How to clean a gas grill. How to quickly and effectively clean the grate on a gas stove: tips. How and what is the best way to clean the mesh and filter from the hood above the gas stove from grease

The gas stove on which many of us cook in the kitchen tends to get dirty very quickly. Moreover, dirt, grease or soot accumulate on all its parts, although to varying degrees. In this case, the appearance of the slab suffers significantly. But it's not just about her appearance, the fat and soot itself, which appear on the surface of the stove, when burned, carry a lot harmful substances, so the stove must be kept clean. Today we will specifically focus on the grille that lies on the panel gas stove and let's talk about traditional methods of cleaning it.

Clean the gas stove grate. What and how?

The grate of a gas stove is made from various different materials. When cleaning it, it is advisable to know what your grate is made of. It could just be steel, enamel-coated metal, or ordinary cast iron. In principle, there is one option that helps with any materials. Just take a simple one baking soda, soak it a little (to the point of paste) and spread the grate itself well. Let it lie in the soda for about forty minutes or even a whole hour. After that, wipe it with a stiff brush, and then with a sponge until all the soda is removed. After this cleaning, your grate will be clean again.

Cast iron grate

Now let's talk about the materials in more detail. Let's start with cast iron. This material is not very convenient to clean. It is better not to put such a rack in the dishwasher. You can, of course, scrape such a grate with a knife, but this is also not best option. The most suitable solution is to simply heat such a grate.

You can heat it at home, right above the stove. But doing this at home, of course, is far from the best option. After all, the smell when burning fat will be quite strong. So, it’s better to do this over a fire, say at the dacha, or this procedure can be carried out using blowtorch. You can also remove grease with a metal brush, but doing this simply “by hand” takes a long time, and is not very effective. It is better to buy such an attachment for a drill or an angle grinder. With such automated cleaning, the result will be much more effective.

Enameled grille

This lattice is very easy to distinguish from other materials; it itself is very smooth. You can easily “stuff” the enamel rack into the dishwasher. There she will wash herself off very well. But before you load it there, you need to remove all the rubber parts from it. To effectively and reliably clean the grate, it is better to add more detergent than you are used to doing usually. If you have enough time, then you can simply scrape such a grate from the fat that has settled on it and from carbon deposits.

Steel grate

To clean grease from a steel grate, you can safely use any aggressive product. You can clean it in the bathroom or right on the spot. This product is applied to the grate. It needs to be applied evenly and preferably thicker. Leave the grill in this state overnight. Until the morning, the product will do its job and all you have to do is wash the grill itself with water.
A few more folk ways for cleaning the gas stove grate

You can simply put the grate in the bath with warm water and add any dishwashing detergent there. If you can’t stand “chemicals” at all, then put vinegar in the water and also soda. The greater their concentration, the more effective the cleaning process will be. A few hours of leaving the grate in such water will be enough. Then you just wash it and that’s it.

There is also a “miracle product” that is used when cleaning car engines. It generally copes with any dirt, and does it quickly and your grill will not be damaged in any way.

When you clean the grate with your hands, it is very problematic to do this with a sponge. It is better to use a dishwasher for this; it is usually made of stainless steel.

Cleaning the grate with dry mustard is also a pretty good option. It is also applied evenly with a damp cloth, and let the lattice lie under the mustard for some time. Then you just wash it and that’s it.

You can use an old, but already proven recipe - rub the grate warm sand. But you will have to rub it for quite a long time, even if you do it intensively.

A couple more useful tips when cleaning the grate

I think there is no need to say that it is better to always work with any means only with gloves. After all, most of these agents are quite aggressive.

After cleaning the grate, always wipe it down and do not put it back on the stove wet. After all, fat sticks to damp places much faster.

It is better to wash the stove completely and immediately when you see that it is dirty.

But in this video you will be shown one of the most effective and simple ways Clean the gas stove grate. Let's see.

Clean the grates depending on the material. Steel and enameled structures can be washed in dishwasher special and homemade solutions. It is better not to clean enamel with abrasives (soda, sand), steel wool or brushes. Cleaning with a melamine sponge is allowed. Cast iron rods do not tolerate well high humidity and physical impact, but are resistant to calcination.

Among finished products choose liquids and sprays for the stove: Selena, Sanitol, “Lima Anti-fat”, Gold Unicum, Sanita “Anti-fat” gel, Reinex, Cif, Super Sanitar, Synergetic, “Shumanit”. Suitable household substances include soda, salt, dry mustard, vinegar solution, soap, and ammonia. Use steam and boiling water to remove the greasy layer. Make sure that dirt does not accumulate, then you won’t have to clean the structures for a long time.

If you don't wash the grates regularly, a layer of grease and soot accumulates on them. It is problematic to wash the surface of old dirt. Pre-soaking in combination with chemical and physical action is often required. Let's take a closer look at how to clean the grate of a gas stove.

What is the difficulty of cleaning the grates from a gas stove?

Removable structures do not fit into the sink, cast iron ones are too heavy, and stationary ones are difficult to rinse from below.

However, these problems are completely solvable. It is more difficult to clean the surface from burnt fat or carbon deposits.

Constantly being heated over a fire, stuck pieces of food lose moisture and literally eat into the surface. “Unsticking” a strong film of dirt becomes problematic. In addition, dust sticks to the sticky layer, making the situation worse. That is why you need to wipe not only the stove, but also the grate after each cooking, as well.

Preparing for cleaning

First, find out what the rods are made of. Then select a suitable substance and prepare rubber gloves, sponges, rags, brushes.

The choice of cleaning method depends on the design. If the bars are removed, things will go easier and faster. Inspect the grille and remove the rubber and plastic parts to avoid damaging them during cleaning. Soak the structure with the cleaning agent in a suitable container.

It is more difficult to wash the bonded hob design. You won't be able to soak it. You will have to clean the grate directly on the stove. For convenience, use different brushes to reach all corners. Place foil or oilcloth under the structure so as not to stain the surface of the stove during cleaning. Be sure to turn off the gas before cleaning.

Features of cleaning grates made of different materials

Select substances according to the material. They make cast iron, steel and enameled structures. Each material has its own characteristics.

Cast iron grate

Cast iron is a heavy alloy that can withstand high temperatures, but is susceptible to excess moisture. Cast iron grates can be calcined over an open fire, but it is not advisable to scrub them with hard brushes and metal objects. Try not to hit the material. More dirt sticks to chips and scratches, which means the grille will get dirty faster.

Enameled steel grille

The top grate, covered with enamel, is cleaned carefully, being careful not to scratch or hit the surface. The enamel chips easily, leaving unprotected gaps on the surface. Clean the enamel grill with a mixture of mustard and vinegar solution and soap.

Stainless steel grill

Stainless steel rods withstand the effects of abrasives, acids and water. The steel grate can be washed in the dishwasher. Carbon deposits are removed with sand, soda, and steel wool. Fat can be removed with any liquid containing acid.

Ready-made degreasing products

Buy household chemicals specifically designed for the oven. Read the label carefully to determine which material the substance is suitable for. The table shows sprays for cleaning gas stoves from grease.

Table 1. Ready-made liquids for gratings

Name Manufacturer Volume, ml Price, rub.
Selena Russia 500 110
Sanitol Russia 250 60
"Lyme Anti-Fat" Russia 500 120
Gold Unicum Russia 500 165
Sanita gel Anti-grease Russia 500 75
Reinex Germany 750 270
Cif Hungary 750 150
Super Sanitar Russia 500 65
Synergetic Russia 500 250
"Shumanit" Israel 500 450

Important . Use substances strictly according to instructions. Be sure to wear gloves and ventilate the area while working.

Thermal ways to clean the grate

Using high temperatures, carbon deposits and grease are removed. The choice of method depends on the grating material.

Steam method to clean the grate of a gas stove

Hot steam is applicable to any material.

Use a steam cleaner effectively. The tool will be able to remove grease and carbon deposits from the grate and the surface of the stove. Use a round brush head. Set to 140°C.

If there is no steam generator, use the oven:

  1. Place a deep baking tray on the bottom of the oven.
  2. Pour water into it.
  3. Place a wire rack on top or place it in water.
  4. Turn on the oven at 200°C and leave for 10–15 minutes.
  5. Turn off and leave to cool.
  6. Remove the grate and wipe with a sponge.

Heating the grate to clean carbon deposits

To clean the cast iron grate of the stove from carbon deposits, use an open flame. It's better to make a fire in the country house. Put on a work mitt and grasp the grill by the edge. Hold it over the flames on one side and the other to burn top layer soot. Wipe off any remaining residue with a sponge and dishwashing gel. Rinse cold water and wipe dry.

If you take precautions, heat the metal rods over a gas burner. Do not create a draft in the kitchen. If possible, turn on the hood.

Boiling water to remove dirt, grease, carbon deposits

Try cleaning the steel grate by soaking it in boiling water.

Soaking is a long but effective method of cleaning

Fill your basin or bathtub hot water and immerse the structures so that the liquid completely covers the surface. Add any detergent - liquid soap, dish gel, soda, vinegar solution, citric acid. Leave until completely cool. Rub with a brush or foam sponge and rinse.

Dishwasher on high temperature

Steel and enamel grills can be washed in the dishwasher. At high temperature and humidity, cast iron rods will become more fragile. Remove additional non-metallic elements from the bars and place the rack in the dirty dishes compartment. Run the cycle at high temperature, and then check how clean the surfaces are. If carbon deposits remain, repeat washing. After the procedure, be sure to wipe the grill dry.

Mechanical removal of carbon deposits from the grate

A big problem is the soot that forms due to stuck pieces of food. If you do not wash the stove immediately after cooking, the adhering dirt will harden and burn tightly during the next cooking.

Sandpaper, knife: pros, cons

Scrape off heavily burnt fat from the grate with a knife, steel wool or sandpaper. Use the edge of a knife to pick up any large pieces of dirt that have stuck on. Add a drop of dish gel and rub with sandpaper or a washcloth until the deposits are completely gone. Rinse and wipe dry.

The method is applicable only to steel rods. WITH cast iron surface handle with care: the material is too fragile and is quickly damaged by mechanical stress. Sandpaper will leave deep scratches on the enamel, which will ruin the appearance and make the grille more vulnerable to dirt.

Melamine sponge

Foamed plastic removes dirt and grease without the use of soap or cleaning gel. Moisten with water and rub dirty areas until foam forms. Rinse with water and wipe dry.

Hard brushes

Stiff toothbrushes work well for cleaning heavily soiled areas. Wet the brush in water and dip it in soda, mustard powder, salt or dish gel. Rub the dirty areas and leave for a while, then rinse and wipe dry.

Effective ways to clean grates using home remedies

To clean grease from rods, use homemade recipes. Solutions and mixtures can destroy greasy deposits without damaging the surface. Most substances are suitable for cleaning any material.

Cleaning with baking soda

An effective way for cleaning steel and cast iron rods. It is not advisable to clean enamel, since soda is a fine abrasive that leaves scratches. Prepare the mixture:

  1. Add some water to baking soda to form a paste.
  2. Distribute over surfaces.
  3. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Rub with a brush and rinse under warm water.

For best result Mix hydrogen peroxide with powder to form a paste. Apply the mixture to dirty areas and rub lightly. Rinse under running water.

To distribute the baking soda evenly, place it in a durable bag. Pour some water, insert the structure inside and tie it. Shake to distribute the mixture and leave for three hours. During this time, shake the bag periodically. Remove and rinse.

Cleaning with soapy water

The easiest and cheapest way to clean the grate from the stove.

Prepare the gel:

  1. Grate half the bar laundry soap on a grater.
  2. Mix the shavings with hot water to make a paste.
  3. Apply the mixture and leave overnight.
  4. In the morning, scrub with a brush and rinse.

Using Vinegar

Vinegar will help you quickly clean a grate made of any material:

  1. Fill the bathtub with hot water.
  2. Add half a glass of vinegar solution.
  3. Immerse the structure and leave it overnight.
  4. Drain the water the next day
  5. Scrub and rinse the rods.

Mustard will enhance the effect:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar solution into 100 g of mustard powder.
  2. Add some dishwashing liquid.
  3. Stir and apply the mixture to the rods.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Rub with the rough side of the sponge and rinse.

Combine with soda:

  1. Dissolve 100 g of soda in a bowl of water.
  2. Pour in half a glass of vinegar solution.
  3. Place a wire rack and leave for two hours.
  4. Remove and rinse.

Advice . You can soak not only with a vinegar solution. Add mustard, soda or dish gel.

Cleaning with ammonia

To clean any material, prepare a mixture of powder and ammonia:

  1. Mix half a glass washing powder with a teaspoon ammonia.
  2. Pour in hot water to form a solution.
  3. Dip a sponge in the liquid and wipe the dirty areas.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse.
  5. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Don't forget to wear rubber gloves. Instead of washing powder, put laundry soap, grated on a fine grater.

Cleaning with salt

Prepare a salt solution and clean any surface:

  1. Dissolve two tablespoons of salt in 500 ml of water.
  2. Dampen the sponge and wipe the rods thoroughly.
  3. Without rinsing, leave it overnight.
  4. Wipe in the morning damp cloth and wipe dry.

Remove any remaining dirt with the following mixture:

  1. Combine 25 g of soap shavings with 20 g of soda ash.
  2. Add 50 ml of vinegar solution.
  3. Stir and wait for the reaction to complete.
  4. Lubricate dirty areas and leave for a couple of hours.
  5. Rub and rinse.

Caring for the grate on a gas stove

To avoid scrubbing a layer of dirt off the grates at home, follow the care recommendations:

  1. Cover the hot frying pan with oil with a mesh or lid.
  2. Monitor food preparation: do not allow milk or soup to “run off”.
  3. Without waiting for it to cool down, wipe the structures after cooking.
  4. Wipe the washed structure dry.

Monitor the condition of the grate and try not to run the surface of the rods. Keep detergent and a sponge on hand to quickly remove any dirt that appears.

For more information, watch the video:

Larisa, February 4, 2019.

Hello, our dear readers! Today’s story will be a continuation of the endless topic of making the work of housewives easier, and specifically, cleaning the kitchen. This is where stains are most common and most difficult to remove.

The greatest fear, and sometimes even horror, is experienced by women who have to wash their gas stove. Most, having once again gone through this test, vow to wipe the surface immediately after cooking, but, as practice shows, these promises do not last long.

But if you can somehow sort out the stove, the grate usually remains unattended, and then, when you finally get around to it, it turns out that it’s easier to throw it away than to clean it. Do not rush to take radical measures, but just read our article to the end. We will tell you how to clean the grate on a gas stove, depending on its type and degree of contamination.

Determining the material

In order for the cleaning process to end with a positive result, you must first determine what material the grille is made of. The most common:

  • cast iron;
  • made of steel;
  • with enameled surface.

Cleaning the enamel

If you need to tidy up a grate with an enamel surface, you should avoid using aggressive products household chemicals and iron brushes so as not to damage it. It's great if the house has a dishwasher. Then the question is completely irrelevant. If there is no such miracle of technology or for some reason it is not possible to use it, then you can use ordinary mustard powder.


Dilute it to a thick sour cream and apply a thick layer to the surface of the grate. Leave for a while, treat with a dish sponge and rinse with warm water.

Cleaning the steel grate

If a grate made of steel is dirty, it can also be easily cleaned at home.

  • To do this, it is advisable to soak the grate overnight in a solution of dishwashing detergent. Then, using a dish sponge or iron brush clean dirt.
  • You can clean the grill the old fashioned way, so to speak. folk remedies. Sand will do the job perfectly. With its help, our grandmothers dealt with such contaminants that even a current dishwasher is not always able to do.

Cast iron requires special handling

If you need to clean a cast iron grate to remove carbon deposits and grease, you should be especially careful. Scrapers and metal brushes are not acceptable. In order to quickly achieve results, you can carry out the following procedures:

  • heat the grate over an open fire, and pieces of fat and soot will begin to fall off on their own;
  • Place a large container on the fire and boil water. Place the grill so that the steam hits it, and very soon all the dirt will come off on its own;

When cleaning a cast iron grate, try to avoid contact with water as much as possible. After completing the procedures, you will, of course, need to wash off the dirt, but it is better to do this once, at the very end.

Instead of household chemicals

The stores sell a huge number of products intended for household use. Moreover, everyone promises amazing results without difficulty for housewives. However, in practice this is not at all the case, and once again being disappointed in expensive offers, we strive to find a truly effective remedy.

In order to determine the most suitable way, try cleaning methods with ammonia (ammonia), lemon juice, vinegar or soda, or mixtures thereof.


They are prepared according to the same principle. The grate is pre-soaked, then the prepared product is applied to the surface, wait a while and, after treating with a sponge or brush, wash off with warm water.

General rules

To ensure that cleaning the grate of a gas stove from grease and carbon deposits does not turn into a real punishment, it is enough to follow the following rules:

  • Wipe the grate after each cooking, preferably while it is still warm;
  • be sure to use protective equipment: wear gloves, and if aggressive chemicals are used, a mask;
  • Before cleaning, try to soak the grate in a solution of soda, mustard powder, etc.

A gas stove is constantly exposed to substances that quickly burn and are difficult to wash, which affects not only the appearance of the stove, but also its functionality. Folk and special commercial cleaning products allow you to wash even old dirt from the grill. You just need to know how to use them correctly.

Types of gratings

The gas stove is equipped with grates made from three types of material.

  1. Cast iron. It is strong and durable, but the grate of a gas stove made of this material cannot be cleaned using any means. Strong components remove dirt, but can lead to deformation of the product.
  2. Enameled metal. It is easy to remove soot from such a grate, but there are problems with removing burnt organic matter.
  3. Steel mesh. Such models are used most often and withstand mechanical stress well.

Effective ways to clean grates using home remedies

To determine how to clean the grate on a gas stove at home, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of contamination, the condition of the grate and the properties of the material from which it is made.

The following remedies are recognized as the most common and effective.

  1. Small river sand used to clean dishes from scale and deposits back in the days when people did not know about the existence of soap. Sand mixed with clay or ash was considered an excellent cleanser. If you replace ash and clay with 72% laundry soap, then mixed with fine sand you will get an excellent cleaning composition. However, it should not be used to clean enamel surfaces, since grains of sand may scratch the enamel coating.
  2. You can clean the grate of a gas stove with sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda is especially effective in removing dirt on enamel and steel surfaces. However, it is better to use it to remove old, but not thick layers of dirt.
  3. The grate can be cleaned well with baking soda and vinegar. At heavily polluted steel and enameled gratings must first be soaked in hot water with washing powder or foam from laundry soap. After that, wash running water, and then treat with soda or vinegar. You can use a mixture of both. It is also possible to add mustard powder, which removes fat well.
  4. You can use ammonia to clean the grill. It is better to do this in a ventilated area or on outdoors. It is advisable to use a respirator and gloves. Before you clean the grill with ammonia, you need to know the properties of this substance. Ammonia acts not only when applied to the surface, but also when sprayed in a confined space. Need to put in plastic bag grate, and then spray ammonia in it. Close the bag tightly and leave for 7 hours. After this, all that remains is to thoroughly wash the grille with water.
  5. You can clean any removable part of the stove from carbon deposits by immersing it in a hermetically sealed bag with a solution of soda, washing powder and mustard. By soaking removable parts in the bathtub, residual grease can be easily washed off. However, a more concentrated solution can be created in polyethylene, which will make the cleaning process more efficient.

Slab gratings treated with the above methods must be dried or wiped dry with a clean absorbent cloth before use. The fact is that water mixed with vapors and liquids released during cooking contributes to the accelerated deposition of contaminants. Because of this, the stove will soon need cleaning again.

Before deciding how to clean the removable parts of the stove, you need to assess the nature of the contamination and the condition of the product. In addition, the choice of product is also influenced by how quickly you need to get rid of the accumulated dirt.

If the grate is soaked in bags, then the stove cannot be used for a long time.

Cleanliness in the kitchen is the dream of every housewife. However, maintaining perfect cleanliness is not an easy task, especially when it comes to cleaning a gas stove. Difficulties are caused by washing both the stove itself and its grate, which collects hard-to-remove layers of fat, carbon deposits, and dust on the surface. And if housewives rarely have problems with washing the stove, not everyone can wash the grate.

Main problem is that food residues, grease and dust that accumulate on the grate are exposed to heat after each use of the stove. When heated metal product All moisture evaporates from the accumulated thin layer of fat, so it also becomes durable.

The resulting film is very sticky, and dust and other particles from the air settle on it. Such layers alternate, eat into the metal, harden, and as a result, removing them becomes problematic. But today there are many ways to remove even the most difficult stains. They will be discussed below.

How to clean the grate of a gas stove from grease and carbon deposits

First you need to determine what material the gas stove grate is made of: metal, cast iron or steel.

Metal enameled grilles. Due to the glossy enamel coating, they look more attractive in appearance compared to their cast iron and steel counterparts. They are also lighter and are not afraid of water, brushes with soft and medium-hard bristles, and caustic solutions of household chemicals.

However, you should not get carried away with abrasive and potent products, since they effectively clean, but significantly reduce the service life of products due to the destruction of enamel and the top layer of coating. It is safer to use more gentle means, achieving an effect by increasing the time of their exposure to the surface of the product.

Cast iron grates are recognized as moderately strong and durable, if you follow several rules during operation. important conditions such as no contact with water, metal brushes and strong abrasives.

Steel gratings are the cheapest, covered with enamel. When purchased, they look attractive, but the enamel will begin to “peel” over time. Steel products are easily cleaned with caustic detergents and are not afraid of abrasive compounds.

The most popular, fastest and most effective ways to wash grates at home

Method number 1. Calcination

This method is primarily suitable for cast iron and steel products. Place a dry grill over an open fire and leave it until the frozen fat and carbon deposits fall off in pieces. Then brush off any remaining carbon deposits from the grate and wipe the surface with a slightly damp cloth, but only if you have a steel grate. It is strictly forbidden to wash cast iron products with water.

At home, this method is used using the gas stove itself. The main condition is constant ventilation of the room (in addition to open windows, use a hood if the kitchen is equipped with one).

Method No. 2. We use ammonia

Method suitable for heavily soiled products. To get started, take or big package with a zipper, or a heavy-duty garbage bag, also large enough to accommodate the grill. Add ammonia inside the bag (the contents of 1 bottle of ammonia sold at the pharmacy is enough).

Then close the bag with a zipper (or wrap the bag tightly) and turn it in your hands so that the liquid is evenly distributed over the grill. Leave the package for at least 3 hours, preferably 5-8 hours to achieve maximum effect. After this time, rinse the grille under water (not suitable for cast iron products) and wipe it dry. Grease and carbon deposits will be completely removed.

When using ammonia, be sure to wear protective gloves, and soaking is best done in a ventilated area.

Method number 3. We use soda, mustard powder, salt and vinegar

Most safe way for human health and environment. By mixing all the listed ingredients in equal proportions, you will get a cleaning product that will cope with any stains. Apply the resulting mixture to the grate of the gas stove and leave for 3-5 hours. Afterwards, the surface should be washed (if you have a steel or metal grate) or simply wiped dry (if you have a cast iron product).

When removing stains, remember these important rules:

  1. When wiping the surface of the product, do not use hard metal brushes, as this leads to the appearance of pores and other damage.
  2. Do not soak grates immediately after cooking; temperature changes make the metal brittle.
  3. When cleaning the grate with cleaner, be sure to remove it from the stove so that it does not get on the burner. There are cases where such an oversight led to serious damage to gas stoves.

How to keep your stove grate clean

To keep your gas stove grate clean, remove grease stains from the surface while they are fresh. To do this:

  1. Light movements Wipe down the stove grate after every meal. It won’t take much time, and you will wash away fresh stains without effort or problems.
  2. If the fat has not yet burned, remove it with a sponge and a handy dishwashing liquid.
  3. To remove fresh stains, use a lemon wedge. Just wipe the dirty surface with it and leave for 30-40 minutes. Lemon juice will absorb the grease, all you have to do is wipe the grill with a clean sponge.
  4. If you don't like getting rid of streaks on the grill after removing stains, use a steam cleaner. Hot steam will easily destroy splashes and drips without leaving any traces.
  5. If there is any residue left on the stove grate after cooking. bad smell, you can remove it by sprinkling the surface with vinegar and sprinkling it with salt. After 15 minutes, wipe the grate dry and the smell will disappear.

If you want to avoid soiling the stove altogether, that is also easy to achieve. To keep the stove clean, cover its surface with foil before cooking. When finished, remove the foil - there will be no traces of fat or soot on the surface.

To avoid major problems when cleaning your stove, keep it clean and service it after every cooking. The grate should be washed every day, but cleaning it from burnt fat once a week is enough. In this case, the slab will retain its original appearance for more than one year.

There are a lot of alternative ways to clean gas stove grates from all kinds of contaminants, so don’t rush to go to the store if you don’t have ammonia or soda on hand. Take advantage of housewife blogs posted on the Internet and try to find suitable option, having studied their methods of cleaning slabs presented in convenient photo and video format.