A houseplant for a dark corner of a room. Shade-tolerant indoor plants - we create comfort in dark rooms. Indoor plants: choose for yourself and your loved ones

The desire to find a plant for a north window or for a not very well-lit place in an apartment often causes significant difficulties for beginning gardeners. However, in today's conditions, flower lovers have enormous opportunities to choose indoor plants suitable for decoration. home interior regardless of the degree of illumination. Below you can find the names and brief descriptions the most popular indoor plants growing in shade or partial shade.

In dark rooms or in corners of rooms where a minimum of sunlight penetrates, you can successfully grow unpretentious shade-loving plants.

In most cases, shade-tolerant plants are dominated by decorative deciduous, the main decoration of which is magnificent leaves. But shade-loving plants also include many flowering plants, vines, palms and ferns.

Important to know! All ornamental plants have varying degrees of tolerance to lack of light. Some can live well in a fairly dark place (northern window sill or in the back of the apartment), while others need to be periodically (for example, depending on the season) moved to a bright window, or kept on an eastern or western window sill.

Video: shade-loving indoor plants - names and their features

The most popular shade-loving and shade-tolerant indoor plants and flowers: a list of names with descriptions and brief care tips

Most of the shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants are representatives of the tropical and subtropical forests of South America.


In many ways it is one of the most useful and popular indoor plants.

Chlorophytum is unpretentious, its care is very simple. It is necessary to water only after the soil is completely dry. On dry and hot days it responds well to spraying. This is a very hardy plant, able to tolerate both relatively cold rooms and warm rooms. The same can be said about lighting.

Video: caring for unpretentious and useful chlorophytum

Anthurium (Men's happiness)

One of the most attractive features of anthurium is its flower, which looks fake, as if made of plastic. But its leaves are also beautiful, dense and shiny.

Watering should be moderate; it is better to dry out the plant rather than overwater it. Loves being sprayed. It prefers brighter places without drafts and direct sunlight, but it can also grow in the shade, but in this case you will not get flowering, so it is advisable to keep it in partial shade.

Video: caring for anthurium at home


This is a lush bush with incredibly attractive oblong green or colored leaves (the colors are very varied), which can reach a height of 60-70 centimeters.

Aglaonema is very unpretentious in care and almost does not need transplants. However, do not forget that it should be watered only after the soil has completely dried.

This shade-tolerant plant can grow both on a sunny windowsill (but always in diffused light) and in partial shade in the back of the room. Although for a very short time, you can place it in complete shade. It grows well in artificial light, especially necessary in winter.

Video: how to properly care for aglaonema


The color of the leaves of Fittonia excites the imagination: it can be either red or silver-green.

The main thing in caring for Fittonia is moderation in everything: watering, temperature and lighting. As for its shade tolerance, it is still better to keep it in partial shade on an eastern or western window, because in the southern window it will burn (if not shaded from direct sun better), and in the northern one it will begin to stretch out.

Video: caring for Fittonia - tips for gardeners


Ficus leaves are usually dense and fleshy, although they can be small and thin. Moreover, they come in completely different colors - from light green to dark green, there are even variegated specimens.

Excellent for beginner gardeners due to its unpretentiousness. Small-leaved ficuses must be sprayed periodically, large-leaved ones must be wiped with a damp cloth or cloth. Important point: ficus does not like constant moving from place to place, so it is better to immediately choose a place for it on a windowsill or in a small depth of the room, protected from direct sunlight. It should be noted that ficus plants with dense and dark leaves (large-leaved) would be better suited eastern or western window sill, while varieties with light foliage require an exceptionally well-lit southern window, and they even need additional lighting in winter.

Video: proper care behind the ficus

Crassula (Money tree)

Who doesn't know what a money tree looks like? Is it possible that not everyone knows that he correct name"Fast woman."

Do not neglect the fact that the money tree does not like abundant and frequent watering, since for this plant, waterlogging is much worse than drying out the soil. At the same time, this flower does not require frequent transplants. Crassula, like all succulents, loves light, but not direct sunlight, but diffused and soft ones. It is optimal to place it on the eastern windowsill. In summer it is recommended to move the plant to a more shady place(but not in full shade) so as not to damage the delicate leaves of the money tree.

Video: care money tree(crassula)


It has bright green stems that cascade down in a pretty way. The leaves are typically green or purple, lance-shaped with silver or light green stripes, and may be hairy.

The plant does not create problems when grown, but it should be borne in mind that it is quite moisture-loving. The leaves should be sprayed periodically, except for the pubescent varieties of Tradescantia.

Prefers sufficiently lit places, but always with protection from direct rays, especially in summer. It can grow near windows facing west or east; in principle, it can also be tolerated on a northern window sill.


This evergreen, if you are very lucky, it will even be able to please you with fragrant white flowers.

It’s very simple - this is the most unpretentious shade-loving plant to care for, which is only contraindicated in drafts. Just note that over time, dracaena leaves age and begin to fall off. However, there is no need to worry, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon and does not indicate insufficient care.

This chiseled, graceful flower is perfect for decorating the hallway or living room of your home or apartment.

Video: caring for dracaena at home

Spathiphyllum (Women's happiness)

This plant has not only shiny dark green dense foliage, but also indescribably beautiful sail-shaped flowers.

Due to its unpretentiousness, spathiphyllum is one of the most popular indoor flowers, because it is able to grow successfully in both somewhat darkened and bright rooms. So, in summer it is optimal to keep it on a northern window; in other periods it is still better to place it on sunnier window sills, but away from direct sunlight. The main thing is to choose a relatively cool place in the apartment for growing it and water it regularly.


It delights with large dark green foliage with light or burgundy stripes. Calathea blooms with spectacular purple or white flowers, but, as a rule, rather reluctantly.

Interesting! As the sun sets, the leaves begin to stretch upward, which is why calathea is called a prayer flower.

This heat-loving plant does not tolerate drafts; it likes fairly moderate temperatures and high humidity. For normal growth of calathea, regular spraying is required. It is optimal to keep the flower on the western or eastern window, although you can also place it on the northern window. But in any case, it should be hidden from direct sunlight.

Video: home care for calathea

Other shade-loving and shade-tolerant indoor plants

The following are less popular indoor plants, but capable of growing in the shade and delighting their owners. Naturally, flowers should be located on sunny windowsills, but with obligatory shading, maximum on eastern or western ones. But the northern windows will not suit them at all.

Decorative foliage plants




Palms, vines and climbing plants




Pteris Cretan





Indoor ivy (Hedera)



Flowering plants

Saintpaulias (violets)





Thus, shade-loving and shade-tolerant include indoor plants that can grow quite successfully with a lack of light (the majority of them) or even in the absence of it (there are much fewer of them).

Pay attention! If you do not agree with the presented list or would like to add another name for a shade-loving plant to it, then write in the comments!

Video: indoor plants for dark rooms

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For rooms that are rarely reached sunlight, these indoor plants can be a real lifesaver. They thrive in partial shade and low light.

Most plants from the selection website the beauty is not in the flowers, but in beautiful leaves. But this is also a lot, considering the sunless “diet” and how they perfectly purify the air.


The patterned leaves make this plant a welcome addition to any room, but keep in mind that direct sunlight is not recommended. The best option for calathea - partial shade.


Diffused light works best for this plant. It's best to keep it behind a curtain. The plant is especially beautiful in spring and summer, when light, delicate leaves appear in the center.

Dracaena marginata

Chlorophytum crested

Very unpretentious plant, so quite popular. It can go without the sun for a long time and at the same time perfectly purifies the air.


A plant with tiny delicate leaves looks beautiful in hanging planters and in pots next to tall plants. But be careful: do not plant it near low plants - helxina can “strangle” them. You are required to water and spray frequently.


More than 2,000 species of ferns are suitable for growing at home. These tropical plants ready to stay in the shade, but they will not tolerate dry air. Need frequent spraying of leaves, especially during heating season.

Philodendron cordate

Perhaps this favorite plant many flower growers. Feels good in the shade and perfectly purifies the air. Occasionally it is necessary to pinch so that it does not stretch too long.


A tropical plant that thrives when fed only artificial lighting. Thrives in damp conditions, such as bathrooms.

In dark rooms or in corners of the room where little light penetrates, you can successfully grow plants that do not need a lot of light. The following conditions are called growth conditions with a lack of light: at a distance of a meter or more from a window facing north, at a distance from 1 m to 3 m from a window facing east/west, at a distance from 4.5 m to 9 m from a window facing to the south.

Spathiphyllum floribundum

Due to the fact that spathiphyllum is very easy to grow, it has become one of the most popular indoor plants. Spathiphyllum will feel great both in rooms with bright light and in dark rooms. Spathiphyllum have shiny, dark green foliage and flat, sail-like flowers. Spathiphyllum loves cool weather and grows up to 30 - 45 cm in height.

Pteris fern (Filicales Pteris)

Pteris fern, however, like any other fern, will grow well in the darkest corners of the room. Pteris fern - graceful plant, the branches of which have a light green outline and a silvery center; there are species of this fern with entirely green branches.

Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria tsifasciata)

Sansevieria is one of the largest indoor plants that grows well in dark rooms. It can grow up to 1.2 m in height. Mother-in-law’s tongue is also good for beginner “naturalists” who still lack experience. Its strong sharp leaves They grow straight upward, their colors are also interesting: mother-in-law’s tongue combines dark green with light green stripes; more variegated species with bright yellow stripes are also common.


Diefenbachia has a tall, erect stem and luxurious dark green leaves with almost white spots. Trying to taste Diefenbachia juice will cause severe swelling of the tongue and mouth.


Different types of aglaonema are represented by plants of different heights. These are hardy plants that will suit virtually any conditions, so aglaonema is an excellent choice for busy people. Aglaonema has a large number of narrow stems with large oval leaves. The color scheme is also varied: silver, green, chartreuse and cream. The sap of these plants is poisonous - something to remember! So these plants should be kept away from small children and pets, especially if they like to munch on something fresh and green.

Calathea makoyana

Calathea Makoya - a perennial with dark green foliage, marked with white, light green, or burgundy stripes, Calathea Makoya blooms with purple or white flowers. The homeland of this plant is eastern Brazil; it reaches a height of up to 1.2 m and tolerates full shade well. Calathea makoya can grow even outdoors, but in USDA hardiness zones (Ministry of Agriculture USA) 11 - 12, where the annual temperature does not fall below +4ºС. It needs moist, well-draining soil and aerosol irrigation every two to three days. To maintain high local humidity, try placing under the calathea pot a well-suited stand filled with pebbles and water. After flowering, reduce watering and let Calathea Makoya rest. The period of rest it is entitled to is from autumn to the end of winter, just before the beginning of spring, start watering it abundantly again.

Epipremnum (or scindapsus) golden (Epipremnum aureum)

Epipremnum aureus - easy to care for climbing plant with beautiful heart-shaped foliage, on the surface of which there are yellow and white stripes. The plant propagates easily. Indoors, scindapsus reaches maximum length 2.5 m. Buy your golden epipremnum a moss pole and it will feel right at home. It’s easy to control the growth and shape of the epipremnum; you just need to pluck off unnecessary shoots. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings, but mist the plant frequently during periods of vigorous growth. The minimum temperature for epipremnum is +13ºС and suitable USDA zones are 10 - 12.

Tricolor arrowroot (Maranta leuconeura)

Arrowroot tricolor is a low-growing, perennial evergreen that blooms with white flowers. The leaves of this plant are light green, but have red or burgundy veins; Arrowroot folds its leaves at night and they resemble palms folded in prayer, from where English name This plant is a “praying plant.” Arrowroot tricolor comes from Brazil, it grows up to 30 cm in height. Arrowroot tricolor - good option for a hanging basket if you provide it with a humid environment. It is recommended to frequently spray this plant, pour pebbles into the tray and make sure that there is always water in it. You need to keep the soil in the pot moist until autumn, then the arrowroot begins its seasonal rest, during which there is no need for such frequent watering. The time to resume regular watering is early spring. Arrowroot tricolor can grow outdoors in USDA zones 11 - 12.

Dracaena marginata

Dracaena fringe is a guest from the island of Madagascar. This plant is very unpretentious and will not cause you any special trouble. Dracaena is an evergreen plant that, if you're lucky, will delight you with fragrant white flowers. Dracaena leaves age and fall off - this is a normal phenomenon and does not in any way indicate poor care. Dracaena Marginata is tolerant of lack of light, drought-resistant, and belongs to frost hardiness zones 10-12 according to the USDA classification. This dracaena can grow up to 2 m high indoors, but you can prune and propagate it.

All dracaenas reproduce easily apical cuttings Moreover, if you cannot plant the cutting immediately, treat the cut with paraffin - the dracaena will easily tolerate this temporary position and take root well when the waiting period is over. Dracaena does not like drafts of any kind. We also recommend providing the dracaena with regular spraying, or placing the pot with the dracaena on wet pebbles.

Translation: Anna Zhurbenko
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Most lovers and connoisseurs of indoor plants know that if the windows in a house or apartment face mainly the north or north-west side, then you need to choose shade-loving flowers. For beginners, it is still necessary to figure out which ones indoor flowers are shade-loving, and some are simply shade-tolerant. Let's figure it out together.

Advantages and disadvantages

Shade-loving plants are quite unpretentious. Their main advantage is that the pot can be placed anywhere in the room, regardless of the location of the window and lighting. Some of the shade-loving flowers are even afraid of the sun; yellow spots from burns, they will begin to wither and crumble in direct sunlight.

The disadvantages are that they are somewhat “capricious”: they do not like it when the pot is moved from place to place, many of the shade-loving indoor flowers are demanding on watering and air humidity. They especially need fertile soil, such plants need to be fertilized and fed frequently.

Of course, novice gardeners need to understand that photosynthesis has not been canceled, and not a single plant will survive without light. We are talking here about shadow, partial shade or diffused light, to which most people from dense tropical forests are accustomed.

Indoor palm varieties are popular among flower lovers. They grow tall, with large leaves, decorating spacious, shaded rooms and are perfect for offices and corridors.

Dracaena in nature grows into a huge tree. In a greenhouse or at home it also has a decent height, but grows slowly. Very similar to a palm tree. It is also called “dragon tree”. Can also grow on sunny side, but she is more comfortable in the shade. Loves moisture, but does not need overwatering. Responds well to frequent spraying of leaves. Sometimes young thin stems curl into bizarre patterns.

Ficus is the hero of children's poems because it is grandma's favorite. Wide shiny leaves, powerful trunk. Loves good watering, the leaves need to be regularly wiped to remove dirt. Painful about moving around the room and moving. May completely shed its leaves in protest. Then they grow back. Decorates with its presence large rooms, winter gardens, corridors of institutions. Ficus has many varieties, among them there are even liana-like ones that weave around large spaces.

Monstera is easily recognized by its huge carved leaves. This is a type of vine; it weaves and grows, clinging to support. She needs space and shade. In the Vorontsov Palace in Crimea, a huge monstera has been preserved in the winter garden - a witness of the last century, according to the guides. By the way, young monstera leaves are not cut, but whole.

A well-known and beloved palm tree by flower growers. It grows slowly. Another name is bamboo palm. Loves good watering, frequent spraying of foliage, needs a warm shower twice a month. Cheerful, thick, green foliage requires hiding it in the shade.

Ampelous indoor flowers

Ampelous indoor plants are mainly vines, that is, weaving or “climbing” representatives of the tropical flora. By directing their growth with the help of supports, entire compositions are obtained that decorate decorative counters, walls, corners in winter gardens, greenhouses, houses.

A common and unpretentious houseplant that has long been loved by many, today it is somewhat forgotten. Grows well in the shade. Looks beautiful in a flowerpot from which lush vines covered with leaves hang. After pinching the tops, new shoots appear abundantly. Eat different varieties, differing in the shape and color of the leaves. Loves good watering and fertile soil.

Ivy is memorable at first sight for its star-shaped leaves and ability to grow quickly and luxuriantly. There is a superstition that ivy should not be kept in a couple's bedroom because it is a "widow's flower." This is probably why it can be seen more often in business premises, offices, and public places than at home. Direct sunlight is harmful to it, and ivy also does not like temperature changes.

Despite the fact that this vine blooms only in wildlife, she pleases her owner with her unpretentiousness, rapid growth and fresh green foliage. It grows well in the shade, weaving along a special support covered with moss.

Plant of the fern family. The second name is “Venus hair”. This is what people called it because of its thin creeping rhizomes that resemble hair. Northern windows are ideal for plant development. The leaves grow up to 50 cm in width, and the height of the adiantum reaches 60-70 cm.

Flowering shade-loving plants

In the shade, some houseplants not only develop lush green foliage, but also bloom beautifully. Therefore, the northern windows can be decorated with flowering vegetation.

It gained popularity because of its second romantic name - “women's happiness.” What attracts many lovers of home greenhouses is its lush dark green foliage and many white flowers, similar to small calla lilies or sails. Spathiphyllum is sensitive to watering; it should be moderate, preferably in a tray. The leaves need to be sprayed periodically, and once a month the flower needs a shower. “Women's Happiness” is well suited as a nice gift for a woman, for example, on a birthday or on March 8th.

A variety of violet, fleshy, slightly fuzzy, dark green leaves and many tender lilac flowers. Feels good on northern windows. It is better to water with settled water at room temperature in the pan. Doesn't like overflow. They bloom for a long time, faded rosettes are immediately replaced with new ones. Amateurs are constantly developing new varieties with a wide variety of flower shapes. In many cities, enthusiasts and lovers often organize exhibitions and sales of dozens of varieties of violets, including Saintpaulia.

Another shade-loving houseplant with beautiful bright colors, familiar and loved by many. Quite unpretentious, it needs moderate watering. Does not require spraying leaves. Sensitive to air humidity. It has decorative flowers and leaves. It blooms both in winter and summer. About 2000 varieties of begonia have been bred in the world.

The flowers of this representative of orchids resemble surprised, wide-open eyes. Hence the second name - “ pansies" It grows well in the shade, does not tolerate drafts, and loves good watering. The fact that the plant is comfortable is indicated by the pinkish color of the leaves and abundant flowering.

Just a godsend for beginning gardeners. Unpretentious, blooms for almost six months. Does not require special care other than watering. Any part of streptocarpus is suitable for reproduction. Shade-loving, flowers are large, in the form of bright bells.

This beauty with a bright large flower in the form of a spike, despite its capriciousness and demanding self-care, is known and appreciated by many flower growers. Blooms for a long time, requires watering warm water, very abundant in summer, spraying the leaves and wiping them with a sponge. There are about 250 species. loves very much humid air, does not tolerate drafts. Prefers partial shade.

Deciduous plants

Among the foliage and decorative indoor flowers there are also quite a few shade-loving ones. They delight the eye with unusual leaf colors or lush greenery.

Refers to lianas. The shoots weave along the supports, gradually become woody, and acquire long aerial roots. The leaves are large, hard, dark green. Does not like drafts, dry soil and sudden fluctuations in air temperature.

Almost all representatives of shade-loving deciduous plants attract the eye by the size, shape and color of the leaves. It is for this attractiveness that many people love arrowroot. But for large oval ones interesting drawing keep the leaves in a healthy condition, you need to water the plant often with settled water, periodically spray the foliage, place it away from direct sunlight, but not in dark place rooms.

Another representative of the arrowroot family. Nature has put into it a peculiar mechanism that forces its interestingly colored large leaves to fold at night. We can safely say about her: beautiful and capricious. The whim is that experienced flower growers established - calathea feels best 2 meters from the west window, in addition, it prefers to have wet pebbles in the pan. She also doesn’t like drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations in the room.

Anyone who has once seen croton, or codiaum, will remember it and fall in love at first sight. Its leaves are so unusual and attractive that a rare gardener will pass by. Lovers of indoor plants love to give crotons to each other for various reasons. It's very original and nice gift. Croton is from the Euphorbiaceae family. Likes frequent spraying and careful wiping of leaves, good drainage, and watering. Grows well in the shade. After spraying in the sun, the leaves may become burned.

Important! The juice of euphorbia plants is, in most cases, poisonous. This flower should be kept away from pets and small children.

A very lush decorative fern. It is not demanding on lighting and watering. It grows in the shade and also feels normal under artificial light. In summer you can water 2-3 times a week. Decorates the room with a “hat” of many leaves.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant - what's the difference?

From the name it is clear that shade-loving indoor plants feel very comfortable in a shaded room. Moreover, they cannot stand the sun. Their ancestors grew up in tropical forests under the huge crowns of tall trees, in the shade and high humidity. That's why the sun burns them.

Shade-tolerant indoor plants simply tolerate being on the shady side quite well, but still prefer the sunny side. Therefore, they can be placed anywhere in the room, but if there are not enough sunny places, then they will grow and develop normally on the northern windows. Therefore, the difference between shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants is that they don’t really like the shadow, but they can put up with it and live in it.


In fact, there are many such plants that can feel great in shaded rooms with windows facing north: flowering, climbing, tree-like. For every taste and preference. Some of them are more unpretentious, and some require careful care and are more demanding of living conditions, soil, and watering. But the pleasure of seeing lush greenery and wildlife in every corner of the house cannot be compared with the little effort required to care for these amazing plants.

Surely everyone has a dark place in their apartment that they just want to liven up and make cozy, maybe it’s a bathroom, a hallway, or a living room whose windows overlook shadow side. There is a way out of the situation, because not all plants love sunlight, for some of them it is even destructive. Eat golden rule choosing shade-loving plants: the darker the leaves of a plant, the more it loves a dark corner. But you also need to understand that all plants need at least a small amount of diffused light; in low light conditions the plant will not bloom, and since beauty flowering plants in flowers, we focused our attention on beautiful ornamental plants, whose beauty lies in their leaves and colors. Kashevarna has compiled the top 10 plants that can survive without direct sunlight.

Top 10 unpretentious and shade-loving plants

Sansevieria or "Mother-in-law's tongue"

Recently, it has been very fashionable, decorating many fashion restaurants and cafes, which often have no windows and use artificial lighting. It can grow in the sun and in the shade, it tolerates drafts and temperature changes, rare transplants, the plant is very unpretentious, the only thing Sanseveria is afraid of is waterlogging and watering inside the rosette, which can rot from this.


Aspidistra is simple in appearance, but when the plant grows, it becomes an elegant interior decoration. Recently, the fashion for combining wicker furniture and this plant has been gaining momentum. The plant is unpretentious, tolerates careless handling in the literal sense of the word, the plant practically does not need fertilizer. Aspidistra does not react to excess or lack of moisture; this is a plant for those who have no time to deal with them. Aspidistra is indispensable when decorating rooms with little light or variable temperature conditions.

Dracaena Sandera

This plant is also called "Lucky Bamboo". The plant is one of the easiest to grow, it has the characteristic of growing in low light conditions. Lucky bamboo can grow in dark conditions for many hours, but it needs a small amount of light. It also gained popularity due to the possibility of forming different decorative forms from the stem, most often it is a spiral. If you plan to move the dracaena to a darker or lighter place, do it gradually, gradually moving it to a new place for several hours every day. In a dark place, the leaves may turn light green.

Chlorophytum or "Spider Plant"

An unpretentious plant that, in addition to everything else, also blooms with white flowers. In summer it requires abundant watering, 2 times a week, and spraying. In winter, once is enough. The plant perfectly filters the air, it absorbs formaldehyde and carbon monoxide and releases oxygen. The plant grows best in partial shade, but if it is removed completely dark room, for example, an office, it will lose the white stripes on the leaves.

Ivy or Hedera

An evergreen plant that in nature chooses a place to grow in shady forests. Due to the large mass of leaves, hedera is considered one of the most effective air purifiers in the home. In order for your ivy to turn into a chic green wall, you need to create coolness for it, ivy does not tolerate heat and sun, it is shade-loving. Hedera is a moisture-loving plant, root system it is superficial, so in the spring and summer, watering should be regular and quite abundant. Drying out the earthen ball is undesirable, but stagnation of water in the pot will lead to the death of the plant. In winter, water frequently when overwintering in a warm room, but if the ivy overwinters in a cool place, watering should be limited so as to only prevent the soil from drying out.


This exotic plant popularly called the “white sail”. Plant at favorable conditions It blooms for a very long time, the flowers resemble a white sail, some species have a rich aroma. The plant is afraid of direct sunlight and can grow in diffused light or partial shade. Watering in the spring-summer period and during flowering is abundant, between waterings top layer should dry out. In autumn-winter, watering is moderate. When watering, the substrate should not dry out, but should not be excessively waterlogged. For spathiphyllum, it is important to choose the right place - it does not like the cold. Place it away from drafts and windows that open in winter for ventilation, and there will be no problems with the plant.


Fern loves shade and moist air. The easiest to maintain and most common ferns are: Cithromium, Davallia, Pteris cretanis, Nephrolepis, Kostenets nesata, Pellea rotundifolia. But even they need frequent spraying of the leaves, especially during the heating season. Make sure that the soil in the fern pot is always moist.

Scindapsus (Pothos)

The plant is adapted to the conditions of indoor culture, moisture-loving and shade-tolerant, but with insufficient lighting, the variegation of foliage may appear or disappear. In indoor culture, plants practically do not bloom. Apply as hanging plant and as climbing on a support wrapped in sphagnum moss. Used in a variety of arrangements.


The least capricious of these beautiful flowers is the jasmine gardenia. When choosing a location for gardenia, choose south or southwest windows. The plant loves frequent spraying. It can grow in shaded places, with reduced light throughout the day, but determine the choice of location in advance and do not change it, even the slightest movement leads to the falling of flowers and even leaves. Under no circumstances should the earthen clod be allowed to dry out. The soil should always be slightly moist. But at the same time it should allow air to pass well to the roots. Therefore, it is recommended to use light soil for growing gardenia jasmine, as for Azaleas.


These brightly colored plants with green leaves grow well in areas with insufficient light. Direct sunlight can cause leaf burns. The plant is afraid of drafts. Despite the ability of aglaonema to purify the air from benzene and kill streptococcal infections, there is an opinion that due to the content of oxalic acid, toxic enzymes and proteins, if handled improperly, the plant can cause severe irritation and even burns of the skin. The release of plant juice can cause swelling of the mucous membranes and difficulty breathing. In some cases, aglaonema can cause allergic reactions, which is why aglaonema closes the list of plants, loving shadow. Therefore, when carrying out any work with the plant, you need to use protective gloves, and when finished, you need to wash your hands well with soap. It is better to remove the plant from animals and children.