Belozersk Pedagogical School. Vologda region "Belozersky Industrial Pedagogical College named after A. Zhelobovsky."

BPOU VO "Belozersky Industrial- teacher training college named after A.A. Zhelobovsky"

Brief historical background:

The Belozersky Pedagogical School has an unusual history. In 1921, a pedagogical college was opened in the city of Tikhvin, which then, like Belozersk, belonged to the Novgorod province. In 1925, the first graduation took place, all 12 of whom went to work in schools.
In 1927, a new administrative division was introduced: the Cherepovets Okrug was formed. In the same year, the pedagogical college from Tikhvin was transferred to Belozersk.
In 1931, the pedagogical college was reorganized into Belozerskoye pedagogical school, on the basis of which additional preparatory courses began to operate in two groups: senior and junior.
In 1935, by order of the Leningrad OBLONO, it was opened on the basis of the Belozersky Pedagogical College correspondence department, which expanded significantly during the war years.
The war became a time of serious trials for the school staff. Already in the first year of the war, the main educational buildings were occupied as hospitals. Classes had to be conducted in cramped spaces. Many teachers and school employees were mobilized. In the first two years of the war, students and teachers were often recruited for defense work. Preparatory courses were closed. The pedagogical school steadfastly endured all the hardships of the war years. The educational process did not stop for a single day during the war.
With the end of the war, the hospitals closed. The pedagogical school returned to its original buildings. The restoration of pre-war standards of educational work began.
In 1956, the Belozersk Pedagogical School was closed. The students were transferred to Totma.
The school was closed for 8 long years. The teacher training college buildings were handed over high school, and the rich educational equipment was distributed among secondary schools in the city and region.
But thanks to the efforts of Vasily Antonovich Dmitrikhin, secretary of the district committee of the CPSU, the pedagogical school was reopened in 1963. It was given the same educational institutions that it occupied before.
1987 was the most critical year in the fate of the pedagogical school. Director G.V. Denisova recalls: “We were on the verge of closing. Having become a director, she inherited three educational buildings that were not suitable for classes, two similar dormitories, and in addition two dilapidated buildings in the center of the Belozersky Kremlin. Neither the destroyed buildings, nor the lack of a boiler room, water supply, or lighting scared me.”
In 1991, by order of the Education Department of the Executive Directorate Committee Vologda region The Belozersk Pedagogical College received the status of the Belozersk educational and pedagogical complex, which included a school with a student population of 395 people; a basic school with a student population of 195, newly established in 1990 and kindergarten No. 11 Belozersky district education. New specialties and specializations have emerged. In the same year, a preschool department was opened, and work was underway to expand and strengthen the material, technical and methodological base.
In 1994, a branch of the Cherepovets State University was opened on the basis of the school. pedagogical institute with two faculties: pedagogy and methods of primary education and preschool education. During the four years of the branch's existence, 100 people received higher education in a shortened training period. The reorganization of the Cherepovets Pedagogical Institute into a university forced us to look for other forms of interaction.
In 2002, the pedagogical school received the status of a pedagogical college.
2002 - Basic school transferred Municipal education city ​​of Belozersk
2010 - reorganization by joining Belozersky PU No. 40 to Belozersky Pedagogical College.
2012 - State educational institution of secondary vocational education "Belozersky Pedagogical College" was renamed into the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Belozersky Pedagogical College"
2013 - The Belozersky Pedagogical College was renamed into the Belozersky Industrial Pedagogical College.
On April 30, 2015, the college was named after the protopresbyter - Chief Priest of the Russian Guard, grenadier of the army and navy of the military and naval clergy Alexander Alekseevich Zhelobovsky, and this is not accidental. Being a native of our region, he graduated from the Belozersk Theological School and, after several years, was the initiator of the construction of a new building for the theological school, which now houses our college.
In 2017, BPOU HE “Belozersky Industrial Pedagogical College named after. A.A. Zhelobovsky" celebrated its 90th anniversary.

Number of implemented programs:
02/44/02 Teaching in primary school at full-time getting education:
-- based on the main one general education - 3 years 10 months
-- on the basis of secondary general education - 2 years 10 months
Qualification "Teacher" primary classes»
Additional areas of activity:
- musical
- physical education and health
- fine and decorative arts
- education of preschool children
- tourism and local history
- foreign language

01/35/13 Tractor driver for agricultural production is carried out full-time education on the basis of basic general education with secondary general education with a standard period of study 2 years 10 months.
Qualification: Agricultural tractor driver of category “C”, “E”, car driver of category “C”
18103 Gardener professional educational program of vocational training in a working profession, full-time on the basis of basic general education of a special (correctional) school, duration of study 10 months
Qualification level 2-3

Additional programs vocational education
- tractor driver of categories “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”
- cook
- food seller
- technology of work of specialists social sphere with older people

Benefits of studying in college:
Today the college employs a highly qualified team. Special attention is paid to the creation and preservation of the material and technical base necessary for the professional development and growth of students.

The main building houses 33 classrooms, a gym and sports halls, a library, reading room, dining room. For practical training there are garages, workshops, a training ground, an autodrome, tractors, and cars.

The college hosts a huge number of youth, military-patriotic, and sports events; students take part in district and regional events and win prizes.

All those in need are provided with a comfortable hostel.

  1. 1. BOU SPO VO "Belozersky Industrial Pedagogical College" Choosing a specialty is one of the most important decisions a person makes in life. Help make informed choice- our goal!
  2. 2. Belozersk is one of the most ancient cities of the Russian North. It is located in the Vologda region on the southern shore of White Lake, 214 kilometers northwest of the city of Vologda. The first mention of the city of Beloozero dates back to 862. Belozersky Val is a unique defense structure, a pearl of defense architecture, in the center of which is located the oldest educational institution of the city, Belozersky Industrial Pedagogical College. This road leads to our college
  3. 3. From the history of the college On September 1, 1927, a pedagogical college began operating in Belozersk. In 1931, the pedagogical technical school was reorganized into the Belozersk Pedagogical School. The staff of the pedagogical school had to solve serious organizational and educational problems. The fight against illiteracy declared in the country required accelerated training of teaching staff. The war became a time of serious testing for the school staff. Already in the first year of the war, the main educational buildings were occupied as hospitals. Classes had to be conducted in cramped spaces. Many teachers and school employees were mobilized. In the first two years of the war, students and teachers were often recruited for defense work. The 60s and 70s were a period of new growth in the work of the school, a steady increase in authority, and new traditions were emerging. In 1991, by order of the Education Department of the Executive Directorate of the Committee of the Vologda Region, the Belozersk Pedagogical College received the status of the Belozersk educational and pedagogical complex, which included a school with a student population of 395 people; a basic school with a student population of 195 people and kindergarten No. 11. New specialties and specializations have appeared. In 2010, a reorganization took place in the pedagogical college by joining Belozersky PU No. 40. In 2012, the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Belozersky Pedagogical College" was renamed into the Secondary Professional Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belozersky Pedagogical College". In 2012, the college celebrated its 85th anniversary. 2013 - the Secondary Professional Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belozersky Pedagogical College" was renamed into the Secondary Professional Educational Institution of Higher Education "Belozersky Industrial- Pedagogical College" In 2014, the Belozersky Industrial Pedagogical College was named after Protopresbyter of the Naval Clergy A.A. Zhelobovsky. College teachers and students are proud of the history of their native institution, strive to be worthy of the glorious deeds of their predecessors, and strive for new victories.
  4. 4. Our director Denisova Galina Viktorovna - Excellence in Public Education, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honorary Citizen of the Belozersky District has headed the college since 1987. Galina Viktorovna systematically implements a huge number of ideas and measures to improve working conditions, student learning and the development of the college as a whole, gathering around her a core of like-minded people from competent, knowledgeable specialists.
  5. 5. The educational institution employs a friendly, highly professional team of teachers and industrial training specialists.
  6. 6. Secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists Specialty: 02/44/02. Teaching in primary classes Qualification: primary school teacher Form of study: full-time Duration of training: 3 years 10 months. on the basis of basic general education, 2 years 10 months. on the basis of secondary general education This is the most humane, creative and necessary profession, which is the foundation for all other professions in the world
  7. 7. Specialty 02/44/02. Teaching in primary classes Areas of activity: musical, visual and arts and crafts, tourism and local history activities, physical education and recreation, education of preschool children, home economics.
  8. 8. Why is it worth going to study at our college? Because our graduates have a professional future - they were, are and will always be in demand in the labor market. Because today the Belozersky Industrial Pedagogical College is educational institution, in which classical teaching traditions are combined with the latest educational technologies. Because the college has broad creative connections, actively participates in cultural and public life Belozersk. Our goal is to develop students’ ability to be creative on the basis of high-quality knowledge and skills, and a creative specialist is always in demand and successful. Because the life of college students is not only academic everyday life, it is filled with communication, energy and the joy of discovery. Within the walls of the college there is an atmosphere of creativity, mutual respect, goodwill and trust. In the close collaboration of teachers and students, the “Initiation as Students” holidays, “New Year’s Skit Parties”, competitions, evenings, KVN are held - all this makes the student years happy and unforgettable.
  9. 9. Material and technical base The material base allows you to successfully solve the problems of professional training: the college has 35 classrooms, including sports and gyms, library, reading room, 2 computer classes. Today, the college is faced with the main task, using the existing material base, to enter the path of development, which consists of training in specialties in demand in the labor market.
  10. 10. Our canteen There is a cozy canteen with 100 seats in the college building. The main advantage is delicious and cheap lunches, in the preparation of which future chefs are directly involved. If you want to be healthy, eat buns in the dining room. If you want to become an athlete, eat delicious cutlets
  11. 11. Our hostel The hostel has 210 beds. These are bright and clean rooms for 2, 3 or 4 people. The hostel has rooms for cooking, assembly hall, two shower rooms. There is a gym in the dormitory building. On the second floor of the dormitory there is a study room for preparing homework. I'm a newcomer, that's why I live in a hostel. Our light is on all night, this one is reading, this one is sleeping. Dishes are clinking on the table - A neighbor is snoring behind the wall. The spirit of the commune hovers here, Everything is public. Book, flash drive and comb Laptop, notes and spoon.
  12. We are in practice The source of those wishing to study at our college does not dry out. It is here that they receive their first practical skills, form life ideals, grow spiritually and creatively, gain self-confidence, become real professionals, and then devote themselves to one of the most difficult and honorable professions. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a teacher, teaching children to read and write. And be kind, honest and brave. And love your native land with all your soul.
  13. 13. Employment The college has created a center for employment and adaptation of graduates, main task which is to promote employment, employment and adaptation to the labor market of college graduates. The employment center was awarded a diploma as a participant in the regional competition for the best employment assistance center. Every year, 97% of college graduates are employed. In the photo: Daria Kuzmina (2014 college graduate) works as a deputy. Director for Educational Work at Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 named after. Admiral A.M. Kalinin" in the village of Sheksna.
  14. 14. Our pride is the Cameo fashion theater under the direction of N.L. Romodina Festival “Student Spring at the Art Faculty” - 1st place in the “Theaters” category with the “Moon” collection. Regional festival of children's costume studios - 1st place in the category "Historical Costume"
  15. 15. Our athletes Elena Yurysheva - world and European champion in kettlebell lifting Anatoly Babkin - master of sports, two-time winner of the Russian Cup, winner of the European Cup in kettlebell lifting Denis Vasiliev - Russian champion in kettlebell lifting Natalya Kuznetsova - silver medalist of the Russian championship, bronze medalist of the championship European mountain running Svetlana Ivanova, member of the junior all-around ski team Andrey Kirillov, master of sports, absolute champion of the Vologda region in kettlebell lifting
  16. 16. Sports successes 2014-2015 academic year - 2nd place basketball - District Championship among educational institutions for the Spartakiad score; - 2nd place City sports program “Reboot”; - 2nd place polyathlon – included in the regional sports competitions; - 2nd place in the overall standings Open championship of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2 named after. S.S. Orlova" in sport climbing "ZIMAgor"; - 3rd place football – regional sports competition; - 3rd place in athletics – college championship; relay race for Victory Day, regional sports competition.
  17. 17. There will be no life without memory!!! Our students are actively involved in the public life of the city, region and country in preparation for the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. They participate in exhibitions, competitions, various promotions, conduct presentations and master classes in various areas. During the 2014-2015 academic year, the Marathon of Memory is held: “Roll call of hero cities”: Stalingrad, Sevastopol, Tula, Odessa, Leningrad, Kiev, Smolensk, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Moscow, Murmansk, Smolensk.
  18. 18. Student scientific and practical conferences are held annually at the college. Preparations are underway for the regional scientific and practical conference

The pedagogical school has an unusual history. In 1921, a pedagogical college was opened in the city of Tikhvin, which then, like Belozersk, belonged to the Novgorod province. In 1925, the first graduation took place, all 12 of whom went to work in schools. At the technical school it was organized preparatory group, who worked with students who completed 5th and 6th grades. The technical school had a dormitory, students received a stipend - 6 rubles per month. The technical school was headed by Vladislav Iosifovich Ravdonikas.

The last graduate of the Tikhvin Technical School 1927

In 1927, a new administrative division was introduced: the Cherepovets Okrug was formed. In the same year, the pedagogical college from Tikhvin was transferred to Belozersk. This event was greeted joyfully in the city. At the direction of the district party committee and the district executive committee, the Belozersky City Council provided the technical school with a choice of the best buildings in the city. The technical school, headed by director A.V. Timokhin, chose the building of the former city school on the street. Frunze, 28.

It was also provided for classrooms wooden buildings next door.

For accommodation of students from rural areas opened a hostel, which is located in two houses. Kapitolina Aleksandrovna Soboleva, a 1936 graduate, recalls: “We lived in a boarding school, that’s what the hostel was called before the war. It was located in adapted private houses. Most rooms are walk-through. Instead of beds there were 2 “goats” and trestle beds. They brought a blanket, a pillow and a “featherbed from the first sheepskin” stuffed with rye straw from home. IN next years we were already sleeping on the beds. 7-8 people lived in the rooms. There was a table in the room and a light bulb above the table.

On October 1, 1927, the first training sessions began. Starting this year, all regional meetings and conferences began to be held at the pedagogical college. Which was not only a forge of teaching staff for primary school, but also a methodological center for teachers in the Belozersky district. The connection between the pedagogical college and the schools in the region grew stronger every year. In 1931, the pedagogical technical school was reorganized into the Belozersk Pedagogical School, on the basis of which preparatory courses began to operate in two groups: senior and junior. In 1932, the head of the educational department, I.M. Tsvetkov, entered graduate school; Russian language and literature teacher D.A. was appointed in his place. Kuligina. As a result of his inept leadership, the level of educational work has noticeably decreased. In April 1933, the new director of the school, Ditev, and the head teacher, Russo, arrived. Neither one nor the other had a pedagogical education and soon became convinced that they had taken on a difficult job. In 1934, both were fired at will. Ivan Vasilyevich Antipin was appointed director of the pedagogical school, and G.I. Vinogradova. In a short period, the new leadership managed to restore the authority and influence of the educational institution, both among teachers and the population. At one of the pedagogical councils, Ivan Vasilyevich said in his speech: “It is necessary to fully develop and strengthen the wonderful tradition of holding high and firmly protecting the honor of our native institution.”

The staff of the pedagogical school had to solve serious organizational and educational problems. The fight against illiteracy declared in the country required accelerated training of teaching staff. The school trained teachers for rural schools. Many young people did not have the opportunity to study full-time. In 1935, by order of the Leningrad OBLONO, a correspondence department was opened on the basis of the Belozersk Pedagogical College, which expanded significantly during the war years. Order No. 123 dated September 15, 1941 states: “To the director of the Belozersky Pedagogical School, comrade. Antipin to accept the personal files of correspondence students of the Vytegorsky Pedagogical College and serve them on an equal basis with other correspondence students.”

The creation of conditions for organizing the educational process became a subject of special concern. By 1939, the school had three special buildings with a total area of ​​1362.31 square meters. m, and a dormitory with a total area of ​​771.6 sq.m., with stove heating and there was no electric lighting, sewerage or running water. 14 classrooms and a gym were equipped for educational institutions. The library's collection consisted of more than 20 thousand books. For music lessons there were 2 grand pianos, an upright piano, 21 violins, 8 guitars, 2 accordions, 22 domras, 25 mandolins, and a gramophone. In the military affairs office there were rifles, machine guns, training grenades, and walkie-talkies. Students studied 6 days a week, in one shift. In 1939, 421 people studied at the pedagogical school: 136 in the first grade, 147 in the second grade, 138 in the third. More than half of them - 234 people were over 18 years old. A close-knit, creative team worked at the pedagogical school. In the pre-war years it consisted of 20 teachers, 14 people had higher education. teacher education, 13 - professional experience of more than 10 years. A.V. Ryumina remembered the teacher foreign language Gertrude Mikhailovna: “She was German, and knew Russian very poorly. All lessons were conducted on German. If someone didn’t learn the lesson, she would say in broken Russian: “Oh, you’ll kill me. Oh, you'll kill me."

The main task of the teaching staff was to improve student performance, this is confirmed by the “Report on the performance of the 1st quarter for 1939 - 1940.” “Having heard the report on the results of the first quarter, the teaching council notes the low performance in the pedagogical college, expressed in 73.4%. Academic achievement is especially low in the first grades and in the 3rd grade. Of the subjects, the largest percentage of failure falls on the Russian language and mathematical disciplines. The teachers' council considers the reasons for low performance to be:

  • in first classes extremely low level development, accepted students;
  • very poor preparation before teacher training college;
  • inability to organize homework preparation.

Serious attention was paid extracurricular activities. The students planted a garden, and there was a proposal to organize an apiary. At this time, the formation of the traditions of the pedagogical school took place. There were sports, music, theater clubs, and the Voroshilov Shooter. Many were involved in amateur artistic activities. Under the leadership of L.M. Mitropolskaya, they learned songs and staged theatrical performances, which they performed at evenings.

The special pride of the pedagogical school was the choir, led by S.I. Kozhin.

The successful work of the school was greatly damaged by the Great Patriotic War. A graduate of 1941, Khlopotina Valentina Nikolaevna (nee Svistunova) describes the day the war began in her memoirs. “June 22, 1941. Sunday afternoon. I graduated from Belozersk Pedagogical College. With a group of classmates we were preparing for graduation party. An exhibition was being prepared in the methodological room of the school. The mood is cheerful and festive. Suddenly, music and singing teacher Sergei Ilyich Kozhin enters the office. It was obvious from his appearance that something had happened. He said that the war had begun. V.M. Molotov speaks on the radio. The teacher says: “Apparently, friends, we’ll have to change the tuning fork to a rifle.” Everyone immediately realized that our long-awaited, cheerful, joyful holiday was overshadowed and spoiled. His entire plan turned out to be impossible. There was lunch and refreshments, but there were no dances or songs. Everyone was gloomy, boring, and crying. There was a ceremonial part. We were given documents confirming our graduation from college.”

(From the 1941 edition we managed to find Mira Ivanovna Gordon, Nina Vasilievna Kopylova, Lidia Petrovna Dudinkina, Lyudmila Sergeevna Kazakova and Anastasia Feofanovna Pozdnyakova.)

The war became a time of serious testing for the school staff. Already in the first year of the war, the main educational buildings were occupied as hospitals. Classes had to be conducted in cramped spaces. Many teachers and school employees were mobilized. In the first two years of the war, students and teachers were often recruited for defense work. Preparatory courses were closed. During the war, teachers A.V. Kireev and A.K. Konoplev were killed, Gaznyuk was seriously wounded. The caretaker Peunkov and the hostel commandant Chuburin did not return. Classes took place in cramped, uncomfortable rooms. There were not enough textbooks and paper. Students wrote on old newspapers and on book pages in the space between the lines. From the minutes of the teachers' council (1941 - 1942): “even in Russian language lessons, as a result, very little training exercises, dictations, essays. Work in penmanship and drawing lessons, due to the complete lack of paper, is carried out mainly with chalk on the board” (archive F18. Inventory 1 No. 42, l. 17). It was hard to work and study. Evdokia Kirillovna Moshnina entered the pedagogical school in 1945. She recalls: “It was difficult to study, there was little visual aids, we had to do everything ourselves, it was a difficult time: we were hungry and so cold that the ink froze.” Meals were provided once a day in the pedagogical college canteen. From the report of the director of the pedagogical school Antipin I.V.: “Lunches in the current academic year I have to cook only from farm products. Students are supplied with bread uninterruptedly through the buffet of the canteen at the pedagogical school. In October, there were big interruptions in the supply of bread, and sometimes students received grain instead of bread” (F.18., inventory 1 No. 14 l. 15). The pedagogical school steadfastly endured all the hardships of the war years. The educational process did not stop for a single day during the war.

With the end of the war, the hospitals closed. The pedagogical school returned to its original buildings. The restoration of pre-war standards of educational work began with great regret in 1946. The team sent the head teacher G.I. Vinogradov to a well-deserved retirement. Biology teacher P.V. Leskov was appointed to his position. The new head teacher turned out to be a worthy successor. With such an educational assistant, I.V. Antipin managed to raise the work to the pre-war level in a relatively short time. The fact that in 1947 the pedagogical school was again transferred to a four-year term of study also helped improve the quality of training for future teachers. In 1951, the head teacher G.V. Leskova was replaced by the teacher of Russian language and literature A.A. Rezukhina. In 1953, after she was transferred to the staff of the Vologda OBLONO, a young teacher of pedagogy, S.E. Boldyrev, was appointed head teacher.

In 1956, the Belozersk Pedagogical School was closed. The students were transferred to Totma. This event is described very interestingly in the notes and memoirs of Boris Bobylev, a student from 1953 to 1956, who completed his studies in Totma: “The spring of 1956 brought us concern and grief. By that time, the educational leadership had finally decided on the closure of our school. I don’t remember that we discussed this topic among ourselves before, perhaps we knew a year ago, we should have known, because already in 1955 the school did not accept first-year students, but we probably did not attach any importance to it. This decision of the department was apparently influenced by the demographic factor associated with the war, and the oversaturation of the region with secondary pedagogical institutions, and, as a consequence, an excess of personnel - primary school teachers.

There was no general “farewell” event at the school, so we didn’t have to say words of gratitude and give flowers to everyone who taught us. Emilia Anatolyevna gave us report cards for the second year, said parting words, and in the end she was moved to the point of tears, and even left the class for a minute to calm down. Over time, the understanding came that those days were not easy for teachers either...”

In the 50s, the pedagogical school paid great attention to preserving traditions. The school also had a choir that performed on the stage of its native institution and in the regional House of Culture.

Groups of students still organized recreational evenings, staged plays, and performed ensembles and duets.

The school was closed for 8 long years. Soon after its closure, director I.V. Antipin died. The pedagogical college buildings were transferred to the secondary school, and the rich educational equipment was distributed between secondary schools in the city and region.

But thanks to the efforts of Vasily Antonovich Dmitrikhin, secretary of the district committee of the CPSU, the pedagogical school was reopened in 1963. It was given the same educational institutions that it occupied before. In the 1963-1964 academic year, the pedagogical school works with two first-year groups. “Honored Teacher of Schools of the RSFSR” Vasily Ivanovich Kostin, a graduate of the pedagogical school in 1933, was appointed director. Due to health reasons, in 1965 he was relieved of his position. A.V. Petrova was appointed in his place. In 1966, the Belozersk Pedagogical School made its first graduation after restoration, and since 1927 - the 30th graduation of primary school teachers, in 1967 - the second graduation. There was no graduation in 1968, as the school again switched to four-year education. In 1969, more than 90 people received documents to graduate from the school.

The 60s - 70s - a period of new growth in the work of the school, a steady increase in authority, new traditions were emerging, such as the evening “For the Honor of the School”, “Initiation as a Counselor”, sports holidays and competitions. Much attention was paid to preparations for significant dates in the history of the country - the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution and the Komsomol, the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin, the 30th anniversary Great Victory was marked by the opening of the room of Battle Glory.

The students lived a very busy life: studies, various events, social activities. During these years, special attention was paid to the development of physical education and sports in the pedagogical school. And it brought results. On high level Volleyball, gymnastics, cycling and skiing were developed. The glory of the pedagogical school's ski team in these years went beyond the region. The girls took prizes not only in zonal, but also in Russian competitions. In 1979, the team of skiers became the champion of Russia among pedagogical schools.

1987 was the most critical year in the fate of the pedagogical school. Director G.V. Denisova recalls: “We were on the verge of closing. Having become a director, she inherited three educational buildings that were not suitable for classes, two similar dormitories, and in addition two dilapidated buildings in the center of the Belozersky Kremlin. Neither the destroyed buildings, nor the lack of a boiler room, water supply, or lighting scared me.

The renovation has started. At the same time, a team of like-minded people was created. I tried to convey to every teacher the idea of ​​the need to improve their professional skills and find their own position.”

In 1988, the school moved to a two-story renovated building in the ramparts (former orphanage), which in a few years would become a basic school (grades 1 - 4). Repair work lasted 4 years.

In 1991, by order of the Education Department of the Executive Directorate of the Committee of the Vologda Region, the Belozersk Pedagogical College received the status of the Belozersk educational and pedagogical complex, which included a school with a student population of 395 people; a basic school with a student population of 195 people, newly created in 1990, and kindergarten No. 11 of the Belozersky district education. New specialties and specializations have emerged. In the same year, a preschool department was opened, and work was underway to expand and strengthen the material, technical and methodological base. In the early 90s, most students sought to improve their professional level, not limiting themselves to a diploma from a pedagogical college; many entered universities to study. Connections with higher education institutions are beginning to form. In 1994, on the basis of the school, a branch of the Cherepovets State Pedagogical Institute was opened with two faculties: pedagogy and methods of primary education and preschool education. During the four years of the branch's existence, 100 people received higher education in a shortened training period. The reorganization of the Cherepovets Pedagogical Institute into a university forced us to look for other forms of interaction.

In 1996, the pedagogical school passed the state certification conducted by the education department of the regional administration, which showed that the educational institution meets the requirements for secondary pedagogical educational institutions. In the same year, a renovated, comfortable four-story dormitory opened.

Year 1997. In connection with the introduction of the state educational standard of secondary vocational education in terms of state requirements to the minimum content and level of training of graduates, the teaching staff began to develop a working syllabus of their educational institution and work programs of academic disciplines in specialties of secondary vocational education. At the same time, training in additional specialties was introduced:

  • organizer of work with children
  • head of arts and crafts clubs in new admission groups based on secondary education.

During these years there has been a noticeable improvement in the material base of the school. To organize the educational process, 39 rooms with technical and visual means training, 2 computer rooms, 6 rooms for individual music lessons, sports and gyms, a library and a reading room with a fixed collection of more than 29 thousand copies. In 1999, training in the specialty “Pedagogy” was introduced additional education" In 2001 - majoring in " fine arts and drawing." Much has changed in the training of future teachers; as a result of these activities, in 2002 the pedagogical school received the status of a pedagogical college.

2002 - the Basic School was transferred to the Municipal Education of the city of Belozersk

2010 - reorganization by joining Belozersky PU No. 40 to Belozersky Pedagogical College.