Lemon variety panderosa care at home. Mysterious plant - Panderosa lemon! Description and care at home. Here are the main pests of indoor citrus fruits

Various hybrid varieties of lemongrass, which are distinguished by early fruiting, productivity and resistance to various diseases, are very popular today. In this article we will talk about such popular varieties lemons, which are successfully grown at home, allowing you to get an early harvest.

Hybrid variety Panderosa

Lemon Panderosa is a hybrid indoor variety, which is obtained by crossing lemon, citron and grapefruit.

The appearance of this hybrid largely depends on the growing conditions. It can be either a small compact bush or a full-fledged ornamental tree. In most cases, the height of the Panderosa lemon does not exceed one and a half meters, which allows it to be classified as a dwarf variety. The shape of the crown and its density directly depends on the presence or absence of formative pruning. For improved fruiting, it is recommended to carry out frequent formative pruning, which will not only allow you to get early fruits, but will also add decorativeness to such a tree.

One of the advantages of this variety is its low maintenance requirements. The dwarf tree easily tolerates dry air and significant temperature changes. If most classic varieties of lemons begin to bear fruit in the fourth to sixth year after planting, then the Panderosa lemon will allow you to get your first harvest in the second year of its cultivation.

Starting from two to three years of age, lemon indoor tree Blooms profusely and bears fruit well. In the first few years, it is recommended to cut off some of the flower stalks, which will prevent the lemon from weakening and will accelerate its growth in the future.

Note that this variety is considered primarily decorative, however, if you provide intensive care at home, which consists of fertilizing and frequent watering, you can get excellent harvest. For feeding, we can recommend that you use liquid mineral fertilizers. Such fertilizers are applied once a week during the active growing season and once a month during the dormant period.

A special feature of this variety is the large size of the fruits (about 400 grams), some weighing up to one kilogram. This forces the use of additional supports, which will prevent the branches of the tree from breaking under the weight of ripening fruits.

Propagation of lemon variety Panderosa is carried out by cuttings. It is difficult to propagate this variety through seeds, like most other indoor hybrids. With proper cuttings, there are no difficulties with breeding lemons of this variety. The tree itself is decorative and rapid growth. Already in the second or third year it will reach a height of 50-80 centimeters and will have a thick, lush crown.

Lemon Lunario - home care

Lemon Lunario is a Sicilian variety that is equally suitable for street growing in the southern regions and for planting dwarf trees at home. The lemon tree of the Lunario variety is compact in size and allows you to get good harvest. Among the distinctive features we can note the compact size of the lemon tree, which rarely reaches a height of one and a half meters, the excellent productivity and unpretentiousness of this variety.

Caring for Lunario lemon at home is not difficult. You just need to provide the tree quality lighting, and in winter time years and additional lighting.

Remember that the Lunario lemon does not tolerate drafts well and, with significant temperature changes, can even shed leaves and ripening fruits. Optimal indicator air humidity is 65-75 percent, it is recommended to regularly spray the leaves with a spray bottle and ensure high-quality watering.

If you want to get a good harvest from your lemon tree, you need to regularly enrich the soil. mineral fertilizers and organics. From mineral supplements Potassium salts, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizing are required. Caring for plantings at home is not difficult, so this variety can be recommended to beginning gardeners.

New Georgian lemon: features of growing at home

The popular Novogruzinsky variety is one of the best for growing at home. If you are looking for a productive variety of lemon tree, then Novogruzinsky will be the best choice for you. When growing lemon at home, its height is 120-150 centimeters. This bonsai has a spreading decorative crown, which is distinguished by its decorative effect. Given that proper care Novogruzinsky citrus allows you to get an excellent harvest.

The Novogruzinsky lemon is distinguished by its whimsical care. First of all, to plant it you will need to use high-quality fertile soil, to which you add zhmenya charcoal. The plant will require high-quality watering and regular spraying of the crown with a spray bottle.

Once a week in summer time year, it is recommended to feed lemon with mineral fertilizers with phosphorus and nitrogen. A growing tree will need annual formative pruning. Early spring It is also recommended to replant the tree every year into a new, larger pot. By following these rules of care, you can grow beautiful strong tree, which will bear fruit well.

Hybrid variety Yubileiny was created in Uzbekistan by grafting the Tashkent species to the Novogruzinskiy variety. Distinctive feature The Jubilee variety is characterized by fast growth and large fruit size, the weight of which can exceed one kilogram. This variety is characterized by productivity, shade tolerance and the ability to grow well even at low humidity levels.

Caring for Jubilee lemon variety at home is not particularly difficult. It is necessary to water the tree 1-2 times a week, spray it with a spray bottle and regularly feed the plant with mineral compounds.

As mentioned above, the Yubileiny variety grows well even in low light conditions. However, if you want to get an excellent harvest of large-sized fruits, you will need to water the tree frequently and place it on a well-lit windowsill. Remember also that this variety is characterized by rapid growth, so every year you will need to transplant the lemon tree into a larger pot.

Citrofortunella: home care

Citrofortunella is an evergreen compact tree that belongs to the citrus family. Citrofortunella fruits are a cross between a lemon and an orange. The excellent taste of the grown crop, its fertility and ease of care have invariably affected the popularity of this variety.

Caring for Citrofortunella at home is not difficult. It is best to place a pot with a compact tree near an east or west window. In the summer, it is recommended to water twice a day, but in the winter, during the dormant period, two waterings per week will be enough. The tree will also need foliage spraying, which allows required humidity. It is recommended to fertilize through the foliage, using special nutritional compositions for this purpose. Young Citrofortunella trees will need to be replanted every year, but adult Citrofortunella trees can be replanted once every two years. More than any special care There is no need for this citrus tree.

Types of citrus fruits

Currently there are various varieties lemons intended for home grown. Such varieties differ in the size of the tree, their yield indicators, early fruiting and the taste of the grown crop. Note that there are both productive varieties, so decorative varieties, which are distinguished by lush, dense foliage. It should be said that such varietal varieties, which are propagated by cuttings, bear fruit better and grow faster than lemons planted from a seed.

Panderosa is a fairly common variety among amateur citrus growers and is the ancestor of such varieties as: Kiev large-fruited, Skiernevitsky, Yubileiny. Outwardly, they are all as similar to each other as two peas in a pod and you can only tell them apart by growing the fruits.

Variety information

Panderosa fruits are significantly different from other lemons, so according to some scientists it is not a variety, but a variety of lemon. Most believe that it is a hybrid between pamelo and lemon. It is a dwarf tree in nature and is therefore ideal for growing in room conditions. After all, even in greenhouses, specimens older than 25 years do not exceed 1.5 meters in height.

It blooms very often and profusely - this interferes with the normal development of the plant. Citrus growers informally call this phenomenon "". The leaves are very large, dark green. It reproduces well by cuttings, but due to weak growth, sometimes it takes a very long time to wait even for the first growth. The fruits are large, weighing from 400 grams with a thick bitter peel and not very sour pulp; a large number of seeds are present.

As for care, there are no special features or this variety I grew normally on the southern, western and eastern window sills. The only thing I noticed is that it is very demanding on the soil: power imbalances, lack of necessary elements, or incorrect acidity immediately appears on the leaves. at a poor level and requires constant intervention.

My Panderosa

And I received this lemon as a gift from my wife in 2008. Due to inept care, I was on the verge of death, and so that I would not be too upset, my future wife bought me a replacement. This citrus was also bought as Skiernievitsky and until last year I thought that I had 2 identical varieties, until I received the harvest.

I allowed it to bear fruit only at the beginning of 2012, when it had enough good leaves:

I picked the fruit in October 2012 for our wedding anniversary. Although it still looked completely green, I no longer wanted to keep it on the tree, since it had not gained weight in the last month and, in principle, it could be considered ripe, although we are accustomed to the fact that lemons should be yellow.

About 8-9 months have passed since the formation of the ovary. So, the first harvest of a small tree is quite large in comparison with other varieties - 432 grams:

And for clarity, a cross-section of the fruit:

As you can see, the fruits of the clones are indeed very different from the original variety.

It’s a pity that the old photos were not preserved and I found only one from my phone, where it bloomed for the first time about a month after purchase:

I wanted to show off what it is like now, but unfortunately, my Panderosa was flooded - sometimes even experienced citrus growers cannot avoid this when there are a large number of plants. But this is a blog not only about my successes, but also about my mistakes, so I publish the photos as they are:

The bay and mass flowering, which I did not cut off, but wanted to do beautiful photo for the blog, led to the fall of some foliage and marginal necrosis on other leaves. But nothing catastrophic happened. I dried out the soil, tore off all the flowers, became more careful with watering, and now some leaves are ripening and swollen buds are beginning to develop.

I think that after the next growth I will leave 1 ovary, because there are still enough old leaves left for the tree to bear one fruit. This time I won't rush and wait until it's completely colored. yellow, even if you have to wait a whole year for this.

The variety is very interesting and I advise you to add it, or one of its clones, to your collection and shock your guests a little with the ripe fruit!

Growing a subtropical plant, lemon, which is quite complex and painstaking to care for at home, has been practiced in our area for more than 300 years. And it’s not just about the prospect of getting the desired fruits rich in vitamin C - achieving fruiting is not so easy. Even by itself lemon tree– very decorative, attractive with its greenery, abundant flowering, in which the room is filled with a unique aroma. But the point is not only decorative - Meyer lemon (as well as other indoor varieties) is not only durable and quite hardy, but even the tree itself emits volatile essential oils, very beneficial for human health.

Homemade lemon: choosing a variety

The main secret of how to grow lemon at home is to choose the right variety, which is optimally adapted for growing in specific indoor conditions: with changes in temperature and humidity characteristic of different times of the year, lack of light, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account geographical features: for northern regions would be better suited Ural variety, for middle zone- Maikop and Ural, southern - Genoa, Chinese lemon, Maikop, Lisbon and Novogruzinsky. However, there are several “universal” varieties.


Panderosa is a hybrid plant obtained by crossing lemon, grapefruit and citron (pompelmousse). It is a compact, small height (the largest specimens grow up to 1.5 m) tree or bush, very decorative form, the plant is very resistant to high temperatures and dry air. The leaves are large (14x8 cm), hard, oblong or round in shape, with a smooth leaf blade. Panderosa tolerates pruning well, which allows you to form a decorative, very compact crown. For the first time, a lemon bears fruit already at 2 years of age, and flowering can occur even on newly rooted cuttings.

The Panderosa lemon blooms profusely, the flowers are quite large, white-cream in color, and can even appear on the trunk - at this moment the tree simply resembles a festive bouquet. But with abundant flowering, the ovary is quite small. The fruits are round or pear-shaped, quite large, average weight is 400-500 grams, but sometimes can reach 1 kg. The pulp is sour, pleasant to the taste, without the characteristic citrus aftertaste, with a high content of vitamin C. The peel is lumpy, very thick, up to 1 cm thick. At 12 – summer tree 2-3 dozen fruits can ripen at the same time. The Panderosa variety is best propagated by cuttings.

Meyer lemon

Meyer lemon is an indoor hybrid of orange and lemon. A low (up to 1.5 m) tree, the crown is easy to shape, due to its compactness this indoor variety can be grown even on small area. Plus - Meyer lemon tolerates dryness well warm air in the apartment, but at the same time withstands short-term periods well low temperatures. Flowering is abundant, flowers are white, with a pinkish-purple tint, very fragrant, arranged in clusters of 2-6 flowers in an inflorescence. The ovary is abundant (on mature trees it can be up to 120 pieces), the weight of the fruit ranges from 70 to 150 grams. The fruits are orange or bright yellow, round, the flesh is sweeter and juicier than other varieties. Meyer lemon is only suitable for home cultivation; its fruit does not store well.


The result of a selection of ordinary amateur gardeners from the city of Pavlov, in the Gorky region. The peculiarity of the variety is that it is equally adapted to all latitudes, it is easy to care for, lemon develops well even with some deficiency solar lighting. The tree is compact, small, and up to 20-30 fruits can ripen on it at the same time. The peculiarity of the variety is its very thin peel and almost complete absence of seeds, so propagation is carried out exclusively by cuttings.

Lemon care at home: basic requirements

Lemon is planted in slightly acidic (pH around 6.0-7.0) or neutral soil, well permeable to air. You can buy a ready-made soil mixture (for citrus fruits) or prepare it yourself by mixing meadow turf, humus, leaf soil and coarse sand in a ratio of 2:1:2:1. For young plants, a pot made of baked clay is best; for large adult specimens, a tub (box) made of oak or coniferous species. In addition, when planting, it is necessary to ensure good drainage to avoid stagnant water and waterlogging of the soil.


Despite its subtropical origin, lemon does not like too much high temperatures. The optimal summer temperature for it is 18-20 °C. Abundant flowering and a large ovary occur at a temperature of about 16-18 ° C - at higher temperatures the buds and ovary fall off. Optimal temperature regime for wintering – 14-16 °C, while maintaining moderate humidity.


Watering homemade lemon, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of its root system. The thing is that it does not have real root hairs, just at the end of the thin root there is a thickening created by threads of soil fungi, the so-called mycorrhiza (fungal root). As a result of this symbiosis, mushrooms help absorb water and the substances it contains. minerals, and the mushrooms get the necessary nutrients. Normal coexistence is equally hampered by both prolonged drought and stagnant water. That is why watering is carried out as the earthen ball dries out, every other day in summer, and much less often in winter. For irrigation, use well-settled water (if possible, melt or rain) at room temperature; excess water must be drained.

It is advisable to spray lemon at home daily, while arranging a “bath” day once a month. Having well isolated the earthen lump from the water, water the lemon warm water from the shower to wash away the dust that has settled on the leaves, which impairs the process of photosynthesis.

Top dressing

The normal cultivation and development of lemon directly depends on regular feeding and fertilizer. At the same time, the volumes and method of feeding depend on the time of year:

  • March-October – period of active growing season, fertilizing is carried out once every 10-14 days, alternately using liquid organic and mineral fertilizers
  • in winter – dormant period, the plant does not need to be fertilized, maximum – once a month (if the room temperature is high enough) in a small portion.

It is best to use ready-made fertilizers for feeding, containing the necessary macro- and microelements. Organic fertilizers(bird droppings or humus) is recommended to be used only in summer and only for those plants that are taken out into the open air.

Advice! For indoor plants slurry can be replaced with “blood water”, which remains after washing fresh meat.


Young lemons are replanted annually in the spring. An adult tree is replanted once every 3-4 years, and it is necessary to regularly refresh top layer soil, changing it. When transshipping (transplanting), it is necessary to preserve the earthen lump so as not to damage the root system - the lemon is placed in new pot, and only then add fresh soil. In this case, you need to select a pot that is not too spacious - free soil, undeveloped by roots, can turn sour, which will cause root disease and death of the plant.


Lemon at home is best propagated in two ways:

  • graft – a cutting is taken from an already fruit-bearing plant and grafted onto a rootstock (1-3 years old) grown from a seed, if its wood on the trunk is already sufficiently mature. Fruiting occurs 2-3 years after grafting
  • cuttings – accessible and reliable way propagation of lemons. For cuttings, take well-ripened last year's young shoots about 3-4 mm thick. They are rooted in wet river sand, maintaining a temperature of 22-25 ° C at high humidity(for example, the cutting is covered glass jar). Fruiting is possible from the third year

With or without...

One who has flowers in his hands cannot do anything bad.

V. Soloukhin

Today we will talk about homemade lemons of the very popular, large-fruited, rare and delicious Florida variety Panderosa, a hybrid of lemon and pomelo.

In the first part of this series of articles we will study general characteristics and historical scientific information about the genus of citrus trees in general.

In addition, this article is based both on my personal successful experience of growing and fruiting at home, and on the basic fundamental theory of citrusology, as well as on the personal experience of my friends and colleagues from different cities of Russia...

First, I suggest you get a little insight into the general information about citrus trees, their varietal varieties, as well as the features of growing citrus trees at home.

Citrus fruits are a completely separate variety that are extremely beneficial for humans. fruit plants, which many scientists even classified as a kind of unique science - citrusology...

So, Citrus (lat. Citrus) is a genus evergreen trees and shrubs of the Rutaceae family. Included in the subtribe Citrus (Citrinae) of the tribe Citrus (Citreae) of the subfamily Aurantioideae.

The scientific name of the genus is taken from Latin language, in which the word citrus meant “lemon tree” (quote from Wikipedia).

Today there are a great variety of citrus fruit varieties. These are lemons, oranges, grapefruits, limes, pomelo, sweeties, and even such tropical varieties of citrons (a completely separate subspecies of citrus fruits, whose peel is much thicker and more delicious than the edible pulp), such as the so-called. fruit “Buddha’s hand” and kaffir lime (“Kaffir star”, named after the ancient Arab Kaffir nomadic peoples, from the leaves of which they prepared amazingly tasty first courses with a rich note of oriental spices, comparable only to saffron flowers)…

This fruit is so amazing!

And how many useful and nutritious substances are there in the Lemon fruit alone!

In addition to pure natural organic acids, such as citric and succinic acid, which is extremely beneficial for humans, it also contains the lion’s share of vitamin C, thanks to which such legendary medieval founders of Oceania, Polynesia, French Guiana, the Amazon basin in Brazil, partly Venezuela, Colombia and Caribbean islands - James Cook, Miklouho-Maclay, A. Humboldt, H. Columbus - were fleeing from scurvy, and other problems with the immune system, imbalances in the body's metabolism, digestive problems and many others...

One of the most delicious varieties of lemon is the most popular variety of Florida lemon today, Pande rose (the progenitor of the popular subspecies of Skiernievitsky lemon, which I will talk about later), of which I am the proud owner today. :O)

Lemon variety Pande rose (lat. Panderosa) is a kind of hybrid from crossing lemon and Pomelo fruit. The fruits look like real lemons, with a classic zest and a honey tint. However, the pulp of the fruit is much less sour and more juicy than the store-bought lemons we are used to.

The fruits of the Pande rose lemon variety are almost impossible to find on the grocery shelves of Russian stores, as they are truly enormous in size and weight. The minimum weight of ripe fruits of this Florida variety of Pande rose lemon is 400 grams (!), and the maximum weight of the fruit reaches almost 1 kilogram (!). ;O)

The fruits of this unique variety of lemons usually exceed all expectations of even the most experienced citrus growers. And the point is not even that this variety is high-yielding; rather, on the contrary, such a domestic tree usually produces not very many full-fledged fruits. But the mass of these fruits confidently compensates for all the worries and worries of their owners.

In addition, these fruits spoil very quickly during long-term transportation between countries, unlike classic varieties of lemons. Therefore, they are very rarely exported to Russia from other countries.

As mentioned above, citrus fruits belong to a completely separate section of botanical science - citrusology. That is why caring for lemons, oranges, tangerines and grapefruits requires a completely separate approach than any other house plants.

Before fruiting, it is necessary to strictly calculate the number of leaves for each fruit. It is advisable to immediately remove excess fruit ovaries, in excess of the calculated amount, by hand. The fact is that the fruits of the same lemon feed on reserves of useful substances primarily from the leaf mass, and not from the roots, like fruit trees familiar to Russians.

For lemon roots have practically no suction hairs (unlike many other domestic exotics) and therefore are not very independent.

One fruit requires a minimum of 15-25 fully developed healthy leaves. And the point here is not even that your home lemon tree will not be able to bear fruits in excess of the estimated number of leaves.

It just very often happens that a lemon tree with sparse foliage was able to bear full-fledged fruits, and then dropped all its foliage or even died. Therefore, it is extremely important to avoid such mistakes.

My lemon tree now has about fifty good, healthy leaves, so I decided to let it bear only two fruits out of twenty good, full-fledged ovaries this year.

The roots of the lemon tree are not independent to such an extent that they even enter into symbiosis with a special microscopic root mold, which helps the lemon tree absorb moisture, micro- and macro-elements from the soil.

This is a scientifically reliable fact. And that is why experienced specialists strongly recommend against rinsing or even touching the roots of the lemon during replanting, but simply carefully transfer it from a cramped pot to a slightly more spacious one.

Citrus fruit trees, unlike any other fruit plants familiar to us, are not common to such an extent that they can surprise anyone.

For example, the fruit of a lemon tree takes about 9 months to ripen (almost like a human’s). During this time, a lemon fruit that has not been removed from the mother tree can hang on its stalk for up to three years, while every spring a fully ripe and yellowed fruit can turn green again, and in the fall turn yellow again, etc. And so on for two or three years in a row, until he falls out of the tree. And this is also a scientifically reliable fact.

Moreover, fruit ovaries on one lemon tree can develop extremely unevenly: first, within a few weeks, one fruit will grow and become saturated with moisture and increase in size two to three times, after which it will stop growing, giving the opportunity for another fruit to grow on the same tree etc.. And this is also a scientifically reliable fact...

In addition, at any time of the year on one lemon tree you can see both fully ripened and slightly ripening fruits, tiny fruit ovaries, flowers fragrant with the aroma of jasmine, and barely emerging flower buds... How often can we find such non-standard fruit trees anywhere else in our Russian Nature? I guess not.

Let's summarize the main results of my first publication today about citrus fruits:

1. Lemon - Historically unique, partly legendary and extremely beneficial fruit for humans. 2. Citrusology is an absolutely amazing section of agronomic science, and, perhaps, a whole philosophy of its own. 3. A reverent, attentive attitude towards citrus fruits provides a 100% guarantee of their successful flowering and fruiting, as in my personal example.

Your opinion and your personal experience Growing citrus fruits at home interests me no less than official science and my personal experience...))

Judging by their content, the following articles are relevant to this text:

Growing citrus fruits at home, in addition to pleasure, also brings real benefits. Convenient variety for home use is a lemon of the Panderosa variety, which produces large aromatic citrus fruits that will delight the taste, and the plant itself will decorate the apartment and create coziness. The plant is famous for its unpretentiousness, which makes cultivation accessible even to inexperienced gardeners.

Panderosa is a hybrid of lemon and citron, but the history of its origin is unclear. The breeder's laurels are attributed to the American Bowman, who allegedly managed to cross two types of citrus fruits in 1887.

Most citrus growers are inclined towards natural crossing and the natural origin of the hybrid. Citrus got its name from the Spanish “panderosa” - heavy. This characteristic describes the gigantic fruits that the small tree produces. Large lemons, which sometimes grow up to a kilogram, are the main miracle of Panderosa.

Flowering process

Panderosa blooms regularly and abundantly, the bush stands strewn with flowers that even cover the trunk. Main characteristics of flowering:

  1. At home, the bush blooms 2-3 times a year.
  2. A large number of flowers are white-cream in color with loose inflorescences, the petals are long, the flowers are large.
  3. During flowering, the bush smells of a pleasant, delicate aroma.
  4. Most flowers do not form an ovary.

To allow the lemon to grow and ripen, you need to leave a few leaves of the crown, which form the nutrition of the fruit. A small bush simply cannot feed many ovaries. Flowers interfere with the growth of shoots, so they must be removed from the trunk at the bud stage.

Crown characteristics

The plant is ideal for growing indoors - its height does not exceed one and a half meters. The bush produces many shoots, so you can easily give the tree the desired shape.

The foliage is rich in color, smooth, and changes every 3 years. The leaf cuttings are short, the shape of the plate is oval-oblong, up to 15 centimeters long.

The trunk is covered with gray bark, young shoots are painted light green. Thorns grow only on old trunks; they are absent on young branches.

Panderosa - spectacular ornamental plant in the form of a bush or tree, it takes root well in an apartment, delighting with bright greenery and yellow-green fruits.

Description of fruits

With a small crown, most of the ovaries cannot grow and are discarded by the plant. Panderosa fruits have the following features:

  1. Significant size. Usually 250 grams, but sometimes up to 500 grams or more.
  2. Thick, lumpy skin with a bitter taste.
  3. Very slow growth and maturation - up to 10 months.
  4. In adulthood (after 10 years) it can produce several dozen lemons.
  5. Fragrant pulp with slight sourness and an abundance of seeds.

Panderosa does not delay fruiting. The first lemons will grow in the second year.

Pros and cons of the variety

Those who are just planning to grow Panderosa should learn about the advantages and disadvantages of citrus fruit. The advantages are:

  • ease of cultivation, unpretentiousness;
  • compactness, convenient for an apartment;
  • pleasant decorative appearance;
  • the size of the fruits, their impressive appearance on the bush.

Among negative qualities Panderosa lemon is distinguished by:

  • thick bitter skin;
  • a significant number of seeds;
  • The pulp is coarse, the films between the slices are thick.

Breeders believe that there are tastier varieties.

Reference: “Panderosa syndrome” is the formation of an excess of ovaries that cannot ripen.

Rules for planting a tree at home

There are two options for planting Panderosa at home - seeds and cuttings.

The seed is removed from the ripened fruit and planted in the soil at any time. Provide soil moisture good lighting and warmth, fertilize after 3-4 weeks. After the formation of a pair of leaves, they are replanted. Note that the harvest when planting seeds will have to wait a long time - 7-10 years.

How to root a Panderosa lemon cutting?

A cutting is cut from an adult plant. It can be sprouted in soil or water. The soil is light, containing sand. Bottom part The cuttings are lowered into a growth biostimulator and buried 2 centimeters into the ground. Cover with film.

The cutting needs timely watering and sun. It is better to plant in May, when it is warm and there is a lot of light. Rooting takes a long time; using a root growth stimulator helps speed up the process.

If buds appear on the cuttings, they are removed. Rooting can be determined by the appearance of leaves.

Features of care

Even unpretentious plants need to follow certain rules of care in order to grow well and avoid disease.

If a lemon has just arrived at home, it is quarantined, separated from other plants, and carefully inspected regularly to avoid pests.

The Panderosa's permanent place of residence should be in the sun part of the time - the lemon needs light. In autumn-winter, lighting will not hurt; on dark days, move the pot closer to the window.

Humidity and temperature requirements

Lemon loves warmth and tolerates high indoor temperatures well, but needs ventilation. You can keep the plant near open windows, if there is no cold coming from the street.

With the onset of warmth, the bush is taken out to the loggia or garden (temperature is above 15 °), avoiding constant exposure to the sun (partial shade).

Important: if the flower lives on the windowsill, the lemon is isolated from hot radiators.

Panderosa loves spraying and moistening the crown. When the heating is on and the air in the room is dry, containers with water are placed next to the plant and sprayed regularly.


The lemon pot needs to be enlarged annually (by 2-4 centimeters). If the size of the plant no longer allows this, remove and replace the top layer of soil, trying not to touch the roots.

The pot is replaced by transshipment. Prepare a new container and add drainage. Take the Panderosa out of the old pot, holding the soil with your hand so that it does not fall off the roots. It is impossible to free the roots from the old soil - the bush will hurt for a long time.

By moving the plant to another pot, the voids are filled with fresh soil. No feeding is required for a month.


When watering, the soil must be completely wet, being careful not to pour in excess water. Water the next time when the soil on top is dry (2 centimeters). Panderosa does not like excess moisture - the roots begin to suffocate, the edges of the leaves turn brown.

If the plant cannot cope with excess water, the lump of earth does not dry out, the bush is taken out of the pot and the soil is dried.

Lemon loves moisture - you shouldn’t wait for the leaves to wilt. Regular watering is the key to normal growth of the bush and fruits.

Top dressing

When it is warm, fertilizer is applied every 10 days; in winter, once a month is enough. For feeding, choose fertilizer for citrus fruits. When using other types of fertilizers, soil acidity is restored by adding a few drops of lemon juice to the water when watering (once a month).

Crown formation

Panderosa produces many shoots and branches well. When forming the crown, unsightly growing branches are cut out, giving the tree the desired appearance. Ventilation is necessary for all parts of the plant; thickening impairs access to air and sunlight.

Pruning is carried out in early spring, before flowering, and unnecessary shoots on the trunk are removed immediately when they appear. It is useful to rotate the plant regularly so that the crown grows evenly.

Diseases and pests

Ticks attack Panderosa when there is increased dryness in the air and a clod of soil. Adequate hydration as recommended will help prevent insect infestations.

Mealybugs are removed from the leaves and wiped with a weak alcohol-containing solution, being careful not to burn the leaf blades and trunk.

When infected, select the appropriate insecticides and treat according to the instructions.

The tree, with good care, is slightly susceptible to pests. If infection has occurred, it is necessary to restore the recommended conditions of detention - increase air humidity, maintain temperature and light conditions.

Harvest and storage

The fruits ripen in 6-10 months and do not fall off on their own. They are cut and stored in a cold place as they ripen. The real harvest is usually obtained in the third year - 5-6 lemons.

Lemon Panderosa - easy to grow, beautiful plant, capable of decorating a room and bringing a harvest. If the tree receives what it needs to live, it will live up to 50 years, constantly delighting the owner with abundant flowering and bright fruits.