Installation and installation of a wall-hung toilet with your own hands. Installation of wall-hung and floor-mounted toilet installation Installation of toilet installation

The installation is a special structure based on a metal frame. It and the mechanisms installed on it serve to secure various plumbing fixtures, such as a toilet, sink, bidet, to the wall surface.

The installation not only allows you to significantly save space in the room, but also significantly increases its aesthetics. This is not surprising, because all the pipes in this case are located inside the wall, covered with finishing material.

This is what the installation looks like

Selecting a location and marking

If you decide to do the work yourself, you should learn how to install the structure and how to properly connect the installation to the water supply and sewer pipes.

Connecting the installation to the water supply

Initially, you need to choose the place where you would like to place the wall-hung toilet.

It should be in close proximity to water and sewer pipes. But, you need to choose a place so that the toilet does not interfere with free movement around the bathroom.

Usually the corner closest to the sewer is chosen.

Connecting the installation to the toilet

Once the installation location has been determined, you can proceed directly to installation work.

First of all, let's look at the features of marking.

She will be responsible for the accuracy of all actions you perform and the correct fastening wall hung toilet.

Installation connection diagram

It is important to understand that when applying markings you should take into account the dimensions of a particular installation.

  • apply markings on the wall surface indicating the location of the central axis of the installation;
  • mark at what distance the structure will be located in relation to the wall. It must be more than 13.5 mm;
  • mark the location where the drain tank is attached. This is usually about 1 meter from the floor;
  • on the floor or wall, mark the locations of the fastening elements on which the entire structure will be held.

This is what the installed installation looks like

Once you have applied the markings, installing the installation will be easy and simple.

You don’t have to be afraid of mistakes in installation, which will force you to redo the work later.

Installation and connection instructions

So the installation of the structure is carried out as follows:

Step-by-step installation installation diagram

  • Use a hammer drill to drill holes in the wall at the marks for installing fasteners. Then insert the dowels into the holes;
  • install anchors or brackets into the dowels on which the toilet will be suspended. Fasteners are installed strictly in a certain sequence - it is prescribed in the installation instructions;
  • install the installation body. This is done using bolts and special adjusting nuts;
  • set the installation to the required level. The horizontal part of the body is adjusted using legs, which will subsequently need to be fixed in the correct position. The vertical part of the structure is adjusted to the thread of the anchor, which is then closed with a plug;
  • connect to the installation a water pipe that serves to supply water to cistern, as well as connect the sewerage system to the installation. Pay attention! It is best to use hard plastic pipes, because flexible ones have a small resource, they will soon become unusable, making topical issue opening false walls;
  • install a pipe connecting the flush cistern to the toilet itself;
  • install a metal plate at the bottom of the installation, securing it to the body using anchors inserted through the horizontal strip of the structure into previously prepared holes in the wall;
  • secure the plate with bolts and nuts;
  • check assembled structure on the strength of all connections;
  • install a false wall covering the entire structure and pipes;
  • connect the fastening elements included with the installation to the toilet;
  • secure the toilet to the fastenings in the false panel. When performing this work, it is better to lay a soft underlay on the floor. After installation it can be removed. If the toilet is wall-hung, then it should be installed at a level of 40-42 cm from the floor;
  • connect the sewer pipe to the toilet. It should be at a distance of 22-23 cm from the floor;
  • install a drain tank and a drain button;
  • connect the water supply.

It is important to maintain the angle of inclination from the toilet

Important! When installing the installation and wall-hung toilet, you should take into account the fact that

that you need to know the slope of the sewer system and carry out the installation connections in accordance with this requirement: the slope must be exactly 45 degrees.

Only in this case will the plumbing work properly, and you will not have to redo the work.

In this case, first a sewer pipe with a cross-section of 100 mm with a slope to the side is brought to the prepared niche sewer system equal to 5 cm per meter of product.

End horizontal pipe should be 25 cm from the center of the niche.

Only now it is possible to install a special bend at the end of the pipe, which has a slope of 45 degrees.

Do not forget to check the installation level during installation

You should also remember that at all stages of installation you need to check the installation level in order to avoid unwanted distortions and eliminate them in a timely manner.

How much will it cost to install a toilet installation?

Usually the toilet installation is sold assembled.

The kit includes the installation itself, a control button, a toilet, a soundproofing plate and a toilet seat.

The cost of such a kit will be approximately 10,000 rubles.

The price may vary depending on the manufacturer, the quality of the plumbing, as well as the elements included in the kit.

In order to more accurately understand how much it will cost you to install a toilet installation, you need to consider the cost of all additional materials that will be required to complete the work are:

Installation elements

  • a set of wall mounts – 600-900 rubles;
  • soundproofing panel – 350 rubles;
  • set of corner fasteners – 1100 rubles;
  • pipe for supplying water to the toilet - 900 rubles;
  • installation panel for the toilet – 3300 rubles;
  • toilet connection kit – 2400 rubles.

So you can understand that consumables will cost 7-11 thousand rubles, depending on the quality and place of purchase.

Installation by a professional

If you still decide to use the services of a plumber, so as not to connect the installation yourself, you will have to pay an additional 3,000 rubles for the work.

This is the simplest installation.

Depending on the installation features and location of water supply lines, sewer pipes, price installation work can rise up to 9,000 rubles.

But, instead, you will receive quality guarantees and will be able to eliminate the need to repeat installation work due to previous mistakes.


Installing a simple toilet is not difficult. But if the toilet is wall-mounted, then the bathroom must be equipped with an additional connecting link - an installation. From this article you will learn how to install a toilet installation yourself, as well as connect it to the sewer system.

Features of choice

While the toilets different brands may differ primarily in bowl shape or surface, the installation may cause many toilet problems in the next 20 years. Indeed, the tank, frame and other elements will be hidden, making access to them difficult.

Modern market Plumbing can offer installations of two types.

Important! If the bathroom is located in the center of the living space, far from the main walls, then only a frame installation can be installed in it.

Regarding manufacturers, Vega, Grohe and Geberit are considered the most reliable today. But here everything depends mainly on personal wishes. It is important that the model belongs to a well-known brand that has already established itself. The installation will be more expensive, but in terms of operation it will quickly pay for itself.

What will be required at work?

To install the installation, you need to acquire the following tools:

Correctly selected tools are already half the success.

Installation must begin with the selection suitable place. If the layout is standard, then optimal place is a niche with risers located in it. The niche itself will have to be altered somewhat, “spreading” the risers to the sides.

Important! Metal risers must be replaced with plastic ones.

Wall-hung toilet with block design

Step one. It all starts with the markup. If we are talking about a small apartment, then the toilet is installed in accordance with the axis of the room, since the area here is small. If the apartment is large enough, then the toilet is tied to the drain axis. This axis must be drawn with a marker.

Step two. The next step is to measure the height. Almost always it depends only on design features frames Points for installing dowels are marked.

Important! Dimensions for this should be taken only from the instructions supplied with the product, because different manufacturers they are different.

It is also important to maintain the correct distance of the dowels from the center of the installation. For example, if its width is 60 cm, then 30 cm is retreated on both sides of the axis. Holes are made with a hammer drill, and dowels are hammered into them.

Step three. The drain tank is screwed on and the drain hole is twisted (both procedures are described in more detail in the instructions). The presence of all necessary gaskets is checked, after which the tank is connected to the water supply.

Step four. The pins that come with the plumbing fixtures are screwed into the pre-made holes. The distance to which they protrude depends solely on the size of the toilet. It is typical that the pins will be open until the installation is completed - only then is the bowl installed.

The last stage is fixing the drain hose with clamps (if provided for by the design).

Step one. First, the frame is assembled, after which the drain tank is attached to it. The position of the frame is adjusted using screws and brackets located on top. The frames are always sold separately - they are universal, so they are suitable for any toilet.

Upon completion of assembly, a structure with a height of 1.3-1.4 m comes out, while the width depends on the specific model. The maximum load that such frames can withstand reaches 450-490 kg.

Step two. When installing a drain tank, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the drain button should be a meter from the floor;
  • toilet - approximately 40-45 cm;
  • sewer outlet - 22-25 cm;
  • the distance between the fasteners should be equal to the distance between the toilet lugs.

Typically the frame is attached in four places. There remains a small gap between it and the surface - at least 2 cm.

Step three. The assembled installation is installed, and clearly horizontally. To do this, use a plumb line to check the slope of the wall and, if found, a horizontal line is drawn at the point where the plumb line touches the floor. Then a second one is drawn from the line at the distance required for installation of the installation.

The frame is applied to the wall, fastening points are marked. Holes are made. The frame is screwed to the floor, its height is adjusted with screws, and its horizontalness is adjusted with a building level.

Step four. Supplied to the drain tank water pipe. This can be done from the side or from above, but in almost all modern models The connection location can be changed.

Important! Flexible hose It is not advisable to use it when connecting a flush tank, since it will last much less than the toilet itself, and replacing it under a false wall, if necessary, will be quite difficult.

Therefore, plastic pipes are used for connection. The tank itself is insulated with material that prevents moisture condensation. Everything that is required for installation is included in the kit, except that the panel with the drain button must be purchased separately.

Step five. The toilet outlet is connected to the riser. It is often impossible to insert the outlet directly, so corrugation is used. After this, all connections are checked for leaks.

Step six. Before assembling the plasterboard box, you need to do the following:

  • close all openings with plugs to prevent debris from entering;
  • Screw the pins into the frame to secure the toilet.

All technological holes are cut out in the drywall, after which it is fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws. Drywall is finished with tiles.

Step seven. You can begin installing the toilet no earlier than 10 days after laying the tiles. The outlet is adjusted to the sewer hole, and the place where the tiles come into contact with the toilet is covered silicone sealant. The toilet is placed on the shifters, the nuts are tightened.

After this, it is advisable to carry out a test drain of water in order to check the tightness.

Step one. The position of the knee is fixed using metal fasteners. The toilet outlet is treated with technical ointment, after which the device is placed at the installation site. Its outline is outlined with a marker, all mounting holes are indicated. Then the toilet is removed, and according to the markings made, the mounting angles included in the kit are installed. The toilet is put back, the outlet is pressed into the drain pipe.

Step two. The drain tank is installed according to the instructions. A connecting cuff is fixed at the toilet outlet, the bolts are tightened, and their caps are closed with special caps.

Step three. The drain button is inserted into the made technological hole.

Step four. Finished design checked for leaks.

Video - Installation for Geberit DuoFresh toilet - installation

  1. If it flows floor standing toilet, then the tightness of the joints treated with sealant is checked. Connections with corrugation are reprocessed.
  2. To simplify future repair work a technological hole must be provided under the drain button.
  3. Toilet instability can be corrected by tightening the bolts. This must be done carefully so as not to strip the thread.
  4. The drain button must be placed between the tiles.
  5. The cause of the drain tank leak is most likely incorrect installation sealing gasket. To replace it, turn off the water and unscrew all fasteners. The gaskets are corrected, everything is screwed back on.
  6. The drain must be at an angle of 45? C, otherwise the water will stagnate in the toilet.
  7. When purchasing an installation, it is better to give preference to a model equipped with a water saving system. Often, such a system provides for the presence of two drain buttons - for complete or partial drainage.

Video - Installation and installation of a wall-hung toilet on a GEBERIT installation


Here, in fact, are all the nuances of installation. The main thing is to fulfill all the requirements, and at the end of each stage, check the tightness of the connections. All detected defects should be eliminated immediately, since it will be difficult to do this later, when the structure is hidden by drywall.

Video – Installation of the GROHE installation

If the well-known literary classic lived today, his famous saying might sound like this: “if in the first act there is a toilet hanging on the wall, then in the third act it should shoot.”

Today we will talk about toilet installations Tsersanit(Cersanit). One day, I heard a friend of mine say that he didn’t really understand the phrase “ installation installation«, « how to install the installation". After all English word"installation" is translated as "installation". And that's true. It turned out that it has other meanings: installation, assembly, placement, putting into place and even “induction.”
So, I will talk about the installation and installation of the Cersanit wall-hung toilet on this page.

The installation frame consists of two metal parts, lower and upper. They are very simply and reliably connected to each other, forming a single structure.
Before assembly, I advise you to carefully study the manufacturer’s recommendations for assembling the frame. There is nothing complicated there; even a child can figure it out. Of course, such a construction set will be too heavy for a child.

The whole difficulty, as you correctly think, is not in assembling the structure, but in getting the frame into place and connecting it to the pipes. We are interested in two pipes. One is the server cold water into the drainage storage tank, the other pipe is the sewer pipe. It is precisely the last pipe that causes the main problems when installing a wall-hung toilet.

Choosing a place to install a wall-hung toilet

Any toilet, whether standing on the floor or suspended, must be installed as close as possible to the sewer riser. It would be a big mistake to install this sanitary fixture a few meters from the above-mentioned pipe or even in another room. Only in the movies can you see how sewer pipes wander chaotically through all the rooms of the apartment without any system, neglecting the level of slope that the ancient Romans, who built aqueducts, knew about.

For example, in the French film “Not a Moment of Peace” with Christian Clavier in leading role, we see how, during the dismantling of the office, the drain pipes were destroyed, and water from the bathtub flooded not only the office, but also the neighbors. I won’t describe all the film’s plumbing blunders here. It’s funny, but the shut-off valves that turn off the water in the risers were also located in the office.

In films, they teach you to hear an alarming knock on the door at night and get rid of drugs and money by flushing them down the toilet. If you do not exclude the possibility that you will need to flush something like this, then install the toilet closer to the riser, my advice to you.
There is not enough water in the storage tank to give the necessary energy and wash away all the “wealth” you have accumulated at a distance of several meters from the riser, and you will be caught red-handed.

Metal structure with special devices, intended for securing plumbing fixtures, called installation. It is used for installing bidets, sinks, and toilets. Plumbing fixtures attached to the wall help save space and create a feeling of lightness. In addition, installation installation helps hide all communications and pipes, which are located in the wall, allowing you to achieve an attractive appearance rooms and hygiene.

Types of toilet installations

Today, there are 2 types of installations that have their own design features.

    Block structures They are mounted only on main walls and consist of a plastic tank with fittings. A set of fastenings is additionally included with the toilet. This type of installation for toilets is installed in a pre-prepared niche and is completely hidden in the wall. The main advantage of this design is accessibility, however, if there are no main walls in the bathroom, then installation is impossible.

    Frame installations They are a reliable steel frame with studs to which the toilet flush system, tank or other equipment is attached. According to the standard, a distance of 18 or 23 cm should be maintained between the studs.

This type of installation can be attached in different ways :

    on the main wall at 4 points;

    on the wall and floor, at 2 points, which are located in each of the surfaces.

Installation for toilets of this type may have an angular shape , which allows it to be mounted at the joints of walls or partitions. This design is more expensive than the block version and gives a wide scope for design ideas.

Installation used for wall-hung toilet, has standard sizes :

  • The width of the bowl is 300 - 400 mm;
  • The height is 300 - 400 mm;
  • The length of the bowl from the front edge to the wall is 500 - 600 mm.

Block structures are located in the wall at a depth of 100 - 150 mm, their width does not exceed 600 mm, and their height does not exceed 1000 mm.

As for frame installations, their depth is 1050 - 300 mm, width does not exceed 600 mm, and height - 1400 mm. When installed on a sloping wall surface or in an attic, the height can be reduced to 800 mm.

The convenience and quality of operation of plumbing equipment will depend on the correct choice of the appropriate installation, fittings and barrel.

Do not forget that the structure is located in the wall, which is then sealed. To replace the installation, it will be necessary to break down the wall, and this entails unnecessary material costs and inconvenience.

Advantages and disadvantages of toilets and installations. Which is better?

Wall-hung toilets and installations have their advantages and disadvantages; let’s look at them in more detail.

The advantages include:

  • Compact dimensions . The product takes up very little space and allows you to visually expand the space;
  • There is no noise from water draining due to the fact that the wall closes the barrel;
  • Convenient care . It will be much easier for the housewife to keep the bathroom clean, so cleaning will take less time and will not cause unnecessary hassle;
  • Saving water , which is provided by a separate drainage system. If necessary, you can use a strong or weak flow;
  • Reliability and durability of the design . The installation can withstand heavy loads;
  • Simplicity of bathroom design . The wall-hung toilet does not interfere with the installation of the system heated floors or laying tiles.

Regarding installation installation disadvantages , then here we can note:

  • Lack of free access to pipes and various modifications, since they are all hidden in the wall;
  • To eliminate tank breakdowns, additional labor and financial costs will be required. Although malfunctions in the operation of the structure are quite rare;
  • Installing a toilet installation may require renovation of the entire bathroom ;
  • Classic toilets can be located near any walls, and block installations require high-quality support for installation , that is, the main wall.

What is a classic toilet?

Classic toilet- this is a structure behind which there is a drain barrel, it is attached to the floor. Thanks to its traditional shape, this model can be installed absolutely anywhere in the bathroom. The height of the standard product will be approximately 50 cm higher than the hanging one.

Designer design modern toilets, like colors, can be varied. But regardless of any stylistic solution, the cistern will always be monolithic with the toilet and located outside.

How do installations differ from classic toilets?

The main technical specifications standard toilets and installations, now let’s figure out how these models differ.
  1. Installation can be done anywhere monolithic wall . The design is very stable and can withstand impressive loads, so there is no need to doubt its reliability;
  2. The installation does an excellent job of saving space and facilitating the cleaning process. . The leg that a classic toilet has is absent in this case, which helps to avoid the accumulation of dirt and bacteria;
  3. The structure is mounted on a rigid steel frame with rods that can be extended . This helps to select the most suitable height of the installation system for the toilet;
  4. Tanks for installation are installed in niches made of styrofoam, which prevents condensation. In the front part of the tank there is a hole intended for a drain button through a special panel;
  5. TO plumbing system the installation is connected through holes located in the side of the tank . As a rule, manufacturing companies make several holes that correspond different sizes pipes;
  6. Inside the installation tank there is a special valve that shuts off the water , as well as protection against overflow of water and a drain control system. These qualities allow you to regulate or stop the water supply if necessary.

How to do the installation yourself?

If you decide to install the installation yourself, you must remember that accuracy and correct sequence All actions will depend on the quality of the work performed and the serviceability of the entire structure. Tools you will need :

  • Construction level;
  • Marker;
  • Hammer;
  • Roulette;
  • Drill for concrete with dimensions that correspond to the parameters of the fastenings;
  • Open end wrenches.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a wall-hung toilet

  1. Taking measurements and marking

From the very beginning, the central axis of the device is revealed, which is indicated by a line. Next, the distance from the wall to the installation structure is noted, which should not be less than 13.5 mm. After this, it is worth finding out at what height the drain tank will be located. Usually its height does not exceed 1 m. Places are marked on the surfaces of the floor and walls where holes will subsequently be made for installing fasteners.

  1. Preparing the fastening system

Using a hammer drill, you need to drill holes that completely coincide with the marks made earlier. Dowels should be inserted into the holes, followed by mounting anchors.

  1. Installation installation

The installation structure is mounted in a pre-prepared place. It is secured using special nuts and screws. The housing is set simultaneously at both vertical and horizontal levels, and then this position is fixed using plugs.

  1. Connecting pipes

To connect the toilet to the water supply system, it is necessary to use plastic clamps that secure the pipes from the sewer and from the tank. After carrying out this work, you should check how well it was carried out.

  1. Installing a toilet bowl

When performing installation, carefully adjust the pipes that connect the toilet and the installation. There are 2 pipes in total: one for clean water, and the second is for sewerage. Such connecting parts are original, so they are always included with the product.

Before installation, a special gasket is installed for shock absorption, and couplings made from PVC are put on the studs. After this, the toilet is installed on the studs and fixed.

For a more accurate idea of ​​the conduct necessary work You can watch a video with the installation installation.

Cost and equipment of basic installation models

  1. Includes hanging Geberit toilet includes installation, set of fastenings, flush button, toilet bowl, lid, gasket for sound insulation. The cost of such a product will be slightly higher than 15,000 rubles.
  2. Normus toilet sold complete with mounting frame, toilet bowl, seat lid, flush panel. The price is slightly higher than 8,000 rubles.
  3. Toilet Parva complete with installation, seat, drain button and bowl, costs just under 9,000 rubles.


Installation for Grohe toilet - advantages and disadvantages

Grohe - German brand of sanitary equipment , which is in high demand among our compatriots.

The Grohe Rapid toilet installation system is characterized by reliability and ease of installation, which is why they are increasingly used in the formation modern interiors. Most people dream of seeing their owl’s home not only functional and comfortable, but also aesthetically attractive. Newest design trends are aimed at creating free space where everything is compact and comfortable. The Grohe installation fully meets these requirements and also makes cleaning the room easier.

Installation versatility for Grohe toilets gives users complete freedom in designing and decorating the bathroom interior. All that can limit your activities is imagination.

The Grohe installation has many positive characteristics, including practically silent water drain. This advantage is not available for classic toilet models. Flush panels in Groy's installation can have one or two buttons. By choosing the latter option, you can save water by using minimal flushing when necessary.

The only one disadvantage designs can be considered its high cost , which varies depending on the model from 2,500 to 10,000 rubles.

Installation features of the Grohe installation

Installation of the Grohe installation is carried out quickly, since the number of fasteners is minimal. When carrying out work, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. The installation is completed 10 days after finishing work;
  2. Installation of pipes is carried out after measurements are taken. Their fitting must be done very carefully, since these elements are not sold separately;
  3. Installation of couplings and a special shock-absorbing gasket is required. Only after this can the toilet bowl be installed;
  4. The drain button is mounted exactly according to the included instructions;
  5. If all the work was carried out correctly, there will be no leaks, and the drain button will be easy to press.

Gerebit installation - advantages and disadvantages

Gerebit is a product that is manufactured in Switzerland . The brand has long been known for its high quality all over the world.

Gerebit installation for a toilet allows you to shape the space of the bathroom at your discretion, while saving space is obvious. Ease of installation and operation is another advantage of the convenient design.

The Gerebit installation can reduce water consumption due to the technological design of the drain panel with two buttons. The water drains almost silently, which brings owners a feeling of comfort and coziness. The Gerebit installation for the toilet provides a single connection between the pipe and the tank, which protects the entire system from leaks.

Another important positive property Gerebit installations read reliable design frame, which is made of steel coated with an anti-corrosion compound. The cost of the design can be considered the only drawback, since it amounts to 15,200 rubles.

Installation features Gerebit installation

Installation of the installation for the Gerebit wall-hung toilet is carried out according to the principle described above. The manufacturer produces universal models suitable for installation almost anywhere in the room, including under the window.

Another nuance can be considered the existence of Delta models, which are mounted not only on load-bearing walls, but also on less durable surfaces. This Giberit installation has a reinforced lower support, so its reliability and stability will be at the highest level.

Having understood the types of designs, you can decide which installation to choose for your own home.

When arranging a bathroom in a house or apartment, owners often face the problem of how to “hide” unaesthetic utility connections. In addition, they are interested in the question of how to rationally manage useful space. There is an excellent option - installing a toilet installation that solves both problems.

The design for attaching a wall-hung toilet makes it possible to hide all communications and functional parts, including the flush cistern. The use of the installation visually increases the volume of the room. We will tell you how to install it, how decorative camouflage is performed, and how the plumbing bowl is then hung.

We have described in detail the process of installing support frames for wall-hung toilets and attaching them to the walls and floor. laid out step by step guides for installation different types installations. The information presented for consideration has been supplemented visual diagrams, photo collections, video instructions.

The modern market for construction and related equipment offers two types of installation systems. Both options are convenient and practical, and the choice depends on which walls the structure will be attached to and which parts of it will bear the main operational load.

Block installation– the simplest, budget option, however, certain conditions are required for its installation. The structure can only be used on a main wall, having previously prepared a niche in it to accommodate the tank and connections to the sewerage system with water supply.

The second option involves lining the system with bricks, masking it with plasterboard or other sheet materials followed by decorative cladding. These actions are carried out only after all installation activities are completed.

Strong anchors are required for fastening. They bear the main operational load. The main advantages of the model include reasonable price and the ability to use the installation not only in conjunction with wall-hung, but also with stationary floor-standing toilets.

A block installation can be “recessed” into a niche made in the main wall, and in this way save useful space in the bathroom

Frame installation belongs to a more complex type of construction, but makes it possible to fix the toilet on thin hollow partitions or plasterboard walls. It is considered very reliable system and has all the characteristics to hold both the plumbing module and itself.

Placed on the floor or foundation. Allows several mounting options: with special elements to four points on the wall, to two points on the floor and two -on the wall, or only to the base of the floor using stable paws. The main load goes to bottom part grounds.

The main advantage of the frame installation is the adjustable legs. They can be set to any desired and comfortable height. Design suitable for indoor installation non-standard shape, easily fits into the most unexpected design and can even be located in a corner without hiding the useful space of the bathroom.

Frame installation allows you to place the toilet in any place most convenient for you and does not require a permanent wall for installation

The dimensions of block systems are always standard. Their width is 50 centimeters, their depth ranges from 10 to 15 cm, and their height does not exceed 1 meter. Frame installations have a base width from 50 to 60 cm, a depth from 15 to 30 cm, and a height (due to adjustable legs) from 80 cm to 1.4 meters.

For wooden houses or non-permanent buildings, experts recommend purchasing the widest and lowest systems possible. This makes it possible to reduce the load on the walls and ensures the normal functioning of the module for a long time.

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