Foreign policy: its functions, goals, means, subjects. Types of foreign policy

1. Introduction

2. Definition foreign policy

3. Functions, goals and means of implementing foreign policy

5. Conclusion

6. References

1. Introduction

To protect its national interests, any state pursues a certain (successful or unsuccessful) foreign policy. This is the activity of the state and other political institutions of society to implement their interests and needs in the international arena.

Foreign policy is a continuation of domestic policy, its extension to relations with other states. Like domestic policy, it is closely connected with the dominant economic structure, social and government system of society and expresses them on the world stage. Its main goal is to ensure favorable international conditions for realizing the interests of a particular state, ensuring national security and well-being of the people, and preventing a new war.

Based on the foreign policy activities of individual states, certain international relations are formed, that is, a set of economic, political, cultural, legal, military and other connections and relationships between peoples, states, economic, political, scientific, cultural religious organizations and institutions in the international arena.

2. Definition of foreign policy

Foreign policy is the general course of a state in international affairs. It regulates the relations of a given state with other states and peoples in accordance with its principles and goals, which are implemented in various ways and methods. The foreign policy of any state is closely interconnected with its domestic politics and should reflect the nature of the state and social system. In this case, it combines national interests and values ​​with universal human interests and values, especially in matters of security, cooperation and strengthening of peace, in solving global international problems arising on the path of social progress.

The formation of foreign policy occurs as the objective needs of a given society or state mature to enter into certain relationships with the outside world, that is, with other societies or states. Therefore, it appears later than domestic politics. It usually starts with simple interest: what do they have that we don’t? And when this interest becomes conscious, it turns into politics - into concrete actions to implement it.

3. Functions, goals and means of implementing foreign policy

There are many theories of foreign policy that explain its main goals and objectives, essence and functions in different ways. But there is also general theory, on the basis of which the most effective means and methods for achieving set goals, planning and coordination of various foreign policy events and actions is carried out.

In turn, foreign policy planning means the long-term development of specific actions in the international arena and it consists of several stages. First, a forecast is made of the likely development of the system international relations in general or in individual regions, as well as relations between this state and other states. This forecast is one of the most complex species political forecasting and it is given on the basis of an analysis of trends in possible changes in certain elements of the system of international relations. This allows for a fairly accurate assessment of the probabilistic consequences of planned foreign policy actions. Secondly, the amount of resources and funds that will be required to solve the proposed foreign policy problems is determined. Thirdly, the priority goals of the foreign policy of a given state in various areas are established, based primarily on its economic and political interests. Fourthly, a comprehensive program of all foreign policy activities is being developed, which must be approved by the government of the country.

Of the specific theories of foreign policy, the theory of the American political scientist G. Morgenthau is considered the most famous. He defines foreign policy primarily as a policy of force, in which national interests rise above any international norms and principles and therefore force (military, economic, financial) turns into the main means of achieving set goals. This is where his formula follows: “The goals of foreign policy must be determined in the spirit of national interests and supported by force.”

The priority of national interests serves two purposes:

1. Gives foreign policy a general orientation

2. Becomes a selection criterion in specific situations

Thus, national interests determine both long-term, strategic goals and short-term, tactical actions. To justify the use of force, G. Morgenthau coins the term “balance of power,” which has been known since the Renaissance. By this term he means, firstly, a policy aimed at a certain alignment military force, secondly, a description of any actual state of power in world politics, thirdly, the relatively equal distribution of power at the international level. However, with this approach, when they are guided only by their own national interests, mutually beneficial cooperation may fade into the background, since preference is given only to competition and struggle. Ultimately, it is the same ancient maxim: if you want peace, prepare for war.

At the end of the twentieth century, war should not be an instrument of foreign policy, otherwise it is impossible to guarantee the sovereign equality of all states, the self-determination of peoples in choosing the path of development, the inadmissibility of seizing foreign territories, the establishment of fair and mutually beneficial economic and economic ties, etc.

Modern world practice knows three main ways to ensure international security:

1. Deterring possible aggression with various forms pressure (economic, political, psychological, etc.).

2. Punishment of the aggressor by using specific practical actions against him.

3. The political process as a way to achieve peaceful goals without a forceful solution (negotiations, meetings, summits, etc.).

Among the main goals of foreign policy, one should highlight, firstly, ensuring the security of a given state, secondly, the desire to increase the material, political, military, intellectual and other potential of the country and, thirdly, the growth of its prestige in international relations. The implementation of these goals is determined by a certain stage in the development of international relations and the specific situation in the world. At the same time, the state’s activities in foreign policy must take into account the goals, interests and activities of other states, otherwise it will be ineffective and may become a brake on the path of social progress.

The most important functions of the state’s foreign policy include:

1. Defensive, counteracting any manifestations of revanchism, militarism, aggression from other countries.

2. Representative and informational, having dual purpose: informing one’s government about the situation and events in a particular country and informing the leadership of other countries about the policies of one’s state.

3. Trade and organizational, aimed at establishing, developing and strengthening trade, economic, scientific and technical ties with various states.

The main means of foreign policy is diplomacy. This term is of Greek origin: diplomas are double tablets with letters printed on them, which were issued to envoys instead of the current credentials confirming their authority. Diplomacy is a set of non-military practical activities, techniques and methods used taking into account specific conditions and assigned tasks. Diplomatic service workers, as a rule, are trained in special higher educational institutions, in particular in Russia - this is the Moscow state institute international relations and the Diplomatic Academy. A diplomat is an official of a state who represents its interests abroad in embassies or missions, at international conferences on foreign policy, on the protection of human rights, property and citizens of their state temporarily abroad. Therefore, a diplomat must have the art of negotiating in order to prevent or resolve international conflicts, search for consensus (agreement), compromises and mutually acceptable solutions, expand and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in all areas.

The most common diplomatic methods include official visits and negotiations at the highest and highest levels, congresses, conferences, meetings and meetings, consultations and exchange of views, preparation and conclusion of bilateral and multilateral treaties and other diplomatic documents. Participation in the work of international and intergovernmental organizations and their bodies, diplomatic correspondence, publication of documents, etc., periodic conversations with government officials during receptions at embassies and missions.

Foreign policy has its own constitutional and legal mechanism of organization, the main determinants of which are the obligations of a given state, enshrined in the norms of international law, created on the basis of mutual concessions and compromises.

One of the most important principles of international law and relations between states has become their territorial integrity. This means the inadmissibility of any encroachments on the territory of another state or violent measures directed against the inviolability of its territory. This principle is based on the rule of mutual respect for the territorial integrity of states, and is closely related to their duty to refrain from the use or threat of use of force, with the right of any state to individual or collective self-defense in the event of an armed attack from the outside. This is enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and in numerous interstate agreements. In accordance with the 1960 UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, every people has the inalienable right to full freedom to exercise its sovereignty and the integrity of its national territory. Therefore, any forcible retention of foreign territory or the threat of seizing it constitutes either annexation or aggression. And today it has become obvious that the security of each nation is inseparable from the security of all humanity. Thus, the problem arises of a comprehensive understanding of the new construction of the world and the prospects for its development.

In political science, two concepts are usually used: “world order” and “international order”. They are not identical. The first covers a broader sphere, as it characterizes not only external, but also internal political relations of states. In other words, this concept helps resolve contradictions that arise in the process of functioning of the international system, helps to streamline the interaction and mutual influence of political processes taking place in the world. The second concept - “international order” is the basis of the world order, because it requires the internationalization of international relations on the basis of strengthening peace and security, on the basis of the progressive development of the international legal order, ensuring the sovereign equality of all states, large and small, self-determination of peoples in choosing the path of development, establishment of fair economic and business relations, etc.

When building a new world order, the following factors are of particular importance: firstly, the high level of development of communication technology, which allows turning information into effective tool political and ideological influence beyond the external borders of states; secondly, these are the principles of the so-called “space law”, characterized by broad democracy and demanding peaceful space without the threat of “star wars”; thirdly, this is the establishment of law and order in the world's oceans, since almost three-quarters of our planet is covered with water.

These factors are playing an increasingly important role in the foreign policy of various states united in the world community and interested in developing international relations on the principles of cooperation, reciprocity, equality and trust, which can guarantee the security of every member of this community.

The priority direction of Russian foreign policy is the development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the CIS member states.

Russia is building friendly relations with each of the CIS member states on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, respect and consideration of each other's interests. Relations of strategic partnership and alliance are developing with states that show readiness for this.

Russia approaches trade and economic relations with the CIS member states taking into account the achieved level of cooperation, consistently adhering to market principles as an important condition for the development of truly equal relations and strengthening the objective prerequisites for the promotion modern forms integration.

Russia actively promotes the development of interaction between the CIS member states in the humanitarian sphere on the basis of preserving and enhancing the common cultural and civilizational heritage, which, in the context of globalization, is an important resource of the CIS as a whole and of each member state individually. Special attention is devoted to supporting compatriots living in the CIS member states, agreeing on the basis of reciprocity of agreements on the protection of their educational, linguistic, social, labor, humanitarian and other rights and freedoms.

Russia will increase cooperation with the CIS member states in the field of ensuring mutual security, including joint counteraction to common challenges and threats, primarily international terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking, transnational crime, and illegal migration. The primary objectives are to neutralize the terrorist threat and drug threat emanating from the territory of Afghanistan, to prevent destabilization of the situation in Central Asia and Transcaucasia.

For these purposes, Russia will:

Work to further realize the potential of the CIS as a regional organization, a forum for multilateral political dialogue and a mechanism for multifaceted cooperation with priorities in the areas of economics, humanitarian interaction, and the fight against traditional and new challenges and threats;

Continue the agreed line on creating conditions for the effective construction of the Union State through the gradual transfer of relations between Russia and Belarus to market principles in the process of forming a single economic space;

Actively work within the framework of the EurAsEC with Belarus and Kazakhstan on the creation of a Customs Union and a single economic space, to promote the involvement of other EurAsEC member states in this work;

Take measures to further strengthen the EurAsEC as the core of economic integration, a mechanism for facilitating the implementation of large water-energy, infrastructure, industrial and other joint projects;

To fully develop the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) as a key instrument for maintaining stability and ensuring security in the CIS space, focusing on adapting the CSTO as a multifunctional integration structure to a changing situation, on reliably ensuring the ability of the CSTO member states to carry out timely and effective joint actions to transform the CSTO into a core security institution in its area of ​​responsibility.

Russia will continue to actively promote the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the CIS on the basis of international law, respect for previously reached agreements and the search for agreement between the parties involved, responsibly implementing its mediation mission in the negotiation process and peacemaking.

Russia's attitude towards subregional entities and other structures without Russian participation in the CIS space. Determined based on an assessment of their real contribution to ensuring good neighborliness and stability, their willingness to actually take into account legitimate Russian interests and respect already existing cooperation mechanisms, such as the CIS, CSTO, EurAsEC, as well as Shanghai organization cooperation (SCO).

Russia’s approaches to the development of comprehensive practical cooperation in the Black Sea and Caspian regions will be built in this direction. Based on preserving the individuality of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization and strengthening the mechanism of cooperation between the Caspian states.

The main goal of Russian foreign policy in the European direction is the creation of a truly open, democratic system of regional collective security and cooperation, ensuring the unity of the Euro-Atlantic region - from Vancouver to Vladivostok, without allowing its new fragmentation and the reproduction of previous bloc approaches, the inertia of which remains in the current European architecture that emerged in the era of “ cold war" This is precisely what the initiative to conclude a European Security Treaty is aimed at, the development of which could be launched at a pan-European summit.

Russia stands for achieving the true unity of Europe, without dividing lines, by ensuring equal interaction between Russia, the European Union and the United States. This would help strengthen the positions of the countries of the Euro-Atlantic region in global competition. Russia, as the largest European state with a multinational and multi-religious society and a long history, is ready to play a constructive role in ensuring the civilizational compatibility of Europe and the harmonious integration of religious minorities, including taking into account trends in the field of migration.

Russia stands for strengthening the role of the Council of Europe as an independent universal pan-European organization that determines the level of legal standards in all member states of the Council of Europe without discrimination or privileges for anyone, an important tool for eliminating dividing lines on the continent.

Russia is interested in the OSCE conscientiously fulfilling its assigned function as a forum for equal dialogue between states. OSCE participants and the collective development of consensus decisions on the basis of a comprehensive and based on a balance of interests approach to security in its military-political, economic and humanitarian aspects. The full implementation of this function is possible through the transfer of all OSCE work to a solid normative basis that ensures the supremacy of the prerogatives of collective intergovernmental bodies.

In the military-political sphere, Russia will strive to correct the imbalances that have developed in the field of limiting conventional weapons and armed forces in Europe, and to adopt new confidence-building measures.

The Russian Federation will develop relations with the European Union as one of the main trade, economic and foreign policy partners, and advocate for the comprehensive strengthening of interaction mechanisms, including the consistent formation of common spaces in the fields of economics, external and internal security, education, science, and culture. It is in Russia's long-term interests to agree with the European Union. A strategic partnership agreement establishing special, highly advanced forms of equal and mutually beneficial cooperation with the European Union in all areas with the prospect of a visa-free regime.

The Russian Federation is interested in strengthening the European Union, developing its ability to act from coordinated positions in trade, economic, humanitarian, foreign policy and security areas.

The development of mutually beneficial bilateral ties with Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Finland, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway and some other Western European countries is an important resource for promoting Russia’s national interests in European and world affairs and facilitating the transfer of the Russian economy to an innovative path of development. Russia would like the potential of interaction with Great Britain to be used in the same direction.

Russia is developing progressive practical interaction with the Nordic countries, including the implementation within the framework of multilateral structures of joint cooperation projects in the Barents Euro-Arctic region and the Arctic as a whole, taking into account the interests of indigenous peoples.

Russia is open to further expansion of pragmatic, mutually respectful cooperation with the states of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe taking into account the real readiness of each of them for this.

The Russian Federation is committed to interacting with Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in the spirit of good neighborliness, based on mutual consideration of interests. Issues of respect for the rights of the Russian-speaking population in accordance with the principles and norms of pan-European and international law, as well as issues of life support for the Kaliningrad region, remain of fundamental importance for Russia.

Realistically assessing the role of NATO, Russia proceeds from the importance of the progressive development of interaction in the format of the Russia Council. NATO is in the interests of ensuring predictability and stability in the Euro-Atlantic region, maximizing the potential of political dialogue and practical cooperation in resolving issues related to responding to common threats - terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, regional crises, drug trafficking, natural and man-made disasters.

Russia will build relations with NATO taking into account the degree of readiness of the alliance for an equal partnership, strict adherence to the principles and norms of international law, and the fulfillment by all its members of the obligation undertaken within the Russia-NATO Council not to ensure their security at the expense of security Russian Federation, as well as commitments to military restraint. Russia maintains a negative attitude towards NATO expansion. In particular, to plans to admit Ukraine and Georgia into alliance membership, as well as to bringing NATO’s military infrastructure closer to Russian borders in general, which violates the principle of equal security, leads to the emergence of new dividing lines in Europe and contradicts the tasks of increasing the efficiency of joint work to find answers to real challenges of our time.

Russia is building relations with the United States taking into account not only their enormous potential for mutually beneficial bilateral trade, economic, scientific, technical and other cooperation, but also their key influence on the state of global strategic stability and the international situation as a whole. Russia is interested in effective use the existing extensive infrastructure of interaction, including a constant dialogue on issues of foreign policy, security and strategic stability, which makes it possible to find mutually acceptable solutions based on coinciding interests.

To do this, it is necessary to transform Russian-American relations into a state of strategic partnership, to step over the barriers of the strategic principles of the past and focus on real threats, and where differences remain between Russia and the United States, work to resolve them in the spirit of mutual respect.

Russia consistently advocates reaching new agreements with the United States in the field of disarmament and arms control. In the interests of maintaining the continuity of this process, strengthening confidence-building measures in the field of space activities and missile defense, as well as on issues of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, safe development of peaceful nuclear power, increasing cooperation in the field of countering terrorism and other challenges and threats, and resolving regional conflicts.

Russia is interested in ensuring that US actions on the world stage are built in accordance with the principles and norms of international law, primarily the UN Charter.

The long-term priorities of Russian policy in the American direction are laying a solid economic foundation for relations with the United States, ensuring the joint development of a culture of managing differences based on pragmatism and maintaining a balance of interests, which will ensure greater stability and predictability of Russian-American relations.

An important element Russia's balanced policy in the North American direction is its relations with Canada, which are traditionally stable and little affected by political conditions. Russia is interested in further increasing the dynamics of bilateral trade and economic ties and investment cooperation, and in interaction in the Arctic.

In the context of the multi-vector foreign policy of the Russian Federation, the Asia-Pacific region is of great and growing importance. This is due to Russia’s belonging to this dynamically developing region of the world, its interest in using its capabilities in the implementation of programs for the economic recovery of Siberia and Far East, the need to strengthen regional cooperation in the field of countering terrorism, ensuring security and establishing dialogue between civilizations. Russia will continue to actively participate in the main integration structures of the Asia-Pacific region - the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, partnership mechanisms with the Association of States Southeast Asia(ASEAN), including the ASEAN Regional Forum.

A special place is given to the further strengthening of the SCO and the promotion of its initiative to create a network of partnerships between all integration associations in the Asia-Pacific region.

The most important direction of Russian foreign policy in Asia is the development of friendly relations with China and India. Russia will build up the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership in all areas based on the coincidence of fundamental approaches to key issues of world politics as one of the basic components of regional and global stability. The main task in the field of bilateral relations is to bring the volume and quality of economic interaction in line with the high level of political relations.

Deepening the strategic partnership with India, Russia is pursuing a principled line of strengthening interaction on current international issues and comprehensively strengthening mutually beneficial bilateral ties in all areas, especially to ensure a significant rise in the trade and economic sphere.

Russia shares the interest of China and India in establishing effective foreign policy and economic cooperation in the trilateral Russia-India-China format.

The Russian Federation stands for good neighborly relations and creative partnership with Japan in the interests of the peoples of both countries. Problems inherited from the past, for which we will continue to work on a generally acceptable solution, should not become an obstacle on this path.

Russian foreign policy is aimed at increasing the positive dynamics of relations with the states of Southeast Asia, primarily at developing a strategic partnership with Vietnam, as well as multifaceted cooperation with Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore and other countries in the region.

Of fundamental importance for Russia is the overall improvement of the situation in Asia, where sources of tension and conflict remain and the danger of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is increasing. Efforts will focus on Russia's active participation in the search for a political solution to the nuclear problem on the Korean Peninsula, on maintaining constructive relations with the DPRK and the Republic of Korea, on encouraging dialogue between Pyongyang and Seoul, and on strengthening security in Northeast Asia.

Russia will contribute in every possible way to a political and diplomatic settlement of the situation around Iran's nuclear program based on recognition of the right of all member states of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and ensuring strict compliance with the requirements of the nuclear non-proliferation regime.

The deepening crisis in Afghanistan poses a threat to the security of the southern borders of the CIS. Russia in cooperation with other interested countries of the UN, CSTO, SCO and other multilateral institutions. Will make consistent efforts to prevent the export of terrorism and drugs from Afghanistan, achieve a lasting and fair political settlement to the problems of this country while respecting the rights and interests of all ethnic groups inhabiting it, and post-conflict restoration of Afghanistan as a sovereign, peace-loving state.

Russia will make a significant contribution to stabilizing the situation in the Middle East, using its status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a member of the quartet of international mediators. The main goal is to mobilize collective efforts to achieve, on an internationally recognized basis, a comprehensive and lasting settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict in all its aspects, including the creation of an independent Palestinian state coexisting in peace and security with Israel. Such a settlement must be achieved with the participation and taking into account the legitimate interests of all states and peoples on which stability in the region depends. The Russian Federation stands for building up collective efforts based on mutual respect aimed at helping to end the violence and achieving a political settlement in Iraq through national reconciliation and the restoration of full-fledged statehood and the economy of this country.

In order to further expand interaction with the states of the Muslim world, Russia will use the opportunities of its participation as an observer in the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the League of Arab States, pursue an active line within the framework of the implementation of the G8 Partnership Initiative with the Middle East region and North Africa. Priority attention will be paid to the development of mutually beneficial economic cooperation, including in the energy sector, with the states of this region of the world that is strategically important for Russian national interests.

Russia will expand diverse interaction with African states on a bilateral and multilateral basis, including dialogue and cooperation within the G8, and promote the speedy resolution of regional conflicts and crisis situations in Africa. Political dialogue with the African Union and subregional organizations will develop, and their capabilities will be used to connect Russia to economic projects on the continent.

Russia will strive to establish a strategic partnership with Brazil. Increase political and economic cooperation with Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela and other countries Latin America and the Caribbean and their associations. Building on the serious progress achieved in relations with the states of this region in recent years, expand interaction with these states in international organizations, encourage the export of Russian high-tech industrial products to Latin American countries, implement joint projects in the field of energy, infrastructure, high technology, including within the framework of plans developed in regional integration associations.

5. Conclusion

The globalization of human problems naturally presupposes the humanization of international and interstate relations. This means that politics is conducted for the sake of people, that the interests of a person, his rights are higher than the prerogatives of the state: it is not people who live for the sake of the state, but the state functions for the sake of the people, it is intended to be their weapon, a means, and not its own value. Main criterion any government and public institutions- service to people. However, the idea of ​​the supremacy of man should not turn into an absolute and be divorced from the realities of existence. He must be considered in inextricable connection with other people, production, society, nature, and realize that the meaning of life is not in consumption, but in creation, in serving other people.

Thus, the global problems of our time are complex and comprehensive. They are closely intertwined with each other, with regional and national-state problems. They are based on contradictions on a global scale, affecting the foundations of the existence of modern civilization. The aggravation of these contradictions in one link leads to destructive processes as a whole and gives rise to new problems. Permission global problems It is also complicated by the fact that the level of management of global processes on the part of international organizations, their awareness and financing on the part of sovereign states is still low. The strategy of human survival based on solving the global problems of our time should lead peoples to new frontiers of civilized development.

When developing the foreign policy strategy of our country, it is important to maintain the organic unity of the principles of forming the foreign and domestic policies of the state. That is, the state must provide for the existence of uniform standards governing relations with all these groups of countries. Therefore, while fighting the authoritarian tendencies of the West, Russia itself should not allow this kind of action towards neighboring countries. Condemning manifestations of nationalism and fascism in the sphere of international relations, it must equally resolutely fight them within the country, demanding openness from its competitors, and must equally publicly highlight its actions in the country and in the international arena.

6. List of references:

1. Gadzhiev K.S. Geopolitics. M., 1997.

2. Lebedeva M.M. World politics. M., 2003.

3. Mukhaev R.T. Political science: Textbook for students of law and humanities faculties. M., 2000.

4. Political science in questions and answers: Tutorial for universities / Ed. prof. SOUTH. Volkova. M., 2001.

Russia is carried out simultaneously with the development of society as a whole. So, after the USSR ceased to exist, a completely new stage began in the interaction of our state with other countries of the world. And by January 1992, Russia was recognized by 131 states.

The history of Russian foreign policy today is based on the choice of the main priority - the creation of the CIS as a new form of equal and voluntary cooperation between the former republics of the USSR. The agreement on the formation of this Commonwealth was signed on December 8, 1991. in Minsk, and in January 1993 the CIS Charter was adopted. However, today the documents that were adopted by the coordinating bodies, ranging from the settlement of issues of cooperation on economic issues to the process of disintegration of those that were in force before the demise of the USSR, have become somewhat alarming.

Russian foreign policy in recent years has been aimed at improving relations with Georgia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Our state has become the only participant implementation of peacekeeping tasks in the so-called “hot spots” of the CIS (Georgia, Moldova and Tajikistan).

Recently, quite complex and confusing relations with Ukraine have developed. Friendship, cooperation and allied ties correspond to the interests of the peoples of these two countries, however, the ambition and mutual distrust of specific politicians of these states gradually led to prolonged stagnation in their relations.

The concept of Russian foreign policy is based on the following priorities:

The place of the Russian Federation in a changing situation. Thus, with the further creation of the CIS, a completely new foreign policy situation arose for our state. Profound changes in the geostrategic and geopolitical situation have put forward the requirement to rethink the role and place of Russia in the system of relations at the international level;

Russia's foreign policy largely depends on external factors, which weaken the position of the state in the international arena. Within the framework of the modern geopolitical situation, our state is faced with a huge number of problematic issues. Due to changes in the political, economic and ideological situation in the Russian Federation, its foreign policy activity is sharply decreasing.

The defense capability of the state was significantly affected by the reduction; as a result, it was pushed towards the northeast, while losing the merchant fleet, about half of the sea ports and direct access to the sea routes in the West and South.

Russia's foreign policy is carried out in the direction of integrating our state into the world-class market and harmonizing the political orientation of the course with the policies of the leading powers of the world.

The political activity of any state is carried out, first of all, in the system of internal social relations, and then beyond its borders - in the system of external relations. As a result, they distinguish internal And external politics, although this distinction is to a certain extent arbitrary. Ultimately, both foreign and domestic policies are designed to solve one problem - to ensure the preservation and strengthening of the existing system of social relations in a given state.

At the same time, both domestic and foreign policies have their own specifics. Foreign policy is secondary to domestic policy. It is formed later than the internal one, and is carried out under different conditions.

Foreign policy regulates the relations of a given state with other states and peoples, ensures the implementation of their needs and interests in the international arena.

Foreign policy- this is the activity and interaction of official entities that have received or appropriated the right on behalf of the entire people to express and defend national interests in the international arena, to choose adequate means and methods for their implementation.

The foreign policy of any state is based on the interests of the nation. All civilized countries, regardless of their government system They consider raising the material and spiritual standard of living of the population to be their national priorities; ensuring state security, national sovereignty, territorial integrity; inadmissibility of outside interference in internal affairs; protection of certain political and economic positions in the outside world.

Hence, national interest there is a conscious need for the nation to self-preserve, develop and ensure security. The expresser and defender of national interest in the practice of foreign and international policy is the state. The concepts of national and state interest are difficult to distinguish, since each nation, wrote M. Weber, is a community of feelings that can find its adequate expression only in its own state, and a nation can preserve its culture only with the support and protection of the state.

Operating with power relations, the state becomes an exponent of the will of the nation in international politics and strives to preserve and develop national individuality. The goals that the state sets for itself in the international arena are of fundamental importance for the characteristics of foreign policy.

To the main goals foreign policy include:

Ensuring comprehensive and guaranteed security of the state;

The growth of his material and political, military and intellectual, as well as moral potential;

High level of prestige of the state in international relations.

Based on the goals, it is determined functions foreign policy , common to all states: protective, representative and informational, ideological, coordination of efforts of states to solve global problems, trade and organizational.

Security function foreign policy is associated with ensuring the preservation and strengthening of the existing system of social relations within a given state from external encroachments, and the protection of the rights and interests of a given country and its citizens in international affairs.

The effectiveness of this function depends on the ability of states, their relevant bodies and institutions to interact with other states of the world community in such a way as to make the world order safer for the life of all subjects of international relations.

Representative information function consists in the activities of representative bodies and institutions of the state abroad to study foreign policy processes; accumulation, processing and analysis of reliable information on the state of international affairs; bringing this information to their government with the issuance of specific recommendations for its implementation.

The practical significance of this function lies in the fact that through negotiations and personal contacts of the main subjects of foreign policy, on the basis of received and analyzed information, international public opinion favorable for the country is formed, and a corresponding influence is exerted on the political circles of certain states. This function is often implemented during international negotiations and the conclusion of international treaties.

Ideological function foreign policy consists of promoting the philosophical, political, economic, social advantages of one’s system and way of life in the international arena. Here it should be especially emphasized how delicate this matter is. Certain ideologies underlying foreign policy actions can cause large-scale conflicts between states and have international consequences. History shows that the rivalry of irreconcilable ideologies, a foreign policy seeking the triumph of a single ideology, has always led to especially fanatical and bloody wars, to difficult confrontations (World War II, Cold War).

Most political scientists adhere to the point of view that the ideological dispute between different systems should ultimately be resolved not through political, military, economic, or propaganda intervention of the disputing parties, but through an open demonstration of obvious advantages.

One of the specific functions of foreign policy, which can be identified as independent, is coordination of efforts of states to solve many complex problems that have universal human, global character. Global problems are problems that affect the vital interests of all humanity, including its future. They manifest themselves as an objective factor in the development of society in the main regions of the world and require coordinated international actions within the global community to be resolved. TO global problems include problems of war and peace, interaction between man and nature, overcoming the economic backwardness of the population of 2/3 of the globe, combating hunger and poverty, protecting human health, growing the planet's population, energy and natural resources, the relationship between man and society.

The essence trade and organizational function consists of proactive organizational actions of the state aimed at increasing the international competitiveness of industrial and agricultural products, expanding the export of goods, searching for profitable trade deals, contacts, and creating other favorable foreign policy conditions for activity. The effectiveness of its manifestation is determined by self-sufficiency or dependence on imports of essential goods.

Foreign policy activities to achieve set goals are implemented with the help of a whole complex means, methods. These include information and propaganda, political, economic, and military.

Means mass media, propaganda , agitation play an important role in strengthening the international position of the state, help strengthen its security, help ensure trust on the part of allies and potential partners, obtain material and moral support on their part at critical moments, they form among the international community sympathy and friendliness towards a given state, and, if necessary, anger, condemnation, indignation, etc.

Propaganda media foreign policy contribute to veiling the true interests and intentions of the state. History knows many examples of this (the false assurances of the Nazis at the beginning of the Second World War). Political means of foreign policy are used primarily in the sphere of diplomatic relations, where a correct assessment of the balance of power, the ability to accurately determine the position in difficult situations, recognize friends and enemies, etc. are important.

Diplomacy - This is the official activity of states and governments, services of ministries of foreign affairs, and diplomatic missions abroad. The most common diplomatic means and methods are visits and negotiations, diplomatic conferences, meetings and meetings, preparation and conclusion of bilateral and multilateral international treaties and other diplomatic documents, participation in the work of international organizations and their bodies, representations of states abroad, diplomatic correspondence, publication diplomatic documents.

The political means of foreign policy are closely interconnected with economic ones.

Under by economic means foreign policy implies the use of the economic potential of a given country to achieve foreign policy goals. States with strong economies and financial power also have strong international positions. Even small-sized countries, poor in human and material resources, can play a significant role on the world stage if their economy is based on advanced technologies and is capable of generating scientific and technological progress. Effective economic means of foreign policy are an embargo or most favored nation treatment in trade, the provision of licenses, investments, credits, loans, other economic assistance or refusal to provide it.

By military means foreign policy is generally considered to be the military power of the state, which includes the presence of an army, taking into account its size, quality of weapons, combat readiness, and morale; presence of military bases and nuclear weapons. Military means can be used to exert both direct pressure on other countries and indirect ones. Forms of direct pressure can be war, intervention, blockade; indirect - exercises, parades, maneuvers, testing of new types of weapons.

Nowadays, many political scientists adhere to the point of view that in modern conditions the role of political, economic, propaganda, cultural and other factors is increasing with a relative decrease specific gravity military force even in relation to achieving such a foreign policy goal as ensuring the security of the country. Theorists of this direction believe that with the deepening and expansion of economic ties and economic interdependence on a regional and global scale, security is increasingly intertwined with international cooperation, forming a single whole with it.

Theorists of the opposite direction note that the factor of force has not disappeared from world politics, that national security can only be guaranteed by “national military power.”

Foreign policy is carried out by strictly defined government structures. Official subjects of foreign policy are state represented by its representative institutions and executive and administrative bodies, as well as officials: the head of state, parliament, government. Foreign policy activity is materialized through a specially created mechanism - the system of foreign relations bodies.

Modern system of external relations bodies, As a rule, it consists of two groups: domestic and foreign. Internal government bodies include the president, parliament, government, specialized institutions (ministries of foreign affairs, etc.). Foreign bodies are divided into permanent (consulates, embassies, permanent representation in international organizations) and temporary (participation in international conferences, meetings, symposiums, etc.).

The considered structure, functions, methods of foreign policy, the system of foreign relations bodies, and national interests collectively ensure the functioning of the foreign policy mechanism of any state.

Leading political scientists believe that the doctrine of Russian foreign policy should be the concept of a “healthy national” pragmatism ». This doctrine is focused on achieving political and economic benefits for Russia, the absence of such foreign policy actions that would have an excessive political or economic cost for the country. At the same time, such pragmatism should not develop into political unprincipledness, but be built on the norms of universal morality, morality and international law.

The components of this doctrine may be the following:

- continuity of the country's foreign policy. The new doctrine must incorporate everything valuable and positive that was in Russia’s international activities;

- unconditional independence in making foreign policy decisions, which does not exclude consultations with other interested parties;

- relying primarily on one's own strengths, which does not exclude the possibility of using foreign assistance on acceptable terms;

- rejection of excessive ideologization of foreign policy, characteristic of the Soviet period;

- development of foreign policy relations in all directions, because Russia is interested in developing relations with different regions planets.

The primary task of Russian policy at the current stage is to recreate economic ties between the various republics of the former USSR. It is very important to pay close attention to Russia’s cooperation with the states of Eastern Europe, which for a long time, especially in recent decades, have been closely associated with Russia. All countries of the former CMEA are vitally interested in good neighborly cooperation.

Russia's relations with the West are of fundamental importance, given its role in the modern world. Russia does not have the slightest prejudice against the USA, Germany, England, France and any other country in this most important region of the planet. We highly value the achievements of Western civilization and advocate creatively perceiving everything valuable and useful created within its framework. Of particular importance for Russia is the further development of ties with such subjects of international relations as China and India. These ties, which have good traditions, can play the role of a powerful stabilizing factor on the world stage.

Russian foreign policy can be no less active than in Soviet times in the countries of the “third world”, carrying out diverse cooperation with developing countries of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Foreign policy is the general course of a state in international affairs, which is designed to regulate the relations of a given state with other states and peoples, in accordance with its principles and goals, carried out by various means and methods. Foreign policy cannot fully meet the needs and interests of a given state. In this sense, foreign policy is a continuation and complement of domestic policy. Thus, domestic and foreign policy are closely interconnected. This relationship extends to almost all areas public life.

The domestic policy of each state not only determines the direction, but also provides the means for implementing foreign policy. An effective foreign policy can actively influence the implementation of domestic policy goals and adjust it in accordance with international conditions.

Types of foreign policy:

Active consists of an intensive search for a balance between domestic and foreign policies.

Passive is inherent mainly in economically underdeveloped states that are forced to adapt to the international environment.

Aggressive consists in the formation of one’s own domestic policy, the desire, with the help of one’s foreign policy activities, to put pressure on changes in the domestic and foreign policies of other states.

Conservative- consists of active, sometimes aggressive, protection of the previously achieved balance between domestic and foreign policy.

The essence of the state’s foreign policy activities cannot be considered in isolation from the goals that it sets for itself.

The goals of foreign policy are varied, but in concentrated form the main goals can be divided into groups:

1) Ensuring the national security of a given state: one of the most important tasks of the state. In times of conflict, threats to sovereignty and territorial integrity, a state usually subordinates all other goals to ensuring its national security in order to create effective guarantees against external attack.

2) Increase in the economic and political power of the state: represents one of the primary directions in the activities of the state. The power of a state depends on its internal political stability and ability to regulate the conflicting interests of various strata of society. The state, through its foreign policy activities and participation in economic and political groups, can contribute to the effective economic development of the country and improve the material and cultural standard of living.

3) Growth of the state’s prestige in international affairs: Each state is interested in creating a positive international image and other international positions among other states of the world community.

Foreign policy is characterized by the performance of a number of functions:

Security– aimed at protecting the rights and interests of the state and its citizens abroad; to prevent threats, to search for a peaceful political solution to controversial problems. The following may pose a threat to the state:

· Decrease in prestige in the eyes of the world community

· Appearance territorial claims from neighboring countries

· Support for nationalist separatist movements within the country by foreign powers.

Institutions that contribute to the implementation of the protective function are embassies, consulates, representative offices, and cultural centers. A special task lies on the shoulders of intelligence and counterintelligence.

Representative and informational– aimed at analytical analysis of the international situation on specific issues, at shaping through influence on public opinion and political groups of countries, favorable conditions to solve foreign policy problems. It is expressed in the activities of the relevant bodies to form the international authority of the state in the world community. Implemented within the framework of cultural and scientific exchanges, the activities of cultural centers of foreign countries, etc.

Organizational- consists of proactive actions aimed at finding profitable trade, scientific, technical and other contacts that favor foreign policy conditions in the activities of the state.

These functions are implemented through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, embassies, and consulates.

An important element of the process of foreign policy activities of the state is the choice of means and assessment of their effectiveness. In carrying out its foreign policy, the state usually uses a variety of means. They can be grouped as follows:

1. Information and prognostic tools

2. Economic means - A state with a strong economy also has strong international relations. The most important economic means of foreign policy are also the state’s energy and raw material bases, foreign trade, imports and exports, investment and licensing policies. In international practice, such means are often used. Like an economic embargo, or most favored nation treatment in trade.

3. Political (diplomatic relations)

4. Military. Military means are considered to be the military power of the state, i.e. army size, types armed forces and weapons, the presence of military bases, the possession of nuclear weapons. Military means are often used to put pressure on other countries. The forms of such pressure can be exercises, maneuvers, parades, testing of new types of weapons, etc.

43.The essence and main subjects of international relations.

International relations - total economic, political, legal, ideological, diplomatic, military, etc., connections and relationships between entities operating on the world stage.

Excellent The special features of international relations are as follows:

1) polycentrism - absence of a center of power;

2) a significant degree of spontaneity in international relations;

3) the great importance of the subjective factor in determining the foreign policy course of the state.

Subjects international relations:

1) state;

2) communities of the state;

3) religious, international state;

4) ideological organizations;

5) military-political blocs or alliances (NATO, etc.)

The actions of participants in international relations depend on many objective and subjective factors:

1) geographer;

2) Religious;

3) scientific and technical;

4) ideological

5) cultural-civilization;

6) public opinion;

7) international law.

45. The main directions of political thought in Russia in the 19th – early 20th centuries.

Two currents of Russian socio-political thought emerged, colliding with each other in irreconcilable conflict. It was an exercise Westerners(P.V. Annenkov, I.K. Babst, I.V. Vernadsky, T.N. Granovsky). They believed in the unity of human civilization and believed that it was headed by Western Europe. It points the right path to the rest of humanity, since here the principles of humanity, freedom and progress are most fully and successfully implemented. They in every possible way promoted constitutional political institutions and other progressive, in comparison with Russia, examples of Western European, social, spiritual and cultural life. Slavophiles(K.S. Aksakov, I.V. Kireevsky, Yu.F. Samarin, A.S. Khomyakov) argued that there is no single universal civilization and, therefore, a single path of development for everyone. Each nation lives its own independent life, which is based on deep ideological principles. They rejected the backwardness of Russian society in spiritual and cultural terms, recognizing only the economic and technical lag. Late Slavophiles– N.Ya. Danilevsky, K.N. Leontiev – were convinced that the Russian people, in order to preserve their independence, must get rid of the disease of thoughtless imitation of Western European, liberal forms of social life.

In the 20th century A very fruitful idea convergence, i.e. rapprochement, interpenetration and complementarity of Western and eastern forms organizing social life, optimizing the relationship between its individualist (West) and collectivist (East) principles.

Revolutionary democratic ideology(V.G. Belinsky, A.I. Herzen, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov). They believed that the main driving force behind the development of society was the masses. They believed that in Russia it was possible to avoid the capitalist path of development and move to socialism through the peasant community, in which they saw a prototype of the future society. This could be ensured by a Republic in which power belongs to the people.

The question of the new socio-political structure of Russia becomes the main one in the works of ideologists populism. It combined democratic political ideas and the ideas of peasant socialism. There are two trends: revolutionary and liberal, which converged on basic theoretical principles and diverged on issues of tactics. Revolutionary direction(M.A. Bakunin, P.L. Lavrov, P.N. Tkachev), liberal(N.K. Mikhailovsky, V.P. Vorontsov, N.F. Danielson).

At the end of the 19th century, Russia appeared Marxist direction(G.V. Plekhanov, V.I. Lenin, S.N. Bulgakov, N.A. Berdyaev). They were engaged in criticism of the ideas of liberal populism, especially the position about Russia’s original path to socialism. They proceeded from the fact that the driving force of the coming socialist revolution would not be the peasantry, but the proletariat. Soon its representatives split into different political groups: Lenin led the Bolsheviks, Plekhanov became the leader of the Mensheviks, Berdyaev switched to liberal democratic positions.

Leninism in theory, he ultimately proceeded from the idea of ​​Russia’s original path to socialism, and in political action he was oriented towards an uprising, seizure of power, dictatorship in the name of saving the people. There was an imperceptible combination of the tradition of revolutionary Marxism with the tradition of old Russian revolutionism, which did not want to allow a capitalist stage in the development of Russia.

In the beginning XX century The country was faced with the prospect of a transition to legal, democratic forms of political life, but this chance could not be realized. Parliamentarians attacked each other and the government rejected any form of political cooperation. Non-standard, creative thought was rejected in the country, and Stalin assumed the role of the only generator of socio-political ideas. He put forward a number of political postulates: the aggravation of the class struggle, the transition to communism in a single country, the concentration of power in the hands of the executive apparatus of the state, which led to mass repression, the alienation of the people from the means of production and power.

In 1955, the Soviet association was created political sciences, and since the mid-70s, separate lectures on topical problems of Soviet and foreign political science began to be given in a number of universities.

Russia's foreign policy is in the spotlight, and even those who criticize it recognize the excellence of Russian diplomats and Moscow's ability to seize emerging geopolitical opportunities. However, the question of setting foreign policy goals remains at the level of general statements about Russia’s national interests, which are not clearly stated. Why is diplomacy needed in the 21st century? And is skillful play on the “great chessboard” enough to ensure sustainable development of the country in conditions of complex and multidimensional interdependence?

Artem Alikin,
The topic “Foreign Policy - Goal or Means” is extremely interesting for me as it allows me to express some thoughts about trends in the foreign policy process of both Russia and a number of states.
The opposition between ends and means stated in the topic is not opposition in the full sense. Rather, the goal and the means represent a dialectical unity and are the basis of a single mental paradigm...

Nikita Ananyev,
Politics, according to Otto von Bismarck, is “the art of the possible.” Most likely, he meant by this the activities of the state aimed at defending its own interests. Foreign policy is no exception. Each state has its own interests, which it defends in the international arena. Some call these interests “state”, others “national”, but formal definitions do not play a role in this case...

Arina Basova,
“Foreign Policy – ​​End or Means?” - perhaps, for a country like Russia, this question requires a clear answer - a means. The Russian Federation is definitely no longer a country that creates its own diplomatic and consular missions, enters international organizations and establishes connections with other states only in order to prove itself and declare to the world its existence and desire to be a participant in international life. Russia is a prominent player, an actor that, with the help of clearly developed mechanisms and qualified representatives, puts its interests into practice through foreign policy...

Vladimir Beklyamishev,
From a theoretical point of view, clarifying the role of foreign policy is not difficult. Firstly, it is enough to immediately pay attention to its derivativeness in relation to the constitutional goals of the state - ensuring human rights and freedoms, as well as the resource provision of internal policy means. The noted features characterize diplomacy, first of all, as a tool for creating a favorable environment in the process of achieving the state’s basic objectives...

Anastasia Bogapova,
Let's admit it - you can't talk about foreign policy without understanding domestic policy. What is the foreign policy of a state if a crisis of legitimacy has formed in the country and the risk of a change of authorities becomes more of a threat? In this case, the course of foreign policy will be extremely ineffective, or foreign policy will be a means! A means for legitimizing and increasing authority not only at the international level, but also at the national level...

Yulia Gaeva,
Diplomacy is the official activity of heads of state, government and special foreign relations bodies to achieve goals and objectives
foreign policy of states, as well as the protection of the rights and interests of the state abroad. In the modern world, diplomacy plays a huge role. But why is diplomacy needed specifically in Russia and in general in the 21st century?..

Mariam Galstyan,
When talking about foreign policy, people often understand only the international policy of the state, regarding, for example, the military sphere. But if you study in more detail the components of the state’s foreign policy, you can understand that this concept perhaps covers all spheres of the state’s activity: economic, cultural, social and even spiritual...

Alexander Zhuravlev,
Foreign policy has always been the focus of attention of the media, politicians and ordinary citizens - this is especially noticeable today, due to the complicating political situation in Russia and the increasing tension in international relations. And the discussion about the place of foreign policy in our lives flares up again - is the success of the state in the external arena some objective good, valuable in itself, or is it just a tool for realizing other, more important goals?..

Maria Zinovieva,
There are countries in the world whose position on many international issues is not defined, they do not pursue an active foreign policy, and, one might say, they are generally not heard on the world stage. At the same time, the situation within these same countries is more than favorable for their population. Take, for example, Norway or Sweden. These are countries with one of the highest standards of living in the world. Now let’s ask ourselves: “When last time Have we heard about the participation of Norway or Sweden in world politics?..

Marina Zosimova,
From school we are taught that the main features of a state include: the presence of territory, population and sovereignty. Of course, this list is not exhaustive, but it is still necessary to mention another most important feature of a state - international recognition. Today, in conditions when the concept of interdependence is becoming increasingly relevant, we can say that recognition of a subject by other states as an equal entity is an integral part of the existence of the state...

Anna Kadtsyna,
The traditional method of combating the intensification of Russia's foreign policy and its defense of its national interests is international isolation. Now we see a clear attempt at such isolation - economic sanctions, seizure of accounts and property of large Russian companies abroad, unfounded refusals to issue visas. This method of fighting is considered successful and was used against Cuba, Iran, and North Korea. In 2015, the United States had to admit that sanctions measures are not effective in achieving foreign policy goals, and they also contradict fundamental human rights...

Nikolay Kozlov,
Historically, politics has been modernized and its essence has changed. Why politics was considered a tool, but not the task itself, and what foreign policy is, we will try to determine in this work. The question of the role of politics in the life of society arose constantly, and especially in moments of crisis. Now that Russia has begun active foreign policy contacts around the world, the importance of foreign policy in strengthening Russia’s international weight has also increased...

Roman Kolesnikov,
What is foreign policy? Each state answered this question in its own way. However, despite the existence of more than two hundred states, possible options There are only two answers - a means and/or an end...

Maria Korotkevich,
Russia is a word in the context of its policies that can evoke a wide range of feelings: from admiration to rejection, from exaltation to a feeling of fear. We can confidently say that we cannot expect an unambiguous assessment of Russia’s actions on the world stage from outside observers. And indeed, recently our country has attracted close attention from other states, which is not at all accidental: the Russian Federation, due to its available resources and capabilities, is striving to occupy its niche among the “powers that be.” How is it possible otherwise?..

Alexander Kosyrev,
Answering the question posed, we can safely answer that foreign policy is a means of: protecting national interests on the world stage, achieving any internal political goals. Arguing the above, we can give examples of a potential US partner...

Vladimir Kravtsev,
It is necessary to understand that the progressive development of the state and statehood are somewhat different. The process of the country’s development is an order of magnitude more complex, it is a multifaceted vector work...

Igor Loiko,
Before starting to consider the chosen research topic, I would like to note its relevance against the backdrop of decisive actions of the Russian government on the world stage in relation to emerging threats to the national security of the state and the world community.
In this work we will try to briefly define the main goals of Russian foreign policy and the means we have to achieve them...

Margarita Makarenko,
V. O. Klyuchevsky said the following phrase about politics: “When the state implements correct principles, then you can speak directly and act directly. When the correct principles are not implemented in the state, you can act directly, but speak carefully.” I believe that this expression can be applied not only to domestic policy, but also to foreign...

Yaroslav Maltsev,
The question of the goals of foreign policy and its relationship with domestic policy is extremely relevant today in conditions when Russia is experiencing uncertainty in relations with the outside world and, at the same time, is experiencing an economic crisis that can develop into a political one. The problem of applying resources in these circumstances forces us to think about the most effective goal setting in both external and internal spheres and about their relative importance...

Kirill Mamaev,
The problem stated in the topic contains elements that form a certain dialectical unity. Each specific state, which, from the point of view of the constructivist paradigm, is an intersubjective association, under the influence of its cultural characteristics, can give preference to one or another element of a given “foreign policy yin-yang”, somewhat neglecting others...

Ulugbek Normatov,
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the victory of the West, led by the United States, in the decades-long confrontation between the two forces on the world stage, momentarily showed the superiority of the victors in the Cold War. The following years were marked by the strengthening of the United States and Europe through the development of, for the most part, international institutions controlled by them (IMF, World Bank, WTO). The West also increased its power in the military-political sphere (NATO expansion)…

Ilya Olenichenko,
Russia has embarked on the path of change! The country is taking its first steps towards democracy. However, there are shortcomings in the public understanding of modern capabilities. One of the problems is business development. In Russia, this can be justified by several reasons: the country’s socialist past...

Maxim Orlov,
Modern international relations have entered a phase of transformation, marking a new, still emerging world order, in connection with the crisis events in Ukraine; problem international terrorism not a network principle; ongoing instability in the Middle East, as well as the changing role of the United States of America in international affairs.
It is the changing role of the United States in international affairs that is one of the main factors in the ongoing transformation...

Marina Pospelova,
Taking into account the growth of integration processes in the conditions of international relations, the creation of transnational interstate associations and unions, as well as globalization processes, Russia, as one of the key players in the international arena, has embarked on the path of self-determination in the new world order. Foreign policy issues have become prevalent, well-coordinated and widely discussed in Western and Russian press circles. Russia demonstrates a high level of diplomacy and no less global geopolitical interests. So what is foreign policy for Russia today - a goal or a means?..

Mark Saamov,
Modern foreign policy is a means through which states defend their interests and, if necessary, strengthen their own security. This is true for all countries in the world at the moment, including Russia.
Speaking about foreign policy, a comparison with competition in a market economy suggests itself...

Murad Sadigzade,
Speaking about diplomacy of the 21st century, it should be noted that at the present stage of international relations, one slightest, ill-considered word can become the reason for a global conflict. Indeed, the foreign policy of the Russian Federation and the actions of the diplomatic corps are worthy of praise, since they quickly formed new look authoritative and powerful Russia. Diplomatic successes in regulating the Syrian conflict not only presented Russia as a reliable international partner who will not abandon its allies to their fate, but also once again confirmed the fact of the collapse of the unipolar world. Russia must be respected and its interests taken into account - a goal that has been successfully achieved thanks to a skillful foreign policy...

Elizaveta Sidelnikova,
Today, the Arctic is both a region where opposing interests of states collide when defending their own national interests and sovereign rights, and at the same time, an area of ​​enormous opportunities for cooperation in those areas of activity where a unilateral solution to problems is impossible. The question is: is the world preparing for cooperation?..

Roman Slobodyan,
A professional game with several pieces on a “chessboard” can bring victory in one or even several games, but multidimensional modernity makes its own adjustments to the approaches and rules of the game. A simultaneous game session with individual rules for each “board” has become an everyday reality. A qualitative response to the asymmetrical challenges and threats, which are supported by the progressive innovative strategies and technologies of opponents, requires extraordinary plasticity of thinking from Russia...

Ilya Tikhonov,
Foreign policy is one of the types of social activities aimed at preserving or changing the world order (M.A. Khrustalev).
As follows from this definition, foreign policy is purposeful, that is, it is a set of actions aimed at achieving specific task. It is formed and determined based on three factors: resources, interests and goals...

Evgeny Tishchenko,
The fiery dragon, according to Napoleonic precepts, is already waking up. The truisms that have long been set on edge, you say! But why didn’t Russia turn its selfless continental gaze to the East back in 2002-2003, when it could have been done without unnecessary transaction costs and strategic concessions. Intensifying the search for diplomatic meanings in the “yin-yang” context seems very promising only from the point of view of the pragmatic economic component. After all, no one has yet canceled competition for the Central Asian countries, even Friedman’s state of the “flat world”, when geography takes its revenge on the Vienna congresses and other Versailles meetings...

Dayan Urmanov,
The speed of change in the international political and economic situation in the modern world has reached a level where predicting future challenges is not just a thankless task, but more similar to the actions of the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” program - “maybe I’ll guess right.” But, despite this, it is possible to identify a number of global imperatives on which Russia’s ability to gain a foothold in the international arena as an independent and strong player depends...

Ivan Fokin,
The very formulation of the question in this way contains a logical trap for those who consider foreign policy as an end in itself of any state activity.
In my deep conviction, any policy that is carried out Russian State is determined by two articles of the fundamental legislative act of our country - the Constitution: Article 2 and Article 3...

Ekaterina Fominykh,
The foreign policy of a state is the direction of the state beyond its borders, the purpose of which is to realize national interests.
The goals and means of foreign policy depend on many circumstances, for example, the socio-political structure of the state, political regime, form of government, level of political culture, geopolitical conditions, historical features and other factors...

Olga Kharina,
In conditions when the agenda is about the continuation or renewal of the Cold War, when the world is becoming even more fragile in the context of information pressure and the actions of non-state actors in international relations, it becomes extremely difficult to analyze and predict such a rapidly changing situation.
However, the main trends can be traced. Current events in the economic sphere, the reorientation of Russia's policy towards the East and its emphasis on partnership with China allow us to talk about the formation of new forced alliances that pursue their strategic and economic interests in Asia...

Ulyana Khoilova,
Before revealing the topic of this work, it is necessary to understand what the phenomenon and concept of “foreign policy” is. It would seem that there is nothing special to understand here, since today it is already so entrenched in everyday life world community, which has become something taken for granted...