Own business in Lithuania. How to open a company in Lithuania? Ready-made companies (JSC) in Lithuania

Registration of a company in Lithuania is relevant for a number of reasons:

  • This is an attractive jurisdiction that provides access to European markets.
  • In Lithuania, companies are protected from double taxation.
  • The procedure for registering a ready-made company takes only one day.
  • Payments for extension of work are made from the second year.
  • The Prifinance company cooperates with any country.

The phrase “offshore zone of Lithuania” is not heard too often. Here, zero tax rates do not always apply, but the conditions for financial planning very profitable. Inexpensive company registration in Europe is a strong argument in favor of business development in Lithuania.

About jurisdiction

Lithuanian legislation fixes the amount of authorized capital for foreign companies at 2,900 euros. The founder and sole member of the company can be a legal or natural person, non-resident. Registration and maintenance of a company in Lithuania is carried out in the UAB form. When choosing a name, it is very important to follow the grammar and spelling of the country.

Purposes of creating companies

As a rule, new companies are acquired here in order to form a transit point, as well as to obtain a residence permit in the vastness of Europe. In addition, registering and servicing a company in Lithuania is beneficial when implementing trading activities, as it becomes possible to more effectively manage procurement within Europe. Here it is profitable to create holdings that provide for the payment of dividends, royalties and interest from the CIS. Organizations carrying out redirected trade operations can be registered on the territory of Lithuania. There is one condition - the committee must not be an offshore company.

Registration process

The first issue that needs to be resolved is how to create the company. We provide a list of ready-made options and register companies from scratch. If you want to open a company in Lithuania from scratch, it is important to decide on a name and wait for it to be approved in the registry. Following this, clients pay for our services. Important! We have developed very favorable conditions. Instead of the entire amount, you pay only an advance - 30%. Another 70% is paid after receiving all the documentation. When the payment is made, employees accept personal information and passports from clients. We will enter the company into the register, pay the state fee, and register legal address on the territory of Lithuania. Within ten days, clients receive all documents by mail. No need to waste time traveling to the office. After opening a company in Lithuania, we will send documents to any address, to any country using DHL.

About taxes

The tax system in Lithuania is loyal. The rates here are low compared to other European countries. You only need to pay 5% of the profit with an annual income of EUR 289,620 and a staff size of 10 people.

You can be exempt from tax on dividends if you receive them not from offshore companies and own at least 10% of the shares of a subsidiary for the last 12 months or more. To free yourself from the obligation to pay capital gains tax, it is enough to purchase shares of a Lithuanian company or a company registered in any other EU country. The minimum holding period for securities (at least 25%) is 2 years.


Lithuania does not exempt foreign companies from maintaining records. This activity can be entrusted to third-party specialists who will draw up reports based on the data received about the company’s activities. Residents have some advantages. For example, they can open bank accounts in Europe for free, while a non-resident is required to be present in person and pay 140 euros.

Prifinance employees will help you choose optimal conditions for setting up companies in Lithuania. We will take into account the specifics of the activity and the requirements that are most important for each client.

Advantages of jurisdiction

Registration and maintenance of a company in Lithuania increases the level of prestige of the company. Among the main advantages of the jurisdiction:

  • Access to cooperation with European countries, access to its markets.
  • Loyal legislation.
  • Economic stability and attractiveness for investment.
  • Low tax rates.
  • A simple and inexpensive procedure for opening a company in Lithuania.
  • Exemption from double taxation. The country has signed agreements with 40 countries. Among them is Russia.

On January 1, 2017, amendments to the law “On the Regulations” came into force in Lithuania. foreign persons" They can also be used by Belarusian companies that want to expand their activities and enter the EU markets. It has become easier for our entrepreneurs to obtain a residence permit to work in Lithuania, and if their business has already been launched in this country, to bring Belarusian specialists.

Anastasia Meleshko, a representative of the Bosstom law firm, spoke about the new rules.

Anastasia answered several questions that relate to innovations and will be of interest to entrepreneurs and specialists from Belarus.

Anastasia Meleshko
Representative of the law firm Bosstom

What opportunities does the law offer Belarusians?

Amendments to the Law “On the Status of Foreign Persons” were adopted in accordance with the requirements of the Lithuanian labor market. Reason: high emigration of the country's citizens. Now employers will be able to hire foreign employees faster and much easier.

Many qualified specialists have left Lithuania and now Lithuanian companies are faced with a shortage of workers - often they simply have no one to hire.

First of all, this concerns innovative companies, where not just qualified specialists are needed, but often talented and at the same time quite experienced. For example, those who become programmers while still in school and begin working in IT companies before they have time to graduate from university.

But the adoption of amendments to the law was good news not only for IT and innovative companies, but also for carriers. Now, drivers of international flights do not need to obtain a work permit from the Lithuanian labor exchange.

Having registered a company in Lithuania and received a license for international cargo transportation, the director on behalf of the company has the right to sign an agreement with foreign employees who will be able to submit documents for obtaining a residence permit for work to the Lithuanian Migration Department.

The package of documents includes employment contract(the most important legal basis for obtaining a residence permit for work), questionnaire, constituent documents company, intermediary letter from the company, etc.

This became possible because the vacancy is included in the list of specialties for which there are not enough representatives in Lithuania. This list also includes:

  • Welders - with certificates from Bureau Veritas (VB), Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Lloyd’s Register Group (LRG), Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
  • Metalworking machine operators
  • Metal ship hull assemblers

What does a foreigner need to work in Lithuania?

For Lithuanian companies, the indicator when hiring a foreigner will now be only wages - it must be at least 3 average monthly wages according to the Lithuanian Department of Statistics (as of 01/19/2017 it is € 2380).

Let me explain with an example. A company in Lithuania decided to hire a student programmer from Belarus. She concludes a contract with him in the amount of € 2,380, after which he can already apply for a residence permit in Lithuania for work.

According to the new rules, to get a job in Lithuania, you do not need to have a diploma, nor confirm it, nor obtain permission from the Lithuanian Labor Exchange - a contract and an appropriate salary are enough.

How did it work before? Companies had to post a vacancy on the labor exchange within a month and wait for responses to it - primarily from EU citizens. If there were no such people willing, then only in this case could a foreigner be hired. Having previously certified his diplomas. This took three months.

Now Lithuanian companies will be able to abandon this principle. This decision of the Lithuanian authorities corresponds to the global trend towards documents on higher education— recently, representatives of the auditing companies Ernst & Young also stated that they would not be guided by the presence of a diploma when hiring.

What the law offers investors

There have been minor changes for business owners. The director (and shareholders) of the company can apply for a residence permit provided:

  • The company's authorized capital is at least €28,000
  • The person owns 1/3 of the shares
  • His investment in the company must be at least €14,000
  • The company must employ Lithuanian citizens or full-time permanent residents
  • The wages of employees from the point above must total at least two average monthly wages in the country - € 1,586

A favorable amendment was that shareholders can immediately apply for a residence permit for a spouse on the basis of family reunification - now there is no need to wait 2 years for this, as was the case before.

They will also be able to quickly bring their specialists to the country to launch a business and train local personnel.

The clause stating that a residence permit can be obtained based on the opening of a representative office also remains in force foreign company in Lithuania. If you have been an employee of a company in your country for at least a year, then when you open a representative office of this company in Lithuania, you can submit documents to obtain a residence permit, which is initially issued for a year and can be extended for another 2 years.

Why Belarusians start business in Lithuania

Of course, Lithuania is not an offshore zone. But there are also obvious advantages to doing business in the country. Here are some of them:

  • If a company in Lithuania plans to purchase goods in another country, you just need to go to the Internet bank and make a transfer. In Belarus, for this you need to register a transaction, and if there is no foreign currency earnings, you also need to obtain permission from the National Bank
  • In terms of costs for maintaining a European office, the ratio of price and quality of office space, Lithuania is great choice
  • The attitude towards foreigners in institutions and departments is very favorable. One day, one of the entrepreneurs we work with went to deliver documents to the commercial arbitration court. An excited caller calls from there: “They ask me: do you want white or black coffee? Can you imagine, they offered me coffee in court!” It's nice that entrepreneurs are treated with respect.

Summing up, I note that you should not be afraid of changes in legislation, because their goal is to reduce the number of fictitious enterprises and protect Lithuanian entrepreneurs from the consequences of the outflow of labor from the country.

For foreign businessmen, Lithuania continues to be an open, favorable environment for business development. Now investors can bring to the country not only their money, but also their human capital. This will help them achieve economic results in business faster.

UraFinance offers Russian entrepreneurs services for opening companies in Lithuania, a country bordering Russia. There are many advantages to working in Lithuania:

  • there is no language barrier. A significant part of the country's residents, to one degree or another, speak Russian. Official documentation is maintained in Lithuanian and English;
  • There is practically no exchange control. The official currency is the euro, but accounts can be opened in any freely convertible currency;
  • the country is a member of the EU. Working in the Lithuanian market makes it possible to open representative offices in any European country;
  • in Lithuania on a turnkey basis allows residents of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, subject to certain conditions get a residence permit, a multiple-entry Schengen zone with the right to travel throughout most of Europe.

Registration of a company in Lithuania: basic provisions

By law, the country is allowed to residents of any country in the world without restrictions. Opening conditions are the same for residents and non-residents of Lithuania. In addition, you need to know the following:

  • A registration office is required. By to this address Official documentation will be sent. If the sender can prove that the letter or other correspondence was sent, then it is considered received by the company;
  • within 5 working days from the date of receipt of registration documents, you must register with tax office to pay taxes and social security contributions;
  • in the country you can open as new company, or buy an existing one with a client base, material resources, etc. It is necessary to check the reliability of the company, the absence of debts to the budget, contractors;
  • accounting is required with the help of a staff accountant or an outsourcing organization. The balance sheet is submitted annually, and reports on accrued and paid wages are submitted monthly;
  • constituent documents are drawn up only in Lithuanian. Only an authorized translator in Lithuania can translate documents. If the founder is a company registered outside of Lithuania, all statutory documents must be translated;
  • it is necessary to prepare the Charter, pay the authorized capital in the amount prescribed by law, prepare the minutes of the first meeting of shareholders. If the founder is one person, then the minutes of the meeting are replaced by the decision to open a representative office of the company in Lithuania.

Offshore companies in Lithuania: the most popular forms of ownership

For non-residents of the country, the most interesting joint stock companies are open or closed:

Closed companies

This form of ownership is characterized by:

  • beneficiaries can equally be legal entities and individuals. The number of owners is limited by law - less than 250;
  • Only a citizen of Lithuania can be appointed director. The Director may combine his duties with those of a member of the Management Board;
  • each owner pays the company's debts only within the limits of shares;
  • shares are issued in registered form. A beneficiary who wishes to sell his share must obtain the approval of the meeting of owners;
  • The authorized capital is declared and paid in an amount equivalent to 10 thousand litas or 2.9 thousand euros. By the time you submit documents for registration, you must pay at least 25% of the total amount. The remaining balance must be repaid during the first year of operation of the enterprise. Can be contributed with property;

The appointment of an auditor is mandatory if the company meets two or more of the following points:

  • during the financial year, at least 1.4 million euros pass through the company’s current accounts;
  • the company employs 50 or more people;
  • The company's assets are estimated at 720 thousand euros or more.

Public companies

At the order level, the minimum number of beneficiaries is limited to one. The founder can be individual, as well as any other company or company - a resident of Lithuania or any other country. The liability of each shareholder is limited only to his shares.

In addition, when deciding to register a business in Lithuania, you need to know the following:

  • the owner of shares has the right to dispose of them at his own discretion. The consent of the shareholders' meeting is not required;
  • the minimum amount of authorized capital is equivalent to 150 thousand litas or 45.5 thousand euros. At the time of registration you must pay at least 25%. The remaining amount can be contributed with material resources or money;
  • companies can offer two types of shares on the stock exchange: registered or bearer;
  • The company is headed by a Board of Directors consisting of 3 or more people. A Supervisory Board of 3-15 members is appointed. An auditor must be appointed. The General Director is responsible for day-to-day activities, conclusion and compliance with contracts;
  • a license may be required when opening a bank or other credit or financial institution, insurance company.

Open a company in Lithuania: taxes

In Lithuania, they pay taxes on all income received both from activities in the country and abroad. If a company operates outside the country and pays taxes there, then an exemption from basic taxes is possible, provided that a double tax treaty has been concluded between the countries.

All companies except agricultural producers pay income tax at a rate of 15%. If the organization employs no more than 10 people and the annual income does not exceed 150 thousand euros, the tax is paid at a rate of 5%.

Income tax in Lithuania is paid on salary and royalties at a rate of 10%. Property owners who rent it out pay the same amount. Dividends are subject to 15% tax.

Buy a company in Lithuania:Work with UraFinance

UraFinance offers a full range of services for opening companies in Lithuania. Those interested can buy a turnkey company in Lithuania with already announced activities, an hired management and supervisory board. UraFinance lawyers will conduct a thorough check of the company being purchased, checking for debts to the budget and contractors.

Prices for ready-made companies in Lithuania are relatively low when compared with other European countries and the benefits that business owners in Lithuania receive.

Business immigration to Lithuania in 2019 is good opportunity for entrepreneurs from post-Soviet countries, for example, Russians or Ukrainians, to settle in a member state of the European Union, enter world markets and look confidently into the future. However, not only people from the CIS countries want to open a business in Lithuania.

In 1990, the Republic of Lithuania was one of the first to announce its secession from the USSR. Foreign investment and financial support from the EU contributed to the reformatting of the local economy to European market standards. Since 2015, Lithuania has joined the euro area. Today the country is developing steadily, as evidenced by the positive dynamics of GDP growth over the past few years.

Basic steps to register a company in Lithuania

    Registration of a unique company name, which must meet certain language requirements. This is checked by a special state commission By Lithuanian language. The procedure is carried out through a special electronic service, the cost of the service is 16 euros.

    Opening an account in a Lithuanian banking institution.

    Preparation and notarial support of company registration documents: constituent agreement, charter, minutes of the shareholders’ meeting, application for registration.

    Registration of a company in the registry legal entities, as well as organs tax service and fund social insurance. Under certain conditions, for example, the presence of an electronic signature, this procedure is allowed to be carried out online. The cost is 51 euros.

Important . Foreigners who seek to open or buy an existing business in Lithuania have equal conditions with local citizens.

One of the most important stages for successful business immigration to Lithuania is right choice forms of ownership for the future company. Let's look at the main and most popular types:

    Individual enterprise (Individual enterprise (IE)). Typically, a company is owned by a single owner, who bears full personal responsibility for its financial obligations. This is the biggest disadvantage. There are no requirements for a minimum amount of authorized capital.

    Closed joint stock company with limited liability (Private limited liability company (UAB)). The maximum number of shareholders cannot exceed 250 people. The management of the company is entrusted to the manager or board of directors. The liability of the owners is limited to the deposits. The authorized capital must be at least 2900 euros.

    Small Society (Small partnership (MB)). The number of company owners varies from 1 to 10 people, who determine the amount of the authorized capital. There are no official requirements. Liability for the company's obligations is limited to deposits. Management is carried out jointly or a manager is appointed.

Taxes in Lithuania in 2019

Tax optimization is the key to successful and profitable business not only in Lithuania, but also in any other country in the world. It may be better to use the services of Lithuanian tax consultants for these purposes. It is worth noting that the Lithuanian tax system is very flexible, and tax rates are among the lowest in Europe.

Basic tax rates in Lithuania in 2019

Corporate income tax - 15%. If the number of employees is less than ten people and the annual turnover does not exceed 300 thousand euros, the rate is reduced to 5%.

VAT . The basic rate is 21%. Preferential rates are 9% (printed publications, passenger transport), 5% (equipment for the disabled) and 0% (domestic and international transport).

Income tax - 15%, in some cases an increase to 20% is provided if the annual income exceeds 120 average salaries.

Contributions to social insurance authorities – 19.5% (employee) and 1.79% (employer).

Contributions to bodies health insurance – 6,98%.

Tax on dividends - 15%

Lithuania has signed agreements on the avoidance of double taxation with 53 countries of the world; in addition, special economic zones have been created in the country, where practically no taxes are levied in the first years of activity. In particular, first 6 years no corporate income tax is paid.

In addition to the basic requirements for maintaining entrepreneurial activity in Lithuania related to company registration, hiring Lithuanian citizens, contributions to authorized capital and other legislative norms, to move to Lithuanian territory, a foreigner, for example, a Belarusian or Russian, must obtain a business visa. The document is drawn up at the Lithuanian diplomatic department in the businessman’s country.

Documents for a business visa to Lithuania in 2019
  1. A correctly completed and signed visa application form.
  2. One color passport photograph (3.5 x 4.5 cm), taken recently.
  3. Copies of all pages of civil and foreign passports.
  4. Help about financial condition(bank statement).
  5. Medical insurance with a coverage amount of at least 30 thousand euros.
  6. Information about registering your own company or invitation from business partners.

In each case, employees of the Lithuanian Consulate may require additional documents.

Lithuania attracts everyone with its proximity to Western Europe, as well as a good social and economic situation. Business immigration to Lithuania is gaining momentum, but on the way to your goal you cannot do without difficulties and nuances that you should familiarize yourself with in advance.

One of the legal ways to obtain a residence permit in the Baltic state is to try to open own business.

In 2017, on January 1, innovations in the law on legal status foreign citizens. In this legal act Lithuanian authorities have established that in order to obtain a residence permit, citizens must comply with fundamental requirements and rules.

What is business immigration in general?

Business immigration is a process that is associated with the relocation of citizens of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine or another state to the territory of Lithuania in order to build their own business. It is assumed that the citizen will invest his cash and investments that will partially support the economy in the country.

The person undertakes to fulfill several requirements that apply to immigrant businessmen.

What is a business visa and what type of visa can you get in Lithuania?

Today, there are a lot of companies and organizations that are ready to mediate in the preparation of this document.

Registration procedure:

  1. First you need to receive an invitation that has been approved by the Migration Department of the Republic of Lithuania;
  2. The next step is to provide your documents. This is a copy of the passport, registration documents, address email and a certificate of income;
  3. Based on this information, a Schengen business visa will be issued within a few weeks, which will also be valid in Lithuania.

What type of business is more profitable to open in Lithuania?

What kind of business to open in Lithuania? Experts assure that it is most profitable to open a medium-sized business or large corporations in this country.

A small business will not bring good income, but you will have to pay plenty of taxes on it. This is why many Russian companies open branches of existing companies in Lithuania, rather than creating something from scratch.

Russians in Lithuania open branches of their banks, microfinance organizations, cafes and restaurants.

When it comes to small businesses, the following prevail:

  • Beauty salons;
  • Bookstores;
  • Grocery stores.

Conditions for immigration to Lithuania for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are subject to special conditions for business immigration. After all, it’s not just about building successful business on the territory of the country, but also about obtaining a residence permit. And with this document it’s not far from citizenship.

Choosing the right visa, conditions for obtaining it

A citizen who wants to open a business in Lithuania needs to obtain a multiple-entry business visa. To do this, the Russian must have in hand a contract between two legal entities. This document will allow a citizen to move freely throughout the European Union.

A citizen will be issued a business visa on the territory of the state only if the following requirements are met:

  • An enterprise in Lithuania must have an official address where its office is located;
  • The tax office must control the business;
  • The company must maintain accounting records by a specially hired employee;
  • The office must have constituent documentation not only in Russian, but also in Lithuanian;
  • Documentation must be certified by a notary;
  • The company must have its own charter, which does not contradict the legislation of Lithuania;
  • The authorized capital must be paid.

Before registration, a state fee of 32 euros is paid.

Conditions for obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence, citizenship

The procedure for obtaining citizenship consists of several separate steps:

  1. To begin with, a person who intends to conduct business in Lithuania must obtain a tourist visa;
  2. Based on this document, the citizen arrives in the country, begins processing documentation, and opens his own business;
  3. Employs at least two Lithuanians;
  4. Afterwards, the citizen returns to his homeland and applies for a business visa at the immigration service;
  5. With a business visa, a person must provide an investment package and a business plan;
  6. Once all requirements have been reviewed and verified, the person is issued a residence permit.

With a residence permit, a citizen has the right to stay in Lithuania for 5 years, preferably without leaving. To do this you need to pay a state fee of 100 euros. Registration of citizenship lasts one month.

Buying an existing business and starting from scratch

Most often, businessmen strive to open a business from scratch. They need to comply with everything necessary conditions and be prepared for some difficulties.

The person who intends to become the director of the company is called the beneficiary. Only one person can be a beneficiary on the territory of Lithuania.

It is necessary to take into account a number of important rules, without which it is simply impossible to open a company in Lithuania:

  1. The company must have a supervisory board of 3 to 15 people. He is responsible for concluding and complying with contracts;
  2. One general director is appointed;
  3. The company must have a board of directors. Minimum number - 3 people;
  4. If a company has shares, the owner has the right to dispose of them at his own discretion, based on the legislation of Lithuania;
  5. Opening your own business requires setting up tax registration within 5 days after opening. Failure to register for tax purposes can result in serious fines.

An important point concerns the hiring of Lithuanians. Their number must be at least two people. And if the company’s staff exceeds 10 people, then at least half of it must be Lithuanians.

Buying an existing business is also a real Russian roulette. Unfortunately, not all information emerges immediately. Sometimes a company subsequently turns out to be unreliable and has a lot of debt.

Purchase nuances:

  • You should immediately discard options that are sold inexpensively: it is worth clarifying the reasons for such a low cost;
  • In addition to the purchase itself, the company needs to spend money on taxes, registration, and the removal of restrictions from the property.

Companies in small towns simply don't last long. Therefore, most likely, the investment will be in vain.

Business ideas with minimal investment

Seasonal business is very popular.

Type of business Description Attachments Payback
Selling ice creamIf a citizen has little money, he can purchase a point with ice cream or soft drinks. By locating such a point in busy tourist areas, you can make a profit. The idea is not new, but very profitable.800-1000 euros1-2 seasons
Growing fruits and vegetablesMinimum investments will be required if a citizen purchases a house in Lithuania with personal plot and will grow vegetables and fruits. You can sell these natural products among your friends, as well as register as an entrepreneur and make deliveries to local stores.200-300 eurosSeason 1
Cleaning companySmall infusions are needed to set up a cleaning company. You can hire two Lithuanians. Costs come down to the need to buy detergents, auxiliary devices. And the services of such companies are very common, especially in big cities.500-1000 euros2-5 months


Many useful information can be gleaned from the blogs of emigrants who have been successfully living in Lithuania for a long time.

A young mother, who was forced to look after her child while her husband was looking for work in Lithuania, began making pillow covers for small children.

The unique covers with animal faces captivated local mothers, and the account in social networks women began to gain popularity. Today, pillow covers for children's rooms are sewn on an industrial scale.

Lithuanians love to buy things as gifts for each other. self made. If a person has a good imagination and is not afraid of working with his hands, he can try to open the production of pottery, clay crafts, children's mobiles made of foamiran, and so on.

Small shops selling vegetables, fruits, healthy grains and fresh meat will also be successful.

Legal nuances

The following organizational and legal forms are subject to registration:

  1. Individual entrepreneur;
  2. A closed joint stock company that limits the liability of its members;
  3. A small company that is a legal entity. a limited liability person.

These three legal forms can be registered on the territory of Lithuania.

The registration process takes about two calendar weeks:

  • First, you need to check the name of the organization with a special tax office. It is important that nothing similar is registered in Lithuania. This issue is being dealt with by the State Commission for the Lithuanian Language;
  • A fee of 58 euros is payable;
  • Documents such as the charter, list of founders, company property, and so on are submitted;
  • Information about the created company is exchanged automatically. The data is transmitted to the tax service;
  • After this, you need to open a bank account. To do this, you need to provide the financial and credit organization with a company registration certificate, an order for the appointment of a manager, a charter and other documents;
  • Opening an account - some banks may ask for 150 euros for this service.

Now the company can begin full-fledged work, but it is necessary to remember about tax registration.


Officially, there are 7 free economic zones in the Republic of Lithuania. They collect low taxes and do not impose taxes on dividends and profits received.

The company is not limited in transactions with non-residents. Thanks to this, taxation can be easily optimized.

However, if the company is not located in a Lithuanian offshore, then it will have to be registered for tax purposes and receive funds as income tax. Tax registration must be carried out within 5 days after registration.

Taxes are collected quarterly, and the tax agent independently notifies about the audit or the next deadline for filing a declaration and payments.

Other nuances

In Lithuania there is a term “business on pause”. Seeing how difficult it is foreign citizens to conduct their business on the territory of Lithuania, the authorities allow companies to stop their activities for up to 5 years. During this time, if the company actually ceases to function, taxes are not collected from it.

Based on reviews of building a business in Lithuania, a number of fundamental nuances can be identified that will help build a successful career and your own business in the Baltic Republic:

  • It is necessary to follow all laws and regulations regarding doing business in the country;
  • It is important to register the company for tax purposes on time;
  • Study in advance information about the availability of Lithuanian offshore companies and, possibly, open your own company there;
  • Test the waters in advance and find out how relevant the business project is in Lithuanian realities;
  • Check competitors and their position in the market;
  • Study the legislation on registration;
  • Study the requirements for obtaining a residence permit in case of successful opening of a business.

Business emigrant from Russia Alexey Ivanov made an unsuccessful attempt to do business in Lithuania. He opened a cafe with Russian cuisine in a small town. At first, the establishment was in demand, but high prices, a small list of dishes and coverage soon led to the closure of the business.

It is important to respect the requirements of the law, as well as show business acumen in matters of building a business project. And in this case, everything can work out.