Schefflera flower: features of care and propagation at home. Schefflera flower: pruning, care at home Indoor flowers and care for them Schefflera

Young plants once a year, adults - once every 2-3 years. In summer - 20-22 degrees during the day and 16-18 at night. In winter - 14-16. Summer - every 3 days. In winter - once a week. Twice a day, with insufficient air humidity. East and west windows. Variegated varieties on southern windows.


The plant is light-loving. However, direct rays can cause burns on the leaves.

Therefore, diffused bright light is ideal. Windows facing west or east are ideal. Varieties with green leaves can do well in partial shade on a north-facing site.

Variegated Schefflera varieties are more demanding on lighting, since the color saturation of their leaves depends on the amount of light. Therefore, it is better to place them on southern windows, creating light shading.

You can read more about the varieties and placement of shefflera.

Despite the fact that the plant is tropical, it does not tolerate extreme heat. Optimal temperature regime in summer - 20-22 degrees during the day and 16-18 at night. At higher temperatures it may shed its leaves. On warm days, the flower can be taken outside into the shade.

In winter, shefflera tolerates temperatures not lower than +12.

Otherwise, he may die. The ideal temperature would be 14-16 degrees. You cannot place it in a draft or near an open window. It is also better to keep the plant away from heating appliances.

In the summer heat, it is necessary to provide the plant with abundant watering and high humidity air. Under these conditions, sheflera is able to withstand a temperature increase of up to 30ºC and higher, if it is not exposed to direct sunlight during the day.

In winter, a decrease in air temperature is not necessary. This is done to reduce the growth rate of cheflera in insufficient winter light. But if you use additional lighting, the plant overwinters well at room temperature 20-22ºС.


Schefflera is moisture-loving, but excessive water intake can be destructive and cause rotting of the roots.

In summer you can water every 3 days. The best way Check the plant's need for water - touch the soil with your finger. If the ground is a little dry - sure sign that watering is necessary.

In winter, when metabolic processes slow down, watering is also carried out less frequently.– approximately once a week. You can't water the plant cold water, best option– water at room temperature, standing for 24 hours.


Schefflera prefers fertile soil.

You can use store-bought soil. In this case, you need to choose a substrate for palm trees.

It is also possible self-cooking mixtures. It is necessary to mix turf soil, humus, sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 4:2:1:3.

An important condition for shefflera is good drainage.. To do this, you need to put expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. The size of the pot is selected according to the size of the root system - it should fit freely in it, but there should be little free space.


Plant feeding is carried out once every 10-14 days in spring. summer period. As a top dressing, it is better to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones.

Preference is given to liquid fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants . During the dormant period (from October to March), fertilizing should be reduced to once every 2 months, or eliminated altogether.

We should not forget that fertilizers should only be applied to moist soil.

Watering moist soil will ensure optimal absorption nutrients and will protect the root system from damage by large amounts of fertilizer.

Schefflera is fed as follows. First, fertilizers are diluted with water to the concentration indicated on the package. Then the plant is watered with plain water and left for 4-5 hours so that the soil is well saturated with moisture. And only after this the chefler is once again watered with the prepared fertilizer solution.


It is especially important to provide humid air if the flower overwinters at a high room temperature (more than 18 degrees). If there is insufficient air humidity, the plant may shed its leaves, and the likelihood of pests, such as spider mites, increases.

You can place a pot of shefflera in a tray filled with pebbles. In this case, watering is carried out in a tray, and the plant itself absorbs it with its roots. required quantity moisture.

When there is insufficient moisture, Schefflera sheds its leaves.

Schefflera prefers high air humidity. Accordingly, it is recommended to spray with water at room temperature from a spray bottle twice a day.

You can also wipe the leaves with a damp cloth: this will moisten them and remove dust.

Trimming / Support / Garter

Schefflera lends itself well.

Height can be adjusted by trimming the top. The plant will sprout side shoots, which will subsequently serve to create a spherical shape.

You can give it the shape of a bush by planting several cuttings nearby. Or to grow a tree - cut off the lower side leaves. In this case, accuracy is important to avoid loss of decorativeness.

Schefflers carry out formative pruning early spring . It is necessary to complete this procedure before active growth begins, so as not to weaken it and damage the growing shoots.

When growing a bush, 3-4 cuttings are planted in one container. Formation begins when they grow 5-6 internodes in length. After this, in the spring their tops are pinched. This will cause the young plants to branch. Usually, after pinching, 2-3 new shoots grow on each cutting, which are also shortened the next year to get a lush bush.

During standard formation, the lower shoots are removed to a height of 20 cm from the ground, and the top is pinched. In the future, every spring it is necessary to trim the growing shoots in accordance with the desired crown shape.


Let's look at how to care for shefflera at home when the flower is sick.

The main pests that attack Schefflera are thrips, mealybugs, scale insects and spider mites. The cause of the problem may be low air humidity or planting the plant in pest-infested soil.

If there are a small number of pests, the flower can be washed with warm soapy water..

In case of serious infestation, the use of insecticides – chemical or biological preparations to control pests – will be required. Actellik or karbofos (8 drops per 0.5 liters of water) will do.

You can read more about plant diseases.


  • If Schefflera sheds its leaves, the cause may be too high or low temperature indoors, or overwatering;
  • If the color of the leaves fades, the problem is a lack of light; light spots appear - there is too much light;
  • Roots rot - too frequent watering;
  • The tips of the leaves dry out and melt away brown tint– low air humidity or insufficient watering.
  • If a plant's leaves lose their elasticity and then fall off, this is due to a very rapid increase in air temperature.
  • Another reason for the wilting of sheflera leaves is insufficient feeding in the summer or irregular replanting.
  • A deficiency of nutrients in the soil can lead to stunted growth. If the plant for a long time has not grown new leaves, it needs to be fed.
  • A sharp drop in temperature to 10ºC can lead not only to massive leaf fall, but also to the death of shoots, as well as the death of the plant.


Let's look at how Schefflera reproduces at home.

Schefflera can be propagated by cuttings or seeds.

In the first case, it is necessary to cut off the shoot and leave at least 2-3 leaves on it, treat it with a growth stimulator (heteroauxin, root). Planting is done in sand, the pot is covered with polyethylene.

The seeds are sown to a depth of 5 mm, the pot is covered with glass and placed in a warm place. Shoots appear in 2-3 weeks.

Seed propagation in indoor culture is used extremely rarely due to the difficulty of purchasing seed and high labor intensity.

When grown in an apartment, Schefflera usually does not bloom, so it is not possible to get seeds from your plant. When using purchased material, there is no confidence in its quality.

Specimens grown from seeds often do not have the varietal characteristics of the mother plant.

In apartment conditions, it is convenient for the chef to propagate by air layering. To obtain a layer, the shoot is cut to half its thickness, and a match is inserted into the cut.

After this, the cut area is wrapped with moistened sphagnum moss, and the moss is covered with polyethylene on top and tied with thread above and below the cut.

If the moss is kept moist, the shoot will soon take root. As soon as they become visible, the cuttings can be separated from the adult plant and planted in a pot of soil.

Before propagating Schefflera, you need to prepare the pot and soil in advance.


Transplantation is a necessary procedure for caring for cheflera. Young plants that have root system grows quickly, transplanted into new soil annually. Adult specimens whose growth rate is decreasing need to be replanted every 2 or 3 years. Schefflera is replanted in the spring in mid or late April.

Sheflera tolerates transplantation well. But despite this, this procedure must be carried out very carefully. It is better to replant the plant by transshipment in order to injure the root system as little as possible.

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The pot for the cheflera is chosen to be 2-2.5 cm wider than the previous one. It should not be very high, optimally if its height is equal to the diameter. This plant does best in clay pots that allow oxygen to reach the roots. It grows much worse in plastic.

When transplanting, a drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the new pot.. The plant is removed along with a lump of earth from the old pot and placed in the center of the new one. Fresh soil is added to the sides.

The plant should not be deeply buried during transplantation. It should be at the same depth as before this procedure.

To ensure that mature plants that are rarely replanted do not suffer from a lack of nutrients in the soil, it is recommended to change them annually. top layer soil mixture in a pot for a new fertile one.

In the gallery you will see photos of sheffleras in the process of care at home and in the natural environment:

Latin name: Schefflera

Family: Araliaceae

Homeland: subtropics and tropics of America

Schefflera unique umbrella for office and home

Schefflera is the most numerous genus of tropical plants, more than two hundred species of which adorn the Araliaceae family with their decorative properties.

Schefflera owes her name to Carl Linnaeus, who glorified the name of his friend, the famous German phytologist of the eighteenth century, Scheffler Jacob Christian.

The native places can be considered the tropical forest areas of Asia, its Southeast part, the Australian continent, the islands of New Guinea, Java, Taiwan, Hawaii. Here, the southern miracle of nature is represented by evergreen trees, shrubs, sometimes even vines reaching six meters in height. They are covered with inconspicuous, small, white flowers, collected in complex paniculate inflorescences resembling an umbrella.

No less charming is the Schefflera flower and room conditions. This exotic, evergreen, spreading bush with flexible branches and unusual shape leaves can add uniqueness and comfort to any interior, especially spacious and bright rooms. Many types of schefflera create beautiful bonsai.

The amazing and unique structure of schefflera leaves, resembling a palm with fingers spread wide apart, attracts the attention of flower lovers. Each leaf consists of 6-12 ovoid, bright green, flexible, dissected leaflets that emerge from one central point, imitating an open umbrella. Thanks to this analogy, Schefflera received its second name - umbrella tree.

Schefflera species

Schefflera arboricola

Flowering evergreen shrub, which came to our region from the islands of Hainan and Taiwan. In its homeland, the plant with an erect, branching trunk reaches four meters in height. The leaves are compound, palmate, with up to nine leaf plates measuring up to 20 cm in length and up to 10 cm in width. Young shoots of Schefflera arborescens are light green, and with age they become light brown.

Based on this species, new varieties have been bred: Amate - has very beautiful shiny waxy leaves, is less damaged by pests and is less demanding on lighting; the Gold Capella variety bears an incredible resemblance to a palm tree, whose green leaves are painted with small yellow spots.

Schefflera actinophylla (Schefflera actinophylla)

It is also called the “green star”. One of the most common types. IN natural conditions This single- or double-stemmed plant reaches fifteen meters in height. It grows beautifully decorative tree in gardens and greenhouses in a warm, mild climate.

In indoor conditions it can reach a height of 2.5 m. On the gray-brown erect trunk there are red-brown long petioles majestically bearing bright green, shiny, large leaves. They consist of 8 – 15 independent leaf blades. The length of the elegant serrated leaves reaches 60 cm. Small bright red flowers form inflorescences, the result is clusters of purple fruits.

Schefflera octophylla (Schefflera octophylla)

Tropicana from humid mixed Indian, Japanese and Chinese forests. Here, Schefflera octophyllum trees or shrubs reach a height of 15 m.

Original light green rosettes of 8-11 glossy, leathery, oval leaf blades are located on drooping cream thirty-centimeter petioles. Reverse side leaves are matte green. Late autumn the plant is decorated with inflorescences of white flowers, and by December the fruits appear.

Matches made from soft wood plants are in demand. Traditional medicine treats colds, bruises, injuries with the help of an infusion of leaves and bark of the roots of Schefflera octophylla.

Schefflera Janine

The variegated beauty has gained popularity due to its unpretentiousness when growing. Grows well in the shade, maintaining the bright green leaves and dark, chaotically located contrasting stains and inclusions.

Schefflera Nora

Flower growers increasingly like Schefflera Nora’s elegant foliage and ease of care. Lush crown from long, narrow, light olive leaves with yellow splashes can create coziness and a positive atmosphere in the house.

Scheffler Luzeana

The very elegant Shefflera Louisiana is absolutely not demanding in care. By doing only general rules growing, you can tirelessly admire its decorative openwork leaves. When the plant is placed in a sunny room, its leathery, shiny leaves will become even more variegated with yellow or white splashes.

Schefflera Gerda

This variety does not require special care. In diffused light, it will feel great and can reach up to 2.5 m in height. Variegated Tropicana, from white-green to yellow-green colors, will be grateful for moderate soil moisture and normal room temperature within 16-20˚C.

Schefflera Charlotte

More recently, breeders have developed the Schefflera variety Charlotte. Landscape designers They use this beauty to landscape office and residential premises.

The light leaves of Schefflera Charlotte have a dark green edge on the outside. On the other hand, the leaf has a darker and more saturated color.

Schefflera digitata

Schefflera palmata comes from the tropical forests of New Zealand, where its height can reach eight meters. The leaves of the plant, divided into 7-10 palmate, soft and thin plates with pointed tips, are very similar to palm leaves. Large flowers form paniculate inflorescence, resulting in the formation of edible fruits purple- a favorite delicacy of birds and insects.

Locals use the juice of the flower to treat skin ulcers and ringworm. In ancient times, wood of this type was used by schefflers to make fire. Now the indigenous people are massively selling souvenirs and crafts from the plant to numerous travelers, so Schefflera digitata is on the verge of extinction.

Schefflera care at home

Schefflera is a plant of the tropical forest zone. This beautiful, unpretentious, heat-loving, picturesque, abundantly branching plant needs no more care than the rest of the green inhabitants of the windowsill. This beauty will decorate any interior. Young shefflers will feel good next to other indoor plants, and adults will look especially majestic in splendid isolation.

Schefflera, caring for it is not at all difficult, but to contemplate this beauty you need to work a little and fulfill the following growing conditions.

Selecting a location

The permanent place of residence of the shefflera should be well lit; direct rays of bright sun, drafts and sudden temperature changes should be excluded.

The normal limit of temperature fluctuations is 16 -25 °C, in winter it is not lower than 12 °C, and the ideal temperature would be 18 °C.

The most suitable areas are on the western and eastern sides, most importantly away from batteries central heating. Variegated forms require bright light, while green ones will suit a northern room.

In summer the plant will be more pleasant fresh air in the garden or on the balcony.

Schefflera loves high air humidity and desires regular spraying with warm, soft water.


In summer, when shefflera is growing intensively, the soil should be kept moist, but without stagnant water, in order to prevent rotting of the roots. Sufficient watering 2-3 times a week, the top layer of soil should be slightly dry. In winter, watering is significantly reduced to once a week. If the room is cold, you need to water the plant even less often. You need to use soft, warm water.


It will grow in any fertile soil, but you need to choose a slightly acidic, light soil that allows air and water to pass through well.

You can buy ready-made soil. The mixture is suitable for palm trees and decorative flowers.

Grows well in a mixture: turf soil, coarse sand, peat, humus, leaf soil - all ingredients in equal quantities. Drainage is required.

Top dressing

Intensive plant growth requires the application of liquid fertilizer, half diluted, every two weeks. You can set the order of organic and mineral fertilizers. Shredded eggshell will also only benefit the shefflera. During rest, feeding is not needed.

Scheffler's transplant

Replant every three years. The main indicator for replanting will be the filling of the pot with roots and their appearance in the pot hole. To replant, you need a pot with a diameter that is five or six centimeters larger than the previous one.

Schefflera reproduction

To propagate Schefflera, you can use cuttings, air layering and seeds. The easiest way to propagate a plant is by cuttings. It is necessary to cut off a fifteen-centimeter apical stalk, treat it with root formation stimulants Kornevin or heteroauxin. Can be rooted in a damp mixture of perlite and peat or sand. Rooting is also possible in water.

Propagation by seeds is a more painstaking process. Seeds need to be sown in a mini-greenhouse and kept in dark place. In about a month, the seeds will germinate. They need to be provided with diffused light and a temperature of at least 18˚C. Next, we plant them in separate flowerpots for a permanent place of growth.

Diseases and pests

Schefflera may be affected by: scale insects, spider mite, thrips, mealybugs, aphids. Uninvited guests can be immediately seen on the trunk and leaf blades of the flower. We immediately take measures to eliminate insects. First of all we apply soap solution, wiping the plant with a cloth. If this procedure is not enough, we move on to more stringent measures. Actellik solution will help.

Possible difficulties in growing shefflera

  • Schefflera is shedding its leaves, but no harmful insects have been found. Why do Schefflera leaves fall? Surely not comfortable conditions growing a plant. During the winter months there is low temperature and, for sure, the soil is waterlogged. In the summer months there is intense heat and drafts.
  • The edges of the leaves have turned black - the plant is in a draft, insufficient watering.
  • The leaves become white or yellow spots- excess sun rays.
  • Pale dull color of leaves, elongated stems - not enough lighting and nutrients.
  • The edges of the leaves dry out, the color is dull - increased temperature and low air humidity, increase watering and spraying frequency.
  • Roots rot - excessive watering, low temperature.

Schefflera is an air purifier - it absorbs benzene, saturates the air with oxygen and increases its humidity. It is necessary to reduce contact with Schefflera of children and animals as much as the plant poisonous . Is toxic philodendron .

Care for your shefflera with love, which will absorb negative energy, help cope with anxieties and neuroses, and instill a state of vigor and peace.

Schefflera flower is an indoor plant called Schefflera, belongs to the Araliaceae family and in natural conditions reaches a height of up to 20 meters. The plant blooms with inflorescences of different sizes. Blood-red, white, green paniculate, umbrella or capitate inflorescences attract not only insects, but also birds. Under natural conditions, sheflera can only reproduce by seeds. At home, the plant blooms extremely rarely.

Flower varieties

Schefflera flower - indoors, unpretentious plant , ideal for beginner gardeners. For good growth he needs to pick up right place and know a few rules of care. There are many types of Schefflera in nature, some of them:

  1. Schefflera tree is the most common type and is popular among gardeners.
  2. Schefflera radiata flower reaches a height of up to 12 meters.
  3. Eight-leaved shefflera - got its name because of the great similarity of the leaf structure with the tentacles of an octopus. It has a name - octopus tree.
  4. The most elegant cheflera is the second most popular species that can grow at home.
  5. Scheffler Veitch - this species is significantly different from others. When young, the leaves have a reddish tint, but the older the plant gets, the brighter and greener the foliage becomes. The flower is light-loving, so it prefers south side windows.
  6. Schefflera digitata is a beautiful, low bush ideal for growing in an apartment.

Gallery: Schefflera flower (25 photos)

Rules of care

Lighting and temperature

For beautiful growth, a flower needs to choose the right place. A window facing west or east with diffused light is suitable for this. To prevent leaf burns, homemade shefflera needs to be hidden from direct sunlight.

In summer, the flower can be placed on a balcony or loggia, hidden from drafts and wind. In winter, shefflera is placed in a well-lit and cool place.

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For correct height it is necessary to adhere to the temperature regime. It should not exceed 20 degrees in summer and 17 degrees in winter. If the temperature is elevated, the leaves of the sheflera may fall off. Do not keep the plant near heating devices.

Watering and fertilizing

Caring for shefflera at home includes feeding and watering. Schefflera is watered with warm and settled water. Do not allow the soil to dry out and beware of severe waterlogging, as excess moisture leads to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

Good growth also depends on air humidity; for this, the pot is placed in a tray with wet expanded clay. The plant must be constantly sprayed and wiped with leaves damp cloth. Schefflera needs to be sprayed twice every 7 days, and in hot weather the plant can be given a light shower.

In winter, the plant does not need feeding, and spraying is extremely necessary, because the room temperature is too high.

The plant is fed with mineral and organic fertilizers, alternating them every 10 days from spring to autumn and once in winter.

Flower transplant

A young plant is replanted annually, and adults only as needed, when the roots come out of the drainage hole.

Schefflera is planted in a pot larger size with nutritious soil. For good and proper growth, expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the pot and covered with prepared soil. The soil should be light, fertile and nutritious.

How to propagate sheflera

Can be propagated by: seeds, cuttings, layering.

Propagation by seeds

Propagate by seeds The work is not easy, since it is necessary to comply with temperature conditions and watering rules.

Before planting, seeds must be disinfected for 15-20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in a solution of Epin or Zircon.

Seeds should be sown in January-February to a depth of 3 cm in nutritious and fertile soil. For good and fast germination, you need to make a microgreenhouse, place the container in a warm place and periodically moisten the soil with a spray bottle.

Common heather: planting and care, cultivation

When 2-3 true leaves appear, the plant is planted in pots with a diameter of 9 cm and put in a warm, well-lit place. Stronger and healthier seedlings transplanted in autumn into pots with a diameter of 12 cm.

Cutting method

For cuttings, you need to cut 10 cm shoots with two buds, treat them with Kornevin and place them in water for rooting. When the plant takes root,

transplant it into a pot with nutritious soil, water it generously and place it in a warm, well-lit place.

Cut cuttings can be planted immediately in prepared soil. To do this, they are treated with Kornevin and planted in prepared soil in a transparent container. The cutting is covered with a plastic cup to maintain a temperature of 20 degrees. Periodically, the cap is opened and the soil is moistened using a sprayer. If the roots fill the entire container, it is necessary to replant. in a larger pot and put it in a bright and warm place.

Reproduction by layering

Only adult plants are propagated by air layering. To do this, the trunk of the plant is cut vertically, and the cut site must be wrapped in moss treated with a nutrient solution. From above, the moss is covered with polyethylene.

So that the plant quickly produces aerial roots, moss needs to be constantly moistened.

After a short time, roots form at the place where the cheflera was cut, and after 2-3 months, when the roots are large and strong, it is necessary to cut off the entire top part under root formation.

The rooted cuttings are transplanted into a pot. The plant is pruned at the root, leaving only a small stump. The pot is placed in a warm, illuminated place, periodically moistening the soil. At proper care in a short time the chef will be pleased with the lush and bright greenery.

Why does the plant turn yellow and drop its leaves?

Insufficient care for the plant pests may appear, which lead to yellowing of the foliage, and if not treated in a timely manner, to the death of the plant.

Stephanotis care at home, transplantation and propagation

In order to prevent disease, it is necessary to regularly inspect the Schefflera, and if pests appear, treat the plant in a timely manner. Karbofos or Aktelik are suitable for this. When processing, care must be taken to ensure that the solution does not get into the ground. If the plant is severely affected, the treatment is repeated after two weeks. Yellowing of leaves can also occur if the plant is exposed under direct sunlight.

Sheflera leaves may fall off for several reasons: temperature conditions are not maintained, improper watering, insufficient lighting.

When the plant is overwatered, its roots rot. The help is as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from the pot.
  2. Inspect the root system: remove rotten and damaged roots.
  3. Treat them with a solution of Epin or Zircon, then with phytosporin and treat with charcoal.
  4. Transplant the plant into a ready-made nutrient soil, put on plastic bag, periodically removing it for ventilation and spraying. The package is removed after a week.

Schefflera turns black at low air humidity. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to follow the rules of care.

"Schefflera arboricola" is a miniature version of "Schefflera arboricola". In nature it is evergreen reaches 8–9 meters in height (Radiate leaves grow up to 15 meters). Young shoots are green and become brown as they become woody. Compound Leaves consist of 7–9 parts, each of which can reach 20 cm in length and 4 cm in width.

In domestic plants it grows up to 2 meters. Breeders have developed many varieties of this plant, differing in the shape and color of the leaves. Among the popular ones are Gold Capella (with golden spots on the leaves), Hong Kong, Compacta and others.


The photo shows the plant with proper care at home:

Home care

Actions after purchase

Young "Schefflers" are usually sold seated in thin plastic containers with peat or other light substrate. You can give the plant a few days to get used to the new conditions, and then you need to transplant it into a larger diameter pot with a thick layer of drainage and suitable soil.


"Schefflera" prefers cool temperatures; the best temperature range for it is 16–22°C.

In summer she feels good on outdoors, can be taken out to the balcony, covering it from direct rays of the sun.

Too high a temperature harms the plant and causes leaves to fall off, so even in the cold season you should not place a pot of Schefflera near a radiator or heater.

For wintering, it is better to choose a cool room 14–16°C, but do not allow the temperature to drop below 12°C.


They grow best under diffused but bright light. Direct sun can cause burns on the leaves, so it is better to place the plant on the east or west side.

You can install adjustable blinds on your window to keep leaves and soil from drying out. If wintering takes place in warm room Where the temperature is above 17–18C, additional lighting will be needed; it is preferable to install fluorescent lamps.


"Schefflera" requires uniform watering to maintain soil moisture during the growing season. In winter, watering should be reduced. The soil may dry out between waterings, but the roots should not be allowed to dry out or, conversely, moisture to stagnate - this can lead to root rot or infection of the plant.

Blackening leaves are a sure sign of overwatering. Lack of moisture can be identified by wrinkled or curling leaves.


During the period of active growth (from April to October), you can fertilize with complex fertilizer for indoor plants once every 10–15 days. If desired, you can alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.

Transplantation and soil

It is best to replant Schefflera in the spring; young plants require replanting every 2 years, and for older ones - every 4–5 years.

You will need light soil with a slightly acidic reaction.

Will do ready soil for palm trees or a mixture of turf and leaf soil, sand and humus (2:1:1:1).

Particular attention should be paid to the drainage layer - it should occupy at least a quarter of the height of the pot. Expanded clay is suitable for drainage.

After transplanting, you need to give the plant time to get used to the new soil. After about a month, you can resume feeding.


Its rapid growth can cause inconvenience when kept in small spaces. If the plant has become too tall, you need to prune it by removing the upper part of the shoot with the growing point.

This will give an impetus to the branching of "Schefflera" and prevent it from growing too large. The resulting cutting can be rooted. Optimal time for pruning - in early March.

Interesting! By regularly trimming the tops you can get a round crown.

If you want to give the plant a tree shape, you need to remove the lower side leaves.


"Schefflera" grown at home usually does not bloom or produce seeds., therefore, it is propagated by semi-hardened cuttings or air laterals.

Cuttings cut with a sharp knife are placed in a soil substrate of equal parts sand and peat. To ensure a suitable temperature (about 22°C), diffused light and humidity, you need to cover them with film or place them in a greenhouse. After rooting, the temperature should be reduced to 18°C.

Young plants can be replanted when their roots envelop the entire earthen ball. The diameter of the pot should be no more than 9 cm. Low temperature, no higher than 16°C, promotes better growth.

Air layering can be obtained from a large mature tree by making a cut in the trunk. Place sphagnum moss soaked in a nutrient medium on the cut and wrap it with film. By maintaining the moisture of the moss, after a few months you can get roots on the tree trunk.

After this, you need to cut the trunk just below the cut point. The remaining part is also likely to produce new shoots if it is cut off at the root and watered regularly. In this way you can get two plants from one.

Diseases and pests

"Schefflera arborescens" is less susceptible to pest attacks than other species of this plant.

Most often, “Schefflera” is attacked by spider mites.

This happens at low air humidity, so for prevention it is enough to spray the leaves of the plant with a weak soap solution once a week.

Other insect pests that are partial to “Schefflera” are aphids, scale insects, and thrips.

All of them are sensitive to modern insecticides.

Overly wet soil can cause root rot.

To combat the disease, you need to reduce the intensity of watering and treat the soil with a fungicide solution.

Important! Schefflera leaves are a kind of monitor of the plant’s condition.

So, light spots on them indicate too bright lighting. If leaves fall in winter, you need to raise the room temperature and reduce watering. If they fall off in summer, on the contrary, move them to a cooler place.

Benefits and harms

"Schefflera arborescens" is a mildly poisonous plant. However, it is unlikely to cause harm to an adult. As a safety precaution, you can wash your hands after trimming the plant and avoid getting its sap in your eyes.

Attention! Owners of small animals and cats should treat Schefflera with caution.

At the first signs of poisoning (vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness), it is necessary to take your pet to a veterinarian.

In a well lit spacious room"Schefflera arborescens" quickly grows into a beautiful tall plant. It’s worth paying a little attention to it to protect it from drought and pests, and the open palms of the leaves will delight the eye with their bright glossy green all year round.

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09.01.2018 20 323

Schefflera is a flower that can be easily cared for at home.

Schefflera, a flower that even novice gardeners can care for at home, is known for its unpretentiousness to conditions. environment, however, for its proper growth and development, you should know how the crown is formed, pinched and replanted, what will happen if you cut off the top, how to save it if the leaves darken, turn yellow and fall off, black dots and red spots appear, or the greenery is covered with a sticky coating ...

Schefflera flower - home care, what the plant needs

Schefflera is a southern plant native to Australia, which is valued not only for its interesting appearance, but also for unpretentiousness to external conditions, however, it is still necessary to know the basic requirements for the harmonious development of a plant. Schefflera is a flower whose care at home will not seem difficult even for beginners in the business of growing indoor greenery.

Sheflera prefers bright rooms, both in summer and in winter period, – if there is not enough light for it, the leaves of the plant will turn pale, but also expose the pot with this southern belle Avoid exposure to direct rays to avoid burns on the leaves. Varieties with green foliage are recommended to be placed on windowsills facing east or west side, variegated varieties, on the contrary, will feel better on southern windows, but in this case you should take care of shading.

Although sheflera belongs to tropical plants, high temperatures it does not tolerate well, so it is optimal to maintain +16 C…+25 Sv indoors warm time year, and in winter reduce the temperature to +14 C. Schefflera varieties with variegated leaf colors prefer a slightly warmer atmosphere - not lower than +18 C.

The sheffler should be watered abundantly so that water accumulates in the pan, but after a few hours this water must be drained from the pan, otherwise the root system will begin to rot. Watering is done twice a week with water at room temperature, checking the humidity level in the pot before doing so - if the top layer of soil has dried out, you can safely water it. Spraying and wiping the greens with a damp cloth are also recommended for caring for cheflera.

How to prune sheflera correctly, its transplantation and methods of propagation

Schefflera, the formation of the crown of which is an obligatory stage of care, must be regularly pruned - as a rule, the tops are cut off, thus stopping excessive growth. It is recommended to do this in spring.

Schefflera - flower, photo at home

Schefflera is a flower, care for which at home should be stopped during the dormant period, that is, from November to the end of winter - at this time the plant can be fed no more than once every 60 days, using a weak concentration of fertilizer.

Watering should also be reduced - 100 ml of water per liter pot per week will be enough for the cheflera.

If the soil is prepared correctly, the shefflera does not need feeding at all at first - optimal composition soils for growing sheflera include:

  • Clean sand;
  • Compost;
  • Leaf humus;
  • Sod soil.

The components are mixed in a ratio of 1:2:3:4, but you can prepare a different soil composition by taking the same ingredients in equal quantities and adding a portion of peat. When purchasing a ready-made substrate, choose soil for palm trees, and when planting chefleras, do not forget about organizing proper drainage.

Schefflera after transplantation transplantation

Suitable pot for Scheffler

A young sheflera, which is replanted annually, is placed in a larger pot, as its root system increases and requires more space. It is optimal to replant the plant in the spring. Older specimens of shefflera are replanted no more often than once every few years, and often flower growers generally limit themselves to replacing the top layer of soil in the flower garden.

The cheflera is propagated in three main ways, but many owners of this ornamental plant claim that this procedure is quite difficult:

  • Seeds– the method is problematic, since shefflera rarely blooms, which makes it impossible to collect seed;
  • Cuttings– only healthy shoots are used, soaked in stimulants such as Heterouaxin for 5-7 hours and planted under plastic bottle, not forgetting to ventilate regularly;
  • Air layering, which can be obtained by making a small incision on the stem of sheflera and sealing it with sphagnum impregnated with phytohormone - with regular moisturizing moss, young roots will appear at the site of the cut, and after 60 days the branch with roots can be carefully trimmed and rooted into the soil.

How to save sheflera from diseases and pests at home

It often happens that a cheflera gets sick - she loses her visual attractiveness and healthy appearance, and there may be several reasons for poor health:

  • Brown and red spots on the chefler indicate that the plant has too much moisture - in this case, watering should be stopped and, if necessary, even transplanted into healthy, non-acidified soil, having first removed the rotten roots and treated the healthy ones with Fitosporin or ash;
  • If the leaves of a plant such as a shefflera dry out, this is the result of insufficient watering, since the flower is a moisture-loving flower;
  • Leaves from the shefflera may fall off if the plant does not have enough lighting, or the appropriate temperature regime is not maintained in the room - move the pot to a windowsill with better lighting and check the thermometer readings;
  • White spots on the sheffler are a sign of damage to the plant by spider mites, which appears in case of poor air humidity, and a soap solution will help get rid of it if the problem is detected at an early stage, or a professional insecticide - Fitoverm or Actellik.

Schefflera is a flower whose care at home follows simple rules, but as a result of their observance, the plant will delight its owner with a beautiful bright bush of greenery.