Ideas for a teenager's room. Interior design for a teenage boy's room: original ideas

Children grow up very quickly, before you know it, the mischievous tomboy has become an independent teenager who rebels against the rules established by the adult world. Because the interior teenage room should be thought through with particular care. After all, it is the design, color and decoration that will help show his new character, tastes and hobbies.

Main areas

When remodeling a teenager's room, you should remove all reminders of childhood from it. Wallpaper with funny designs, funny curtains, even soft toys are best sent to a landfill.
When creating a completely new interior for a teenager, you should listen to the wishes of the owner, but, of course, you should not readily implement all his crazy ideas. It is better to immediately come to a common opinion to avoid further misunderstandings. When planning an updated design, you must remember that the room must have special furnishings.

A teenager's room should be divided into special zones. This will help make your stay comfortable, cozy and practical in any circumstances. Must be:

When creating an interior, special attention should be paid to the first zone, which implies the presence of a comfortable sleeping place, where you can sleep, relax, read a book, talk on the phone, work on a laptop.

According to experts, it is better to equip a teenager’s room with a bed with orthopedic mattress. After all, the child’s body is still growing, which means it needs the right bed. On the other hand, the bed can be replaced with a folding sofa. At night it will be a place to sleep, and during the day for communication and short rest. The main thing is that it is sufficiently elastic.

Design of the work area

The next step in decorating the interior of a teenager's room is the work area. There must be a table with comfortable chair, shelves for books, CDs, space for a computer and other equipment. It is imperative to ensure sufficient lighting.

Separately, you need to consider a place to store things. Ideally, a room for a teenager should have a dressing room, however, in practice this is not always possible. It can easily be replaced by a spacious wardrobe where you can put clothes, household items, and accessories.

A room for teenage girls should have dressing table, mirror, shelf for storing cosmetics or miniature chest of drawers. For all things related to hobbies, you definitely need a rack with numerous shelves.

A well-thought-out storage system will help your child become more organized; besides, teenagers rarely attach importance to things and love to throw them anywhere. But if available convenient closet and the rack solves this problem.

The main mistake of parents

Many parents, when coming up with the design of a room for an older child, make one very serious mistake. They strive to do everything according to their own taste and, from the point of view of an experienced adult, completely disregarding what their son or daughter really wants. This develops not the most pleasant qualities in one’s character, and besides, ready-made design interior design deprives a teenager of the opportunity to express his own opinion and develop truly good taste.

Therefore, for just a few years, you should come to terms with the fact that a teenager’s room will resemble an enchanting spectacle consisting of posters, strange objects and an absolute mixture of styles. By the way, you can offer your child to decorate the room in the kitsch style that is fashionable today, which allows for such an incredible combination.

Style selection

As for stylistic directions, then the design of the room can be chosen depending on various factors. First of all, these are the child’s personal preferences, fully agreed with the parents.

Not the least factor is financial side question. After all, some styles can be expensive, then you can invite the child to do something with their own hands to give the room the desired theme. The easiest way is to create an interior design taking into account the teenager’s main hobby or activity.

For athletes and researchers

For example, athletes will like a room decorated in high-tech, loft or avant-garde style. These thematic areas perfectly accept awards, medals, flags, attributes of your favorite teams, sports accessories and other things that have great value for an older child.

Teenagers who at such a young age are interested in Eastern cultures, spiritual practices or historical research are excellent suitable design interior in the style of ethnocultures. It can be Japanese or any oriental, Egyptian, African, country or rustic style.

All these trends perfectly combine both store-bought and home-made decor. Besides self-production decorative elements will help develop creativity, imagination, sense of beauty and other useful qualities.

For techies and romantics

Young computer scientists and techies will appreciate constructivism, high-tech or avant-garde. The easiest way to fit into such areas is the most modern technology, electronic gadgets, and all kinds of devices. In addition, the created conditions will provide excellent motivation for the further development of technical abilities.

In a room decorated with kitsch, avant-garde and loft, romantic people with artistic inclinations or those passionate about music will feel most pleasant. These styles are better than others at promoting pleasant daydreaming, writing, reading, and listening to music.

But travel lovers will be more interested in ethnic and marine themes, safari styles, country and other trends related to distant countries. In addition, often in such matters, only color and some decorative elements play a decisive role.

Of course, bring everything possible options, which will allow you to create an interesting interior design impossible. However, non-trivial ideas offered by the Internet, fashion magazines and other available sources will always help. And of course, you definitely need to use your imagination and imagination.

Color in design

Another important factor rooms for a teenager are color. Moreover, it is worth preparing that the child will choose the most poisonous one. And even though it is believed that black or fiery red colors are not entirely appropriate in rooms where children live, a little madness will not hurt. Especially if the availability bright colors provides design.

Of course, this does not mean that you have to paint all the walls black, red or blue, but a few bright details will refresh the interior and make it different. On a more serious note, in a teenage room it is more appropriate to use less aggressive tones.

Gray, light blue, pale brown, blue, purple and green, as well as all shades of pastel colors. Modern design orange and lemon will highlight, classics with minimalism cannot be imagined without the traditional black and white combination, safari can be decorated in brown, and a deep burgundy color will provide a cozy atmosphere.

In fact, it doesn’t really matter what color you choose for the interior; you can always find dozens of ways to soften excessive brightness or, conversely, refresh the pallor.

Video gallery

The transitional age for boys is special, difficult period both for themselves and for their parents. The children's taste begins to change, new hobbies, preferences, and demands for things around them appear, including the interior design of their own room.

The style can be absolutely any, but the interior design of a room for a teenage boy must be properly planned, it is necessary to allocate a recreation area, workplace, storage area.

Teen room decor

Modern teenagers prefer minimal and ultra-modern decor for their rooms. It is important during this period of a child’s life to allow him to independently choose and hang his favorite posters and photographs on the walls. So that he can change them, you can use a special border. If desired, the walls can be covered with graphic wallpaper.

Wall decoration

Before choosing wallpaper, paint, paneling for a teenage boy’s room, consult with him about how he wants the future room to look. Not very expensive wallpaper is also suitable for a teenage room, since at this age there are quite a lot of hobbies, the child will quickly cover the walls with posters and various posters.

The room should be a kind of temple for the owner, where he can hide from worries and problems. Therefore, you need to select a design in accordance with the child’s preferences.

Wallpapers and photo wallpapers

The room must be bright and colorful. Wallpaper can be either plain or textured.

You can combine several color options to delimit areas of the room.

For the recreation area, you can use any warm and calm tones (beige, blue), for the work area - green shades, for the play area - rainbow colors.

Decorative stickers

Themed ones are suitable for decorating walls. decorative elements, stickers, stencils. Let your child choose the stylized stickers themselves.


It is appropriate to decorate the walls with paintings, posters with your favorite athletes, football players, actors, singers. B is correct decorated room The child will be more comfortable both to study and to relax.

12 years old

By the age of 12, a teenager has already completely decided on his hobby; he probably has general idea about how his room should look (color, decor, furniture). Talk to him, choose a color scheme and wallpaper together. Paste one wall, and starting from it, choose the full design and decoration of the teenage room.


Choosing flooring for a teenage room it is better to give preference natural materials. The second point is that this material should be one that can be easily cleaned from dirt. An excellent solution is parquet.

Children play on the floor very often, so many parents prefer heated floors.

If this option is too expensive, then you can resort to the option of insulated linoleum.


If you want soft covering, then you can purchase carpet, which retains heat remarkably well, but requires some maintenance.

Mosaic floor

Room lighting

The lighting in a teenager's room should be bright; sharp transitions from light to shadow should not be made. It is advisable to avoid high brightness and shine from surfaces, as this harms vision.

Soft diffused light that reflects from the ceiling is what you need for a teenage room.

You can choose a large lampshade with a matte lamp in the center. A table lamp is needed on the table, preferably secured with a bracket so that it does not tip over.

Chandeliers made of openwork glass and options that give straight downward rays, such as crystal chandeliers, are unacceptable.

14 years old

At the age of 14, a teenager has idols; very often children at this age cover the room with various posters. Don’t prohibit this, select one wall or place where the teenager will “ennoble” his room.

Design options

An excellent solution would be a stylized room for a teenage boy. Today designers offer huge selection for growing boys.

Marine theme

Marine style is one of the most popular when decorating a teenage room. Blue, sand, turquoise, green shades are appropriate here, white. Accessories include boats, shells, hourglass, chest, steering wheel.


Color solutions for a room in this style can be neutral shades, i.e. yellow, green, blue, beige. Large plants can be used for decoration, bright photos animals, nature, aquarium.


For the techno style, a light gray palette with rich and bright accents on the walls and furniture is suitable. Appropriate here unusual shapes, built-in furniture or appliances. Chandeliers, lamps, lamps can be chosen in the shape of starships.

African style

For this style, choose a brown range of shades, diluting it with red, orange, beige, and yellow colors.

African motifs in a teenager’s room mean purchasing unusual accessories, for example, a carpet in the shape of a leopard or tiger skin.

Suitable here simple furniture, natural textiles.


For children who play sports, a sports theme in the design is great solution. Appropriate here bright colors, there is no need to be afraid to play with contrasts.

The walls can be designed in soothing colors.

Depending on the type of sport, we choose the decor. This could be a basketball basket or a punching bag. The walls can be covered with special stickers.


High-tech is direct and simple lines in furniture, decor, maximum functionality, minimum things. This style is characterized by modern technology, glossy surfaces, plastic elements furniture, decor.

For two boys

If two teenage boys live in a room, then all the furniture, objects, things should be doubled and fit harmoniously into the room.

In adolescence, children are very vulnerable, it is important for them to have their own “corner”, personal space, things.

In order to avoid unnecessary quarrels, you need to distribute space correctly.

If the area of ​​the room does not allow you to install two wardrobes, two tables, two beds, or allocate a play area, then it is necessary to optimize the situation:

  1. The bed can be bunk.
  2. One spacious closet is enough, but it must be divided into two halves.
  3. Instead of two desks of 1 m each, you can install one, but longer, for example, 1.5 m, which can accommodate two children.
  4. For play area perfect wall bars, "pear".
  5. Two identical shelves for storing books.

Every boy must have his own wall where they can hang their favorite posters, paintings, and photos.

Equipment in the room

As for technology, one computer or laptop is enough in a teenager’s room, which, in addition to its main role, will also perform the functions of a tape recorder and a TV. There is no point in overloading the room with unnecessary attributes.

A teenager spends a lot of time in his room, so psychologists recommend decorating it in soothing colors. Bright color solutions at this age they can “pressure” and irritate the owner of the room.

Quite often, designers and children suggest decorating a room in blue. This is a color that promotes moral and physical relaxation, creates a great atmosphere of security, and promotes mental development. But at the same time there is a lot blue there should not be any in the room, as too much can make it cold.

In addition to blue, green is a very popular color for decorating a teenager’s room, which can calm and concentrate.

But brown, which is chosen by both teenagers and older guys, will make the room warm and cozy.

Beige shades can perfectly complement green and brown colors. Designers do not recommend using it on your own.

Sometimes a boy’s room is made in yellow shades, which have a positive effect on the emotional state and visually increase the space, which is very important for a small room.

If your boy likes the color red, then it must be combined, for example, with white, since red shades are quite aggressive and negatively affect the child’s psyche.

Gray color is neutral, but designers do not recommend making a room completely in such shades, as it can turn out to be a rather dull room.

If a teenager wants bright, saturated shades, then this is quite acceptable, only they can be used either for walls or for furniture. One thing (walls, furniture) should be done in a calm color scheme.

18 years old

At the age of 18, a young man has already formed certain taste preferences, and if he still has a “teenage” room, then it’s time to redecorate the room.

It is advisable to choose noble, calm shades for color solutions.

Experts have identified five colors (black, brown, blue, gray, white), and recommend using them to build a room for an adult boy.

A young man might like it high bed with an additional retractable platform. Lighting may be more challenging than for a teenager.

Don't forget about additional decor (posters, paintings). It will not be superfluous to bright accents, for example, an orange or purple pillow, blanket, chair. It is not recommended to make stylized rooms for this age.


When thinking through the design of a children's room, it is worth remembering that this is a multifunctional room. That is, there is a bedroom, a playroom, and an office.

The room should not be too cluttered with furniture, but at the same time there should be all the necessary things:

  1. The desk should be comfortable and large, keep in mind that the child will be doing homework at it and there should be a computer or laptop on it.
  2. Shelves above the table.
  3. Bed with orthopedic sailor.
  4. A sliding wardrobe, it not only saves space, but is also quite spacious. It is better to avoid mirrored or glass facades, since teenage boys are quite active, and there is a possibility that the glass or mirror may be broken during games.

My son and I’s apartment, although small, is very cozy. We ourselves came up with the interior for a teenage boy’s room and will reveal some secrets of creation cozy atmosphere, where everything is harmoniously combined, warms the soul and charges with energy at the same time.

Interior of a teenager's room

The interior of a teenager's room is thought out to the smallest detail. Functionality, richness and practicality of the room’s furnishings, combined with style, create unique comfort and help maintain a creative atmosphere. It is a pleasure to learn new things and create in such an atmosphere. The style of the room is in restrained green and beige tones. Firstly, green is my 14-year-old son’s favorite color, and secondly, it is the color of youth, creativity, and search. It promotes intellectual concentration and is calming.

Combination with the deceased beige tones only enhances these characteristics of the selected color scheme. In the decor of the room there are so-called “accents” of green. These are interior elements such as window curtains and a chandelier. In addition, fresh green is present in the color table lamp And door handles cabinet and desk.

The color scheme of the wallpaper also has this shade of youth and tranquility. Even in colors ceiling tiles There are discreet stylish green shades. And when such “accents” are placed, the interior already becomes holistic and complete.

I came up with many of the details in the decor of the teenager’s room myself. She sewed drapes and tulle curtains with her own hands. The material for them is selected in tones of fresh greenery. Companion fabrics are combined on the curtains, one of which is also used in the design of tulle curtains.

Choosing furniture for a teenage boy's room

Choosing furniture for a teenager's room took us a lot of time. We didn't want banal rectangular cabinets. After thinking, my son and I developed a sketch furniture wall for a teenager's room, which included several optimally designed stylish elements. The wardrobe for clothes and accessories combines two blocks of different heights. We deliberately did not select the same handles for the doors, but opted for a set of handles in two colors to match the overall interior. It really brought our furniture to life.

Desk for a teenager's room

The desk is made of the same materials as the cabinet. Due to numerous drawers and shelves, the space of the desk and the entire “working corner” as a whole is used very optimally. Work surface the table has a fairly large area, where there was room for sound speakers, a table lamp, a home radiotelephone, a dial stationery, which, by the way, has a built-in radio receiver. And, of course, there is enough space left on the table. All conditions for fruitful work have been created!

In addition to the work desk, the room has folding sofa, which saves space.

We haven’t forgotten about the eventful, interesting holiday. The teenager is interested in playing the guitar - there is a special hook on the side panel of the closet on which my son hangs his guitar. There is a dart board attached to the wall. These items also fit harmoniously into the interior of the room, because they are “consonant” in style.

And the main secret of a teenager’s room is the “secret room”. That's what he calls the pantry after watching enough Harry Potter films. The door to it is really invisible at a quick glance at the wall, as it is covered with wallpaper to match the color of the entire room.

So, with a little imagination, we created a unique interior!

Photo of a room for a teenage boy

Check out some more ideas for decorating a teenage boy's room.