems;
  • heating systems for open areas;
  • soil heating systems in greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • piping of thermal curtains and water heaters at a circulating coolant temperature of no higher than 95 degrees;
  • installation of fuel lines and pipelines industrial use for transportation of non-food and food liquids;

Installation of water supply

Metal-plastic pipes are an excellent option for installing a hot and cold system or in an apartment.

When choosing pipes for installing water supply systems, it is necessary to take into account the operating pressure of the system and temperature (when installing hot water supply systems).

Installation of a water supply system from metal-plastic pipes is carried out in the following order:

  • A schematic diagram of the water supply system is being developed, on the basis of which an installation diagram with pipe distribution in the room is drawn. It is recommended to design a water supply system with a minimum number of connectors;

Photo: installation of water supply from metal-plastic pipes
  • By wiring diagram the required length is determined water pipes, the required number of fittings of various types;
  • The installation diagram shows where the pipes will be secured. The required number of fasteners is calculated. Special clips (plastic locks) are used for fastening;
  • determined by the type of fittings. If you plan to assemble a water supply system with your own hands and there is no opportunity to buy or rent press pliers for installing press fittings, then choose a compression fitting, for installation of which it is enough to have a pair of wrenches of the required size on hand;

Fittings are the weakest link in plumbing system, so you shouldn’t skimp on fittings and buy the cheapest models.

  • The pipeline is installed according to the diagram (fastening clips are installed in the designated places, pipes are separated, fittings are mounted);
  • During the installation process, metal-plastic pipes are bent. Bending of metal-plastic pipes is done manually or using a special spring, which is inserted inside the pipe;
Photo: bending of metal-plastic pipes

Important! During the bending process, it is necessary to observe the maximum permissible bending radii of metal-plastic pipes, exceeding which can lead to damage to the integrity of the pipe.

  • After installation is completed, the system is tested for leaks, and any leaks identified are eliminated.

Installation of heating pipes

Today, metal-plastic pipes are increasingly used in the installation of various heating systems.

Installation hidden systems heating is carried out using exclusively press fittings.

During installation open systems For heating, it is permissible to use threaded connectors.

Photo: installation of metal-plastic pipes for heating

When installing heating systems, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • Heating pipes must be fastened in increments of no more than 0.5 m. When larger step it is possible that the pipes may sag between the fasteners, which may impair the circulation of the coolant in the system;
  • pipes must be designed for a temperature of 95º C and a working pressure of 6.6 atmospheres;
  • When choosing pipes, you must pay attention to the availability of quality certificates.

Installation of heated floors

Today, metal-plastic pipes are the most affordable and economical option for installing underfloor heating systems. They bend easily, hold their shape well, are easy to install and operate, and last a long time.

Photo: heated floor diagram

The installation of a heated floor system is carried out using press fittings, so to perform pressure testing of the system you need to find press pliers or invite specialists.

When installing a heated floor system, pipes are laid in a snake, meander or spiral. The total length of one loop should not exceed 100 meters.

Photo: laying heated floor pipes with a spiral and snake
Photo: spiral snake

If the length is long, there will be ineffective heat transfer. When laying loops, ensure the distance between them.

Pipe consumption rate for installing heated floors: 7 linear meters on square meter premises.

The sewer system is one of the most important communications in the house. Previously, its wiring was carried out using metal components, but they have their own rather significant drawbacks. Therefore, drainage is now increasingly carried out using plastic pipelines. Installation of metal-plastic pipes can be easily done with your own hands without the involvement of specialists.

Benefits of using plastic

Metal communications were the most popular a few years ago. They have high levels of rigidity and strength, are durable and do not require maintenance. But at the same time, the metal is susceptible to corrosion, which is inevitable in sewer system. On steel and cast iron pipes under the influence of chlorinated water, various mineral “plugs” are often formed, which negatively affect the entire operation of the wastewater.

Photo - sewerage installation made of metal-plastic

Advantages of metal-plastic pipes:

  1. Excellent durability. They do not rust and salts do not accumulate on their inner walls. Apart from this, they also facilitate the disposal of solid waste;
  2. Frost resistance. Unlike conventional plastic analogues, such pipes do not crack due to temperature changes or when water freezes in them. They also do not deform;
  3. Easy to install. The technology for installing sewer plastic pipes does not require the use of complex devices, for example, heavy welding inverter, they can be embedded directly into the desired location of the line using a simple fitting or adapter;
  4. Availability. At the moment, the price of such communications is much lower than stainless steel ones. Sales are made in all cities (Samara, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and others), they can be found in almost every plumbing store.

But at the same time, metal-plastic pipes for water supply require very careful handling. They are a layered material, where the first layer is a special polyethylene, the second is a reinforcing metal fiber, and the third is a rigid polymer plastic. These types of communications are very sensitive to sudden shocks or falls, so certain rules must be followed during installation.

In such communications there is a hidden gasket that increases the tightness of the system. If its integrity is compromised during installation, the sewer will begin to leak air, which will reduce its efficiency. You also need to comply with certain standards specified for the installation of any type of pipe in GOST R 50838.

Video: connecting metal-plastic pipes

Installation using fittings

The most popular devices for sewer installation are fittings. This is a unit that is a connector of various sections of pipes. It can have any shape, depending on the needs: tee, coupling, square and others. In addition, pipe parts are now made from a variety of materials.

Photo - design of splitters

Instructions for installing screw units on pipes made of metal-plastic TER and PEX:

  1. It is necessary to cut the metal-plastic communication into pieces. Please note that special pliers must be used to cut plastic, polypropylene and rubber elbows. They will help you get the job done as smoothly and quickly as possible. Of course you can use others possible options, but this may damage the inner layer;
  2. Next, you need to prepare tees or corners for water supply. They are fitted with seals; they are often made of rubber, but there are also plastic models. These rings will help protect the sewer from leaks;
  3. For further installation work You will need special devices - calibrators. They will help to fold the pipe opening in order to install fittings, but without bending the seal rings;
  4. Experienced plumbers advise checking the pipe walls before starting installation. They must be completely smooth and clean; there cannot be burrs or other irregularities on the cuts. If there are any, carefully remove them using sandpaper and wipe the cut with an alcohol solution, which will degrease the surface;
  5. Afterwards the fitting is installed into the pipe. You need to put a nut and a clamp of a suitable diameter on it. To do this, stretch the pipe a little using a calibrator and put it on the end of the “leg” of the assembly, push it inward and fix it at the required depth;
  6. Make sure that the joint is completely level. After installation is complete, be sure to check its location in the pipe;
  7. All that remains is to tighten the nut on the polymer or metal-plastic pipes.

Expert advice: Do not over-tighten the nut. Because of this, cracks in communications often arise. The installation requirements state that you need to tighten it sufficiently, but do not pinch it. As soon as the nut begins to crack, this means that it has already “sat” quite tightly on the metal-plastic.

Photo - types of nodes

Features of installation of press fittings

Metal-plastic pipes are often installed in an apartment or house using press fittings. Compared to conventional ones, they have a number of advantages. They are ideal for providing wiring and installation of heating systems, warm floors, heated towel rails and even gas pipelines. Their main advantage is that they do not require periodic repairs, unlike their screw counterparts.

Photo – press center

Tips for installing compression fittings:

  1. The technological map requires cutting and stripping the pipe. This is very important stage, on which the efficiency of work depends. Communication can only be cut with special scissors;
  2. Now using gauges, you need to open the pipe to the diameter of the nodes and chamfer;
  3. A steel sleeve is placed on the pipe in the bathroom or toilet, and a fitting is inserted inside. If necessary, a sealing tape is installed;
  4. Further installation is carried out by using special device. The press equipment clamps the sleeve and fitting, forming a “dead” mount, after which the manifold can be connected here. This ideal option for internal pressure pipelines that cannot be periodically tightened. But be careful - dismantling clamp fittings is quite complicated, so you need to carefully think through the plan and possible methods sewer branches.

You can buy such fasteners at plumbing stores. Good reviews about VALTEC and HENCO parts .

Before starting work, a sewerage wiring diagram must be prepared, otherwise, after installing fittings on metal-plastic pipes, you will not be able to change their location. Then, if necessary, you will have to cut the communication and reinstall it.

This way you can connect the pipe to an electric boiler or other heating household devices. If you need to bend the pipe when installing a press fitting, you will need to use springs. Eat different ways, the simplest is to put a stiff spring on the communication and bend it in the desired direction.

Photo - sewerage wiring diagram

You need to understand that in any case you will need a special tool for installing metal-plastic pipes. First of all, these are divorced or wrenches, press, soldering devices, etc.

If for some reason you cannot install metal-plastic pipes yourself, then you can contact specialists; the price of sewer installation depends on the complexity of the work.

Due to their advantages over metal products, metal-plastic pipes are widely used for installation of pipelines in apartments and private (country) houses. How to lay metal-plastic pipes , as well as all their advantages and features are discussed in this article.

Construction of metal-plastic products

Metal-plastic pipes are products consisting of five layers:

  1. Inner polyethylene layer.
  2. A layer of special adhesive composition.
  3. Intermediate load-bearing aluminum layer.
  4. The second layer of a special adhesive composition.
  5. Outer polyethylene layer.

Since the cost of the components included in the product is not high, the cost of metal-plastic pipes and fittings is also not high.

Advantages of metal-plastic pipes

Metal-plastic products used for installing water supply systems compare favorably with alternative products. First of all, it is advisable to replace pipes with metal-plastic ones due to their positive properties:

  • long service life, which is no less than 50 years, provided that pipeline products are installed and operated in strict accordance with technical standards;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • no formation of salt and lime deposits on the inner surface of the pipes, which provides them with good throughput over a long period of operation;
  • absence of toxic components of metal-plastic;
  • the light weight of the products, due to which such pipes during installation do not create a load on the foundation or floor of the house;
  • supplying products in coils allows minimizing product waste when laying a pipeline;
  • easy laying of metal-plastic pipes without the use of welding and special tool;
  • a sufficiently high noise absorption effect, so the pipeline can be laid without insulating material;
  • no need for painting or anything else maintenance products;
  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • high mechanical strength (up to 10 atmospheres);
  • sufficient plasticity of metal-plastic products: if water freezes in a pipe, it will simply expand, but will not collapse;
  • good thermal stability when transporting hot working media;
  • the ability to install pipes in a concrete screed due to minimal line stress.

Installation of a metal-plastic pipeline

The simplicity of working with the products allows you to organize the installation of a pipeline in an apartment or country house(dacha) on your own. Metal-plastic pipes are laid with your own hands in the order described below.

Preparatory work

Before laying pipes, ball main valves are installed on the hot or cold water riser. Next, after the taps, water purification filters, meters, a pressure reducer and a manifold are installed, which is responsible for the uniform distribution of water between sanitary fixtures. From the collector in the apartment or house to the sanitary fixtures, metal-plastic pipes are laid out . The positive aspect of manifold wiring is that the pipe is connected with one thread without unnecessary branches and connections to a specific sanitary fixture.

Pipe cutting

Products are supplied in coils, so pieces of pipes of the required length are cut. This operation should be carried out using special cutting scissors (pipe cutters). If you use another tool, there is a high probability of damaging the protective layer of the pipe. In addition, the cut will not be even, which will subsequently affect the sealing of the joint. As a last resort, you can use a hacksaw with very fine teeth.

After cutting, it is necessary to remove the sharp edge of the pipe cut using available tools, such as a round file or knife, otherwise it may damage rubber seals when tightening the connection.

Connection of products

You can connect metal-plastic pipes using:

  • crimp (compression) screw fittings;
  • press fittings.

With the help of compression fittings, detachable connection units are obtained. Sealing with the pipe is ensured by a split sealing ring, which is tightened with a clamping nut. Such a connection requires constant monitoring and periodic tightening.

For monolithic (non-separable) connections, press fittings are used, the installation of which is carried out using a special tool. Since metal-plastic pipe products are laid mainly in a hidden way into the wall, it is necessary to ensure reliable tightness of the connections.

Let's look at how to install a reliable connecting unit using compression fittings:

  1. First, a clamping nut and a split sealing ring are threaded onto the pipe.
  2. To seal the connection, additional rubber O-rings are mounted on the fittings. To prevent their damage, the pipe must first be flared using a special calibrator.
  3. The fitting fitting is inserted into the flared end of the pipe.
  4. The next step is to assemble the fitting. The split ring is returned and the connecting assembly is tightly tightened with a nut.

The nut must be tightened tightly with a suitable wrench until a characteristic crack is heard, but with caution, without applying excessive force. It is very important to pay attention and check the quality of the thread when purchasing fitting products. It should not contain any burrs.

Pipe bend

If it is necessary to make a bend while laying a pipeline, a special spring or a flexible internal (external) mandrel is used, which prevents the pipe from being pinched, the clearance being reduced, or the product breaking when bending. The mandrel is selected with a diameter that matches the diameter of the pipe.

The metal-plastic product is bent with small, uniform movements until the required configuration or bending angle is achieved. After the procedure is completed, the spring or mandrel is removed from the pipe.


Fastening of metal-plastic pipes to the laid plane can be ensured by using special clips. They are available in different sizes for use with pipeline products of different diameters. These fasteners ensure axial movement of the pipes when heated. To ensure the accuracy of the pipeline laying, it is advisable to carry out appropriate markings before installing the clips.

Special supports or hangers can also be used for installation of pipeline products. In case of use metal fastening It is imperative to install gaskets made of any soft material.

Rules for laying a highway

Metal-plastic products allow you to lay a pipeline in an apartment or cottage, both openly and hidden in the ground or wall.

When laying pipes, you need to remember that for metal-plastic products it is necessary to exclude sudden pressure changes. Therefore, special reducers are installed on the main line to equalize the pressure in the system.

Installation of metal-plastic pipes is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  1. The manufacturer recommends that the pipeline be installed using metal-plastic pipes at an ambient temperature of at least 10ºC.
  2. If the pipes were transported (stored) under sub-zero temperature, then they must be kept for some time to warm up before installation.
  3. With an open installation method, for example in a bathroom, the installation of the pipeline is carried out after finishing the finishing wall (ceiling) work.
  4. Fractures of pipeline products during installation are not allowed.
  5. When laying pipes open method or in the ground, it is necessary to minimize the influence of direct ultraviolet radiation and strong mechanical stress on them.
  6. When laying products hidden, it is necessary to provide inspection hatches to organize access to compression fittings.
  7. If it is necessary to lay a pipe through a wall or partition, insert sleeves 10.0 mm larger than the diameter of the product are used. The free space is filled with material that does not support combustion. In any case, the possibility of axial free movement of the pipe must be ensured.

The formation of random scratches and cuts on the metal-plastic products not acceptable. For the same reason, when unpacking a coil with a metal-plastic pipe, you cannot use sharp tools. And to mark the pipe you need to use only a pencil (marker).

If you install and connect metal-plastic pipes according to the rules set out in the article, you can organize a water supply or heating system that meets all the requirements. A pipeline laid independently will perform its assigned functions for a long time without failure.