What do you need to do to pass a polygraph? How to pass a polygraph without problems: practical advice from experienced people

When applying for a job, many have heard about the need to take a polygraph. Today, an increasing number large companies decide to test potential or current employees with a lie detector.

Let's try to figure out what such a check is, what features it has, what stages the testing process consists of, and so on.

What is a polygraph and how to pass it

The polygraph is equipment, which has sensors installed on the human body. With their help, it is possible to track the biophysical changes occurring in the body at the time the question was asked.

Simply put, when asking a candidate about a particular event, data will be displayed on the screen that allows you to determine whether the person is lying or telling the truth.

People relate to the polygraph differently. Some believe that such a check is initially a lack of trust in their employees. Others are skeptical about the testing and believe that the equipment can be fooled.

It is worth saying that both of them are right in this situation. Equipment can really be fooled. At the same time, do this quite difficult. The fact is that before the official check begins, the person will be asked some kind of “calibration” questions. They allow you to configure the equipment in accordance with individual characteristics person.

Already during testing, the specialist will understand what the reaction is to certain questions, respectively, whether the person is telling the truth or deceiving. People believe that to successfully pass a polygraph you just need to have same reaction.

In fact, if you want to deceive the device, then, on the contrary, you need to keep your emotions under control and at the right moment show the reaction that is necessary. At the same time, this must be done in such a way that the specialist does not have any doubts. Note that it is almost impossible to deceive the equipment the first time. Therefore, if you really have nothing to hide, it is recommended to tell the truth.

The need for verification

It is worth recognizing that in some cases, taking a polygraph during employment is indeed the right decision . For example, this applies to candidates applying for leadership positions.

It is also advisable to screen potential employees who are being interviewed for positions that require regular contact with material assets. So, if a person previously worked in a similar job and committed theft, then literally one question will determine this. Today it has become a practice to screen candidates for positions related to work in law enforcement agencies.

Pros and cons for employees

Quite a large number of people negative refer to the polygraph test procedure. At the same time, there is a considerable percentage of those who positively perceive such verification. It is worth saying that in favor of the positive aspects of such testing is the fact that in 95% of cases it allows you to show that a person has hidden the presence of a criminal past and criminal record.

In addition, the use of verification allows reduce the risk of financial losses in case an employee is hired who will be responsible for key points financial work companies. Most people who underwent polygraph testing during employment confirmed that such a test is really effective.

Moreover, it does not address any issues related to dignity, honor or privacy. When checking before hiring, the task is to understand how honest the future employee is and whether he can be trusted.

What should a job seeker be afraid of?

If a person has something to hide, and this information is related specifically to the activities that were carried out at the previous place of work, then there is a high probability that the hidden information can actually “come to light”, and, accordingly, the employer will give refusal of employment.

It should be noted that the presence of bad habits also contributes to the fact that a polygraph can identify them. For example, if a person uses drugs, alcohol, or has previously used them in large quantities, then this will certainly be revealed during the inspection.

Such information will allow you to determine what problems a potential employee has and, accordingly, understand whether there is a possibility that he will return to harmful habits while working.

The testing process itself consists of two parts. In the first part, a polygraph examiner performs instrument calibration in accordance with the individual characteristics of the person being tested.

As a rule, questions are asked that are associated with an answer that is obviously obvious. For example, they ask his first name, last name, gender. Such a test makes it possible to determine what the physiological reactions of the tested body to true and false information look like.

The second stage is testing. In this case goes We are talking about several types of questions. They mean:

  1. Customizing.
  2. Corrective.
  3. Actual.

If a person gives truthful answers, then the polygraph examiner sees that the same or similar answer was given to the corrective and factual questions. If false information is given, the parameters can be changed. This is automatically recorded by the device.

Most often, during a job interview, questions are asked that are related to the use of alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction, criminal history, loans, intentions aimed at causing harm to the company, and so on. For all questions asked to the test taker, there can only be two possible answers: "Yes" or "No".

The correct interpretation of the results is quite important regarding testing. It is for this reason that the specialist who carries out the inspection must be a professional in his field, namely a highly qualified psychologist.

He must be able to distinguish between an attempt at lying and a person overexerting himself. After all, whatever one may say, a polygraph test is stressful. For this reason, testing is often carried out within two hours. During this period, you can ask hundreds of questions that are similar to each other.

Legality of actions

Unfortunately, current legislation Russian Federation in this matter is imperfect. The only thing is that before starting the lie detector test, the person being tested must sign document confirming consent to perform this procedure. This allows us to ensure that no further claims will be made against the specialist.

It is worth noting that a few years ago written consent was optional. At the same time, due to the fact that people began to file lawsuits with the judicial authorities and successfully win them, polygraph examiners simply began to play it safe.

By the way, the use of a polygraph is not even provided for in the work law enforcement agencies. What can we say about companies, even those that are very large and well-known.

Is it possible to refuse verification?

Based on the above, the answer to this question obvious. It is indeed possible to refuse a polygraph test. It is unlikely that an employer will force a potential employee to take a lie detector test. At the same time, such a situation will contribute to the employer’s assumption that the person has something to hide, and, accordingly, he will be forced to refuse employment.

In general, there is nothing special about a polygraph test. Every year, the services of professional polygraph examiners are resorted to more and more often. That is why, if you have nothing to hide, there is no need to be afraid of such verification.

A sample polygraph test is presented below.

The infamous polygraph test, also known as the "lie detector", is often seen as a cause of anxiety and fear even among people who have not committed any offense and who must take the test without cheating or manipulating the results. Either way, you've come to the right place if you need advice on taking a lie detector test.


Before checking

    Understand how the polygraph works. The polygraph is not able to detect lies, as such, but it monitors the physiological changes that occur in the body when a person lies (blood pressure, pulse, breathing, sweating).

    • Become familiar with the test equipment and procedures when you arrive at your designated location. It's also a good idea to learn the basics on your own, but avoid the lie detector horror stories that tend to be posted online and make people even more nervous.
  1. Try not to overthink the test in advance. You risk distorting the test results if you spend too much time worrying and needlessly judging yourself before taking a polygraph test.

    • In order to avoid unnecessary worries, do not ask those who have taken a lie detector test about the process itself, do not waste time on self-analysis and do not try to predict the questions that will be asked to you.
    • Try not to spend too much time browsing anti-printing sites, as they often confuse reality with false “facts” and can cause unnecessary panic.
  2. The day before the test, take care of your body. You must be comfortable during testing to ensure accurate physiological responses. To do this, you should make sure that you are well rested and physically feel comfortable.

    • Follow your routine as closely as possible. Even if it includes caffeinated coffee or a run in the morning, which tend to affect your heart rate. It is necessary to adhere to a daily routine, since your body is accustomed to working in these physiological conditions.
    • The night before testing, try to get seven or eight hours of sleep.
    • Make sure you are not hungry and that your clothes are loose and comfortable.
  3. Fill out all the forms given to you. Depending on the reason you are taking the polygraph test, you may be given forms to fill out, such as a Personal Information Clearance form or a regular form that requires your permission. Take your time filling out the forms. Read them carefully and sign only when you are ready.

    Tell the expert if you have any medical conditions or medications you are taking. If you are currently sick, the examiner may change your test date. Some medications, such as blood pressure medications, may interfere with lie detector results. So you are obliged to inform the expert if there are any.

    • If you have a disease, you will feel uncomfortable, which will distort the results.
    • If you are using prescription medications, continue to take them as directed by your doctor before starting the test.
    • Contrary to popular belief, most antidepressants cannot change the printed results and allow you to "not mention their use." But despite this, you need to inform the expert about their use (if this is the case), as antidepressants can lead to abnormal results.
  4. Review the questions and take as much time as possible to understand them. In some cases, polygraph examiners provide questions in advance. Take your time while studying them, and also do not hesitate to ask an expert to clarify vague or confusing questions.

    • You should ask the expert to clarify all questions immediately before the test begins. Your answers will be limited to "yes" and "no", and therefore any discussion during the test is prohibited, so all questions must be asked before the test begins.
  5. Know what questions will be used. The following types of questions are used in the tests: neutral, significant and control.

    • Neutral questions are not intended to provoke any reaction. As a rule, they are used to understand how attentive the examinee is. It doesn't matter how you react to them - these results will not be taken into account. Examples of questions: “Your name is Igor?”, “Do you live in Russia?”
    • The purpose of meaningful questions is to identify possible wrongdoing. It is assumed that the person who committed the unlawful act will be significantly nervous, which will be reflected in the device’s readings. Otherwise, all indicators should not deviate from the norm. Of course, reactions to these questions will be taken into account when summing up the results.
    • Control questions do not indicate any illegal action, but are more general in nature. Their goal is to cause nervous excitement in the test taker. During the test, the polygraph examiner will evaluate your physiological reactions to questions that, in the opinion of the expert, you definitely lied about.

    Standard polygraphy test

    1. Allow yourself to be nervous. During polygraph testing, no one remains calm, even if the person in question is innocent of anything and has nothing to hide. By allowing yourself to be nervous, you will give the polygraph examiner the opportunity to determine accurate physiological statistics while you are telling the truth or lying.

      Tell the truth. Answer everyone truthfully asked question, if you have nothing that you would like to hide or that you are ashamed of. As a rule, people are most likely to lie when answering security questions. The more often you tell the truth, the more accurate the results will be, which will help determine your innocence.

      • People are often afraid of trap questions, but experts in many countries are now increasingly inclined to use more direct questions.
      • Listen carefully to the entire question and answer it as accurately as possible. Don't answer after listening to only half the question, and also learn to understand what is being asked In fact they ask you.
    2. Take your time. Depending on who is testing you, you may have the examiner repeat the question two to six times. Find out how often you can repeat a question before starting the test. Take your time when answering questions, as feeling rushed may skew the test results.

      • The survey usually takes five to ten minutes, but depending on how often the questions are repeated to you, how long it takes you to make a decision, and the nature and reason for the test, it may take longer.

    Manipulation of test results

    1. Create a stressful state for yourself by answering security questions. If, answering Security Question, there is a need to deceive the polygraph, most people recommend inducing mental or physical stress on their own. Your baseline will increase, so when you lie, the line on the polygraph will be less than that, which was formed during control testing.


If you think that a polygraph test will not threaten you, then you may be very seriously mistaken, especially since this device is often used even when applying for a job.

It goes without saying that not everyone wants to tell the truth, which is why there are a lot of ways to outwit a lie detector. By the way, it’s not that difficult, the main thing is to understand the mechanism.

We will now talk about how to keep your secrets to yourself and successfully, hassle-freely pass the polygraph.

Lies are often told in secret in order to find out the truth.


Some people have the misconception that it is very easy to fool a lie detector. This begs the question: why is it needed then? But it's not that simple.

Indeed, it is quite possible to complete the test without noticeable biophysical changes (we wrote about the specific history of polygraph deception earlier), but the fact is that for the first twenty minutes you will be asked “calibration” questions, setting up the device individually for you.

So, the same reaction to all questions asked by a specialist, of course, will not harm you, but it will not help you either. Moreover, the test results may be canceled and a new one assigned.

The whole secret is not to keep all emotions under control, but to show the desired reaction to the question at a certain moment. Moreover, this must be done in such a way that the polygraph examiner does not become wary.


So, you need to evoke inauthentic reactions to simple questions that may generally concern you, and hide these reactions when you need to answer the key ones.

  • The first is quite simple to do, just take some external irritant with you - for example, a button in a shoe.

  • You can indulge in various thoughts that evoke certain emotions in you.

  • Before polygraph testing, you can drink a little alcohol or valerian to calm your nerves,

  • You can stay up all night

  • You can also drink a lot of liquid so that you need to go to the toilet - and the test results will be as expected.


We use all our acting skills. Of course, the most best option, this is high-quality acting according to the Stanislavsky system. The trick is to become so immersed in your lies that you believe them yourself.

Agree, if you believe in a fiction, then for you it is no longer a lie, which means your body will perceive this information as true, and therefore will give the specialist conducting the test the corresponding result.

It goes without saying that for this you simply need to think through all aspects of your deception in advance, so much so that you can discuss this topic for a very long time without inventing the plot along the way, but as if remembering it:

  • Add little things into your story, like what the weather was like, what you smelled - just don't overdo it and don't distract from the main topic.

  • If you have already decided to deceive the polygraph with the help of acting, then emotions will definitely not be superfluous, they just need to be changed, turning fear into anger, and repentance into humility.


Monitoring your blood pressure Now let's move on to blood pressure, which also needs to be monitored.

There are two ways to do this:

  • contraction of the sphincter muscles,

  • biting the tip of the tongue.

Just remember that you need to do this without any additional facial expressions that could give you away.

More, control your breathing- under normal conditions, we inhale no more than once every 2-4 seconds. And it's better not to detain him- there is a risk of increased heart rate.


Updated: There is a long-standing myth that it is possible to fool a lie detector using a pushpin.

The essence of the deception is this:

  1. Place a thumbtack inside your shoe under your foot.

  2. When you are asked a security question, for example, “What is your name?”, answer and step on the button.

  3. Pain causes a slight surge of emotions and is reflected in the detector readings as if you were telling a lie. Thus, when telling a real lie, the readings on the device will be the same or similar, and it will seem that you are telling the truth. Those. sensors will react to a lie in the same way as to a question about your name.

  4. The polygraph examiner does not notice anything strange in the almost identical polygraph readings and gives you a positive resolution.

The whole catch is that many testing companies currently check the subject for such “pranks” before the test, including checking shoes. Thus, at the moment this method of passing a polygraph test can be considered almost inapplicable. We do not recommend checking!


We can conclude that deceiving a lie detector is not entirely simple, but it is quite possible; you only need a sincere desire and patience. Each person must answer the question of whether this is worth doing for himself.

But one thing is true in any case: if you have made a firm decision to successfully pass the test and fool the polygraph, then try to do it

In what situations is it legal to use a polygraph and in what cases is it not, and how can you pass testing without problems at the police station or during employment? We tell you in detail about everything you need to know about the lie detector.

Within the law

When you have to think about how to pass a polygraph, another question automatically appears: “Is such a procedure legal?”

The use of a lie detector is allowed:

  • when carrying out detective activities and interrogating witnesses (Article 7-8 of Federal Law No. 144 “On operational investigative activities”);
  • to check employees working officially or freelance in state security agencies;
  • for interviewing military and state security employees (Article 18 of Federal Law-57 “On State Security”).

The official use of this equipment was permitted in Russia in relation to officials in 1993 after the release special instructions Ministry of State Security, and when interviewing civilians - after the publication of Order No. 437 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of December 28, 1994.

Regulatory legal acts establish Some conditions that must be met before using a lie detector:

  • opening of a criminal case (or presence of signs of a criminal offense);
  • written consent of the interrogated;
  • the device must have a safety certificate that confirms that no harm will be caused to humans during testing.

Important! The information obtained using a polygraph does not become irrefutable evidence of guilt or innocence, but is only an auxiliary tool for further investigation.

During psychophysical testing:

  • obtain information that helps advance the investigation;
  • evaluate the reliability of existing information;
  • identify potential or actual participants in the crime;
  • narrow the circle of suspects.

Questioning using a lie detector is allowed not only for criminal offenses, but also for administrative ones, including during corporate internal audits.

Important! For any type of inspection, a citizen has the right to find out the test results, and denying this desire is contrary to the law.

Is it possible to refuse?

Does an employer have the right to force you to take a polygraph and can the police insist on checking? No, this procedure is absolutely voluntary, and the refusal:

  • does not confirm that a person is involved in a crime;
  • does not confirm that the person who refused is hiding something;
  • does not restrict civil rights in any way.

That is, those who have not passed the polygraph at the Ministry of Internal Affairs or at work should not worry and think about what to do next. Testing:

  • is only an additional tool for finding out the truth;
  • cannot be the basis for arrest, charges or dismissal;
  • can be challenged in court if the procedure is violated, including due to forced testing of someone who is prohibited from being questioned (more on this below).

Moreover, all questions that are planned to be asked are voiced in advance, and their meaning should not cause a feeling of humiliation or offend the person being interrogated. If any wording seems inappropriate, you also have the right to refuse.

Note! In order to further exclude accusations of lies and controversial situations, as well as to have material evidence of one’s innocence in court, it is allowed to conduct independent audio or video recording.

Is it legal to take a polygraph at work? If we are talking about a performance audit, then quite, but the results cannot be the only evidence of guilt for dismissal or disciplinary action.

A direct violation of the law would be the fact of forced testing in exchange for employment. If during an interview the personnel officer takes out a polygraph, you don’t need to think about how to pass testing when applying for a job in order to show yourself in better light. You can simply refuse, citing Labor Code and Articles 3, 8, 9 and 64. This rule does not apply to those employees who are subject to the Federal Law “On State Security” (Article 18).


In addition to the reluctance of the suspect himself to “tell the truth and only the truth” and violation of the testing procedure (written consent was not received, questions were not voiced), there are direct indications of who should not take a polygraph.

All taboos are associated either with strong anxiety that occurs during testing, which negatively affects health and can provoke relapses in chronic pathologies, or with the inadequacy of the interviewee.

First of all, we are talking about people who are severely exhausted - physically or mentally. For example, you cannot interview someone after a week-long hunger strike or someone who suffers from insomnia and has not slept for several days. It is prohibited to test minors, as well as at such an advanced age, when brain dysfunction appears and a person is unable to absolutely soberly assess what is happening, for example, with senile insanity.

Secondly, it is worth knowing What diseases should you not undergo a polygraph for?

  • mental disorders of all types at any stage of treatment;
  • chronic pathologies of the respiratory system, for example, tuberculosis, severe forms of asthma;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as previous strokes and heart attacks;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe pain of any etiology;
  • pronounced symptoms of colds: cough, fever, respiratory congestion, chills, redness of the skin.

It is impossible to test not only chronic alcoholics and drug addicts, but also people who drank alcohol the day before, took psychotropic substances or potent medications.

Can pregnant women undergo a polygraph? If it is voluntary, then it is possible, but the contraindications are:

  • severe pregnancy with complications, health threatening mother or child;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • second and third trimester.

Thirdly, a ban is also imposed in a situation where the polygraph examiner:

  • depends in some way on the respondent, for example, at work;
  • indirectly or directly interested in a particular result of the inspection;
  • relative, close friend, good acquaintance of the person being tested.

On the Internet you can find a lot of advice from “experienced” people on how to pass a polygraph if you have something to hide. You definitely shouldn’t try to fool the device with artificial sedation and stabilization. nervous system, for example, with the help of medications. An experienced polygraph examiner will immediately identify an unnatural reaction and cancel the results.

To understand how to pass a polygraph without problems at the Ministry of Internal Affairs or during an interview, you should know some nuances. The first few questions are called "calibration" questions. They usually concern general things, and are asked to customize the equipment for a specific person.

It is a mistake to believe that the main task is to keep emotions under control and not give oneself away. awkward question. On the contrary, it is necessary to demonstrate a natural reaction, and in such a way that the expert does not become suspicious.

What do seasoned “deceivers” advise? Imitate emotions: get excited when asked simple questions and calm down when asked provocative ones. They offer to deceive the lie detector in various ways:

  • put a button in your shoe and step on it when asked a simple question: pain will cause inappropriate emotions and confuse the device;
  • do not sleep at night, drink alcohol or valerian, but if this is revealed, the test will be rejected;
  • drink more water, juice, tea, lemonade so that the desire to go to the toilet dominates all others;
  • turn on artistry and believe your own lies;
  • control physiology: accelerate pressure (tension/relaxation of sphincter muscles, biting the tip of the tongue), breathe evenly (if held, the heart will begin to accelerate).

When learning how to pass a polygraph, you should listen to the advice of professional polygraph examiners:

  • don’t get hung up on what’s happening and calm down;
  • relax physically - this will be especially easy to do if you are not to blame;
  • when answering a question, do not remember the past, but focus exclusively on the present;
  • answer honestly;
  • remove emotionality and add as much indifference as possible;
  • slightly abstract, do not analyze the questions, but say the first thing that comes to mind.

Polygraph examiners are convinced that only those who have thoroughly studied its structure and have impeccable control of their own psyche can deceive the machine. And there are only a few of them. So is it worth resorting to such tricks if everyone has a legal right to refuse?