How to make a beautiful staircase from plywood. DIY plywood steps. The advantages of wood structures include

Initially, it should be noted that our company has its own production base in St. Petersburg for the manufacture of steps for stairs and other related wood products used in stairs and stair railings. Making steps from various materials, we are not interested in clearly extolling the properties of one product over another, so we will try to give a balanced assessment of the qualities of the different levels we produce.

Each type of product discussed has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, unfortunately, we cannot give unambiguous recommendations that such steps are better and, they say, only they should be oriented. We will list some properties and give them a small set of explanations. So…


Our company makes steps only from dense wood. Sometimes they are also called noble breeds. The most commonly used species are beech and oak. Somewhat less often, larch, ash, and maple are ordered. In this note, we will not list all the differences between tree species, but will only touch on those properties that affect the strength and wear resistance of the steps.

Of course, everything described below is valid for stages produced on special equipment with careful adherence to the entire technological chain:

  • Selection of quality wood from a trusted supplier
  • Curing wood in production to bring the temperature and humidity of the wood to the workshop level.
  • Calibration of lamellas (bars) of future steps.
  • Gluing steps in special presses
  • Exposure of shields for stress relief
  • Processing and calibration of shields
  • Conditioning of wooden steps to control the condition of the surface.

As you can see, the density and hardness of the wood we use is approximately the same, which means the strength of the steps is also approximately the same. Therefore, choosing between various breeds trees should be taken into account appearance and perhaps the price.

It should be noted that beech has one operational feature - increased hygroscopicity compared to other species. That is, it is saturated with moisture faster and releases more intensely.

How does this affect the operation of the stages? I must say, on average, it is insignificant. This slight difference from other species affects some separation of glue seams on the surface of the wood and slight cracking along the grain. Let us explain, this is a really small difference, which in most cases is not significant, manifests itself in small structural changes, which, as a rule, do not affect the strength characteristics of the steps, but only on their appearance and, as we said above, in our opinion, insignificantly . In addition, all these consequences are usually removable. Small restoration measures carried out locally, i.e. without removing steps, using wax crayons and non-halo varnishes, can eliminate most of the negative effects. If, due to any negative influences ( high humidity, excessive dryness, accident, home for a long time without heating) restoration measures are not enough, the design of our stairs allows you to simply replace the step with a temporary one, followed by its restoration in the carpentry shop or immediately with a new one.

Solid wood steps are produced using several technologies:

  • Steps made of laminated veneer lumber of one type of wood. It is precisely these steps that can be called made from oak, beech, etc., i.e., from solid wood.

This is exactly how we make our steps. Gluing technology is also used in the manufacture of wooden handrails.

It should be noted here that there is a type of lamella gluing from wide and narrow boards, which also externally (without a deck) look like steps made from wide boards. We do not use this gluing technology, because we consider it, although less labor intensive, but also less reliable.

  • Steps with a base made of weak wood (for example, pine) and then covered with veneer or a deck of noble types of wood are steps made of combined wood. Although such steps are cheaper in cost, they are clearly worse in quality due to the use of a soft base and different densities, which can provoke future cracking - not our technology.
  • Solid wood steps with deck cladding. The deck is, one might say, the same as veneer, but only much thicker. We use 5mm deck. Decking has virtually no effect on the strength of the steps; it is a decorative layer that allows you to give the steps the appearance of being made of a wide board.

To sum up the description of solid wood steps, let’s say that their main property is the high density of wood, i.e. the strength of the step itself.

Solid wood steps resist external force well, in the form of objects falling onto a plane or something similar, but, of course, like any wood, they are afraid of ladies' hairpins.


Let's remember the difference between deck and veneer. Veneer is a thin section of wood 0.6 -1.2 mm. A deck is considered wood that is thicker than veneer, usually up to 12 mm. We use a 5 mm thick deck.

What are the advantages of such steps?

  1. Steps made using this technology are cheaper than steps made entirely from solid wood.
  2. The steps are covered with a deck on top, a special entry bar is installed at the entrance, and the remaining visible parts of the steps are covered with veneer. That is, the steps externally look like steps made using expensive technology - solid wood covered with a deck.
  3. A step on plywood is less susceptible, unlike solid wood, to temperature and humidity effects.

But there is also a small minus. Such steps are somewhat less durable due to more soft base, because plywood, as a rule, is made from birch, rather than steps from solid beech, oak, ash and other dense types of wood we use.

Softer is not significant. Steps on plywood base They performed well in bolted ladders, in which the strength properties of wood are very important.

But, nevertheless, the most important property in this product is precisely the ability to better tolerate moisture exposure than completely natural wood.

When installing facing steps on concrete stairs, as a rule, before laying, the concrete steps are prepared, including in order to cut off possible moisture on the steps, a layer of plywood is laid on the concrete. Our steps are immediately, without such preparation, suitable for facing concrete steps.


Based on all of the above, we can conclude that if:

  • if you want to save money, use plywood-based steps
  • for cladding concrete stairs– plywood-based steps are also suitable.
  • steps made of solid wood, for cladding concrete stairs, install after preliminary preparation
  • For most suspended or bolted stairs, as well as stringer stairs, steps made of solid dense wood are suitable.

Many owners prefer that the staircase trim be done wooden material. A staircase decorated with wood transforms the entire interior of the house. It does not dry out over time and does not creak. A modern decorative railing is installed on the stairs. The main focus is on the design of the metal base to ensure its beautiful appearance. A concrete frame for a staircase will cost much less than a wooden one.

The work to be done on the staircase covering will be successful if it is done according to accurate calculations. Accepted standards for steps: length - 13 cm, width -30 cm.

Installation and covering of concrete stairs

After installing a monolithic concrete staircase, components from hardwood are selected for it. The staircase and its steps can be sheathed from boards made of ash, beech, and larch.

You should pay attention to the fact that the staircase covering can be done 2 months after its casting, otherwise the concrete will not have time to get rid of excess moisture and the steps will dry out quickly.

The following tools and materials are required for work:

  • dowel-nails;
  • screws;
  • perforator;
  • broom;
  • level;
  • ruler;
  • trowel;
  • scissors;
  • tree;
  • tiles (mosaic, porcelain tiles);
  • natural stone;
  • plywood (moisture resistant);
  • self-leveling mixture;
  • adhesive mastic;
  • primer.

Before covering the stairs with marble or wood, you should make a calculation when designing the thickness of the step covering. There must be a gap of at least 75 cm between the flights of concrete stairs.

Accuracy is important when making formwork for concrete stairs. It is made from moisture resistant plywood. The difference in step height is 9.5 mm.

At the first stage of work, all steps are measured. Determine the highest of them. The remaining steps are brought to its size using a self-leveling mixture. They are applied in an even layer to the surface of the step. If the difference is large, more than 1 cm, formwork is made using plywood, which is secured with dowels on the steps. In this case, the upper edge and required level match. The steps are cleaned of dirt and debris and primed. Filling is done after the primer mixture has completely dried.

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Laying plywood on stair steps

The next stage is attaching the plywood to the steps. Its main purpose is to insulate wooden linings to protect against excess moisture. The surface is primed a second time. Blanks are cut out of plywood. The entire surface of the concrete step is covered with mastic. Using dowels, the plywood is attached, laid on top of the mastic. It is laid level.

To finish a concrete staircase with wood, purchase the necessary tools and materials for the job:

  • 3 bolts with a diameter of 6 mm;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • drill;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • level;
  • broom;
  • liquid nails;
  • epoxy resin;
  • facing board;
  • plywood (sheets);
  • polyurethane foam;
  • putty.

Work is carried out in a bottom-up direction. 3 bolts with a diameter of 6 mm are screwed into the riser, into its lower end. The bolts should protrude 8 cm above its surface. All caps are carefully cut off. Wooden and concrete risers are combined. Make markings on the floor where the bolts will be screwed in. Drill holes at the marked points and pour into them epoxy resin. Before installation facing material, cover plywood liquid nails. In the area where the riser stops, a groove of the required depth is drilled into the step. The second riser is attached to the step with self-tapping screws. The entire surface of the plywood and the groove are treated with glue. The first stage is leveled. Then they go up and continue working until the end of the ladder. If a gap has formed on the side of the steps, fill it polyurethane foam and cover the top with putty.

In this article we will explore everything related to stair steps - their optimal sizes, correct names elements and materials used. Can steps for stairs be made from agglomerate, glass or plywood? What are treads and risers? How should width and height relate?

We will try to answer all these questions.

Let's start by getting acquainted with the terms used by builders to designate structural elements.

  • Tread is called the horizontal part of the step, on which, in fact, we place our foot when walking.
  • Stair riservertical element connecting two treads. It performs not only decorative, but also load-bearing functions. However, many designs do just fine without it.
  • Kosour- a beam on which the steps rest from above. Usually there are two stringers per straight flight, but there are designs with a central location of a single load-bearing beam.
  • If the steps of the stairs do not rest on the supporting beams from above, but are secured in one way or another between them, another term is used. In this case, the beams are called stringers of staircase structures.
  • A flight of stairs has one or more straight sections connected by landings or so-called winder steps with trapezoidal treads. Each straight section is called a march.

An important point: according to the current SNiP, a flight can include no more than 18 steps, and the platform connecting the flights must have a length at least not less than the width of the stairs.
This instruction is related to safety when descending: in the event of a fall, the landing will provide an opportunity to stop, avoiding serious injury.

  • The screw structure is assembled around the support column. The steps are identical and have the shape of a trapezoid or triangle.

  • Middle line- a conventional straight line or curve, which, contrary to the name, is not always drawn in the middle of the step. It is assumed that a person descending or ascending the stairs will move along it. For triangular or trapezoidal steps, the center line is closer to the wider edge.
  • Railing– a set of balusters ( vertical racks) and handrails. In addition to providing safety, in some designs, railings are part of load-bearing structure. For example, in spiral staircases, the outer edges of the steps are often connected by elongated balusters: this is exactly the design we see in the previous photo.
  • Balustrade– fencing of the landing or internal balcony.


Of course, most of the parameters are selected individually in each case. The distance between the floors, the size of the opening, and the requirements for compactness can vary greatly.

However, there are certain optimal sizes and proportions dictated by human anatomy; In addition, a number of requirements for internal staircases are dictated by fire safety rules.

Let's look at the problem from both sides.


Please note: the given parameters are tied to a person’s height (more precisely, the length of his legs).
A very tall or very short occupant of the house may find the stairs of the sizes given below quite uncomfortable.

  • The optimal width of steps for a staircase designed for one person to ascend or descend is 90 centimeters. If the ladder is intended to be used by two people at the same time, it is recommended to stick to a size of 125-150 centimeters.

For attics and basements, however, it is permissible to build a staircase with a width of only 50-60 cm: for the sake of compactness, in this case, you can sacrifice convenience, because you rarely have to go up to the attic or go down to the basement.

  • The optimal depth of a stair step should allow you to place your entire foot on it. A heel hanging down when lifting will keep the ankle muscles in constant tension; when descending, a narrow step can lead to the fact that you find yourself at the bottom of the march much faster than you would like.
    A tread of 30 cm is considered optimal; allowable range is 260 – 355 mm. The exception is, again, attic and basement stairs.
  • The vertical pitch of the stairs should, on the one hand, not force the knee to rise too wide when ascending and not create problems when descending; on the other hand, in combination with the depth of the tread, it allows you to overcome one step in one step.
    There are two rules here:
    • The height of the riser should be no less than 15 and no more than 20 cm.
    • The width of the tread and double the height of the riser should be equal to the length of the average step (usually 60-64 centimeters). So, with a tread width of 30 cm, the optimal height is (64-30)/2 = 17 centimeters.
  • The slope of the stairs, which makes it most comfortable, is 1:2 (30 degrees to the horizontal). A slope in the range of 30-45 degrees is considered convenient; at 25 degrees or less, it is recommended to either build a ramp (a kind of staircase without steps, an inclined platform), or divide the staircase into several flights with a standard slope and wide horizontal platforms.
    And here attic and basement stairs stand apart: for them an angle of up to 75 degrees is considered acceptable.

Fire safety

What should the steps on the stairs be from a fire safety point of view?

In general, the requirements do not at all contradict the wishes for comfort that we have already outlined. This is understandable: the safest staircase will be the one that is convenient to go down.

Let's still mention the main points.

  • At least one staircase between floors of the house must have a width of 90 cm or more.
  • A slope of no more than 40 degrees is allowed. Evacuation in case of fire should take place quickly, but not head over heels.
  • Along the entire staircase, the steps should have the same dimensions. Otherwise, it will be easy to trip in a smoky room.
  • The tread should extend beyond the riser no more than 50 millimeters. In this case, there is less chance of catching your heel when descending or tripping when ascending.
  • The staircase (primarily the first and last steps) should be brightly lit.
  • The depth of the triangular or trapezoidal step on the midline should not be less than 20 centimeters. The width of the narrow side of the trapezoidal step is also regulated: at least 15 cm.
  • The minimum height of railings and balustrades for stairs no more than 6 meters high is 90 cm; over 6 meters - 100 cm. At the same time, the strength of the fences should allow them to withstand a horizontal load of 100 kgf.


What can the steps be made of? Let's try to analyze the properties of some popular materials for their creation.

Reinforced concrete

The material is perfectly familiar to any inhabitant of an apartment building.

Excellent load-bearing capacity and durability are appropriate there; in a private house, reinforced concrete steps are much less popular:

  • The huge mass places serious demands on the strength of the floors. Houses with floors wooden beams disappear immediately; in the case of monolithic or slab floor of the same reinforced concrete, a calculation of its load-bearing capacity is required.
  • When pouring stairs on site, the long waiting period is quite inconvenient: concrete gains strength in about a month; You can walk up the steps no earlier than after 3-4 days.

The external staircases stand apart metal frame And entrance stairs. There, concrete steps are in demand due to their resistance to humidity and temperature changes.

Useful: in this case, concrete of a grade not lower than M200 is used.
For him self-cooking M400 cement and sand are taken in a ratio of 1:2.8.
It is permissible to add 4.8 parts of crushed stone.

The coating for external and internal concrete stairs is often tiles (usually clinker, characterized by extreme wear resistance).


Steel stair steps– a rather dubious solution for the interior; For external stairs, this material enjoys well-deserved popularity.

There are only two serious problems with steel stair treads:

  1. Corrosion. Alkyd primer and the enamel coating will protect the steel from it, but periodically the surface will have to be tinted.
  2. Noise. About the fact that you are climbing on an all-steel external staircase, not only your family members will know, but also your closest neighbors.

What type of coating can be used?

Several options are possible:

  • Stacked tread made of rod or reinforcement.
  • Expanded sheet. Like the previous solution, it is good because it will not accumulate water (and, accordingly, ice in the off-season) and slip.
  • Corrugated solid sheet. Corrugation will make the surface less slippery; however, in this case there is no escape from water and ice, and the price square meter such coverage (and, accordingly, the cost of steps for the stairs) will be slightly higher.
The photo shows corrugated steel flooring.


The most popular material for internal stairs- This is, of course, wood.

There are many reasons for this:

  • Wood can be easily processed with your own hands using the simplest tools.
  • The most popular species - spruce, pine and larch - are more than inexpensive.

An important point: the material coming straight from the sawmill needs long-term drying.
The raw step will inevitably lead.

  • Compound load-bearing elements There are also no problems with steps and fences.
  • Finally, the low thermal conductivity and heat capacity of wood means that wooden steps will always be warm to the touch. If you like to walk barefoot, you shouldn't expect any discomfort in this case.

Stairs can be solid wood; in addition, wooden steps are often mounted on a steel frame or concrete base.

Which breeds are preferable?

  1. The optimal choice is hardwood - oak, beech, ash and maple. They have a beautiful texture that will highlight varnish coating steps of stairs; In addition, these types of wood are durable and wear-resistant.
  2. Birch steps are also still durable, but lack a distinct texture. In addition, birch rots easily: treatment with an antiseptic and a waterproof coating are required.
  3. Budget solutions - spruce, larch and pine - have already been mentioned. Their wood steps easily leave scratches and dents. However, a durable, wear-resistant coating for stair steps (for example, polyurethane parquet varnish in 5-7 layers) completely solves the problem.


With a width of more than 50 centimeters, plywood steps for stairs are made either with a riser or on a steel frame made of angle or corrugated pipe. The fact is that plywood tends to sag under load and, worse, retain deformation.

The thickness is determined by the size of the step and the presence of stiffeners:

  • If the support for the tread is a steel frame around the perimeter, you can limit yourself to 12 millimeters.
  • For completely plywood steps with emphasis on the riser, a reasonable minimum is 18 mm.
  • Steps 40–50 cm wide resting on bowstrings are best made from 22 mm plywood.


Some materials are rather moderately popular due to their high cost or problems associated with them; however, they deserve mention.

  • Tempered glass is used complete with steel frame or so-called pain - metal elements, connecting the stairs into a single self-supporting structure. The material looks impressive; however, the slippery surface and extreme risk of injury are not very conducive to it.
  • Agglomerate ( artificial stone) is quite durable and beautiful, but quite expensive. In addition, it is cold to the touch: walking barefoot on its surface is quite unpleasant.

  • Natural stone as a material for steps is a more prestigious solution than a practical one. Let's put it this way: if you are not going to host friendly foreign delegations at home, it is better to forget about it.


We hope that we have given the reader general idea about general principles construction of stairs. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic. Good luck in construction!

A staircase is always a decoration of any home. But when choosing its design, aesthetics comes last. The main criterion when choosing a staircase should be its strength and comfort. You can often find very beautiful designer stairs, but climbing them is very inconvenient. The most important part of any staircase is the steps. And if the staircase is not made entirely of metal, its steps are made of wood. Since, unlike metal, wood is much cheaper.

First of all, the staircase manufacturer will offer to choose steps from the array. This material has high density and beautiful texture. Solid wood made to look like beech and oak is in particular demand. There is slightly less demand for larch, ash and maple. There are a number of factors that greatly influence the quality of the steps:

  1. The quality of the wood must be high.
  2. The moisture content of the material should also be within normal limits.
  3. Calibration of lamellas must be carried out with extreme precision and care.
  4. The gluing of the steps must be done very efficiently.

Each type of wood has its own special properties that make it more suitable for staircase installation. For example, beech absorbs moisture more strongly. Such minor features cannot greatly affect the quality of the steps. In addition, minor surface damage can be easily eliminated using special crayons. More serious problems are also easy to solve. Any step that has become unusable can be replaced by purchasing a new one in advance. Either immediately for a new one, or for a temporary one if a new one is not available. If the staircase design allows for such a replacement.

Solid wood steps can be produced using one of several technologies. Future steps can be glued together from bars of the same type. The steps will cost much less if pine or spruce is used as the base. They are covered with veneer on top. And even if outwardly such steps look quite decent, then in terms of strength they will always be inferior to more expensive types of wood. You need to be prepared for the fact that they will begin to crack over time. Solid wood steps can be covered not only with veneer. There is also deck cladding. Deck is a material very similar to veneer, the difference lies in its thickness. Standard deck thickness is 5 mm. This material will not affect the strength of the steps in any way. This layer is necessary for beauty.

Important: Solid wood steps are more durable and strong. They are less susceptible to mechanical damage. Capable of withstanding heavy loads.

Plywood steps, even covered with veneer or a deck, will always cost less. But their service life will be much shorter than that of solid wood steps. Externally, the difference between the two types of steps is almost invisible. The advantage of plywood steps is their ability to withstand moisture. And although they are less durable due to the soft wood they are based on, they are ideal for use in homes where there are not many people. The choice of steps for a staircase should be made based on the requirements that will be placed on this product in the future. If the goal is to save money, then plywood steps are the only possible option.

However, today it is not only wooden staircase structures that are popular. Marches made of plastic and polypropylene pipes are relevant. These building materials have good characteristics, and provide an opportunity to save on staircase construction. What to prefer, what pros and cons each material has, how to build a staircase with your own hands, more on that below.

While searching optimal option stairs in two-story house at an affordable price, stylish design and super quality, you should pay attention to solid beech structures.

They have:

  • Aesthetics:
  • Reliability;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Durability.

The texture of the wood is different:

  • Beautiful design;
  • Durability;
  • Resilience.

The cost of beech stairs is affordable for many consumers. Reviews about the material are positive. Latest technologies wood processing makes it possible to give the material a wide color palette, imitate it under rare breeds wood, rosewood or alder. This is the reason why for the production staircase design made of beech, used best boards, they look gorgeous.

The stairs to the second floor, made from beech, have unique performance characteristics and rich decorative properties. They are an excellent alternative to expensive arrays.

Beech is especially popular in construction market. Beech stairs are able to withstand intense loads during operation without losing their properties. With a long service life, they do not require special and complex care.

Current materials for wooden spiral staircases to the second floor

The range of building materials that can now actually be used for the manufacture of staircase structures is practically unlimited. These can be time-tested structures made of stone, blocks, bricks, concrete slabs, made of metal or lighter ones, glass, aluminum, PVC. Which material to choose in each specific case, the decision is made individually, not the least of which are finances, the purpose and location of the stairs, as well as the tastes of the owner of the house.

Favorite building material for creating more modern stairs, what remains is steel. It can be lightweight and yet incredibly durable, and is often used in combination with wood or glass.

Naturally, a wooden structure will always have many admirers. This building material is so diverse and versatile that it can be used to make both voluminous, massive structures and light, almost airy ones.

Also, stairs can be made from:

  • Boards;
  • Plywood;
  • Profile;
  • Plastic;
  • DPK, etc.

Today, designs made from polypropylene pipes are very relevant, which are distinguished by their originality, practicality and low cost of the project.

It is possible to build a wooden staircase with your own hands, following certain rules. We have collected tips from professionals for you in the article: .

Spiral staircases made of wood and pipes

You can assemble the staircase from polypropylene pipe.

Using polypropylene pipes for the manufacture of staircase structures has a number of advantages:

  • Reliability;
  • Long service life;
  • Quick installation;
  • Installation indoors and outdoors;
  • Low price.

You can also make a staircase from prof. pipes using channels. The technology used to manufacture such staircases allows their frame to be painted in various colors. This makes it possible to choose a color that will best match the overall interior of the room where the staircase structure is installed.

Spiral staircase made of logs and plastic

Plastic staircase construction is in demand today. The production of plastic stairs is developing and is gradually gaining a place on market shelves. Flights of stairs made of plastic, as well as glass structures, elite and exclusive when compared with wood, metal or concrete.

Individual parts or the entire staircase can be plastic.

Many companies make various prefabricated stairs for a cottage, which can be installed and used as the main home structure and for secondary needs, as a terrace or attic staircase.

Plastic stairs have the following characteristics:

  • Light weight;
  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • High wear resistance;
  • Large selection of colors;
  • Moisture resistance.

In companies today you can buy ready-made prefabricated plastic staircase structures, for example, it can be a straight entrance staircase or a spiral staircase, with the necessary self-assembly drawings and calculations. You can also make the stairs yourself; the master class will be shown below.

How to make a spiral staircase with your own hands from wood and plastic

In order to make a ladder with your own hands, you need to take the following plastic ones: pipes, fittings, pencil, tape measure, alcohol, cotton wool, pipe cutter, welding machine. Making pipes is not difficult, just a little knowledge and skills, and everything should work out.

We will tell you about how to install a ladder yourself and not make mistakes on our website: .

The work is carried out as follows:

  • It is necessary to draw up a project, a diagram;
  • The pipes are cut;
  • The device turns on and warms up well;
  • The ends of the pipe and fittings are degreased;
  • Warm up the pipe and fitting;
  • Combine the elements and leave to cool.

Staircase from plastic pipes do it yourself - this is an excellent option for a summer house or country house. This way you can assemble a structure for a garden, a swimming pool, or an attic. You can easily make a variety of plastic pipes original crafts, chairs, pallets, etc.

Elite spiral staircase made of oak

The choice of ready-made ones is huge. The staircase in a house is made of wood; it is a unique design in which all building materials and elements are made of a durable species - oak.

Structures made from other building materials, such as concrete and steel, cannot be decorated in the same way as stairs made from natural solid wood.

Some types of structures are built from very massive wood and are suitable exclusively for stately villas and huge mansions.

Traditionally, luxury stairs are made from:

  • Ash;
  • Beech;
  • Duba.

Ash is easy to process, and it is possible to produce a variety of shaped elements for decorative design staircase structure. Elite products made from solid wood species have unique properties, which will satisfy the demand of many consumers, and the photos against their background are magnificent.

If the manufacture of stairs to the 2nd floor is based on quality, and the structures are made of solid wood, fully decorated with railings and balusters, then they will last for many years, giving the interior exclusivity and style. A wooden staircase will decorate the interior classic style, and the space under it can be used as a place for drawers where children's clothes or other things will be stored.

The staircase can be square, rectangular, spiral or have another configuration, in any case, wooden structure– this is 150% of the success of interior design.

Solid wood stairs

Wooden staircase structures can add unique harmony and style to each room. Most designers agreed that solid wood provides additional energy, which has a positive effect on a person. In addition, this building material does not emit various substances hazardous to health. The design does not use hazardous building materials that could cause harm.

The advantages of wood structures include:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Aesthetics;
  • Beautiful, warm structure;
  • Durability;
  • Reliability.

We make a spiral staircase from wood with our own hands: drawings (video)

In conclusion, it is worth noting that wooden stairs are the most environmentally friendly. And design and assembly wooden stairs will help you save a significant portion of your budget.

Design of wooden spiral staircases (photo examples)