Air fryer - what is it for and recipes. What can be cooked in an air fryer, its capabilities and functions. Is food cooked in an air fryer healthy?

Cooking has become much easier thanks to special devices, modern household appliances. One of them is considered to be an air fryer. Let's look at what it is and how to use it below. We also provide the reader with recommendations for choosing an air fryer.

Air fryer is a representative household appliances, thanks to which women prepare delicious and healthy dishes. The device is a fairly compact device that will not take up much space in the kitchen. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the device.

Each air fryer model is equipped with specific functions. The latest devices have the ability to regulate the blowing speed and temperature.

The main functions of the air fryer are the following:

  • regulation temperature regime. This function is mandatory and is present in all modern devices;
  • maintaining the required temperature (heating). This option is optional. Thanks to her, housewives were able to heat up the dish after cooking;
  • convection speed control. Refers to additional, but is useful. The user regulates the degree of airflow of the dish during cooking, which has a positive effect on the final result (appetizing crust) and cooking time;
  • delayed start. Some models are equipped with this command. It is convenient, because the user has the opportunity to set the timer for the desired time. The device will turn on itself, which means the food will be ready for breakfast or lunch;
  • cooking program. Many models have this smart feature. It is suitable for those housewives who do not want or have time to monitor the temperature and time. We place the food inside the device, turn on the desired cooking mode, and wait until the end of cooking.

An air fryer can replace several kitchen appliances

Some devices have the necessary additional functions:

  • drying;
  • defrosting food;
  • grill;
  • smoking;
  • bakery;
  • frying

What is an air fryer for?

Cooking food on an air fryer is carried out thanks to the flow of hot air; it circulates freely inside the cooking container. This eliminates the need to constantly turn food over. To cook in this device, no oil is required.

Food cooked in an air fryer turns out juicy and aromatic, because each dish is soaked in its own juice. This makes it tender and soft.

Dishes cooked in an air fryer are tender, but at the same time they are prepared without oil or fat.

Let's take a closer look at what can be cooked in an air fryer. This device is necessary for preparing various dishes. It is used to cook soup, stew fish, vegetables, and meat. The device is also used as a smokehouse.

The device replaces the following devices:

  • yogurt maker;
  • double boiler;
  • toaster;
  • deep fryer;
  • grill;
  • kebab maker;
  • microwave;
  • Dryer.

Useful: The advantage of the air fryer is the preservation of beneficial vitamins in products, because the food is processed using hot air.

The air fryer is convenient for those who do not like to spend a lot of time at the stove

Any dish can be prepared in an air fryer. The device is used for the following purposes:

  • preparing first courses (soup, borscht);
  • defrosting frozen foods, heating ready meals;
  • cooking porridge;
  • baking pizza, potatoes;
  • frying meat and fish without vegetable oil;
  • preparing natural yogurt (while preserving the beneficial ingredients;
  • baking, stewing, steaming;
  • smoking fish, meat;
  • frying shish kebab, cutlets;
  • sterilization of cans for preservation;
  • deep-frying;
  • making jam from berries and fruits;
  • preparing mulled wine;
  • baking buns, pies, bread.

Characteristics and equipment

The kitchen appliance consists of the following components:

  • transparent bowl (flask);
  • plastic case (stand for glass flask);
  • lid. It covers the entire device;
  • heating element (inside the lid);
  • fan;
  • network socket into which the cord is connected;
  • power cord;
  • control panel (it is located outside, on the air fryer lid).

Budget models differ in that they have halogen heating elements installed as heating elements. The advantage of such elements is the absence of corrosion, oxidation of the glass of the bowl, high speed heating There is also a disadvantage to halogen-type heaters. It consists in low operating capabilities and short service life.

Important: Models with installed heaters halogen type lamps usually last no longer than three years. The service life of devices with metal heating elements is longer (8 – 10 years).

Additional air fryer options

The device is also equipped with additional components:

  • grates. Used for cooking different varieties meat (pork, beef, poultry, lamb, veal). The set includes 3 grilles that have different heights;
  • skewers for barbecue;
  • mesh baking tray. This item is often included in the kit. Its use is necessary when you need to steam or deep-fry food. It is convenient to dry food on it;
  • stand for removable cover;
  • poultry attachment (this is how grilled chicken is cooked);
  • gripping tongs. Used to remove a heated rack or baking sheet from the flask;
  • metal ring. Often included in budget models. Place it on top of the bowl. Used to increase and regulate the volume of the bowl.

What to look for when choosing

How to choose the right convection oven for use at home or in the country? First of all, you should carefully study the technical characteristics of the device. The following recommendations should be considered when choosing an air fryer.


The optimal container size is considered to be a flask volume of about 8 - 10 liters. Any dish can be prepared in such a bowl.

Heating method

It is necessary to give preference to the heating element - heating element. Despite the slow heating, it is endowed with high wear resistance. A glass halogen lamp cooks food faster, but is more fragile. Serves 2 – 3 years.


Pay attention to the type of cover. The quality of operation of the device and cooking depends on how securely the device is closed with the lid. Covers can be with or without fasteners.


Management is considered an important point. For ease of use, mechanically controlled devices are recommended. The user has the ability to set the cooking time and temperature.

Electronic control offers wider functionality. The user can set parameters such as: blowing speed, time, temperature, delayed cooking, different cooking modes.


Electricity consumption depends on such an indicator as power. It will be smaller for small models with a minimum list of functions (1000 W). Large devices with large bowls and a wide range of functions will have higher energy consumption (1500 W).

Also pay attention to the presence of additional accessories that can affect the cost of the air fryer, but add convenience to the process of preparing your favorite dishes.

Advantages of an air fryer

Choosing a good air fryer is not difficult. If you are going to buy this kitchen appliance, make sure that it has the following functions:

  • Temperature regulator;
  • constant heating;
  • delayed start;
  • self-cleaning;
  • adjustment of convection speed.

Air fryer or electric grill?

An air fryer is a technically complex device. It is more modern than an electric grill. It has a wider range of functions. This device can be used in different conditions(at home, outdoors). When cooking food in it, you don’t have to use additional utensils.

Electric grill is considered simple device, which has fewer functions. The main task of this kitchen unit is baking food. As for the price, older electric grill models with minimal functionality are considered cheap. Modern models with additional functions they cost the same as an air fryer.

An air grill is an excellent alternative to a kitchen stove in the country, and an electric grill can replace a barbecue

People prefer the air fryer because it is more often used for cooking. Why do you need an air fryer? You can cook your favorite dishes on it every day. An electric grill is usually used very rarely. It is good to use it in the country to cook barbecue.

There are significant principles of work and product processing. Let us present the characteristics and functionality of kitchen appliances for convenience in the form of a table.

Air fryer Electric grill
Cooking is carried out under the influence of a stream of hot airProducts are fried on the grill of the apparatus
Products are processed evenlyThere is no guarantee that products will be processed evenly
Availability of a wide range of functionalityThe functionality of the device is minimal
Can be used at homeCan only be used outdoors
Ability to retain odors. During cooking, aromas do not spread throughout the apartmentCooking meat is accompanied not only by aroma, but also by smoke
Automatic cooking. The user does not have to be near the deviceYou need to constantly monitor the cooking process. Unattended food may burn
  • Domus;
  • UNIT;
  • Smile;
  • Homus.

Hotter is considered the best manufacturer of air fryers. Previously, devices from this company occupied almost all counters. They have earned credibility for their reliability. One of last year’s models is the Hotter HX-2098 Fitness Grill. The cost of this device was 12,500 rubles. There are also many other manufacturers. Among them, the budget ones are:

Other reliable manufacturers:

The cost of their products is moderate (from 2500 rubles), but at the same time they have some additional functions (delay start, self-cleaning), there is a removable lid, interesting design, clear controls, high quality assemblies.

Very popular models include the following:

  • Supra AGS-1101.
  • Hotter HX-1047 Universal.
  • Redmond RAG-240.
  • VES AX 745.
  • Mystery MCO-1503.

The Redmond company also offers its customers a new product - a lid-attachment that can be used together with a multicooker, a bowl from a multicooker of this brand. The main thing is that they fit in volume. The saving lies in the fact that you do not need to buy a convection oven. All you need to do is purchase a lid attachment and select a pan for it.

Features of operation

How to use the air fryer is described in the instructions that come with the device. If you follow all operating rules, there will be no difficulties with cooking in an air fryer.

Instructions for using a kitchen appliance (air grill) require the following actions:

  1. Connecting the device to the electrical network.
  2. Place prepared products in a glass bowl.
  3. Closing the air fryer. The lid must be placed tightly on the device.
  4. Setting appropriate parameters on the control panel (time, temperature, speed).
  5. Turn on the fan. This happens at the moment when the temperature reaches a predetermined level. Thanks to the fan, the process of distilling the flow of hot air inside the device is ensured.
  6. An audible signal notifies that the dish has already been prepared.
  7. Disconnecting the device from the network. This should not be done immediately after the sound signal indicating the end of the device’s operation, but after the convection oven has completely cooled down and the fan has stopped.

How to use an air fryer: video


Modern kitchen appliances will help every cooking enthusiast acquire the skills of a chef. It’s quite understandable to want to buy all the devices on the market, but maybe it’s worth choosing one, but universal device? This is exactly what an air fryer is.

At first acquaintance, a technique with this name resembles a large glass pan, covered with a lid of a special design. It turns out that this is technically well thought out - here are located heating element and fan. This proximity allows you to create air turbulence and influence the prepared dish. Then everything is simple: depending on the selected mode, the products will simmer, fry, bake, boil or stew.

The bowl is made of special glass – unbreakable, transparent and heat-resistant. This entire flask structure is easy to remove from the body itself.

The device has one more element - a metal ring. It helps to increase the volume of the bowl (if necessary, it is simply installed on top of it).

Typical appearance the unit is shown in the photo:

How food is prepared

The operating principle is based on the convection process: the heating element heats the air flows carried by the fan. Their temperature varies between 60 o C and 260 o C. The speed is constantly changing - this is necessary to prevent overdrying. Therefore, the dish will be evenly cooked on all sides.

You can adjust the speed and temperature parameters yourself, but mostly the owners trust the built-in timer, which will turn off at the right moment.

What can you cook with an air fryer?

You can cook a lot in this device interesting dishes. But still, the air fryer holds the palm precisely in frying and baking. Usually his signature dishes are meat - cooked on the grill, they turn out with a golden brown and crispy crust. First courses, pizza, cereals, pies, hot sandwiches, smoked products - all this can also be made in this device. And besides, many users have adapted to use the air fryer for preservation and smoking of products.

The air fryer is ideal for people on a diet, because all excess fat during cooking flows into a special tray. A golden brown crust appears not due to oil, but under the influence of hot air.

All foods retain their vitamins when cooked. Interestingly, even baked vegetables do not lose their natural color.

So, this device can replace several other types of equipment at once:

  • oven;
  • stove,
  • steamer;
  • microwave;
  • toaster;
  • electric grill;
  • vegetable dryer;
  • yogurt maker;
  • sterilizer for jars (canning).

Finally, the flask itself can be use as a saucepan, if you plan to cook the first course.

Device functions

Depending on the model, the device may have numerous functions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

By weighing the pros and cons of a device such as an air fryer, you can understand how suitable it is for your kitchen. So, among the bonuses:

  • cooking faster than an electric stove;
  • the dish turns out more healthy, since you don’t need to use fat to prepare it;
  • nothing burns in the device;
  • you can cook several dishes at the same time;
  • the process takes place with virtually no human intervention;
  • the ability to sterilize jars and preserve food supplies.

The main disadvantage of the device is bulkiness– in a small kitchen you will need to think about its placement in advance. Small option It is not worth taking, because it should include kitchen utensils in which food is usually prepared (for example, a saucepan, frying pan and pots). Another drawback - the unit is inferior in terms of cooking speed gas stove However, this is offset by the quality of the final dishes.

The energy consumption of the device is approximately 1 kW/hour, like a kettle or iron. This should also be remembered by those who make a choice between cooking in a gas stove or convection oven.

So, if a person in charge of home cooking likes to experiment with cooking, then he definitely needs a device like an air fryer. There are now enough available on the market big choice similar devices - from budget Chinese VES and Unit to Vitesse, Hotter, Smile and Homus. Price issue– from 2,500 to 10,000 rubles, which will allow you to choose suitable option for any wallet. And the fact is that the air fryer indispensable assistant in any kitchen, you can see from this video:

Today, every housewife can prepare any dish using different appliances. It can be a microwave, multi-cooker, double boiler, or a completely new and interesting device - an air fryer. What is this actually? An air fryer is a very useful device where you can cook delicious food without using oil. This device operates from the electrical network.

An air grill can very easily replace a microwave, multi-cooker, oven, and even a regular gas oven in the kitchen. It is very convenient and capable of preparing food on its own while you go about your business. It is also a very compact device that is capable of cooking or processing food using heated, rotating air.

What is an air fryer for? Primarily for cooking and heating food, as well as for heat treatment products. You can cook two different dishes in it at once - it’s very convenient and economical.

A home convection oven consists of a transparent glass flask and a lid, which contains a fan and a heating element (heating element). There is also a control panel on the lid, with which you can set any cooking program. There are simple and multifunctional air fryers. Simple models can perform only a few basic functions, but multifunctional ones have great capabilities. With their help you can prepare very complex and unusual dishes. However, such devices are quite expensive than simple models.

A wide variety of functions of more expensive devices:

  • Defrosting;
  • Languor;
  • Frying;
  • Bakery;
  • Drying;
  • Sterilization;
  • Smoking;
  • Grill;
  • Washing.

Using expensive models, you can smoke any meat, dry various fruits, mushrooms, berries, and also ferment milk. But with the help of cheaper models you can cook soup or borscht, fry or bake meat, bake various pies and buns.

Small air fryer: its advantages

An air fryer for home is a very convenient and useful purchase. The device itself, unlike others, does not take up much space at all; it is very compact and beautiful. But the benefits from it are very great. Especially for those people who eat proper and healthy food. Air fryers are divided into small, large and medium, depending on the volume of the flask.

The small air fryer has a flask volume of 8-12 liters. It is very compact and convenient for one person, since you can cook small amounts of food in it.

The small device is very light, you can easily move it or take it with you to the country or on vacation. It is also easy to disassemble and assemble, and is very convenient to care for. However, all air fryers, regardless of their size, have many positive qualities.

Advantages of all air fryers:

  • Multifunctional;
  • No oil, fat or margarine is used in the cooking process;
  • Food retains all its beneficial qualities;
  • You can cook several different dishes at the same time;
  • Compact;
  • The device is capable of sterilizing jars;
  • Its temperature ranges from 60 to 260 degrees;
  • There is a long warm-up mode;
  • You can cook food in any container.

The disadvantages of the air fryer are: the unusual taste of the cooked food, the ability of the flask to heat up, which is very unsafe. Also, such a device consumes a lot of electricity and is not economical.

Expert advice on choosing an air fryer can help you choose the right appliance for you. First, you need to do a short review of all the models and find out which technical characteristics suit you most.

How to choose an air fryer so that it can delight you with its work for a long time? First, you need to find out all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model. Then, decide on the purpose of the device and why exactly the device is being purchased. Do you need a multifunctional and expensive device, or can you get by with a cheaper, simpler model?

It is imperative to check that the main device is supplied with additional accessories: gratings – there should be 2-3 pieces; skewers for preparing kebabs; baking tray; tongs, you can use them to take hot things; drying device; There is also an expansion ring; there can be one or several of them. Also for convenience, the electrical cord should be removable. With a removable cord, it will be easier and more convenient to store the device without damaging it. Choosing a device is not such a difficult task, the main thing is that it meets certain parameters.

We select a device, paying attention to some basic parameters:

  • Heater. It can be metal or glass, but it is better to choose the first option. Since it is more reliable and its service life can be 10 years.
  • The cover can be removable or mounted on brackets.
  • Volume.
  • Control type. There are: mechanical and electronic.
  • Power. The power of the devices ranges from 1000 W to 1700 W.

It is best to opt for a device that has a power of 1300 W. Such an air fryer will not dry out food, and most importantly, it will save electricity. When choosing, you also need to take into account the presence of a timer. With it you can set the desired cooking time. And also, pay attention to the fan, it should work at different blowing speeds. Considering all this, opt for an electronic model.

Which brand of air fryer is better: popular models

Many manufacturers produce different models convection ovens. Some of them are very easy to use and suitable for everyday use, while others are more complex and expensive models, are distinguished by the presence of many functions and additional accessories.

Air fryer, which brand is better to buy? There are many different companies, which produces air fryers. The most famous of them are: SUPRA, Polaris, Smile, VES, Hotter.

Each company has its own best, high-quality and reliable copies. Some of the air fryers are very expensive, while others are cheaper models that are in great demand among many buyers. You can buy any of them. But it is best to choose a device from the company that you liked best in terms of quality and price.

The best companies producing inexpensive air fryers:

  • The first place is taken by SUPRA AGS-1101. This model is very convenient and simple, with many functions.
  • Second place can be given to UNIT UCO 2500. This model has a timer and a self-cleaning function.
  • Third place – REDMOND RAG – 240.

All these models are very good, they are very convenient and practical, and have some additional functions. And also their price will please many buyers; it is affordable for the masses (budget model).

Air fryer rating

Having figured out what kind of air fryer you need and why, let’s start choosing. The selected model must differ in the necessary functions and power. The cooking time will depend on the power of the appliance. The most powerful of them are air fryers from the well-known company “Vinis”. The power of such devices is 1700 W, so food is cooked in a very short time.

Hotter devices are distinguished by excellent quality and reliable heating elements. These devices heat up very quickly, and can also operate even at low voltage.

  • SUPRA AGS-1221;
  • Polaris PAG 1207;
  • VES SK-A;
  • Smile AG 1906;
  • Hotter HX-1097 Tiger.

All of these models have excellent reviews. They differ only in their cost and some technical characteristics. But they will all help you in the kitchen in preparing your favorite dishes.

How an air fryer works (video)

A home air fryer is very useful, because with it you can prepare not just food, but healthy and beneficial food for the body. There are many different types, but they are all beautiful and comfortable, and will also suit any kitchen design.

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Modern market kitchen appliances offers consumers huge selection functional devices. They not only save time and make the cooking process enjoyable, but also allow you to eat healthy. Recently, the air fryer has become very popular among health-conscious consumers. How does this device work and what are its advantages?

What is an air fryer for?

This device is used for various food processing and preparation of complex dishes. There is an opinion among consumers that an air fryer, thanks to its functions and operating principle, can replace almost any kitchen appliance. But it is not so.

Important! Some dishes, such as baked goods or soups, are still better prepared using alternative options.

At the same time, this is an excellent option for students, young families or small kitchens, where it is not possible to place all modern kitchen appliances.

How the air fryer works and its equipment

The device consists of:

  • bowls made of durable heat-resistant glass that can withstand high temperatures;
  • a cover with a built-in heating element and fan;
  • metal ring that is present in standard models. Thanks to it, you can increase the volume of the bowl, which means you can load more products at a time.

The basic package also most often includes grates of different heights, a baking sheet with small holes for steaming, deep-frying and drying vegetables and fruits, and skewers for preparing kebabs of meat, fish and vegetables.

As an example, look at the Hotter air fryer device

The question of what an air fryer is, why it is needed and how it works has been sorted out. Now we can move on to consider its capabilities.

Functions and principle of operation of the device

The device operates on the principle of convection. Thanks to the built-in fan, products are prepared by blowing hot air, the source of which is most often halogen heaters.

Cooking programs may differ depending on the model. Generally speaking, what is a convection oven, the functions and operating principle of which are based on vortex propagation warm air inside the bowl, the following possibilities can be distinguished:

  1. Puts out;
  2. fries;
  3. Bakes;
  4. Cooks, including steaming;
  5. Marinates;
  6. Smokes.

In addition to cooking, you can defrost, reheat, sterilize and preserve.

The device also has a self-cleaning function. At the end of the work, the user needs to pour water into the flask and start the process - the air fryer will become clean again.

Video about how the air fryer works

Types of air fryers

These can be divided into three groups:

  1. Traditional models. In this case we are talking about the usual devices with a glass bowl and a lid with heating element and a fan. The difference between the models of this group may be in the volume of the bowl and the control system. IN budget options it is mechanical - two regulators (power from 60 to 250 °C and timer from 5 to 120 minutes). In more expensive ones - electronic, with a small display where the settings selected by the user are displayed;
  2. Air fryer lids. A convenient accessory for multicookers from the Rendmon company. The device itself is no different in functionality and capabilities from the lid of a conventional convection oven: the same mechanical control with two regulators, only smaller in diameter. This accessory can be used with any suitable cookware. For example, a glass bowl of the required diameter for cooking in a microwave oven, a saucepan or a 5-liter bowl for a multicooker;
  3. Multi-aerogrills. Improved models that recently appeared on the air fryer market. A few words about what such a device looks like. In addition to the halogen heater and fan built into the lid, they have a lower heating element, which is hidden under the non-stick surface. The latest models also provide a function for stirring food during cooking.

This is what a traditional air fryer looks like Air fryer cover Rendmon

Multi-aerogrill Multi-aerogrill with food mixing function

Attention! Instructions for use and capabilities of the device depend on the choice of model and manufacturer.

Pros and cons of air fryers

Based on reviews from users who have already evaluated this device, the following advantages can be identified:

  • opportunity to eat right. For many, this is a primary need, which is why an air fryer is needed. Baking, frying and stewing are possible without adding oil. And thanks to the design and product-friendly principle of the air fryer, most vitamins are retained in them;
  • multifunctionality. The air grill is capable of performing the functions of several kitchen appliances at once, designed for processing and preparing food (microwave oven, multicooker, double boiler, toaster, bread maker, stove, etc.);
  • Ease of use. Most often, to prepare, you just need to put the ingredients in a bowl, select the mode, depending on which the products will simmer, boil, fry or bake. At the end of the timer, all that remains is to take out the finished dish. After use, you can turn on the self-cleaning function and the device will be clean without extra effort user;
  • easy control. As a rule, the user only needs to select the power and cooking time, after which the device will turn off automatically;
  • possibility of sterilization. A necessary function when preparing for the winter or for families with small children;
  • possibility of cooking several dishes at once. But here it is important to make a reservation that everything depends on the type of dish chosen. It is necessary that the ingredients are in harmony with each other to avoid mixing of odors, for example, meat and potatoes or fish and vegetables.

Sterilization of pickles in an air fryer

As for the disadvantages of this device, many note its bulkiness. Before purchasing, you should consider where to place it. But this only applies to regular models. For a small family, separate aerogrill lids are quite suitable, which can be used in conjunction with a multicooker bowl.

Users also often note the cooking time in reviews. Of course, this device is inferior in speed regular stove. But this disadvantage is compensated by the quality and usefulness of the products prepared in this way.

What dishes can you cook in it?

From the above, it is clear why a device such as a convection oven is needed - preparing and processing food. But what kind of dishes can you cook in it?

IN simple models you can easily prepare delicious and healthy dishes from meat, fish, chicken that are cooked in own juice, and all excess fat flows into the pan, vegetables, pizza, hot sandwiches.

There are many more options for what can be cooked in more expensive and innovative air fryers. Their arsenal includes a variety of baked goods (from the simplest sweet buns and biscuits to choux pastry products), smoked products (both hot and cold ways), cottage cheese, yogurt and fermented baked milk, dried fruits, mushrooms and berries, etc.

Usually, basic recipes, which will help you understand how to cook in an air fryer, are included with the device.

Depending on what you plan to cook in the convection oven and for what purposes it is purchased, the features of choosing this device depend.

Having considered the questions about why such a device as an air fryer is needed, what functionality it has, and what dishes can be cooked in it, we can draw several conclusions:

  • firstly, the cooking process is simple and convenient;
  • secondly, the food cooked in it is tasty and healthy;
  • thirdly, diverse the lineup will allow everyone to choose a device for themselves, in accordance with functionality and financial capabilities.