3 orchids in one pot. I transplanted the orchids in an unusual way... When the guests saw my beauties, they gasped! Planting and growing technology

Many orchid growers are moving away from the traditional method of placing these plants one at a time in flower pots. Group plantings are now popular, when several orchids are planted in one pot. This method of growing epiphytes allows you to create beautiful interior compositions. But caring for orchids growing in one container is more difficult.

In their structure, orchids are not much different from other plants grown at home. Therefore, nothing prevents you from placing two or more orchids in one pot. Reasons for creating such flower arrangement There can be several of several colors:

  1. Aesthetic, when plants are planted in groups to make them look beautiful, lush flowering.
  2. Forced when it is impossible to separate without damage the baby that has grown on the trunk of an adult plant.
  3. Practical if there is no suitable container or free space in the apartment for placing plants alone.

In their natural habitat, epiphytes, which include most orchids, grow in completely different conditions: one at a time and in groups. Therefore, there is no reason to refuse group planting of these flowers at home. With such a planting, it is important to ensure favorable conditions for the development of flowers and keep the pot clean.

Epiphytes of the same species usually bloom at the same time. Planted together they form a beautiful, lush bush during flowering. For example, flowering of phalaenopsis lasts up to six months. Therefore, when grown in groups, they create a decorative composition that can become the central element of the interior.

Disadvantages and advantages of group growing orchids

Among the advantages of joint cultivation of epiphytes are:

  • plants grown together occupy less space;
  • costs for purchasing soil substrate, pots and other items are reduced consumables;
  • joint landing looks much more impressive than a single plant;
  • Flowers growing together provide support to each other, and their care is simplified.

Among the disadvantages of this method of cultivating orchids, it can be noted that the container for joint cultivation becomes several times heavier than if the plants grew individually. This may cause inconvenience to some housewives. Another disadvantage is that if one plant becomes infected with pests or infection, the risk of losing all the orchids at once increases. But this danger can be easily eliminated if you carefully care for the flowers according to all the rules.

Possible problems

Any troubles with orchids growing nearby in the same container arise only through the fault of the grower. If the maintenance conditions are not met, one of the plants may become diseased. Then the likelihood of rapid infection of neighboring plants increases. But with careful care, such trouble can be avoided.

Another difficulty is transplantation. This procedure is rarely performed for orchids. In this case, the transfer method is usually used. Therefore, here you have to move a large lump of soil and roots from one container to another. This task can also be handled even with minimal gardener experience.


If necessary, a lump of substrate and roots can be soaked in water and untangled.

Another difficulty is irrigating the plants. It can be called far-fetched, because in either single or group plantings, orchids are watered after the soil has completely dried. Here the task of watering is even simplified. After all, now it takes less time.

Many gardeners are afraid of the appearance of rot on the roots during group cultivation. This symptom indicates improper plant care. Therefore, to solve the problem, it is necessary to reconsider the conditions for keeping flowers. Then you will have to remove all the orchids one by one, treat the roots with fungicides, cutting off the rotten areas, and replant them in new soil.

Planting and growing technology

To grow many orchids in one container, they need to be planted correctly. The technology for planting several plants is not much different from how to plant a single orchid. First you need to select a suitable container and prepare the substrate. Then the plants are visited one by one in the ground and secured. Further care depends on the type of orchid.

How to choose a flower pot

Containers for group growing of orchids are chosen to be wide and not deep. This is due to the fact that the root system of such plants develops more in width than in depth. The pot needs to be transparent with a large number of holes for free access of air and to provide conditions for the participation of the plant root system in the process of photosynthesis.

It would be a mistake to place epiphytes in a glass vase. This material refracts the sun's rays, so the roots can get burned. In addition, glass does not allow air to pass through, which is necessary for a plant with aerial roots.

For a comfortable existence, sympodial orchids need a shallow and wide container so that the roots have room to grow. They are placed on the edge of the pot, then the roots eventually occupy the remaining space.

Soil preparation

The substrate for planting epiphytes is chosen in composition as close as possible to the soil on which they grow in natural conditions. IN tropical forest they live on trees, clinging to the bark with aerial roots. Therefore, when growing at home, they are placed in a substrate, the basis of which is with the addition of moss.

The easiest way is to use store-bought soil, since it contains the necessary components and mineral additives for good growth. But if you have experience and access to materials, you can mix the substrate yourself. In this case, you need to take into account the differences between orchids. Some of them prefer high soil moisture, others grow with minimal moisture.

The composition of the substrate for orchid crops includes:

  1. The bark of coniferous trees and hardwood in a ratio of 7:3. Moreover, deciduous trees must be represented by one species. The pieces should not be too small so that there is space between them when filling the pot.
  2. Charcoal or activated charcoal from a pharmacy.
  3. Coconut fiber is taken whenever possible.
  4. Sphagnum moss is sold in any florist shop.
  5. Fir cones, pebbles and other materials, if available.

The specific composition of the soil is selected depending on the needs of the plant. For moisture-loving crops, take a 1:1 ratio of bark and moss, and add the remaining ingredients if possible. If the moisture requirement is average, then more bark is taken. In this case, coal is added as an antiseptic. For drainage, use large pebbles or pieces of foam.

How to treat roots

Root system very important for orchids. Therefore, before planting, the plants are carefully inspected. Even if the roots look completely healthy, they may be empty and dry inside. To detect this, each root is felt. All damaged shoots with signs of rot are cut off, taking in some healthy tissue. The cut area is treated with ground cinnamon or sprinkled with crushed activated carbon. This will help prevent the spread of infection.

How to plant correctly

If preparations for planting are carried out correctly, there will be no difficulties with placing several orchids in a pot. To begin, rinse the container thoroughly with warm running water. Then the pot is treated with any disinfectant. If there is no disinfectant solution, you can simply pour boiling water over the pot.

Before planting, orchids are removed from the previous container as carefully as possible, trying not to damage the roots. Next, remove the substrate particles and wash with warm running water. After that, leave the plants in the air to dry for two hours.

Now drainage in the form of large pebbles is placed in the pot. Large pieces of foam are placed in the center. They are needed for removal excess moisture. Then lay the substrate, making sure that it does not lie in a dense layer. There should be space with air between the pieces of bark. So, it is necessary for good aeration of the roots.


If the orchid belongs to moisture-loving species, the drainage is laid so that it occupies half the volume flower pot.

After this, the plants are placed in a pot and covered with substrate so that the growing point remains above the soil surface. If the orchids do not hold well in the pot, use old nylon tights to secure them. Strips are cut from them and stretched so that the flower is located between the ribbons. When the plant takes root, the tapes are removed.


The pot with orchids planted in it is placed so that the air temperature in the room is between +22 and +24 degrees. Water for the first time no earlier than after 5 days. For irrigation, soft, settled water is used, heated to a temperature of +40 degrees. It is more convenient to water the plants from a watering can, so as not to immerse a too heavy container with several orchids in water.

The pot is placed so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. Lighting is organized diffused with a daylight duration of 12-14 hours. If necessary, additional illumination with phytolamps is organized.

For the first time, orchids are fed a month after planting, when they are completely rooted. To speed up this process, you can place a container with epiphytes in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Fertilizers are applied constantly, because the substrate on which tropical flowers grow does not contain nutrients. For feeding, liquid fertilizers are used, selecting them according to the phase of plant development.

During flowering, plants are fed twice a month with plenty of phosphorus. When the buds fall off, nitrogen-containing substances are introduced. Fertilizers are used during every fourth irrigation.

When the orchids have finished blooming, the pot is moved to a cooler room. Irrigation is reduced so that the soil remains dry at a depth of 2 cm. Until new shoots appear on the flowers, fertilizing is removed completely.


Group planting of orchids looks very beautiful and is an excellent interior decoration. Caring for such plants, provided all conditions for growing epiphytes are met, is not difficult. Problems arise only due to the carelessness of the grower or not.

Get inspired wildlife is always useful, and many gardeners take examples from the life of plants in natural conditions and embody them in their collections, taking into account all the subtleties.

Option for planting several orchids

Is it possible to insert several small ones with flowers into one large one - each plant in its own pot? This method of planting can be considered "budget": when there is no opportunity or skill to transplant plants into one container, but you need to save space.

Plants then look less decorative, while the risk of their general infection in the event of illness of one of them is at the same level if they grew in the same container.

Useful video

Find out in the video how to transplant several orchids into one pot:

Watch the video to see how orchids look in one pot:

Interesting facts in the video about how two orchids develop in one pot:

Find out in the video how to care for orchids in one container:

Planting several orchids in a pot - quite normal phenomenon, which has every chance of life and existence, just like traditional planting. This method will require new and different efforts from the grower, which will more than pay off during the flowering period. Experiment the right way and enjoy your orchids.

Anyone who loves to grow flowers and especially loves orchids knows that they will have to deal with replanting or initial landing such exotic plants. Therefore, there is a need to know how to properly transplant orchids into a pot. At home you can keep the most different types these colors, but everyone should be able to create suitable conditions. And a lot depends on the correct landing.

This article will explain in detail exactly how to plant orchids so that the flower is comfortable.


The structure of orchids is not very different from other flowers that are kept in the house. Some have pseudobulbs in which useful elements accumulate.

By the leaves of flowers you can determine how well they have adapted to the conditions of detention. In good condition they are rich green in color and fleshy.

Selection of capacity

Orchid is considered indoor plant, so replanting it at home is not that difficult. But here a lot depends on the type of plant itself. For example, phalaenopsis (a subspecies of orchids) has aerial roots and does much better in a plastic pot with many holes. He misses sunlight, air circulates ideally in it and it is easy to monitor the condition of the root.

Quite often in gardening stores you can find transparent pots shaped like a glass. They are absolutely not suitable for any type of orchid. Their roots grow not deep, but wide, so the best option there will be a wide pot, but with low walls.

A common mistake sometimes planting a plant in glass vase, which looks beautiful and fits into the interior, but is absolutely not suitable for a plant with aerial roots, since the glass will refract the sun’s rays, which will burn the roots. In addition, glass will not allow oxygen, which is so necessary for the plant, to pass through.

If you keep a sympodial orchid at home, then a bowl-like pot is ideal for it oval shape . The plant needs to be planted on the edge to leave enough room for roots. You can plant two orchids in one pot, but only if the size of the container allows it and proper care is provided. It is important to ensure that plants do not get sick under such conditions.

Substrate preparation

Despite growing a flower at home, the soil should still be close in composition to natural natural conditions. As a rule, orchids live in the tropics, where they cling to trees using aerial roots. This means that the home soil must contain moss and bark.

Experienced gardeners believe that it is not worth using store-bought mixtures, as they are too crushed. In general, the composition of the substrate can be the same for all types of orchids, but must differ proportionally and in the size of the components. Epiphytes love large and medium-sized fractions, while moisture-loving ones love smaller ones.

When working with a plant, you need to take into account the acidity of the soil, moisture permeability and air circulation.

You can make the soil yourself, knowing its composition.

  • Bark. Chopped pieces of coniferous and deciduous trees (in a ratio of 70 to 30, while deciduous trees should be only one type), you can add a couple of pieces of willow, which has an antiseptic property.
  • Charcoal or ordinary– pharmacy.
  • If possible - coconut fiber.
  • swamp moss, which can be obtained at any flower shop.
  • Humus, expanded clay, fir cones, and other similar materials, if available.

The quantity and size of the soil kit will depend on the moisture holding capacity required. For strong use a mixture of peat and bark in a ratio of 1: 1. Medium - increase the amount of bark in proportion to the peat and add coal. For drainage, crushed stone, as well as foam or expanded clay, are used.

Root treatment

Before planting in a pot, the roots are carefully inspected. Even if they look healthy on the outside, they may be empty inside. Based on this, each root is felt and examined. If it is defective, then it is cut off, grabbing about 5 mm of the healthy part, and then the cut is treated with charcoal powder to prevent the spread of the disease.

You need to be able to distinguish a healthy root from a diseased one. Healthy ones will feel flexible and quite hard to the touch, while sick ones will be soft, flaccid, often emitting an unpleasant odor.

Landing rules

There will be no difficulties with landing even for beginners if preparatory work done correctly. First, the pot where the orchid or its cuttings will be planted is washed with running water and treated with a disinfectant solution (if there is none, the container can be doused with boiling water). It will be easier for the flower to tolerate moving if it has not been watered for several days before and the substrate is dry.

Before planting, the orchid must be pulled out of the soil with the utmost care so as not to harm the roots. Then it is carefully washed with plain water and the roots are dried at room temperature for two hours.

Let's consider how to plant flowers correctly, taking into account their characteristics open system roots.

Phalaenopsis and vandaceae

Epiphytes are grown in transparent containers (large pots that resemble containers) with drainage holes that allow light and air to pass through. Pebbles or crushed stone are placed at the bottom of the pot, and in the center of the pot you need to place a block made of a piece of foam plastic (to drain water). Polystyrene foam will help protect the plant from high humidity, which appears exactly in this place.

Lay the substrate (medium and large) on top, making sure that there are small holes in it for normal air exchange in the root system area. This ensures good development of the roots and plant.


For flowering of such plants, drainage is used, which occupies almost half of the pot.

The layer of substrate reaches approximately 10 centimeters, in which the flower is planted to the base, and the edges of the container are covered thin layer moss.



Planting this species directly differs significantly from others and is more complex, since the structure of the root system of sympodial orchids is significantly different. The roots of such orchids need as much more space, because they grow horizontally and form plant shoots.

It is best to plant them in a basket with waterproof drainage, and the substrate can be bottle caps and pine cones.

Landing on a block

This option is considered the closest to the natural planting option. This is exactly how orchids grow in the tropics - attached to a tree trunk. But such option will do mostly for greenhouses or conservatories where humidity is extremely high.

At home, a flower in this form will suffer, since it needs to be sprayed several times a day, which not every gardener can do. But the easiest way to plant a plant on a block is to attach an orchid to a piece of cork oak bark using staples, and when the roots grow firmly, they are removed.

In capsules

Consolidation and care

Fastening in a pot

It happens that a seedling does not hold well in a pot. Then you can give it stability with the help of tights. The material is cut into ribbons and the orchid is tied to the container so as to prevent the sprout from moving or falling. When it gets stronger and takes deep roots, the tapes can be removed.


Immediately after transplantation, the plant should be placed in a place in the home where it could be kept at a temperature within 22–24 degrees.

It is better to do the first watering after planting only after five days. The water you need to directly water the plant should be of medium softness and have a temperature within 40 degrees. Watering is done using a shower or by immersing the orchid in liquid for 30 seconds.

Do not expose to direct sunlight under any circumstances. The lighting should be diffused, and the daylight hours for the plant should last no more than 14 hours.

Fertilizing is done only a month after planting, when the plant has fully adapted.

You can recreate greenhouse conditions (for example, cover with a bag, creating a greenhouse effect).


The substrate for such plants is such that it contains an insignificant amount of useful substances for the flower, or there may be none at all. Therefore, fertilizing is done regularly throughout the year. It is best to use liquid fertilizer that will correspond to the period of plant development.

When flowering, fertilize with a high phosphorus content is used once every two weeks. After the flowers have fallen and new ones are forming, they move on to nitrogen fertilizer. Anytime is good to use minerals. Fertilize flowers after every fourth watering.

After flowering

It is necessary to trim the peduncle, which in some plants can bloom several more times (for example, in phalaenopsis), after which the orchid is moved to a place with lower air temperature (the minimum recommended for a particular species). Watering is reduced, leaving the substrate dry at a depth of two centimeters.

The plant is not fertilized until a new shoot appears.


These plants are generally resistant to various diseases, and they arise only if the orchid is not cared for properly: little light, too frequent watering, lack of fertilizer, and more.

It is more difficult to catch scale insects, because they like to hide in the scales of the plant. They are extremely dangerous for the flower; you can get rid of a small amount using toothbrushes and watch to see if the pest returns. In serious cases, an insecticide is used.

Young buds or shoots may be attacked by aphids. If it has not caused much harm, then you can simply wash it off in the shower. But if the flower buds have time to open, then insecticides are used again.

The plant can pick up viruses that will change the appearance of the flower and the color of the leaves. Unfortunately, there is no cure for such diseases.

In addition, the orchid may begin to rot the pseudobulb and root. This usually occurs due to excess moisture.

At the first symptoms, immediately remove all damaged parts of the flower. The pruning shears used to perform the operation must be disinfected. After cutting off the diseased roots, the plant itself is moved into a fungicide solution for five minutes. Then they are left to dry for a day and transplanted into a pot with new soil.

Last – fungal disease, which attacks the leaves, turning them black and blocking air and light. It is also treated with a fungicide.

Disease prevention consists of the following activities.

  • Make sure there is no excess moisture. Do not let the water stagnate.
  • Remove faded and yellowed parts in a timely manner.
  • Remove drying or rotting roots.
  • In hot weather, use a spray bottle regularly.
  • Do not water for three days after treatment.