Types of garden geraniums. Indoor geranium: photos, types and varieties Pelargonium with brown leaves

One of the popular houseplants is geranium. Most varieties have bright colors, a pleasant smell and beneficial properties. Now many have forgotten about them. It grows well at home.


Caring for it is accessible even to inexperienced gardeners. But for successful breeding, you need to know the characteristics of the plant.

About 300 years ago, pelargonium was brought to Europe from South Africa and was mistakenly classified as a species of geranium. Since then there has been confusion about the name.

Those flowers that our grandmothers grew on windowsills are called pelargonium. Flower growers have bred approximately 10,000 varieties of it. Geranium is a winter-hardy shrub. To avoid confusion, in the text we will call everyone by their usual name.


There are currently 6 known varieties of geranium:






  • Geranium is the most capricious of all types.
  • It grows as a bush from 30 to 60 cm in height.
  • Her flowers are large, double.
  • Its inflorescences are shaped like umbrellas.
  • Situated on long stems, they form a hat.
  • In color, they can be solid, from white to purple, or they can be spotted.
  • The leaves are round and have serrated edges.

  • The most common type.
  • Its bush can reach 80 cm in height.
  • Its leaves are round in shape with white, yellow or brownish edges.
  • The stems are long, straight, and at their top there are inflorescences - umbrellas.
  • Their color is varied, from white to dark red or purple.



  • Has variegated leaves.
  • They can have spots, streaks, lines different shades: red, yellow, red.
  • The height of the bush is from 15 to 45 cm.
  • Its flowers are small, have many colors, but are inconspicuous in appearance.
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Useful properties

Essential oil

Homemade geranium is a medicinal plant. Healers claimed that she could cope with any illness: from ARVI to cancer. It is very often used in alternative medicine.

The folk epic speaks a lot about its benefits, for example, the proverb: “Geranium on the window - health in a basket.”

Let's consider its main properties in more detail:

  • Modern scientists have studied its properties. It turned out that the aroma of pelargonium is bactericidal; it purifies the air in the room in which it is located.
  • The aroma of the leaves repels insects. Everyone knows that it repels moths. Previously, clothes were arranged in sheets and put away for long-term storage.
  • Normalizes blood pressure. To do this, the piece of paper is applied to the wrist.
  • Treats colds. It is recommended to gargle with the infusion, and drop the juice from the leaves into the nose, 2 drops at a time.
  • Relieves pain symptoms. The leaf is applied to the sore spot.
  • Geranium essential oil has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Using geranium oil you can relieve vasospasm.
  • Normalizes heart function.
  • Decoctions help with kidney and liver diseases.
  • The roots of red pelargonium block the growth of cancerous tumors.
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When talking about the properties of the plant, you need to take into account that it can cause harm:

  • Children should not be allowed to take infusions and decoctions internally. Use only externally in the form of lotions and compresses.
  • Geranium should not be used in the treatment of those who have ulcers, thrombophlebitis, or constipation.
  • Use with caution in pregnant women and elderly people.
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Features of reproduction

Geranium can be propagated in three ways:

  • Seeds
  • Cuttings
  • Roots

Each method has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at them so you can choose one that's convenient for you.


Geranium seeds

At home, it is possible to grow a pelargonium bush from seeds. You can collect them from your own plant or buy them. The grown flower may differ from the parent bush. New varieties are developed using this method.

The disadvantage of seed propagation is the duration. The plant takes longer to grow and begin to bloom. After flowering ends, beak-shaped fruits are formed.

You need to let it ripen and dry without tearing it off. When you open the dried fruit, there will be seeds. By the way, pelargonium got its name thanks to its fruits. The literal translation means “beak of a crane.”

In order for the seeds to germinate at home and sprout, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. The soil should be loose. For an ideal substrate, mix 2 parts turf land, 1 part peat and 1 part river sand. It needs to be moisturized. Place the seeds on the surface, keeping a distance of 5 cm. Cover the top with a 0.5 cm layer of sand.
  2. To make it easier for the sprouts to hatch, the seeds should be rubbed with sandpaper. She will take off top layer. For greater efficiency, soak them in a growth enhancer. If these conditions are not met, the germination process will take 3 months.
  3. After sowing, the container is covered with film and put away in a warm place. As soon as the seedlings appear, it moves to a bright and cool place. The soil is aerated. Condensation is removed from the film.
  4. You need to water in moderation. For watering, use a pinkish solution of potassium permanganate. Drops should not fall on the sprouts themselves.
  5. Geranium seedlings are picked 14 days after the plant hatches. You can’t delay it, because the roots are also developing. Late planting can damage them. The geranium is transplanted into a permanent pot on the 45th day.
  6. After the sixth leaf appears, they begin to pinch. This process will form a beautiful bush of indoor geranium. It won't let him stretch out too much.


Cuttings can be carried out at any time of the year. But the best period will be the off-season: spring, autumn. Although they also have pros and cons.

Spring is the time of awakening. In geranium shoots it is activated vital energy. By planting the cutting at this time, you can already enjoy the flowering of the young bush in the summer. But on the other hand, cutting cuttings will slow down flowering.

In autumn, after the flowering period is over, the cuttings are stronger. They, having become stronger, will accept it faster. Florists autumn period reproduction is considered the best. The downside is that you will have to wait until summer for the first flowers.

How to take cuttings:

  • Cuttings are cut only when they are healthy and without damage. The optimal length is 7–10 cm. This should be done with a sharp knife or pruning shears. The cut should be located between the nodes of the branch.
  • Excess leaves must be removed. Only a few pieces are left at the top. This is done so that the nutrition does not go to the foliage, but to form roots.
  • The cuttings are kept in the purchased solution to stimulate root formation for 3 – 5 minutes.

Rooting options:

  • A hole is made in the substrate, where the future bush is planted.
  • You can, after the amplifier solution, put it in a glass of water. To disinfect, crush two tablets into it. activated carbon. It is transplanted into the soil after roots appear.

This method is not suitable for royal geraniums. It will rot in water.

  • There is a method of rooting in a bag: soil is poured into it, tied, slits are made, where the cuttings are planted. It is not particularly convenient, but moisture is thus retained, preventing the substrate from drying out. This is important for the appearance of roots.
  • There are special greenhouses. They consist of a container for soil and a lid with holes for ventilation. The method is good for a large number of shoots. They come heated. Their use is convenient: the soil is moistened, plants are planted, and closed. And all that remains is to wait for rooting.

Whatever method is chosen, you need to remember that the main thing is hydration. Water nourishes and promotes the formation of the root system. But you can’t overwater geranium. It will rot from excess moisture.

Propagation by roots

Sometimes geraniums grow new shoots from their roots. If you plant them out, you will get a new bush. To do this, the entire plant must be carefully removed from the ground.

The root is divided so that the children have part of the root system. Then the bushes are planted in separate pots.

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Watering a flower

1 Pelargonium is not whimsical. It does not require special care, but the rules must be followed. Then the plant will delight with lush foliage and beautiful umbrellas of flowers.

2 Geranium is a big sun lover. Pots with it can be placed in open sunlight. Cover the bushes only in extreme heat to prevent the foliage from getting burned.

3 Watering should be plentiful, especially in hot weather. Nevertheless, it is worth observing the measure. From an excess of moisture, the geranium will begin to rot and die.

4 To avoid stagnation of water, you need to think about good drainage for each pot. For example, put medium-sized pebbles on the bottom. The container should be small so that the root system can entangle the entire earthen ball.

5 Bushes should not be sprayed. Geranium foliage does not like excess moisture. When watering, you also need to try not to get it wet.

6 Depending on the period, you need to choose feeding. So, during flowering, geraniums need mineral fertilizers, containing phosphorus and potassium. Once it has finished blooming, it needs to be fertilized with nitrogen.

7 You need to feed every week from April to October.. If the bush is transplanted, then there is no need to use fertilizing for 2 - 3 months.

Features of care in autumn and winter

With the onset of cold weather, care for pelargonium needs to be changed. Temperatures below +12 degrees will become critical.

She loves warmth

1 In autumn - winter period geraniums should be placed on windows to ensure maximum illumination. It is advisable that the room is not very hot. Regular ventilation is recommended.

2 Watering should be reduced to once a week. Be sure to check the substrate; you don’t need to overdry it either.. This can cause the geranium to wilt. Fertilizers also need to be reduced. Once every month and a half is enough.

3 In autumn and winter, you may notice partial yellowing of the leaves. This is a normal process. They just need to be removed. If the tips of the leaves dry out, this indicates a lack of moisture. The solution is to increase watering.


Preparatory process

Geranium tolerates transplantation well, regardless of the time of year, although it is better to carry out the procedure in the spring. Waking up from winter dormancy, the plant tolerates any changes more easily.

In summer, when the flowering period begins, its forces are directed to the inflorescences. The transplanted bush will spend it on the root system, adapting to the new environment.

Do not forget that geranium does not like space. You need to choose a compact pot for transplanting. In a large container it will not bloom profusely, its purpose will be to develop the root system.

To understand that it’s time to replant the bush, there are several criteria:

  • Plant growth has slowed down
  • The soil dries out quickly, which leads to more frequent watering
  • Roots peeking out of a hole in the bottom of a pot
  • You can check by removing a lump of geranium. If the roots have entwined the entire lump, then it is time to transplant

Undemanding to care, blooming for several months and such bright pelargoniums are often called geraniums because of their similarity. But still, this is a separate, numerous genus, and photos of the types and varieties of indoor geraniums will help you understand the existing diversity of these amazing plants native to South Africa.

Such different indoor geraniums

Indoor geraniums growing on window sills, loggias and balconies, as in the photo, can look like herbaceous or semi-shrub plants with erect or flowing stems. All geraniums are highly decorative. Attention is attracted not only by simple or double flowers of all shapes and colors, but also by the unique leaves of the plant.

They can be wide, almost round, figuratively cut, finger-shaped, smooth corrugated, green and variegated.

Indoor geraniums have long been known as spectacular and unpretentious plants, has led to the fact that the last hundred years:

  • a great variety of pelargonium varietal forms were obtained;
  • wild species have been discovered and cultivated;
  • interspecific hybrids appeared.

Therefore, the modern classification of the genus presents plant lovers with about 250 independent species, and the gradation of varieties of indoor plants, accepted in the international community of flower growers, suggests using its own designations based on external characteristics, as in the photo, of varieties and types of indoor geraniums:

  • Stellar – star-shaped indoor geraniums, their varieties and hybrids;
  • Tulip – tulip-shaped pelargoniums;
  • Unique – indoor unique geraniums;
  • Zonal - zonal or bordered domestic varieties of pelargonium.
  • Angel – indoor geraniums angels;
  • Colored Foliage – variegated varieties;
  • Cactus – cactus-like pelargoniums;
  • Ivy-leaved - ivy-leaved geraniums that can be standard sizes, as well as dwarfs and miniatures;
  • Miniature and Dwarf – miniature and dwarf plants indoor pelargoniums;
  • Regal – royal geraniums;
  • Scented-leaved – scented geraniums.

Pelargonium zonal or bordered (Pelargonium zonale)

All kinds of hybrids and varieties of this type of indoor geranium, as in the photo, grow well in the house, on balconies and even in city flower beds. This is the undoubted leader in popularity and number of cultivated varieties, of which there are about 75 thousand today.

Among other domestic perennial geraniums, zonal plants are easily recognized by the characteristic color of their foliage. Against a bright green background, darker areas are clearly visible, which give the name to the whole type of indoor geraniums, as in the photo. Zonal pelargonium flowers can be either simple or double.

When describing geranium varieties, in the photo, and in the names of plants, the following gradation is used according to the number of petals in the corolla:

  • non-double flowers consist of five petals - Single;
  • semi-double flowers have from 6 to 9 petals and are designated Semi-Double;
  • double geranium flowers consist of 8 or more petals - Double.

Terry varieties are sometimes called peony geraniums, which is somewhat incorrect. There is no such group of plants in the internationally recognized classification.

Zonal geranium flowers differ not only in splendor and size. Long gone are the days when only red geraniums were displayed on the windows.

Depending on the variety and variety, pelargonium pleases the eye with umbrella-shaped inflorescences of all shades of pink, cream, burgundy or crimson. It is not uncommon to see plants with white, multi-colored and even yellow corollas, as in the photo of a geranium variety called First Yellow Improved.

But these are not all the strengths of indoor geranium. Flower growers pay special attention to varieties with a flower shape that is uncharacteristic for the species.

Rosaceae (Rose-bud Zonal pelargoniums)

An example is a pink-shaped geranium, as in the photo, with terry spectacular flowers, in structure and appearance reminiscent of miniature English roses.

This variety of indoor geranium, its name and photo of flowers have been known in the world since the century before last. The first information about plants was published in the Bulletin of the Royal Horticultural Society of Britain in 1876. But in our country, rosaceous varieties have not yet become widespread and are found only in the collections of the most enthusiastic flower growers.

Tulip-shaped indoor geraniums (Tulipe-bud pelargonium)

A century later, flower growers received plants homemade geranium with flowers that, even in full bloom, do not open, remaining in the bud stage.

As a result, this indoor geranium shown in the photo was called tulip-shaped. The variety began with a spontaneous mutation, and the few varieties and hybrids of tulip-shaped geranium that exist today sometimes try to return to their natural form when grown or propagated.

Star geraniums (Stellar Zonal Pelargonium)

In the middle of the last century, Australian flower growers managed to obtain indoor geraniums that have original form corolla, unlike the previously existing varieties.

Because of the sharp-angled, narrowed petals, the indoor geranium, in the photo, is called star-shaped.

Currently, flower growers have at their disposal varieties and hybrids not only with simple and double flowers of all shades, but also star-shaped pelargoniums with bright multi-colored foliage.

Cactus-shaped house geraniums (Cactus Pelargonium)

Cactus-shaped geraniums obtained at the turn of the 20th century are extremely rare today. Characteristic feature These plants have large flowers with narrowed, sometimes needle-like petals, giving the corolla a sloppy, disheveled appearance.

Carnation Pelargonium

Indoor geraniums, in the photo, amaze with the variety of flowers, colors and types. One of the most unusual is the carnation variety of zonal pelargonium with serrated petals, giving a resemblance to carnation flowers.

Ivy-leaved Pelargonium

Most ampel varieties of indoor geraniums, as in the photo, belong to the large group of pelargoniums and have leaves reminiscent of the dense green foliage of ivy. Because of this similarity, numerous varieties with simple and large double flowers are called ivy-leaved.

Ampelous geranium, as in the photo, is a plant with creeping or cascading stems reaching a meter in length. In cultivation, such varieties are indispensable both for vertical gardening and for decorating hanging baskets. Indoor pelargoniums are also used as ground cover plants.

The leaves of ampelous geranium are dense, leathery, unlike the zonal variety, completely smooth.

The variegated forms of ivy-leaved geranium, as in the photo, are very interesting.

Royal pelargoniums (Regal Pelargonium)

Many indoor geraniums were obtained as a result of breeding work and hybridization between species. Thanks to such efforts, royal pelargoniums with flowers up to 7 cm in diameter appeared.

The peculiarity of these varieties and hybrids lies not only in the size of simple and semi-double corollas, but also in their multi-colored color. The petals must have spots, veins or specks of contrasting tones.

Pelargonium Angels (Angel Pelargonium)

Pelargonium Angels appearance resemble plants of the “royal” variety. But the flowers here are somewhat smaller, and the existing varieties were obtained from crossing with a large-flowered plant.

Angels are basically hanging geraniums, as in the photo, forming a lush crown of shoots with medium-sized, monochromatic foliage.

Pelargonium Unicums (Unique Pelargonium)

Hybrid plants obtained from and brilliant began to be called unique. This group belongs to the oldest varieties, although it is not so easy to find plants in gardeners’ collections.

Although the flowers of this variety, as in the photo of indoor geranium, are similar to the flowers of royal plants, they are much smaller. But the foliage is often dissected, corrugated, and also has a pleasant smell.

For example, the greenery of the geranium variety shown in the photo called Paton’s Unique has a sweetish fruity aroma.

Scented-leaved Pelargonium

It was the smell of crushed geranium leaves that attracted people’s attention to this plant. Until the century before last, the main attention when selecting indoor geraniums was paid not to the beauty of the flowers, but to the aroma, because the plants served as “living deodorants.”

Similar varieties and hybrids of fragrant geranium are still popular today. They will not amaze with their bright flowering or the shape of the inflorescences, but they are used for flavoring culinary dishes and for household fragrance when storing bed linen or outerwear.

Depending on the type and variety, as in the photo, indoor geranium, its leaves can smell like all kinds of fruits, mint and roses, nutmeg, carrots or pine needles.

Video about the features of fragrant geranium

Geranium is a low-care flower. From Greek "geranion" or "geranios" is translated as crane. This is explained by the shape of the inflorescences; they look like the beak of a crane. In total, more than 300 species are known growing on forest edges, meadows and even in the mountains. On the territory of Russia you can find about 40 species with a height of 15 to 60 cm or more.

There is often a mistake in names. Geranium is often called a houseplant, which has taken root well in the homes of Russian housewives. This article discusses the garden geranium plant.

What varieties of geranium are there?

The difference between this species and others is its rhizome, which weaves along the ground. It quickly takes root and grows into a large, closed thicket 30 cm in height. The shrub is not picky in care. The leaves are long and round, divided into 5-7 teeth. Flowering time in June is 2-3 weeks. You can collect seeds of this species in August. The plant is very fragrant. In its unchanged form with bright green leaves it can go into winter. Prefers a dry and bright place.
Balkan geranium (large rhizome): photo

Popular varieties: “Spesagt”, “Ingwersen’s Variety”, “Insversen”, “Czakor”, “Variegata”.

Swamp geranium

Lives in shaded meadows. Blooms in June - July. The flowers are bright purple, 2 per stalk. In August, the flowers fall off and are replaced by bright greenish large leaves. In August, this species ensures self-seeding by scattering seeds. Growth at high humidity.

Geranium magnificent (lush)

The fruit of the work of breeders. Suitable for sunny and damp places. The bush grows quickly, its height is up to 50 cm. Flowering in July. By autumn the bush is covered with red and orange leaves. Unlike other varieties, it does not scatter seeds. Landscape designers used as a single planter on lawns.
Magnificent (lush) geranium: photo Popular varieties: “Alan Mayes”, “Blue Blood”, “Mrs. Kendall Clark, Rosemoor.

Geranium Vlasova

It grows in Siberia, Mongolia, and China, mainly in damp meadows with moist soil, along rivers and swamps. The stems are long and branching. Shrub up to 65 cm in height. The inflorescences are dense and large.

Geranium filamentosa

Grows in Siberia, East Asia, on Far East. Prefers shady forest areas and bushes. The stems are erect, the roots are branched. The flowers are not on tall, straight stems. The petals are wide, reddish-violet in color.

Geranium hairy-flowered

Grows in Eastern Siberia, Arctic, Far East. Prefers to grow in meadows and rocks, on slopes. Plant up to 70 cm high. Leaves are few. The flowers are small, but there are five inflorescences per stalk. The large “beak” of the plant is up to three cm long. Flowering in May-June. The seeds are dropped in August.

Himalayan or grandiflora geranium

Grows in Himalayan meadows. The species is little known in Russia. The bush is dense, up to 60 cm high. It differs from other species in having rather large flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter. The “beak” is long – 4 cm. The flowers are mostly bluish and purple. Blooms in May and blooms all over summer period.
Himalayan geranium: photo Popular varieties: “Gravetye”, “Jonson's Blue”, “Plenum”.

Georgian geranium

Grows in the Caucasus and Georgia. The variety is distinguished by long flowering, disease resistance and, of course, beauty. The view is considered the most original. A perennial plant, it can survive without replanting for 10-12 years, forming a dense bush up to 80 cm high. It blooms from late May to October (after frost). The leaves are bluish and turn red in autumn.

Blood red geranium

Grows in the Caucasus and Southern Europe. Does well in gardens middle zone Russia. Propagates by self-seeding. Flowering from June to August. Bush up to 60 cm tall. The name of the species comes from its leaves: in autumn and winter they change their hue to red. Without transplantation it can live up to 15 years.
Popular varieties: “Album”, “Compactum”, “Nana”, “Prostratum”, “Striatum”.

Geranium forest

Grows in forests Western Europe, in Asia and Eastern Russia. A rare shrub up to 80 cm tall. Grows in moist, loose soil. Flowering in May. The color of the flowers is lilac.

Popular varieties: “Album”, “Birch Lilac”, “Mayflower”.

Meadow geranium

Grows in Europe. This type of geranium is the tallest - up to 120 cm in height. Blooms from late April to August. When transplanted, flowering begins in the second year.
Meadow geranium: photo Popular varieties: “Splish Splash”, “Mrs. Kendall", "Flore Pleno", "Okey Dokey", "Summer Skies".

Geranium multi-colored, striped

Shrubs grow in European countries. Blooms in June - July. The plant is frost-resistant (down to minus 23 degrees). Dense bush up to 50 cm in height.

Secrets of plant care

If you choose a low, damp place, you should not expect the plant to bloom. Rot will begin to develop at the roots of the flower, the leaves will immediately turn red, turn yellow and then dry out. The secret of caring for the edge lies in the planting site - the ground must be treated with fertilizer, the planting site must be on a hillock.

Watering must be correct: do not dry out, but water moderately. Approximately 1 - 2 times a week, pour water under the bush, and not on the leaves, so as not to soak the beautiful inflorescences. The flower loves feeding - dilute 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water. l. Agricola for flowering plants, 2 tbsp. (Master, Uniflor, Fertika Lux and others) and water under the roots.

Another growing secret is that you should not water the flower in sunny times. The plant likes to be watered in the morning to avoid root rot.

The most important pest that loves geraniums is the whitefly. Based on this, you should take peat soil and mix it with garden chernozem. Among other things, treat the bush with “Commander” (dilute 2 ml per 7 liters of water).

Nuances of propagation of different varieties

Propagation of geraniums can be divided into 2 methods: seeds and cuttings. Let's look at them.

When propagating geraniums seeds, it is not always possible to preserve the variety; it can develop into a hybrid. Some types of flowers do not produce seeds, but are bred by self-sowing. Geranium seeds are mainly collected in August. A plant planted in this way will bloom already at next year.

Cuttings guarantees rapid rooting of geranium. This method should be propagated in the spring. Part of the bush is planted in a mixture of peat, sand, humus and soil. Be sure to feed the cuttings for rooting and water them abundantly.

Varieties of geranium (pelargonium) - varieties and types

Indoor Geranium or pelargonium a well-known houseplant. Nowadays it is removed many different types and varieties, there are already more than 400 of them all over the world. Withdraw new varieties of indoor geraniums began a very long time ago, probably as soon as they got to England, botanists immediately began to breed new species and subspecies; already in the 17th century there were quite a lot of breeding varieties of geraniums. The most popular varieties can be found on the shelves flower shops and the window sills of the houses of your loved ones and friends.

Pelargonium, with its unpretentiousness, has won the hearts of many flower lovers. The main advantage of indoor geranium is the fact that the same plant grows equally well both indoors and outdoors, and the growing conditions themselves do not differ, which makes its breeding and cultivation quite trouble-free. If you don’t yet know the name of the variety of indoor geranium on your windowsill or table, read the description of the varieties and you will find out the name of your beauty.

Indoor Geranium (Pelargonium) Zonal

Zonal geranium (pelargonium)

Zonal geranium (pelargonium) - most popular variety, every lover of this plant has such a geranium. This variety of geranium has a large number of varieties, but each variety of this species is distinguished by the special lushness of the plant and very abundant flowering.

The trunk of all varieties is smooth, and the leaves are always grooved, have different borders along the edges, the foliage is always lowered to the bottom and has a peculiar aroma. Her flowers are very diverse, they are ordinary, double, semi-double, each flower has from 5 to 8 petals. The flowers of zonal geraniums are very diverse in shape, some simply fascinate with their beauty, and they can be like this:

Geranium (pelargonium) Tulip-shaped

Tulip-shaped – in shape, these flowers resemble nothing more than a half-opened tulip bud; in the inflorescence, they resemble a bouquet of tulips that are about to open. The colors are completely different.


Rosebuds– the name itself immediately reminds us of roses, which is exactly what they look like, such a flower looks like a not yet fully opened rosebud. The only colors available are pink or red.

Cactus or carnation geranium

Cactaceae- resemble a cactus or chrysanthemum flower, they always have narrow petals, and the color is only red.

Star-shaped - the name speaks for itself, they resemble small stars in shape.

Geranium (pelargonium) star-shaped

Format (star-shaped) – the shape of the flowers themselves is star-shaped, similar to stars, but the foliage is also different, it is cut into 5 parts.

Deacons– have the smallest flowers, the inflorescences can be pink, red, purple, and these colors have different shades.

Geranium (pelargonium) Deacons or Bird's eggs

The colors of the petals of flowers of this species are very diverse in their color, there are even mixed colors, with stripes or splashes. There is even a coloring that gave its name "bird eggs" they were named so because the inclusions have the shape of a color bird's egg. Zonal geranium blooms all year round and quite profusely.

Zonal geraniums differ from each other not only in the shape and color of the flowers, but also in their size; they are microminiature; this variety reaches a maximum height of 14 cm; dwarf geraniums are slightly larger from 14 to 25 cm in height; ordinary ones from 25 to 70 cm and the most these are large Irene they always grow up to 70 cm.

This species is also distinguished by its leaves; they are always bordered; the border can be brownish, reddish, white, bluish or burgundy. The center of the leaf is also always clearly pronounced; it can be varied, the most unusual being black and silver in the center of the leaf. You can sometimes even find tricolor leaves.

Royal geranium (pelargonium)

Royal geranium named the most beautiful representative among geraniums, and its flowers are the largest among all. The flowers of this beauty can be pink, white, purple, red and burgundy, and the size of the inflorescences is large - 16 cm in diameter, making this bouquet simply luxurious.

Flowers can be regular or double, the edges are always wavy. Flowers almost always have stripes or dark spots. The highlight of this variety are the flower petals, to be more precise, 2 petals on a flower - they are always larger than the rest and more terry and velvety.

The leaves of this variety are very similar to clover leaves. They can be pale or rich in color.

The size of the royal geranium is quite small, it grows to a maximum of 15 cm in height.

This variety, unlike the others, is very whimsical, like a real queen, she is picky about everything. And it blooms less than all the others, the flowering period does not exceed 4 months and it blooms no earlier than after 2 years and only if the conditions are completely suitable for it.

This variety is in summer time does not like to live on the windowsill, in the summer it is better to place it in fresh air, but plant it in open ground no need, it will create stress for her and she will start to get sick, just take the potty outside. You can put it on the balcony if you live in an apartment. While it is outside, be attentive to the weather, it does not like rain, do not leave it in the rain under any circumstances, heavy rain can completely destroy the plant.

Fragrant geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium (pelargonium) Fragrant

scented geranium It’s not called that for nothing; this variety is indeed very fragrant and has a very bright aroma. If you touch its leaves, it will simply surround you with its scent. In this aroma you can clearly detect notes of mint, ginger, lemon, a little rose and even strawberry; only this variety has such a unique aroma.

Nowadays, through the efforts of botanists, unique hybrids of this variety have already been bred, which exude the aromas of apples, anise, pine and even, which is difficult to imagine, the aroma of kiwi.

The flowers of this variety are not large at all; they only come in purple and pink colors. Their shape varies; there is no exact description of the shape.

The leaves are divided into 5-7 parts and they are always double.

Geranium (pelargonium) Angel

Geranium (pelargonium) Angel

Angel - this variety stands out among the rest with its unusual flowers, they look like “ Pansies" They also have dark spots or stripes on the top two petals, which is quite unusual for geraniums. These unique flowers come in pink, white, and purple tones and vary in shades.

This variety grows neither big nor small, its growth reaches 35 cm in height. It has very beautiful branching, especially with proper pruning, the bush looks very aesthetically pleasing thanks to the lush branches that look simply luxurious.

Ivy-leaved geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium (Pelargonium) Ivy-leaved

Ivy geranium was bred by botanists through crossing. It is an ampelous plant. The leaves of this geranium are similar to ivy leaves, which is what gave the plant its name. This geranium is intended for growing in hanging flowerpots; it is used to decorate loggias and balconies; it looks simply gorgeous, especially during the flowering period.

This is the only representative of the species that is rarely grown in rooms; it is designed to grow in outdoor conditions and, accordingly, it blooms exclusively in the warm season, starting in May and ending flowering around the end of September, it all depends on weather conditions.

It is necessary to plant geranium in a bright place; it does not tolerate constant shade, but constantly falling sunlight is also destructive for it, so the place should be chosen so that the sun's rays hit the geranium only for some part of the day.

The plant is watered the same way as all the others, moderate watering is needed. During the dormant period, watering is reduced, the soil is not watered abundantly, it will simply need to be moistened.

Flowers of ivy-leaved geranium can be either simple or luxuriously double like no other. The size of the flower is quite large, one flower reaches 5 cm in diameter, and there can be up to 15 of them in inflorescences. The color of the flowers is very diverse, they come in various shades and go from white to black and blue. Spots, inclusions, stripes and borders are very common on flowers. If you plant such a geranium in one flowerpot various colors, the effect is simply amazing.

This geranium is not small, the length of the branches can reach 1 meter in length, so this variety of geranium must be planted in flowerpots suspended at a level of at least 1.5 meters from the ground.

For the winter, the geranium plant is brought indoors, but it does not fit in warm, bright rooms; for the winter it must be placed in a cool place with poor lighting, such a place could be, for example, an insulated corridor of a house where frost does not reach.

Pruning of this variety is carried out only at the end of winter; it is best to do this in March.

Cuttings for propagation are not grown in winter, because this is a dormant period for the plant and the cuttings take root very poorly. It is better to do this during pruning, that is, in early spring.

Geranium (pelargonium) Unicum

Geranium (pelargonium) Unicum

Varieties of geranium unique quite tall, adult plants reach 50 cm in height. This group of varieties began to be bred back in 1870. Unicums are the easiest to care for and grow well outdoors in open ground.

Uniques always bloom very profusely, the flowers have a variety of colors, they can be simple or double. The color of flowers is diverse and varies; flowers with dark spots and stripes are not uncommon. The flowers themselves are similar in shape to the flowers of the Royal geranium, but their size is much smaller and the inflorescences themselves are not so lush. The foliage is always heavily dissected and has very rich color and a spicy aroma that spreads after touching the leaves.

Geranium (pelargonium) succulent

Geranium (pelargonium) Succulent

Succulent geranium so named because it is a variety obtained by crossing with succulents and has acquired many of the characteristics of this genus of plant.

The trunk of this species is always woody from below, sometimes they are branched, and there are also representatives that are more reminiscent of an elongated root crop that has grown on the surface, which has already dried up and become woody, and suddenly suddenly comes to life and shoots out a leafy forelock from above. These geraniums are great for decorating various bonsais. They fit perfectly into various decors of rooms that need to be decorated in a certain style.

It is difficult to even immediately identify a succulent geranium that it is a geranium, but the aroma of the leaves will always give it away. The appearance of the edge is very unusual and it is not immediately clear whether a dwarf baobab is growing in a pot, or whether it is some kind of mythical creature climbed into the pot. This unusualness and originality is the highlight, making it absolutely unlike any other plant of its kind.

There are varieties of succulent geraniums whose branches are covered with small spines.

Geranium is not fussy to care for. Watering also requires moderate, but if you forget about watering for a long time, it can completely shed its leaves due to drying out. It will be enough to restore water balance soil and new leaves will definitely appear again.

When planting, this variety requires well-drained soil and the bottom of the pot must have good drainage.

Lemon geranium (pelargonium)

Geranium (Pelargonium) Lemon

Lemon geranium the largest representative of its genus, it is a real giant among geraniums, its height can reach up to 1.5 meters in height. It was named lemon because of the peculiar aroma that the leaves emit; it is very similar to the aroma of lemon.

It is not fussy to care for, like most geraniums. It blooms only in summer; in winter it has a dormant period. Great for street growing. A distinctive feature of this variety is its leaves; they have a rich green color and are strongly dissected into 5-7 parts; the leaves of this variety are always downward. From a distance, its leaves resemble green snowflakes and look very impressive. This geranium does not tolerate being near heat sources; for example, it cannot be placed near radiators or a stove.

Watering is also moderate and no spraying in room conditions. In winter, the amount of watering is reduced, provided that it does not bloom.

Regardless of the variety, your geranium will always delight you with its beauty with proper care. Decide on the variety that you would like to see in your home and grow this beauty in your home without difficulty.

You can learn more about growing geraniums and caring for them in the article .

Great( 11 ) Badly( 7 )

There are a huge number of varieties of pelargoniums and the classification of some species is still unclear. Let's move on to the most famous plants that can be found in every person's home.

Orange pelargonium grows up to 35 cm in height. An unusual appearance with a peach cap on each bud and a greenish tint on the edge. At good care changes 240 inflorescences over 4 seasons. Provides a pleasant view from the balcony. Does not require special attention. Prefers semi-shaded areas. It should be watered abundantly, a little less in winter. In summer it is best to take it out into the fresh air. You can plant seeds in any weather.

Ivy-leaved pelargonium white. The foliage is medium sized, dark green. Compact plant. It grows slowly, but the buds of this variety worth it. Flowers grow large sizes up to 6 cm, the shape is folded in the shape of a rose. If you keep the plant in the sun a little, you can achieve a slight lilac tint. Pelargonium Anita also has the same beautiful rose-shaped inflorescences. It is easy to grow and grows well. Read about it.

It is different from all the others, because even the origin of this plant is still unclear. The species is not assigned to any classification, which is why it is called unique. Its foliage refers to dissected leaves. The aroma is piquant, without too much harshness. The small flowers look like a bird's feather. Plants can have either one-color or two-color foliage. The variety is classified as tall. The peak of popularity of uniques took place at the end of the 19th century.

Refers to zonal pelargonium. Their flowers are whitish with a pinkish tint in the middle. Foliage is small in size. In a pot it looks impressive and without unnecessary flaws. In the sun it takes on a brighter tone. And in winter time requires special care and feeding. Pelargonium Silk is also a zonal species. She is a true decoration of the home. You will learn about the varieties of this variety.

Miniature golden leaf pelargonium. Belongs to the zonal group. Despite their small size, the flowers are large, white-pink in color, with a pleasant golden tint. The leaves are semi-double with a light green tint. Each leaf has a bright brown zone. Blooms at an accelerated pace. Unpretentious. In a small pot the flower looks compact and fluffy.

Zonal pelargonium. The petals are wavy with jagged edges in the shape of a carnation. Light shading. A spectacular bush, unpretentious in flowering. Has a pastel orange tone. In order for a flower to sprout, it needs pruning. It bushes well, looks large and has grown. The leaves are compact. Inflorescences grow up to 5 cm. Quite a well-known variety. Mostly good flowering occurs in the summer. This plant needs feeding.

Small semi-double species pelargonium. The first flowers are 4 cm in size. It grows in large caps. The bush is elegant, compact, but rather capricious. Not very tall. After pruning, it does not sprout immediately; most often it only replaces it. Responsive to temperature changes. The variety is tender. Has peach color with pale white edging of petals. The trunk is almost always not leafy. Formation does not happen immediately. In hot weather it can throw leaves. The plant is worthy of attention for its dissimilarity.

Small zonal pelargonium with salmon color. The lining of the petals is light, and the leaves themselves have a dark zone. Neat fluffy bush. The heat makes the cap white and thick, which creates a nice contrast. Shoots form quickly. Bright and pleasant to look at. There are almost always many buds present. The plant itself small size, which is why it will look perfect on the windowsill. Spraying is useful. Take it out onto the balcony only in hot weather. Dwarf variety.

A dense double flower in the form of an unopened rosebud. The petals of this plant are deep red. Each rose is 1 cm. In hot weather, the red color becomes a little paler, and in winter, on the contrary, it acquires a bright shade. The inflorescence is dense. Peduncles of medium height. Green sheets with a cream-colored mosaic pattern. Belong to the zonal type. It blooms in the shape of a cap. Over time it grows to medium size.

Pelargonium Albina grows quite quickly. After the cuttings have appeared, the peduncle rises on the 3rd day. However, the first flowering is not particularly abundant. 4 flowers grow on 1 peduncle. Large plant. It belongs to the zonal species and is considered a dwarf in height. The leaves are intense green. The flowers themselves are double, white with a small red stamen, and collected tightly. Due to the density of this species, the plant looks collected and neat. He loves feeding, so thanks to courtship, the flowers become larger. Suitable for beginners who are afraid to take responsibility.

Zonal variety of dwarf speckled pelargonium. Flower growers are attracted by the bright, golden-green leaves with creamy double flowers and red veins. The flower is decorated with light, bright crimson specks. Durable. With a neat shape, blooms profusely. The bush is well-fed and strong. Does not throw leaves, bushes on its own.

A neat decorative border and a barely noticeable pink color, which echoes white, distinguish this plant variety from other terry types. The inflorescences are dense and delicate, voluminous compared to the dwarf type. In the sun, the bloom of dovepoint turns from white to pink. Peduncles are short.

Mary belongs to the double zonal pelargoniums. The inflorescences are tight, reminiscent of a rose. They grow up to 10 cm. The flowers themselves are white with a small green one in the center. When blooming, it may acquire a slight pinkish tint. The bush is fluffy. Blooms profusely in spring and summer. Should be replanted annually. Loves the sun and warmth. Tries to bloom even in low light. Prefers complex feeding. The name of this variety goes well with the name.

The wavy petals of Pelargonium Laque are colored orange, and towards the edge of the flower they become completely white. The clearly colored color can only be seen in the sun. In the shadows the color fades. The plant belongs to the usual zonal variety, but in addition it requires careful formation. The leaves are elegant, thanks to the contrasting border of a brownish-green hue.

In the center of the leaf there is a light shade in the shape of a butterfly, which, after basking in the sun, can give a bronze tint. The flower itself is large, peach-colored, and needle-shaped. The variety is not tall, the peduncles are short. Requires shaping. Bushes and blooms for quite a long time. Not afraid of rain and heat. Looks great on the balcony in summer. The size can be easily adjusted using a small flowerpot. Unpretentious, fast growing. It is the unusual leaves that make this type special.

Terry zonal pelargonium plant. Flowers in the form of a red rose. The flower itself is bright and velvety. Blooms profusely and looks compact. The hat is round. The leaves are green, iridescent with a slight brown tint. In person it has a very bright colorful color.

In summer, you can see this type of plant in vegetable gardens, flower beds and balconies. Different lush flowering and grace. Quite demanding to care for. It blooms for a short time, about 5 months. But if you see this plant even once, you will immediately want to bring it to your windowsill. Royal pelargonium grows up to 60 cm in height.

It differs from its colleagues by folded multi-colored leaves, dense leaf plate and jagged edges.

Just a note. Not everyone can make such a beauty bloom. This person prefers warmth and sunlight for continuous abundant flowering.

It can tolerate a little shade, but will bloom a little less luxuriantly. Prefers nutritious soil. You can add a little clay mixture to the soil. In cold weather, the temperature should not be lower than 12ºС.

Tamara is many-sided and unique. The flowers are like dense pink and white marshmallows. The color is variable with pink veins and a border of the same color. The plant is tender and airy. Compact bush with small leaves. It blooms from infancy and never ceases to delight with the process. The petals are neat, with pointed tips.

Sunny side required. The soil should be kept moist constantly, but in moderation. It is recommended to spray. Red pelargonium grows up to 30 cm in length. It should be placed on the balcony immediately after frost has passed.

Possesses bright shade and universal resistance to all weather conditions. The variety branches well. There are huge inflorescences. Color y of this type pelargonium is similar to wine red. The leaves are classified as ivy-leaved. Grows quickly. Landing 30×30.

The plant is 30 cm tall with good branching. White-pink color. The inflorescences are large. The leaves are green with a slight dark tint. Drought resistant. Preference is given to sunny places with fertile soil. You can start planting from the end of January. The depth for seeds is 0.5 cm. If you maintain a temperature of 20°C, then seedlings can be seen within a week.

Pelargonium is a non-double, ivy-leaved plant. Large caps and beautifully colored in a variety of shades. Blooms profusely, completely covered with inflorescences. There are two types of Tuscany that are currently popular. Read about pelargonium Tuscany and Edwards Elegance.


Bright flowers, opening wide, deep red. Each leaf is dark green with a bright brown ring. Refers to semi-double. The bush is harmonious, never stretched out. Bottom part The flower must be compacted tightly.


Large flowers of a crimson-red hue with white dots on the leaves. The bush is fluffy. It grows slowly, but branches very well. The leaves are medium-sized, dark green. The bush is low, the average height is up to 25 cm. The color is very rich. Does not require growth regulators.

Herbaceous plant with a fragrant aroma. The height of the bush is 25 cm. The leaves are round, green with a small red edge. The flowers are pink with a slight pallor in the form of a spherical inflorescence. The plant prefers light. For feeding, a turf mixture is chosen, and moderate moisture is preferred. If you treat the flower with love, the flowering will continue all summer. In the fall, a transplant and a bright place in the room are necessary. For seeds to germinate, the temperature must reach 20°C.

The difference between black velvet is in the unusual chocolate sheets, which create a wonderful combination with bright red inflorescences. If the bush is newly formed, you will notice that initial stage There is a bronze coating on the sheets. The height of black velvet reaches about 40 cm. The shoots are strong. Loves light, but the sun's rays should not touch the petals.

Pelargonium is unpretentious, but this does not mean that it does not need care. Periodically you need to check the soil and water on time. Prefers mineral fertilizers. Sowing 1 cm. It is not recommended to allow the soil to dry out.

The hybrid variety grows well at home. It looks like a large shrub up to 75 cm in height. Rounded green leaves. The flowers are umbellate up to 3 cm, come in multi-colored shades, namely: white, red, purple and. Flowering lasts six months.

The most popular pelargonium hybrids include two types.


Rare hybrid plant. Wine red flower with a black stripe down the middle. This hybrid plant is easy to care for, but requires light. Moderate watering is required. An adult plant reaches a height of 20 cm.

Miss Stapleton

The plant never sleeps. This heart-shaped hybrid looks like a bouquet of pink roses. The stems are hard with stipules in the form of thorns.

Rosaceous pelargonium. The flowers are dense, double. The petals have two colors. Inner side looks like red wine, and the reverse side is silver. The inflorescences are dense. The leaves are greenish, folded.

Madame Pelargonium has several varieties. Let's look at the main ones.


Type of double zonal pelargonium. Fluffy bush. Blooms profusely. The flowers look like dark red wine, there are bright and large inflorescences. It is necessary to keep the soil moist and spray as often as possible.


Graceful pelargonium with variegated leaves. The leaves are long-stemmed, gray-green with a wide cream edge. Has thin cuttings. Belongs to the dwarf group (read about caring for dwarf pelargonium at home). Blooms in bright pinkish color. The variety hardly blooms, but captivates with its beauty. The bush is compact and pleasant to look at.

Large flowers resembling a rose. The plant is white, with a rich white and pink border. Tight caps. The bush needs shaping. The leaves are green and have a dark zone. Requires special care.

Terry ivy-leaved pelargonium. The flowers have a similar blue-lilac hue. Compact bush. Needs a sunny area. Requires daily care. The plant needs additional minerals.

Miniature pelargoniums first appeared in England. The height of small pelargonium starts from 8 cm and ends at 15 cm. Ideal for the home, they can also be placed on balcony boxes. The leaves come in a variety of green shades. Pelargoniums are light and airy, but this is not their only advantage. They are compact. They can bloom in any decade of the year.

Among the most worthy breeders is Stanley Stringer. He was born in a small village called Okkold. He took up selection at the age of 50. The most popular variety grown is Alde, which can still be seen on shelves today.

Deacons are also a dwarf variety of Stringer. Among them, the best are: tangerine and moonlight. The tangerine's flowers are orange-red in color, while the moonlight's are white-purple. The most impressive thing is that such a miniature plant has very large flowers.

One of its latest cultivations is a golden goblet that was creamy in color and had red dots on its petals. Stringer left behind about 160 varieties of pelargonium.

Ry Beatwell started his life as a postman. Therefore he has a series geographical names varieties. Bitwell became famous for being able to deduce new look polka dot varieties. And they were covered with red, pink and purple specks.

Among the varieties with small spots, the most popular are: Milden, Semer and Elmsett. Milden has green-yellow leaves with bright white flowers flecked with pale pinkish. Semer – dwarf species pink flowers with red dots. Elmsett – zonal species pale pink flowers with red specks. The latter species was named after Bidwell. The variety is decorated in wine color with green-red foliage.

And last but not least is the famous breeder Brian West. West is famous for developing a variety whose leaves resemble stars, which is why the variety is called. The varieties have spread throughout the world. Even though unusual shape and the fact that they do not exactly resemble pelargoniums, you can care for them in the same way as ordinary varieties.

There is also another interesting and unusual variety of pelargonium -. This is a plant with very unusual and beautiful flowers. Instead of the usual flowers, inflorescences appear in the form of tulip buds. We talked about such a plant of the Patricia Andrea variety in, and you will learn about the tulip-shaped pelargonium Red Pandora.

IN recent years Vesta gave birth to miniature plants up to 8 cm. The varieties were named anni popham.

Rules of care

All plants require special care, and pelargonium is no exception. Usually the flower is located in the room, and begins to bloom profusely in the summer. In winter, it is necessary to ensure a temperature of at least 15 °C and avoid waterlogging of the soil. It is best to leave the plant sunny side, but only where there are no drafts.

Pruning is carried out after flowering - in autumn. But if the roots have grown well, an exception is made. For pruning, you need to leave shoots of about 10 cm. Do not forget about fertilizing for each flower. It is recommended to transplant in February.

Plants can lose their compactness if they are not given proper care.

Just a note. It is best to obtain new specimens from cuttings that have not yet flowered. Each stem should have about 5 leaves.

After cutting, the cuttings should remain for 2 hours in a dry room with fresh air. After pruning, cover them with plastic bags to help them take root. For pelargonium to grow, a temperature of at least 20 °C is required.

Besides beauty, Pelargoniums also have medicinal properties for people. After all, they contain an extract that cures respiratory tract infections. In addition, the oil of this plant has a calming effect. But the main thing is that the flower goes well with any design in the house and allows every housewife to feel like a woman.