Auxiliary workers at an enterprise example of a position. Production personnel of the organization (enterprise)

The most numerous and main category of production personnel are enterprise workers - persons (workers) directly involved in the creation material assets or work related to the provision of production services and the movement of goods. Workers are divided into main and auxiliary. Personnel management is a specific function of management activity, the main object of which is a person belonging to certain social groups.

The term “personnel” unites employees of all departments of the organization. There are different approaches to the classification of personnel: by profession or position of the employee, by level of management, category of workers, etc. The basic classification is by category of workers depending on their participation in the production process: workers and employees (Fig. 2.1.). For production personnel, physical labor predominates in their work activities.

Management personnel carry out labor activities with a predominant share of mental labor and are divided into two groups: managers and specialists. Fundamental difference The difference between managers and specialists lies in the legal right to make decisions and the presence of other employees subordinate to them. In turn, managers are divided into linear ones, responsible for making decisions on all management functions (director, shop manager, foreman), and functional ones, implementing individual management functions. In addition, managers are distinguished by management levels (top, middle and lower managers).

Managing people for all successful organizations - large and small, commercial and non-profit, industrial and service-based is critical. There is no doubt that human resources management is one of the the most important aspects theory and practice of management.

Rice. 2.1. Personnel classification.

Industrial production personnel are personnel who are engaged directly (key workers) or indirectly (managerial personnel) in performing industrial and production functions of the enterprise. This category is applicable to designate employees of an enterprise engaged in industrial production activities.

The main workers include workers who directly create the marketable (gross) output of enterprises and are engaged in the implementation of technological processes, i.e. changes in shape, size, position, condition, structure, physical, chemical and other properties of objects of labor.

Auxiliary workers include workers engaged in servicing equipment and workplaces in production shops, as well as all workers in auxiliary shops and farms.

Auxiliary workers can be divided into functional groups: transport and loading, control, repair, tool, housekeeping, warehouse, etc.

Managers are employees holding positions of enterprise managers (directors, foremen, chief specialists, etc.).

Specialists - workers with higher or secondary specialized education, as well as workers who do not have special education, but occupy a certain position.

Payroll fund
A special, central role in the structure of an employee’s income belongs to wages. Currently and in the coming years, it remains the main source of income for the vast majority of workers, which means that wages will continue to be a powerful source of income in the future...

Product cost analysis of Standard LLC
Effective management of production activities of enterprises largely depends on the level information support its individual divisions of the enterprise. The search for new forms of accounting, control and planning is contained in the management accounting system,...

1.Labor resources are...

A. Population of working age, willing and able to work;

b. Pensioners, disabled people and minors;

V. The entire population, regardless of age;

d. Population capable of working.

2. Personnel is...

A. The totality of hired workers;

b. The totality of hired workers of professional qualification groups engaged in production, according to staffing table according to the contract.

V. A set of professional qualification groups;

d. Total number of people employed in production.

3. Personnel are classified into:

A. Busy and unoccupied;

b. Main and non-main;

V. Industrial and non-industrial;

d. Useful and unhelpful.

4. PPP stands for:

A. Enterprise producing products;

b. Consumption of manufactured products;

V. Production assistance to the enterprise;

d. Industrial production personnel;

5. Industrial production personnel are...

A. People who participate or assist in the production process;

b. People not employed in production process;

6. Non-industrial personnel are...

A. People who participate or assist in the production process;

b. People not involved in the production process (food workers, teachers, educators, etc.);

V. People who participate or assist in the production process, as well as those not involved in the production process;

d. People who assist in the production process, as well as those not involved in the production process.

7. PPP is divided into:

A. Principal and employee;

b. Worker and non-essential;

V. Main and auxiliary;

g. Worker and employee.

8. Industrial production personnel are...

V. Those personnel who are involved in the manufacturing process of products;

d. Those people who are involved in promoting and organizing management process.

9. Industrial production personnel are...

A. Includes those people who facilitate and organize the management process and personnel who are involved in the manufacturing process;

b. Includes those people who organize the management process;

V. Those personnel who are involved in the manufacturing process of products;

d. Those people who are involved in facilitating and organizing the management process.

10. The working PPP is conditionally divided into:

A. Main and auxiliary;

b. Specialists, employees, managers;

V. Principal and employee;

d. Managers and employees.

11. The main working PPP is...

A. Workers directly involved in the process of creating wealth;

b. Persons engaged in servicing the main production process, who are engaged in repairs, moving goods, transporting passengers, etc.;

12. An auxiliary working PPP is...

A. Workers directly involved in the process of creating wealth;

b. Persons engaged in servicing the main production process, who are engaged in repairs, moving goods, transporting passengers, etc.;

V. Workers directly involved in the process of creating wealth and engaged in servicing the main production process;

d. Workers who are involved in facilitating and organizing the management process and personnel who are involved in the manufacturing process of products.

13. The PPP employee is conditionally divided into:

A. Main and auxiliary;

b. Specialists, employees, managers;

V. Principal and employee;

d. Managers and employees.

14. Specialists are...

15. Employees are...

A. Persons engaged in engineering, technical, economic activities;

b. Persons involved in the preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and control, as well as economic services;

V. Employees who hold the position of head of an enterprise or structural divisions;

d. Employees who hold the position of manager of the enterprise.

16. Leaders are...

A. Persons engaged in engineering, technical, economic activities;

b. Persons involved in the preparation and execution of documentation, accounting and control, as well as economic services;

V. Employees who hold the position of head of an enterprise or structural divisions;

d. Employees who hold the position of manager of the enterprise.

17. Who determines how effectively the means of production are used at the enterprise and how successfully the enterprise as a whole operates?

A. Enterprise personnel;

b. Specialists;

V. Managers;

g. Employees.

18. Depending on the teams they lead, managers are divided into:

A. Linear and functional;

b. Higher, middle and lower management;

d. Higher and lower echelons.

19. According to the level occupied in common system management of the national economy, managers are divided into:

A. Linear and functional;

b. Higher, middle and lower management;

V. Vertical and horizontal;

d. Higher and lower echelons.

20. Required quantity professionally qualified workers necessary to perform specific production, management functions or the volume of work is...

A. Medium-term strength;

b. Turnout numbers;

V. Headcount;

g. Staffing.

21. An indicator of the number of employees, payroll on a certain date or date is...

A. Medium-term strength;

b. Turnout numbers;

V. Headcount;

g. Staffing.

22. The number of payroll employees who showed up for work on a given day, including employees on a business trip, is...

A. Medium-term strength;

b. Turnout numbers;

V. Headcount;

g. Staffing.

23. The number of payrolls for a certain period of time is...

A. Medium-term strength;

b. Turnout numbers;

V. Headcount;

g. Staffing.

24. Labor is...

A. Any activity;

b. Purposeful human activity;

V. Heavy burden;

d. Activities that do not benefit society.

25. What is productivity?

A. Labor assessment;

b. Labor costs;

V. Assessment of the efficiency of labor expended and a certain amount of products produced per unit of time;

d. Quantity of products produced.

26. Methods for determining production:

A. Natural and labor;

b. Cost and labor;

V. Labor and cost;

G. Natural, labor, cost.

27. Production is:

A. The amount of products produced per unit of time or per employee or employee for a certain period;

b. Quantity of products produced per unit of time;

V. Amount of production per employee;

d. The amount of production per employee for a certain period.

28. Labor time spent on producing a unit of product:

A. Production;

b. Labor intensity;

V. Performance;

d. Rationing.

29. The labor costs of the main workers to produce a unit of output is... labor intensity.

A. Production;

b. Full;

V. Technological;

City of Management.

30. Labor costs of auxiliary workers and departments involved in servicing production for the production of a unit of product:

A. Technological complexity;

b. Production labor intensity;

V. Labor intensity of management;

G. Labor intensity of maintenance.

31. Labor costs of main and auxiliary workers to produce a unit of output:

A. Labor intensity of maintenance;

b. Production labor intensity;

V. Technological complexity;

d. Full labor intensity.

32. Labor intensity... - includes the labor costs of managers, specialists and employees.

A. Management;

b. Full;

V. Services;


33. Labor costs of all categories of PPP for the production of a unit of product:

A. Labor intensity of maintenance;

b. Labor intensity of management;

V. Production labor intensity;

d. Full labor intensity.

34. Classification of labor intensity depending on the nature and purpose:

A. Regulatory, planned, actual, project, perspective;

b. Technological, maintenance, production, management, complete;

V. Complete, regulatory, production, planned, technological;

35. Classification of labor intensity depending on the composition of labor costs included in it:

A. Regulatory, planned, actual, project, perspective;

b. Technological, maintenance, production, management, complete;

V. Complete, regulatory, production, planned, technological ;

g. Normative, planned, actual, design, complete.

36. Establishing standards for performing any operation is ... labor:

A. Performance;

b. Production;

V. Rationing;

d. Labor intensity.

37. ... the justification of standards takes into account the reduction of impact on the human body unfavorable factors and the introduction of a rational regime of work and rest.

A. Psychophysiological;

b. Social;

V. Economic;

g. Psychological.

38. Ensuring meaningful work and increasing interest in work:

b. Social justification of norms;

V. Economic justification for standards;

39. ... the basis of the standards takes into account the productivity of the equipment, the consumption rates of raw materials and materials and the worker’s workload:

A. Psychophysiological justification of norms;

b. Social justification of norms;

V. Economic justification for standards;

d. Psychological justification of norms.

40. Amount of working time required to complete a unit certain work one worker or group of workers:

A. Production rate;

b. Standard of service;

V. Standard time;

d. Management norm.

41. A specified amount of product that needs to be produced by one worker or group, at a specified time, taking into account existing working conditions:

A. Standard time;

b. Standard of service;

V. Control norm;

g. Production rate.

42. Established number of equipment units:

A. Standard of service;

b. Standard time;

V. Production rate;

d. Management norm.

43. A predetermined calculated value, a certain number of workers to perform a unit of specific work:

A. Standard time;

b. Number norm;

V. Standard of service;

d. Management norm.

44. A certain number of employees or the number of structural units per manager:

A. Standard time;

b. Number norm;

V. Standard of service;

G. Control rate.

45. The first stage of rationing is:

A. Studying the state of affairs in this area, taking into account changes in internal and external environment enterprises to adjust standards in the future;

b. Separation labor processes to elements;

V. Study of the object of regulation from the point of view of personality, completeness, technicality, accuracy, validity and effectiveness of engineering solutions;

d. Analysis of labor resources.

Personnel potential

Enterprise labor resources

The definition of “personnel” is most appropriate at the organizational level, since it defines the personnel of the organization who work for hire and are characterized by certain characteristics.

The main ones are:

Labor relations with the employer, as a rule, are formalized by employment contracts;

Possession of certain quality characteristics, a combination of personal and organizational goals.

Hence, staff- the main, permanent staff of qualified workers, which is formed and changes under the influence of both internal and external factors.

All employees of the enterprise are divided into two groups:

Industrial and production personnel engaged in production and its maintenance;

Non-industrial personnel employed primarily in social sphere activities of the enterprise.

Industrial production personnel are personnel who are engaged directly (key workers) or indirectly (managerial personnel) in performing industrial and production functions of the enterprise. This category is applicable to designate employees of an enterprise engaged in industrial production activities.

Industrial production personnel (IPP) is divided into the following groups:

1. workers - performing various technological processes;

2. employees – processing of various information;

3. junior service personnel (JOP) – maintaining cleanliness and order in production;

4. security;

5. apprentices – a reserve of qualified labor.

In turn, employees are divided into three categories according to the functions they perform:

1. managers;

2. specialists;

3. technical performers.

The functions of managers are making decisions and ensuring their implementation. The functions of specialists (engineers, economists, etc.) are to prepare information (design, technological, planning, accounting), on the basis of which managers make decisions. Technical performers provide necessary conditions for the work of managers and specialists.

The personnel composition or personnel of an enterprise and its changes have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics that can be reflected by absolute and relative indicators:

1. list and attendance number of employees of the enterprise and (or) its internal divisions, individual categories and groups for a specific date;

2. the average number of employees of the enterprise and (or) its internal divisions for a certain period;

3. specific gravity employees of individual divisions (groups, categories) in the total number of employees of the enterprise; growth rate (increase) in the number of employees of the enterprise for a certain period;

4. average category of workers of the enterprise;

5. the share of employees with higher or secondary specialized education in the total number of employees and (or) employees of the enterprise;

6. average work experience in the specialty of managers and specialists of the enterprise;

7. staff turnover due to hiring and dismissal of employees;

8. capital-labor ratio of workers and (or) workers at the enterprise, etc.

The combination of these and a number of other indicators can give an idea of ​​the quantitative, qualitative and structural state of the enterprise’s personnel and trends in their changes in order to increase the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

The quantitative characteristics of the enterprise’s personnel are, first of all, measured by such indicators as: payroll; turnout; average number of employees.

The payroll number of employees of an enterprise is the number of employees on the payroll as of a certain date or date, taking into account the employees hired and retired for that day. Payroll includes:

1. actually working;

2. downtime and absent for any reason ( business trips, annual additional leave);

3. those who did not appear with the permission of the administration;

4. performing state and public duties;

5. those involved in agricultural work (if their wages are maintained);

6. those who did not show up due to illness;

7. on maternity leave;

8. unpaid additional leave child care;

9. vocational school students who are on the balance sheet of the enterprise;

10. working part-time or weekly;

11. homeworkers.

The employee payroll indicator is determined daily according to time sheet data.

Turnout number- this is the number of employees on the payroll who showed up for work. The difference between turnout and payroll composition characterizes the number of full-day downtime (vacation, illness, business trips, etc.).

To calculate the number of employees for a certain period, the indicator is used average number . It is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, turnover rates, staff turnover and a number of other indicators.

Average headcount employees per month is determined by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month, including holidays and weekends, and dividing the resulting amount by the number calendar days month. The average number of employees for a quarter (year) is determined by summing the average number of employees for all months of operation of the enterprise in the quarter (year) and dividing the resulting amount by 3 (12).

The qualitative characteristics of the enterprise’s personnel are determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to fulfill the goals of the enterprise and the work they perform.

Qualitative characteristics It is quite difficult to evaluate the company’s personnel. However, at present there is a certain range of parameters that allow us to determine the quality of work:

1. economic (complexity of work, employee qualifications, industry affiliation, working conditions, work experience);

2. personal (discipline, skills, conscientiousness, efficiency, creative activity);

3. organizational and technical (attractiveness of work, saturation of equipment, level of technological organization of production, rational organization of labor);

4. socio-cultural (collectivism, social activity, general cultural and moral development).

The structural characteristics of the enterprise's personnel are determined by the composition and quantitative ratio of individual categories and groups of enterprise employees.

Industrial and production personnel– these are personnel who are directly engaged (key workers) or indirectly (managerial personnel) in performing industrial and production functions of the enterprise. This category is applicable to designate employees of an enterprise engaged in the industrial production sector.

Industrial production personnel (IPP) is divided into the following groups:

  • workers - performing various technological processes;
  • employees - processing various information;
  • junior service personnel (JOP) – maintaining cleanliness and order in production;
  • security;
  • apprentices are a reserve of qualified labor.

In turn, employees are divided into three categories according to the functions they perform:

  • managers;
  • specialists;
  • technical performers.

The functions of managers are making decisions and ensuring their implementation. The functions of specialists (engineers, economists, etc.) are to prepare information (design, technological, planning, accounting), on the basis of which managers make decisions. Technical performers provide the necessary conditions for the work of managers and specialists.


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One of the key tasks of employees of almost all organizations without exception is to directly provide economic benefits to the enterprise - and production personnel are precisely those employees who directly influence the generation of business income. However this definition is incomplete - in particular, in the question of who belongs to production personnel and what professions belong to them, economic theory and legislation do not provide clear answers.

Production personnel - what is it?

When considering the question of what it is - production personnel, first of all it is necessary to understand the key principles of creating a personnel structure at the enterprise. Despite the fact that each organization may have its own, separate, specific personnel structure, general principles her creations are the same . In most cases, workers can be divided into two key groups:

  • . This category of workers includes all managers - both individual departments, and senior management of the enterprise, as well as employees who do not influence the actual formation of the organization’s income, but have great value for the functioning of the organization. For example, administrative personnel may include employees of the accounting department or human resources department.
  • Production staff - this is a general category that includes, first of all, all specialists and workers who are actual performers, whose activities provide the organization with its income or the performance of its main functions. However, in most cases, production personnel also include lower-level service workers.

It should be noted that in economic theory There may also be other principles by which the division of workers is carried out. In particular, a separate division may be envisaged for administrative, production and service personnel. In addition, a deeper structure of division of workers may also imply the presence of support staff or administrative and technical staff.

Directly by the provisions of the current labor legislation There is no provision for dividing employees into production or administrative personnel. However, employers and employees can partially rely on the standards of uniform qualification reference books– for working professions and employees. Which, in turn, divide the various positions of workers.

Accordingly, the direct division of employees into various types personnel is optional. However, it is appropriate, as it allows the employer to more effectively assess the use of labor resources and their actual ratio. At the same time, the quality of work of production personnel and their effectiveness can be assessed relatively easily. The employer can draw up the legal basis for this division himself, fixing the assignment of certain positions to the category of production personnel of the enterprise by drawing up the relevant local regulations of the organization.

Who belongs to the production personnel of the enterprise

Both many job seekers and employers are interested in what production personnel are and what professions they are. Since this concept does not provide for a clear legislative division, views on this issue may differ in different currents of economic theory. However, the most common division of production personnel is made as follows:

As can be understood from the above list, production personnel do not necessarily have to participate in the production process. However, practical participation in it or simply the direct bringing of profit to the enterprise with one’s labor and non-belonging to management employees can clearly indicate that the employee belongs specifically to production category workers.

Tasks of the organization's production personnel

Clearly defining the tasks of an organization’s production personnel is a rather complex but necessary process for every employer. Given the wide number of possible professions that fall into this category of employees, it is quite difficult to determine the specific tasks and functions of production personnel. Yes, the only one common task there will be direct execution of decisions of senior management and conduct of work activities in accordance with the internal labor regulations of the organization or other local regulations regulating labor activities.

Examples of specific tasks of production personnel include:

  • Serving clients and providing them with services. At the same time, production personnel can take part in various stages of communication with clients, however, the main difference in this area is the direct execution of tasks, and not the solution of a full range of issues related to finding clients, developing an approach to consumers, in contrast to.
  • Production. Direct participation in the production process, at any practical stage, is often the main task of the workers who represent a large part of the manufacturing class.
  • Service to the organization. Performing your tasks within employment contract or other documentation in order to ensure efficient work organization may be the main function of production personnel.

In most cases, production personnel are required to have the same personal qualities as performers. That is, high learning ability, stress resistance, productivity. Motivation, creativity and the desire for development, development and implementation of innovations are not necessary for workers in this category, while such skills can be decisive for administrative and managerial personnel.

Other features of the activities of production personnel

Employers should take into account certain features when regulating the activities of production personnel, since they have quite significant differences from administrative and managerial personnel in many aspects of work. In particular, employers should carefully review the following features labor of production personnel: