Meaning of the female name Elizabeth. Let's consider what is the meaning of the name Elizabeth, what kind of character will the girl have and what does fate have in store? Will a girl with that name have good health?

What is beautiful in itself? female name Elizabeth? By naming the child a certain name, parents thus lay the foundation, the basis for further life path. Each name carries psychological qualities that will manifest themselves to varying degrees in a person’s character and behavior. Of course, this will depend on various circumstances. People with the same names will not necessarily have identical fates, but some common features can be traced. Knowing the meaning of the name and what qualities it has and what it carries, we can assume what kind of future personality will be and what is best to influence in order to avoid misfortunes and tragedies.

Beltina, Isabella, Elsa, Eloise, Eliza are variants of the same name.

Elizabeth is a beautiful, memorable name that has a rich history. The secret of Elizabeth lies behind the lightness and royal grandeur. No wonder, in the times of kings and lords, girls from noble families were named this way. The history of the name Elizabeth is older than the annals of all royal families. The language in which this name was first pronounced is considered to be Hebrew. It has a history of more than two millennia, occurring even among some Central Asian peoples. But it is from Hebrew that “Elizabeth” is translated as “sorcerer of God,” “swearing by God.” There are many translation options, but they all say that the meaning of the name Lisa is associated with God and respect for him.

The name is first mentioned in the Bible. That was the name of the woman who was the mother of John the Baptist, whose husband was Aaron. In addition, there are Orthodox holy martyrs who bore this name. All of them are his patrons.

The very first form of the name Elishev. The Greek equivalent is Elizabeth. It is believed that it was once it entered the Greek language that the name began to spread throughout the world. IN English it took the form Elizabeth - Elizabeth. Shortened versions appeared in the American language: Eliza, Eliza. In French There are two options - Elizabeth and Isabel.

Forms of the name product found in different nations:

  1. Spanish – Elisabeth, Lisa.
  2. Romanian – Elisaveta, Vetuta.
  3. Greek – Elisavet, Veta.
  4. Czech – Alzbeta.
  5. Finnish – Eliisa.

The name has a religious history, which means that the name Elizabeth does not change when baptized. The girl is called the same church name, under which one is baptized.

Due to its meaning and sound, this name has a bright, light aura, carries reliability and confidence. A girl with that name must definitely be an unusual person with unique talents.

It was believed that the name predicted a great destiny for girls.

An example of this could be:

  • Liza Minnelli - American singer;
  • Elizaveta Boyarskaya - daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky, theater and film actress;
  • Elizabeth Taylor - American film actress;
  • Elizaveta Bykova – Soviet champion world chess.

Elizabeth I is the English queen, whose reign is considered the heyday of the English empire. She refused to marry anyone, arguing that her husband was the people of England. This image allowed him to gain the boundless love of the people, as well as support from the Protestant church. This great woman was a wise ruler, which earned her place in history.

Ruler, namesake Queen of England, was the daughter of Peter I. Elizaveta Petrovna was considered the most beautiful woman of her time, none of the courtiers doubted that the girl would have a successful and profitable marriage. But the crown princess carried out a coup d'etat, seized the throne, continuing the policy of her father's rule. An outstanding politician and strategist, she masterfully led the court and concluded profitable deals with other countries. During the years of her reign, the cultural and economic sectors of the empire actively developed, to which Mikhail Lomonosov greatly contributed.

History has preserved the legend of how Empress Elizabeth Petrovna declared war on Frederick II, the King of Prussia. On her orders, Chancellor Bestuzhev-Ryumin prepared a manifesto and brought it to the ruler for signature. Taking the pen in her hands and having managed to write only the capital letter of her name, the empress’s attention was distracted by something, and she thought for a while. A fly flew into the room and settled on the paper, thereby smearing the ink that had not had time to dry. The Empress considered this a bad omen and refused to sign the manifesto.

Elizabeth (Erzsebet) Bathory is a Hungarian countess, famous for her cruelty and bloodthirstiness. One of the most popular characters in folklore and culture not only in his homeland, but throughout the world.

Elizabeth II is the current reigning Queen of England. She ascended the throne at the age of 25 and heads the state to this day, which is an absolute record among all British monarchs.

Strong, commanding energy. It is not surprising that girls named Elizaveta are purposeful individuals with a strong character. The leadership qualities of this name do not allow them to give in to difficulties. Extraordinary mental abilities, unshakable self-confidence help Elizabeth achieve good heights in life.

Astrological name correspondence:

  1. Planet – Proserpina. Denotes the knowledge of existence, the search for oneself, the acquisition of stability.
  2. Zodiac sign – Aquarius. He is characterized by originality, self-expression through creativity, and the desire to change the world.
  3. Animal symbol – Fox. Cunning, duplicity, agility, deception, all these qualities are associated with the fox. But, in addition, the fox is smart and insightful.
  4. The talisman stone is amethyst. Helps achieve spiritual harmony, gives the wearer peace of mind, and maintains health.
  5. The color of the name Elizabeth is lilac.

In order for the stone to bring the necessary benefits and act effectively, it should be worn constantly. To cleanse accumulated negative energy Just hold it under running water for a few minutes.

The numerological secret of the name Elizabeth is the number 6.

It gives a person the following qualities:

  • charm;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • emotionality;
  • passion.

Sixes are never deprived of attention and are constantly surrounded by fans. Ardent natures cannot imagine their life without love and passion. They are not shy about using their charm and appearance to career growth.

Each name contains a certain set of qualities. In the future, they will be a component of a person’s psychological portrait. A standard set of positive and negative characteristics. All of them will appear on certain stages life.

For example, people like Elizabeth for her optimism, ability to charge with positivity, sociability, and willingness to help in difficult times. But Lizaveta is also capable of repelling people with her arrogance, selfishness and commanding manners. It’s not for nothing that this name has such a “royal” history.

Main character traits:

As a child, Lizaveta grows up to be a smart, precocious girl. She is sociable and constantly makes new acquaintances. He loves to make noise and have fun, which causes affection in adults. Elizabeth is an introvert by nature, but this does not prevent her from getting close to people.

Early years girls for her parents will be the brightest and most memorable. Since the child’s character is absolutely unpredictable, it combines incompatible qualities.

Little Lizonka is capricious, restless, her kind disposition and curiosity push her to new exploits and achievements. It is almost impossible to predict the girl's next action. Even at such a young age, you can talk with Elizabeth about different topics. She listens willingly and perceives with interest new information. Fortunately, a child with such a contradictory character is absolutely not prone to aggression.

At school, Lisa often has problems with discipline, despite her good intelligence and hard work. Studying is easy, mastering new knowledge does not cause difficulties. There are only good grades in the diary. Because of her waywardness and stubborn nature, the girl does what she wants, which is why she comes into conflict with her teachers, not recognizing compromise.

There are no problems with classmates. Elizabeth wins attention with her open character combined with optimism. Natural curiosity makes you look for new hobbies and attend various clubs.

A passionate nature, she will not give up until she knows everything in detail in the area that interests her, every detail, insignificant trifle. The main thing is to have something to stir up interest.

In adolescence, a girl is susceptible to complexes due to low self-esteem. This is due to excessive criticism of oneself and impossible demands. Lisa wants to appear better to others than she is, but her actions do not always correspond to high expectations for herself. Sometimes such negative thoughts about herself push a girl to take extravagant and risky actions. Fortunately, reason prevails over impulses, forcing you to stop in time. Such behavior does not always have a positive impact on the character of the individual. A negative attitude towards oneself can develop into painful pride and excessive demands on others.

Adult years, health status

Lisa is impulsive, but quick-witted. Logic, analytical mind, inherent given name, take over emotions. Because of this dominance of reason over feelings, one gets the impression that Lizaveta can be too calculating and cold in behavior even towards close people.

When faced with a girl in conflicts, under no circumstances should you make her emotional. This will only aggravate the situation, giving rise to further conflict. Elizabeth perceives logical arguments and constructiveness much better.

Elizabeth's calm disposition is often deceptive. It’s better not to anger her; at such moments, her capricious disposition makes itself felt. A girl can pretend that she is satisfied with everything, but then she will do it her own way in order to simply punish the offender, despite the fact that she can calmly and openly say “no”, directly stating that she is not satisfied. One of them problems - inability to stop in time to rest. Sometimes it is difficult for her to distract herself from the worries that have piled up, which leads to overwork, even to the point of a nervous breakdown.

Physical condition is directly related to what is happening in Lisa’s life. If things are going well, then the body feels great.

Most often, Elizabeth suffers from diseases such as:

In the first years of her life, the girl is extremely susceptible to diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets. Special attention Parents should focus on strengthening Lizochka’s immunity.

An important factor that determines what Elizabeth will be like when she grows up is the time of year:

  1. Elizabeth, who was born during the months of nature’s renewal, is an emotional person with a subtle mental organization. She is very vulnerable, therefore uncommunicative. It is difficult for her to endure criticism, and people do not always adequately perceive her excessive touchiness. A patient man who can discern her beautiful soul can become a life partner for spring Lisa. Health status: intestinal problems.
  2. Summer Lizaveta. Despite the fact that she is a girl, one can safely say about her as a “shirt-guy.” They always turn to her for help, because they know that Lisa will not refuse help. She loves to help people, thanks to which she gathers around her a large group of devoted friends. Health status: susceptible to colds.
  3. Autumn Lizas will have the following traits: straightforwardness, intransigence, reliability. This content of characteristics is more suitable for a person born in winter. But this is exactly what Elizabeth is like during the autumn, melancholy months. Main feature her character is reliability. Having secured her support, you don’t have to worry about Lisa, like behind a stone wall. Health status: problems with the thyroid gland, possible tendency to skin diseases.
  4. A girl born in the winter months will be a cheerful, positive baby. An optimistic attitude will not leave her throughout her life, and a subtle sense of humor will help her find a way out of difficult situations. Born at this harsh time of year, Lizochka turns out to be creative individuals with their own view of the world. As companions for living together Winter Elizabeths choose men to match their character. Health features: there is a risk of heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases.

Summer is a good time of year for Elizabeth. A girl born in summer will have a happy and long life.

Lisa loves to make plans, but not all of them come true. She achieves success in any field thanks to her character and perseverance. Lizaveta gets what she deserves through persistent efforts.

The material condition is contradictory: extreme wastefulness is replaced by excessive savings, which can be attributed to impulsiveness.

A girl with this name will achieve success in scientific activity or working on technical specialty. This is facilitated by intellectual abilities, the desire to create something new, to go beyond ordinary perception.

Most suitable professions:

Elizabeth often chooses humanitarian professions. The work of a journalist or even a literary critic.

She is not afraid of monotonous work and tries to complete tasks as quickly as possible in order to spend more time with her loved ones.

Elizabeth is not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. She is always shown signs of attention from colleagues and acquaintances, which she views favorably. In relationships, she shows herself as a caring woman and housewife.

Sex is great pleasure. Absolutely relaxed, she can talk about intimate topics without hesitation, discussing everything in detail and openly.

Elizabeth does not have any problems in the sexual sphere, but the marriage is often unhappy. Home and family are important to her. That is why the girl tries to keep the house in order, smooth out all quarrels and conflicts, and welcome guests cordially. Loves to cook and do handicrafts, such as embroidery, knitting, drawing. Due to a large number of small troubles, he withdraws into himself, focusing only on solving problems, forgetting his loved ones.

When communicating with a man, she tries to yield to him, but if the initiative on the part of the opposite sex is weak, she takes on a leadership role.

A successful marriage is possible with a man who bears one of these names: Ivan, Alexander, Nikita, Leonid.

A less successful alliance would be with Oleg, Nikolai, Alexei.

Fate lies not only in the name. Compatibility with different patronymics can carry different energy and meaning, thus influencing the life of its bearer.

When choosing a name for your future child, you need to take into account how it will be combined with the patronymic, what impact it will have on the fate as a whole.

Options for middle names with which the name Elizabeth will give beautiful combination:

Elizaveta Alekseevna: the girl will be inquisitive and active. She loves entertainment, noisy parties, going to the movies and the theater. She has many loyal friends. Easily fits in new team, gaining authority there. She is very fussy because she does not always compare actions with words. In solving complex issues, he often relies on intuition.

Having found your ideal man, Elizaveta Alekseevna will be happy in marriage. Thanks to her seductiveness and ability to yield to a man, she creates a strong and lasting union that will last a lifetime.

Elizaveta Aleksandrovna, Andreevna: Elizavetas with such middle names are strong personalities. These are bright, energetic women with a quick temper.

Of all the Lizas, most often it is the Alexandrovnas and Andreevnas who occupy leadership positions, becoming big bosses.

Despite his strong character and desire to rule, family life they completely rely on their husband, transferring the reins of the house into his hands. Children and marriage are the main support in life; if it breaks up, then in extremely rare cases.

Elizaveta Grigorievna: straightforward, unyielding. For her, there are no barriers to achieving her goal. She always gets what she needs, which is why in the eyes of others she appears as a tough and calculating person. In fact, behind stubbornness and straightforwardness hides an ardent temperamental nature.

Grigorievna chooses her partner long and carefully and gets married late. Age is not the main thing, so her chosen one could be an older man.

Elizaveta Arturovna, Sergeevna, Ruslanovna: the main character traits of Lisa with such a middle name will be honesty and straightforwardness. An optimist in life, he tries to find only good things everywhere. It is very difficult to achieve her location and sympathy. Therefore, not every man can become Elizabeth’s companion. The lucky one who wins her heart will receive not only a wife, but also a devoted friend who will come to the rescue and provide support in any situation.

The meaning of the name Lisa is associated with good energy with a large set of positive characteristics. There are, of course, disadvantages. By naming a girl this way, parents should be prepared that the child will have success in life, but it will not always be easy for loved ones with Lisa because of some of her character traits.

Name Elizabeth(old. Elisaveta, colloquial Lizaveta) comes from the Hebrew language and when translated it sounds like: “God is my oath, I swear by God.” It means - a vow to God, honoring God, God's oath, God's help, an oath by God. There are other variations of this name: Eliza, Elizabeth, Isabella, Elsa, Olisawa.

Elizabeth, Queen of England, is a powerful and energetic person who managed to combine small feminine quirks with great intelligence. She was deeply selfish, incapable of all kinds of idealistic decisions. Queen Elizabeth valued her independence very much. Possessing a subtle political sense and great tact, she always showed that she acted in full accordance with the interests of English society.

Elizabeth - character traits

Elizabeth, impulsive, selfish, but well aware of her shortcomings, always wants to seem much better than she really is. Such a desire very often pushes her to extravagant actions, which she later bitterly regrets. Elizabeth strives to be a leader, but at the same time she is responsive and gentle.

She was created for devoted love and for her complete mental well-being has great value peace in the family. Friends, work and entertainment play a secondary role for her. Elizabeth does not manage to achieve happiness right away, so she values ​​it endlessly and dissolves in love in such a way that it is simply impossible not to love her in return. It can be argued that in general she has a difficult character.

As a child, she is a restless and playful child who cannot sit still for a minute. She needs to be in time everywhere and find out everything. Elizabeth's classmates love her for her loyal friendship and cheerful disposition. There is never an argument about tastes. She strives to attend handicraft clubs and will be able to sew a dress for a doll.

Elizabeth knows how to give orders, and when necessary, she turns out to be quite dexterous. He has great self-esteem and adapts well to circumstances. She has the ability to not lose her presence of mind even in those cases when it seems that everything is irreversibly lost. Elizabeth is quite indulgent and an introvert. She may say something completely different from what she thinks, and does not always do what she said.

She is very balanced and sentimental, and does not know how to succumb to the influence of others. You should not be deceived by Elizabeth’s meek appearance, as she tries to confuse her interlocutor with ambiguous hints. We must remember that this is a nimble and cunning fox. She cannot contain her emotions, but she calms down quickly and easily. Sometimes she is persistent, but to a certain limit. Usually folds when faced with strong character and will.

Elizabeth - name compatibility

Elizabeth may have happiness in marriage with Mikhail, Nikita, Edward, Alexander and Ivan. Unlikely - with Oleg, Stanislav, Valentin and Nikolai.

Elizabeth - famous people who bore this name

The names Elizabeth are Tarakanova, Tumanyan, Chaikina, Evgenia Tour (Salias de Tournemir), Kuzmina-Karavaeva (Mother Maria), Bykova, Elizaveta Petrovna, Lavinskaya and Mnatsakanova.

Elizabeth - interesting facts about the name

- name zodiac - Virgo;
— color – orange, light emerald, lilac;
- planet - Proserpina.


Diana 04/08/2016

In general, I got the impression that Elizabeth is the best name! It combines so many things! Completely opposite sides. And at the same time, this is a very deep personality worthy of respect and love. If I have a daughter, I will name her Elizaveta.

Plump))) 04/08/2016

For some reason, I associate the name Lisa with such a freckled girl who constantly climbs trees))) I don’t know why... Maybe in childhood there was someone just like that Lisa. And then I read that Liz’s color is orange))) Now I’m feverishly trying to remember the familiar freckled Liza))

The girl Lisa is an eccentric, spoiled and obnoxious little lady who never gets enough parental attention and gifts. The child never sits still, is inquisitive and active, has no sense of proportion and ignores the prohibitions of his mother and father. The girl often feels that she is underestimated by those around her, so she tries to stand out in any way. Lisa is sociable, easily finds a common language with both boys and girls, but she does not know how to share and forgive her offenders.

Lisa does not try to become an excellent student at school and often comes to class unprepared. Teachers reprimand her for unacceptable behavior and conduct educational conversations with her parents, but this is of little use. Young Elizabeth loves entertainment and is not used to limiting herself in anything. She knows how to win people over and looks for benefits in everything. Lisa plans to marry a rich man, so she does not strive to get a good education, often skipping lectures at the university and finding more important things to do.

Lisa prefers beautiful, expensive and bright things that will highlight her individuality and hide minor flaws. The girl watches her figure, but sports activities are irregular, because physical culture The girl gets bored quickly.

Character of a girl born in different seasons:

  1. 1. Autumn- reliable, practical and smart, knows her worth, true to her ideals and beliefs. She is strong-willed, disciplined and tries to achieve her plans at all costs.
  2. 2. Winter- serious, has self-control and self-control. Lisa finds a solution to any problem creativity and looks for the positive in everything.
  3. 3. Spring- holds conservative views and does not like change. For her, there is only her own opinion; Lisa is dismissive of others, arrogant and ambitious.
  4. 4. Summer- sociable, friendly and charming. Summer Lisa is very vulnerable and vulnerable, she is offended for any reason, but quickly forgets the insults. The girl lives one day at a time and does not think about her future.

The mystery of the name

Elizabeth- God's help (Hebrew).
Previously popular, in our time, despite the euphony, is quite rare.
Zodiac name: Virgo.
Planet: Ceres.
Name color: lilac.
Talisman stone: amethyst.
Auspicious plant: lilac.
Patron name: fox.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Diminutive forms: Lisa, Lizonka, Lizunka, Lizochek, Lizochka.
Main features: sociability, devotion.


Elizaveta Andrianopolskaya, martyr, November 4 (October 22).
Elizabeth the Righteous, Palestinian, mother of St. John the Baptist, September 18 (5). Sister of St. Anne, mother Holy Virgin, died in the desert, where she was hiding with John from the soldiers of King Herod.
Elizaveta Fedorovna, Alapaevskaya, Grand Duchess, Venerable Martyr, July 18 (5), Sunday after February 7 (January 25), New Martyr.
Elizabeth of Constantinople, Mother Superior, May 7 (April 24). Reverend Elizabeth was sent to a monastery from childhood. She grew up in fasting and labor and received the gift of healing not only physical, but also mental ailments. The sisters of the monastery chose Saint Elizabeth as abbess, but this did not diminish her abstinence and monastic labors. She wore clothes made of hair shirt, and for many years she ate only herbs and vegetables. The Venerable Elizabeth performed many miracles during her lifetime: she killed a fierce serpent with prayer, healed a bleeding woman from a long-term illness, and drove away unclean spirits from people. But even after death, miracles did not stop: the tomb of the Venerable Elizabeth brought healing from illnesses, and even the ashes taken from her relics gave sight to the blind. The life of the saint dates back to the 6th-8th centuries.


If on Elizabeth's Day, September 18, there are a lot of acorns on the oak tree, there will be a fierce winter, and there will also be a lot of snow for Christmas.


Lisa is a cheerful, playful child, restless, funny, she sticks her nose everywhere, she cares about everything. He can sit calmly, listening to a fairy tale, looking at pictures in a book.

The class loves her for her cheerful disposition and her ability to make friends. Her good grades in the subject depend on the teacher’s ability to interest her in it. For company with friends, he enrolls in many different clubs - handicrafts, dancing, sports sections, is not interested in anything for a long time, although he can do a little of everything. In high school, he likes to plan his future - he imagines himself as a movie star or a doctor, a fearless intelligence officer, travel, an elegant, luxurious wedding with a wonderful young man, an ideal family.

Adult Elizabeth is a selfish, impulsive person, but she knows how to restrain herself and is outwardly balanced. However, if necessary, she will be able to be deft, does not always say what she thinks, and does not always do what she says. She knows how to look after her interests, does not give in to influence, her meek appearance is deceptive - she can pretend not to understand and will not do what is asked of her. Elizabeth can be persistent, but usually does not go all the way; when she encounters resistance, she retreats.

Elizabeth knows how to observe, analyze what she sees, her imagination is usually inferior to her intellect, she cannot come up with something new, non-standard, and sometimes she tries to pass off other people’s ideas and thoughts as her own.

Elizabeth needs to know for what she is working, who needs her work, what reward she herself will receive. She often works in the electronics industry, and may be a television or radio reporter or teacher. She knows how to get along with people, is sociable, and witty.

In her youth, Lisa had many admirers; she, having the gift of easily meeting people, quickly got married, but not always successfully. In remarriage, more experienced both in choosing a husband and in family life, she finds her happiness. She will be able to understand her beloved man, find the required form communication with him. Sex for her is a pleasure that brings great joy, but only with a loved one whom she completely trusts. She takes on household chores with pleasure and copes with them easily and cheerfully. She happily receives guests and goes to see friends herself. Mental relationships in the family are the main thing in life for her; work, friends, and entertainment come in the background.

She is a devoted and loving wife.

Sometimes Elizabeth has a deeply hidden sadness over unfulfilled childhood dreams. She has a wonderful husband and wonderful children, but it seems to her that she could have achieved more in life, but something or someone was stopping her. In fact, everything is fine with her, she has everything that she deserves and that she really wanted to have.


Elizaveta Alekseevna (1779-1826), Russian Empress, Princess of Constance.

She, along with her younger sister Friederike, was brought to marry Alexandra so that there would be a choice. She did not find happiness in marriage, Alexander quickly lost interest in her, but she probably loved him, because she was always there for him on difficult days. She wrote to her mother: “As soon as I feel that he is in danger, I again cling to him with all the fervor of which my heart is capable.”

The empress did not lead a state life. In public and charitable activities she was completely overshadowed by Empress Maria Feodorovna, Alexander's mother. Elizaveta Alekseevna was also deprived of maternal care: both of her daughters died in infancy. Empress Elizabeth began to seek solitude, became dreamy, withdrawn, had her own narrow circle of people pleasant to her, read a lot, and left a large correspondence. Diplomat Count Fyodor Golovkin wrote about her: “...She is educated and continues to study with amazing ease. She knows the language, religion, history and customs of Russia better than all other Russian women. In society, she shows grace, moderation, and the ability to express herself... "

Elizaveta Alekseevna was very pretty: the artist Vigée-Lebrun, seeing her for the first time in Tsarskoye Selo, in the window of the palace, among the flowers, writes about her like this: “She was no more than 16 years old; her features were thin and regular, and the oval of her face was flawless her beautiful complexion was not bright, her pallor was in harmony with her expression, the meekness of which was purely angelic; her ashen hair curled around her neck and over her forehead. She was dressed in a white tunic, tied casually at her thin and slender waist, like a nymph’s. belt... I exclaimed: “Psyche!” According to Countess Choiseul-Gouffier, “at 45 years old, Empress Elizabeth was of average height, well built, traces of her former beauty were visible in her face and figure; Her voice is soft, penetrating into the soul, her melancholic smile, her gaze full of intelligence and something angelic in her whole figure, they said that she does not belong to this world.”

After getting closer to your spouse in recent years life, the unexpected death of Alexander I in Taganrog greatly shocked the empress, and she died on the way, in the city of Belev.

The folk legend shrouded the death of Alexander I in mystery and even connected it with the personality of the elder Fyodor Kuzmich, who was revered as a saint in Siberia, and his wife was also imagined to have also voluntarily renounced the world and died somewhere in the Novgorod wilderness under the guise of Vera the Silent.

In the literature, a completely demonstrative assumption was made (L. Vasilyeva “Wife and Lisa”, “Science and Religion”, 10-11, 1998) that the same Beautiful Lady, love for which A.S. Pushkin carried throughout his life and to whom his best poems are dedicated, and there is Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna. Without indicating the exact name in the verses, he nevertheless once called it:

I, inspired by Apollo,
He sang to Elizabeth in secret.
Heavenly earthly witness,
With an ignited soul
I sang virtue on the throne
With her welcoming beauty...

The female name Elizabeth is one of the most beautiful and majestic, and, perhaps, no other female name sounds so regal. This name is still very common, and especially in recent years, many mothers want to name their daughters this way.

The origin of the name Elizabeth is Hebrew, its history goes back to ancient times. The name in Hebrew sounds like Elisheva, and literally translates as “My Lord is an oath.” The decoding of this name may sound like “conjured by God” or “honoring God.”

This is how this beautiful thing translates ancient name, which was previously distributed exclusively in royal families, noble families. This was the name of a child who was destined for a great destiny.

This name is widespread today throughout the world and has a variety of sound forms. For example, the most common forms are Elish, Elizabeth, Isabel. The meaning of the name Elizabeth and its interpretation are the same as that of Elizabeth. Less famous forms are Elisaveta, Alisava, Lisaveta, Olisavya, Elasaj and others. This is the full name, but it is abbreviated as Lisa, Lizaveta, Lizonka, Lizochka, Lis, Lisa, Alice, Eliza.

The characteristics of the name Elizaveta indicate that the girl’s main traits are the need for everyone’s attention and independence. The little girl does not look like a sweet angel, like many children - rather, she is an adult placed in a child's body.

It feels as if the name Elizabeth absorbed the energy and experience of all the great queens who once bore this name, and now every girl named so has royal blood. No matter what family Lisa was born into, she behaves like a royal person.

She can be capricious, does not like to obey, hates when she is put under pressure, is rude to her, scolded or punished. But this does not mean that the girl has a bad character - in fact, she is very smart, quite flexible and balanced. You just need to find an approach to it.

The child has high self-esteem: little Elizabeth knows her worth and seeks only the best to communicate with. Analysis of the name also shows that the girl has a great need for the attention of others, so she always strives to be in sight, loves to be singled out, praised, and especially admired.

Elizabeth wants and knows how to be the best in everything. In the class, she strives not only to be the most beautiful, but also to study better than everyone else, so she completes her lessons with unprecedented care. Loves order and beauty, adores beautiful and unusual things. Among this child’s friends are only the smartest children, excellent students, or the most beautiful girls and boys, or children from rich, good families.

An adult girl and her future

When a girl grows up, the meaning of the name Elizabeth manifests itself even more strongly in her character. Her fate is smooth and successful, this girl is always lucky, she is lucky in everything. Near - good friends, among whom there are many influential people.

Lisa has a good relationship with her parents, and even if as a child she had a lot of conflicts with her mom and dad, the situation changes as she grows up. Parents are proud of their daughter because Lisa (Elizabeth) achieves brilliant success in his studies, gets an excellent education, finds a prestigious job and generally lives happily.

Elizabeth - very modern girl, she is always up to date with all the latest in fashion, inventions, electronics, cars, everything in the world. She loves beautiful, expensive things, wants to surround herself not just with everything she needs, but to live in complete comfort.

Analysis of her name suggests many talents, so the girl may be interested in theater, vocals, dancing, drawing, and at the same time she may be interested in history ancient world, philology, modern scientific or technical developments. She chooses a profession that is prestigious, profitable and modern.

The girl, whose name is Elizaveta, will become an excellent TV presenter, singer, actress, and politician. Can become an organizer of parties, holidays or show programs, an interior designer, an architect. Elizabeth has impeccable taste, she amazingly manages to decorate everything she touches. In general, the girl manages everything easily, no matter what she chooses, she achieves ideal results everywhere.

So Elizabeth becomes successful in her early youth. The bosses are delighted with her efficiency, self-confidence and ambition; the girl easily achieves a promotion and moves up the career ladder without any stress or fuss.

She clearly separates her personal life and work, and rarely makes friends among her colleagues. Her name, which comes from the names of ancient queens and mistresses, gives her strong energy that repels people who are weak, insecure or weak-willed. Therefore, the girl is surrounded only by successful, strong, purposeful people.

Elizabeth has many friends; she loves to spend time in a noisy group of women, sharing secrets, gossiping and discussing the latest fashion. Elizabeth’s friends are just like her – strong, self-confident and courageous young women who achieve everything in life themselves.

But there is no shortage of male society either - Elizaveta is a very beautiful, well-groomed and brave young lady, so she has many admirers. The girl loves parties, discos, noisy companies and vibrant entertainment, but not at the expense of work and personal development.

She knows very well when to have fun and when to take care of business. How she manages to do everything is a mystery to those around her, because Lisa is seen at all the fashionable parties, and the next morning she is already all at work, without a trace of fatigue.

Personal sphere

As evidenced by the meaning of the name Elizabeth, and especially its energy, the girl takes family and relationships quite seriously. She is not amorous, she is very cautious, although she loves to go on dates with guys. But it will not be with the first person you meet that you will start a serious relationship.

When choosing a guy, Elizabeth very carefully studies his character and habits, paying attention to the most small details. It is important for her that the man is strong and knows what he wants from life. So that he has good job, big ambitions and a clear plan for many years to come. At the same time, he must adore his “other half” and dote on her!

When Elizabeth starts a family and her first child, she is transformed beyond recognition, and her fate takes a sharp turn in a new direction. She puts her family first, although she does not forget her friends, sometimes attends social events and noisy parties, continues to pursue a career, but still spends the bulk of her energy and time on her family and home.

She is so faithful to her husband that for many it is a mystery how such a bright, cheerful and successful girl manages to maintain such “book” fidelity, even in words and thoughts. Elizabeth's - perfect family, lovely house, which is very cozy, beautiful and reliable. She is an excellent wife, and most importantly, she knows how to raise both children and her own husband, making him an impeccable family man.

An analysis of name compatibility will show which men Elizabeth has a chance of building an alliance with, and with which these chances are not so great.

1. Excellent compatibility of names: Victor, Nikolay, Makar, Nikita, Fedor, Taras, Kirill, Gleb, Valery, Boris, Arnold.

2. Good compatibility of Elizabeth: Leonid, Ilya, Stanislav, Artem, Rostislav, Gleb, Oleg, Timur, Evgeniy.

3. Low compatibility: Yuri, Ivan, Arthur, Denis, Ian, Maxim, Plato, Georgy, Vasily, Konstantin.

Elizabeth is a very wise woman, she has a unique intuition and feels which person is suitable for her, and with which her compatibility is zero. And if she really likes a guy who doesn’t fit the compatibility analysis, she will be able to build a relationship with him good relationship, no matter what. And if the name suits her - like, for example, Andrei or Dmitry - then the success of the relationship is simply guaranteed!

A few words about name days

Elizabeth is a name that is both Orthodox and Catholic, so a girl can celebrate Angel Day many times a year. The name itself according to Orthodox church calendar It sounds the same, and at baptism the girl is called Elizabeth, and nothing else. Elizabeth's name day on the following dates:

  • January 4.
  • March 7.
  • May 7.
  • June 18 and 20.
  • July 4 and 8.
  • September 5, 12 and 18.
  • October 21 and 31.
  • November 4, 5, 14, 20 and 25.
  • December 31st.

So you can congratulate Elizabeth on Angel’s Day almost every month, because it’s so nice! In general, the description of the name makes it clear that the girl named Elizabeth, by definition, cannot be unhappy - she is too smart and strong for that.

And even though her character is sometimes too strict, even though she doesn’t always look like an angel, she knows perfectly well what she wants, and most importantly, she knows how to achieve it. Elizabeth - amazing beautiful name, which will protect its owner from adversity and give her a happy destiny!