How to root clematis with green cuttings. Clematis propagation

Recently, clematis (Clematis) has become most in demand in landscape design. Most unsightly area is radically transformed when this unusually beautiful vine is covered with marvelous flowers. But we’ll look at how to propagate clematis correctly below in our article.

A little about the wonderful flower Clematis

At first glance, clematis captivates with the abundance of large flowers of various colors, eclipsing even exotic representatives of the flora with its beauty. However, without proper care you will not get exceptional beauty from it. But in gratitude for your attention and care, clematis will delight you with amazingly beautiful and luxurious flowers.

The method of propagation by seeds is practically not used, since varietal clematis rarely produce seeds. In addition, during seed propagation, all signs of the mother plant are lost.

Obtaining new clematis by dividing the bush is an unproductive method, since its use leads to a halt in the growth of the donor plant. Propagation is most successful by cuttings (“green” or lignified) and layering.

Clematis: propagation by green cuttings

Clematis is propagated by “green” cuttings in late spring and early summer. The shoots used for cuttings are taken from a 3-4 year old bush. They are cut off almost completely, leaving only two or three nodes with two or three buds. You cannot cut off more than a third of all shoots, otherwise you can weaken the mother plant

Cuttings with 1-2 nodes are taken from the middle part of a strong shoot without buds. The upper cut is made at a right (90 degrees) angle, 2 cm above the node, the lower cut is cut at an oblique (45 degrees) angle. To reduce evaporation from the leaves, the leaf blade is cut to half its size.

The cuttings are rooted in containers filled with peat-sand soil disinfected in a steam bath. To obtain high-quality seedlings, before planting, cuttings are treated with growth stimulants. The most effective is the use of NAA solution. 12 g of alpha-naphthylacetic acid is diluted in a liter of water.

Propagation of clematis by green cuttings on video

The cuttings are kept in the solution for 15-16 hours. Good results were also obtained from using a solution of sodium humate (a teaspoon per liter of water) or succinic acid(a teaspoon per liter of water). All cuttings are planted in the ground so that the node is buried approximately 5 mm. Roots will form from it in the future.

The process of root formation optimal temperature 18-22C lasts up to two months. For the rooting process to be successful, high (85-90%) humidity is required. To do this, the cuttings are provided with a transparent dome, ventilating and spraying the future plants daily warm water from a spray bottle.

Propagation of clematis by lignified cuttings

Clematis can be propagated by woody cuttings as well as by “green” cuttings. Only in this case, the propagation material is cut at the end of the growing season (autumn). Cuttings are planted in a greenhouse in November or early spring.

Reproduction by layering

Propagating clematis by layering is not difficult. However, the process itself, although it does not require much labor, takes much more time.

To obtain layering, clematis bushes must be covered with earth mixed with humus until the second or third pair of leaves. To prevent the soil from crumbling, you can use folding container cylinders.

Within a year or two, adventitious roots will grow on each shoot. Shoots with roots are carefully disconnected from the mother bush, the top is cut off to two or three nodes, then planted on a prepared permanent place.

Another more attractive way in terms of productivity is method of propagation by horizontal layering. But to use this method you need to have more free space. To do this, the shoot is placed in a prepared groove so that the top comes out, and covered with soil. The work is usually carried out after the growing season (late August-early September).

In the spring, new shoots will appear from the awakened buds, which must be covered twice with humus over the summer. After a year, the shoots are dug up and divided into several parts. In this way, you can get more than 10 full-fledged seedlings, without injuring the mother bush at all.

There is quite a lot of information in specialized literature on how to propagate clematis yourself. Indeed, this perennial flower very popular among flower growers, and many hybrid varieties They are successfully grown even in regions with unfavorable climates. This article lists the main methods of propagating clematis, gives a description of each of them, and also talks about the basic measures for caring for this perennial flower.

When is the best time to propagate clematis?

Most gardeners agree that propagating clematis by cuttings is the most best way. Indeed, it is a priority when breeding many perennial flowers. This method allows you to preserve all varietal characteristics of plants during propagation. In addition, biological material for planting can be prepared not only in spring, but also in summer and autumn, when clematis can be propagated by green cuttings.

How to propagate clematis at home

In addition to cuttings, clematis can be propagated in the following ways:

  1. By layering. The procedure is carried out in early spring.
  2. Seeds. Planting takes place at the end of spring in open ground and in April - under film. Wild clematis seeds can also be planted in the fall.
  3. Dividing the bush. The best time for this is autumn, but clematis bushes can be propagated by division in the spring, before the growing season begins.

How to propagate clematis from cuttings

If the cuttings are prepared correctly and all planting conditions are met, the survival rate of clematis will remain very long. high level. In this case, for propagation, a bush no older than 5 years should be selected as a donor. He must be healthy and well developed. In order to properly carry out cuttings, you will need:

  • pruner;
  • cutting board or just a piece of plywood.

In addition, you will need a special container for planting cuttings, filled with nutritious soil, as well as a root growth stimulator, for example, Kornevin or Kornerost.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings in spring

In the spring, clematis bushes that are at least 2 years old can be used for cuttings. Long elastic vines can be used as material for cuttings. The average length of one cut branch is usually 0.8-1 m.

Important! From one mother bush, no more than 1/3 of all shoots can be cut for cuttings.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings in summer

Cuttings of clematis in summer are usually carried out in the last ten days of June or early July. Many gardeners consider this period good time for reproduction. Harvesting and cutting clematis cuttings during this period is no different from spring work. In summer, they can be planted in open ground, but it must be taken into account that rooting is better in partial shade. Therefore, cuttings must be shaded.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings in autumn

Cuttings of clematis in the fall are made from its blooming vines. Cutting and preparation of cuttings is standard. They can only be planted under film.

How to propagate clematis by layering

Propagation of clematis by layering is a fairly simple method. To do this, in early spring you need to select a good flexible shoot, lay it in a specially prepared groove and fix it on the ground. A separate clematis bush will begin to develop from each internode. After it grows to 10-15 cm, the mother shoot can be covered with earth. During the summer, the bushes need to be watered regularly and mulched in the fall.

They need to be separated from the mother plant in the spring, after they have overwintered together. The mother shoot must be carefully cut with a shovel, digging out young clematis bushes one at a time and planting them in a new place.

Important! You cannot pull on the mother shoot, as this will lead to the roots of young bushes being torn off.

How to propagate clematis by seeds

Most clematis varieties returned to Central Russia are hybrids. Therefore, the most preferred method of reproduction for them is vegetative. However, clematis can also be propagated by seeds. This method is often used for propagating wild, small-flowered plants. U different varieties Different seed sizes also differ in their ripening time. For example, seeds of small-seeded species can be collected 1.52 months after flowering, large-seeded species - after 2.5-4.

Propagating clematis by seeds at home is not difficult. Planting is carried out in open ground to a depth of 1 cm at the end of April or beginning of May. Before planting, it is advisable to soak the seeds in water for three days. Their germination period can range from 2.5 to 6 weeks, depending on the type.

If the seeds are subjected to stratification, they can be planted in April not in a greenhouse, but immediately in a permanent growing place, without shelter. To harden the seeds, after soaking, they are covered with damp sand and stored in the refrigerator. Many gardeners plant seeds in the fall, following the natural growth cycle as closely as possible. In this case, stratification occurs naturally.

Important! In case of shortage planting material seeds can be planted in March and germinated at home or in a greenhouse.

How to propagate clematis by dividing the bush

Like most perennial shrubs, clematis can be propagated by dividing the mother bush into parts. Moreover, for this flower such a procedure is useful, since over time it root system increases significantly in size. There is literally no soil left between the roots, and the bush begins to lack nutrients and moisture. At the same time, the flowers become smaller, and the plant itself takes on a wild, unkempt appearance.

It is preferable to divide clematis that have not reached the age of seven. This is both a method of propagation and a procedure that allows you to rejuvenate the bush. You can divide the bushes in the spring, before the plants enter the growing season, as well as in the fall, which is more correct.

Important! Spring propagation by dividing the bush shifts the flowering time of the bushes by about 1.5-2 weeks.

Before dividing the bush, all shoots are cut off, leaving only small stumps, on which there should be two or three pairs of buds. The plant is completely dug up, but the soil on the roots does not need to be shaken off. The division is made with a sharp knife through the center of the bush. Each division should have enough roots, as well as 1-2 renewal buds. After this, the separated parts of the plant are planted in planting pits, while the first node should be 10-12 cm below the soil level.

You can divide a clematis bush without completely digging it up. To do this, dig a spacious hole on the side of the mother bush, so that the roots are exposed. After this, the clematis is divided with a knife so that each division contains shoots with a developed root system.

How to root clematis from cuttings

The easiest way to cut cuttings is to use a sharp knife and cutting board. This procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The escape is placed on the board.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cuts are made 1 cm above and 5 cm below the internode.
  3. Of the two leaves growing from the internode, you need to leave one, the second can be cut off.

In this way, several cuttings can be obtained from one shoot.

Rooting clematis cuttings in water

You can root clematis cuttings in plain water. To do this, place it in a container of water so that only the lower part is immersed. To reduce moisture evaporation, the leaf plate is cut in half. It is very important that the water level is constantly at the same value; this must be monitored and topped up regularly. One jar can contain several cuttings at the same time.

Important! Cuttings take root better in partial shade, so the jar needs to be wrapped in a sheet of paper.

The light in the room in which the jars with cuttings are located must be dimmed. In 1.5-2 months, the length of the roots will reach 4-5 cm. After this, the cuttings need to be transplanted into soil, containers or a greenhouse. Keeping them in water any longer is strictly not recommended, as this can lead to their death.

Rooting in the ground

For planting cuttings, it is better to use special containers that can be closed at the top. transparent material. They are filled with soil mixture or nutrient soil purchased in the store.

Important! You can make your own soil mixture by mixing sand and peat in equal proportions.

The soil can be scalded for disinfection. hot water or spray with a solution of potassium permanganate, diluted to a dark pink color.

The prepared cuttings are treated with a root growth stimulator, keeping the cuttings in it for 10-12 hours, and then planted in the ground to a depth of approximately 0.5 cm. The interval between adjacent cuttings should be at least 5 cm. After planting is completed, the plants and soil are moistened, then the container is closed plastic bag or film.

The necessary conditions for normal survival of clematis are the following:

  1. Air temperature + 18-20 °C.
  2. Air humidity 90%.
  3. Soil moisture 30%.

Excessive humidity, as well as elevated temperature, can lead to the death of cuttings.

Further care

For good rooting of cuttings, appropriate conditions are needed. They need to be watered regularly, and the ambient temperature must be ensured within + 20-22 °C. Containers with cuttings must be regularly ventilated, for this plastic film removed for a while.

After 1-2 months, the cuttings will have their own root system. At this time, they are seated in separate containers and placed for growing. In the fall, young clematis are put into the cellar, and in the spring they are planted in a permanent place.

Important! In the first year after planting, it is necessary to pinch the shoots and prevent the bush from flowering. This will significantly strengthen its root system.


How to propagate clematis, which method to use - this decision must be made by the grower himself based on his knowledge and experience. Many people consider this perennial to be a rather capricious plant that requires increased care, but this is not so. Even a novice gardener can grow clematis from cuttings at home, since existing methods The propagations listed in this article are simple and affordable.

There was a post on the website aboutpropagation of clematisBut the method of propagating clematis by lignified cuttings, which will be discussed now, is completely different. Please read carefully and see the differences.

Of all the methods of propagating clematis, rooting with lignified cuttings is the most optimal, but also the most difficult, with the exception of the method of propagating clematis by grafting (I’ll write about it someday).

Cuttings are taken in the fall, which is a necessary condition care for clematis, promotes the awakening of dormant buds in the spring, improves the growth and development of plants. But rooting of such cuttings is difficult, because in the fall the plant prepares for deep dormancy and its growth is inhibited. In order for kematis cuttings to go through a dormant period, they are stored for a certain period of time (I store them until March), at a low temperature.

Woody clematis cuttings should have one or two nodes. It is imperative to treat them with plant growth stimulants. The solution is poured into a glass, porcelain or enamel bowl and clematis cuttings tied into bunches of 20-25 pieces are placed there. so that the solution does not come into contact with the kidneys.

If powder is used, the lower end is first dipped in distilled water, then in the powder. For processing woody cuttings clematis the following stimulants are used: 0.05% heteroauxin, 0.05% β-indolylbutyric acid, 0.03% y-3-indolylbutyric acid, 0.03% α-naphthylacetic acid together with 0.005% -m kinetin in powder form; for cooking a solution of 200-250 mg of heteroauxin, 50-70 mg of β-indolylbutyric acid, 50 g of α-naphthylacetic acid is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

Processing time 15-24 hours. For processing, the concentration and processing time should be half as much. For amateurs, purchased heteroauxin or root is quite suitable.

Treated cuttings of lignified clematis are planted obliquely in boxes in a mixture of peat and sand (1:1 or 2:1) so that the lower end is buried 3 cm and the upper end 1 cm. The boxes are placed in a cool place, the substrate should be moist .

In March, as soon as etiolated shoots appear, they are brought into the greenhouse, where the temperature is gradually increased to 15 ° C, after 3 weeks - to 20 ° C. Water as needed. When young shoots reach 10 cm, they are pinched, which promotes rooting.

After 90 days, roots form (average rooting percentage 80%). The boxes are transferred to the greenhouse, watered and fertilized with full mineral fertilizer(0.10-0.15 g/l of water).

In winter, when stored in boxes or in a trench, greenhouses are covered. Next spring Clematis cuttings are planted in pots or on beds. By autumn, the plants can be planted in a permanent place.

Garden clematis - propagation and care

Clematis are one of the most beautiful garden vines. Their collections create a unique play of textures and colors on the site, and therefore can be replenished endlessly. To create a large flower garden from beautiful vines, it is enough to master the propagation of clematis with your own hands.

Buy clematis or propagate it yourself

Seedlings can also be purchased at specialized stores. In this case, you will spend less time growing them and will be able to plant them in open ground immediately after purchase. But it is much more pleasant to propagate clematis yourself, using one of the proposed methods. In addition, the purchased plant may not take root or become diseased, and purchasing an adapted crop from a nursery is not always possible and is expensive.

Grown on own plot Layerings, or cuttings prepared in advance, will allow you to grow a vine while maintaining all the qualities of the mother bush. Clematis will be adapted to climatic conditions and does not require care, it will not be afraid of early frosts and strong winds.

Propagation of clematis by seeds

According to size, clematis seeds are divided into three types: small (1.5-3 mm), medium (3-5 mm), and large (6-12 mm). The germination of seeds and their shelf life depend on the size. Small ones can germinate in 3-4 weeks, medium ones from one and a half to six months, large shoots will appear only six months after sowing.

Initially, the seeds are soaked in water for five days, after which they are sown in boxes with soil consisting of sand, peat and earth in equal proportions. Planting depth for small seeds is 0.5-0.8 cm; for medium ones 1 cm; and for large ones 2 cm, from the ground surface.

After sowing, boxes with clematis should be kept in a warm room for 1-2 weeks, with a temperature of plus 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. At the end of the exposure, it is necessary to carry out artificial stratification within 90 days. To do this, the box with the seeds is covered with snow in the garden or on the balcony. You can put it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

In spring, 2-3 weeks after stratification, shoots will appear. At the stage of appearance of 1-2 leaves, the sprouts are planted, and when stable warm weather sets in, they are planted in open ground.

Clematis, which is planned to be propagated by seeds, should be a small-flowered variety. Hybrid varietal groups with large buds do not transmit maternal qualities through seeds, and therefore when propagating them it is better to resort to vegetative methods.

Growing clematis from seeds - propagation, video

Vegetative propagation of clematis

The most rational way to propagate clematis is by vegetative method. At the same time, all species and varietal characteristics of the plant will be preserved, and the likelihood of its successful development will increase.

Dividing the bush

An adult clematis bush can be divided in spring or autumn. The bush must be carefully dug up, trying not to damage the roots, and then with a sharp shovel or scoop, divide the rhizome into parts.

If the bush is very large and it is difficult to dig it out without damaging it, you can proceed as follows: dig up the bush on one side by about 1/3, then cut off part of the rhizome with a shovel. After this, sprinkle the old bush with earth and water it with a solution of a preparation for root formation - Zircon or Kornevin will do. The separated parts of the rhizomes should then be planted in a permanent place; clematis obtained in this way quickly grow and bloom.

Reproduction by layering

Propagation of clematis by layering is a simple and popular method available to all gardeners. Preparation is carried out in the summer months as follows: from an adult bush it is necessary to dig furrows up to 10 cm deep in different directions with a shovel. Side shoots bend the clematis to the side and place it in these grooves, pressing them with wire pins and cover them with soil.

On next year the cuttings will take root and can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent location. The good thing about this method is that there is no need to injure the root system of the mother bush, and the new young plant will accumulate enough strength before transplantation and adaptation.

Reproduction of clematis by layering video

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation of clematis by green cuttings is the most popular method of obtaining new plants, used both in industry and in horticulture. For this, cuttings cut from the middle shoots are used, since the apical ones are not suitable for rooting.

This propagation method is quite within the capabilities of any gardener who wants to grow vines on the site or sell them to others. The mother plant does not suffer, and the young vines completely take on the varietal qualities. For propagation, a cutting with one vegetative node and two buds is suitable, bottom part it is cut 3-4 cm below the node, and the top one is cut 2 cm above it. All cuttings should be placed in a container with Kornevin solution for one day.

After soaking, they can be rooted in plastic glasses or peat pots, having first filled them with light soil mixed with sand. The cuttings should be covered with film or caps made from transparent glasses. For better survival, they should be placed in a lighted place.

During rooting, the temperature should not be higher than plus 30 and lower than plus 25 degrees Celsius, therefore hot weather It is better to remove the cuttings in a shaded place. Watering should be carried out as the top layer of soil dries; sometimes it can be replaced by spraying.

After about a month, the cuttings begin to develop roots and can be carefully removed from the pot and planted in open ground together with a lump of earth. Clematis can be planted until late autumn- while the soil gives way, spring planting allowed before sap flow begins: late April - mid-May. If the time for planting in the fall is missed, then the plant may well overwinter in the usual flower pot located indoors.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings video

Clematis - propagation in plastic bottles

Domestic gardeners often use quite unusual way reproduction. This is cuttings, in which the vine is grown in a kind of greenhouse - a bottle cut across, 1-2 liters in volume. Drainage holes are made in the lower part, after which soil is filled in and the cutting is planted. The top part of the bottle is attached to the bottom using tape; The neck with a lid is used for watering and airing the sprouts.

This mini-greenhouse is buried in its lower part so that the level of the open space and the soil inside are approximately at the same level. After the plant is well rooted, it is removed from the bottle and planted in a permanent place.

Clematis - propagation by cuttings video

Transplanting clematis into open ground

To transplant the plant to a permanent place, it is necessary to prepare a hole 50x50x50 cm, at the bottom of which a drainage layer is installed. Next, fertile soil consisting of sand, peat and earth in equal proportions is poured into a slide.

A clematis seedling with a ball of earth is placed on the top of the hill so that the root collar is flush with the ground. Then the rest of the soil is added.

The plant needs to be fed once a month complex fertilizer. For example, you can use Diammofoska, 20 grams per 1 sq.m. soil. The fertilizer crumbles and is sealed during loosening.

Bottom line

Propagating clematis by seeds is quite a troublesome task, and not everyone has the opportunity to carry out stratification. Considering the unevenness of seed germination, preference should be given to vegetative methods of propagation. Dividing the bush makes it possible to obtain and plant a full-fledged plant in a permanent place immediately, or in a month if you choose to propagate clematis with green cuttings.

The market for clematis varieties is very large, but the price is also high. Most often, if you purchase varietal clematis, you hope to propagate it.

For fruitful cultivation and reproduction, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of this crop for conditions environment. This plant prefers sunny places, without drafts.

The soil is favorable loamy, slightly alkaline or neutral, fertile, well fertilized and loose. Not suitable for clematis acidic soils. It should also be borne in mind that natural fertilizer is harmful to clematis.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings

The most quick way reproduce new shoots of the plant. Cuttings should be started before flowering, since flowering plants cuttings take root less well.

But at the same time, it would not be a bad idea to have time to prepare cuttings from a plant with buds, because natural biostimulants are very active.

You can do cuttings later, but it will be less effective because the plants will take root worse.

It is best to cut cuttings in the morning, this will help protect the plant from dehydration. It is better to do this in cloudy weather; late evening hours are also favorable. It is not recommended to cut many shoots from a bush at once. There should be no more than a third of them at a time.

The middle part of the shoot is most suitable for cuttings, since upper part usually does not have buds, and the lower one is too hard and due to this it does not take root well. Cuttings with one node root best.

To speed up the cuttings, they are treated with a solution for biostimulation of growth (Kornevin, etc.).

As a place for rooting, you can use a greenhouse, a greenhouse or a pot with a mixture of peat and sand.

Cuttings root better in diffused light, so it is better to use a special film that protects the plants from overheating, but does not create a large amount of condensation.

Planting should be done at a distance of five centimeters and a distance between rows of ten centimeters. Deepens the cuttings by 1-2 cm to protect the buds from drought.

The main condition for successful establishment of cuttings is uniform soil moisture and high humidity air. It is advisable to spray the plant frequently to prevent drying out.

Watering requires daily, and after a month you can reduce watering to 2 times a week. They take root in about 50 days.

We leave it in the greenhouse until spring, covering it with sawdust for winter insulation, and in the spring we plant it in prepared beds in order to green cuttings have grown to required sizes, and in the fall we move the plant to where it will grow permanently. Approximately 60 percent of all planted clematis take root.

You can also try using the method of spring cuttings; for this, around mid-May, the shoots are planted in the shade, the tops are pinched and covered with a transparent glass container. By autumn, the cuttings already have a good root system.

Reproduction by layering

Growing this plant from cuttings is quite easy, but takes a longer period of time.

There are several options for obtaining layerings:

1. Sprinkle bushes with fertilizer up to 2-3 leaves. It is necessary to prevent soil shedding, so it is customary to use special cylinders.

After about a year or two, the plant will develop another root, with the help of which the shoots can be separated and planted in another place, while trimming the top to the second node.

2. Most simple method can be called horizontal layering. They are best made in autumn or late spring. Near the base of the bush, a groove is made up to two meters long and about 8 centimeters deep.

The shoot needs to be placed in it, while checking that the top with developed buds is on the surface. Otherwise, clematis will not germinate.

Such layering requires careful, abundant watering and well-loosened soil. Shoots with roots are separated in the fall or at the beginning of the next season, cleared of the ground, divided into separate bushes and transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

A good way to propagate both varietal and hybrid clematis. It is used after 5-6 years of growing the plant.

Plants begin to be divided a month before frost or in the spring before buds begin to appear. It is worth remembering that plants divided in this way do not take root very well, so you need to fertilize the plant in a timely manner a year in advance so that new young roots form on the shoots.

You need to carefully dig up the bush without damaging the roots, shake off excess soil and divide the bush into several parts. Please note that each part has buds and a good root system. Use a knife if necessary.

When it is difficult to dig up an old bush entirely, you need to dig up the root from one of its sides and slightly trim part of the rhizome. We fill the resulting depression with new, fertile soil. On next year We repeat all this, but on the other side of the bush.

In this way, you can get up to five plants that will delight you with flowers in the first year.

Propagation by seeds

Seed propagation is usually used to develop new varieties. Hybrid varietal plants rarely retain their qualities, which is partly good)

The seeds vary in size: large from 6 to 8 mm, they can sprout within 5 years. These include small-flowered clematis and some large-flowered ones.

Clematis with smaller seeds with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm include six-petalled and other varieties.

They remain viable for 3 years. The third group includes very small seeds; they germinate well, but do not last long in storage.

The best time for sowing them is spring. Seeds need to be sown in open ground or pots. After the first leaf appears, the plant needs to be planted in a shaded place. Next year we plant clematis in a permanent place.

Whatever method of propagation of this beautiful plant you choose, we wish you success! Perhaps you will be able to withdraw new variety and your plot will delight you with beautiful flowers.