The best material for the toilet. Difficult choice: what you need to know about toilets so as not to get into trouble. Floor standing toilets are a classic

The toilet is the piece of plumbing that almost no home or apartment can do without.

And choosing it is a very difficult matter, especially considering the huge variety of them on the market. Therefore, before choosing, it is better to study all this variety with its pros and cons.

It’s better to go directly to trusted stores to make a purchase. Therefore, let's talk about the types of toilets, as well as what you should pay attention to when buying.

What materials are toilets made from?

Most often, toilets are made from the following materials:

Faience. The most popular and affordable material. During the production process, earthenware is fired and then covered with a thick layer of glaze to protect it from moisture absorption and reduce porosity. These toilets do not require special care. The device will last 15 years or longer. Over time, due to physical impact, the enamel will wear off, and the strength of the toilet bowl will decrease due to the absorption of moisture into the earthenware.

Porcelain. These toilets will last for many years due to their strength and durability. They are made from white clay with the addition of feldspar and quartz, which adds strength to it. Porcelain is also glazed, so these toilets look similar to earthenware. But these toilets are expensive.

Metal. These toilets are made from stainless steel. They are more often installed in public places, but recently they have begun to be used in houses and apartments to create a special interior. These toilets are durable, easy to clean, do not rust, and have a long service life. But such toilets are more expensive even than porcelain ones.

Natural stone. The most expensive type of toilet. Outwardly, they look very expensive, do not require special care and have a long service life. But at the same time they are very heavy and easily damaged.

Decorative stone. Such toilets are made from natural stone chips and auxiliary substances, due to which the material becomes strong, durable and resistant to damage. Such products are cheaper than products made from natural stone, moreover, they are easy to clean and are cheaper than the previous option.

Plastic. These toilets are made from acrylic with fiberglass and resins. They are lightweight, easy to care for, but do not withstand damage and temperature changes. Service life is short. This best option for the dacha.

Types of toilet bowls

The shape of the toilet bowl will determine ease of use, noise, splashes, and water efficiency. Now on the plumbing market you can find the following bowls:

  1. in the shape of a plate - such a bowl has a prominent platform that prevents splashes from forming. But everything that ends up in the toilet will remain on this site. And water, which is also always present here, will eventually ruin the appearance of the toilet;
  2. funnel-shaped - the drain hole is in the center of the bowl, and everything goes straight into it. This type of toilet is the most hygienic. The disadvantage of these bowls is the formation of splashes, which will decrease if the bowl has a steep back wall;
  3. in the shape of a visor - this is something between the first and second options. Thanks to the bending of the wall, there is no splashing, and the drain is located in such a way that any waste immediately falls into it.

Types of toilet seats

Almost no toilet is complete without seats. It is made of either plastic or wood.

Plastic seats are the most popular because they are easy to clean, look good, have a long service life and are inexpensive.

Wooden seats are rarely installed, mainly if the specifics of the interior require it. They do not cause allergies, will last a very long time and retain heat well. But they are very expensive.

Some toilet seats are equipped with a mechanism to slow down the lid when closing, making it silent.

Thanks to the development of technology, it is now possible to purchase toilets with electric heating or with the function of recognizing a person and opening the lid when he approaches.

Types of toilet installation and installation

Based on the type of installation, toilets are divided into floor-mounted and wall-hung.

Floor-mounted toilets are most often installed. They are easy to install since their feet rest on the floor. Depending on the location of the cistern, floor-standing toilets can be attached or free-standing.

In the case of an attached toilet, the cistern is hidden in the wall, which will undoubtedly improve the interior, but if necessary, complicate repairs. Free-standing toilets come in monoblock and compact formats.

In Russia, the most common type is a compact one, consisting of a bowl and a tank. Compacts are rarely used in our country (they are more popular in Western countries). Their tank and bowl are a whole structure

Wall-hung toilets are compact, which will save space in the bathroom. Externally, they also look very neat, since all the ugly parts are hidden. Caring for such a toilet is easier than for a floor-standing one, but it must be installed by a specialist.

The popularity of corner toilets is gaining momentum. This ideal option for a small bathroom. This option is only floor-mounted, but this will not complicate installation and maintenance. These differ from all other toilets only in the shape of the tank, which is installed in a corner, which, again, saves space and also visually enlarges the room.
In general, having chosen the type of toilet, you can safely purchase it both in a regular and online store.

Types of toilet flush

Comfort when using this plumbing does not depend at all on the type of descent. The type of drainage is selected according to the criteria of the bathroom design. Therefore, there are three types of descents:

  • horizontal is the most popular option; it is chosen when the socket is located at a height of 5-10 cm from the floor;
  • vertical descent - suitable if the sewer pipe goes to the floor. This saves space, but in our country there are practically no buildings with such a sewerage arrangement, so it is more acceptable for private houses;
  • oblique descent - previously used everywhere. In this option, the bell is located close to the floor or at an angle.

Types of toilet flushes

When choosing a toilet, also consider the type of flush. It can be horizontal or circular.
Horizontal drainage involves the flow of water from the tank into the central part of the bowl in a straight line. A strong stream of water washes away all the waste, but still, there are areas that are not covered by the flush, so there is a need to use a brush. This type of drainage has been used in Russia for a couple of decades.

A circular drain is more convenient. It works like a bathroom drain, i.e. water moves in a circle. It is less noisy and cleans the toilet well. This type is much more expensive than the previous one. And if the quality of water in the water supply is poor, over time the water holes under the toilet rim become clogged.

Now there are economical toilets on the market that can be adjusted to different water flow rates. The most convenient of them are toilets with a double button, which, when configured, allows you to pour out either a small part of the water (about 3 liters) or the entire tank. Thanks to this, you can save about 1 m3 of water.

Additional toilet options

Nowadays, toilets that serve additional purposes in addition to their main purpose are becoming popular. Some toilets are equipped with a bidet, and the faucets are installed on the toilet lid. There are also innovative toilets with electronic panels to regulate water pressure and temperature.

The most popular toilets are those with showers. Its function is the same as that of a bidet, but they significantly save space in the bathroom. Toilets may already be equipped with a shower initially, or you can install it separately. Everyone knows what a shower looks like, only here it is more compact.

To absorb splashes, some toilets have a shelf that distributes the splashes so they don't get on people. But this is not a very hygienic device, as it leads to the formation of rust and an unpleasant odor.

There are also toilets with an anti-splash function. They have a specially shaped bowl, and the drain is located asymmetrically. Thanks to this, splashes do not form. In terms of price, such toilets are equal to all others.

Companies producing toilets

When choosing a toilet, pay attention to the manufacturer's name. It is advisable to purchase products from reputable companies. Toilets good quality Available in every price category:

  • the cheapest models are mainly from Russian suppliers - Santec, Santeri, IDDIS, Keramin,
  • medium-priced toilets are produced by IDO (Finland), Kolo and Cersanit (Poland) and Jika (Czech Republic),
  • the most expensive are luxury toilets with the highest quality and unique designs - German Duravit and Austrian Laufen.

Toilets of all prices are offered by Geberit, Gustavsberg and Ifo (Sweden), Ideal Standard (USA), Ido (Finland), Jacob Delafon (France), Roca (Spain).

In general, when buying a toilet, evaluate not only its quality, but also how it looks.

After all, it should fit perfectly into your interior. When choosing compact models, make sure that it also performs all functions.

And to extend the service life of the toilet, pay attention to the manufacturer, and of course, properly care for the plumbing.

The toilet is an integral part of the toilet in any apartment. Naturally, it must not only meet all the requirements, but also satisfy all your needs. Therefore, you definitely need to know how to choose a toilet in the modern abundance of models.

Characteristics of a good product

In order for the purchase and installation procedure to be successful, you need to adhere to certain rules for selecting a device. That is, a quality product should:

Have the required size, desired shape and color;

Be convenient to use (and for all family members, including children);

Have an acceptable cost that will not affect the quality and durability of the toilet;

Possess beautiful design and functionality.

In principle, these characteristics should be applied when choosing any plumbing fixtures. Let's take a closer look, right.

Selection criteria

So, in order for your product to serve for a long time and without failures, when purchasing you need to consider the following parameters:

1. Height. Here the emphasis should be placed on the fact that the design should be convenient for the most small penis family.

2. Material of production. The quality, durability and variety of models depend on this.

3. Drain tank. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the dimensions of the toilet room and the features of the sewer system.

4. Design type: floor-standing, hanging, compact.

5. Type of flushing water and draining it from the tank.

6. Cost of the product.

7. Additional features.

8. Color, design and shape of the structure.

Now it will be easier for you to decide how to choose the right toilet.

Types of products

Today in stores you can find completely different plumbing fixtures. Moreover, it can have a standard shape, color and structure, and also be not quite ordinary. Naturally, before choosing good toilet, you need to pay attention to what types of structures there are. So, toilets can be classified as follows:

1. According to production material:



2. According to installation method:




3. By type of cistern:

With built-in wall;



4. According to the direction of water release:

With horizontal straight;

With an oblique;

With vertical descent.

Naturally, a toilet may have a large number of other characteristics, for example the presence or absence of an anti-splash, additional functions, non-standard form or original design. However, these parameters are no longer fundamental to the quality of the product.

Which material should you prefer?

Now in stores you can find completely different models of toilets: glass, plastic, cast iron and others. However, faience and metal models continue to be the most popular. Often the buyer does not know which toilet to buy. Naturally, each material has its own disadvantages and advantages.

For example, earthenware and porcelain products have a beautiful design, can have different colors and shapes, and last at least 25 years. However, they are considered more expensive than other models since they are expensive to produce. Metal toilets are more durable, but they are considered cold and quite noisy.

A porcelain toilet is very welcome. But it won't be cheap. The fact is that this material is natural and environmentally friendly. In addition, with skillful use, the product can last more than 50 years! However, there are now a lot of fakes that you can pay too much for. It is very difficult to distinguish porcelain from earthenware, especially if you are not a plumbing specialist. Therefore, buy the product only from a company store with a good reputation. If you don’t know how to choose a toilet, reviews from other users will help you decide.

Shape, color and content

So, the color of the design is not significant, but if you strive for originality in everything, then the products are presented to your attention bright colors and even with print. However, most often users choose white toilets, which fit perfectly into any interior. If you decide to purchase a product of a different color, then keep in mind that you are installing the structure for a long time, but you can change your taste tomorrow.

The shape of the toilet bowl can also be different. If earlier you saw rectangular horizontal and vertical tanks and round bowls, now rounded edges of the structure or a sphere instead of a drain are not new. Naturally, in this case, focus on the dimensions of the toilet room and the cost of the product. The same applies to the size of the structure. For example, for a small room you should not buy a huge floor-standing toilet with a cistern, which will take up most of the room. It is best to give preference to a compact or hanging product.

If you don’t know how to choose a toilet, reviews about the work, advantages, additional functions will help you decide. For example, look inside the bowl. In some models you will be able to see a special step that prevents water from splashing. So you don't get splashed. However, consumers say that water can accumulate on this step and traces of limescale may appear. Therefore, before choosing an anti-splash toilet, decide whether it is right for you.

How to choose a drain type?

The drainage of water can be horizontal, vertical and oblique. Here you need to be careful, because when choosing one of the types of flush, you should be sure that it will suit the type of sewer. That is, an oblique drain will not work if the riser is intended to be vertical.

Give preference to a shower flush. It cleans the bowl better. In addition, there is practically no residue left on the surface of the product, as with flow draining. Models with economical drainage of water are quite interesting. That is, with the press of a button you can control how much liquid to use. Naturally, such designs are more expensive, but they quickly pay for themselves.

Types of cistern

Since choosing a high-quality toilet is not very easy now, you should pay attention to all the specified parameters. The main thing in a toilet is the type and design of the cistern. They come in separate and monoblock types. The first type is standard and is installed in most cases. However, it may be too big for your washroom. In this case, it is better to give preference to the second type. In this case, the tank and bowl are a single structure.

In addition, this element can be built directly into the wall, which makes it even more compact. Only the pedal is exposed outside, with the help of which the drain is performed. There are models with two tanks. One of them is designed for draining a small amount of water, the second - for a large amount. This type of design saves money, but is expensive. In addition, it is not suitable for every sewer system.

As for the internal design of the tank, it should be as simple as possible. The fact is that drains that are too “steep” can quickly break due to negative influence hard water. Naturally, repairing or replacing the structure in this case is very expensive. And spare parts cannot always be found.

An interesting option is a mechanism that supplies water depending on how long the control lever is pressed. That is, you use exactly as much liquid as you need.

Advantages and disadvantages of floor-standing models

Now let’s figure out how to choose a high-quality toilet based on the type of design. Let's first consider standard option. A floor-mounted toilet is the most common plumbing fixture that you can purchase in any store.

This device does not require special tools for installation. With it you can install different types tanks. However, it is quite large in size. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to the dimensions of your toilet room. Also pay attention to the way the tank is attached. Some models of this type have a special cast platform on which the flush mechanism is installed.

Take a close look at the type of connection of the toilet to the sewer, as well as whether the foot of the product is open or not. It is better if it is closed, in this case it will be easier for you to wash it.

A floor-standing toilet can be attached. Its peculiarity is that the drain is mounted into the wall, so you will not see the tank.

Features of hanging models

Now let's figure out how to choose wall hung toilet. Its advantage is its small size, ease of maintenance, and beautiful design. In this case, the drain tank is mounted in the wall or mounted on an installation. The peculiarity of this model is that it does not stand on the floor. Naturally, to attach the product you will need special tools. This model can withstand up to 150 kg.

In order to choose the right product, consider the dimensions of your room, the load-bearing capacity of the wall and the possibility of installing a tank. Naturally, you also need to pay attention to the weight of the largest member of your family. Try to give preference only to certified products from those manufacturers who have proven themselves well in the market. Consumer reviews of such models are quite good. For example, some argue that this toilet is simply a miracle, since you don’t have to put a lot of effort into washing it and cleaning it in the toilet. And it doesn't take up much space.

What is the compact model?

This product is very convenient and perfect for small bathrooms. Its peculiarity is that both the bowl and the drain tank are located in the same housing.

Before choosing a compact toilet, look through the offers of stores in your city. You may have to look elsewhere for the product. Try to give preference only to high-quality models from well-known manufacturers. Do not buy such a design on the market. During the inspection, pay attention to the quality of the drain tank, because its breakdown will cause a lot of trouble. However, compact toilets are in demand. If we consider the reviews of those who purchased them, they are almost all positive. People write that they also like the toilet because the toilet has become more spacious and freer.

Types and features of choosing installations

The presented design is intended not only for attaching the cistern, but also for the bowl itself, as well as other necessary elements. Before choosing an installation for a toilet, you need to understand what types of devices are available. So, we can distinguish the following types of structures:

Frame (rigid installation that can be mounted on the floor);

Block (a simpler design that is attached only to the main wall).

In order to choose the right installation, you need to decide which installation method is right for you. For example, the first type of structure is installed on the floor and additionally mounted on the wall (this is optional). It must be said that the frame structure is more durable and stable. In addition, it can have different orientations, even angular. Naturally, such an installation costs more.

As for the block type of construction, it is cheaper. However, it can only be mounted in a solid wall, since the product does not come into contact with the floor. Only a specialist can install the installation presented. However, the advantage of the design is that it can be mounted in a niche and covered with cladding. Now you know how to choose an installation for a toilet.

What kind of seat is needed?

Now let's look at the convenience of the bowl. That is, we will tell you how to choose a toilet seat. First of all, you should pay attention to its elasticity. You should not buy a soft seat, as it will quickly lose its shape, appearance and tear. That is, purchase the most durable and elastic models.

The lid should be well attached to the base with high-quality bolts that will not break after several uses. The surface of the seat should be smooth and even, without flaws. To prevent the lid from knocking on the seat, you can pay attention to models with a microlift.

In addition to standard products, there are also original ones. For example, seats with an antibacterial effect, electrical heating, and an automatic closing system.

An important selection criterion is the size and shape of the seat. These parameters must fully correspond to the dimensions of the bowl.

If you don’t understand how to choose a toilet, expert advice will definitely help you. So, you should follow these recommendations:

Give preference to porcelain models;

It is better to buy a funnel-shaped bowl;

Prefer a circular flush system;

You can choose the type of fastening of the structure, as well as the type of tank, according to your own taste.

Now you know how to choose the right toilet. Good luck!

Which bowl shape and type of drain is more convenient, which material is better and how to choose the right outlet? What are the advantages of wall-mounted models, what is a monolith toilet and what interesting features do modern products have?

Until a person is faced with the task of choosing a toilet, he may not even be aware of the variety of these plumbing products. Design, bowl shape and drain type, dimensions and materials- these are just some of the characteristics by which they are classified. Which toilet is best to choose for the specific conditions of your home?

According to the installation method they are distinguished floor-mounted, wall-mounted (mounted) and flush-mounted toilets. Among them there are their own varieties.


These are products bottom part which rests on the floor, older models require drilling a hole in the floor(sockets) into which the base of the product is sunk, followed by cementation. If the floor is wooden, the nest under the base is placed above the floor surface and is made of reinforced concrete or plywood.

Installing such products is a troublesome and time-consuming process.. Today, the plumbing products market mainly offers more advanced, simpler and easier-to-install models with a pedestal attached to the floor with screws.

The main parts of a floor-standing toilet are the base, bowl and cistern. Depending on how the tank is located relative to the bowl, there are several varieties.


In models of this type There is a shelf directly behind the bowl(solid or attached), on which the tank is installed, the drain holes of the tank and the housing are hermetically joined.


  • take up little space;
  • do not make much noise when draining water;
  • are as easy as possible to install.

Compact toilets are most often found on the modern market.

With separate tank

In these models the tank is installed significantly higher than the bowl and connects to it with a pipe.

The main advantage of such models is creating strong water pressure by accelerating the flow when falling from a height. Cons: They are more difficult to install and are noisier.

Today, products with a high suspension tank are produced in small quantities, they are sometimes called retro models, specially stylized as antique. These are quite expensive designer products for everyone. Occasionally you can find budget Soviet-style models in stores, most of which are characterized by low quality fittings and tanks.


If toilets with a separate tank are gradually becoming a thing of the past, then monoliths are the latest development, a novelty that is not yet widely represented on the market. In them bowl and tank combined, due to the low-profile design, these models are optimal solution for children and people with disabilities.

The advantages of monoliths also include:

  • compact dimensions, minimum space occupied:
  • ease of maintenance due to the absence of joints, cracks, and corners where dirt gets clogged;
  • protection against leaks due to the fact that there are no connections;
  • reduction of water consumption (possibility of using full or partial drainage);
  • impossibility of overfilling the bowl.

The main disadvantage is that if any part is damaged, you will have to replace the entire toilet.


For mounted models there is no base, the bowl is attached to the wall using a special installation system (rigid steel frame), and the entire drainage system along with the tank is hidden in a false wall.

Wall-hung toilet cisterns are made of plastic, they differ small width and depth, are equipped with a push-button drain system; the panel with the button is brought out through a window in the false wall. In most models, you can dose the volume of drained water.


  • take up little space, this is especially good decision if there is a niche in the wall;
  • hard-to-reach places for cleaning are hidden;
  • look as aesthetically pleasing as possible and do not spoil the design;
  • draining water is accompanied by minimal noise;
  • despite their apparent fragility, they can withstand significant loads.

The main disadvantage of mounted models is the complexity of installation, for its implementation it will almost certainly be necessary to attract specialists.


Mortise, or Turkish toilets, also known as Genoa bowls, are familiar to any visitor to public toilets. They do not have a base; their bowl, usually of a large area, is mounted at an elevation above the floor.

For public places with high traffic, this is the optimal solution:

  • the bowls can withstand significant loads;
  • are as hygienic as possible, since they do not sit on them.

In apartments, such models are used extremely rarely., but in private homes sometimes smaller floor bowls are installed than in public toilets. They are equipped for drainage not with a tank, but with a large-diameter flush tap, which creates significant water pressure.

Drain shape

Another criterion is the type of drainage(outlet, connection to sewerage). When choosing a toilet according to the outlet parameters, one must proceed from the location of the neck of the sewer riser and the organization of the drain hole.

Straight horizontal

This configuration is suitable for connecting to a recessed wall sewer pipe located parallel to the floor. This the system is found mainly in new houses built in the post-Soviet era and meets European standards.

Models with horizontal drain produced mainly by manufacturers in Sweden and Finland. Using adapter pipes, you can connect to a sewer pipe located at any level.


The angle between such an outlet and the floor is 30-45⁰, it is connected to a pipe that goes into the wall at an angle. This system sewerage is found mainly in Khrushchev-era buildings and houses of the Brezhnev era, and products with such drainage can be found among the products of domestic manufacturers.

As a rule, such toilets cannot be installed close to the wall; they take up more space.

Vertical straight

Products with vertical outlet mounted on a pipe extending vertically into the floor, they are mainly in demand in old buildings, Stalin buildings, as well as in modern private houses. This form of release allows you to place the product close to the wall if its dimensions are chosen correctly.


The release of vario is the most modern solution, universal model. It is similar to the horizontal one, but much shorter, using adapters of different configurations, you can connect to any riser.

Types of bowls

Comfort of use, hygiene, and ease of care largely depend on the shape of the bowl.


The plate bowl has horizontal platform or shelf. This model is considered a relic of Soviet times; they are practically not produced abroad.


  • This is the first choice of non-splash toilet, there is almost no splash;
  • You can easily get an accidentally dropped object if it fell on the platform and did not fly straight into the drain.


  • low hygiene– everything that falls into the bowl lingers on the shelf, not only by accident, but also for its intended purpose, and water does not always wash away these deposits; a brush is needed;
  • the shelf is constantly covered with water, because of this, it forms limescale, which is difficult to clean - water does not allow you to apply a cleaning agent to the surface.


The opposite of a dish-shaped steep bowl, almost vertical walls and a hole located in the center. Often found in models of imported plumbing fixtures. It has its pros and cons:

  • dignity – as hygienic as possible, waste products fly down without stopping;
  • minus - noticeable splashes, although manufacturers are working on creating an anti-splash system.


Visor bowl – an intermediate option between dish-shaped and funnel-shaped. It has a slope, but not steep, but smooth. She unites strengths previous models, hygienic, easy to clean, does not generate intense splashes during use.

Manufacturing materials

Golden toilets, a symbol of luxury, wealth and at the same time thoughtless waste, exist in nature, but their mass production, naturally, has not been established. But you can find on sale products made from a number of other materials - ceramics, metal, polymers, stone, budget and luxury options.


For the manufacture of plumbing fixtures, a special type of faience is used - sanitary ware. This budget and most common option, such a product can last 30-40 years.

Sanitaryware has a porous structure, which reduces hygiene and makes maintenance difficult, the material is also highly absorbent unpleasant odors. Recently, the production of sanitaryware has been established using new firing technologies that reduce porosity and increase the performance characteristics of this popular material.


Porcelain – higher quality, stronger and more durable material in comparison with earthenware. A porcelain product will last 50-60 years, dirt and odors do not eat into its structure as much, but such a purchase will cost more.

Steel, cast iron

Steel toilets are used on trains and in public toilets; homemade bowls from galvanized sheet steel are made for country toilets. Genoa bowls, which are installed in private homes, are made of enameled cast iron or stainless steel:

  • cast iron it is quite fragile, the enamel covering it is short-lived, and its significant mass complicates installation.
  • steel bowls stronger, more durable.

Along with mid-price products for public toilets elite models with original design are produced, very expensive.


Plastic toilets – the best option for a dry closet, which can be used in a country house. Light weight, minimal pressure on the base, ease of installation and dismantling are their advantages.

Disadvantages include low strength, vulnerability to mechanical stress, abrasive cleaning agents and temperature fluctuations.

Hygiene and resistance to odor absorption depend on the quality of the plastic and surface structure. As a rule, non-porous acrylic is used for production; it is very hygienic.

Artificial stone

Artificial stone is polymer material, combining the visual appeal of natural stone with the best sides plastic. It has:

  • high strength, resistance to mechanical stress, durability;
  • relatively light weight;
  • non-porous structure ensuring hygiene (artificial stone does not absorb odors, easy to clean from dirt);
  • more affordable price than that of natural stone.

Natural stone

Toilet bowls can be made from natural marble; polishing gives the marble surface a smoothness, due to which dirt does not linger on it and microbes do not multiply. This very expensive, elite option with a presentable appearance.

Heavy weight, difficult installation, and fragility are the disadvantages of such products, along with the high price.


How to choose the right toilet for your home? The sizes of domestic products correspond to GOST standards, which differ slightly from European standards. Dimensions depend on the presence or absence of a solid shelf, on the purpose (adult or child), and on the installation features.

  1. Without shelf: 33-46 cm length, 36 width, 35-40 height. (The attached shelf is installed separately, and additional dimensions must be taken into account).
  2. With shelf: from 60.5 cm length, 34 width, 32-37 height.
  3. Children's: 28-40.5 length, 21-29 width, 13-33.5 height.
  4. Hanging: 48-70 cm length (including the hidden part), 35.5-37 width, 35-39.5 height.
  5. Imported: from 60.5 cm length, up to 36 width, up to 40 height.

It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the people who will use it, as well as free space in the toilet. It is important that there is at least 60-65 cm from the front edge of the toilet to the toilet doors; there is also sufficient space on the sides, from 35 cm on each side.

The optimal height depends on the height of the user, so it is best to sit on the selected product before purchasing and check how comfortable it is to sit on it. Products with sizes larger than standard are usually made to order.

How to choose a toilet that flushes well, doesn’t splash, and is generally convenient in everything? Manufacturers are constantly trying to improve their products by inventing various "utilities".

  1. Saving water when flushing: for half or full flush, as well as a Push/Stop system that allows you to stop flushing by pressing the button again.
  2. Touchless flush system, controlled by sensors. Maximum hygienic and convenient for forgetful people.
  3. Anti-splash system is ensured by a set of measures: thoughtful bowl geometry, displacement of the funnel from the center, lowering the water level in the drain and others. Alas, 90% of statements from manufacturers and sellers about the presence of this system in the toilet are a banal “money scam.”
  4. Antibacterial and dirt-repellent coating inner surface.
  5. (washing).

There are also products with heated seats, with music, with a dryer, and even performing urine analysis. There would be money and the desire to pay for all these tricks.

What else should you pay attention to?

There are a number of other parameters that are worth considering:

  1. Flush system:
    • vertical– water flows in a straight line and only washes back wall toilet bowl, while splashes fall on the entire surface, and it must be constantly washed to eliminate unpleasant odors;
    • circular— a more advanced system, drain holes are located along the entire perimeter of the bowl, the entire surface is washed evenly, and the spiral-shaped twisting of the flow ensures the best cleaning;
    • with internal siphon– effective flushing is achieved through a combination of flow falling from above and traction from below.
  2. . The water supply hose can be connected to the top or bottom of the tank, the second option is less noisy.
  3. Form. In addition to the usual round shapes, there are rectangular ones. They look more original, but you need to make sure that it will be comfortable to sit on.
  4. Location. Interesting solution- corner compact products, they take up little space, while having more impressive dimensions than traditional ones.

You also need to pay attention to the absence of defects, visual curvature, dents and chips, reliability and ease of fastening of the lid and seat, quality.

So how to choose a good toilet? high quality With optimal system plum - watch the video with advice from a specialist:

When choosing a toilet many criteria need to be taken into account. For an apartment in Khrushchev with a cramped toilet or in a new building, a private house, a country house outdoor toilet different models will fit.

If it is done in the apartment major renovation, it makes sense to tinker with the installation of a mounted or mounted product. The release system must match the type of sewer riser, and only the vario release is universal and suitable for any conditions.

When choosing a material, you need to take into account the conditions of its use. An important aspect is financial capabilities.. Most budget option– domestic earthenware compact toilet with a minimum set of functions.

Imported plumbing fixtures, monolithic products, models with installation, as well as exclusive retro-style ones will cost much more, and extra amenities cost extra money.

The toilet is a utilitarian item, but absolutely necessary in any modern house. Although advertising assures us that the morning begins with coffee, in reality this is not entirely true. There are many different models of this type of plumbing fixtures on the market; they differ in design, design, material of manufacture and other characteristics.

To properly equip a toilet, you need to figure out how to choose the right toilet, taking into account a number of important nuances. A good model should not only harmonize with the interior, but also be comfortable, strong, and durable.

The name of the structure is determined by the direction of water flow entering the sewer system. With an oblique outlet, water is supplied into the pipe at an angle, in other cases - horizontally or vertically, as the name implies.

To find out exactly what type of outlet is needed in each specific case, you should inspect the sewer hole intended for this purpose.

When choosing a suitable toilet, you need to pay attention to the location of its outlet, i.e. places of connection to the sewer, as well as the distance from the floor to the edge of the outlet

Before visiting plumbing stores, you need to find out two important points:

  • structural features of the sewerage system;
  • the dimensions of the room in which the toilet will be located.

There are three types of release, i.e. Places where the toilet is connected to the sewer system:

  • straight (horizontal);
  • oblique;
  • vertical.

In modern apartment buildings models with direct release are most often used. This device is very convenient because it can be installed very close to the back wall of the toilet. Toilets with vertical outlet are most often used in private houses and cottages; they are better suited for autonomous sewer systems. Such devices are also quite compactly placed in the toilet, without taking up extra space.

Toilet bowls with an oblique outlet have become increasingly rare in recent years. The sewer systems for which they are intended are typical of older apartment buildings built in the last century. This model cannot be installed close to the far wall; additional space will be required to install a connection to the sewer.

To level out this drawback, behind the toilet they usually make hanging shelves or a shallow cabinet for storing household chemicals and all sorts of small things. But in a small bathroom, such a model may not be very convenient.

That is why before buying a toilet you should definitely check the size and configuration of your bathroom. A spacious toilet is still the exception rather than the rule, especially in city apartments. Use even the most modern, but too large toilet in small room it will be extremely inconvenient.

Therefore, you should arm yourself with a tape measure to measure the length and width of the toilet, and also take into account the location of the connection to the sewer system.

The person using the toilet should be able to sit comfortably on the toilet and also stand next to it. In addition, you should think about how the bathroom will be cleaned, whether it will be convenient to wash the toilet bowl, tank, etc.

Another important parameter– distance from the floor to the connection to the sewerage system. In the selected model, these dimensions should match the real ones or slightly exceed them. If there is a significant gap from the outlet to the sewer, auxiliary elements such as a corrugation, coupling or cuff are used. It is important to ensure reliable sealing of such a connection, as well as the possibility of access to it in case of repair.

It is also necessary to take into account the connection location plumbing system to the tank. The tank is provided for these purposes special hole. You should make sure that the hole is made in the right place: on the right, on the left, on top, etc. Some models have several holes at once, for example, on the right and left sides. One of them can be used for its intended purpose, and the second can be closed with a special decorative plug.

Toilets with a circular flush system effectively clean the inner surface of the bowl from dirt, which makes them easier to care for and increases their service life

Finally, you should pay attention to the features of the drainage system, which can be horizontal or circular. Horizontal is less effective because the water moves in a straight line, weakly gripping the sides of the toilet bowl. When moving in a circular motion, the water forms a funnel that washes the walls of the bowl almost evenly, as a result, dirt is removed much better.

Structural types of toilets

Manufacturers of plumbing products are constantly improving their products, which is the reason for the wide variety of toilet models. The following toilet designs available on the modern market can be noted:

  • compact;
  • monoblock;
  • "retro";
  • hanging structure;
  • combined model.

Compact is the most common answer to the question of how to choose the right toilet for your home. These are relatively inexpensive and truly compact models, easy to install and easy to use. An interesting compact option is a corner model of this type, which will fit perfectly into the interior of a small bathroom.

The compact toilet tank is located next to the toilet bowl on a special shelf and is controlled using a button or lever

Monoblock is an original version of a compact in which the tank and bowl are combined into a single whole. This option has all the advantages of a compact and completely eliminates the possibility of leaks in the area where the bowl connects to the tank. However, any breakdown of the tank or bowl will lead to the need to completely dismantle and replace the entire toilet.

Monoblock toilets are compact and comfortable models, however, if any part of such a device breaks down, it will have to be replaced completely

“Retro” models are unique and quite expensive devices in their own way, representing modern version a toilet with a high-mounted cistern, in which you need to pull a string or chain to flush. In such toilets, the tanks usually do not leak or break as often as was the case with their Soviet-style predecessors. But for a small bathroom this model is unacceptable because it takes up too much space.

An excellent model for fans of the old style, the high price of which is explained not only by the uniqueness of the model, but also by high-quality workmanship

The wall-hung toilet breaks all records for compactness. The tank of this model is mounted in the wall, and the toilet bowl is hung on this wall, i.e. externally the structure looks like a toilet bowl mounted on the wall. Nothing extra. There is no toilet foot here, so caring for this model takes a minimum of time and effort.

Wall-hung toilet models take up minimal space and look very stylish, but their installation can be quite complicated

The combined model is a toilet combined with a bidet. The model is convenient and, for obvious reasons, not cheap. It is usually slightly larger in size than a standard toilet, so it is not recommended to choose it for a very cramped toilet room.

An interesting practical experience in choosing a toilet is presented in the following video:

What material should the toilet be made of?

The material from which the plumbing fixtures are made is one of the most important aspects in not an easy task bathroom equipment. Most often, when deciding which material to choose a toilet from, buyers choose between sanitary ware and porcelain. These are the two most common materials that are used very widely in the manufacture of plumbing fixtures.

They differ mainly in one indicator - porosity, which is higher in sanitary ware. This means that such products absorb dirt better and are therefore more difficult to clean. Porcelain is less porous, more durable and more expensive.

A standard sanitary ware toilet can last about 30-40 years, but the service life of porcelain products can be 60 years. However, plumbing manufacturers are already concerned with developing sanitary ware with reduced porosity, which increases its service life.

Among atypical materials, inexpensive stainless steel, pretentious options made of gold or silver, copper or bronze, as well as stone models. Stainless steel products are an inexpensive and relevant choice for public toilets.

A toilet made of artificial stone is an excellent choice for creating an exclusive design in the bathroom. These models are usually made or delivered to special order.

A toilet made of natural stone is rather a work of plumbing art, which is not very convenient to use for its intended purpose. More practical choice there will be a toilet made of artificial stone: it looks almost the same as a natural one, costs less, and is more convenient to use.

The insertion of artificial material under natural stone adds sophistication to the interior, especially if the tone of the insert is matched to the overall color scheme of the bathroom

Models from non-traditional materials Rarely found on the market, they are usually made to special order.

If it is not possible to purchase a designer toilet model, you can diversify the interior of the bathroom with the help of a beautiful lid or an original sticker on the tank

Models of tanks and bowls

These are the main components of each toilet. Toilet bowls usually vary in shape and are:

  • disc-shaped;
  • funnel-shaped;
  • visor.

The plate bowl is classic version, which has been used in toilet design for quite a long time. The open shape of such a toilet does not prevent the spread of unpleasant toilet odors, so plate models are chosen extremely rarely.

Different shapes of the toilet bowl allow you to choose comfort according to the different requirements of people

Models with visor bowls, which cope with the problem of unwanted aroma much more effectively, are more in demand. Another advantage of this model is the smooth drainage of water directed at a slight angle.

Funnel bowls demonstrate high flushing efficiency because the contents of the toilet bowl move down the drain extremely quickly. However, sudden movement of water usually results in splashing, which is not very helpful in keeping the toilet clean.

The model of the tank and the type of its mounting (to the wall, inside the wall, under the ceiling, directly to the toilet) is determined by the type of toilet that has already been selected. The most reliable installation option is considered to be one in which the toilet bowl serves as the base for the tank. You can pay attention to the direction of water supply from the tank. Usually water enters from the side or from below.

The design features of the tank affect the quality of its operation. The current indicator is the amount of noise that the tank makes as it fills

Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to invent a toilet with a silent flush, although experts continue to work in this direction. But today it is quite possible to purchase a toilet that fills almost silently.

In such models, water does not enter the tank from top to bottom, but in the form of a small fountain or through a special hose. As a result, the amount of noise coming from the toilet is much less than with traditional cistern models. Silent tanks are confidently displacing their noisier counterparts from the market.

The design of the cistern fittings should be studied as carefully as possible. Here are a few signs of a truly high-quality drain mechanism:

  • the most simple design;
  • the ability to purchase individual elements of the device necessary for replacement or repair;
  • a valve with a float fixed at the top of the tank;
  • ease of operation and maintenance.

If the mechanism is installed in a small tank and has ultra-compact dimensions, it will be difficult to repair or clean. Complex designs They usually break more often, so you should choose a simple and convenient model.

If the elements of the flush tank mechanism have small sizes and are located too close to each other, they will be more difficult to care for

The next important point is the design of the flush control. In “retro” type models there are no options - you need to pull a string or chain. Other models may have buttons that you press or levers that you move up. The first option is preferable because it is considered more resistant to loads and breaks less often than a lever.

Typically, the volume of a toilet bowl is 6-8 liters. This amount of water is lost with each flush. In order to save money, almost all modern tanks are equipped with a control system that allows not only complete emptying of the tank, but also the so-called “small flush”.

In this case, only part of the contents of the tank, approximately 2-4 liters, is used to flush away the sewage. Using an economical tank model can significantly reduce water consumption and sewer maintenance costs.

Shelf – additional functionality

The shelf is a part of the compact model toilet to which the flush cistern is attached. In some models, such a shelf is made using a cast method, i.e. forms a monolithic connection with the toilet. But sometimes the manufacturer offers not a cast shelf, but a hinged shelf.

It is always preferable to choose a cast structure, since it is more convenient and reliable than the hinged option. To install a hanging shelf, you will have to perform additional installation work. Over time, the fastening elements become loose under the weight of a toilet full of water and must be periodically tightened. If the shelf is made of plastic, it can collapse under the influence of external factors much faster than a ceramic toilet or cistern.

To replace a damaged wall shelf, you will have to perform a number of labor-intensive operations:

  • dismantle the drain tank;
  • remove fasteners;
  • remove the shelf;
  • install and secure a new shelf;
  • Reinstall the tank and connect it to the water supply.

If the buyer chooses a model with a hanging shelf, he should remember the problems that may arise in connection with its operation. There are cases when, due to damage to the shelf, pieces break off from the toilet. Sharp edges form in places where chips occur. In no case should you leave the correction of such a breakdown “for later”, since the sharp edges of the chips can cause quite serious wounds to toilet visitors.

“Anti-splash” system – ordinary marketing?

When figuring out how to choose a good and comfortable toilet, you should touch on the problem of splashing. In the description of many toilet models, the anti-splash parameter is found, but in practice this feature may turn out to be just a common marketing ploy. Toilets that produce virtually no splashes during use do exist.

A toilet with an anti-splash system allows you to avoid unpleasant splashes during its operation. This effect is achieved due to the geometric structure of the toilet bowl and the low position of the water mirror

To make sure that it is truly a “no splash” model, you should inspect its drain hole. It should be as narrow as possible, low located and slightly offset to one side of the bowl. Additional protection against splashes is provided by a special rim located along the contour of the drain hole. Such models really absorb any splashes during the intended use of the toilet.

The diagram clearly shows the process of determining the height of the water surface in the toilet bowl. This important indicator, which helps to distinguish a model with an anti-splash system from other options

When everything important points determined, it remains to take care of some small details. These include choosing a suitable toilet lid, foot and fasteners, as well as checking the completeness of the cistern mechanism. “Advanced” version of the lid - models with fine-tuning, which do not make sharp sounds when hitting the edge of the toilet when lowered. Then you need to check the completeness and quality of the fasteners. It is better to choose gaskets made of silicone rather than rubber, and bolts from reliable metal. The service life of the fasteners and the tightness of all connections depend on these nuances.