Caring for paniculate hydrangea in the garden. Hydrangea paniculata planting and care. Arrangement of shrubs in the garden

Hydrangea is on the list of gardeners' favorite flowering shrubs. The gorgeous inflorescences that decorate the bush from mid-summer to late autumn have a fascinating effect on a person. Hydrangea is very thermophilic, and only a few of its dozens of varieties can be planted in the central zone of our country. Among them - garden paniculata hydrangea. Planting and care open ground- this is today's topic on our website about.

Hydrangea paniculata: basic information

In their natural habitat (Japan, China), hydrangea bushes reach 4 meters in height. In our conditions it is possible to grow a plant from 1 to 2 meters. The inflorescences of paniculate garden hydrangea have a beautiful pyramid shape. They can be white, pink or purple. The ability of flowers to change their original color is remarkable.

Hydrangea paniculata is different rapid growth, shade tolerance and frost resistance. True, in order to prevent the buds from disappearing, the bush should be covered for the winter. Interestingly, after planting one of the varieties of paniculate garden hydrangea, depending on the care (pruning), you can have either a bush or a small standard tree.

Paniculata hydrangea has many varieties. The most famous of them are presented below in photographs. Having chosen the variety you like for planting in your garden or summer cottage, do not rush to get down to business. First you need to clarify whether your plant is suitable garden soil and the place you plan to allocate for it. In addition, you should find out all the features of planting paniculate hydrangea and caring for it. You can find out about this by reading further.

Hydrangea Grandifora - often found in open ground in our latitudes
Variety Diamont Rouge
Hydrangea paniculata garden variety Unique
Hortense Kyushu

Features of planting hydrangea paniculata

Suitable soil for paniculate hydrangea. This flowering shrub will feel great if the roots are in fertile clayey acidic soil. If it is alkaline, the bush will develop quite slowly and have pale flowers. How to make soil more acidic? By adding peat, sawdust or pine needles to it.

The right place to plant paniculata garden hydrangea. All varieties of this type of shrub love partial shade. This does not mean that it should be planted under trees, but if it is in an area completely exposed to direct sunlight, the shrub will not look as chic as it could.

Hydrangea paniculata planting period. It is best to carry out this activity in the spring. If you live in a region with mild winter, then autumn would be no worse. But this is provided that it is warm.

Features of planting seedlings. At the time of transplantation, the paniculata hydrangea seedling should be 3 or 4 years old. The selected place must be completely cleaned and dug up. Carefully removing all roots will simplify further care. For single plantings, dig holes 40-50 cm deep and 50-70 cm wide. You need to focus on the volume of the root system, although if the roots are freed from the ground, they can be trimmed. To create a hydrangea hedge, dig a trench of the same depth. Then everything is simple: place the roots in the hole, cover them with soil, compact them and water them abundantly. Immediately after planting, the bushes are pruned, leaving 3-5 buds on each branch.

Rules for caring for paniculata hydrangea in open ground

Watering the bushes

To keep the inflorescences lush and bright, hydrangeas need to be watered frequently. It is best to create conditions for the shrub in which the soil will never dry out. Good help mulch from peat or compost plays a role in this.

Treatment of garden soil

Hydrangea care will be of poor quality if you do not regularly loosen the soil around the bush. This is necessary to retain moisture and allow air to penetrate to the roots. At the same time, remember that root system the bush is quite extensive. Naturally, weeds should not be allowed to grow near the hydrangea.

Feeding Hydrangea paniculata

If there is a lack of nutrients in the soil, you should not count on beautiful and abundant flowering of paniculata hydrangea. That's why special attention needs to be paid to feeding. So, in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season, watering the bush with a bucket of water with the addition of 20 g of urea gives a good result. Many gardeners also praise nettle infusion as a spring fertilizer for hydrangeas.

Hydrangea really likes mullein diluted with water.

It can be applied under the bush every two weeks. When buds appear, to stimulate flowering, two feedings are carried out using mineral fertilizers, keeping a break between them of at least 2 weeks.

Pruning hydrangea paniculata

As already noted, the first pruning of the bush should be carried out immediately after planting. When should this be done next? During the flowering period, the bush should not be touched, so you should wait until autumn to prune. First of all, you need to cut off all the dried inflorescences. In addition, in the fall you can thin out the bush if it is very overgrown.

The next pruning is carried out in the fall before the buds open. Now you should remove all broken branches damaged by frost. Pursuing an aesthetic goal, you can cut off shoots that are growing incorrectly. It is also worth shortening annual shoots by a third. Good way to rejuvenate an old hydrangea bush - prune all shoots to the ground in the spring.

Sheltering hydrangeas for the winter

Without shelter, the buds on paniculata hydrangea may freeze. In the southernmost regions, it is enough to simply hill the bush high. But where winters are cold, more radical measures are needed. It is best to carefully bend the shoots, secure them with staples, and then cover them with peat, cover them with spruce branches and cover them with film.

Hydrangea propagation

The most popular way to propagate hydrangea in open ground is cuttings. It is best to prepare cuttings in early June from the lower shoots on the trunk. Each of them should have at least 3 buds, the optimal length is 10 cm. The cut should be at a distance of 2 cm from the lower bud. They need to be soaked in a growth stimulant for two days. Then they are planted in containers with peat and sand, covered with plastic or glass containers and make sure that the moisture does not evaporate completely. After a month, the cuttings will begin to take root. They can be transplanted into open ground at the end next summer.

Gardeners also often resort to propagating hydrangeas. layering. To do this, make a hole 20 cm deep near an adult bush. Next, you should bend it to it, secure it with a metal bracket and sprinkle one of the lower annual shoots with soil. The top should be vertical. In the place where roots will appear, the shoot must be cut or the bark removed in this area. You must remember to water the cuttings along with the adult bush. If rooting is successful, it can be transplanted in a year.

Mature bushes with a good root system can be propagated by divisions. It's worth digging it up for this. early spring or in September. Several buds should remain on each formed part.

Now you know what garden paniculata hydrangea looks like; planting and care in open ground were described in this article. Although this ornamental shrub requires a certain, quite considerable attention, these efforts always turn out to be rewarding. These gorgeous bushes personal plot will delight you just by looking at them. Garden paniculata hydrangea is a representative of the flora worthy of appearing on your plot of land.

Planting hydrangeas - some useful tips

Some gardeners begin growing plants with a long process - sowing seeds. I warn you right away - the seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground in two years. If your patience allows you to wait so long, you can test your abilities as a breeder, but I did it simpler - I purchased a plant ready for planting.

When can hydrangea be identified? permanent place? I will please you - it is possible to plant with the arrival of spring warmth, as well as in the fall. Be sure to choose a sunny area, without drafts. Try to big trees or shrubs did not grow nearby, otherwise over time the plants will begin to fight for nutrients from soil and moisture.

Prepare a large hole for your beauty; it should significantly exceed the diameter of the root system. Make a mixture for planting in advance:

some compost;
leaf soil.
Add the nutrient mixture to the soil that was removed from the hole. The next stage is planting the seedling. Be sure to check its roots - there should be no dry or rotting shoots; if there are, remove them with a sharp knife and treat them with crushed charcoal. Place the plant comfortably in the hole, straightening the roots. Sprinkle with soil, water generously and lay a thick layer of mulch, which will protect the plant from overheating and the soil from drying out.

Caring for hydrangea planted in the garden

If you are in the mood for grueling and complex hydrangea care, then I hasten to please you - nothing like that, no special feats will be required from you. The main thing is to follow a few rules, which I will now introduce. The most important requirement is to implement proper watering. Hydrangea loves moisture, so during the warm season you will have to arm yourself with a hose or bucket and water it.

One large plant will need up to 4 buckets of water (you used peat as mulch, water a little less often - it retains moisture well). In order for moisture to penetrate into the soil better, be sure to loosen it and renew the layer of mulch.
Regardless of the variety, hydrangea will be able to show itself in all its beauty after you start applying fertilizers. If this stage of care is missed, then only the first flowering will be gorgeous; each subsequent one may differ in smaller flowers. I usually please my beauty twice a season - once before flowering, the second time a week or two after flowering.

As a top dressing for the first application, I take urea (a teaspoon of fertilizer per bucket of water). Keep in mind that an adult healthy hydrangea bush will need at least 3 buckets of this solution. I'm doing the second feeding complex fertilizers. If I see that the development of the plant has slowed down a little, I feed it with mullein infusion several times a season.

After feeding, if they stand favorable conditions, hydrangea can produce huge inflorescences, which the fragile shoots will have great difficulty supporting. To help the plant and avoid damaged branches, you need to use supports to which you tie the bush.

Pruning and preparation for winter - necessary processes

At the age of three to four years, paniculata hydrangea will require some more effort on your part. This is a pruning process, without which it is unlikely that it will be possible to form a compact, beautiful bush with abundant flowering. I’ll tell you a little trick - only last year’s runs of paniculate hydrangea are cut off, and by a third of the length. After such manipulations, you will have wonderful cuttings in your hands, from which you can grow young bushes and increase the number of delightful flowers near your house.

I’ll briefly tell you how to root hydrangea cuttings - don’t throw away such wealth? Cut them into small pieces (each of them should have at least two knots). Make the top cut even, the bottom cut underneath small angle. Plant the cuttings in a mixture of sand and peat, build a greenhouse and do not forget about moistening the soil mixture. Roots will appear quickly, in just a few weeks. All you have to do is transplant them into a prepared bed, water them on time and remove weeds.

Pruning is usually done in the spring, but take your time - let the severe frosts go away first. At the same time as shortening the shoots, remove damaged or dry branches - the buds are already clearly visible and you can easily determine what needs to be pruned.

Now I’ll tell you how to prepare your beauty for winter. You should start preparing for frost and snowfall immediately after flowering. Remove dry buds immediately, otherwise a sudden snowfall will break the fragile branches - in addition, the considerable weight of snow will be added to the heaviness of the flowers.

The underground part of the hydrangea needs to be prepared for the winter. Hill up high and apply a thick layer of mulch. I usually cover the soil around my favorite with spruce branches, since paniculate hydrangea is quite frost-resistant, such a “coat” is enough for the roots to survive the most severe frosts without any problems.

Young hydrangea bushes are tender, I advise you to prepare them for winter more reliably. There are no special tricks here - just cover the plants entirely with soil (at a height of 25-30 cm it is quite possible).
If your winters are too cold, then take the time to prepare adult bushes for frost. Bend the plants to the ground (reinforce them with steel clamps), then cover with old roofing felt. The hydrangea bush is very large, so just carefully tie it with twine and wrap it with lutrasil. If this does not seem enough to you, then build a wire frame, make a spacious mesh fence and fill the entire space with dry leaves. Now your pet is ready for even the most severe frosts.

As you can see, panicle hydrangea is no more difficult to care for than any other plant in your garden. You won't be able to make mistakes in caring for her, even if you try very hard. Be sure to look at the photo, it will serve as an excellent incentive to grow such splendor in your garden. Help your friends cope with growing hydrangeas, share the issue with them on social networks. One more request - subscribe to the channel, because in the future I will try to introduce interesting and personally proven methods of growing plants. I say goodbye to you, but not for long, you won’t have time to get bored. All the best!

Source; website "All about floriculture"

The plant grows quickly and can bloom as early as next year, but for this you need to create necessary conditions when landing.

But before lush flowers cover the bush, you need to know how to plant hydrangea correctly so that it pleases the eye with its luxurious clusters.

Choosing the time to land

It is best to plant hydrangea in the spring, as it will have time and conditions for it to take root and take root. If climatic conditions allow planting in early spring, this is the best time; perhaps even in the year of planting, hydrangea will delight you with its flowering.

Possible landing option autumn time. Although the bushes of this plant tolerate the cold season well, it is still a good idea to insulate it for the winter, especially if the hydrangea is planted in the fall.

Fortune's euonymus on our garden plot -

Pest and disease control

Hydrangeas, like all plants, can be affected by various diseases and pests. If the owner of the garden wants to have healthy flowering plants, he must definitely take care of medicines for them.

What diseases can affect paniculata hydrangea, and what remedies can be used against them?

Powdery mildew on hydrangea leaves

The most common disease of this plant is powdery mildew.

To rid him of this scourge, you need to use a solution of foundationazole with water, in proportions of 20-25 g per 10 liters. Another remedy is Bordeaux mixture 80-100 g per 10-12 l. water.

Another misfortune of hydrangea - aphid.

Regular garlic, from which the tincture is made, will help cope with it. The process of its preparation consists of crushing 250 g of peeled garlic and pouring 8-10 liters of water. The tincture sits for two days, then add 50 g of softened laundry soap, mix well - and the medicine is ready.

You need to spray the plant with this mixture once a week until there is no trace left of the pest.

All parts of hydrangeas contain cyanogenic glycosides - toxic substances. Be careful when handling these plants.

How to prepare paniculata hydrangea for winter?

No matter how resistant these bushes are to cold winters, it is still better to make sure that the plant overwinters safely.

To do this, it is necessary to cover the roots, as they are more vulnerable to frost. Rotted manure is perfect for this, it good insulation. Peat and dry leaves are also perfect for insulating hydrangeas, but they need to be laid under the bush in a thick layer, about 15-20 cm.

If everything is done correctly, cold weather will not pose a great danger to the roots of the plant.

Useful tips and some secrets of caring for paniculata hydrangea.

These flowers can serve as room decoration in winter. To do this, you can make a winter bouquet from inflorescences. When all the flowers in the inflorescence have bloomed, you need to carefully cut it off and place it in a drying container. dark room, hanging with inflorescences down.

There is one secret that will help change colors bush flowers. How to get, say, blue hydrangea? It's not that difficult. When watering, you need to add iron salts to the water and increase the acidity of the soil by adding peat. Aluminum alum will help enhance the blue color.

Another little secret. If you want it to seem like colorful inflorescences bloomed on one bush, you need to do several procedures.

  1. First, you need to place a large flowerpot on the ground. If it is square, then its size should be approximately one square. m., height - 50-70 cm.
  2. Secondly, divide it in half inside with a partition and fill each part with fertilized soil.
  3. Thirdly, it is good to pour the soil in one part of the flowerpot with coloring compounds, and leave the second part with just fertilized soil, and plant a bush of pink hydrangeas in each part.
  4. Victor Sergeev

Hydrangea paniculata (lat. Hydrangea paniculata)- a low shrub native to Far East. Hydrangea paniculata reaches a height of about 1.5 meters. The inflorescences of the plant themselves are large, up to 30 cm long, which is quite impressive. The flowers of this hydrangea are either bisexual or sterile. On straight long branches the leaves are arranged oppositely. Inflorescences are formed on the shoots of the current year, which is very important for correct pruning hydrangeas. Paniculata hydrangea is widely popular among gardeners because it grows in almost any weather conditions. climatic conditions. This shrub grows quite quickly. And also planting and caring for paniculata hydrangea quite simple and do not require serious effort.

Popular varieties of paniculate hydrangea

  • Hydrangea Grandiflora - this variety has flowers originally white, but become pink over time;
  • Hydrangea Limelight - pale lemon-colored inflorescences, this hydrangea blooms later than others;
  • Hydrangea Kyushu is an early flowering variety with flowers that are initially white and eventually become pink color. The flowers are fertile and sterile;
  • Hydrangea Vanilla Fraise is a very beautiful variety, flowers in white-pink inflorescences;
  • Hydrangea Pinky Winky - this variety has mostly sterile flowers, some are fertile; the flowers are collected in pink-red inflorescences.

Watering paniculate hydrangea

The plant is very moisture-loving, so you need to remember that it’s better to water more than you need than not to water enough. It grows well even in wetlands, so you can draw your own conclusions about how to water paniculata hydrangea. At insufficient watering the plant will bloom poorly. During the summer months in hot weather You need to water paniculata hydrangea several times a week.

Soil for paniculate hydrangea

Paniculata hydrangea needs acidic soil, therefore it is important to add either ammonium sulfate or peat to soil with an alkaline reaction. Other application options are adding iron sulfate to the soil or covering it with pine bedding. Also, the soil should be clayey. On alkaline soils, paniculata hydrangea can develop leaf chlorosis.

Planting paniculate hydrangea in open ground

Paniculata hydrangea is so unpretentious that it can grow almost anywhere (considering what is written in the paragraph above). But there are still tips on location. In windy areas where there are drafts, it is still better not to plant these shrubs. The plants are sun-loving, so it will be a little dark for them under the trees. As for air quality, garden paniculata hydrangea is not picky and can grow along roads. It is better to cover paniculata hydrangea for the winter, especially in areas with severe frosts. But even without shelter, hydrangeas will survive the winter; some shoots may freeze, but they often recover quickly.

Pruning paniculate hydrangea (autumn or spring)

How and when to prune paniculate hydrangea? Prune hydrangea late autumn after the leaves fall, or in early spring even before the sap begins to flow. If you delay pruning in spring, the plant may not have time to bloom, and this also increases the likelihood of the bush becoming diseased. Light, gentle pruning is carried out if the goal is to grow the bush and increase green mass and shoots. For abundant flowering you need to shorten the shoots of last year by at least a third, which will give the plant an incentive to produce young ones with inflorescences on them.

Feeding paniculate hydrangea

For the full development and growth of hydrangeas, fertilizers are needed. How to feed paniculata hydrangea? Starting from the end of March it is necessary to apply twice a month mineral fertilizers. In the summer, once a month you need to feed them with organic ones. To keep the shoots strong, once a month you can water the bush with a weak solution of potassium permanganate - 0.5 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water. Last time Fertilizers are applied at the end of summer, after which the plant begins to prepare for autumn rest and wintering.

Growing panicle hydrangea in the garden

Propagation of paniculata hydrangea in the garden

How to propagate paniculate hydrangea correctly? There are two most popular and least labor-intensive methods that give best result– propagation by layering and cuttings. It is advisable to use root formation stimulants, since without them the result may not be immediate and may not be guaranteed at all.

Reproduction of paniculate hydrangea by layering

A healthy hydrangea shoot is bent to the ground and pinned in a previously made furrow, sprinkled with soil on top. The shoot should come out of the ground almost vertically. To ensure this position, the top of the shoot can be tied up. It will take a year for the cuttings to take root and take root, so this procedure is done in late spring or early summer. Next spring The paniculate hydrangea seedling can be separated from the mother plant and planted in a new location.

Propagation of paniculate hydrangea by cuttings

The easiest way to get planting material when pruning hydrangea - when pruning is done in early spring, you don’t have to throw away the cuttings, but select the healthiest ones and try to root them. Only woody shoots are suitable for rooting.

Caring for hydrangea in the fall after flowering

Cut branches selected for cuttings are cut into pieces, each of which should have 3-5 internodes, after which each cutting must be placed in a container with water bottom(the one we will plant in the ground). After this, we prepare the substrate - it is made up of equal parts of sand and high-moor peat. We take the cuttings out of the water, dust the lower end with a root formation stimulator and plant them in the prepared substrate, leaving only a third of the length of the cutting above the soil surface. Cover the cuttings with a jar or cut plastic bottle. It will take a long time for paniculate hydrangea to take root, so the cuttings should be stored in storage until spring. dark place, constantly moistening the soil. At the end of next summer, rooted cuttings of paniculata hydrangea can be planted in open ground. Young hydrangeas need to be covered for the winter so that the seedlings do not freeze. When paniculate hydrangea blooms, we can consider that the plant is an adult and there is no need to cover it for the winter.

Diseases and pests of paniculate hydrangea

Of the pests, hydrangea is most often affected by other pests. spider mites or aphids. Fight them in the usual way– treatment with insecticides, for example, phytoferm. Snails are another pest, but they are usually collected by hand.

In general, hydrangeas rarely get sick in open ground, and pests are more of an exception. Like any other plant that has just been purchased, when planting seedlings it is advisable to carry out preventive treatment. Don’t forget about quarantine so that the disease does not spread to neighboring plants if the newly purchased one turns out to be sick or affected by pests.

Hydrangea paniculata is unusual plant amazing beauty, which has many species. It can be grown both at home in large pots and in your garden. Today we will tell you everything about planting and caring for paniculata hydrangea in open ground.

In the wild, paniculata hydrangea occurs as a shrub and small trees up to 10 m in height. Natural habitats are the southern shores of Sakhalin, China and the islands of Japan. Here hydrangea grows in the form of trees.

In our latitudes, hydrangea also grows well, but no more than 3 m in height. She got used to the heat of the south of the country, and to the frosts of the Urals and Siberia. However, the territory of central Russia, the Moscow region, is especially well suited for its cultivation. With proper care, the bush will add 25-30 cm every year.

Paniculata hydrangea looks very picturesque in the garden. Flowering begins in early July and lasts until the first frost. Inflorescences up to 30 cm long resemble panicles in shape. Small flowers grow on them, which can be of 2 types:

  • bisexual (small in size, after pollination the petals quickly fall off);
  • sterile (about 3 cm, do not fall off for a long time).

In many species of this plant, the petals change color. At first they are creamy, then gradually become pink, then turn green or red.

The leaves have oval shape, are quite large - they reach 10-12 cm in length. They have a velvety texture and are also slightly pubescent. Leaf blades abundantly cover the branches.

Hydrangea paniculata is considered a long-liver. On average, it grows for about 60 years.

The following varieties of paniculata hydrangea are most suitable for growing on our territory:

  • Pinky-Winky;
  • Grandiflora;
  • Polar bear;
  • Kyushu;
  • Tardiva;
  • Limelight;
  • Vanilla fries;
  • Phantom;
  • Mega Pearl.

Every year, hydrangea varieties are updated. You can always pick up suitable variety and plant it on your site. However, before doing this, you should definitely find out whether it is suitable for growing in your climate or not.

Hydrangea propagation occurs by seeds, cuttings and layering. This can be done at home, but keep in mind that planting in open ground will not occur earlier than two years. This is a very labor-intensive and slow process. It is best to buy ready-made seedlings for planting.

Getting ready to land

Planting hydrangea paniculata, as well as subsequent care for it, does not require special skills. The shrub grows quickly and begins to bloom within 2-3 years. But you should still familiarize yourself with the basic rules in order to properly plant hydrangea in open ground. These include:

  1. Landing place. Choose areas that are protected from strong winds and have good lighting. It should be borne in mind that it blooms best in partial shade, that is, it will be great if a shrub or tree grows nearby. It is best to plant on the east side of the garden.
  2. Hydrangea planting dates. In cold climates, seedlings should be planted in early May, in the southern regions - in September.
  3. Soil and acidity. Hydrangea grows very well on fertile and clay soils which are rich in humus. It grows worse on red soils. Sandy soils are completely contraindicated. Optimal indicator acidity is pH 5.3-6.0. That is, the soil should be slightly acidic, this way you can ensure maximum brightness of the inflorescences. On neutral soil the inflorescences are pale in color, and the bush grows slowly.
  4. Purchase of seedlings. Give preference to seedlings only with a closed root system, as they are less likely to be susceptible to any diseases. Seedlings can be bought at garden stores and flower fairs.

Step-by-step instructions for planting paniculate hydrangea

The technology for planting garden paniculata hydrangea is as follows:

  1. 2-4 weeks before planting, completely clear the area of ​​plant debris and dig up with a shovel.
  2. Dig holes 40-50 cm deep and 70*70 cm wide. If you plan to make hedge, then dig a continuous groove of the same dimensions. The distance between the holes can be from 1 m to 2.5 m - it all depends on the specific variety.
  3. Prepare the soil mixture. The composition includes leaf soil, turf land, peat and humus in equal quantities. Nutrients should also be added there: 25 g of potassium sulfate, 70 g of superphosphate and 25 g of urea. Under no circumstances should you add chalk, lime and wood ash.
  4. Fill up planting pits prepared soil mixture.
  5. After 2-4 weeks, dig the holes again. For planting, 3-4 year old hydrangea seedlings are taken. If they were with open roots, then they should be shortened a little.
  6. On a cone soil mixture install the seedling at the required depth and carefully fill the hole. The root collar should be located at ground level, maximum 1-2 cm lower. Compact the soil with your palms.
  7. Water the bush with 10 liters of warm, settled water and mulch. Sawdust, bark or peat work well as mulch.

Below is a photo of planting hydrangea paniculata:

Garden hydrangea is a heat-loving plant that needs fertile soil and sufficient moisture. If you want to grow a strong and healthy shrub, do not neglect these instructions.

Care after landing

It is impossible to grow paniculata hydrangea without proper care. It includes several factors, each of which we will examine in more detail:

1. Watering. Hydrangea is a moisture-loving flower. In the absence of sufficient moisture, development is disrupted, so drought is strictly contraindicated. It is recommended to water once every 2 weeks with 20 liters of water, in hot weather - once a week, and in rainy summers - once a month.

You can add 2-3 g of potassium permanganate to the water for irrigation to prevent the development of rot. Should be watered at trunk circle in the morning or evening, when the sun is not scorching. Do not forget to loosen the soil 5 cm deep after each watering and remove weeds.

2. Mulching. After watering, sprinkle the soil with peat chips or pine needles. This will prevent rapid evaporation of moisture.

3. Feeding. It should be applied quite often, since the shrub is a fast-flowering one. In spring, water the hydrangea with a urea solution (20 g per 10 liters of water). Under large bushes, at least 20 liters should be poured.

At the beginning of the growing season good result can be achieved by adding nettle infusion, and then immediately a bucket of water. Mullein solution should be added every 2 weeks. It is prepared simply: fill a bucket of manure with 3 liters of water and let it brew for 3 days, after which dilute 1 liter of infusion in 10 liters of water and water the bush. When the first buds appear, add 2 mineral supplements(70 g superphosphate + 45 g potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water) with a two-week break between each feeding.

4. Pruning in spring and autumn. All varieties of paniculate hydrangea require pruning. In November, all dry inflorescences should be cut off so that they do not create additional weight on the branches in winter. In the spring, before sap flow begins, you should completely get rid of incorrectly located and weak shoots. Frost damage should be pruned back to a healthy location. Annual shoots should be shortened by a third. When pruned on time and correctly, hydrangea blooms very profusely.

5. Shelter for the winter. After removing faded inflorescences, you need to prepare for winter. Paniculate tree-type hydrangeas do not need to be covered. They are winter-hardy - simple mulching is enough for them. In the conditions of the Moscow region, Middle zone, North-West, Siberia and the Urals, hydrangea must be covered.

To do this, the bush is covered with soil, and the tree trunk circle should be mulched with pine needles, rotted manure or peat. Afterwards, bend the branches extremely carefully to the ground so that they do not break. Cover them with spruce branches, sawdust or dry leaves. Place a box or box on top of the bush. Carefully tie up large bushes, make a frame shelter (a kind of “hut”) and sprinkle dry leaves there. Winter shelter should be dismantled gradually, you can start in April.

Caring for hydrangea is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to water and feed on time, then the risk of disease and pests will be minimized. Don't forget about pruning, then lush flowering will be provided.

Paniculata hydrangea can fit into any landscape design. You can grow a hedge from it, plant it in pairs. It will look great as a single plant.