We choose from the best how to store garlic for the winter at home: in the refrigerator or in jars? How to store winter garlic at home Where and how best to store garlic


Perhaps everyone knows that garlic is useful and necessary for canning, pickling, and preparing many dishes. Therefore, naturally, almost every housewife strives to stock up on them for the winter. One way to store garlic is to use the refrigerator.

To store any vegetable, it is necessary to create certain conditions and garlic is no exception in this regard. However, this culture comes in two main types, and in accordance with its belonging to one of them, you should choose the methods of its storage. If you do not adhere to such selectivity, then garlic, placed in conditions unsuitable for it, will not survive the expected period and will lose not only its presentation and aroma, but it can also become no longer so useful, healing and even completely deteriorate. Therefore, you should know that this vegetable plant can be spring or winter. From the name it is obvious: the first is planted in the spring, and the second in the autumn, with the approach of winter.

In addition to the time of planting, winter garlic differs from spring garlic in its higher yield and the fact that it is stored worse.

If garlic is with own plot, then there should be no doubt about whether it is spring or winter. The owner already knows what and when he planted and collected, as well as what it should look like. If you buy garlic, you should know how one type differs from another in appearance. In spring, non-shooting, stemless varieties predominate, and the cloves are arranged in several rows around the center of the bulb and usually in a spiral. U winter garlic there must be a stem (arrow). The teeth around it are arranged in 1 row, and they are, as a rule, larger than those of the spring one, but there are much fewer of them. If you cut a clove of winter garlic crosswise, then in its core you can clearly distinguish the rudiment of the future arrow-stem.

Depending on the type of this vegetable, you should choose one of the following main methods of storing it, which differ in humidity level and temperature conditions:

  • for spring - humidity 50–70% and 16–20 o C;
  • for winter crops – humidity 70–80% and 2–4 o C.

It should be immediately noted that spring garlic can be preserved in conditions suitable for winter garlic, but vice versa - not. However, it will lose its freshness, aroma and will be stored for less time. When warm, winter crops quickly begin to germinate and are also susceptible to easy damage by various diseases and drying out. When creating necessary conditions Storage of spring garlic can last all winter until spring without significant loss of its aroma, taste and vitamin content. Winter crops will last much less time in their own storage environment than their spring counterparts in theirs. This period can be increased, however, with a noticeable loss of the aroma and taste of garlic, by freezing.

Only healthy garlic that has no signs of damage or disease is suitable for storage, especially for the winter. You should select ripe, but not overripe, strong bulbs that have strong, tight-fitting scales. Such root vegetables are guaranteed to last their intended shelf life.

Based on the above, you should only store it in the refrigerator for a long time. For a short time you can use both it and spring. These are those cases when there are extra teeth left, peeled for consumption or use in cooking or preparations for the winter. This garlic should be placed in a separate container or plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator. The same should be done with spoiled teeth, which should first be peeled and their wilted and rotten areas trimmed off. If unripe bulbs were purchased or dug up, they should also be placed in the refrigerator, but as whole, unpeeled heads.

In all the above cases, garlic can be stored in the refrigerator without loss of aroma and taste for 6-7 days, and it will not spoil. If it has to sit there longer, it will gradually begin to rot and may even become moldy in places. Such areas will need to be trimmed periodically.

Before long-term storage in the refrigerator, ripe winter garlic must be sorted, leaving only healthy bulbs, and dry well. Then you can:

  • place in small cardboard boxes or paper bags;
  • process the bulbs vegetable oil and place in a silk or other bag natural fabric, but soaked in a steep brine solution and then dried;
  • pour into a glass jar with a tight lid or a plastic bag, where the vegetable will need to be sprinkled with flour, onion skins or coarse salt.

After this, the container with garlic is placed in the refrigerator. During the entire shelf life of the vegetable, it must be periodically checked and, if necessary, any bulbs that are beginning to deteriorate should be removed from it, as well as the filler should be changed. These methods allow for 3-4 months in the refrigerator.

Cleaned teeth can be preserved in vinegar or wine. This garlic can be stored in the refrigerator for about 4 months or even longer. Suitable for canning:

  • white distilled vinegar or white wine vinegar;
  • dry white or red wine.

The peeled teeth should be poured into a glass jar, and then filled with vinegar or wine. Then close the container with a tight lid and place it in the refrigerator. You can add salt to the jars (1 tablespoon per 1 cup of liquid) and red pepper, dried herbs, such as rosemary, oregano or bay leaves. This will give the canned garlic a special piquant taste. After adding the seasonings, shake the jar to mix everything. If, while storing garlic in a container, any signs of mold formation appear on the surface of the marinade, then all its contents will have to be poured out.

Freezing is considered not the best in a suitable way save the garlic. At the same time, it somewhat loses its aroma and taste, and after defrosting it becomes mushy and spreads out. However, for winter garlic there is no other alternative to prepare it for the winter and store it until the next harvest. Freezing can also be used for spoiled spring bulbs - they also won’t last long in warm conditions. This harvesting method allows you to store garlic for 6–7 months.

Considering the form that garlic takes after thawing, it is not recommended to freeze whole heads of it, since it will then be very difficult to peel the cloves and then use them for culinary purposes. They must be dehusked before freezing. It will turn out even better if you then make it out of cloves. garlic mass, which will need to be frozen. Below are several options for storing garlic in the freezer.

Whole, even cloves or with damaged areas cut out are placed in plastic bags, tied loosely and placed in the freezer. Space is left in the bags because garlic expands when frozen. You can also use small plastic containers with airtight lids or wrap the cloves in foil or cling film. Another option is to cut the cloves into small plates and place them in bags or containers. You can add finely chopped parsley, dill, any other herbs and even chopped carrots to the chopped garlic. All this will need to be mixed with the clove plates, and the resulting mixture distributed into bags, which, again, should not be packed tightly.

To freeze the garlic mass, the cloves are first crushed through a meat grinder or in a blender. Moreover, there is no need to achieve a puree; small pieces of garlic should remain. Again, you can chop it together with various greens and even carrots. Then you can add just a little olive oil to the resulting mass. Then the garlic mixture is spooned out in teaspoonfuls onto a tray covered with baking paper or into ice cube trays and placed in the freezer. The resulting briquettes will be approximately the size of 2 cloves. When the garlic mixture is frozen, transfer it to bags and store in the freezer. Used in cooking or added to ready-made dishes.

We use garlic as a seasoning to improve the taste of a dish quite often; sometimes a few peeled cloves remain unclaimed. How to store peeled garlic? What storage methods are there? You will learn about this from our article.

How to store peeled garlic in the refrigerator

How to preserve peeled garlic cloves: long-term storage methods

There are several methods for storing garlic outside of the refrigerator.

  • Sterilize glass jars and dry well. Place the cleaned cloves into cooled containers (they should not be damaged) and sprinkle with clean dry flour. Close the jars tightly with nylon lids and store in a cool, dark place.
  • A good preservative that can preserve peeled garlic for a long time is salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the bottom of any container and place a layer of garlic on it. Alternate salt and peeled cloves to the very top. Top layer there must be salt. We close the jars and put them away for storage in a dark, dry place.
  • Wash and sterilize glass jars. Fill the container with cleaned cloves almost to the very top and add any vegetable oil - sunflower or olive. The oil will taste like garlic and can be used for salad dressing.
  • The spicy vegetable can be pickled. To do this, place the cleaned teeth in sterile jars and fill them with any wine. Store tightly closed in a cool, dark place.

Sliced ​​garlic cloves should be packed in portions food foil and freeze in the freezer. Storage duration is up to six months.

In addition, garlic can be used to make a seasoning, which can then be used in cooking.

  • Peel the garlic and grind thoroughly in a blender.
  • Combine salt and garlic puree (use equal volumes).
  • You can add any dried and crushed herbs to the mixture and mix thoroughly.

Transfer the resulting mixture into a dry, clean jar, close it with a tight lid and store in a cool place.

Peeled garlic can be stored in several ways. All of them are “working”, so choosing the optimal method of preservation will not be difficult.


Garlic is a seasoning known throughout the world. The specific and truly unique taste and aroma deserves to be present in our diet. Properly arranged storage of garlic, including in glass jars, allows you to stock up on this bulbous plant for the whole winter. Let's figure out how to store garlic in a glass jar in combination with flour and salt.

We study without leaving the computer - why glass jars?

It is believed that two cloves of garlic a day are enough to get rid of many diseases, especially colds. It is famous for its antiseptic effect, helps against stomach infections, and increases defenses in winter and spring. Garlic cloves are also included in recipes for making anti-aging tinctures.

So if you want to strengthen your body, influence the functioning of the immune system and heart, forget about fluctuations in blood pressure, be beautiful and not think about your age, then go for the winter! And now about the main thing - what to do to store this vegetable crop until the new harvest? In order for the bulbs to have useful qualities in winter, to remain strong, not to mold and not to sprout, you need to take care to create the necessary conditions - to avoid moisture and excessive heat. If the garlic was dug up in a timely manner and was dried according to all the rules, then storing it in the winter will be quite easy.

In addition, you should pay attention to the surface of vegetables - the scales of garlic harvested for the winter should not be wet or damp. Choose your storage location carefully—dry and clean is best. Place the garlic heads in wooden boxes or canvas bags. But if you are going to leave a small number of heads for storage for the winter, you can use a glass jar for this purpose.

There are quite a few effective ways allowing garlic to be stored for a long time. And using flour for this is one of them. To do this, pour garlic heads into glass jars or any earthenware, turning them with their roots down. The layer of the workpiece is sprinkled with flour in a layer 2–3 cm thick. The top of the container can be left open, the main thing is to transfer the jar to a dry place for the winter. If you did everything correctly, selected the desired temperature regime, and selected suitable vegetables, then you will get the desired result for the winter.

And remember that to store garlic heads the temperature must be several degrees above zero. This means that a balcony, a loggia, an insulated shed or a cellar will suit you for these purposes. If you want to use a different method, you can choose salt instead of flour. Read on to find out how to do this.

How to store harvested garlic in salt?

Those who don’t believe you can try it yourself - storing garlic in ordinary salt allows you to store it for an extremely long time. It will not rot, deteriorate and will not lose its unique taste and smell. Why salt - because it is the one that draws out unnecessary moisture from the garlic and prevents rotting, thereby keeping it fresh. This method is especially relevant for. His large heads Unfortunately, they rarely last until the next harvest - they are simply not intended for long-term storage.

However, in the company of salt, even winter bulbs will easily survive at least until spring. To use this method, you will need garlic cloves: without peeling, put them in jars mixed with salt. It is advisable that the cloves do not touch each other. Don't skimp on the salt - unless the cloves start to rot, which is very unlikely, you can still use it in cooking.

Be sure to move the jars to a cool place dark place and keep it closed. To do this, you need to use airtight lids.

But not only garlic and salt cold winter will help create a supply of useful bulbous crops. As we have already noted, you can store the cloves in different ways. For example, peeled cloves are placed in a jar and filled with unrefined oil. This garlic can be placed in the refrigerator for the winter and used together with butter as a sauce.

" Garlic

Garlic has long been an integral ingredient in many dishes and folk recipes. To all year round To have fragrant and fresh heads on hand, you need to know how and where to properly store them at home in the winter.

There are several common ways to store this vegetable, which allow it to remain suitable for consumption until the next harvest.

As a rule, the following places are chosen for this:

  • underground;
  • balcony;
  • fridge;
  • dry places in the apartment.

It is more convenient for owners of private houses to choose an underground floor, since there may not always be enough space in the refrigerator. Having a dry place in your apartment or house is perfect for placing garlic braids and bunches or hanging a net. A glassed-in balcony is a great place to “winter” this vegetable in jars and boxes.

Storing in braids

Time-tested method - This is a braided braid made from heads dried with the stem. The finished braid is left in a dark and dry room. A closet or pantry is suitable for this. Garlic braids take up very little space, but require skill and dexterity to weave the stems together well.

Storage in bundles

The dried heads with stems are tied into a bundle with a rope and hung in a dry room. The method is practically no different from the previous one, and the bunches can also act as interior decoration.

Using cans and boxes

Many people choose three-liter jars for wintering vegetables, without filling the heads with anything. This allows it not to dry out and sprout. Jars must be placed in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

To store garlic in a box, you need to sprinkle the bottom with salt, then lay out some of the heads, sprinkle with salt again and lay out in this way layer by layer. This option allows the vegetable to remain fresh and juicy for a long time.


Storage in bags

For this purpose, bags made from natural materials. R It is recommended to periodically sort through the contents of the bag to remove damaged heads.

In order to reduce the risk of mold and bacteria, you must first soak the garlic in concentrated water. saline solution, let it dry and then place it in a bag.

Storage in the refrigerator in a city apartment

To leave a vegetable in the refrigerator for the winter, it You need to dry it well and put it in paper bags. and place separately from other products.

To prevent the product from spoiling in the refrigerator, it is recommended to sprinkle the contents of the bags with salt or onion peels.

Freezing and canning

You can freeze whole peeled cloves, wrapped in foil or cling film, or finely chopped cloves to reduce cooking time when using them. Given option will do for those who use vegetables less often in cooking, since freezing changes the taste and structure of this product.

For preservation, you can use wine or vinegar. To do this, cleaned cloves are placed in a jar and filled with dry wine or white vinegar. The tightly closed jar is placed in the refrigerator. This method allows garlic not to spoil for up to four months.

How to properly prepare crops for storage?

Proper preparation guarantees that the product will not deteriorate during the winter in a city apartment.

Preparation for wintering should begin with the harvesting stage. It is important to know that there are two types of garlic, which determine the timing of its harvest:

  • Winter:
    • collection time: end of July;
    • determination of readiness: the leaves turn yellow, the scales become thinner, the skin of the inflorescences begins to crack;
    • storage temperature: +1-3°;
  • Spring:
    • collection time: first half of August;
    • determination of readiness: the leaves turn very yellow and begin to bend and lie on the ground;
    • storage temperature: +16-20°.

Digging must be done carefully, since damaged heads deteriorate much faster than intact ones and are more susceptible to the development of bacteria. For this purpose, a pitchfork or shovel is used.

Preparing garlic for storage - tying it together

After digging, the garlic needs to be dried thoroughly. It is better to do this in the open sun. The stems must be cut off, except in cases where braids or buns are intended.

After harvesting, you need to get rid of all:

  • damaged heads;
  • rotten or affected by bacteria;
  • empty heads.

Unsuitable garlic can be dried and used as a seasoning.

After carrying out all the above manipulations, you can begin sending the vegetable for the winter.

Problems encountered during storage

The most important and practically the only problem that can arise during wintering is damage to the heads. It can happen for several reasons.

First of all, this is a fungal infection. This can be avoided through very careful sorting. Also, the product may deteriorate due to improper storage conditions.

The following signs allow you to determine depravity:

  • an unpleasant odor reminiscent of overcooked garlic;
  • the presence of rotten lobules or whole heads.

To ensure that garlic remains edible for as long as possible winter season, it is necessary to strictly observe the algorithm for preparing for wintering and the conditions of the method chosen for this purpose.

Preserving garlic for the winter at home is quite simple. The main thing is to follow all preparation measures and choose the most suitable method for yourself. By following all the established recommendations, you will be able to delight yourself with tasty and juicy vegetables until the next harvest.