Growing orchids is easy! Proper care of orchids at home: features and recommendations Orchids care rules and growing technology

Phalaenopsis will become a real decoration for the home. Growing orchids at home is carried out according to specific rules, which will be discussed in detail in this article.

You can grow orchids at home in a wide variety of ways. However, it is important to choose the right variety so as not to have problems with caring for the flower in the future. After all, each type of plant has its own set of requirements for growing conditions. If everything is organized correctly, then the flower pot will be simple.

The following varieties are suitable for growing orchids at home:

  • Phalaenopsis. It is Phalaenopsis that is grown at home more often than other plant species. This flower is different long flowering, and its flowers can have a wide variety of colors. Even a beginner can grow any phalaenopsis at home;
  • Dendrobium. Orchids of this species grow in cool conditions. Flowering duration is more than one month;
  • Cattleya. Growing conditions for this variety require the creation of a warm, but not hot microclimate. The formation of rather large flowers is characteristic;
  • Wanda. This is a heat-loving plant that has a powerful root system. As they develop, the flowers become brighter;
  • Zygopetalum. This variety is characterized by the formation of fragrant inflorescences.

There should be no problems with the orchids listed above growing at home. However, in order to achieve long-term flowering from them, you need to know the types of orchids and the secrets of growing each individual variety.

Soil and container

To understand how to grow your favorite orchid in a house or apartment, you need to know the specifics of choosing a container and soil for planting a flower.

Plants are grown in a pot that must meet the following requirements:

  • able to support the flower in an upright position;
  • provides access to the roots of oxygen and moisture;
  • promotes effective drying of the substrate.

Plastic pots, wire planters and nets have the necessary characteristics. The Phalaenopsis orchid and its other varieties are most often planted in pots with transparent walls so that the roots can participate in the process of photosynthesis.

In order to grow orchids at home, you need to choose the right one. These indoor flowers planted on a special substrate in which there is no soil at all. It may include the following components:

  • pine bark;
  • peat;
  • fern;
  • charcoal;
  • leaf soil;
  • pine bark;
  • sphagnum.

The ratio of substrate components is determined depending on what type of plant is planned to be grown in houses or apartments. You can prepare the substrate yourself. But many gardeners go to buy soil in specialty stores. There, the seller will tell you how to grow 100 or more specimens from one orchid by purchasing just one flower. To do this, you just need to know how to grow this or that orchid.

Comfortable conditions

Caring for Phalaenopsis at home requires observing certain parameters of temperature, humidity and light. Let us consider in more detail what care and what parameters should be observed when growing these flowers. The secrets of growing orchids will be available to you too.

Lighting and temperature

Phalaenopsis loves partial shade. When placing flower pot on the windowsill, avoid direct sunlight. Artificial lighting for orchids is allowed. To do this, you can use special phytolamps, which are designed for additional illumination of indoor plants. This lamp is for indoor orchids sold in specialized stores.

Additional lighting should provide white light. This is the kind of light needed to indoor variety grew and blossomed. Backlighting is often used in winter period when daylight hours are shortest. In the cold season, flowers should be illuminated for at least 12 hours. To do this, a phytolamp for indoor orchids is placed above the pot.

In addition to the light regime, a certain temperature is needed for orchids. These indoor plants are characterized by better tolerance to elevated temperatures. The optimal temperature for keeping flowers is in the range of +28–30 degrees.

For any gardener who has grown Phalaenopsis at home, it will be useful to know that to stimulate flowering the plant should be kept for several weeks at a temperature of +12–15 degrees.


An important point on how to grow orchids in an apartment is maintaining the water regime. Watering the flower is carried out only when the substrate dries. Regarding how to correctly determine the degree of dryness of the substrate, there are several ways (poking the soil with a finger or a stick, etc.). The plant should be watered only with settled warm water.


These plants should grow at 60-80% humidity. In order to achieve this level, the plant is periodically sprayed with water and also ventilated. Ventilation is important for cold-hardy varieties.

You can find out how to care for a specific species from the seller, who will tell you all the intricacies of its breeding. Experienced flower growers can also give advice on breeding.

Pests and diseases

These indoor flowers most often affect the following ailments:

  • anthracnose The appearance of brown spots is characteristic;
  • powdery mildew. A white coating forms on the flower.

How to grow Phalaenopsis without diseases and pests? You just need to properly organize care for the plant. This is easy to do, because you only need to create the correct water and temperature conditions, as well as lighting.

Secrets of transplantation

Repotting should be done in spring or summer. This procedure consists of the following steps:

  • the plant is well watered during the day;
  • then the flower is taken out of the pot and placed in water to soak from the roots of the substrate;
  • then all rotten roots are removed;
  • the plant is placed in a selected pot and covered with new soil;
  • After 1–2 days, watering is carried out.

The secret of successful flower transplantation lies in the fulfillment of these points.

Now you know the secrets of growing and caring for indoor orchids.

Video “Growing orchids at home”

From this video you will learn how to grow blooming orchid at home.

The orchid is of fabulous beauty, like a princess, demanding care and growing conditions. When deciding to plant this capricious flower at home, you should take into account many nuances. However, you will understand that your efforts were not in vain when, as a result of your care, you receive beautiful flower with a subtle aroma.

Which orchid variety is suitable for growing at home?

There are about 20,000 varieties of orchids in the world. You can’t call this beauty , because in our climate you can try to breed about a dozen species, and all the rest can only survive in greenhouses.

  • Phalaenopsis is the optimal variety for home grown, since the flower comes in the most incredible colors and remains in the blooming process for a long time.

If you decide to try other varieties of orchids, pay attention to the following options:

  • Dendrobium blooms for about a month and requires relative coolness.
  • Cattleya prefers warmth, but not heat. Its flowers can reach about 20 cm in diameter.

  • Zygopetalum is a flower with fragrant beautiful inflorescences of 2-3 shades. He cannot stand the scorching rays of the sun.
  • Vanda has a strengthened root system and loves shade. The inflorescences are large, and as they increase in size, they become brighter.

All these types of orchids are a little more “complicated” than phalaenopsis, so it is better for beginners to practice with them

Important! It is best to start growing an orchid at home by rooting the cutting. The seeds of the plant are so small that they look like whitish dust. Propagation of orchids by seed is a complex technology, and is used mainly for breeding new hybrids in greenhouses. That is why, if you are interested in how to propagate an orchid with maximum effect, we recommend using high-quality cuttings purchased from trusted flower growers or nurseries.

How to prepare the soil for an orchid

The main task of the soil mixture is to support the plant in a strictly vertical position, provide oxygen access to the roots and remove excess moisture.

Important! Roots die in overly wet soil!

The soil must have large number voids, so the earth cannot be considered as a substrate - it is very dense. It is better for novice flower growers to purchase soil at a garden store, and for those who have patience and time, we offer recipes for preparing soil yourself:

  • pine bark (for large plants its fraction is 6-9 mm, for small plants - 3-6);
  • peat + fern + leaf soil + charcoal + pine bark (3/3/2/1/1);
  • pine bark + charcoal (10/1).

Important! Before cooking, the pine bark must be thoroughly dried so that fungus does not form in the substrate.

Planting orchids in different containers

When you have prepared the soil, you need to decide on the container for planting and directly planting material. The cuttings must be fresh, without visible diseases, and not withered. Here are the rules for planting cuttings, taking into account the selected container:

  • Orchid pots are the most popular among experienced gardeners. Fill 1/3 of the container with drainage. These can be pieces of bricks, shards, foam crumbs. Install a wire mesh and a peg, which will later serve as a support for the flower. Place the cutting on top. Fill with soil so that the stem remains on top of the soil.

  • Basket. Place a wire mesh on the bottom and spread the roots over the surface. Pour the substrate on top to the desired level.

  • Block. At normal humidity, the flower needs a base of moss. Carefully place the flower on the block and cover the roots with moss. Secure the cutting to the block with fishing line, nylon thread or wire.

Watering the orchid for several days after planting is not recommended. Caring for an orchid at home will determine the further condition and viability of the plant.

How to create conditions for orchid growth

Depending on how you care for the orchid, it will depend on whether the plant will take root or not.

  • Lighting. The home orchid prefers partial shade. If the pot is on the windowsill, then it is better to remove it from there closer to noon. When the time begins autumn bloom, you should provide a potty additional sources light so that the buds do not dry out, but have time to open. In winter, the pot should remain illuminated for at least 12 hours.

  • Temperature. An orchid at home will more easily tolerate an increase in temperature than a decrease. The optimal temperature range ranges from + 28 + 30 ˚С.

Important! To stimulate the flowering process, you can keep the plant at a temperature of +12 + 15 for about a week.

  • Humidity. 60-80% — optimal level humidity when caring for indoor beauty. If the indicators are much lower, then provide a tray with a grate for it, into which water is poured and a layer of drainage is poured. The structure is placed under the pot, the moisture evaporates and moisturizes the plant.

  • Ventilation. Flowers love constant air movement, but do not tolerate drafts.
  • If you are worried about how to water your orchid when you are away, then there is no need to worry. The plant can go without water for up to 2 weeks. The root system is an indicator of the moisture level in the pot. Green protruding roots indicate normal moisture, while brown indicates excessive moisture. Water the flower with settled water at room temperature. Try to prevent moisture from getting on the leaves so as not to infect them with rot. In summer, you can make an exception and spray the foliage with a spray bottle. When placing the pot in a cooler room, reduce watering to a minimum.

  • Orchid roots require fertilizer. Remember that immediately after planting or transplanting, you cannot fertilize for two weeks. Fertilize the plant during the period of active growth. These would be suitable liquid products, like “Mr. Orchid Flower”, “Dr. Foley” or “Bona Forte”.

This is done like this:

  1. Remove the plant from the pot.
  2. Carefully free the roots from any remaining soil, and if you can’t clean them, place the roots warm water Leave for 30 minutes - the residue will be washed off. Check if there are dead areas, cut them off so that growth is not inhibited.
  3. Treat the cut areas with brilliant green or a cinnamon stick.
  4. Prepare a larger pot.
  5. Upon completion of drying, the orchid is transplanted according to the same scheme as the initial planting.

The main thing when replanting is not to damage the roots. In the first months after changing the pot, the plant will require additional care - support for the stem and covering with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.

Important! With proper care, baby shoots appear near the base of the stem. Orchids can be propagated by carefully separating them.

What pests should an orchid be protected from?

The most dangerous for the flower:

  • Shieldman. As you can see in the photo, this small insect, feeding on juices and producing destructive mucus. Signs of infection - dark spots on the leaves. You can get rid of it: change the soil, remove pests, spray with a special product and periodically rinse the sheets with water.

  • . A small, furry insect attacks the plant and causes its leaves to fall off. Remove the insect and disinfect it.

  • Whitefly. The larvae suck the juice. Rinse the plant with the solution laundry soap(1:6) and disinfect the pot.

  • Excessive humidity can cause anthracnose - brown spots that grow over time. Cut out the damaged sheets and treat the cut areas with wood ash. It is worth purchasing medicine at the store and treating the sheets with it.

  • Powdery mildew is a whitish coating that leads to drying out of the affected area. The cause is increased temperature or humidity. Treatment - spray the entire area with a solution of colloidal sulfur, after thoroughly watering the soil.

It takes a little effort, and a luxurious flower will delight you for many years.

Video: How to properly transplant an orchid

An exotic flower is not one of those indoor plants that can be grown without hassle. Without special knowledge and treating the plant as an ordinary unpretentious indoor plant, you will most likely lose it. It requires a lot of dedication, but you will also get great pleasure from contemplating such a miracle. In this article we will tell you about growing orchids from seeds at home and give tips on caring for this beautiful flower.

Biological characteristics and varieties of orchids

An epiphytic plant, native to tropical forests, grows and blooms in our apartments. Create a suitable microclimate for it, and the orchid will feel at home.

Orchids have a pseudotuber (thickened stem) where they store supplies nutrients. And the root is a modified stem (rhizome) connecting pseudotubers. Photosynthesis processes are actively taking place in it, which is why pots for orchids are designed to be transparent. Leathery and dense leaves can grow for several years. The flowers are located on a long peduncle and can reach 15-20 cm. They form a simple spike or brush. Usually brightly colored to attract birds and insects.

IN room conditions Epiphytic forms grow better, some of which we will get acquainted with:

Representatives Characteristic
Phalaenopsis The genus whose representatives are best known in indoor culture. There are many varieties known: pink, Stuart, Luddeman, Amabilis, Schiller and others. All of them are less whimsical compared to other varieties, beautiful and long flowering. Some varieties have fragrant flowers.
Brassia In other words, spider orchid. The flowers are soft green, up to 10 cm in diameter. Blooms more often in spring, the flowers are fragrant.
Cambia It was bred by breeders and grows only at home. The flowers are large, of different shapes and colors, and need support. Best place for growth - a window sill.
Cattleya Different palette of colors and many varieties. The flowers are transparent-waxy, the largest compared to other species. Flowering duration is 3 months.
Cymbidium The most unpretentious, but the flowers are not so large. Although the colors of the flowers are varied.
Dendrobium The shape and color of the flowers are abundant. The plant can bloom at any time of the year, even at t+10C. After flowering they may drop their leaves.
Lycasta Flowering occurs more often on summer season. It is necessary to strictly observe t, avoid sudden changes, and monitor soil moisture. The flowers are yellowish. When the lycasta blooms, it is better to place it in a cooler place.

These are just some representatives of the family. Orchids that do well in indoor culture. The most luxurious and large-flowering orchids worthy of attention are Calypso bulbous, Vanda blue, Cymbidium eburneum, Odontoglossum cordate, Habenaria radiata, Oncidium beautiful.

Varietal diversity and flower coloring gives room for creativity, so you can simply place orchids on the windowsill, or you can create unusual flower arrangements.

From personal experience: Cattleyas and phalaenopsis are the easiest to grow. They even bloom on a north window all year round. Moreover, their rest period is very short. I did not have any difficulties with these representatives of orchids. But although the flowers have a variety of colors, their size is average. You can't call them particularly large.

What are the requirements for an epiphytic crop growing on tree branches? In what conditions will she feel good, throwing out an arrow with colors unprecedented for us?

Options Features of care
lighting Lots of diffused light and no direct sunlight. If the leaves turn pale, the orchid stretches out and turns yellow, which means there is not enough light for it. In the summer, it is necessary to organize shading for it so that burns do not appear on the leaves, and adaptation to the summer period proceeds normally.

In autumn, a dormant period begins, new buds are formed: the crop rests. But it should be remembered that the duration of daylight hours must be at least 10 hours, otherwise artificial lighting is needed.

temperature regime Orchids brought from different zones require different temperatures:

Heat-loving: phalaenopsis, dendrobiums, some catleya need year-round warmth: daytime t=+15-32C, night +15-18C.

Medium temperature: odontoglossums, miltonia require cooler conditions: daytime t=+18-22C, night +12-15C.

Cold-loving plants: dendrobiums, paphiopedilums, laelias feel good at t=+18-22 during the day and +12-15C at night.

watering Should be similar to what the plants receive in natural conditions. The substrate in the pot should be moist. A slight drying out is tolerated, because belong to epiphytic plants growing on tree branches.

They cannot tolerate stagnation of moisture, but they also suffer from prolonged lack of moisture. Watering is carried out with soft, settled water, the temperature of which is 2-3 degrees higher than room temperature.

The preferred method of watering is when a pot with a hole in the bottom is immersed in water, the substrate is allowed to become saturated with moisture, and then the excess is drained. In summer, water 2-3 times a week; in winter, once is enough.

The culture loves spraying, especially in winter, when the indoor air is dry.

feeding They are necessary only during the growth period and no more than once every 2-3 weeks with fertilizers specially created for orchids. There should not be a lot of salts in the substrate, so after feeding it needs to be washed, alternating feeding and washing every 2 weeks.

Do not feed the plant with fertilizers that are not intended for it. Do not fertilize during the dormant period and during the cold season. If the substrate is changed every 2 years, then fertilizing is not needed. The orchid receives all the necessary substances from the substrate.

It is necessary to tie the flower arrow so that it does not droop or break under the weight of the flowers.

Tip #1. For any type of orchid, the average normal temperature is considered to be +18-27C during the day and +13-24C at night. The difference between day and night temperatures must be maintained, but orchids do not like sudden changes.

Caring for a blooming orchid

During this period, try not to change the conditions and not move the orchid to another place. It is sensitive to change and can drop its flowers. You just need to increase the number of feedings to once a week. Don't be surprised if young plant does not bloom. To do this, he needs to reach the age of 1.5-3 years. You can achieve earlier flowering using various techniques, but this is dangerous for the crop. It may die because a lot of vital energy is spent on flowering.

The roots must have access to light, because... They carry out the process of photosynthesis. Continue to increase the humidity by misting the plant. But do not spray the flower, otherwise flowering may stop. Better than orchids bloom on southern and eastern windows.

The flower stem is quite long and can break or droop under the weight of the flowers. Therefore, use shelves-supports. I buy special supports for orchids in advance. When a flower stem appears, I immediately give it a certain direction. My orchids (phalaenopsis and cattleya) feel great and bloom in a north-facing window. Moreover, flowering lasts up to 6 months and one flower stem is replaced by another. To increase humidity, I always leave a little water in the pan.

Caring for the plant during the dormant period

After flowering, the orchid should rest a little and gain strength for a new flowering. Therefore, care is important during this period:

  1. The mode should not be changed. Leave the plant in a warm and bright place, humidify the air.
  2. Direct sunlight during the dormant period is destructive.
  3. Reduce the number of waterings. A resting plant needs them much less.
  4. You need fertilizer containing nutrients for the growth of green mass.

An orchid needs to be replanted when it becomes crowded in the pot, does not bloom or is sick. After carefully freeing the roots, you need to take a larger container and plant the plant in fresh substrate.

The rest period is the most suitable time for transplantation into new pot. If the plant has noticeably grown, there are a lot of aerial roots, they penetrate through the drainage hole, then it’s time to replant. But after transplantation, do not expect rapid flowering; the orchid may not bloom for a whole year.

Is it possible to propagate an orchid at home?

Since phalaenopsis and dendrobiums are most often grown in indoor culture, we will talk about them. There are many methods of propagation, but only an experienced gardener can obtain small orchids. Propagated " exotic beauty"in different ways.

Propagation by seeds at home

They are so small that they resemble dust. Under natural conditions, they are carried by the wind and spread over large areas. It is extremely difficult to grow a whole plant from such a seed at home, but there is such positive experience. Let's look at what technology is used:

  1. Seeds are placed in sterile flasks.
  2. Prepare a nutrient medium. The most commonly used recipe is “Knudson’s medium C”; its composition can be found in special publications on floriculture.
  3. Using a funnel, pour the prepared medium into the seeds.
  4. The flasks are sealed with stoppers and wrapped with foil on top.
  5. The medium should freeze. It is nutritious and sterile, and after a certain time the seeds will begin to germinate. Germination is low, seeds are small. Therefore, the success of such a landing is highly doubtful.

One of the methods of reproduction on an industrial scale is cloning. Plant tissue is placed on a nutrient medium, and through a combination of hormones, a young shoot is formed.

From personal experience: flasks with sprouted small orchids and beautiful labels for them, which depict gorgeously blooming, mature plant, are sold to tourists in many countries in the southeast. They brought this “exotic” to me too. But the success of further cultivation was doubtful. Extracted from the nutrient medium, the plant suffered for a long time and adapted to new conditions. Of the three specimens, one survived. But the orchid looks “deplorable” and is not going to grow. Perhaps I could have saved her if I knew what species it was.

Side shoots (children)

Children are formed next to the peduncle or at the rosette of leaves. They take a long time to form. Only after the baby has produced its own roots can it be transplanted into a separate container. Babies are formed at high air temperatures or with regular fertilization of the substrate. To make them grow faster, constant spraying is necessary. A small plant needs to be separated by treating the cut with powder charcoal.

Layering and dividing the mother bush

Those species that form a long, leafless stem reproduce by layering. Without cutting it off, it is dropped into another pot with a substrate for orchids. Water and create a humid and warm climate, covering with film. Lighting may be required. The process can be lengthy, because... Dormant buds must wake up, but this does not always happen.

Dividing a bush is the simplest and affordable way. And importantly, it is suitable for many types. But the plant must be large:

  1. The orchid is taken out of the pot and the roots are freed.
  2. The rhizome is cut into three parts so that each remains with 2-3 bulbs.
  3. The cut areas are sprinkled with charcoal to prevent the plant from getting sick.
  4. We plant each part in a separate pot, water and spray.
  5. The appearance of new shoots indicates that the plant has taken root.

Tip #2. The orchid is prepared for division in advance. In order for adventitious buds to grow on old bulbs, the rhizome is cut to the middle a year before planting.

There are other methods of propagation: cuttings, propagation by apical shoots, cloning. Choose the method in which you hope to get the result. The main thing is to monitor the health of the plant and not forget about care.

The orchid is sick, and if the cause of the disease is not determined in time, the plant will die.

Prevention. How can you tell if an orchid is sick?

If you notice that your orchid has changed its appearance (turned yellow, withered, has not bloomed for a long time, sticky discharge has appeared), you need to take measures:

  1. Replace watering with soaking in a basin 2 times a month. Dilute a fungal infection tablet in a basin. Lower the pot into the resulting solution to the base and hold for 20 minutes.
  2. In winter, reduce the amount of watering, otherwise rot, pests, and infections will appear.
  3. If there is insufficient moisture, sticky spots appear on the plant. They need to be removed with a cotton swab and spraying increased.
  4. You can spray with the addition of the drug “Zircon”, which will increase your pet’s immunity.
  5. Inspect your orchid regularly for pests. If detected, measures must be taken immediately. These simple procedures will help keep the “exotic beauty” strong and healthy.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions from gardeners

Question No. 1. We are used to seeing orchids in pots. In what other containers can it be grown?

Question No. 2. How to properly grow an orchid in winter?

Just like in the summer. The temperature will only differ slightly. It is possible that the orchid will have a dormant period, but not necessarily. It can bloom in winter too.

Question No. 3. I have a collection of orchids on my windowsill. And although they bloom, flower stalks tied to sticks do not look very beautiful.

Dilute your collection with decorative indoor crops. There will be a lot of greenery, and between it there will be “butterfly flowers”. The same floral design can be organized in a well-lit corner of the room.

You can create beautiful compositions from orchids and decorative foliage plants. These are wonderful green islands in an apartment or office.

Question No. 4. Please advise which fertilizers are most suitable for such an unusual plant.

It is not advisable to use conventional fertilizers for indoor plants. Here we need special ones, specifically for this crop: “Mr. Color - Universal” is good for root feeding during leaf growth, “Doctor Foley Orchid”, “Brexil Combi” are used for foliar feeding, "Agrecol" fertilizer in the form of a gel, which improves appearance flower and its color. There are “Garden of Miracles”, “Oasis”, “Rainbow”, “Ideal”. Just do not violate the instructions, because orchids are very capricious beauties.

Question No. 5. The orchid has not bloomed for two years now. I strictly follow agricultural practices, but there is no point.

There can be many reasons. Try to sweep away her “place of residence.” Perhaps the orchid is cramped and it’s time to change the substrate. The roots may rot or the air may be too dry. Find out what variety you have and read information about it. After all, each variety has its own characteristics.

When it’s minus 40 outside and a snowstorm is blowing, you look at the “sissy-beauty” orchid blooming on the windowsill and are amazed at its beauty and love of life. And she is no sissy if, having come to us from distant tropics, she is not afraid of snowstorms and snowdrifts, and risks opening her unusual flowers in the coldest time of the year. You look at her, and your soul becomes warmer...

Before purchasing a tropical beauty orchid, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the rules for growing it. For most widespread species, they are not particularly complex. It should also be remembered that growing an orchid at home should begin with selecting a suitable location.

Growing orchids at home is only possible if the appropriate conditions are created. Failure to comply with at least one of them will lead to a lack of flowering, and possibly even to the complete death of the plant.


Orchids – tropical plants, so they need high level illumination But since they are naturally located in the lower tier tropical forest, then the light for them should be diffused. On average, for full development, they require at least 16 hours of daylight. Therefore in winter time It is advisable to organize illumination for them using special phytolamps.


The optimal temperature for growing orchids is 22–27 °C during the day and 18–22 °C at night. Reducing the temperature below +18° is not recommended. Orchids can withstand minor deviations from the above temperature regime, but it’s better not to abuse it. Such conditions will be stressful for the plant, so it may get sick.

Choosing soil and pot

In nature, orchids are epiphytic plants. This means that for full growth and development they do not require the presence of a regular one. For normal life, they only need a special substrate consisting of pieces of bark and moss. Experienced flower growers prefer to compose it themselves, but this requires certain skills. Therefore, it is easier for novice orchid growers to purchase a ready-made option.

The main purpose of an orchid pot is to keep the plant upright and retain moisture. Therefore, any container of suitable volume can be used as it. The main thing is that it has a large number of holes for air access and excess water drainage during watering. It should also be transparent. This is due to the fact that the process of photosynthesis occurs in the roots of orchids, and light is required for it.

Features of growing in a closed system

Recently, growing orchids in. For this purpose, special flasks and vases are most often used. The most orchids can be planted in them various types. This method of growing has many disadvantages. The most important of them is complex care and a high risk of fungal infections. Among the advantages, it is worth noting that an orchid in a flask or transparent vase will become stylish decoration interior, as well as the fact that this method of cultivation will provide significant savings in time when watering.

Growing in water

In addition to the usual substrate, an aquatic environment can also be used for growing orchids. It fully corresponds to their natural needs. Growing orchids in water involves using. Among its advantages, it is worth noting that there is no need for watering. This technology for growing orchids has its own characteristics, so at home it is mainly used experienced flower growers. Also, the hydroponic growing method is very often practiced in industrial cultivation and breeding.


The main secrets of growing orchids lie in following the rules of care. Healthy, well-developed plants are almost not susceptible to diseases and are very rarely affected by pests. They are problem free almost all year round.


But it is also possible with intensive plant development. In this case, the root system no longer fits in the pot, and some of the roots begin to hang over the edges. Orchid roots are very fragile and break easily, so replanting in most cases is carried out by transshipment.

To do this, the plant is carefully removed from the pot. From its roots, carefully remove that part of the substrate that crumbles on its own. After this, the orchid is placed in a new pot. Its size should be slightly larger than the previous one. After carefully distributing the roots, the spaces between them are filled with fresh substrate. It is not recommended to water the orchid the first two times after transplantation. Then watering is gradually resumed.


Growing orchids requires fertilizing. Achieve without this abundant flowering it won't work. It should be borne in mind that orchids are very sensitive to even a slight excess of fertilizers. Large amounts of nitrogen are especially scary for them. Even a single application of too much of this element can lead to the complete death of the plant.

Only specialized compounds should be used. In them, the balance of essential nutrients is at a level that is comfortable for plants. There are quite a large number of liquid fertilizers designed specifically for orchids. Before using them, be sure to carefully study the attached annotations.

Pest and disease control

Although growing an orchid is not particularly difficult, sometimes certain problems can still arise. Of the most important orchids, the following should be noted:

  • whitefly;

The fight against the first three species on the list is exactly the same. To destroy them, systemic insecticides are used. For home conditions, the most applicable is “Aktara”. It is odorless and has a long-lasting protective effect. It is produced in the form of a highly water-soluble powder. 10 days after the first treatment, additional spraying must be carried out. This allows you to almost completely eliminate the possibility of re-spread of the pest.

Important! Destruction spider mite should be carried out using special preparations - acaricides. Conventional insecticides are ineffective against it.

The following drugs are suitable for killing spider mites:

  • fitoverm;
  • actellik;
  • commander;

They should be diluted and used in strict accordance with the attached instructions. After 10 days, the treatment must be repeated. To ensure that the mite is as effective as possible before use chemicals It is recommended to rinse the plant thoroughly under running water first running water, and replace the substrate in the pot with fresh one.

Spider mites on an orchid


Most orchids suffer from rot of various origins. They most often occur when growing conditions are violated. For example, even a single flood can damage the root system. And also in orchids, the root collar area is very often affected.