Church in Pokrovsk Glebovo schedule of services. Russian Orthodox Church financial and economic management. Return of the temple to the Russian Orthodox Church

The name of the estate combines the double surname of its long-term owners - the Glebov-Streshnevs - and the old name of the village - Pokrovskoye. The latter was given to the local church, which continues to this day.

At the end of the 16th century, the village of Podelki was located here, which belonged to the Tushin family and became the estate of E.I. Blagovo. After the Time of Troubles, the owners of the land changed again: in 1629, clerk M.D. Feofilaktov built here a stone church of the Intercession of the Virgin with chapels in the name of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael and in honor of the holy Metropolitan Alexy, after which the village began to be designated on maps as Pokrovskoye. In 1678, ownership passed to the boyar Rodion Streshnev - it would belong to his descendants until the revolution. However, the surname itself became longer over time: in the 18th century, the direct line of the Streshnevs was cut short and the family began to be called the Glebov-Streshnevs. When the line was interrupted again in the 19th century, the surname became triple - Shakhovsky-Glebov-Streshnev.

According to clergy records, the existing church was built in 1750 on a new site, but with the old dedication. There is an assumption that it was originally an outbuilding adapted for a church. According to another version, in the same 1750 there was major restructuring old church, as a result of which it received a Baroque decor, losing narrow windows and finishing with kokoshniks, instead of which an ordinary hipped roof was installed (the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square could serve as an analogue of the church before perestroika). The three-tier bell tower with a spire was built at the same time west side. The refectory with the chapels of Saints Peter and Paul and Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was created in 1886 according to the design of the architect G.A. Kaiser with donations from local summer resident Peter Botkin (a famous Moscow tea merchant), and the first chapel was consecrated in honor of the patron saint of the ktitor.

After the revolution, a museum was created in the main house of the Shakhovsky-Glebov-Streshnevs Noble estate", the exhibition of which reflected the life and way of life of the aristocracy in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries. In the early 1930s it was closed, many of its exhibits disappeared and were sold abroad, only some of them were transferred to Historical Museum. At the same time, around 1932, the Church of the Intercession was also closed, and the entire territory came under the jurisdiction of the military department.

The main house later became a rest home for military pilots, and the temple housed a research institute civil aviation with the laboratory. The building lost its crosses and domes, the interior decoration was destroyed, and new rooms were partitioned off. The restoration of the church began in 1992, and in next year The first services after a long break were held here.

Today, the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin is the only part of the ensemble of the Pokrovskoye-Glebovo-Streshnevo estate that is available for inspection and visiting. The rest of the territory is fenced off and is not used in any way; the estate buildings are empty and destroyed.

The church in Pokrovsky-Streshnevo was built in early XVII century, clerk M.F. Danilov. The first mention of the temple dates back to 1629; the church itself was built around the 1620s, when M. F. Danilov bought these lands from the son of the boyar A. F. Palitsyn.

There is a version that the church was built several decades earlier, and around 1629 a refectory was only added to it. This version was also supported by later owners of the estate. However, the exact date of construction of the church remains unknown.

In 1750, the owner of the estate, P. I. Streshnev, organized the reconstruction of the church, as a result of which it acquired the features of the Baroque style. However, the planned configuration of the building remains the same. About ten years later, a three-tier bell tower was completed. After this, the church practically did not change appearance to late XIX century.

During the French invasion, the church was desecrated and a stable was built in it. In 1812, immediately after the victory, the temple was reconsecrated. A little later, the upper tier of the bell tower was rebuilt.

In the second half of the 19th century the parish increased significantly. The owner of the estate, Princess E.F. Shakhovskaya-Glebova-Streshneva, did not want to expand the ancient church, and tried to secure the assignment of part of the parishioners to another parish, but she failed.

In 1894, parishioners of the village of Pokrovskoe-Pod'elki asked the Moscow Spiritual Consistory to petition the construction department of the Moscow provincial government to expand the church. According to the reconstruction project, the old refectory was dismantled, and two new chapels appeared - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The money for the reconstruction of the church was allocated by P. P. Botkin, a member of the tea trade partnership “Peter Botkin and Sons”. In 1905, the church walls and ceiling were painted; 20 years later the painting was restored.

A. Savin, CC BY-SA 3.0

In 1931, by decision of the Moscow Regional Executive Committee, the church was closed. According to another version, it was closed by order of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in 1932, and the rector of the temple, Father Peter (Velezhev) was arrested.

After the Great Patriotic War The temple building was allocated to the fuel laboratory of the Civil Aviation Research Institute. From this time until the end of the 80s, the appearance of the church changed significantly: the upper tier of the bell tower was dismantled, the head of the temple and interior decoration were lost, and later weathering of the front surface appeared on the facades brickwork, details are distorted facade decor.

The restoration of the temple took place in the late 1980s - early 1990s under the patronage of the Rosrestavratsiya association according to the design of the architect S. A. Kiselyov. During the restoration process, not only were they restored key elements buildings, but also decorative elements

In 1992, the Russian government transferred the temple to the balance of the Russian Orthodox Church, a campaign has begun to raise funds for its restoration. On December 6, 1993, the temple was consecrated. In the winter of 1994, the roofs were replaced, a dome and a cross were installed.

Work on the restoration of the temple does not stop in given time. In May 2006, Belarusian specialists led by S.I. Byshnev completed the last of three mosaic frescoes on the facade of the temple.

Despite the fact that the church changed its appearance many times, it is of great historical and architectural value as one of the few examples in Moscow and the region of a patrimonial church of the first third of the 17th century with an unconventional compositional solution. The church is under state protection as an architectural monument and is part of the Pokrovskoye-Glebovo-Streshnevo estate complex.

In September 2011, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' assigned the temple the status of a patriarchal metochion, now its official name is as follows: “Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' - Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God in Pokrovsky-Streshnevo"

The Pokrovskoye-Glebovo-Streshnevo estate is located on the site of the Podjolka wasteland, which was first mentioned in scribe books in 1585. At that time, it was owned by Elizar Ivanovich Blagovo, a prominent figure in the second half of the 16th century. The wasteland most likely owes its name to the spruce forests that predominated in this area.

At the beginning of the 17th century, A.F. became the owner of the wasteland. Palitsyn, who sided with False Dmitry II, but then went over to the side of the legitimate authorities. In 1622, he sold the wasteland to clerk Mikhail Feofilatievich Danilov, who built a village here. In 1629, a stone “newly arrived church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in the chapels of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael and Alexei the Wonderworker,” was erected in the village. From this time the history of the village of Pokrovskoye begins. According to the census book of 1646, there are 8 peasant households. According to other sources, at first the Church of the Intercession was wooden; a stone church was built later, in 1646.

After the death of clerk Danilov, F.K. owned the estate for a short time. Elizarov. In 1664, he sold Pokrovskoe-Podjelki to Rodion Matveevich Streshnev. At this time, there are already 220 households in the village. The Streshnevs owned the estate for 250 years. This family was not noble until 1626, when Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov married Evdokia Lukyanovna Streshneva. There were 10 children from this marriage, including the future Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Since then, the family has advanced and taken a prominent place in the court hierarchy. One of the owners of Pokrovsky, Elizaveta Petrovna Streshneva, married Fyodor Ivanovich Glebov and in 1803 obtained permission for her family to be called by a double surname: Streshnev-Glebov. After this, the village of Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo received another name: Pokrovskoye-Glebovo.

At the beginning of the 19th century, in the vicinity of Pokrovsky, “houses for summer housing with all their accessories” were rented out. Dachas in Pokrovskoye were always considered fashionable and were very expensive. In 1807, N.M. Karamzin lived here, who worked on the “History of the Russian State.” In 1856, L.N. visited Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo. Tolstoy, who visited Lyubov Bers there. Subsequently, he married one of her daughters, Sofya Andreevna.

The Church of the Intercession is the oldest building in the area. Built at the beginning of the 17th century, it was rebuilt many times, reflecting in its appearance the dominant architectural trends of different times. In the middle of the 18th century, it was given magnificent Baroque features and a refectory was added. And since 1822 the temple stood, rebuilt in the Empire style. In 1896 it acquired eclectic forms. The bell tower was built in the 1770s. The church fence with the main entrance and corner towers was built at the end of the 18th century.

After the 1917 revolution, a museum was organized in the estate. In the 30s of the 20th century, the museum and the church were closed, the bell tower of the church was partially destroyed.

Divine services in the Church of the Intercession were resumed in 1994.

The stone church in the Pokrovsky-Streshnevo estate was built in the first third of the 17th century by the clerk of the Discharge Order, Mikhail Feofilatievich Danilov. It was first mentioned in the parish books of the Patriarchal Treasury Order of 1629: “...the newly arrived Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, and in the aisles of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael, and Alexy the Wonderworker in the patrimony of the clerk of the rank Mikhail Danilov, in the village of Pokrovskoe - Pod'elki." The church was built no earlier than 1622, when M.F. Danilov acquired the “wasteland on the Chernushka River” from the boyar’s son Andrei Fedorovich Palitsyn, one of the “flyers” who swore allegiance to False Dmitry II, whose Tushino camp was located in 1608 across the Khimka River just a couple of miles from Podyeloki.

Severely distorted by numerous reconstructions and repairs of the 18th-19th centuries, the church has practically lost the character of its original architecture. Research carried out during restoration work in the 1930s allowed us to presumably reconstruct its appearance in the 17th century. The building, small in size, consisted of a squat quadrangle of the main volume and a refectory on the western side.

There is an opinion that the church was built at the very beginning of the 17th century, and around 1629 a refectory was only added to it. It is interesting that the subsequent owners of the estate also preferred to consider their church more ancient. In the papers of Chief General Pyotr Ivanovich Streshnev there is a mention of the inscription that in 1770 he ordered to be made on north side temple: “In the year from the creation of the world 7108, from the Nativity of Christ 1600, in the estate near Moscow in the village of Pokrovskoye, this holy church was built in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and was consecrated on October 1 and after 1770, 170 years later, it stands visible, indestructible in a perfect fortress " This evidence, however, is not confirmed in known written sources, and the question of the exact date of construction of the building remains open.

The first major reconstruction of the church, as a result of which its architecture acquired baroque features that have survived to this day, was done in 1750 on the initiative of the then owner of the estate, Pyotr Ivanovich Streshnev. The planned configuration of the building was left unchanged; smooth blades on the facades were replaced by rough-hewn pilasters natural stone; the skylights were expanded, receiving strip platbands with keystones characteristic of the mid-17th century; instead of a “slide” of kokoshniks, a simple one appeared hipped roof. At the same time, both chapels in the refectory were abolished - the Miracle of the Archangel Michael and Alexius the Wonderworker, and the church became single-altar. Somewhat later, probably in the 1760s. the composition of the building was complemented by a three-tier bell tower built by P.I. Streshnev on the western side of the refectory. Before this, the bells hung on wooden pillars. In this form, the church existed almost until the end of the 19th century, undergoing minor changes during periodic renovations.

During the Napoleonic invasion, a detachment of French dragoons was stationed in the estate, the church was desecrated - a stable was built in it. The temple was re-dedicated in 1812 immediately after the defeat of the French and the counter-offensive of Russian troops.

In the second half of the nineteenth century. the small church no longer met the needs of the significantly increased parish. The owner of the estate, Princess Evgenia Fedorovna Shakhovskaya-Glebova-Streshneva, not wanting to rebuild the ancient church, for a number of years unsuccessfully tried to obtain permission from the diocesan authorities to assign part of the parishioners of the Church of the Intercession to another parish. In 1894, at the request of the parishioners of the village of Pokrovskoe-Pod'elki, the Moscow Spiritual Consistory sent a petition to the Construction Department of the Moscow Provincial Board to expand the church. The reconstruction project, carried out by the famous architect Georgy Aleksandrovich Kaiser back in 1886, was approved by the Construction Department on April 25, 1896. According to the project, the old refectory was almost completely dismantled (only a small fragment of its western wall, adjacent to the bell tower, was preserved). Two new chapels were added - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. All reconstruction work was financed by P.P. Botkin, a member of the tea trade partnership “Peter Botkin and Sons”, who rented a dacha in Pokrovsky. Perhaps the chapel of Peter and Paul corresponded to his heavenly patron. In 1905, artist S.K. Varov painted the walls and ceiling of the church. In 1925, the painting was washed and renewed by restoration artist A.Ya. Vashurov, a specialist in ancient Russian art.

In 1931, according to the minutes of a meeting of the Moscow Regional Executive Committee, it was decided to close the church. There is, however, evidence that it was closed by order of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in 1932. The then rector of the church, priest Father Peter (Velezhev), was arrested and kept in prison for three years.

After the Great Patriotic War, the temple housed the fuel laboratory of the Civil Aviation Research Institute - the upper tier of the bell tower was dismantled, the head of the temple was lost, and the sides of the refectory were made brick extensions. The interior design was completely lost. By the late 1970s - early 1980s. some openings were widened, weathering of the front surface of the brickwork was observed on the facades, and some of the details of the facade decor were lost. Restoration work on the monument was carried out in the late 1980s - early 1990s. association "Rosrestavratsiya". The author of the project is architect S.A. Kiselev. During the restoration, later extensions were destroyed, the upper tier and the completion of the bell tower, the head of the temple, as well as the cut window openings and details of the facade decor were restored.

In 1992, by government decree, the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church, and fundraising began for its restoration. On December 6, 1993, the temple was consecrated. During the winter of 1994, the roofs were replaced and a dome and cross were installed.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pokrovsky-Streshnevo, Podjolki also.

According to the scribe books of the Moscow district, Goretov camp in 1584 it appears: “belonging to Elizariy Ivanovich Blagovo in the estate, which was formerly a wasteland, that was the village of Podjolki.” In 1622 it was sold to clerk Mikhail Danilov by Andrei Palitsyn. Under clerk Danilov, the wasteland of Podjelka became a village, in it there was a courtyard with business people.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the chapels of Michael the Archangel and St. Alexia the Wonderworker was built in the village of Pod'elki in stone around 1629 under the owner Mikhail Danilov, which is why the village was named after the Church of Pokrovskoe-Pod'elki. In the parish book of the Patriarchal State Order for 1629 it is written: “The newly arrived Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God, and in the chapels of the Miracle Archangel Michael and Alexei the Wonderworker in the estate of the discharge clerk Mikhail Danilov, in the village of Pokrovskoye-Podelki; tribute is due 10 money, according to the order of the hryvnia; In the same village of Pokrovskoye, tribute was taken from the local priest for the first time.”

In the census books of 1646 it is written: “behind the Duma clerk Mikhail Danilov’s son Fefilatiev, the village of Pokrovskoye, Pod’elki is also there, and in it there is a stone Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, and near the church in the courtyard there is priest Simeon, and a cell of mallow maker, and 8 peasant households, people in There are 26 of them."

In 1678, this village with the village of Onosino belonged to the boyar Rodion Matveyevich Streshnev, in the village there were “9 people of bonded people, 10 families of workers, a clerk’s yard, a peasant’s yard, a bobyl’s yard, in the village that was the wasteland of Onosino, Covermen, too, in the mills bonded households 3 people, cart workers and business families 9, peasant households 4, bobyl households 4, and a total of 94 people.”

In the scribe books of the Moscow district for 1685-86. is listed: “behind the boyar Rodion Matveyevich Streshnev, the patrimony that was previously behind the Duma clerk Mikhail Danilov, the village of Pokrovskoye, Pod’elki, and in the village the church in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, and in the chapels of the Miracle Archangel Michael and the miracle worker Alexei Metropolitan, a stone building votchinnikovo, near the church the priests' yard is empty, and in the same village there is a votchinniki yard, there are 4 people in bondage and business people, a peasant yard, a bobylsky yard... from the dachas in the village of Pokrovskoye, 10 quarters of arable land in the field, 10 hay were again measured to the church kopen."

After R.M. Streshnev's village of Pod'elki and the village went to his son Ivan Rodionovich in 1687. In the village of Pokrovskoye in 1704 there were: a patrimonial courtyard, with a steward and a groom, a cattle yard, with 4 people, 9 peasant households, with 34 people. After Ivan Rodionovich Streshnev, the village was owned since 1739 by his son Peter, in division with his brother Vasily Ivanovich Streshnev.

In the parish books of the Synodal Treasury Order for 1735 it appears: “from the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Podelki, Pokrovskoe also, to help the regimental priests in 1734, 10 kopecks. taken."

Kholmogorov V.I., Kholmogorov G.I. "Historical materials for compiling church chronicles of the Moscow diocese." Issue 3, Zagorodskaya tithe. 1881

The temple was built in 1646.

The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in 1629. The history of the village of Pokrovskoye originates from it. The name of the area comes from the names of the owners of the estate and land - the Streshnevs. After the twinning of two noble families in the name in 1803, the double surname Streshnev-Glebov began to be mentioned. And the village of Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo received another name - Pokrovskoye-Glebovo.

The Intercession Church was rebuilt many times. After the revolution of 1917, a museum was organized in the estate. In the 30s In the 20th century, the museum and church were closed, the bell tower of the church was partially destroyed. Divine services in the Church of the Intercession were resumed in 1994.

Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo is an ancient village near Moscow. To see the Church of the Intercession, you need to go through the estate gates, which from a distance resemble monastery gates. The current appearance of the temple says little about its venerable antiquity, but in the very name of the old area, in the small fragments of preserved ancient masonry, there is a deep history.

In the parish books of the Patriarchal Treasury Order for 1629, there is listed “the newly arrived Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin, and in the chapels of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael, and Alexy the Wonderworker in the patrimony of the clerk of the rank Mikhail Danilov, in the village of Pokrovskoye-Podelki.” The church was made of stone. The word "newly arrived" most likely indicates that it was recently built.

The question of the time of construction of the temple is complicated by the record of the subsequent owners of the Streshnev estate. In 1770, General-in-Chief Pyotr Ivanovich Streshnev ordered an inscription to be made on the northern wall of the renovated church: “In the year from the creation of the world 7108, from the Nativity of Christ 1600, in the patrimony near Moscow in the village of Pokrovskoye, this holy church was built in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and consecrated on October 1 day and after 1770, 170 years later, it stands visible, indestructible in a perfect fortress.” It is difficult to say now from what sources this information was obtained. Apparently, the general decided to round up the date, aging the building by 29 years.

After the death of Mikhail Danilovich, his widow in 1651 sold Pokrovskoye to the okolnik Fyodor Kuzmich Elizarov; the latter, in 1664, ceded the village to another okolnichy - Rodion Matveevich Streshnev, who managed to serve the first four tsars of the Romanov dynasty, and was young Pyotr Alekseevich’s uncle (educator). From then until the Soviet period, it belonged to the Streshnev family.

Archival materials of the 18th century on the history of manor churches near Moscow are few and laconic; brief information We sometimes find information about temples in later sources or in personal (family) funds. Thus, in many clergy registers of the 19th century, in the obligatory section dedicated to the date of construction, it is indicated that the time of construction of the Intercession Church was 1750. The question arises: if the temple was built this year, then where did the stone one, built only 120 years ago, go? Was it possible to demolish even a small brick structure to the ground? Archival sources do not give a direct answer to these questions, so historians and architects take the path of assumptions and field studies, as a result of which it was found that the quadrangle of the temple was basically built in the 17th century, and many reconstructions, alterations and repairs distorted the appearance of the early the temple beyond recognition. The closest analogy in time to the Church of the Intercession can be the Kazan Cathedral (1620–1636), built on Red Square in memory of the victory over the Poles.

Of course, the triumphal forms of the Kazan Cathedral are much brighter, but the main architectural features embodied in it could belong to a small estate church building with a pillarless interior space and small room refectory.

Over time, tastes changed, and General P.I. Streshnev decided to recreate the temple in the spirit of the then fashionable Baroque. The planned structure of the ancient building was preserved, only by redoing its completion, replacing the pyramid of kokoshniks with a hipped roof, clearing out the old narrow windows, adding modest baroque frames to their frames. The temple was renovated rather than rebuilt. At the same time or somewhat later, in the 1760s, a new bell tower was built. Before this, bells hung on wooden poles. But it's a fact overhaul and reconsecration in 1750 took place, and in later clergy registers this date began to be given as the time of construction.

After the death of Pyotr Ivanovich in 1771, the estate passed into the hands of his daughter Elizaveta Petrovna.
Pokrovskoye suffered during the War of 1812. The French built a stable in the church building. However, the property of the church survived, and it was soon reconsecrated. According to the title of the unpreserved file from 1822, we learn about the renovation of the temple at this time.

After the death of Elizaveta Petrovna in 1837, the estate passed to her grandson of the Guard, Colonel Evgraf Petrovich Glebov-Streshnev, and then to the latter’s niece Evgenia Fedorovna Breven, who married Prince Mikhail Valentinovich Shakhovsky. Since the male branch of the Glebov-Streshnev family was interrupted, in 1866 it was allowed to add this double surname to the prince’s surname. The Shakhovskys-Glebovs-Streshnevs - this is how the ancient family was now called.
Rebuilt in 1750, but receiving almost no additional premises, by this time the temple could no longer accommodate all the worshipers, especially since summer time Many summer residents came to the vicinity of Pokrovsky, who considered these places to be especially prestigious. Princess Shakhovskaya tried to solve this problem in her own way. Since 1867, not wanting to expand the temple, she sought to annex the parish to the Znamensky Church of the village of Aksinina, located many kilometers from Pokrovsky. The church authorities supported the peasants who did not want to go to a distant church, and finally, with the financial help of a wealthy local summer resident P.P. Botkin, it was decided to begin expanding the Church of the Intercession.

The implementation of the project was entrusted to G.A. Kaiser. After the work, the room almost doubled in size. The chapels, which were once located in a small refectory and were abolished in the 18th century to save space, now reappeared in the side parts. One of them was dedicated to the holy apostles Peter and Paul, and the other to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the parish of the church, together with the village of Nikolsky and the villages of Ivankovo ​​and Zakharkovo, already numbered 1,261 people. The staff of the expanded church included a priest and two psalm-readers. Since 1902, the position of priest has been held by Pyotr Mikhailovich Velezhev. Since 1911, he headed the parochial school and was a teacher of law there; later he taught at the zemstvo and railway schools, and in 1913 he received a second silver medal for his work on public education.

After 1917, the calm times for the church ended. In 1922, liturgical utensils were confiscated from it to Gokhran for the famine relief fund. In 1931, according to the protocol of a meeting of the Moscow Regional Executive Committee, on the standard and false accusation that the Church of the Intercession was visited by a very small number of believers, while there was an urgent need for premises for cultural and educational work, it was decided to close the church. Priest Pyotr Velezhev was arrested and kept in prison for three years.

In 1933, a holiday home for Civil Aeroflot employees was located on the estate. After the war, the church was adapted into a laboratory, the dome and bell tower were demolished to the second tier, and the interiors were significantly refurbished. In the 1960s, the main premises of the estate were used as a rest home for military pilots; in the 70s, the church housed a laboratory of the Civil Aviation Research Institute.
There has long been a holy spring in the park under Mount Elizabeth. In the 1970s, it was enclosed in a pipe, and a swan figure was laid on top from broken tiles. However, the new name of the spring takes root with difficulty, and residents of neighboring places come to the spring every day for holy water, and Orthodox people invariably gather at night on Epiphany.

In 1992, by decree of the Moscow Government, the Church of the Intercession Mother of God was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church. Fundraising for restoration has begun. In September 1993, Archpriest Boris Malevich served a prayer service “For the beginning of every good deed.” At first, the Orthodox gathered for prayer services on Sundays with the windows not yet sealed.

On December 6, 1993, the temple was consecrated in full. The parishioners invested a lot of work and money into their church. During the winter of 1994, the roofs were replaced and a dome and cross were installed.

The church is assigned to the Church of All Saints in Vsekhsvyatskoye. Among the shrines are the icon of the Intercession of the Mother of God, the revered icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and a reliquary with the relics of several saints.

Based on the book "Temples" Northwestern district and Zelenograd." Moscow:
Publishing house "Znamenskoe", 2000.

Photos in the text - Dmitry Lomanov

Abbottemple: priest Mikhail Titov
Address: 125367, Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 52, bldg. 1

Contracting organization Promproekt LLC

In 2015, as part of the Program for Providing Subsidies from the Moscow City Budget, restoration work was carried out to strengthen and waterproof the foundations, the white stone base was restored, the historical color scheme was returned to the facades, historical self-leveling marble floors were recreated, and oak windows and doors were restored. The electrical wiring has been completely replaced, and a security and fire alarm system has been installed.


The church was erected in the first third of the 17th century. It was first mentioned in the parish books of the Patriarchal Treasury Prikaz of 1629 (the probable year of construction is no earlier than 1622). During the period of the 18th-19th centuries, the temple underwent numerous reconstructions and various renovation work, so that it has practically lost its original architecture. However, in the 1930s, research carried out during restoration surveys made it possible to reconstruct the architectural appearance of the church, as close as possible to the original image created by the temple builders of the 17th century.

According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated December 4, 1974 No. 624, the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo estate, together with the Intercession Church, was classified as a cultural heritage site of federal significance. In 1992, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary was transferred to the use of the Russian Orthodox Church.

By decree His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' in September 2011, the temple received the status of the Patriarchal Metochion and is currently referred to as the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Patriarchal Compound in Pokrovsky-Streshnevo.