Why does a non-smoker dream about smoking cigarettes? Why do you dream of Smoking according to the dream book? Psychological explanation of the image of smoking in dreams

Smoking is a rather bad habit that, unfortunately, a huge number of people around the world have. But today many of them are beginning to think about severe consequences smoking and try to gradually quit it.

In any case, to smoke or not to smoke is the choice of the person himself. In this article we will talk about smoking not in reality, but in a dream. What does such a night vision portend for the dreamer?

So, what does it mean if you dreamed of smoking? First, let's turn to the interpretations, which deal specifically with the fact of smoking, and it doesn’t matter what you smoke (pipe, cigar, cigarette, hookah, grass or marijuana).

  • The work started will soon be completed. And it is worth noting that their ending will be very successful.
  • Represents feelings of idleness, peace of mind and relaxation.
  • The dreamer can expect well-being, a life without worries and hassles, as well as excellent health.
  • If you celebrate your name day in the fall or in the first month of winter, then smoking means conducting successful negotiations.
  • The dreamer expects favor and support from others.

Smoking in a dream and blowing smoke rings at the same time correct formgood sign, which portends profit. Your imagination will play a significant role in financial enrichment. If in night vision you smoke a cigar, then joyful feelings await you. Also, such a dream means that you will enjoy a state of calm.

If in your sweet dreams you see people smoking a cigar, then you will be able to improve your health. It is quite possible that you will finally get out to the sea or find time to go to a sanatorium, or perhaps simply undergo a course of health treatments. For a man to smoke in a dream means to gain wisdom and tranquility in business. But for a girl, as the dream book says, smoking means striving for fleeting pleasures and peace.

Special paraphernalia

If you dreamed that someone was smoking a pipe, then soon you will meet an old friend. Also, such a dream may portend reconciliation after a long conflict. Smoking a pipe yourself in a dream means that in the future you will achieve a lot and achieve a respectable position.

If you dreamed that you smoke, then on your next work trip or while traveling with family or friends, someone will make fun of you. Be vigilant, don’t give reasons, and you won’t be the object of ridicule. A dream in which you see someone else smoking a hookah foretells that you will receive news. They will be not only important, but also pleasant.

A dream in which the dreamer sees a smoker with a tobacco pouch promises him a new acquaintance. It is worth noting that communication with this person will bring the dreamer positive emotions(joy). Why dream of smoking with a cigarette holder? The appearance of such an attribute of a bad habit in night vision foretells to the dreamer the emergence of a surprise in his life. It is worth noting that she will be pleasant.

Why dream of smoking weed? Perhaps the dreamer is too tired of the problems, worries and other fuss that have piled up. Such a dream reflects his desire to withdraw into himself, to be distracted, to forget. Maybe you should just give yourself a few days off?

If you dreamed that you were giving up a bad habit, you real life you have to fight with your opponent and defend your point of view. Prepare in advance for these events and you will be able to defeat any enemy!

If the dreamer’s birthday falls between September and December inclusive, then buying tobacco means changing your place of work. Who knows, maybe you will be invited to a company for a position that you have dreamed of for so long?

A dream in which a person smokes can be seen by him, even if he has never had this bad habit. You rarely smoke in a dream, however, if this happens, you should definitely become familiar with the interpretation of this image. To do this, you should look into the dream book.

A dream in which a person smokes can be seen by him, even if he has never had this bad habit

If a person dreams that he smokes a cigarette, it means that in real life he will soon have an event that will bring peace and tranquility.

  1. The man dreamed of how one of the passers-by struck a match in order to light a cigarette - at work he will show wisdom and restraint.
  2. Smoking often dreams of idleness and tranquility.
  3. A dream about a cigarette foretells the dreamer peace and a calm flow of life.
  4. Smoking weed in your dreams means being ridiculed in reality. Hiding grass means fear of condemnation.
  5. A smoking person in his night dreams feels calm, releasing cigarette smoke - this means that in the near future everything will be fine with him.
  6. A man in his dream is trying to find a cigarette to light - in reality he will become depressed and begin to mope.
  7. The dreamer's mother caught him with a cigarette - soon he will commit a rash act, for which he will be very ashamed.
  8. Watching someone blow out cigarette smoke is a sign of self-control, which you will need to show when in a new environment. Perhaps the dreamer will have to communicate with not the most pleasant people.
  9. Experiencing the joy of smoking in night visions means enjoying life in reality. But a dream in which a person feels depressed during this activity promises him nervousness and stress.
  10. Buying cigarettes in a dream means changing your opinion about an old friend. If the dreamer was satisfied with the purchase, then the relationship with this person will become stronger, and vice versa, dissatisfaction with cigarettes in a dream promises disappointment in his friend in reality.

Blowing smoke rings means the dreamer will show ingenuity at work and this will not go unnoticed by his superiors. Perhaps very soon he will be promoted or his salary will be raised.

Smoking in the dream book (video)

Why does a non-smoker dream about smoking?

For a non-smoking dreamer, these dreams can promise both positive and negative changes in life. It all depends on the specific details of the dream. Some of the most common meanings are discussed below:

  • The person who picked up a fallen half-smoked cigarette in a dream will have strong feelings caused by humiliation. Perhaps the dreamer recently crossed the path of one of his friends. This man has been accumulating anger against the dreamer for a long time, and now he is ready to throw it out. The dream book recommends that a person avoid communication with his enemy as much as possible, if possible, ignoring him completely.
  • Smoking several cigarettes in night visions means passing a serious test in reality. The more cigarettes the dreamer smokes at a time, the more difficult it will be for him to cope with the misfortune. However, it is too early to panic, because this dream means the successful completion of the work begun.

For a non-smoking dreamer, these dreams can promise both positive and negative changes in life.

A carefree life and peace - this is what awaits the person who lights a cigar, thanks to the help of another. If they helped him with this small request in a dream, then in reality the dreamer can certainly count on the support of his friends, they are wonderful.

Psychological explanation of the image of smoking in dreams

A person who does not have this bad habit may be surprised by such a dream. But in fact, there is nothing surprising in this. Perhaps the dreamer recently experienced some stressful event and therefore needs reassurance. And the image of a cigarette in a dream is an attempt by the subconscious to help a person cope with stress and fatigue.

A person who does not have this bad habit may be surprised by such a dream.

When a person lights a cigarette in his night visions, this means that he strives for relaxation and rest. This need must be satisfied, otherwise the dreamer will be too exhausted by everyday life and will not be able to experience the true taste of life.

If a man, girl, or woman smokes in a dream: what does it mean?

The gender and age of the dreamer are important for the interpretation of a dream about a smoking person.

  1. A man who smokes symbolizes endurance, calm and comfort. If the dreamer has recently been busy with some business, and it has greatly exhausted him, he can count on a long-awaited rest.
  2. A woman lighting a cigar symbolizes the desire for pleasure and idleness. The dreamer who received this image in his vision probably does not feel happy. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows a vice. Perhaps she will decide to cheat in order to make up for the lack of emotions.

A woman lighting a cigar symbolizes the desire for pleasure and idleness

For a girl, a dream in which she wants to light a cigar portends danger. Due to inexperience, she may commit an act that she will later greatly regret. The dream book recommends that the young dreamer refrain from communicating with unfamiliar people after such a dream.

Smoking a cigarette, cigar or grass, marijuana in a dream: what does this mean?

  • Smoking a cigarette in night dreams means spending a lot of time thinking about your life and life in general. It is not for nothing that these dreams are more often seen by mature people who have already seen life. The dream book recommends that people stop worrying about mistakes made in the past, and start moving on with their lives. The future is possible for a person only if he says goodbye to his past.
  • But if a cigarette constantly falls on the floor, that is, a person cannot light it, this means that he is not devoting his life to the activity that he would like. Most likely, he does not enjoy his work. But all is not lost! This image is a sign that tells the dreamer the need to show determination and begin to act.
  • Smoking a hookah means getting into a rather tense situation in life. The more hookah smoke the dreamer emits, the more difficult it will be for him to cope with his problems.
  • Smoking marijuana, hemp or any other drug is an object of ridicule. To avoid this, the dream book recommends being less frank with people you don’t know well.

Smoking marijuana, hemp or any other drug is an object of ridicule

Smoking a cigar means striving for wealth and luxury. To extinguish it means to successfully complete the work begun.

I dreamed of a smoking mother: what is this dream about?

The image of a mother who behaves inappropriately, drinks alcohol or smokes cigarettes is very disturbing to the dreamer. A person can fall into real blues after such a dream, as he will think that it foreshadows the fall and fall of his mother. In fact, this is far from the truth, but such dreams are very important. What does this image in dreams mean?

A dream in which the central image was a smoking mother means that the dreamer’s demands on his person are too high. The person clearly suffers from unhealthy perfectionism and strives for perfection. His bar is clearly too high and this is reflected throughout his life. The dream book advises a person to slightly reduce the level of demands on himself and others, since he can find ideal person impossible.

Why do you dream about smoking (video)

Despite the fact that most dreams about smoking have a positive interpretation, many of them carry an important warning for a person. You should never neglect the recommendations of the dream book, as thanks to them you can not go astray from the right path.

Attention, TODAY only!

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Smoking in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Smoking means emotional anxiety, negative emotions. For precise definition meaning of the dream, pay close attention to its context, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Smoking in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Smoking - If you dreamed that you smoke, it means that all matters will be resolved very soon, and successfully

Lighting a cigarette or a cigar means success in your business

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Smoking what does a dream mean:

Seeing Smoking in a dream - If in a dream you experience a strong desire to smoke, then in real life you will encounter problems that will frighten you. And yet you will overcome them! Dreams about smoking are often experienced by people who have decided to quit smoking. In this case, such a dream means that you have not completely parted with a habit that is deeply embedded in your subconscious.

Dreamed/dreamed of smoking a puff - To smoke a puff - commit an unforgivable sin or make a fool of yourself in front of your friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream of Smoking in a dream?

Seeing Smoking in a dream means - Lighting a cigarette - to success in business, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Autumn dream book

Why see Smoking in a dream?

Why do you dream of taking a puff of smoke - Smoking in a dream in a puff way means acquiring another bad habit.

Smoking - To successful negotiations.

Ashtray - An ashtray filled with cigarette butts means money.

Light a cigarette - Light a cigarette in a dream with a lighter - fall in love.

Spring dream book

Why see Smoking in a dream?

According to the dream book, what does Smoking mean in a dream - Smoking heavily - someone will have serious mistrust of you.

Ashtray - to separation.

Lighting a cigarette - lighting a cigarette in a dream means inciting an enemy to attack one’s head.

Summer dream book

Why see Smoking in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Smoking - Smoking in a dream and blowing smoke out the window - throwing money away for the evening.

Ashtray - Seeing an ashtray filled with cigarette butts is a sign of dirty gossip.

Light a cigarette - Asking someone for a light in a dream means borrowing money and not paying it back.


Why do you dream about smoking?

All people are divided into smokers and non-smokers. Some people cannot imagine life without a cigarette, while others turned out to be above this, not allowing cigarettes to take over their mind. However, anyone can dream about cigarettes, even those who have never tried smoking.

If a person who smokes in real life also smokes in a dream, this means that he is very dependent on something or someone. Moreover, addiction here is not limited only to cigarettes. A person can be dependent on public opinion, on a bad habit, or even on another person. It should be noted that addiction is not the worst thing. The main thing is that it does not go beyond the limits. If a smoking person quits smoking in a dream, it means that in real life he will soon be able to achieve success in some rather difficult matter. Of course, this will cost a lot of effort and even costs (physical or moral). But later this success will pay off all the efforts invested in it. If cigarettes replace one another in a dream, it means that changes will soon begin in the life of a smoker, and not in better side. Perhaps the people around will no longer understand the person, and some disagreements will arise with relatives and friends. It is better to solve all problems as they arise, and to clarify all controversial issues immediately, without putting them off for a long time. This approach will help avoid serious scandals and preserve good relationship with loved ones.

When a real smoker dreams of smoking, it is at least quite understandable and logical. But if a person who does not smoke in real life has a dream in which he smokes, this makes him think: why dream of smoking? What could such a dream portend?

If a person leading a healthy lifestyle dreams that he smokes, this portends that he will acquire this bad habit in real life. It’s worth thinking about, is it necessary to submit to cigarettes? After all, they cause great harm to the body. Therefore, in this case, the foreshadowing of sleep can be corrected. If a non-smoker dreams that he is quitting smoking (that is, he is finishing a job that he never started in real life), then this indicates that he will soon be drawn into a dangerous adventure. A person may be charged with debts that he did not take; something may be imposed on him against his own will. So in this case, a person should be very attentive and careful when making new acquaintances or entering into some dubious projects. It is better to play it safe and refuse to participate in frivolous transactions. If a child dreams that he smokes, this portends him a certain risk in later life. He may be experiencing negative impact peers. The main thing at the moment is not to get into bad company, otherwise it could end badly for both the child and his parents.

Any person who dreams that he smokes in a dream will be surprised by such a dream. This is understandable: after all, dreams don’t just happen, they are caused by some thoughts, impressions. Dreams reflect recent events and at the same time foreshadow the future. Therefore, smoking in a dream means encountering such a habit (directly or indirectly) in the future. Perhaps a girl who dreams of smoking will soon wean her boyfriend off cigarettes, or will give up this habit herself (if she was currently smoking). If parents dream that their child smokes, this foretells them some worries about their son or daughter in the near future. This will not necessarily be directly related to cigarettes. It is quite possible that anxiety will be caused by the child’s behavior, his new school or new surroundings. Parents should be more attentive to their child, have heart-to-heart conversations with him more often and take an interest in his life. This will help avoid conflicts in the family. If a child dreams that his parents smoke, this is an alarming signal. He needs to monitor the behavior of mom and dad to avoid their quarrels, which could lead to divorce.

It is very important to take into account the fact that smoking in a dream is a symbol of upcoming negative events. It is very rare that smoking in a dream foreshadows some good news. Therefore, if you smoke in a dream or see others smoking, you need to think about your safety and the safety of your loved ones.

Thus, any dream related to smoking can be interpreted in different ways. Moreover, even some adjustments in its meaning are possible. For example, if you dream that a person smokes, then he will not necessarily smoke in reality. After all, if you have a head on your shoulders, you can avoid this habit.


Why do you dream about smoking?

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about smoking in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dreamed that you smoke, it means that all matters will be resolved very soon, and successfully.

Smoking a cigarette or cigar means success in your business.

Idiomatic dream book

“Smoke a pipe of peace” - reconciliation, agreement, friendship; “your business is tobacco” - bad; “and a nose in tobacco” - prosperity, contentment; “smoke” - drive out; “give me a light” - give a thrashing.

Italian dream book

Smoking is synonymous with idleness, short-term pleasure or peace.

If this action refers to a man, then it is a symbol of calm during work or wisdom.

Newest dream book

In a dream, why do you dream of smoking?

Smoking - to diseases of the throat, larynx, lungs, trachea; the situation gets worse if you smoke drugs.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Smoking - Elements of oral eroticism, but also an appeal to the Superego (sacred smoke of the peace pipe).

Modern dream book

Seeing a person smoking in a dream foreshadows an impending threat that will change the course of your thoughts.

If you dream that you enjoy smoking, this is a sign of future health complications.

Quitting smoking in a dream means that in reality you will have to fight ill-wishers and defend your beliefs.

Seeing a woman smoking in a dream sets you up for the news that someone you know has tried to commit suicide.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Smoking is a reflection of the desire to smoke (also a reminder of the dangers of this habit).

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about smoking in a dream?

Smoking means prosperity, a peaceful, carefree life, sweet illusions, and good health.

Wanting to smoke is a sign of blues, melancholy.

If someone smokes, it means you will find yourself in a society where strength and endurance will be needed.

Smoking a pipe is a dangerous hobby.

Smoking a cigar - to joy, enjoyment of tranquility; just holding it in your mouth means losing teeth; burning your lips with a cigar in a dream means treason, betrayal.

Buying cigars in a dream means that you will have to dramatically change your opinion about a person you know.

When smoking, releasing the right circles of smoke means making a profit thanks to your imagination.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Smoking means successful negotiations.

Smoking heavily in a dream means acquiring another bad habit.

Buying cigarettes and smoking in general in a dream means changing jobs.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Smoking in a dream and blowing smoke through the window means throwing away money for the evening.

To smoke a cigarette is to commit an unforgivable sin or make a fool of yourself in front of your friends.

Buying a smoke in a dream means purchasing something harmful to health.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Smoking - to loss of health; blow money away.

Taking a puff of smoke means someone will have serious mistrust of you.

Smoking means loss of health.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Smoking in a dream?

Seeing people smoking in a dream foreshadows long-term doubts about the correctness of your actions, which will dissipate when your work style is set as an example.

Buying tobacco products for your smoking husband in a dream means that in reality you will outlive him for many years.

Seeing someone smoking a pipe in a dream foretells a meeting with an old friend or reconciliation after a long quarrel.

Seeing yourself smoking a pipe means you will achieve a respectable position. If smoking seems pleasant to you, and tobacco is fragrant, you will find yourself in a society where you will be successful. If smoking disgusts you, great misfortune awaits you.

Seeing people smoking hookah means you will soon receive important and pleasant news. Seeing people smoking cigars means improving your health; smoking a cigar in a dream means your health will deteriorate. Seeing a smoker with a tobacco pouch is a joy from a new acquaintance.

Smoking cigarettes means that your desires come down to one thing: to find peace of mind and the opportunity to indulge in calm reflections alone with yourself.

Smoking cigarettes - such a dream foreshadows the emergence of ridiculous rumors about your involvement in a scandalous incident.

Smoking with a mouthpiece means a pleasant surprise awaits you. Smoking incense is a sign of piety, peace and success in business.

Dream book of the past

If a woman dreams that she smokes, this speaks of her idleness, desire for short-term pleasures or peace.

If a man smokes in a dream, this symbolizes calmness during work and even wisdom.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about smoking?

Smoking in a dream means experiencing a difficult life, as well as the cause of a fire.

Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about smoking in a dream?

Smoking tobacco means health; see smokers - you will find yourself in their company.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Smoking according to the dream book?

Smoking - friendly disposition, support; meditation.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing people smoking means someone is going to make you look ridiculous.

To smoke yourself is to mock others. This will not give you the respect of others.

Smoking a hookah means you risk becoming an object of ridicule and even bullying while traveling or on a business trip.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Smoking according to the dream book?

According to the dream book, smoking means wasting your time, indulging in entertainment that is of no use.

You see how someone else does this - an extremely unfavorable event may occur that will affect your future attitude towards life.

If you yourself inhale cigarette smoke, you will soon get rid of most of your problems and worries, everything will turn out just fine.

A woman smoking in a dream - doubts about the correctness of your actions will lead you to a state of indecision and disorganization.

A dream in which you get incredible pleasure from smoking warns of the likelihood of diseases.

You are trying to get rid of this addiction - enter into confrontation with your rivals, you will have to fiercely defend your own opinion and the right to it.

You are disgusted by this activity - some kind of trouble awaits you.

If you dream of a lady who smokes, you will find out that someone close to you intended to commit suicide.

A company of friends is enjoying a hookah - you will receive very valuable information that can make you happy.


Cigarettes according to the dream book

Such a harmful real-life habit as smoking has many implications on a spiritual level. Some dream books claim that what a cigarette means in a dream is positioned as good sign, talking about the opportunity to have a good time. Others associate this object in a dream with a person’s addiction and fatigue.

To correctly interpret the meaning of a dream, it is important small details, consisting of appearance smoking attribute, as well as analysis of one’s own behavior and actions.

For heavy smokers who in reality are trying to fight nicotine addiction, such a dream is caused by a breakdown in the body, which means healing from a harmful illness. In this case, smoking a cigarette in a dream is a harbinger of victory in an important matter.

Appearance of a tobacco stick

Seeing a full pack of cigarettes in a dream means temptations arise. If the package contains only one nicotine stick, it means that in reality you will not get what you expected. Unauthorizedly giving your last cigarette to another person is an opportunity to make the right choice.

Vanga's dream book describes what a broken or smoked cigarette means in a dream. This image expresses the danger of being influenced by others, which can lead to a false replacement of values.

See cigarette smoke from a position Modern dream book is interpreted as the occurrence of difficulties in communicating with people. To be in a smoky room and suffer from this means that a sleeping person is powerless to cope with the accumulated problems on his own.

Smoke a cigarette

Some dreams in which a sleeping person puffs on a cigarette may signal diseases of the respiratory system or diseases of the oral cavity. Another option for explaining why you dream about smoking is the dreamer’s erroneous opinion about someone.

Giving your interlocutor a smoked cigarette in a dream means that you will have common interests with the person you dreamed about. Lighting a cigarette yourself means starting a profitable and risky venture in reality.

Seeing someone smoking in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, means reconciliation with the dreamed character. I dreamed of an unfamiliar person - to new connections.

Other manipulations

Buying cigarettes means a desire to learn, learn new things. Buying and giving them to another person is explained in Miller’s dream book by the need to abandon one’s own goals for the sake of other people’s plans. Buying and throwing away tobacco products in a dream symbolizes the opportunity to correctly take advantage of the chance given by fate.

Putting out a cigar in a dream means a nervous breakdown due to bad news; if it goes out on its own, it means disappointment in old acquaintances is coming. If you dreamed that you had to sell tobacco products, it means that in real time your word has weight and authority among others.

The meaning of a dream in which someone is treating you to a cigarette suggests deception or insincerity. Had a dream self-production cigarettes - in reality you are busy with something that does not bring moral satisfaction.

Various interpretations of dream books

The Interpreter of the Wanderer associates a cigarette in a dream with a break in the main activity, conversations and communication.

Freud refers to a cigarette as the male genital organ; smoking it means the dreamer is completely ready for combat. If the nicotine stick is broken, problems with erection will arise. The cigarette butt expresses feelings young man about the insufficient size of your penis.

It’s easy to guess why you dream about a pack of cigarettes according to Freud’s dream book. This image symbolizes the female genital organs. If it is empty, diseases of the genitourinary system are possible.

The universal dream book examines tobacco products from the perspective of unreliable information and false values, advising you to filter incoming information and not trust others too much.


Dream Interpretation Cigarettes

Cigarettes, Pack of cigarettes, Cigarette butt, Cigar

Have you seen Cigarettes in a dream and want to ask the Dream Books - what does this dream mean for you? Dream books answer - the interpretation of the dream will depend on your real attitude towards Cigarettes and on whether you smoke in reality. However, Dream Interpretations clarify that the Pack of Cigarettes that was present in your dream will have one meaning, and the Cigarette Butt that you happened to see in a dream will have a completely different meaning. For those who dreamed not of ordinary Cigarettes, but of a Cigar, Dream Interpretations have prepared a very encouraging forecast.

Seeing a pack of cigarettes in a dream- meeting with old friends.

You, like Cigarettes in one pack, will have to meet at an appointed place with people who were once close to you. It could be about an alumni meeting or another organized event - a light, positive dream.

Seeing cigarettes in a dream, Smoking (for those who smoke in reality)- nervous tension; otherwise - strong influence this addiction is over you.

Dreams about Cigarettes refer to visions of a negative kind, manifestations of your weaknesses and not best features. Smoking in a dream means allowing your addictions to strongly dominate you. We are not necessarily talking about smoking in reality. Perhaps, in reality you are in a state of constant stress, Something worries and oppresses you. Either you are not strong-willed, and you are used to attributing any of your shortcomings to fatigue and stress.

Seeing cigarettes in a dream, smoking them (for non-smokers)- desire to taste the forbidden fruit.

If in reality you have never smoked before, this dream clearly shows that in the depths of your soul there lives a desire to “smoke.” This is a figurative expression. We can talk about any forbidden and previously unknown pleasure. You should think about whether it is necessary to suppress these desires in reality? Perhaps this “fruit” will not turn out to be so forbidden, and you will calm down once you taste it?..

Seeing a cigarette butt in a dream- attempts to quit smoking.

Dreams involving Cigarette Butts and Cigarettes most often appear at the moment when you have firmly decided to quit smoking. Moreover, the less you try to think about smoking in reality, the greater the chances that you will see it in a dream. The dream should be perceived positively - with the help of it, the subconscious is trying to free itself from the habit that weighed you down in reality.

Seeing cigarette butts in a dream, throwing them away- finish some small, insignificant things.

Seeing a cigarette butt in a dream, trying to light it- attempts to restart an activity you once abandoned.

Cigarette butts symbolically represent unimportant matters and concerns. The dream will not be difficult to decipher based on the actions that you performed with Cigarette Butts in your dream. Such dreams, although they carry a certain forecast, are considered insignificant and not fateful.

Seeing a cigar in a dream, Smoking a cigar, Buying it- desire for luxury.

A dream is not yet a prediction that luxury and wealth will appear in your reality. On the contrary, this is only a manifestation of your desires, fantasies and aspirations. A cigar is perceived by your subconscious as an attribute of luxury, idleness and wealth. And it will depend only on you whether your dream will ever come true.


Smoking marijuana

Dream Interpretation Smoking marijuana dreamed of why you dream about Smoking marijuana? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Smoking marijuana in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Marijuana

Do you think that the person who smokes marijuana in your dream is a drug addict, or are you a drug addict yourself? Or does marijuana symbolize in a dream: sociability: smoking a joint as an obligatory ritual? Seeing marijuana: also a sign that you want to escape from reality and the world around you.

Does the dream indicate your desire for aloofness? Do you feel guilty because you smoke something forbidden?

If so: then you think the temporary height is not worth the risk.

Is someone annoying you because they smoke marijuana right in front of you? Or are you worried about this person?

If you have children in real life: the dream speaks of your concern for the child.

Who smokes marijuana and annoys you? How do you perceive this person - are you afraid that some part of his personality is in you? For example, if you see a person smoking marijuana, wearing short and transparent clothes, you may be afraid of losing control of yourself while intoxicated.

On the other hand, you: may admire the person who smokes marijuana and want to share the process with him.

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

If you dreamed that you smoke, then in reality you will need to make a lot of effort to achieve your goal.

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

Dream Interpretation - Smoking incense

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

Peace, relaxation, idleness.

Dream Interpretation - Smoking pipe

If you dreamed that you were smoking a pipe, everything is fine with your mental state. To continue to avoid any problems, keep a couple of tobacco pieces in your cheek and drink coffee with tobacco every morning for a week.

If you dreamed that you were trying to fill a pipe with tobacco, then in the near future you will have to prove your case in court. To avoid this, find the judge's grave and sprinkle it with tobacco, and place flowers near the gravestone.

Dream Interpretation - Smoking pipe

Empty business.gn

Dream Interpretation - Fighting and smoking

Here smoking can mean frivolous behavior. An attack is the result of this behavior. You fight him off, but he comes back - i.e. As long as the negative habit persists, there will be a danger of attack. You said that this man is a Tatar. I think, according to the traditions of his people, it is customary for girls to behave very modestly. Freedom-loving girls may be accused of promiscuity (hand under blouse). Perhaps the dream means that there is a danger of causing someone else's censure, even for some minor offense. Good luck!


Smoking friend

Dream Interpretation Friend Smoking dreamed of why you dream about your friend smoking? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a friend smoking in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

Seeing people smoking in a dream foreshadows long-term doubts about the correctness of your actions, which will dissipate when your work style is set as an example.

Buying tobacco products for your smoking husband in a dream means that in reality you will outlive him for many years.

Seeing someone smoking a pipe in a dream foretells a meeting with an old friend or reconciliation after a long quarrel.

Seeing yourself smoking a pipe means you will achieve a respectable position. If smoking seems pleasant to you, and tobacco is fragrant, you will find yourself in a society where you will be successful. If smoking disgusts you, great misfortune awaits you.

Seeing people smoking hookah means you will soon receive important and pleasant news. Seeing people smoking cigars means improving your health; smoking a cigar in a dream means your health will deteriorate. Seeing a smoker with a tobacco pouch is a joy from a new acquaintance.

Smoking cigarettes means that your desires come down to one thing: to find peace of mind and the opportunity to indulge in calm thoughts alone with yourself.

Smoking cigarettes - such a dream foreshadows the emergence of ridiculous rumors about your involvement in a scandalous incident.

Smoking with a mouthpiece means a pleasant surprise awaits you. Smoking incense is a sign of piety, peace and success in business.

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

If you dreamed that you smoke, then in reality you will need to make a lot of effort to achieve your goal.

If in a dream you experience a strong desire to smoke, then in real life you will encounter problems that will frighten you. And yet you will overcome them.

Dreams about smoking are often experienced by people who have decided to quit smoking. In this case, such a dream means that you have not completely parted with a habit that is deeply embedded in your subconscious.

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

It means idleness, a short stop, stagnation or peace if a man smokes, sitting wisely and resting after work.

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

smoking in a dream means danger and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation - Smoking incense

These are wonderful praises about the one who saw the dream. And whoever sees a fragrant plant in his hand and is one of those who has lost something, he will find it and hear beautiful speech.

Dream Interpretation - Smoking

Peace, relaxation, idleness.

Elements of oral eroticism, but also an appeal to the superego (the sacred smoke of the peace pipe).

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Having a close friend in a dream means that you can count on your friends to help you in a difficult situation. A dream in which you unexpectedly meet a friend predicts that you will soon receive news about him. Eating or drinking with a friend in a dream is a harbinger of big troubles. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will have to share his hardships with a friend. Seeing a friend in a dream means gossip, discord and family squabbles, sometimes to receive news about this person. Seeing a friend you haven't seen for a long time in a dream means that he remembers you. Finding out in a dream that your friend has died means receiving news of his marriage. Seeing your friend joyful in a dream means receiving good news and have a nice day. Seeing him sad means a bad day and unpleasant news. To be in the company of friends and enemies together in a dream is a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or vice versa. Seeing your friend in a different guise in a dream means expect deception from your loved ones, the disclosure of which will lead to a breakup. Pay attention to how your friends are dressed in your dreams. If their clothes attract your attention in a dream, then See interpretation: clothes. Looking up at a friend means the fulfillment of bold hopes that you will strive to achieve, as well as the same position that your friend has achieved; looking down is a harbinger that you may lose friends due to your arrogant behavior or selfish motives. Leaving a friend in a dream (or seeing a friend leaving you) is a sign of separation from a friend.

Dream Interpretation - To each other. with each other, against each other. among themselves

A wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

Watch dragonflies fly against each other - a beautiful person will arrive.

Women fighting among themselves is a disease.

Bees fly, playing love games with each other - the matter will not end in success.

Evil people pulling each other is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Other

You take a mirror that belongs to another person - the birth of a noble offspring.

Seeing the reflection of another person in the mirror is a problem with your wife or lover.

Seeing a person’s reflection in a broken mirror is unlucky.

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

If you give a person castanets, it foretells an altercation.

Holding a sword in your hands, inflicting injections on another person is a loss.

Holding a knife in your hands and stabbing another person is a loss.

Another person gives a brush - portends the advancement of talent.

Another person holding your mirror in his hands portends misfortune with his wife.

Another person is playing musical instruments- you will be recognized as right in court proceedings, litigation.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Another person shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler.

You give a longitudinal flute to another person - portends fame, glory.

The death of another person or oneself is fortunate.

Move to new home belonging to another person - fortunately.

If you accept simple clothes made from hemp fabric from another person, it is unfortunate.

Receiving condolences from other people - foretells the birth of a son.

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Seeing friends healthy and happy in a dream portends good news. It is possible that soon you will meet someone dear to you.

To see that your friend is upset, or that his face has darkened, promises illness and suffering.

If you see your friend in the form of an animal, it means that your enemies will soon separate you from your loved ones.

If a friend, unexpectedly for you, is dressed in bright red clothes, this promises you anxiety and concern for your loved ones.

If you dream of your friend standing high on a pedestal, you will have to accomplish a lot of what you have planned, and a sense of justice will always be inherent in you. If you see it far below, then this portends that at the time of your future successes you will neglect your old attachments. If in a dream you leave your friend, this is a sign that you are breaking off the ties of friendship. You will begin to look for new experiences. Shaking the hand of a sad and dejected person means separation from a friend or his loss.


Why dream of smoking in a dream?



Seeing a Cigarette in a dream, smoking a cigarette:
Smoking in a dream means prosperity, a peaceful, carefree life, sweet illusions, and good health. Wanting to smoke is a sign of blues, melancholy. If someone smokes, it means you will find yourself in a society where strength and endurance will be needed.
Smoking a pipe is a dangerous hobby.
Smoking a cigar - to joy, enjoyment of tranquility; just holding it in your mouth means losing teeth; burning your lips with a cigar in a dream means treason, betrayal. Buying cigars in a dream means that you will have to dramatically change your opinion about a person you know.
When smoking, releasing the right circles of smoke means making a profit thanks to your imagination.
Seeing cigarettes means succumbing to bad influence; smoking them means loss of health; give them to someone - you will be deceived; if they give them to you, they will deceive you.
Smoking cigarettes in a dream means finding peace of mind; treating them to food means liberation from vice.
If you dreamed of a cigarette case, it means that you have accumulated a lot of unresolved everyday issues; you need to solve them all one by one.


Tobacco in a dream foretells success in business; but failure in love.
If you see growing tobacco in a dream, it means success in entrepreneurship awaits you.
Dry tobacco leaves guarantee good harvest to the farmer and high profits to the merchant.
Smoking tobacco in a dream portends friendship.

Juliana Olive-Eva

A symbol associated with false, alien, extraneous pleasure, a symbol close in meaning to negative symbols - drugs, syringe.
Or is it your idleness, short-term euphoria. In general, smoking in a dream symbolizes false pleasure. This is when external pleasure brings suffering on a deeper (cellular) level. There is an opinion that a program that is alien to you is trying to operate in your mind; this internal attack encourages negative actions.
Plus, if you remember Uncle Freud, there are also hidden erotic motives...

Why do you dream of smoking in a dream?


Lyudmila Gorelova

waste time


Seeing people smoking means someone is going to make you look ridiculous. To smoke yourself is to mock others. This will not give you the respect of others. Smoking items: pipe, cigarettes - if they are yours, then you often mock yourself and are prone to excessive self-criticism. Smoking a hookah means you risk becoming an object of ridicule and even bullying while traveling or on a business trip.

Smoking is not the best habit that many people associate with negative consequences for health. Even heavy smokers sooner or later think about quitting nicotine. But in a dream, many things take on a new meaning depending on the context, the circumstances surrounding the dream in real life, as well as the moral and material state of the dreamer. So, one dream book interprets smoking a cigarette in a dream as bad sign, and the other as a positive and promising sign.

To find out why you dream of smoking a cigarette in a dream, you need to pay attention to all the accompanying factors, external circumstances, and also take into account all the details of the dream and only then put them together for a full interpretation.

It may be important:

  • Does the dreamer smoke in reality (did he smoke, did he quit).
  • Has he been under a lot of stress lately (maybe you just need a smoke break).
  • Day of the week.
  • Time of year.
  • Gender and age of the dreamer.

Visions in which I dreamed that I smoke often cause anxiety. It's unnecessary. Write down, or better yet, sketch all the details of the dream. Pay attention to familiar people and places, notice anything unusual that happened in the dream, and treat special attention to the details. Perhaps it is at this stage that you will understand the meaning of your dream. If not, then dream books will help you decipher the dream and draw the necessary conclusions. The main thing is not to stop at just one value, but to consider maximum number possible interpretations of the symbols and signs seen.

Be sure to remember if you smoked in your dream:

  • A cigarette can lead to wealth and prosperity, which comes with some complications.
  • A cigar often means wealth and prosperity, but it also speaks of the sexual context of the dream.
  • Hookah fog indicates forced downtime in business. Moreover, the way out of this downtime will depend not on who sees the dream, but on external circumstances.
  • Various substances in a dream indicate that the dreamer should stop shying away from the responsibilities and expectations placed on him by loved ones, and their acceptance will lead to further success.

If you are interested in why you dream about smoking a cigarette, then the dream was probably vivid and there should be no problems with drawing up a complete picture. However, even if the smoking process was the only bright detail of the dream, it can have a significant impact on your future life!

Not every dream book considers smoking a cigarette in a dream to be an action with an unambiguous meaning. Within one dream book, smoking can mean future good luck, a successful deal, a pleasant meeting, or, on the contrary, serious illness and unexpected betrayal from loved ones. But it depends only on the dreamer, who knows more about himself than dream books can predict, how his fate will actually turn out.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller believes that smoking in a dream means encountering difficulties while achieving goals. But you should not be afraid of the promised difficulties; the efforts made will be enough for everything to be resolved in the best possible way. If you dream of a stranger smoking, it is better to pay more attention to your surroundings; the dreamer will have to deal with gossip and intrigue. Those who are in a relationship or strive for one should remember the direction of the smoke from tobacco products; if it is directed at the dreamer’s face, the relationship may be in danger of a quarrel, and when in the air, then everything can turn out very well.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If you smoke, then in the near future you will meet your old love. So that this meeting is not overshadowed external factors and old grievances - smoke one cigarette before bed for a week (or imagine yourself doing it).

If the dream was about buying cigarettes or other tobacco products, beware of your own excessive nervousness. To protect yourself, carry some tobacco with you in a leather or canvas bag for a week.

Feng Shui dream book

The most important thing is who exactly smokes in your dream. If this is a man, then such a dream promises wealth and prosperity. If a woman - to difficulties and misfortune. If a worker (employee) - to a big salary or a quick promotion. And if a merchant smokes, turn your attention abroad to your native country, where considerable profits await you.

Gypsy dream book

Smoke from a cigarette or pipe means the dreamer's excessive self-confidence, which may not have a solid foundation.

Idiomatic dream book

Based on proverbs and sayings familiar to everyone, popular expressions, the dream book of idioms tells us:

Of course, these are not all interpretations and you probably have a favorite dream book that you rely on to determine the meaning of the dream.

Other circumstances

It is worth noting that smoking is often dreamed of by people who smoke in reality or quit. Such dreams can be associated with purely psychological factors: obsession with getting rid of a bad habit, censure from society, physiological difficulties in the process of giving up. Such a dream can also be a warning about serious health problems that smoking can bring to the dreamer in reality. You should pay attention to the condition of the heart, lungs and oral cavity, and it is better to carry out comprehensive examination to prevent very real problems.

If someone dreams of a stranger smoking, then, according to most dream books, this means the emergence of ambiguous, complex rumors, most of which will not be true. You should be more attentive to what you hear about other people and not create even the slightest reason for rumors to circulate directly about you. When lighting a cigarette with a stranger in a dream, you should expect carefree and easy life in the future, calmness and the absence of serious reasons for nerves.

If the dreamer is a non-smoker, most likely, he will find himself in an unusual, difficult and extraordinary situation. Her permission will not be long in coming, but overcoming confusion and taking the right position right away will not be easy. But when a person who has long quit smoking dreams of smoking, he should expect a triumphant completion of current affairs and the emergence of a huge number of new opportunities on the near horizon.

Close attention should be paid to the shape of the cigarette and its condition. When you dream of whole cigarettes, beautiful and expensive, this dream can promise wealth and prosperity, albeit not easy. The obstacles to such well-being will be serious, but surmountable. Crumpled, cheap cigarettes warn the dreamer about the need to be careful both in his actions and in his communication. You should not open up to strangers and invest your last funds in adventurous activities.

If the dreamer sees bulls, and not whole cigarettes, this means that the dreamer will face a lot of interfering small troubles, worries and troubles, which will not be easy for him to cope with. But large number Stuffed out cigarette butts may portend a significant increase in income and an improvement in financial situation in general. When the cigarette butt is someone else's, it can mean future humiliation and disappointment. Such a dream calls on the dreamer to be careful and not rely on random people and events. Stick to your pre-made plan and don't let anyone ruin it, even unintentionally.

And if the dreamer finds himself in the hands of a whole pack of cigarettes, especially dear ones, then such a dream promises a pleasant meeting or sudden enrichment (perhaps arriving ahead of schedule), or help from loved ones in any unforeseen situation. A full pack can speak of the temptations that life has prepared for the dreamer. Of course, it is worth paying attention to the sexual aspect of dreams. According to Freud's dream book, a full pack of cigarettes symbolizes intimacy, feminine essence; and empty can mean uncertainty about one’s sexuality and capabilities.

If a man sees himself smoking in a dream, then such a dream carries the prerequisites for good events, be it a promotion at work, improvement financial condition or success in creative realization dreamer. But he should pay attention to those around him. It’s probably worth turning your attention not only to your immediate circle, but also to those people who, by chance (or the man himself), have been brought into the farthest circle of friends. These people can provide strong support or, on the contrary, excessive pressure that causes stress.

If a woman or girl sees herself smoking- she should pay attention in reality to the promises she makes to others, as well as to pressure from outside. Perhaps the dreamer wants to get rid of annoying tutelage and instructions, to cross a certain moral line. It is also worth thinking through your actions more carefully and controlling your thoughts, since the dreamer’s frivolity and irresponsibility, as well as her idle lifestyle, can lead to unpredictable and often negative consequences.

However, revising your position in life and tactics of action will help prevent you from further sinking to the bottom, discover new chances for yourself, turn life around for your benefit and notice what was not noticed before. Dreams with many cigarette butts can also portend a period of stormy romantic relationships for unmarried girls and the need to decide on their feelings and thoughts for young people.

Attention, TODAY only!

In their night dreams, people often allow themselves to do things that they don’t do in real life. A non-smoker will be alarmed if he sees himself in a dream with a cigarette. He will definitely have a question: “Why do I dream that I smoke?” Unravel secret meaning Dream books will help you with your dreams. The dreamer is only required to remember as many details as possible.

A non-smoker smokes in a dream

Suppose that in reality a person leads a healthy lifestyle, and in his night dreams he sees himself with a cigarette. He will certainly ask the question: “Why do I dream that I smoke?” Many dream guides believe that such a plot signals secret dissatisfaction. The owner of the dream is tired of a measured life, dreams of adventure, but cannot decide to make changes. It is possible that there is a forbidden fruit that attracts him.

A cigarette appearing in night dreams can warn of an overly superficial attitude towards life if the dreamer does not smoke in reality. The opportune moment has come to grow up and take responsibility for your actions.

What other options exist for answering the question: “Why do I dream that I smoke?” Such a dream may signal health problems. First of all, you should be wary of throat diseases.

To a woman

It is also necessary to take into account the gender of the dreamer when trying to understand the meaning of the dream. Let's say a woman asks the question: “Why do I dream that I smoke?” Such night dreams can serve as a warning about excessive frivolity. The desire for an idle lifestyle can become a source of various troubles.

What does it mean to dream in which another representative of the fair sex acts as a smoker? If this woman is known to the dreamer, he should take a closer look at her. You should not place high hopes on this lady; she can betray trust at the most inopportune moment and is unlikely to keep her promises.

Finally, smoking in a dream may indicate that a woman is striving for independence, wants to get rid of someone’s annoying guardianship.

To a man

Let's say a man dreamed that he smoked in his sleep. The dream book suggests that in reality the owner of the dream is subjected to excessive stress. A cigarette in this case means a desire to relax, get rid of pressure.

Anyone who dreamed of a smoking man should rejoice. This plot allows you to hope for support in a difficult situation. Moreover, a person from whom the dreamer does not expect this can lend a helping hand. This statement is especially true if expensive brands of cigarettes appear in the dream.

Cigar, hookah, pipe

What does it mean to smoke a cigar in a dream? Such night dreams tell of a secret desire for a luxurious life. A person dreams of expensive things, but does not have the means to purchase them. Soon his financial situation may improve if he makes at least minimal efforts to achieve this.

Most dream books claim that smoking a hookah is a good dream, even if in reality the owner of the dream has no bad habits. Soon the dreamer will receive the good news that he has been waiting for a long time. However, there are dream guides that believe that such a plot predicts deception. Hypocrites lurking in a person’s immediate circle are posing as friends.

The pipe dreams of reconciliation. Relations with old enemies may improve, and it is possible that friends who have long disappeared from the horizon will return. Smoking a pipe can predict the acquisition of high status in society.

Cigarette smoke

The above describes what it means for a non-smoker to smoke in a dream. However, it is also necessary to take into account such a factor as smoke. If the owner of the dream blows smoke into the interlocutor’s face, then soon he will have a conflict with this person. In the coming days, you should be careful in your communication, avoid scandals and not defend your opinion too zealously if it does not coincide with the point of view of others.

It's great if clouds of smoke form smooth circles. This dream is especially good for businessmen, as it promises large profits. In the near future, you can safely enter into new contracts, since luck has turned its face to the dreamer.

It is clear what smoking in a dream means to a non-smoker. But why dream of a smoky room in which the dreamer finds himself? Such a plot foreshadows a misunderstanding that the owner of the dream will have to face. It is unlikely that you will be able to enlist the support of loved ones; problems will have to be solved on our own. If smoke makes a person suffer from suffocation, his friends may betray him. It is better to keep your dreams secret, otherwise they can be used as a weapon.


What else could a dream mean? Smoking and seeing ash on a cigarette means possible danger. In the near future, it is not recommended to make deals with strangers or acquire dubious companions.

In a dream, a person can throw ashes into the wind. Such a dream has a positive interpretation. Soon the dreamer will leave the past behind and stop suffering because of the mistakes he made many years ago.

Different stories

What else could a smoking-related dream be? Smoking in a dream and throwing away a cigarette butt means saying goodbye to unimportant and boring things. Grabbing the cigarette you started means returning to activities that gave you pleasure in the past. We cannot exclude unfinished business that the dreamer will have to shoulder.

If a person dreams of taking a cigarette out of a full pack, a pleasant meeting awaits him in reality. One of your friends or relatives may invite the owner of the dream to a crowded place where he will have fun. Someone who in reality is expecting unpleasant news can put out a cigarette in a dream. If a cigarette goes out in the dreamer’s hands, this indicates that he is not able to leave behind the memories of what he lost long ago.

Former smokers

Smoking in a dream is not always a prediction of something good or bad that should happen in reality. If a person tries to quit smoking, a cigarette appears in his nightly dreams as a forbidden fruit. Cigarettes are also often dreamed of by former smokers who have given up their bad habit for many years. The dream only means that addiction to cigarettes has not completely disappeared.