Cut the veneer door. Instructions on how and with what tool you can cut the height of an interior door. Trimming is carried out along the bottom using a plane or router. We have the most affordable prices for trimming a veneer door with glass to the required level

After laying the laminate, the floor rose 2 cm, and one of the doors needed to be sawed down 1-1.5 cm from below.

Interior door, simple laminated, covered with MDF. Corrugated inside.

What could be used to file the door so that:
1) it was smooth
2) there were no chips or “brush” effect on the saw cut.

Cover the cut with masking tape.

Sawing with what? Drag it to any format. (saw for cutting sheet materials) Available in all large construction shopping centers and carpentry industries. Don't even try using a jigsaw or hacksaw. In theory, it can be cut off circular saw"frog", but you need very straight hands.

Do you have any similar experience? I just don’t think that the shopping center will be happy if I bring them a door and say that it would be necessary to cut it off by 1-1.5 cm. I didn’t cut it in the shopping center, but I sawed off a lot of doors at a friendly production facility.

I sawed with an electric jigsaw, having previously wrapped it in masking tape. It doesn’t turn out very nicely, but if you don’t crawl along the floor with a ruler, it won’t be noticeable. How much did you saw off? What's inside at this height?

This is if you cut along a line, but if you run a jigsaw along the guide, then the file will be thin and will lead vertically. I sawed 16 mm as hard as I tried, the line is straight, but the vertical is moving. But the idea with the router is the best idea of ​​all.

Nope, it won't. There will be a “four” on plywood. On a 40 mm door leaf - no. With a circular saw - most likely it will work. Along the guide bar.

At Stroy Arsenal, they will most likely undertake to cut it off, and the price tag will be ridiculous. I brought them 32mm chipboard to cut. They took it at the rate of 35 rubles. for the detail. They can take the same amount out the door.

Usually the canvas is no thicker than 40 mm. That's exactly what the guy who was installing another door said.

Yes, the blade is 40 mm. Just sawing the door is a responsible task :-D And the opening was foamed, covered with platbands and no jambs are visible.

If the block is 5 cm, but you need to saw off 2 cm, then there is no problem - use a jigsaw and go ahead (adhesive tape for the “beard”).
But if you are afraid that you need to saw off more than the width of the bar (you will hit the compartment with the corrugation), then it is better to take it to those who have special equipment!

Moreover, if you cut without a guide bar, the blade will move less vertically. Because it is possible to press the jigsaw slightly left and right and control the blade (do not unfold it, but press horizontally)

With a block, the canvas moves much more precisely, even to the point of breaking if you overdo it.

You've inflated the topic! Normally these doors can be sawed with a hacksaw. and.a jigsaw!!! :-D

Current service centers who carry out repairs of interior doors, as well as their maintenance, offer a lot of different services, among which there is usually such a service as cutting the door to height, which causes sincere bewilderment among many ordinary people. And really, is it necessary to trim the doors at all, if it is much easier to take measurements? doorway and in accordance with these dimensions purchase finished design in the store or place an order for its production in some workshop. The answer is simple - the need to shorten the door from below is often the only saving option family budget, because performing such a procedure is much cheaper than buying a new door leaf. There may be several reasons for pruning, but the main one is related to the implementation repair work, as a result of which the floor level rises. And this happens not so rarely.

Every person who installs new doors in their home hopes for their longest service life. It is quite logical that for this purpose, high-quality and reliable door structures are purchased from reputable manufacturers or ordered from professional craftsmen. After all, such an approach gives confidence that repairs to such a purchase will not be needed very soon. This is exactly what happens in the vast majority of cases. But people rarely take into account the condition of their flooring when choosing doors. And then another renovation happens, and the owner of the apartment decides to new parquet or laminate, resulting in a higher floor level. After all, in order to organize the system warm floors, lay parquet board or install laminate, it is necessary to lay a layer of sound insulation and protection from moisture. And if the base is not perfectly level, then also level it with a layer of new screed. The result is a perfectly mounted door leaf begins to touch the floor covering. Solving this problem is quite simple, you just need to file the door from the bottom, after treating it with a special protective compound, and it will open and close freely again. However, its functionality will not be affected at all. You can go the other way - buy and reinstall door structures, but this option is extremely expensive, so it is not in demand. The first option is much cheaper, although it is unlikely that you will be able to implement it yourself. After all, few people know first-hand how to prune interior door to prevent possible damage and damage to it appearance.

This is where the services of professional door installers and repairers come in handy. Skilled carpenters with extensive experience working with interior structures typically use the following tools to reduce the height of the blade: circular saws and hand routers. The owner of a circular saw can shorten an interior door without having to dismantle it. Before carrying out such an operation, the carpenter carefully measures the expected size of the cut, and based on this data the circular saw blade is installed. The quality of the cut will depend on the evenness of the floor covering, as the tool passes along the surface of the floor. Next, the master makes a horizontal cut, cutting off bottom part canvas across the entire width. A similar operation should be carried out before laying the parquet board/laminate, since otherwise it will hardly be possible to shorten the door from below without removing it from its hinges.

It is much more convenient to use for these purposes hand router, although such an operation is more labor-intensive. In this case, the door leaf is dismantled and then attached to flat surface using clamps. The guide for the router is a wooden block, which is set by the master at the required level. In this case, the cutter must remove wood at a strictly established distance. As you can see, even the presence of such a tool does not guarantee quality work done if it is done by a beginner. With a router, the process of trimming a door takes longer than with a circular saw, because the carpenter will have to make more than one pass before the tool removes the required part of the blade. However, this option is more reliable: the cut edges are perfectly smooth, as a result of which the appearance of the door does not deteriorate at all. In other cases, the need for such repair work may arise due to unprofessional installation door designs. Due to installation errors, the interior door has to be cut shortly after installation, and only the involvement of an experienced specialist will allow you to protect yourself from such problems.

During repairs, sometimes the floor level changes (laying tiles, pouring screed or self-leveling coating, etc.). After this, you have to cut the interior door in height to ensure its free movement when opening and closing. The same operation must be carried out when replacing if new door very big and doesn't fit the box. When installing new frame It may also turn out that the size of the opening does not correspond to the product standard.

It’s easy to shorten fabric at home electric jigsaw or a circular saw. But to get a neat and straight cut, you will need auxiliary tools:

  • clamps that will help fix the blade and guide bars;
  • ruler and square for marking;
  • sharp knife for working with veneered doors;
  • edge tape for MDF fabric;
  • sandpaper.

For protection decorative covering To prevent doors from cracking along the cut edge, you can use masking tape. If necessary, you can do without it.

Instructions for doing the work yourself

Before carrying out work, remove the canvas from its hinges and prepare it by removing handles and other accessories from it. The door is cut on a workbench, but if one is not available, a large, stable table will do.

If a solid wood panel needs to be adjusted to the opening due to sagging or rising floors, then it is best to trim the door from below. Take 2 height measurements: at the hinge part and in the vestibule. Transfer the measurements to the canvas, setting aside the new dimensions from the top edge. Draw a straight line through 2 points. To do this, it is advisable to use a long ruler and a square to control the right angles between the edges.

Attach the guide rail according to the marked markings. When using a power tool, it is better to use a metal strip or ruler. If you cut off the door hand hacksaw for wood, guides made from smooth slats are suitable. Press the template to the canvas with clamps above the markings.

To preserve the layer of varnish and veneer on a polished door, treat it with a grinder. The tool's blade will leave a cut with smooth edges that cannot be made with a saw. You need to guide the angle grinder along the guide bar. Before processing, stick tape along the marking line and transfer the straight line to its surface.

If there is no grinder, varnish coating the part to be removed is removed with emery cloth, and the veneer is cut with a sharp knife on both planes of the canvas and on its edge parts. After this, the door can be sawed off along the guide.

Remove the clamps and process the cut edges sandpaper. You need to glue an edge strip to a veneered door, matching its shade to the veneer. If the massive canvas is painted, cover the cut with paint or varnish. Hang the door leaf on the frame, eliminate distortions and attach the removed fittings.

Work is performed in the same sequence when replacing the canvas: the standard dimensions of the new product can be changed in height and width. When performing work, you need to take into account what the product is assembled from.

A panel made of solid wood or MDF can be cut from the bottom if it does not have panels or their imitation. If there is a symmetrical decor, it is better to trim on both sides, dividing the size of the cut part by 2. These measurements are taken from each edge without disturbing the symmetry of the top and bottom panels. Do the same if you need to reduce standard width door leaf.

Hollow frame doors should not be shortened too much. The product consists of wooden blocks of limited thickness. When performing work, you need to leave at least 1-1.5 cm of the frame bar inside the canvas. You can shorten the door as indicated for the design with panels - at the top and bottom.

When trying to install standard door In a small opening, the moldings of the frame are shortened to measure and secured in the opening. The dimensions of the sash will have to be adjusted using the technology described above.

Solid wood canvas sometimes swells due to excess humidity and does not fit well into the frame. This problem can be eliminated with a plane or a grinder (hand router). Remove the canvas, place it on a workbench and process its edge cutting tool, removing a few millimeters of chips from the desired side. Hang the door and test its movement. If the problem is not resolved, repeat the treatment.

To get an even cut of an array when using a circular saw, you will need a disk with a large number of small teeth. But even under this condition, it will not be possible to cut the veneered product efficiently. For canvas made of MDF is better prefer a jigsaw, and carry out the work in compliance with the rules protecting the veneer layer (sticking tape, cutting through the veneer).

If it is possible to use a manual router, then you should choose only this for the job. The tool will make an even and clear cut, and the cutting line will not have to be processed additionally either on a massive product, or on MDF or a frame model.

To properly apply the edge tape, use PVA glue and an iron. The adhesive layer must be applied to the cut of the canvas and allowed to dry. Place the tape on the edge of the door and iron it through the paper with a hot iron. After cooling, cut off the excess tape with a sharp knife and lightly rub the edges with sandpaper.

In such cases, it is most rational to use primed panel doors with fiberboard linings. Such a door leaf can be purchased for $15-20. After cutting and additional processing, the canvas is painted and in appearance is almost no different from the standard canvas.

With fiberboard overlays, you can quickly, easily and practically without compromising the appearance of the door leaf from the top, bottom or side.

Work technology:

1. To reduce the width or height of the door leaf to 0.5 cm

can be used:

  • Jointer. Gives best result, but not everyone has such a machine;
  • Electric jointer. Gives good result, but also rarely found on the farm;
  • Electric planer. It gives a good result, but you need to work carefully, because in the end, if you don’t hold the plane, it often chooses an unnecessary recess;
  • An ordinary plane or jointer. If the height of the door decreases, then the pillar bars need to be shortened with a circular saw, hacksaw or jigsaw.

2. To reduce the width or height of the door leaf by 0.5-1 cm

can be used:

  • Circular machine. It gives the best result, but again, not everyone has such a machine;
  • Manual circular saw. It gives a good result, but is also rare on the farm;
  • Jigsaw. Almost never the cut turns out smooth and therefore the canvas needs to be additionally planed, so you need to cut with a small margin;
  • Hand saw (hacksaw). The cut turns out to be more or less even, but often not perpendicular to the planes of the blade and therefore the blade needs to be additionally planed, so you need to cut with a small margin.

After cutting, the ends of the door are processed by grinding. It is advisable to chamfer the fiberboard canvas in the cutting areas (slightly round the ends). It is best to do this manually, using sandpaper attached to an iron or plastic grater.

Note: when reducing the width of the door, it is advisable to cut the door on the side where the lock will cut in, and not on the side where the awnings will be installed.

3a. To reduce the width or height of the door leaf by 1-3 cm

preliminary disassembly of the door and glue to strengthen the door structure will be required. The success of disassembly depends on the quality of the glue. Try using a wide chisel to separate the fiberboard fabric from the future cutting area. wooden block frame. If the canvas separates easily enough and does not collapse, carefully release the frame block, remove the metal staples holding the frame together and carefully cut the fiberboard with a hacksaw. After this, you need to reduce the width of the upper and lower frame bars (if you are reducing the width of the door), and remove excess honeycomb (with a wallpaper knife or just with your hands) in order to insert the frame bar. The block can be screwed or fixed with staples. After this, the canvases are glued to the block; for this you can use PVA glue and regular masking tape, if there is no press.

3b. To reduce the width or height of the door leaf by 1-3 cm

Additional wooden blocks and glue will be required to strengthen the door structure. If it was not possible to separate the fiberboard canvas, then you will have to cut along the frame (the tools are the same), then knock out what is left of the block, remove the excess honeycombs in order to insert a new frame block. It is advisable to screw the block. After this, the canvases are glued to a new block; for this you can use PVA glue and regular masking tape if you don’t have a press.


  1. When cutting the door, you only need to wear safety glasses and do not rush, since there is a high probability that the cutting part of the tool will hit the metal brackets holding the frame together.
  2. If the door is paneled, then it is advisable to cut the width on both sides to maintain the symmetry of the pattern.

4. To reduce the height of the door leaf by 3-5 cm

You will need glue to strengthen the door structure. Cut off the excess part using any of the methods described in point 2. Using a wide chisel, knock off the remaining fiberboard from the wooden block, remove the excess honeycomb (with a wallpaper knife or just with your hands) to insert the frame block. After this, the canvases are glued to the block; for this you can use PVA glue and regular masking tape if you don’t have a press.

After the glue has dried, the ends of the door are planed and sanded if necessary. It is advisable to chamfer the fiberboard canvas in the cutting areas (slightly round the ends). It is best to do this manually, using sandpaper attached to an iron or plastic grater.

5. To reduce the height of the door leaf by 5 cm or more

You will need glue to strengthen the door structure. Cut off the excess with a jigsaw or wood saw. This is done quickly, since you mainly have to cut only fiberboard sheets. Using a wide chisel, knock off the remnants of the fiberboard fabric from the wooden block, remove the excess honeycomb (with a wallpaper knife or just with your hands) to insert the frame block. After this, the canvases are glued to the block; for this you can use PVA glue and regular masking tape if you don’t have a press.

After the glue has dried, the ends of the door are planed and sanded if necessary. It is advisable to chamfer the fiberboard canvas in the cutting areas (slightly round the ends). It is best to do this manually, using sandpaper attached to an iron or plastic grater.

Note: If the door is paneled, then it is advisable to cut at the top and bottom to maintain the symmetry of the pattern.

In cases 1 and 2, cutting the door takes 1-3 hours. To cut the door in cases 3-5, it will take 2-4 hours, and it is advisable to wait 1 day until the glue has completely dried, although you can install the door with tape.

When carrying out repairs in individual buildings of an old building, where there are very low ceilings and not quite standard doorways, the question often arises about changing the dimensions of the purchased standard door. The same questions may arise when installing and repairing floors, as well as after laying a new carpet floor.

Most modern stores now have the opportunity to change the size of existing doors for sale, since they take into account customer requests and have organized small carpentry workshops directly in their stores, or cooperate with companies that can provide this type services.

But it is not always possible to find people who will undertake changes to a standard door. And sometimes it is necessary to fit a door that has already been purchased and delivered to your home. And it is impractical to transport it for shortening. Therefore, the issue of changing the size of doors at home remains relevant.

And believe me, it is possible to solve this issue on your own, practically without any costs other than your ingenuity and your own labor.

How to trim a door

To change door standards, first of all, you need to know design features the door you have.

Based on the manufacturing method, the designs of interior doors are divided into panel and frame (paneled, framed).

Panel doors consist of: a frame - a frame made of wooden bars (slats), cladding made from both sides, sheet material, and filling in the form of paper honeycomb, polyurethane or spiral shavings. Panel doors can be solid and partially glazed.

Frame doors consist of: frame (main bars), mullions (bars dividing the door leaf into parts) and filler (panels). Glass, wood fiber and particle boards are used as panels.

If shortening the doors yourself, at home, is not difficult, then changing the width of the door is much more difficult, but also quite possible.

But let’s still focus on the shortening. Before starting work, you must remember the old Russian proverb: “Measure seven times and cut once.” Everything needs to be carefully calculated and prepared. necessary tool, necessary materials.

We will need:

  1. hacksaw with fine teeth,
  2. a hand-held electric saw or an angle grinder (in common parlance – a “grinder”),
  3. plane,
  4. wood glue and wooden blocks of suitable size. We use bars - 30x30 mm.

If we use a grinder, then a cutting wheel for metal is best suited for the work. During operation, it will produce a lot of smoke and fumes, but it will allow you to get a cut without delamination and cracks on materials such as fiberboard and MDF.

If we make the shortening with a hand-held circular saw, then for the work we take a disk with small teeth and as many of them as possible - 80-112 pieces.

We will take the measurements we need and begin the shortening process itself.

Marking the canvas

And if we make a cut with a circular saw, then with reverse side We attach a board to the door in order to get a smooth, burr-free cut.

If we carry out the work using a grinder, then it is necessary to make wooden structure on both sides of the door. By attaching and securing the boards on both sides. This design will serve to support the circle into it.

We shorten the door

The lower section of the door leaf consists of a solid wooden block, taking into account the possibility of shortening. But usually, its width is not enough for trimming. Therefore, we will need the 30x30 mm block we prepared to close the cavity that opened after shortening. Using a hacksaw, we prepare the length of the block we need, adjust the thickness with a plane, and mount it with glue.

When cutting the door leaf of a panel door or panel door with glass inserts, you must remember the proportions of all its components (the ratio of the sizes of all parts and the whole to each other). By greatly changing the size of the bottom of the door, we can disrupt its harmony. Both the door itself and the entire interior will be completely different.

Therefore, we need to consider the possibility of cutting the canvas on both sides, both top and bottom.

In the same way as described above, it is possible to change the width of the door.

But I would not recommend doing this, because cutting it to a length of 2 meters using the tool we have available will be very problematic and all the resulting flaws will be very noticeable. This kind of work is best done on special machines and entrust it to professionals.

And we can, if necessary, try to change the size of the doorway.

In general, we see that it is quite possible to change the size of the door, if necessary, at home.

Get to work, you will definitely succeed.

How to trim a door video