Interior clinker tiles. Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration: important characteristics. Specifics of manufacturing modern clinker tiles

What about interior design? Today we will tell you more about how to glue, install (lay) clinker tiles on a wall, about the cost of work and materials.

The operating conditions inside the house are, of course, much more gentle than in the “fresh” city air or in the garden. However, there are some peculiarities here too.

  • The bathroom requires increased resistance to dampness.
  • For the kitchen, the combination of resistance to temperature changes and ease of cleaning is important.
  • In the living room, any solution can be allowed, since the main factor is the decorative finish.

Wall tiles for interior works is different minimum thickness– 8 mm. Its wear resistance and bending strength are not too important here, since the walls are not subject to such loads. On the contrary, the easier finishing material, the fewer problems there are with the cladding.

This video will tell you about the use of clinker in the interior for wall decoration:

Purpose and colors

There are several types of products:

  • technical tiles– refers to an unpainted material suitable for cladding industrial and laboratory premises. The thickness in this case is usually higher, since resistance to chemically aggressive substances and mechanical strength are important in such objects;
  • ordinary finishing- an ordinary product, equally suitable for decorating a living room or kitchen. It is distinguished by higher porosity and variety of texture;
  • waterproof– tiles with minimal water absorption. It is intended not so much for baths, but for more “heavy” objects - saunas, swimming pools, where the humidity is higher and temperature changes are much stronger;
  • thermal insulation- not really in the usual way. To achieve maximum density and strength, the product is additionally dried before firing. If this is not done, the tile turns out to be more porous, and, therefore, have higher thermal insulation qualities. This option is suitable for cases where external thermal insulation of the building is impossible or insufficient;
  • special– products are produced for cladding complex architectural forms. Typically, this need arises when decorating public premises.

When choosing, the main attention is paid to the appearance of the product. The decorative possibilities of clinker, of course, are limited compared to tiles: the material imitates, so the tiles do not vary too much in shape and size.

But the range of colors is much richer compared to the natural color of clay bricks. Addition mineral pigments allows you to get any, even exotic shades. In this case, the color does not change over time, since the coloring component is mixed with the original raw material.

White clinker tiles for interior wall decoration (photo)


The material may have different textures:

  • smooth surface- the most common option. Smooth clinker is much easier to clean, while its similarity to ceramic bricks remains. The slipperiness of such material does not matter when finishing the wall;
  • rough– option for living rooms, bedrooms, halls and so on. Rough tiles can be used in the bathroom: clinker absorbs very little moisture, but it is not suitable for the kitchen: such a surface easily collects dirt, and removing it is much more difficult;
  • glazed- with shiny smooth surface. Very decorative and unusual clinker. Here, all that remains of the resemblance is the staggered arrangement, but this option is readily used in the interior;
  • rustic– reproduces the texture of rough processed or aged. “Brutal” material is indispensable for finishing in loft, industrial, rustic, and so on.

Clinker is not suitable for any interior. Special masonry, rough surface, bright expressive color make this material very individual.

Even when the tile is used in a single color and only as a background, then it acts as a kind of accent, denoting the chosen style.

Design techniques

  • Clinker does not create a pronounced vertical or horizontal. But the brickwork and strict geometric shapes of the elements to some extent structure the wall, make it more expressive and visually bring it closer. This feature must be taken into account in the interior. Quite large rooms are finished entirely with clinker - small room

the cladding will visually reduce it. The size of the tile influences the effect: clinker, not exceeding in size, can be used in small bathrooms, but large tiles are better used for large spaces. Clinker is used to decorate both kitchens and living rooms in English or rustic styles. Moreover, both natural colors - red-ocher colors - and unusual ones are actively used., for example, looks great in minimalist living rooms.

  • One wall or partition is finished with clinker much more often. Such a surface ceases to be a background, but serves to highlight an area - working, dining, living room, etc. The combination of a “brick” wall and. For masonry, both a single-color version and a “natural” range are used with equal success, where the shades of each “brick” are different and very noticeable.
  • No less popular is the fragmentary use of clinker - finishing corners, parts of the wall in the form of panels or symmetrical elements, unevenly spaced brickwork tiles, and so on. Thus, it is possible to highlight some architectural feature room or create one. Approximately vertical and horizontal fragments play the role of structural elements, visually raising the ceiling or expanding the room.

We will talk about options for laying clinker tiles on the wall in different interiors below.

About This video will show you how to lay brick-like clinker tiles on a wall:

Interior styles

Clinker tiles have a very expressive texture, which is very far from the concept of luxury, brilliance or elegance. So the material is not suitable for all interiors.

  • Loft- this, of course, is the first thing that comes to mind when looking at a brick wall. Loft is a very specific style, preferring authentic and roughly processed surfaces; brickwork for it is one of best options registration Clinker perfectly replaces heavy brick. In a loft, it is allowed to tile the entire room, or rather, the studio. The style suggests very large premises, combined rooms and so on, where the masonry seems organic and not intrusive. In its commercial version - industry, some walls or fragments are finished with clinker to structure the space and highlight zones.
  • Country style– Provence, country, English, Dutch. Clinker is used everywhere as wall decoration, corner decoration and, of course, if it is available. The masonry should accurately imitate brick, but the colors can be very unique. So, natural color is welcome in english style, in country, white and even glossy white are preferable, Provence is also white plastered or delicate pastel shades, especially lavender color. An indispensable feature of the Dutch or German style is bright red brick.
  • Rustic– and here it is best to use large tiles and as roughly processed as possible; aged clinker is quite suitable. The finish will be more impressive if the colors of the tiles vary slightly. Rustic involves covering all the walls, so it is better to implement the idea in large rooms. In this case, a darkening effect will be present, which must be taken into account.
  • Gothic– dark large and small brickwork will bring the required amount of gloom to the interior. The difference between the style and rustic is that it is rough, downright heavy and dark walls combined with luxurious pieces of furniture and crystal chandeliers.
  • Minimalism– uses both a casually processed stone surface and glossy brick. Here the clinker highlights zones and focuses attention on the planes.
  • Tiles serve the same purpose in style. techno, however, here the “brick” is selected to be smooth, with the most precise geometric contours and in one color; natural colors are not welcome.
  • IN high tech tiles are used less frequently, since the style prefers smooth, even surfaces, but can also be used as an accent. The fragment must have pronounced verticality and horizontality. Finishing corners and niches is not allowed. The color is white or contrasting bright - black, red.

Read below about the technology of laying clinker tiles on the wall.


Suitable as a base for cladding, also suitable metal structure. Drywall is a more dubious option. However, with sufficient density and small sizesdecorative fireplace, for example, such a solution is also allowed.

The main requirement for the base is a flat surface: lay durable hard tiles on uneven wall It's simply impossible.

Permissible unevenness is no more than 2 mm per square meter. m.

What you will need

  • No special tools are needed for laying clinker. The following will be required.
  • Clinker of the appropriate size and color - it is advisable to purchase 10-15% more, because some of the tiles will have to be cut, and some may be damaged during transportation. Special glue for ceramic tiles
  • - even in the house it is not desirable, although it is allowed. If you are tiling a bathroom, the glue must also be waterproof.
  • The main tools are a serrated and smooth spatula, and a rubber hammer. For cutting tiles, use a glass cutter, a tile cutter, or a grinder with diamond blade
  • To maintain the sameness of the seams, mounting crosses of the appropriate size are used.

Technologies and options

The main difficulty when laying a wall is that it is impossible to lay it dry, like, for example, stairs. So you have to rely on your experience or make markings. The latter solution is also better in the case when it is necessary to select the material so that the center of the wall or fragment is occupied by whole tiles, and the cut ones end up along the perimeter of the panel or closer to the corners.

  1. The base is prepared for work: leveled, puttied, if necessary, and treated with an appropriate type of primer. The adhesion of clinker is quite high, but still, it is better to play it safe.
  2. The glue is prepared in accordance with the instructions. It is recommended to mix the composition in small portions, designed to lay about 1 square meter. m. The composition retains its adhesive properties for 20–30 minutes, and then becomes unusable.
  3. Before laying, tiles from different packages are removed and mixed in order to reduce the difference in shade to a minimum.
  4. Laying begins from the bottom, usually from the left corner. If part of the wall is covered, then start from the window.
  5. The glue is applied to an area of ​​no more than 1 square meter. m. with a notched trowel. To avoid moisture absorption, a layer of glue is also applied to the tiles, but immediately removed with a smooth spatula. Contrary to popular belief, tiles cannot be lubricated with water, as this disrupts the polymerization process of the adhesive. When laying on clinker it is wetted.
  6. The tiles should be laid in the direction of the lines on the reverse side. The clinker is pressed to the surface and tapped with a mallet to achieve a tight fit. Installation crosses are installed between the tiles so that the seam is the same.
  7. Every second row of tiles is checked by the building level. Within 10–15 minutes after laying, the position of the tile can be changed, but after setting, this will not be possible.
  8. After 2 days they begin. It is better to use an epoxy mixture for this indoors. The grout is applied with a rubber spatula and leveled with a damp sponge. At the same time, traces of grout or glue on the tiles themselves are removed. After 2–3 hours, it is recommended to repeat wet cleaning.

Installation methods

Clinker tiles imitate brick, so their installation methods are the same as those possible with brick. In fact, there are not so many of them.

  • Spoon dressing is the simplest and for everyone affordable option staggered laying. In this case, the edge turns out to be uneven; if necessary, the tile is trimmed. Sometimes this feature is used as a decorative effect.
  • Spoon dressing can be used when laying in horizontal rows or diagonally. The last method is more difficult, you will end up with a lot of scraps, but the wall looks very impressive.
  • Chain ligation, two tiles form a block. And the blocks are stacked alternately in a vertical and horizontal position - very simple and interesting.
  • “Fish bone” - the tiles are laid perpendicular to each other, forming a kind of angle. The masonry is simple, the edge is very uneven, but original look the wall is secured.
  • Interlocking masonry - used on walls much less frequently, as it requires the selection of clinker from two different sizes. Larger tiles in the form of bricks are laid alternately vertically and horizontally so that the butt of the horizontal “brick” rests against the side of the vertical one.

With such masonry, large gaps appear between the elements. They are filled with small tiles. Also, or other small stone can be used for filling. In a living room - not a bathroom or a kitchen, you can leave such a weave without filler, since there is no threat to the masonry from excess moisture.

We will tell you below about the price for work on cladding and interior finishing of walls with clinker tiles, for example, “like brick”.

Cost of work and materials

  • The price of clinker wall tiles is quite affordable: their thickness is small, and such high demands are not made on density and mechanical strength. The cost varies from 556 rubles. up to 1348 rub. per sq. m.
  • The work itself, depending on the masonry method, is estimated at 1300–1400 rubles. per sq. m. Grouting, as a rule, is not included in this work and costs another 300–400 rubles. per sq. m.

Finishing with clinker tiles - interesting design solution for many modern and rustic styles. It's amazing how cozy it feels Brick wall in the kitchen and how impressive clinker finishing of corners and arches is.

A specialist will talk about the role of clinker in home interior design in this video:

Having discarded several options for the beautiful beginning of the article, we decided to have a little fun for our readers and remember a phrase from D. Martin’s book, which says that when someone builds a wall, others certainly want to look at what is behind it. But this phrase does not apply to our clients, because those stylish individuals who decide to buy clinker tiles for bricks are guaranteed to focus the attention of mankind on this most beautiful creation, and not on the events taking place behind the clinker brick. And how exactly this masterpiece, or clinker tiles, can enrich your home, read on.

How will you improve your home using brick-like clinker tiles?

So, why should you just buy brick tiles? There are many reasons for this, and we will try to tell you about it in an accessible and interesting way.

No matter where your retreat is located, whether it's your main home or a vacation home, you want it to be cozy and stylish at the same time. AND big role A design with brick-like clinker tiles can play a role in this, because this element helps to complement, diversify or divide the space - depending on your wishes. Decorative clinker tiles, or brick-like tiles, successfully replace brick compositions. The biggest advantage of brick-like clinker tiles, apart from the price, is its relatively low weight, which helps relieve the wall from too much load.

Where can you use clinker tiles for brick?

Don't worry that clinker brick tiles may not suit your interior. This perfect option is used in a variety of designs and architectural styles:

  • It's worth buying chic brick-like tiles if you prefer a loft-style design. So-called “industrial” aesthetic solutions have been at the peak of fashion for several years, especially in big cities. And tiles made to look like brick will be an excellent complement to the pipes decorating the walls, vague structures under the ceiling and the walls themselves, the material of which is mainly brick.
  • For fans rustic style Clinker brick tiles are also suitable, because such a house must have a fireplace, chimney or brick walls. By combining, for example, brown clinker tiles with wooden furniture and matching curtains, you can easily create a country style in your cozy country house.
  • Decorative clinker tiles can be called irreplaceable when using the neo-Gothic style. When combining elements of antiquity and modernity clinker brick will give your home the mood of a “knight’s castle”.
  • When decorating a home in the Hi-Tech style, white clinker tiles will look harmonious. Light brick made of clinker tiles, glass and chrome surfaces are the perfect combination.

How to apply clinker brick tiles in different rooms?

We are such maximalists, we try to lay clinker tiles in any room. And our examples are quite successful, we are sure you will like them too. So, which rooms can be improved with clinker tiles:

  • If you are decorating a kitchen, buying brick-like tiles will be the right decision. Why? We are confident that kitchen clinker tiles will look presentable, and the practicality of facade clinker tiles has been tested by your kind servants. To decorate a kitchen in a rustic or Scandinavian style brown brick tiles are used, and a minimalist or ultra “metallic” design is perfectly diversified with the help of light facade tiles.
  • The accent of any living room will be clinker brick laying, and well-chosen facade tiles will help visually make the space lighter. Therefore, owners should buy clinker decor small rooms. If space allows, you can add decorative elements and partitions made of clinker tiles. In any case, with the help of clinker tiles you will get a more presentable living room.
  • If you dream of a bedroom like in a fairy-tale castle, go to our showroom right now to buy tiles, because decorating with brick-like clinker tiles will turn even the most ordinary room into the latest design craze. No need to worry about the composition of the brick tiles, clinker masonry comprises natural materials and absolutely safe for health. If you have come across photos or pictures of bedrooms decorated with clinker tiles, you understand that this is the ultimate dream.
  • In the era of the USSR, a hallway design decorated with brick-tile wallpaper was fashionable; it’s good that this time has already passed. Now that the clinker boom has arrived, there is no need to imitate clinker wallpaper to look like brick, the price of which was prohibitive. Now you can afford to buy brick-like tiles, the price of which, of course, differs from wallpaper, but is not too high. You will get not only aesthetic pleasure from facade tiles; in addition, many people bought facade clinker for one simple reason: such tiles are resistant to dirt and damage.

Thanks to the minimal need for processing, clinker tiles, the price of which is not high, are economical and at the same time presentable. Due to their long-term use, the price of the tiles will quickly pay for itself, as you will enjoy its aesthetics and practicality for many years.

Can be used for interior decoration various materials. The choice of the appropriate option depends on personal preferences, financial capabilities, stylistic direction, etc. Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration are relevant when decorating a room in the style of rustic, rustic and a number of others. Having given preference this species finishing material you can become the owner.

Distinctive features of clinker tiles for interior decoration

Clinker tiles for interior work are characterized by a number of distinctive features:

  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations. There is no need to fear that after repeated heating the material will lose its shape or lose its visual appeal;
  • Strength and wear resistance. Estimated service life decorative covering exceeds a century. The tile is able to maintain the relief even under significant mechanical stress;
  • Attractive appearance. The presence of a glazed surface allows the material to retain its natural color for a long time;
  • Environmentally friendly. Considering that natural raw materials are used to manufacture the material, there is no need to fear negative effects on the human body;
  • Versatility. The material can be laid in all rooms without exception;
  • Possibility of execution installation work at any temperature, including in an unheated room;
  • Non-flammability;
  • Long service life;
  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Even after a long period of use in a spacious, sunny room, the material is able to retain its original color.

Manufacturers offer various types of clinker tiles:

  • Standard, which can be used for cladding residential and non-residential premises. Differs in a variety of textures and colors;
  • Waterproof. Can be used for finishing rooms characterized by high levels of humidity. Suitable option for decoration various surfaces in the bathroom and swimming pool. Withstands impact high humidity and significant temperature fluctuations;
  • Technical. Relevant for cladding industrial and technical premises. The material is not painted. Has great thickness. Able to withstand mechanical stress and exposure to chemicals;
  • Special purpose. Ideal for implementing non-standard design solutions.

In addition to its purpose, the material is usually divided into types according to the texture of the outer layer. Preference may be given to:

  • Smooth. Due to its universal appearance, the material can be used for interior decoration for various purposes. The smooth surface does not create problems during maintenance;
  • Glazed. Quite popular because of its smooth and shiny surface;
  • Rough. The special texture of the tile makes it in demand when decorating a corridor or living room, as well as a number of other rooms. Allows you to implement non-standard design solutions;
  • Rustic. Its rather rough appearance makes clinker look like aged stone or. It is in demand when decorating premises in the industrial style and a number of others.

Clinker for interior decoration of kitchen or bathroom walls must have a glazed surface.

Otherwise, due to the fairly high water absorption of the material, the service life of the formed coating will be significantly reduced. Although the material without a layer of glaze looks more natural.

Options for using clinker tiles in the interior

Manufacturers offer a wide range of finishing materials. Numerous collections will allow you to choose the right option for any room. “Pleso” tiles look beautiful. This collection from Uralkeramika is presented in several colors and has dimensions of 250 by 500 mm. Depending on the chosen design option, you can give preference to a decorative border and inserts with a specific pattern. If you decide to use clinker in the interior, read possible options

Options for using white tiles when decorating rooms

Use of finishing material white allows you to visually expand the available space. White clinker looks beautiful in the bathroom and other rooms.

By choosing the right material shape, you can create a unique interior in any room.

Manufacturers offer white brick-like clinker tiles that allow you to imitate. With its help, you can design it, which will be characterized by increased resistance to external influences.

Imitation brickwork from white material it will look beautiful in living rooms.

Using brick-like clinker tiles for interior decoration

Row stylistic directions assumes the presence of brickwork when decorating the room. Achieve desired result in the building will not be difficult. It is enough to remove the layer of plaster from the wall and leave the surface in its original condition. In other buildings, it will come to the rescue, which can have a variety of colors.

If you want to achieve a non-standard effect, you can give preference to a material with a glazed surface. A glossy wall will add shine and visually expand the boundaries of the room.

It is not necessary to choose a material of a characteristic burgundy color. Clinker looks quite beautiful in the interior yellow color.

The size of clinker tiles for bricks, as a rule, corresponds to standard sizes ordinary material. However, non-standard solutions can be found in manufacturers' catalogs.

Clinker bricks for interior decoration: adding style to a room is easy

Using clinker bricks in the interior, it is easy to imitate smooth masonry. This modern design trend allows you to achieve a unique result when decorating premises for various purposes. It can be used in, or a billiard room. You just need to place the accents correctly.

Using clinker bricks for interior wall decoration, you can beautifully decorate a room in different styles. Using this material you can often design:

  • in loft style. This direction is characterized by the preservation of pristine industrial aesthetics;
  • Dining room in Provence style;
  • Office in classic style. This material is used for cladding columns and walls;
  • A bedroom in the spirit of Paris.

To place accents, you can make not only the entire wall, but also a certain part. This will allow you to correctly place accents, achieving an unusual interior solution. Using antique, forged lamps, velvet, shiny satin and various glass elements you can create a unique solution.

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Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration: technological features of interior wall cladding

Many people trust the finishing of walls to professionals, believing that they cannot cope with this task on their own. If desired, clinker tile cladding can be done on our own. Especially if you already had to produce. You just need to familiarize yourself with the sequence of preparing the base and the features of installing the finishing material.

Preparing the foundation

To ensure that the clinker tiles can be securely attached to the base, the quality of the surface must be appropriate. The preparation of the base is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Checking the quality of the base. If there is an old easily removable finish on the surface, it should be removed;
  • Base plane control. It is worth using a water level. The surface must be flat. The height of the differences should not exceed 10 mm. The relief of the base and numerous irregularities will increase consumption adhesive composition and can cause poor adhesion of the finishing material and the base. You can level the base using universal putty;
  • Priming the walls. Applying a layer will increase the adhesion of the adhesive composition.

Attention! Finishing with clinker tiles can only begin after the primer has completely dried.

Let's start cladding

If the base is properly prepared, there should be no problems when finishing. The technology for laying clinker tiles includes the following main steps:

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Preparation of tile adhesive

Detailed instructions on the procedure for diluting the glue are given on the packaging. The composition is prepared in a large container, gradually pouring the dry mixture into water. To obtain a homogeneous composition, use a mixer to prepare concrete mortar. It is impossible to ensure sufficient homogeneity of the glue manually. You can check the quality of the mixture using a spatula. If the composition slips off metal surface– you can start cladding the walls.

Applying the prepared composition to the surface of the base using a notched trowel

The larger the tile size, the larger the pitch between the teeth should be.

Fixing clinker tiles on the wall

The first tile should be fixed at the bottom in the corner. If the room has a wall with a window, then the window opening should be used as a reference point. Pressing the material against the wall, ensure the required spatial position using a rubber hammer. Correct installation is controlled using a water level. Corrections can be made until the adhesive has hardened.

Forming an expansion gap using plastic crosses

Thanks to their presence, it will be possible to avoid disruption of the evenness of the rows of laid tiles during the drying process.

Waiting for the glue to dry

Having completed laying clinker tiles with your own hands, you should wait at least two days before continuing finishing work. If the walls were faced in, or, the waiting time should be increased.

Advice! Before the beginning finishing works Place the clinker brick in the water. This will prevent active absorption of liquid from the cement-based adhesive composition and ensure uniform drying of the glue. When using other compositions, wetting should be abandoned.

Depending on the desired effect, clinker tiles can be used to create different patterns. The characteristics of the material force us to give preference to:

  • Spoon dressing, allowing you to form rows staggered. Simulates brickwork. The uneven edge of the laid material is often used to create the desired decorative effect. The rows are arranged predominantly horizontally or diagonally. The latter option is characterized by increased material consumption due to the large amount of waste;
  • Chain ligation, in which a block is formed using two tiles. The blocks are laid in alternating vertical and horizontal positions;
  • "Fish Bones", in which the tiles are placed at right angles. With its help you can give the wall an uneven and quite original appearance;
  • Interlocking masonry, formed by using clinker of two colors. The option has found limited use. Allows you to create an original pattern that alternates vertical and horizontal elements. The end of the horizontal tile rests on the larger side of the vertical one. The resulting gaps are filled with smaller clinker, stone or another type of finishing material.

Where to buy clinker tiles for interior wall decoration: price and material features

The cost of the finishing material often plays a decisive role when choosing the appropriate option. force you to pay attention to more available material than originally planned. Due to the fact that the price of clinker tiles Russian production remains at a relatively low level, can be purchased beautiful material with minimal financial investment.

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Those who decide to buy clinker tiles from foreign manufacturers should pay attention to German and Polish material.

This material is made from high-quality raw materials in compliance with all necessary regulatory requirements.

Choosing an architectural technique for clinker tiles based on a photo

To make your living space stylish, it is important not only to choose the right clinker, but also to use the appropriate architectural technique. By studying photos of apartments with clinker tiles in the interior, you can choose a suitable solution for your home.

Depending on the desired effect, preference may be given to:

  • Accent wall. When it comes to decorating a bedroom, the wall behind the headboard looks quite beautiful. However, other options are also possible. To achieve the greatest effect, it is advisable to use. In the rest of the room, a wall near a table or sofa can be used;
  • . This will provide a sufficient level of protection from negative factors. Due to the high performance characteristics of the material, there is no fear that defects will appear on its surface;

Fireplaces may not be real
  • Space zoning. Based on the photo of walls with clinker tiles for interior decoration, you can choose the most suitable color combination.


Each of us dreams of living in a house in which everything is perfect, from the interior decoration to the flowers on the loggia. But in addition to beauty and aesthetics, we want our nest to have its own “zest”, to stand out from other interiors. Clinker tiles, which many call “brick finishing,” can help every owner with this. If you have questions about the use of such finishing material, installation features, technical characteristics or you just want to admire interior photographs of exclusive designs, then in this article you can find everything that interests you.

Clinker tiles: revealing secrets

Clinker tiles are a modern and popular finishing material that has its roots in ancient times. It came to us from Europe, where German and Dutch craftsmen, during the era of the construction boom, produced material similar in its characteristics or even superior in performance properties wild stone. Well-compacted clay was fired at a very high temperature, so when tapped on it, the finished material produced a characteristic sound.
For the production of clinker tiles, environmentally friendly raw materials are used - clay, so such a finishing material will be appropriate in the design of various interior spaces home: kitchen, living room, hallway, bathroom.

Along with external efficient design, it has other advantages that are no less important and useful during operation:

  • resistance to temperature changes - clinker tiles will successfully withstand any test, they can be installed both in the coldest room of the house and even outside it, and in the hottest (finishing a fireplace, stove);
  • low moisture absorption - standard indicators vary from 1 to 6%, this allows clinker tiles to be completely unafraid of moisture, so this finishing material is often used in rooms such as bathrooms, swimming pools, saunas, hammams;
  • environmental friendliness - the presence of clay and various mineral dyes makes the material super environmentally friendly and safe for human life and health and environment;
  • fire resistance - when created, clinker tiles practically “come out” of the fire (firing temperature is about +1200°), therefore further exploitation high temperatures have no effect on it at all;
  • durability is the most competitive advantage, since a house, once decorated with clinker tiles, practically does not need changes or repairs;
  • ease of maintenance - this fact is valuable for housewives who will not need to pay much attention to the care and maintenance of walls or rooms decorated with clinker tiles.

Important! Remember that clinker tiles have high color uniformity, so even if chips or scratches appear on it due to careless handling, visual damage will not be noticeable.

Types of clinker tiles

Manufacturers and distributors building materials offer their customers a wide selection and a huge range of clinker tiles for every taste and income. For interior decoration, the following types of “brick” finishing materials are used:
  • Technical tile is a rather rough, unpainted product used for finishing industrial premises. It has high density and strength.
  • Classic finishing is a standard tile suitable for use in any room of your home. Available in various types, textures and colors.
  • Waterproof - a special material intended for use in rooms with high humidity.
  • Thermal insulation - such tiles are produced completely in a unique way. Before super-hot firing, each product is additionally dried, which gives the clinker maximum strength and density. Such tiles can be used indoors not only for beauty, but also for additional insulation home or room.
Clinker tiles are also distinguished by texture:
  • Clinker with a smooth surface is the most popular option, easy to clean, used for kitchen splashbacks, bathroom decoration, and cladding individual areas in the hallway;
  • Tiles with a rough surface provide a delightful tactile sensation, but are more demanding to maintain, so optimal premises for its application are living rooms, bedrooms, recreation rooms;
  • Clinker with a glazed surface - used for decorative purposes, as an accent or unusual decoration V overall design rooms;
  • Rustic - “antique” clinker, imitates the surface of old or roughly processed stone.

Installation of clinker tiles

Despite the external decorativeness and isolation, clinker tiles are quite easy to install. With little construction skills and having necessary tool, you can lay the clinker yourself without any problems:
1. The surface on which the tiles will be mounted must be previously prepared (flat, smooth, without crumbling fragments).
2. Before laying clinker, the walls must be treated with a suitable primer. This will significantly reduce the consumption of tile adhesive and increase the density of the wall covering.
3. Installation of clinker begins from the second row, so a flat strip is attached to the wall at a distance of one row from the floor. It will serve as a support for the clinker until it “grabs” the wall surface and controls the evenness of the row.
4. Special tile adhesive must be carefully placed before use to avoid lumps.
5. Before laying, each tile must be immersed in water. This will help it become more flexible during installation and cutting.
6. During installation, the tiles are pressed against the wall and tapped with a special rubber hammer to the ideal position.
7. After laying the clinker tiles, you must let them dry for 48 hours and only then start grouting the joints.

Advice! Do not let the grout dry out. You can start leveling it within 5 minutes after application.

Until recently, clinker tiles were an infrequent guest in interior residential premises. But its unparalleled performance characteristics, wide selection of sizes, colors and textures, as well as enormous possibilities for application, have changed the situation. Now clinker is synonymous stylish interior home and a recognized favorite among designers.

How to choose in which cases clinker is suitable, and in which - porcelain stoneware?

The main differences between clinker and porcelain stoneware are heat resistance, thickness and special rough texture. Therefore, façade clinker tiles should be chosen for interior decoration in two cases:

  • if you need to achieve the most realistic brickwork effect
  • if you are decorating a fireplace.

In other cases, it is better to prefer porcelain stoneware “brick-like” or “stone-like”. Why? There are several reasons:

  • Porcelain tile is thinner and lighter - it does not “eat up” useful space.
  • Wider choice of shapes, textures and decorative elements.
  • Porcelain tiles are easier to cut for lining niches, openings and small architectural details.

In the photo: brick-like porcelain tiles Cir & Serenissima New York.

A wide selection of porcelain stoneware stylized as wild stone, brick or paving stones can be found in the assortment of the following factories:

When choosing clinker for the kitchen, living room or fireplace, consult with the specialists of the Art Real salon. Our managers will introduce you to the range of clinker tiles in stock and on order, and designers will offer interesting options decorating your interior.

Tags: Feldhaus klinker , ADW klinker , Gres de aragon , Tile , For indoors , For walls , For floors , For kitchen , Porcelain tiles , Stone like , Decor , Cir & Serenissima , Clinker , Provence , Del Conca , Exagres , English style, Natucer , Brick , Klinker Sire , Cifre , Loft , Rough , Country , Steps , Facade tiles , facing brick, Cir & Serenissima New York , Shabby chic , Cir & Serenissima Chicago