Heating cleaning. How to flush the heating system in a private house yourself step by step? How to properly flush your home heating system with chemicals

Reading time ≈ 9 minutes

The heating system is an important component of every home.

This design includes not only pipelines, but also batteries. The heat supply of the entire room will depend on the condition they are in. But in order to wash it, you should learn about all the features of such a procedure and determine how such washing should be done.

Main causes of pipe contamination

Water flows through the heating pipes. And as you know, water contains many components that can affect metal. The water composition contains the most calcium, iron, and magnesium. When water heats up, they are released in small quantities, deposited inside pipes and other parts of the system from the inside.
Oxide deposits also often form, which is the result of rusting processes of metal elements. Therefore, it is important to determine what kind of pollution has occurred and, based on this, use certain technologies for cleaning.

Dirt can accumulate for years

Most often, the plaque has the following composition:

  • iron oxides - up to 25% of the total plaque (if we talk about a steel pipeline);
  • magnesium and calcium deposits – 50-60%;
  • oxides of sulfur, zinc and copper – no more than 15%.

As you can see, plaque can have a completely different composition. Therefore, it is recommended to take a sample before washing and then determine how to produce it. This will not only save your energy, but also give maximum results.

In order to take plaque for testing, the pipeline should be partially disassembled. But according to statistics, this stage is often skipped. Especially if the heating system was installed not so long ago.

Important: How often the system should be flushed directly depends on what composition of coolant is used, on operating temperature, the material of the pipe and battery itself.

Features of diagnosing the heating system at home

Many people are concerned about the question: when is it worth washing? Initially, the feasibility of such an action should be determined. Several factors indicate this. They are easy to identify at home yourself.

The first indicator of the need for a system is recognized as uneven heating and, consequently, heat transfer from the batteries. In other words, the battery will be hot in some places and cold or warm in others. This is very easy to determine - touch the radiator. But it is more correct to use a thermal imager or a point thermometer.

Variations in radiator heat transfer

In a private home, it is necessary to compare the current indicators with those stated in the characteristics. To do this, you need to measure the pressure in different zones of the circuit. Where the pipe is clogged, the wire diameter will be smaller. As a result, pressure drops occur. This phenomenon requires flushing the heating system.

Possible external indicators that indicate a blockage in the pipes

If you hear a lot of noise, this indicates that there is a blockage inside the pipes. Noises arise due to the fact that the volume of the passage changes hot water in different zones of the heating system.

Also, the need for flushing is indicated by the fairly frequent activation of safety groups. These include an air vent and a bleed valve.

When you are sure that you can’t do without flushing, then it’s time to choose optimal technology and learn how to flush the heating system in a private home with your own hands to ensure the greatest efficiency.

Pollution can be enormous

Methods for self-flushing the heating system

To prevent the heating season from bringing any unpleasant surprises, choose the most suitable method for cleaning pipes from contaminants. The problem remains the density of the scale. It most often has the same structure, which is located inside the heating devices.

Therefore, if the house has a cast iron radiator that needs to be washed, then the first thing you need to do is divide this deposit into separate components, which will be small. And after that, use liquid pressure to remove the blockage from the pipe.

The presence of combined system heating system, which consists of materials different types– metal, polymers and so on. If you choose standard chemical cleaning, the aggressiveness may damage the pipes. So in this case it is worth using mechanical action on the scale.

You can clean the scale yourself

Hydrodynamic method for cleaning a heating system

This method is the most labor-intensive in terms of removing contamination. The essence of the method is the use of a shock wave of water, which is directed and acts on the accumulated blockage.

Such flushing of the system involves the use of specialized equipment, including:

  • pumping system;
  • professional nozzle;
  • a special hose through which liquid is supplied.

Equipment for hydrodynamic flushing pipes

The hydrodynamic cleaning method is only suitable for batteries or pipelines that have simple diagram placement of water channels. When there are pipes of considerable length, the use of chemical methods becomes economically unprofitable due to the significant volumes of the system.

Washing is carried out step by step

Chemical method for cleaning the heating system of a private home

For apartment building It is best to use chemicals to clean the heating system. They are capable of breaking down scale into small elements. But to use the chemical method in a private home, you should carefully choose chemical composition reagents. After all, some can negatively affect pipes made of aluminum and polymers. So before purchasing, consult with a specialist or carefully read the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Chemical reagents for flushing pipes

Here too some equipment should be used to achieve efficiency. You need to stock up on a pump and a container containing the liquid. The equipment must be connected to the main line using pipes. The connection can be in a specific area or throughout the entire heating system in general.

Most often, the purchased chemical reagent must be diluted with water (the proportions are indicated in the instructions). When all preparations are completed, you should proceed to direct washing according to this scheme.

The price of chemical solutions that are intended for flushing the heating system with aluminum batteries and pipes, directly depends on the chemical composition and manufacturer. If the heating system is small, then it is better to buy a liquid that is ready for use. If you have an autonomous system, it is better to take a concentrate that needs to be diluted with water.
Important: When using antifreeze in the system, be sure to chemicals Flush the system at least 2-3 times with plain water.

Small secrets of rinsing

Since cleaning the system, according to the recommendations of specialists, should occur once every 5-6 years, you do not need to buy special equipment. It is enough to rent it for the period of use. This will save you a lot of money and won't take up space in your pantry.

If you need to flush a system that has been uncleaned for about 20 years, then experts recommend dismantling all radiators and the boiler heat exchanger. Thanks to this, cleaning the heating system in a private home will be as effective as possible. There is no need to dismantle the pipes.

Removing the radiator for cleaning

Take care of containers that will be used to drain and store liquid from the network. Especially if you have cast iron pipelines. This is where most of the various types of pollution are generated.

The heating system plays an important role in every home, especially in private homes. Your comfort and health during the cold season depends on its functioning. But with any operation, contamination cannot be avoided. So knowing how to flush the heating system in a private home, doing it yourself, is not only interesting, but also useful. To learn about all the secrets and nuances of flushing your heating system yourself, watch the video with practical tips.

Situations often arise when, after a few months successful work the heating system becomes less efficient. Experts say that the efficiency of the heating network may decrease by 10% by the end of the season. Naturally, it is necessary to deal with the problem. But what causes it? In most cases, the cause of deterioration in heating is contamination of the heating system, which can only be eliminated by flushing.

Do I need to flush my heating system?

The hot water circulating through the pipes is rarely different high quality, containing an impressive amount of various impurities. When the coolant reacts with metal, it causes rust, but often the pipes become clogged with sediment from various organic compounds. It is the appearance of plaque that causes a decrease in the efficiency of heat transfer, which makes flushing the system a mandatory step in proper operation.

The horizontal sections of the heating network, where the coolant flows rather slowly, suffer most from silting. The problem of the appearance of sludge is often encountered when there is cast iron batteries, which are distinguished by the impressive dimensions of the sections. If the inside of the pipe is made of steel without an anti-corrosion coating, then another problem appears - mineral deposits. However, heating networks made of any metal require periodic flushing.

How can you flush the heating system of a private home?

Heating networks in private homes become contaminated with microparticles that remain in the boiler, pipes and radiators after the coolant has passed through. Gradually accumulating, debris clogs the heating system elements, disrupting water circulation. If you don't take active steps, heating your home will become significantly less efficient. There are several methods for flushing the heating system that will help eliminate various types dirt and deposits.

How to flush the heating system in a private house using a pneumatic hydraulic hammer?

This cleaning option is suitable for homes with fairly old heating systems that use cast iron radiators. The method is effective and practical, but requires the use of special equipment. Using hydropneumatic devices, craftsmen create short but quite strong waves, which remove contaminants from the walls of pipes and radiators.

This method is not dangerous for the system itself, since the impact falls on the water flow. If the length of the heating network does not exceed 55-60 meters, then hydropneumatic flushing will become optimal solution with a pipe diameter of 4 inches. The process itself is carried out in the shortest possible time - in a maximum of 50 minutes the system will be completely cleaned and ready for further use.

How to properly flush your home heating system with chemicals?

If the heating network differs sufficiently complex design, then the problem arises with removing contaminants from hard-to-reach areas. In this case, experts recommend using special chemicals that will help quickly and permanently get rid of various deposits.

This washing is carried out using acids that can quickly remove contaminants. But this method can be dangerous for the heating system itself, since the active substances react with the metal, sometimes leading to damage to the pipe walls. Before use chemical cleaning It is advisable to objectively assess the condition of the heating network and analyze existing deposits.

How to flush an individual heating system with a water-pulsating mixture?

This type of cleaning also requires the use of special equipment, with the help of which the heating network is filled with a combination of compressed air and water. The resulting pulsation helps to quickly remove various contaminants. This method makes it possible to quickly and effectively clean pipes from rust, plaque and sediment. The efficiency of the heating system increases, as does its service life, and the consumption of fuel and electricity decreases.

How to flush the heating system yourself?

Experts do not recommend starting to clean the heating network yourself, as this may negatively affect the condition of the entire system. And the quality of washing without the use of special tools and equipment will not be too high. However, if there are no other options, then you can try to improve heat transfer on your own.

To flush the primary circuit, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Open the water pressure valve feeding the firebox.
  2. Open the valve supplying the reserve tank.
  3. Open the control and circulation jumper.
  4. Open the valve that allows coolant to flow to the batteries.
  5. Open the distribution valve.
  6. Open the return valve.

Then we close the last valve so that the coolant can pass through the drain pipe. When cleaning is complete and all valves are closed, you can begin working on the remaining circuits.

What kind of water is used to flush the heating system?

At the first stage, cleaning the system must be done using cold water, which will remove various solid particles. To do this, all taps should be placed in the maximum open position for 2 hours. Then water heated in the boiler is used, dissolving the oils and partially dealing with rust. To increase the efficiency of hot rinsing, you can add a little bleach, enhancing the cleaning properties of the water. Such treatment should be carried out not only during the operation of the system, but also immediately after its installation.

It is advisable to carry out water washing on your own once a year. It is not recommended to drain the coolant from the system during downtime, since existing contaminants will harden and can only be removed with professional cleaning.

It is well known that the efficiency of a water heating system begins to decline from the moment it is put into operation.

According to statistics, during only the first months heating season About 10% of operating and heating efficiency is lost. A characteristic noise in the pipes or uneven heating of the radiators suggests that the heating system is clogged.

And even if you have not yet encountered the problem of dirty pipes, you still need to have an idea about cleaning the heating system. This article will help you understand the cause of the problem and, if possible, fix it.

Why does the heating system become clogged?

The main conductor of heat is water, which causes contamination of the heating system.

As a result of the circulation of hot water through pipes, chemical interaction processes invariably occur. Corrosion metal connections and sludge, formed by tiny particles of silt or hard water salts, eventually become a solid sediment - scale.

Settled on interior walls If the heating system is damaged, scale significantly reduces its performance.

A thick layer of scale is a good thermal insulator, preventing heat transfer. According to engineering calculations, 9 mm thick scale increases energy consumption by 50%.

In addition, the layer of scale stimulates mechanical processes wear of elements. In order to avoid an emergency situation (this is especially unpleasant in the cold season), it should, if possible, be prevented.

Periodic preventative maintenance will help avoid serious damage to the heating system. These include washing heating radiators, risers, pipes and other elements included in the heating system.

Signs of scale in pipes

The main signs of the appearance of a layer of scale in the heating system:

  1. Radiator batteries heat up unevenly. As a rule, upper part The radiator is warm, while the lower one is cold.
  2. Warming up a room takes significantly longer than before.
  3. When the boiler heats up, a characteristic cracking sound occurs due to a thick layer of scale. This happens due to micro-explosions of water vapor when they enter the layers of scale. The boiler output is reduced.
  4. When the heat supply pipes are hot, the radiators remain cold.
  5. Significantly increase energy costs.
  6. Entering old system heating a new boiler room or replacing a heating boiler.

Today, physical and chemical methods cleaning heating systems.

Physical methods include: hydraulic pulse and hydraulic shock flushing, which require the use of special equipment - a compressor.

Chemically impact is the use of preparations of both biological and chemical composition that dissolve deposits of scale and sludge. Taking into account the wear and tear of the heating system, the following cleaning methods are used.

Cleaning the heating system with a water-pulsating mixture

This method is based on cleaning heating pipes with a pulsating mixture of compressed air and water (barbatage).

Compressed air is supplied to the heating system, the turbulence of which, together with water, raises particles of sand, soot, corrosion, salts and other deposits. Subsequent pulsed air supply removes sludge from the heating system, preventing it from settling on the walls.

Pneumohydropulse washing effectively saves energy resources, extending service life engineering systems for 20 years or more.

In general, the cost of cleaning using this method ranges from 8 to 12% of the cost of replacing the same heating system, without modifying it. This method allows you to clean heating networks at any time of the year without dismantling batteries and risers, increasing their heat transfer to 90-95%.

Attention: Washing using this method requires special equipment.

Flushing pipes with biological products

This method is environmentally friendly and highly effective. It is based on the introduction of microbiological preparations into the heating system.

Circulating through the pipes, biological products break down solid, oily, mud and organic deposits. The process occurs without disconnection or disassembly.

Another positive point here is the safety of super cleaners for older heating systems. A drug made from water based, simply separates dirt from the walls without reacting with them.

The result is 100% heating cleaning (down to the metal) within a few days.

Cleaning through pneumohydraulic hammer

Typically used for flushing old heating systems. Often, for buildings from the beginning of the last century, the use of a hydropneumatic installation is the only way to “reanimate” heat in the building.

Founded this method on the action of a shock hydraulic wave, which, propagating at a speed of 1200 m/s, breaks through plugs of sludge and scale. In this case, the walls of pipes and radiators are not damaged - they are affected by only 2% of the force of the wave shock.

The remaining 98% consists of unnecessary sediments, which, when destroyed, are discharged through a flexible hose into the sewer system.

Using the method of shock pneumatic hydrocleaning allows you to reduce financial costs for building repairs. Operating costs are reduced and there is no need to replace radiators and pipes.

For example, cleaning a pipeline with a diameter of 4 inches and a length of 60 m using this method takes from 5 to 60 minutes, which is incomparably cheaper than a major overhaul.

Flushing radiators and pipes with chemicals

They help clean and rinse heating risers, pipelines and other components of the heating system using reagents based on inorganic and organic acids.

This method of chemical cleaning is considered one of the most economical, and completely covers both surfaces and hard-to-reach places of deposits. Technological means completely dissolve traces of corrosion and scale in the heating system within 6-10 hours.

However, before using chemical reagents, the condition of the heating equipment should be assessed.

Degree of wear physical condition pipes and radiators, wall thickness - all these parameters must be carefully examined for the risk of damage by reagents, which may include hydrochloric acid.

In conclusion, it should be added that not always one of the proposed methods is effective. Sometimes, due to heavy contamination, a comprehensive cleaning of the heating system is necessary. Where biological products do not help, physical cleaning methods are possible.

In this case, you will need to consult a specialist who, after examining the system, will suggest the right solution.

Some of us, no doubt, have encountered a rather unpleasant situation - several months after the start of operation of the heating system, it becomes noticeable that its efficiency is decreasing. According to information provided by engineers, the efficiency of the heating system may decrease by 10% by the end of the heating season. However, it should be noted that these data apply only to those systems in which water acts as the coolant. The question is quite logical - how to avoid a decrease in efficiency and how to flush the heating system? This is quite simple - it is necessary to periodically carry out such an event as flushing heating systems.

Flushing the heating system of a private house

Where does contamination come from in the heating system?

The source of most problems that arise during the operation of the heating system is the coolant - water. First of all, when moving hot water through pipes. Sometimes it starts chemical reaction with material inner surface systems. As a result, regular scale occurs. Another problem is the low quality of water in the system. The result is plaque and sediment from organic compounds, as well as banal rust. All this makes it necessary to carry out such an event as flushing the heating system of a private home.

It is the presence of these substances in the system, as well as their further settling on the walls, that leads to a decrease in the quality of heat transfer, necessitating a process such as flushing the heating of residential buildings.

It should be noted that if plaque (scale) accumulates on the inner surface of the system in a layer whose thickness exceeds 8-9 mm, this leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the heating system by more than 40%.

It should be taken into account that the presence of sediment on the walls significantly increases the rate of wear of the system, thereby reducing its service life.

Is there scale in the system?

Of course, by appearance heating system, even a relatively new one, it is impossible to say whether there is plaque on the inner surface, and whether the heating system of a private home requires cleaning. However, this is quite easy to find out. You just need to observe the operation of the system and perform a few simple actions. The main signs of plaque on the inner surface and the need for a process such as cleaning the heating system are:

  • longer system warm-up;
  • during operation, extraneous noise is heard from the boiler, which was not there before;
  • the radiator is partially cold (hot at the top, not hot at the bottom);
  • the radiator is completely cold, while the pipe connected to it is hot;
  • If the boiler is electric, there is a significant increase in electricity consumption.

In addition, plaque often appears in the heating system after it has been connected to additional element(assuming the system was functioning before).

Methods to deal with the problem

Thanks to modern technologies several very effective ways combating scale that has arisen in the system:

  • Water-pulsating mixture. Such flushing of a building's heating system requires special equipment. Through it, the system is filled with a mixture of compressed air and water. As a result of active pulsation, all contaminants are “washed away” from the internal walls of the system. This cleaning of heating pipes is good because it allows you to quickly and efficiently clean the system of rust, plaque and sediment. As a result, this increases the performance, service life and heat transfer of the system, and also significantly reduces fuel or electricity consumption.

  • Biological products. Quite fast and practical heating flushing. Its peculiarity is that there is no need to turn off the heating. The principle of operation is simple - a special biologically active liquid is added to the system to flush the heating system, which, circulating along with water, literally dissolves all sediment, rust and scale. This method allows you to completely clean the system of contamination in a fairly short period of time. It should be noted that the liquid used to flush the heating system is environmentally friendly and does not harm the internal surface of the system.

  • Pneumohydraulic hammer. A very practical cleaning of heating systems, applicable even to fairly old heating systems that use cast iron radiators. This cleaning of heating systems requires connecting special equipment to the system, through which short but active pneumohydraulic waves are created. They contribute to the very rapid detachment of any amount of contamination from the walls of the system. There is no need to fear that as a result of this type cleaning, the system itself will suffer. The fact is that the main impact force falls precisely on the coolant flow (98%). But the walls receive only a minor blow with a force of only 2% of the wave power - and it does not pose any threat to the system. According to experts who use this type of heating cleaning, it is very effective when cleaning a heating system whose length does not exceed 55-60 meters. The diameter of the pipe is 4 inches. Flushing heating pipes using pneumatic hydraulic impact takes very little time - 5-50 minutes, and all deposits in the system are completely removed.

  • Chemicals. It should be noted that in systems with a rather complex layout it is not always possible to remove contaminants from individual, most hard to reach places. And if these are present in your heating system, then the most practical and in a convenient way Descaling will be done using a special chemical solution. Consisting of several types of acids, chemical flushing of the heating system is capable of removing from the heating system all contaminants that impede it in a short time. normal operation. However, this method should be used quite carefully. Chemical flushing of a heating system can directly damage the internal walls of the system. Therefore, before using it, it is recommended to assess the general condition of the system (meaning, check the level of wear of the material). It is also important to check the chemical composition of the deposits - this will allow you to select the most effective combination of acids, and chemical cleaning of the heating system will be better.

The use of one or another method of cleaning the heating system largely depends on its condition, as well as on the degree of its contamination. Under no circumstances should you even try to think about how to clean heating pipes yourself - almost all cleaning methods require special skills and knowledge. Therefore, to obtain desired result Always invite a specialist who knows exactly how to clean heating pipes effectively. Then your heating system will actually last a long time.

According to statistics, after just a few months of operation of the heating system, the efficiency of its operation and heating can be reduced by up to 10%. The reason for the decrease in efficiency is the numerous chemical processes inside the heating pipes of the house, which lead to the formation of scale and rust.

Contaminants settle on the inner surface of the pipes and reduce the performance of the home heating system. Over time, the situation worsens and if flushing work is not carried out in a timely manner, an emergency situation may occur.

When to rinse

Excessive scale accumulation occurs significant reduction in heat transfer, since a large layer of scale is a good heat insulator. It has been proven that the appearance of deposits with a thickness of only 7-9 mm reduces the quality of the home heating system by 40-50%. If you do not flush it in a timely manner, then over time there will be a significant decrease in heating efficiency. In exceptional cases it may be necessary complete replacement heating elements.

It is necessary to rinse when the first signals appear. A signal about the need for work is appearance of the following symptoms:

If even one sign from this list appears, you should think about cleaning radiators and heating pipes.

The appearance of uneven heat transfer from radiators and the appearance of extraneous noise during operation are the main signals about the need to clean pipes and radiators in a private home. The frequency of flushing depends on a number of factors:

  • coolant composition;
  • temperature conditions of the system;
  • pipe materials;
  • radiator materials.

The first flushing is carried out immediately after installation of the heating structure. Regardless of whether there are clear signs of malfunction or not, Periodic cleaning is recommended:

  • For metal pipes 2 times a year, immediately before the start of the heating season and after its end;
  • For plastic pipes 1 time before the start of the heating season.

The choice of cleaning technology largely depends on the materials used to make pipes and radiators and the operating time of the heating system.

How to flush the heating system in a private house

Chemical system cleaning

Chemical washing involves the use of special drugs that may have:

  • biological origin;
  • chemical origin.

The biological product purification technology is highly efficient and environmentally friendly. The action is based on the principle of introducing microbiological agents into the heating system, after which deposits are broken down. This technology does not require disassembling and turning off the entire heating system of the house.

An undoubted advantage of chemical cleaning with biological products is the possibility of painless use in old heating systems. Cleansers are made on a water basis; the preparation serves to separate dirt from the walls. The desired cleaning result is achieved after a few days.

The advantages of this technology are:

  • no need to turn off the heating system;
  • Possibility of use in old heating systems;
  • high efficiency and achievement of the desired result in a few days;
  • safety;
  • no negative impact on the pipe material.

Mechanism chemical washing consists in the effect of the drug on contamination of the heating system of the house and cleaning it by dissolving sediments and scale. Chemicals act on deposits, which are subsequently removed from the heating along with the liquid flow.

The cost of a chemical reagent depends on the composition and reputation of the manufacturer. The most popular drugs are:


The cost for 1 liter is 180 rubles, the drug cannot be used for aluminum.


The price for 1 liter is 105 rubles; the drug cannot be used for non-ferrous metals.

Master Boiler Power

The price for 0.6 kg is 475 rubles, the drug has no contraindications for use.

Compositions of the SP-OM brand

They don't have contraindications for use, can used with aluminum and non-ferrous metals. G major advantageSP-OM cleaning fluids is there is a possibility of using it for flushing systems containing polymer components, non-ferrous metals and aluminum. SP-OM is also relatively harmless when draining the spent solution. Each SP-OM grade is intended for use with certain metals and under certain conditions. More detailed information information about the application and brands of SP-OM composition can be found on the website https://spomcom.ru/

Significant disadvantages of the method include the difficulty in independently selecting the correct volume of the drug. The possibility of using chemicals is complicated by the fact that in most cases the components of the heating system are made of different materials. Chemicals have varying degrees of impact on metal or polymer materials. In most cases, preference is given to the method of mechanical action on contaminants in the heating network.

Physical cleaning methods

Physical cleaning methods are:

  • hydrodynamic flushing;
  • pneumohydropulse washing.

For hydrodynamic flushing you will need special equipment, including special nozzles and thin hoses.

The cleaning mechanism consists of supplying water under pressure to a nozzle, which is responsible for generating thin jets of water.

The advantage of hydrodynamic flushing is considered to be its effectiveness, but in practice the method is used quite rarely due to its high cost.

Cleaning using pneumatic-hydropulse washing method is effective means combating pollution in the heating system. For more high-quality cleaning It is recommended to carry out the procedure several times. The essence of the method is to create increased pressure, due to which dirt breaks off from the walls.

Do-it-yourself chemical washing

For chemical cleaning it is important correct selection the drug and carefully study the instructions before starting work. For self-cleaning A heating system in a private house requires:

  • pump;
  • container for liquid;
  • cleaning product;
  • hoses.

Most chemicals are diluted with a certain volume of water before use. In stores, if you wish, you can purchase ready-made liquid, which is the best option for flushing a small system. For large stand-alone systems, it is recommended to purchase a concentrate. Cleaning procedure looks like this:

  • draining water from the heating network;
  • filling the treatment station tank with the prepared composition;
  • switching on using pump pipes and filling the heating system elements with a chemical composition.

To destroy scale usually 2-3 hours is enough. Circulation is carried out until there is no sediment in the filter container. It is mandatory to flush the heating system with water to complete removal chemical reagent. Please note that spent chemical solution cannot be poured into the sewer.

At the end of the washing, the heating is pressed and the tightness is checked.

When carrying out work, pay attention to safety precautions with chemicals. Precautions:

  • When working with the solution, it is imperative to wear gloves;
  • the concentration of the reagent can be very dangerous for humans, so before starting work it is necessary to protect the mucous membranes with a respirator.

Do-it-yourself pneumatic-hydraulic pulse washing

To clean the heating system with your own hands you will need:

  • compressor;
  • hose and outlet pipe;
  • clamp;
  • ball valve;
  • container for draining liquid.

The procedure is as follows:

  • draining water from the heating system;
  • connecting the outlet pipe to the “return”;
  • connection to the compressor outlet;
  • pressure pumping up to 5 atmospheres;
  • closing the outlet pipe and disconnecting the compressor;
  • connecting the hose, after opening the valve, the contaminants will begin to drain.

If you notice a problem with uneven heating of the radiator, then you should not take decisive action to clean the heating system. Uneven heating of the radiator is not always a sign of contamination of the heating system. In some cases, this may be a consequence of the fact that excess air has entered it. In this case, it is necessary to bleed the air from the radiator.

To reduce the physical and time costs of periodic flushing, it is recommended to fill the system with soft water, that is, water with a minimum salt content. The softest water is considered to be rain and snow water, which is as close as possible to distilled water. This water can be prepared at home with your own hands. The recipe for its preparation is simple and does not require large expenses. For every 10 liters you need to dissolve 30-50 grams of soda ash. Before pouring water, the solution must be allowed to settle, and there should be no sediment present in it.

You can prepare an effective solution for flushing the heating system with your own hands. For this it is necessary prepare a solution based on- 40 grams of concentrated soda or washing powder on a bucket of water. The volume of the prepared solution must correspond to the volume of water removed from the system. As a rule, 15-20 liters is considered sufficient for the heating system of a private house. After heating for a week, the solution must be drained from the system.

Vinegar can be used to prepare a solution for flushing the system. caustic soda, citric acid, special remedy. When flushing the system with a chemical, do not pour the spent solution into sewer system or on a personal plot.

The choice of method depends on the materials used to manufacture the system elements, the service life of the system, the size and length of the pipes. In a private home, it is much easier to carry out the flushing procedure once a year than to deal with a layer of deposits of several millimeters or centimeters after several years.