How to use a manual breast pump correctly. Purpose of a breast pump and rules for its use. Rules from experienced mothers

After the birth of a child, a woman faces a lot of questions. One of the most important is breastfeeding. And if natural feeding is not available for some reason, then pumping becomes the next issue on the agenda. And the latter is possible manually or with a breast pump. In this case, it is important to know how to properly express milk using it.

What is a breast pump

This device consists of 3 parts. One part is in the form of a funnel for applying to the chest, the other part is a container for collecting liquid, between them the third part is the suction mechanism itself from the first part and transferring the extracted material to the second. This intermediary part can be mechanical (driven by arms or legs) and electrical (powered by mains or batteries).
Activated by rhythmic hand pressing on a pear or lever

The principle of operation of breast pumps is that a vacuum is created inside the system and the nipple is drawn into the funnel, which causes pressure on the mammary glands, which perceive this process as natural sucking by the baby. The breast begins to release the accumulated milk and produce a new portion - all this flows into the bottle/cup/bag.

Single-phase operate in single-tone mode; biphasic first stimulate the breasts and then begin suction; clinical ones have even finer settings and additional accessories. Some models are designed for both breasts at once

The entire structure of the breast pump is currently made of polypropylene, and it is preferable that it is medical grade (this should be taken into account when choosing, paying attention to the corresponding packaging icons). A silicone pad is usually placed on the funnel-shaped part, which makes the pumping process painless and also stimulates the nipple area, giving the woman the feeling of naturally feeding the baby. This is not only convenient, but also important for the psychological side of the issue, since the brain needs to be deceived so that it sends the correct signals to the organ.

Video: how to choose a device

Purpose and benefits

A breast pump is a device with which a woman can get breast milk without involving a real child. This need arises for various reasons: insufficient/excessive lactation, mother going to work, medical indications, and so on. Thus, this unit becomes a way to:

  • feeding the baby his natural food without direct contact with the breast;
  • stimulating/inducing lactation;
  • to avoid cessation of lactation while temporarily abstaining from breastfeeding;
  • relieving congested breasts and preventing congestion;
  • donation in favor of stepchildren.

Now there are a lot of formulas on the market for ages 0+, but all of them are still not completely complete in comparison with natural breast milk. Therefore, WHO and UNICEF recommend feeding a child exclusively with this product, and not with its substitutes, for at least 6 months. Often, a breast pump is not needed at all; manual expression is sufficient.

The author of these lines also used breast pumps to establish lactation in the first month after giving birth. But it turned out that it’s not so simple - I applied it, and the milk flowed. Having tested several models, and supplementing all this with 50/50 manual manipulations, I eventually came to the conclusion that they were of little use to me. And then she completely abandoned the devices.

Video: 5 reasons when a breast pump is not suitable

Device types

The more primitive the equipment and the less well-known company that produces the product, the lower the price and quality, respectively. “The miser pays twice,” as is known, so here too there is a risk of making a mistake by choosing an unsuccessful specimen. The choice of this particular item is very individual for each woman; it is not a universal remedy. The main thing you need to understand is that a manual breast pump will require more time and labor than an electronic one, and the price of the first is less than the second. There are also services that rent out breast pumps - in this case, you have the opportunity to try it out for yourself. different types without unnecessary financial losses.

The leading manufacturers of breast pumps today are the Dutch company Avent and the Swiss company Medela. The first is a division of Philips and specializes in various products for newborns, while the second positions its activities in the field of breastfeeding and medical equipment. Both companies cite 30 years of experience, ongoing research and continuous improvement of their equipment.

What is good about these companies is a large assortment of both the product itself and spare parts, and various paraphernalia for it, high quality, widespread, availability of warranty service. The downside is that they are overpriced, which makes these breast pumps unavailable for purchase by ordinary people.

Video: presentation of the Medela brand

I really wanted this particular breast pump. Even at school for mothers I looked after him. You could even see how it works. This is the level, of course. Speedy milk collection, silent, two-phase pumping and very easy to wash and clean. For me, a working mother, this is what I need.


Video: presentation of the Avent brand

I’ve tried several breast pumps, some cheap and some not so good, and I’ve even used manual ones (but it takes a lot of time). Two competing brands really deserve attention: Medela Swing biphasic and Philips AVENT electronic. Unfortunately, I had to buy both. And not only them, to understand that you cannot save on a breast pump. I can immediately say that both work great and perform their function well, which cannot be said about cheaper models. Among the two, I single out Philips, because the manufacturer initially carefully thought out the process of easy assembly and disassembly of the breast pump, as well as ease of washing and sterilization. The manufacturer Medela has not finalized this function, it is very difficult to wash it, especially behind the valve (initially I did not attach any importance to this, and therefore my child acquired dysbacteriosis). This part with the valve cannot be sterilized (like bottles from this manufacturer), which is not a positive thing to use, because pathogenic microflora develops in the milk environment, which will have a bad effect primarily on the baby. I was in a hurry several times and tore off the valve - I had to buy new ones. After the third appearance of dysbiosis in my child (diagnosed by doctors), I decided to buy a Philips AVENT electronic breast pump. For more than 2 months now I have been saving time on washing and pumping with this miracle. Quickly disassembles, washes and puts back together. It's simple. And I’m not afraid that I’ll break something somewhere. By the way, Medela took 40 minutes of pumping, and AVENT 20 minutes, which is also important.


A well-known Italian company that appears on the children's goods market and produces, among other things, breast pumps, Chicco is more affordable in price, but slightly lower in quality, and the product range is limited to basic models.

Video: Chicco manual breast pump

I bought this breast pump with caution, since there are very few reviews about it on the Internet. But I still hoped for the brand and took it. Before that I used Philips Avent (a breastfeeding consultant lent it to me), Chicco is no worse - about the same level. It is better than Avent only because of the softness of its operation - it does not cause any discomfort at all and does not put pressure on the chest. Quite easy to wash. Included convenient stand, a lid for storing milk and a good anatomical nipple with a weak flow. The baby ate from it with pleasure.


After these giants, less famous companies Nuk, Canpol and many others are represented on the market - they are not so popular because they are not very convenient. Among domestic manufacturers you will find “Kurnosiki”, “World of Childhood”, which so far only produce mechanical versions. conducted research and determined the top 10 best breast pumps

Based on these characteristics and the needs/capabilities of your family, you can choose what is right for you and your child.

How to properly express breast milk with a breast pump

Before using, the breast pump should be sterilized (boil directly in water, pour boiling water over non-electric parts, or use a special sterilizer), and the mother should wash her hands with soap. Assemble all the parts into a single whole according to the instructions, checking that everything is securely fastened. If you have an electrical appliance, be sure to plug it in or make sure the batteries are not dead. Next, you need to take a comfortable position and emotionally tune in to the procedure. A woman should not be tense or depressed - all this affects insufficient milk production.
It is important to keep the breast pump bottle in the correct position to avoid damaging the device

Video: learning to use correctly

When the milk flow has ended or you have drawn required quantity According to the consumption rate and age of your child, disconnect the bottle. Close it either with a lid or screw on the pacifier included in the kit. Expressed milk can be used to feed the baby immediately or left to be stored. At 20 degrees Celsius it can remain edible for 6 hours. In the refrigerator or freezer The shelf life is 6 months or more.

Help in establishing lactation

Yes, this is definitely a good helper. But they need to be used wisely, and not expressed for any reason and without reason. If a woman who has just given birth does not have enough milk at first, then between putting the baby to the breast (every 3 hours) you should resort to massages and manual expression or breast pumping. If there is excess milk, then you should not express yourself, except in cases where a woman experiences pain due to accumulated fluid. But it is important not to overdo it, because the more milk you express, the more milk will be produced, and then the mother will fall into a vicious circle.

I had a caesarean section and took antibiotics for the first 3 days, and therefore I could not breastfeed my baby, although the doctor predicted rivers of milk for me due to the condition of my breasts. We had to use formula so that my daughter would not be hungry. And when I was allowed to breastfeed for the first time, it turned out that there was no milk, the moment was lost. Thus, for some time the baby suckled on an empty breast, and the rest of the time I established lactation. Sometimes this was done with the help of hands, but it was very tiring. Then the breast pump saved me. After a month and a half, the GV was fully established.

It has been proven that children raised on breast milk have far fewer health problems, have stronger immunity and a stable emotional state. There is perhaps no stronger bond in the world than a mother and her newborn baby.

Despite such a rosy statement about the benefits of breast milk, there is a common opinion regarding the feeding process itself. For many women it is given with great difficulty, because it is not so simple.

It is also necessary to take care of your own breasts and worry about normal milk production. A lot of help with this various means. One of the most popular is a breast pump. There is a lot of controversy surrounding this device regarding its necessity.

There is simply no single opinion regarding pumping. Experts interpret this issue differently. Some people think that this needs to be done, while others, on the contrary, are sure that it is a waste of time. Moreover, you will also add unnecessary problems to yourself.

Summarizing all the pros and cons, we can only say one thing. It is worth approaching the issue on an individual basis. It has been proven that thanks to pumping.

However, if the child already eats all the milk that is stored in the female body, while he gets better and does not experience weight loss or health problems, then such a mother does not need to pump.

The main criteria by which you can trace the need to pump:

  1. Breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.
    After pumping, mommy can calmly leave the house and go about her business. The baby will only be offered at the right time a bottle with a nipple from which the desired breast milk will flow.
  2. It is necessary to palpate the chest periodically.
    In the event that dense and hard lumps have formed, it is necessary. This will prevent lactostasis. At the same time, carefully monitor the presence of seals. It is much easier and better to break them up at an early stage. Lactostasis itself can result in elevated temperature and a complete lack of breast milk.
  3. The body cannot always produce the required amount of breast milk.
    In this case, the breast pump will become a kind of stimulating drug that will help in the right quantity produce liquid.

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Using the Avent handheld device

Using simple instructions for pumping, you can eliminate the development.

  1. Before using the device, it is necessary to boil all its parts.
    To do this, carefully disassemble into several parts and place in a saucepan with hot water. Boil for a few minutes and turn off the heat.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and water before using a manual breast pump.
    At the same time, the same cannot be done with the chest. Soap has a negative effect on nipples, causing cracks to appear.
  3. Gently take the nipple in your hand and place it in the center of the device.
    At the same time, everything must be done extremely carefully to avoid any damage or health problems. Be careful not to pinch your nipple. When working with a manual breast pump, you should not rush.
  4. Press the piston or use another type of mechanical device.
    At the same time, lightly massage your breasts with your other hand. You can't put pressure on her. A gentle massage is required.
  5. There is no need to express until your breasts are empty.
    Once you feel relief, you can stop this work. Full breasts already begin to flow at the slightest movement, so you don’t have to press the plunger too hard.
  6. After you have expressed milk, you need to rinse the entire device.
    To do this, take it apart and wash it well using special products.

Not all milk can be drunk by a child at once. You don't have to worry about this. Place the remaining liquid in a container. By the way, breast fluid can be frozen. At the same time, it is stored in the freezer for up to six months.

Using a breast pump with an electric device

Be sure to carefully read the instructions before starting to work with the device.

The special silicone breast pump attachment should be thoroughly washed and disinfected. This can be done using ordinary boiled water. In fact, minimal difficulties in working with the device cannot even arise, since this tool is as convenient, accessible and understandable as possible.

Advantages mechanical method explicit:

  1. The convenient silicone nozzle promotes greater milk production.
  2. The mother does not feel tired, because in a matter of minutes the bottle can be filled, and during this time the woman will only have to press one button, while continuing to rest.
  3. Initially you will set special pressure and the pace of pumping - subsequently the device will remember the entire range of actions and will repeat them every time.
  4. Philips AVENT manual breast pump assembly

    To make the pumping process as quick and easy as possible, a young mother should bend forward slightly. What will allow where faster than milk flow through the channels.

    As a rule, on average, each breast is pumped until completely empty for 15 minutes, but this should only be done if milk production is poor.

    If a woman needs to stimulate breastfeeding and increase the available fluid several times, then she must express herself as much as possible. In this case, both breasts are expressed at once.

    If you have difficulties with the process itself, then you need to think about what you are doing wrong. By the way, in this case you can outsmart the body a little. The process of pumping is helped by the production of oxytocin in the body. It can be artificially maintained by taking a warm bath or drinking hot milk tea.

    Bottom line

    Do not despair in any case if you didn’t succeed the first time. Each organism is individual, perhaps you have not chosen the features for yourself. Often you just need to sit comfortably or look at the child.

    At this time, prolactin is produced, which in turn affects the quality and quantity of breast milk.

Breast pump is a device that allows you to mechanize the manual expression of breast milk. There are manual, electric and electronic. Read more about the device, principle of operation, types and selection.

Better nutrition for a newborn is breast milk. But there are situations in life when it is not possible to breastfeed your baby. Our grandmothers expressed milk by hand - it was long, tedious and ineffective.

Modern women have vacuum breast pumps. What is it? What are they, and how to choose them? How to choose and use this fashionable device? Isn't it better to express milk by hand rather than with a breast pump? The questions are not idle. After all, the health and well-being of the baby and young mother depend on the answers to them.

The principle of operation of the device is simple: the funnel is applied to the breast so that the nipple is in the center. When you press the pump, lever or button, the device starts working. A vacuum or vacuum is created in the areola area, which promotes the release of milk. The liquid enters a special container.

There are different ways to create this effect. Depending on the principle of operation, the following types of breast pumps are distinguished.

Do you need a breast pump when breastfeeding: methods of use

Do you need a breast pump when breastfeeding? Girls look for answers on forums and learn from experienced mothers. As a result, doubts only increase. Some write that a breast pump is of no use. Others claim that the device is irreplaceable and advise how to choose it. If we analyze all the pros and cons, then this is why a breast pump is needed in the life of a woman who has just given birth:

  • If the mother is going to leave the child for a long time with relatives or a nanny, then a vacuum breast pump will come in handy. The reason is going to work, a business trip, a visit to the clinic or a trip to a beauty salon. The baby will be full, and the woman will be able to control the flow of milk by taking the device with her.
  • A mechanical breast pump is used to stimulate lactation when there is a lack of milk. It's simple: the more the baby suckles at the breast, the more intense milk is produced. The device is also used to induce lactation in women with adopted children.
  • A device is needed for engorgement of the mammary glands, when they hurt and become full. Many people use it immediately after childbirth, when the child cannot cope with the first hot flashes.
  • A breast pump will come in handy in the maternity hospital, but don’t rush to buy it. The doctor will tell you when the device is needed. After lactation is established, most women stop using it.
  • A breast pump helps with lactostasis and hyperlactation. Use it in this case only on the recommendation of a doctor.
    If a child cannot breastfeed for health reasons, he is fed expressed milk.
  • It is worth buying this useful device in case of mother's illness. This is due to the woman taking medications that are contraindicated for children. Thus, the mother will be able to maintain lactation and, having recovered, will continue breastfeeding.

It is difficult to predict whether you will need a breast pump. Experienced mothers advise choosing it in advance and purchasing it as needed.

Mechanical breast pump: the simplest models

A mechanical breast pump is operated using hands, sometimes feet. It's cheap. The pumping process is labor-intensive, so manual option Not suitable for regular use, but useful in emergency situations. There are two types of manual breast pumps.

Pump breast pump (regular - with bulb)

This is the simplest type. A vacuum is created by pressing the pump. The process is labor-intensive, the hand gets tired, and milk takes a long time to express. It is the cheapest and least effective. If used incorrectly and frequently, milk stagnation and breast injury may occur. Compact dimensions allow you to take the device on the road.

According to numerous reviews, one of the most convenient manual breast pumps with a bulb is Chicco - it is ideal for occasional pumping. Suitable for mothers who do not suffer from lack of milk.

A regular manual breast pump “World of Childhood” can be attached to any bottle, but its components cannot be sterilized.

Piston breast pump (syringe or vacuum)

It works like a syringe. When the internal piston is pulled out, the pressure necessary to release the milk is created. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to massage in advance.

One of the best is the Philips AVENT piston breast pump. The kit includes various accessories. The silicone anatomical nozzle is pleasant to the touch and is shaped like a baby's mouth. Using such a simple breast pump is convenient not only at home, but also on the road.

The Tommee Tippee Closer to nature design consists of only three elements and is easy to assemble. The soft, wide nozzle is suitable for breasts of any size. The kit includes a plastic container in which parts of the device are sterilized. Tommee is convenient to take on the go.

A manual breast pump has several advantages:

  • ease of operation;
  • no noise;
  • low price;
  • The device easily fits into your purse, which is convenient when traveling frequently with your baby.

Among the disadvantages of simple manual breast pumps, low efficiency and speed of expression are noted. Some women never manage to master this simple device. If used incorrectly or for a long time, for example, a breast pump with a bulb and chest pain.

Automatic breast pump: types, pros and cons

An alternative to a manual one is an electric breast pump. The vacuum for milk flow is created using a motor, which can be attached to the funnel itself or be separate from it. In the latter case, the vacuum passes through special tubes.

The work is divided into two stages: stimulation and pumping. The biphasic milk pump was developed based on observations of infants. It has been noticed that the baby first stimulates the breast with gentle sucking movements, and then slowly and strongly begins to suck on it. The device works on the same principle.

The electronic breast pump is powered by mains or battery. There are two groups.

Electric breast pump with analog control

An electronic breast pump with analog control is easier to use. It works in the same rhythm and has adjustments to the strength of the vacuum created.
The two-phase breast pump from Medela has proven itself well.

The motor is located near the funnel. Modern design, convenience, interesting equipment. It is both an electrical and a mechanical device. You can hang it around your neck, attach it to your pocket, or attach it to your desk. Suitable for frequent use.

AVENT products are popular among women. The device starts working when you press the button, there are three pumping modes. The set includes a pacifier.

In breast pumps from the German company Nuk, the electric motor is also located next to the funnel.

Thanks to this, they are compact and mobile. The rhythm of work is changed using a wheel, which in some cases is not very convenient. The low price attracts many women. Moreover, Nuk copes with its task perfectly.

Digital breast pump

A two-phase breast pump with digital control adapts to the woman’s milk flow rhythm. He remembers and then reproduces it. On the display you can monitor the parameters of the device. The backlight allows you to do this in the dark.

Model for two breasts

Medela has developed a breast pump to express milk from both breasts at the same time.

This the whole system. The process is under constant control of the device, and pumping is done in a matter of minutes. Convenient for mothers of twins. The gift includes a cooler bag for storing milk.

Disadvantages of automatic models

There are also disadvantages of electric breast pumps:

  • The presence of a hum from the engine can interfere with baby's sleep (some are silent).
  • Due to the electronic mechanism, even a regular breast pump cannot be 100% sterilized.
  • The device is linked to electrical supply, which is not always convenient.
  • Its high price deters many consumers.

Is a breast pump harmful to a nursing mother?

There is no harm! In our country, very often the path to civilization lies through “what people say.” When three grandmothers are sitting near the entrance: “Can you imagine, she’s too lazy to even express with her hands! Her husband bought her this infernal machine that smacks her electrically. She’s a natural stepmother.”

Today the whole world is struggling to ensure that motherhood is happiness and pleasure. A breast pump makes the process of milk extraction easier and makes life easier. Mom has more time for herself, for her husband, for rest, for sleep.

A modern, high-quality breast pump is a wonderful invention of civilization that should not be neglected.

Choosing a breast pump

How to choose the right breast pump? WITH the best option A gynecologist and pediatrician will help, as well as a sales consultant. Answer these questions:

  • How often do you plan to use your breast pump? Manual is suitable for occasional pumping. Electronic is useful for everyday procedures. Simple pear - for stimulation in the first days after childbirth. The main thing is to understand why you need a breast pump.
  • What is the design? So, a breast pump for small breasts should be equipped with special attachments. It is better to choose petal attachments that adapt to the shape of the breast. As a result, pumping becomes easy and painless.
  • Is the material from which the device is made safe? It can be silicone, latex, plastic. For hygienic purposes, the device will have to be sterilized. Thus, plastic cannot always be subjected to heat treatment, and parts made from it break easily. Safe material for children's products is polypropylene. The body of the device is made from it, and the nozzles are made of plastic silicone.

What's included in the package? Bottle stands, pacifiers, and breast pads make life easier for moms. Breast pump for big breasts involves several overlays. A woman just needs to choose the most comfortable one for herself.

You can purchase an additional attachment for devices from companies such as Avent, Medela, Chiko. Massagers and additional attachments increase efficiency. A bag for the device, containers, bottles, and a cooler bag will be appreciated by mothers who lead an active lifestyle. In some cases, freezer bags come in handy.

Two-phase is more efficient than other models. Its advantages are obvious: the mother does not need to make any effort, just relax and start the process; Suitable for expressing large amounts of milk and everyday use.

Which is better: breast pump or hand expression? No one will answer this question. Everything is individual, you need to try it. Assess your financial capabilities. Analyze the different types. Think about why you personally need a breast pump. Check out the offers from the main manufacturers: Philips AVENT, Medela, Dr. Brown's, Chicco, Ameda, Grovet, Lansinoh, Nuby. Read reviews from experienced mothers. Breastfeeding can be established even in difficult life circumstances. May motherhood bring you only joy!

Video on the topic “How to choose a breast pump”:

  • this should be done in a room alone so that no one disturbs you. The room should be warm.

    Think about your baby. This way the milk will come out faster;

  • if the breasts are firm to the touch, it is better to massage yourself before pumping;
  • You need to express every 3 hours during the day and try at least once at night;
  • It happens that milk does not flow well from one breast, so switch to the second breast, and then to the first. And you will see that the milk has become better;
  • for cracks it is worth using vegetable oil, or lubricate the nipples with Dexpanthenol cream.

  • electronic;
  • manual: piston, pump, bulb, syringe.

On modern market You can find many electronic breast pumps.

The most common is the Avent breast pump. In terms of price, this product is quite expensive - about 3,000 rubles. The kit may also include special containers for storing milk.

These are the best places to start.

  1. Piston breast pump. Easy to use. There is a special piston that allows milk to be expressed. The disadvantage is that mom’s hand gets tired quickly.
  2. Pump breast pump. It has accessories - pump, nozzle, bottle. Its big drawback is the lack of sterilization capabilities.
  3. Pear. A special rubber bulb and nozzle make it easy to use. Can be sterilized.
  4. Syringe or vacuum breast pump. In structure, these are two cylinders located one inside the other. One cylinder is placed on the breast, and the second one makes forward movements, due to which a vacuum is created and milk begins to be released from the breast.

How to properly express breast milk with a manual breast pump?

  1. It is better to start expressing using a manual breast pump. This way you will feel the strength and pressure that is comfortable for you.
  2. Before use, the manual breast pump should be boiled for a couple of minutes.
  3. Wash your hands with soap. It is not necessary to wash your breasts with soap, as soap dries the skin and increases the likelihood of a cracked nipple.
  4. The nipple should be placed in the middle of the breast pump nozzle. Support your chest with your right hand.

    The nipple should not be pinched and there should be no sharp pain.

  5. If your breast pump has a plunger, press it gently. At first, droplets will appear, and gradually the milk will begin to flow out in streams.

    Do not put pressure on your chest; bruising may occur. Using gentle movements, you can massage the mammary gland to facilitate the release of milk. It is also useful to take a warm shower before pumping. A bulb breast pump works on the same principle, but instead of a piston there is a rubber bulb.

  6. Expressing with a breast pump should be carried out until you feel relief in the chest. You shouldn’t do a complete emptying, and you won’t be able to, anyway, some milk will remain in the breast. In general, with mechanical pumping, one procedure takes about 10 minutes.

    During one pumping procedure, you should empty two breasts at once in turn.

  7. After this manipulation, the breast pump must be disassembled and washed with soap and water. running water. Then dry on a towel without wiping. No need to boil.

Breast milk can be stored in the freezer in special containers for up to six months.

How to use a breast pump with this mechanism? First, read the instructions.

As already mentioned, the most convenient modern breast pump from Avent.


  • does not contribute to mom’s fatigue, is gentle on the nipple;
  • memory. Remembers pressure and pumping mode;
  • ease of use, sterilization;
  • There are modes in which fast pumping occurs first, then slow and deeper.

This breast pump operates either from a wall outlet or from a battery.

Don't worry if you don't succeed right away. You need to get used to this.

Anastasia, 28 years old:“After the birth of my daughter, I had to resort to pumping. I used a manual breast pump. At first it was painful and unpleasant, but after a few days I got used to it. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Why pump at all?

During normal lactation, the baby should consume breast milk as much as he needs. And you don’t need to express yourself. But if you feel that your breasts are tight or sore, then there is a slight stagnation of milk. Then you need to express in small portions until relief occurs.

Also, the pumping procedure should be carried out in case of separation from the baby, illness of the mother, adoption medicines, contraindicated during lactation.

Your pediatrician or lactation specialist can also help you choose the right breast pump. Of course, a manual breast pump is not so easy to use, but it is better to start expressing with it.

On the market for products for newborns, you can find a variety of devices that make it easier for a woman to pump. Manual breast pumps with a bulb are very popular. This device is suitable for both a woman who is trying to improve the lactation process, and a mother who does not always have the opportunity to put her baby to the breast, and does not want to stop breastfeeding. Many women wonder how to properly use a manual bulb pump so that the pumping procedure is quick and painless.


A manual breast pump with a bulb is one of the most simple devices for expressing breast milk. It consists of several parts.

  • Chest attachment.
  • Valve. Located inside the breast pump, it helps control the pressure that is created during expression.
  • Pear. When a woman expresses breast milk, she must squeeze the bulb, thus creating a vacuum. Thanks to this, milk will be released from the mammary glands and flow into the pumping container.
  • A container for expressing milk (may be missing).

Women often resort to manual breast pumps with a bulb because they have a number of advantages:

  • have a simple design and are quickly assembled;
  • they are easy to use without special knowledge and skills;
  • no power source is required to start working with them;
  • they do not create noise (as happens with electric models) - this is very important when the mother carries out the pumping process while being next to the child;
  • all parts can be easily washed and sterilized;
  • You can choose a pace and rhythm of pumping that is comfortable for you.

Preparatory stage

When starting the stage of expressing milk with a manual breast pump with a bulb, It is very important to prepare everything in advance so that the process goes quickly and, most importantly, painlessly.

  • Before expressing milk, read in detail the instructions that must come with your breast pump. Often such instructions describe in detail and with pictures how to properly use one or another variation of this device.
  • All components must be washed; it is better not to use ordinary detergents in this case, since they contain aggressive chemicals that can enter a fragile child’s body and cause harm to it. Recommended use baby soap or children's detergent for washing breast pump elements.
  • It is also recommended to sterilize the parts. The sterilization procedure must be carried out without fail if you plan to give expressed milk to a baby. The device can be sterilized either in a steam bath or using special devices– sterilizers.

After sterilization, there is no need to wipe the breast pump parts; leave them for a few minutes to dry naturally.

  • You also need to prepare a container into which the milk will be expressed (often it comes with a pear breast pump) and is a bottle. If you put a nipple on this bottle, then it can be used to feed the baby.
  • Pay attention to the material from which the container is made; it is very important that the harmful component bisphenol is absent. You can also use glass bottles.
  • A woman needs to thoroughly wash her hands with soap and rinse her breasts to get rid of beads of sweat and dirt. Ideally it is better to use warm water, it stimulates the flow of milk to the mammary glands.
  • It is necessary to perform a light massage of the breast. To do this, you need to slowly pull the nipple and press the areola with your fingers. Such actions stimulate the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk.

Many breastfeeding experts recommend drinking a cup of warm tea 30 minutes before pumping. This drink will also activate milk flow and help make pumping easier.

Expression procedure

When preparatory stage completed, you can proceed directly to the process of expressing using a pear breast pump. The procedure is quite simple, but at first you will need to adapt to it, over time everything will happen much easier.

  • A woman needs to make herself comfortable, taking a comfortable position. For example, sit on a chair with a back or a sofa. For comfort, you can place a pillow under your back. You need to install a manual breast pump with a bulb so that the nipple is located exactly in the middle of the funnel. The edges of the funnel should fit snugly to the chest.
  • If you attach a manual breast pump with a bulb incorrectly, it can cause discomfort for the mother. In addition, an incorrectly attached device can leave some of the milk in the mammary glands, thus causing stagnation.
  • Next, you need to rhythmically squeeze the bulb, starting the pumping process. It is not necessary to press hard on the pump. The applied force can be increased when the pumping process comes to an end.

Be prepared for the fact that at first the milk will be released just a little, in the form of droplets, but gradually the “pressure” will increase, forming a stream, and the pumping procedure will be much easier.

  • During the pumping process, you can take a short pause, during which you can also additionally massage your breasts. It is not necessary to remove the breast pump at this time. When a woman has expressed milk from one breast, it is necessary to begin this process with the second breast.
  • The entire pumping procedure goes quite quickly, on average it will take no more than 15 minutes.
  • Please note that if 5 minutes have passed since the start of pumping and milk has not appeared, you must stop this procedure.
  • When the pumping process has come to an end and the milk has been completely removed from the mammary glands, you need to carefully disconnect the bulb pump, close the container with milk and put it in the refrigerator. The chest should be wiped with a damp towel, and all parts of this device should be thoroughly washed and dried.
  • When putting breast milk in the refrigerator, remember that it can be stored there for no more than 2 days. It is better not to leave it on the refrigerator door, but to place the container in the middle on the shelf. Milk can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.
  • During pumping, a woman should not experience pain. If they appear, you need to take a break and give the mammary gland a little rest. At this time, you can start pumping from the second breast. Painful sensations can also be caused by an error in the assembly of the device. If the device was assembled and attached correctly, and pain during pumping persists, you should consult a doctor for advice.

For a review of the Chicco breast pump, watch the following video.