Bougainvillea - how to grow a Brazilian beauty in a Russian garden or apartment. Home care for bougainvillea Bougainvillea how to plant

Indoor flowers today they amaze the imagination with their diversity. Some of them are bright representatives of tropical flora and require close attention to the rules of planting and care at home. The bougainvillea indoor flower is an angiosperm plant of the Nyctaginaceae family of the genus Bougainvillea. The natural territory for growth is open spaces South America and Brazil, in the west - from Peru and to Argentina in the south. Different researchers identify from four to eighteen species in the genus.

The flower was first described by the French botanist Phillibert Commercom, who at that time accompanied the fleet of the French admiral and explorer Louis Antoine de Bougainville during his voyage around the world. It is quite possible that this plant was mentioned even earlier by two famous Europeans - Jeanne Baret and Antoine Laurent de Jussier (it was he who, according to some scientists, published the first information).

Over time, several more publications about the flower appeared, and subsequently the genus was constantly divided and each time in different ways. The name of the flower also changed constantly until it was finally corrected to "Bougainvillea" in 1930. It first appeared in European gardens in France and England at the beginning of the 19th century, and it is worth noting that they were among the first. Over time, the sale of bougainvillea turned into a thriving commercial enterprise and in a short time it became known throughout the world.

As soon as the flower began to spread, the first hybrid species immediately appeared in East Africa, India, Australia, the Philippines, the Canary Islands and North America.

Description of the bougainvillea flower and its photo

Choosing suitable “inhabitants” for your home is not easy. Need to take into account existing conditions growth and rules necessary care for various representatives of tropical flora. Next, we offer a description of the bougainvillea flower and its photo, which demonstrate the brightness of the color of the petals and the variety of growth forms. The plant is a woody vine that, if all growth conditions are met, can grow up to twelve meters in height. The trunks have prickly spines from which a black waxy substance is obtained.

Depending on the habitat, the bougainvillea flower can be evergreen (where it is constantly high humidity and large amounts of precipitation) and deciduous (in dry habitats or in hot weather).

The pointed leaves are no more than 13 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide. On back side there are thorns. The bush itself is small, but each cluster on it consists of three flowers, surrounded by 3 or 6 bracts with picturesque flowers, from which one voluminous bush is obtained in pink, purple, red, orange, yellow or white shades. The naked bougainvillea flower is sometimes called a "paper flower" because its thin bracts closely resemble thin sheet paper.

The fruit of the plant is a narrow achene consisting of five lobes of approximately the same size. Since the root system is rather weak, a good and stable root ball cannot be obtained. Look at the photo of bougainvillea in various options disembarkation and arrangement:

Rules for caring for bougainvillea at home

In nature, bougainvillea grows best in regions with warm climates, although some varieties planted in northern regions can bloom in low temperatures. The flower loves tropical and subtropical climates and grows in dense gardens, where it can grab and cling to other plants to reach the sun. The rules for caring for bougainvillea at home are quite simple, but they require strict adherence.

IN room conditions the flower is most often planted in a pot or placed in a hanging basket. Survival and existence at low temperatures in our region for bougainvillea seems to be the exception rather than the rule - in most cases they die at the first sign of frost. Therefore, if you decide to grow it at home, you must take care in advance that the temperature in the room is not below 22 degrees in summer and 12 in winter. For the same purpose, in the summer the plant is placed on the south side of the window so that it receives as much light and heat as possible during the growth process. The flowers of the plant change during the process of growth and development. Caring for bougainvillea begins from the moment the planting material is planted.

The soil in which the young shoot is going to be planted should correspond as closely as possible to the soil in its natural habitat. Rocky soil with good drainage in the open sun is ideal so that the flower is constantly warm and can fully develop. It does not tolerate swampy areas, as it can live peacefully with only a small amount of water (and even then not for long).

Bougainvillea will grow well in any soil, but still if you prepare a substrate of peat, quartz, as well as turf and leaf soil– then the chances of getting a bright, fully bloomed flower will be much higher. When planting in a pot, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil around the flower with sand.

When caring for bougainvillea at home, you need to pay close attention to the quality and quantity of watering. The flower needs constant watering, but it is worth knowing when to stop - the bottom of it is equally badly affected by the drying out of the coma and stagnation of moisture at the rhizome. Ideal option- This is watering immediately after the soil begins to dry out. It is very hot in summer, so bougainvillea needs additional source moisture - you can spray it through a spray bottle a couple of times a week.

During the growing season, feed the plant about once a week. mineral fertilizers, and larger ones - twice. In winter, it does not need an additional power source.

Propagation and planting of bougainvillea

The main method of propagation is cuttings from stem shoots and aerial green layering. The most suitable time for the procedure is late spring - mid-summer. They are cut directly below the bud, cut off lower leaves and immediately planted in the root-forming mixture. The soil for the new shoot should consist of equal proportions of peat and sand.

Propagation of bougainvillea using seeds is not as smooth as with cuttings, so this method used very rarely.

It is necessary to carry out the procedure of pruning bougainvillea regularly - first of all, dead branches are removed, and the full procedure is carried out only in the fall.

These are relatively pest-free plants, but can suffer from worms, snails and aphids. The larvae of some lepidopteran species also use them as food plants, for example the giant Leopard Moth (Hypercompe scribonia).

Planting bougainvillea in general outline described above. But let us recall the basic rules of this procedure. First you need to prepare planting material- cuttings. They take root in water at room temperature. Before starting this procedure, you can treat with a product that enhances the formation of the root system (for example, “Kornevin”). After the roots appear, bougainvillea is planted in soil prepared in advance with a sufficient layer of expanded clay drainage installed at the bottom of the pot (the layer should be at least 5 cm).

Bougainvillea varieties and their photos

There are various varieties that have been bred through selective breeding. Every year, breeders at exhibitions show new colors and decorative forms. Next, you can read the descriptions and look at the photo of bougainvillea varieties for indoor floriculture.

Bougainvillea buttiana

Bougainvillea buttiana is an artificially created hybrid of bougainvillea glabra and bougainvillea peruviana. An evergreen vine with thorny stems and tiny, trumpet-shaped flowers white. They typically come in clusters surrounded by three showy but thin bracts in a vibrant purple-pink hue. The dark green leaves are ovoid in shape.

Look at the photo of naked bougainvillea in the form of an indoor bonsai:

Why doesn't bougainvillea bloom?

The plant stops blooming if it is in unfavorable conditions or has not been properly cared for. For example, she may not have enough light (it should be enough even during wintering - in autumn and winter). If necessary, include additional tint. In summer, so that the petals have a bright color, it is recommended to take the flower outside open air, but protected from winds and drafts.

But there are other reasons why bougainvillea does not bloom: for example, if the plant grows well, but the flowers never appear, you should limit its watering and refuse to fertilize.

Why doesn’t the name of this beautiful vine evoke any associations in us? And is it very rare to meet her in city apartments? Probably because it is quite large and requires careful attention. With perseverance and patience, to which a little imagination is added, you can grow an exotic miracle and admire it almost all year round. But it is very important that your home is bright. In this article we will tell you about growing bougainvillea and give recommendations for care.

General idea of ​​bougainvillea culture

A climbing vine from the family. Nociformes, widespread in South America, have also attracted interest from floriculture lovers in Russia. In the natural environment it can be represented by different life forms: liana, shrub or small tree. More often it is a shrub with clinging shoots. Due to the thorns on the stem, bougainvillea holds onto its support.

This is what bougainvillea looks like in nature. A powerful vine with thorns on the stems that cling to support. For lush flowering needs plenty of sunlight.

The shoots grow very quickly, capable of stretching up to 5 m. The leaf blade is oval, the ends of the leaves are pointed. During the flowering period (from May to November), they are hidden under a screen of bright stipules. Bougainvillea is grown as a large container plant for a winter garden, greenhouse or indoor conditions. In culture, the two most famous species are Bougainvillea glabra (naked) and Bougainvillea spectabilis (wonderful).

The flowers are inconspicuous and inconspicuous; the decorative appearance of the plant is provided by bracts (bacteria), which have a wide variety of colors. There are two-color varieties, as well as varieties that can change color during flowering. The variegated leaves also add decorativeness to the vine. Breeders dream of breeding bougainvillea without thorns and with blue stipules, but so far this is just a dream. Although the few modern varieties in cultivation are amazing.

Planting bougainvillea: features and nuances

Unusual crops should be planted in pots small size(1.5-5l), but deep. In small containers it blooms better, and in large containers it forms an abundant green mass. In large containers it grows well in greenhouses where there is plenty of light. As the plant grows, the roots will occupy the entire volume of the pot. "

The landing process looks like this:

  1. Getting ready soil mixture from equal parts of leaf soil, turf soil and coarse sand. Expanded clay or vermiculite is added for looseness.
  2. The earth mixture must contain all the necessary nutrients and have a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.
  3. It is unacceptable to use moisture-intensive soil with stagnant water. Drainage is required. Moreover, the larger the pot, the thinner the drainage layer.
  4. Replanting is carried out as needed: for old vines it is advisable to change the soil every 3-5 years, for young vines it is recommended to replant once every two years. Replant in the spring, during the period of active growth.

Tip #1. When transplanting, never touch the earthen lump or expose it root system. Carefully transfer the roots and soil into a larger pot, and fill the space with fresh soil.

Homemade bougainvillea in pots on the windowsill after transplanting

Propagation of bougainvillea at home

Optimal conditions for breeding are late spring, early summer. Two methods of propagation are most often used: cuttings and layering. When propagating by cuttings, take apical semi-lignified shoots up to 10 cm long. A cut is made under the bud, the lower leaves are removed and treated with growth stimulants (for example, Agricola or root powder).

Prepare a special mixture for rooting: sphagnum moss, sand and charcoal. The cuttings are deepened into the resulting substrate by 2 internodes at an angle of 45 degrees. Regular spraying and ventilation will give positive results and in two weeks the first roots will appear.

Tip #2. Use greenhouses with bottom heating. Place the cuttings in diffused light and monitor the moisture of the soil and environment. Maintain t=+21-23С.

Reproduction by layering is a simpler method, the essence of which is to dig in long lashes. The bark is cut into rings, the shoot is pressed to the soil, pinned, and sprinkled with earthen substrate on top. Axillary buds will give rise to young shoots. When the roots grow and the plant gets stronger, it can be separated and planted. Both methods are used in floriculture and the right approach give good results. The plant is rarely grown by seeds.

How to form a plant correctly

This is one of the most important measures for caring for bougainvillea. A lot depends on pruning:

  • what the vine will look like;
  • its further development;
  • how abundant the flowering of side shoots will be;
  • creating a variety of compositions;
  • the formation of various life forms: vines, trees, bushes.

Stimulating pruning is carried out in spring and autumn. In autumn, the shoots are shortened by half, which makes it possible for side branches to grow. In spring, weak, twisted, or too long branches are removed. In the summer, cosmetic pruning is carried out: faded shoots are cut off, and in their place new ones are formed that begin to bloom. On old wood(shoots 3-4 years old) there are almost no dormant buds, so pruning them is undesirable. "

Care: plant requirements for environmental conditions

The most favorable place for the growth and flowering of tropical plants from Brazil is a greenhouse. Here you can create optimal conditions: a lot of light, t=+22-25C, humidity of the substrate and air. During the season, the growth of shoots can reach several meters. Place along the southern wall in large containers. This way it will bloom profusely and for a long time. The liana should be in direct sunlight for up to 5 hours a day. Only in such conditions is it able to bloom and develop well.

Bougainvillea does not like drafts, so when ventilating, air should not enter the plant. In summer the best temperature conditions are +22-25C, in winter - +8-15C. On summer period growth and flowering occur, so we make sure that there are no temperature changes. In addition, you should not move the culture from one place to another. The new conditions may not suit her, and then the “capricious beauty” will shed both leaves and flowers.

We water regularly, not allowing the earthen clod to dry out. But we make sure that there is no water in the pan. Drain off the excess. Stagnation of water will lead to rotting of the roots. In winter, we water once every 10-12 days, because... the plant is dormant. We spray regularly, but moisture should not get on the bacteria.

We alternate organic and complex mineral fertilizing, carrying them out in turn once every 10 days. Nitrogen leads to the growth of green mass, so from May to August, fertilizing should contain phosphorus and potassium. " IN winter time bougainvillea is not sprayed or fed. You can grow an exotic vine on a glazed and insulated loggia if the winter temperature does not drop below +10C. Can be grown in the garden, on the balcony or terrace in summer.

This plant is very popular in bonsai culture. So it doesn’t take up much space and looks very exotic. But it is not easy to form such a plant.

Growing in natural conditions

Light, warmth and space – that’s what you need exotic vine. On the street, under open air", is capable of growing only in those areas where the temperature in winter does not fall below +5C. Where can bougainvillea survive in our country?

Region Features of cultivation
Southern regions of Crimea, Black Sea coast These areas are most favorable for culture. All necessary requirements which it imposes on the growing conditions are suitable in these areas. Here it is widely used in landscape design.
Moscow region Feels good in the fresh air, but only as a tub crop. The flowering period is short: about 3 months. The tub can be buried in the ground, and then the illusion of soil growth arises. In autumn they are brought into the winter garden or loggia.
Western Siberia Grown only in winter gardens and greenhouses. This is a protected ground, the climate in which is regulated. But it needs to be placed on the south side. Unique decorative compositions are also created here. The second option is indoor culture.

In its homeland in Mexico, the liana blooms for 9 months, almost all year round. It received its name in honor of the French navigator. A botanist traveled with him, who brought exotic beauty to Europe.

The best varieties: which one to choose

The genus is represented by 15 species, most of which are unsuitable for indoor cultivation. These are woody vines covered with thorns. Two Brazilian species gave rise to varieties painstakingly bred by breeders. Let's get acquainted with the most interesting varieties:

Variety name Characteristic
Double red or Double beauty Characterized by abundant flowering. The bracts are medium in size, terry to the touch, crimson in color.
Jamaica White or White Jamaica It has large bracts, the color of which is always snow-white and does not change during flowering.
Bois de roses Characteristic bracts large sizes having flowers at the beginning orange tint, and at the end they acquire a bright pink color.
Limberlost beauty The bracts are white and primary. In bright sunshine they turn a soft pink color.
Dauphine During flowering, the bush becomes a juicy ruby ​​color. The leaves are also decorative and have a wide white border around the edges.
Double lilarose The mauve hue is similar to flames and gives the feeling that the bush is glowing.
Double pink A variety that is characterized by unpredictability. The shades of the bracts constantly change during flowering, so it is difficult to single out any one shade.

Any variety with proper care blooms profusely and for a long time. Against the background of bright bracteria, the leaves are almost invisible. Changing shades often depends on lighting conditions and other factors.

An interesting way to grow in pots different varieties creepers. You become the owner of a small multi-colored flower bed, which will also change shades throughout the summer. It can be placed among greenery, creating an unusual spot of color.

Since bougainvillea is a vine, it is not able to support its weight. She needs support. It is advisable to make a bamboo or wire support for large specimens. The wire must be folded in half and bent at the desired angle. If you want to create a three-dimensional effect, then the staples need to be placed at right angles.

Prevention from diseases and pests

Consequences of diseases: poor growth, falling leaves, cessation of flowering. Bougainvillea can suffer from chlorosis, which is associated with deficiencies in nutrients. Fungal diseases associated with waterlogging of the substrate. That is, preventive measures include proper care for culture.

Consultation with experienced flower growers: answers to questions

Question No. 1. I bought a cutting of a tropical vine. What to do with it next?

Place on the windowsill and shade for 2-3 days. Don't replant right away. Give small plant"come to your senses" If the root system is dry and the cutting is wilted, then water it. If it is wet, then it should not be poured. And only then carefully plant it in a small pot with a pre-prepared substrate and place it first under diffused light, and then under direct rays of the sun.

Question No. 2. Which bougainvillea varieties would you recommend?

Each variety is good in its own way. And if I had all the varieties, I wouldn’t be able to part with them. Some are distinguished by the change in color of the stipules, others by variegated leaves. In general, each has its own advantages.

Question No. 3. How to make flowering last longer?

Flowering can be regulated by pruning: formative and rejuvenating. Remove those shoots that have bloomed. And in their place new ones will appear, ready to bloom.

Question No. 4. Does the vine need a period of rest, and what conditions are needed for this?

The dormant period usually occurs in winter. My plant is in normal room conditions, but it is better if the temperature is +12-15C. Find a cooler place for your beauty and water it rarely. Then she will delight you with abundant flowering.

Question No. 5. My vine's leaves have turned yellow. What could this be connected with?

Stagnation of water or, conversely, prolonged drought can lead to yellowing of leaves. Bougainvillea may be lacking iron. Then you need feeding.

Scroll tropical plants who settle in our apartments is constantly increasing. We learn to care for new, unusual and beautiful flowers. And we succeed. Over time, the apartment becomes like a small exotic island, lost in the Russian expanses.

Bougainvillea - a well-known plant of the Nyctaginaceae family, which came to us from South America. Widespread received due to the long flowering period and excellent decorative properties.

Bougainvillea is not a very demanding plant, so growing and caring for it is within the power of novice gardeners.

Did you know? The flower is named after the French traveler Louis Antoine de Bougainville, who brought the plant to Europe.

Bougainvillea: plant description

Characteristic feature bougainvillea is that this plant, depending on pruning, can be formed both as a shrub and as a liana or standard tree.

Has rare but sharp thorns and leaves oval shape with pointed ends. The flowers are small in size, milky in color, surrounded by bracts of different colors, which depend on the variety (purple, red, pink, peach, etc.).

Choosing a place for bougainvillea at home

The best place For indoor flower bougainvillea will become windows on the south and west side houses or apartments.

IN warm time year, the flowerpot should be taken out from time to time fresh air so that the plant receives additional light and fresh air.

However, direct sunlight may cause burns on the leaves, so in hot weather summer days It is advisable to shade the flower.

Soil composition for the plant

IN specialized stores you can buy universal mixture For flowering plants or cook it yourself. The composition of the soil for bougainvillea should include in equal proportions:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • turf ground.
In order for the root system to develop normally, soil for bougainvillea should be poured into deep containers.


The most suitable temperature for a bougainvillea flower will be 22-30 °C, and during the dormant period - 4-7 °C.

During a seasonal drop in temperature, the plant will shed its leaves. New greenery will appear in early spring.

Important! At temperatures below 4 °C, bougainvillea dies.

Planting and replanting bougainvillea

Optimal time The time to plant a flower is mid-spring. Domestic bougainvillea is planted in 1.5-5 liter pots.

Young plants are replanted every two years, old ones - as needed, every 3-5 years. At the bottom of the container, be sure to lay out a layer of drainage consisting of expanded clay, small pebbles, shards, and a little fresh soil mixture.

The plant requiring replanting is watered abundantly, carefully remove the earthen ball, and hold the flower by the top part, moved to new pot. Then add soil to the container and compact it slightly.

The distance between the roots and the walls of the pot should be at least 2-3 cm.

Important! In order for the plant to take root faster after transplantation, it should be left for several days without watering, in the shade.

How to properly care for bougainvillea

Caring for bougainvillea flowers at home includes watering, pruning and fertilizing.

Watering bougainvillea

In summer, bougainvillea needs to be watered 1-2 times a week. It is important to ensure that there is no stagnation of moisture in the pot. Be sure to drain the water from the base of the flowerpot, otherwise the roots will begin to rot.

In winter, it is enough to slightly moisten the soil once every two weeks to avoid it drying out. The lower the room temperature, the less moisture required by the plant. If the bougainvillea has dropped its leaves, then stop watering altogether.

Forming and pruning bougainvillea

Pruning bougainvillea at home is not difficult.

At the end of autumn - beginning of winter, the shoots are shortened by half. In spring, the formation of bougainvillea continues.

To properly prune bougainvillea, it should be carefully inspected before starting work. It is necessary to remove damaged, twisted, poorly placed shoots.

In summer, immediately after flowering, it is worth pruning young side branches, which will accelerate the formation of new lush flowers.

You can prune bougainvillea correctly by leaving branches older than 3-4 years, since there are practically no buds on them and no side shoots grow.

With proper pruning, bougainvillea can be shaped into an arch, heart, and other shapes.

Top dressing

From spring to autumn, bougainvillea is fed once every 10-14 days. It is recommended to alternate organic fertilizers with complex mineral supplements. However, it should be taken into account that with an excess of nitrogen, side shoots grow more actively, and the formation of flowers slows down.

Therefore, during the flowering period, you need to use fertilizers with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus. During the dormant period, the plant does not need feeding.

Bougainvillea stem support

Bougainvillea stems need support to support its weight. Large flowers will need a bamboo or wire support, but young plants will need a wire staple. It is bent in half, folded at the desired angle and stuck into the soil at the base of the flower.

Propagation of bougainvillea at home

In order to propagate bougainvillea, as a rule, the seed method, cuttings and air layering are used.

Seed method

Propagating bougainvillea from seeds at home requires quite a lot of time. First of all, you should prepare the soil by mixing peat and sand in equal proportions.

It is recommended to soak the seeds in a growth stimulator for several hours before planting. They are placed to a depth of about 0.5 cm. For germination, you need to maintain the room temperature at 25-30 ° C and ensure bottom heating of the container with the seeds.

Seedlings require periodic spraying with water and ventilation. If propagation takes place in winter, then it is necessary to illuminate the seeds with fluorescent lamps. If these conditions are met, seedlings will appear in 2-3 months.

Air layering

Alternatively, bougainvillea can be propagated by air layering. To do this, make several cuts in rings on one of the long shoots. The branch is tilted, the cut points are fixed on the surface of the ground with a bracket, and then lightly sprinkled with soil.

After some time, young shoots will begin to develop from the buds. After the cuttings have become stronger, they can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a new location.

Stem cuttings

Most often, bougainvillea is propagated at home by cuttings. In spring, you can use branches left after pruning; in summer, shoots are specially cut for this purpose.

A guest from the tropics of the American continent, bougainvillea is a tall bush. It is not the flowers that create the charm, but their bracts. In nature they lilac color, in culture - multicolor. Bougainvillea is not easy to grow at home; it requires special care.

Indoor bougainvillea flower

Like many tropical plants grown in captivity, bougainvillea at home requires special conditions. IN good conditions the bush and houses can grow up to three meters in height. Only three varieties of bougainvillea have been selected - beautiful, Peruvian and naked.

It should be noted that in nature the branches of the plant are liana-shaped and prickly. Collectors were unable to remove the thorns of domestic plants. The dream of lovers remains to get a flower with blue bracts.

Caring for a plant involves the following steps:

  • creating conditions for flowering;
  • wintering bougainvillea;
  • transplantation and propagation;
  • possible problems if the containment regime is violated.

At home, as in the photo, a bougainvillea flower will please you only if agricultural practices are followed.

Home care of bougainvillea

A tropical plant requires careful fulfillment of all requirements. The plant is placed on a south-facing window, directly in direct sunlight. Bougainvillea does not like changing its place of residence, even within the window, and protests by dropping its leaves. Drafts should not touch the plant. If bougainvillea is placed on a warm glazed loggia or flower greenhouse at home, this is the ideal solution.

If the bush is watered and fed on time, it will bloom from May to November. The flowers are inconspicuous and fade quickly. Decorative bracts various shapes and colors. They retain their shape and beauty for a long time. The leaves are hidden behind a riot of bracts, and the bush looks like a large flower basket.

It is very important that during the flowering period the temperature is maintained at 22-25 0 C. At rest, it is optimal to have 5-10 0 C in a cool room. At 0 0 C degrees, the plant dies, above 10 0 C - the growing season begins. In winter, in a warm place with sufficient lighting, the plant will not go into hibernation and will bloom weakly. Then you won’t be able to wait for wild flowering in the summer either.

Watering regime and other subtleties of courtship are important for bougainvillea video:

During flowering, complete drying out of the earth clod is unacceptable. However, stagnant moisture will immediately lead to rotting of the roots. Therefore, it is important, after saturating the lump of earth through the pan, to allow the excess to drain. In winter, they reduce it, but drying out the soil in the pot is unacceptable. Even in cool conditions, you need to moisten the soil once every 10-14 days.

In summer, you need to systematically moisten the bougainvillea leaves, always on both sides, but so that droplets do not fall on the bracts. Watering and moistening should only be done with soft, settled water.

The plant grows quickly and needs frequent replanting. In a greenhouse, growth per year can be three meters. The size of an indoor bougainvillea flower under normal conditions depends on the volume of the pot. The tighter the roots, the less growth and more abundant flowering. Accordingly, you will have to replant more often so that there is enough nutrition.

The main condition for replanting is not to disturb the root system. Therefore, transferring to a larger pot is done with caution. The remaining 2 cm from the walls to the root are carefully filled with the following composition:

  • leaf soil - 1 part;
  • turf soil - 1 part;
  • coarse sand - 1 part.

In addition, vermiculite, ceramic chips, and crushed charcoal are mixed into the soil. A thick drainage layer of expanded clay or broken shards of ceramic ware is placed on the bottom. It is important that the acidity of the soil is close to neutral.

The best time to transplant is when the plant awakens from winter dormancy - early spring. However, replanting and pruning cannot be combined.

By pruning, a bush is formed and cuttings are obtained for rooting. Young branches are cut to a length of 13 cm. At the same time, the bush grows well. It is better not to touch old branches. There will be no effect, and the injury to the plant will be more noticeable.

Bougainvilleas can be propagated at home by rooting woody shoots obtained by pruning. It is easier to get a new plant in a trench by pinning a branch to the ground. This is how the plant is propagated breeding work in greenhouses.

For rooting, a sterile composition is used as a substrate - sand, charcoal, crushed sphagnum moss. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 21-23 degrees. Bottom heating will speed up rooting. It is necessary to maintain moderate moisture in the soil and ensure regular ventilation.

Stopping flowering or dropping leaves is a signal to the capricious tropical slave that she does not like the conditions of detention.

Bougainvillea at home can get sick from excessive watering with stagnant zones. It will begin root rot, which will destroy the plant. The temperature of the earth clod below +5 degrees is detrimental to the plant.

The flower can be infested with aphids or mealybugs. A sooty fungus settles on the sweet discharge and the leaves turn black. Such leaves need to be picked, the plant washed and treated strong insecticide- Actellikom.

Bougainvillea of ​​Siberia - video

The fertile tropics have given many ornamental plants northern latitudes. Sparing no time and labor, breeders strive to tame exotic animals to life in extreme conditions. Growing and caring for bougainvillea is a fascinating experience.

Climatic conditions for the growth of bougainvillea

A small tree, shrub, vine with thorns - this is a description of bougainvillea. In its homeland in Brazil, the plant blooms 9 months a year. Flowers and bracts are not decorative. They have different shapes, large, bright, from lilac to white. Behind the riot of color, as if made of paper, the leaves are sometimes not visible.

Out of 18 existing species, it was possible to acclimatize and obtain hybrids from several varieties of bougainvillea:

  • beautiful;
  • Peruvian;
  • naked.

The plant loves space, a lot of light and warmth. Moreover, temperatures below +5 0 C are unacceptable for the roots of the plant. A drop in temperature to 0, even for a short time, is disastrous for a guest from the tropics. Where in the vastness of the motherland can a plant survive in natural conditions? Only in the southernmost latitudes of Crimea, on the Black Sea coast.

There, in natural conditions, you can admire the beauty of vines and bougainvillea bushes garden planting and maintenance in landscape design. In other regions, potted cultivation is used for decoration with removal to the garden for summer maintenance. You can create compositions in winter gardens and greenhouses. But this is a protected ground with a controlled climate.

Bougainvillea in the Moscow region gratefully accepts relocation to fresh air when the threat of return frosts has passed. But the flowering period is short. In September, the plant must be preserved again from cold weather. But the spectacle of a blooming exotic tree makes up for all the difficulties of its maintenance. Sometimes the tub with the plant is buried, and then it seems that the tree is growing from the ground.

Planting and caring for bougainvillea in the North-West is carried out only in winter gardens and greenhouses. Room content potted plants- the only way to admire the beauty of tropical plants. In greenhouses and winter gardens, bougainvillea should occupy the southern side, without crowding.

Bougainvillea requirements for cultivation and care

Depending on the conditions, the vine can grow up to three meters in a year. Regulation of growth and flowering becomes important factor decorative properties of garden bougainvillea during planting and care.

Crown formation

Proper pruning of young and skeletal branches allows you to form the desired crown. Any bush shape can be chosen. Without pruning, the number of side shoots decreases and the decorativeness of the plant decreases. There are three types of bougainvillea pruning:

  • in the fall, before Bougainvillea retires, the summer growth is shortened by half;
  • in spring, branches with lignified stems are shortened by 10-13 cm, causing bushiness;
  • During the growing season, weak growth and branches that disturb the composition are removed.

The same is done with potted and greenhouse plants.


Even in the most favorable climatic conditions In California and Madrid, the risk of freezing bougainvillea when grown outdoors remains. Required temperature:

  • in summer, during flowering 21-27 0 C;
  • the beginning of the growing season in spring at temperatures above 10 0 C;
  • The minimum temperature of the earth's coma is +5 degrees.

If the plant is kept in warmer conditions in winter, there will be no dormancy period, but summer flowering will be weaker. It is important for areas where the plant is displayed in tubs for the summer to follow a regime for a summer riot of color.

Factors to consider when growing and caring for bougainvillea

The plant needs abundant watering with warm, soft water. At the same time, waterlogging should not be allowed. Soggy soil, especially cold soil, will lead to root rot and plant death.

In summer, it depends on the daytime temperature; it is carried out in the morning no more than twice a week when growing bougainvillea outside. Spraying green leaves beneficial to the plant, but the bracts must remain dry. In winter, watering is rare, only to slightly retain moisture in the earth. You cannot overwater the plant.

If bougainvillea in the Moscow region is kept in a container, replanting is performed when growth is reduced, which means the roots do not have enough nutrition.

It is necessary to feed plants during the growing season complex fertilizer, from spring it is effective to use mullein. Excess ones can provoke an increase in green mass to the detriment of flowering.

The plant needs diffused light in winter and bright, long days in summer. Direct sunlight is beneficial for bougainvillea, as is bright diffused light. For good flowering At least 6 hours of direct light is required.

When planting a tub plant, it is necessary to take into account not only the lighting, but also choose a windless place. In drafts, the plant may shed its leaves. The tub must be installed once; you cannot even turn it, changing the direction of the branches. The plant will stop blooming and drop its leaves.

If the weather has turned bad and, according to forecasts, prolonged bad weather is expected, bougainvillea must be protected from waterlogging by all available means.

Creating man-made beauty with bougainvillea

Individual copy tropical flower can last from one to 10 years under cultivated conditions. Bougainvillea reaches its maximum decorative value at the age of 4-5 years. Especially beautiful are the bushes planted in the soil of the greenhouse with south side. In summer they turn into flower avalanches. Compositions that include different colors are especially beautiful.

There is another way to use the individual bush effect with different colors. Initially, several plants are planted in one tub, an intertwined trunk of several vines and a lush multi-colored bush are formed by pruning bougainvillea .

Unusual and fascinating with mystery, bonsai from naked bougainvillea. This variety lends itself perfectly to the formation of a standard. Arches made of vines, pergolas, gazebos, whatever they can do skillful hands an artist made from living material!

How to grow bougainvillea - video