Mirror of Venus and spear of Mars symbols. Male and female zodiac signs

Belonging to a certain element is one of the most important characteristics person. All four known elements are invisibly present in every person: FIRE, EARTH, AIR and WATER. But one of these elements is always predominant. It is she who creates the appearance, determines the character, shapes the temperament and influences it. mental abilities. Without knowing a person's date of birth, it is difficult to determine which zodiac sign he belongs to. But his belonging to a certain element is easy to recognize. The benefits of this are obvious: business partners, friends and girlfriends will be in front of you at a glance. The element makes it possible to describe many things very accurately. And forewarned means forearmed.

/ Trigon is harmony from nature, a gift of fate. Trigon - three. Each element has three zodiac signs./
Polarities consistently alternate on the zodiac circle: Aries is a male sign, Taurus is a female sign, Gemini is a male sign, Cancer is a female sign, etc. The male signs include the trigons of Fire and Air, and the female signs include the trigons of Water and Earth. So the elements fall into two polar groups - masculine and female signs, with six zodiac signs in each. The division of Zodiac signs into male and female is not directly related to the topic of gender. It only describes the energy specifics and life strategy.

Each astrological parameter of the horoscope has at least three main levels of manifestation. This largely explains why, for example, representatives of the same sign or people born almost at the same time behave and live their lives so differently. These levels depend on the degree of consciousness of a person, the “maturity” of his soul, which, in turn, is determined by how much a person is ready to develop and take responsibility for everything that happens to him ( highest level), simply go with the flow (middle) or completely give up and degrade (low).

A person receives rewards and tasks according to his horoscope, but in accordance with the level he lives. Excellent student - transfer to the next grade, unsuccessful student - additional tasks to learn the lesson and improve to a new level. Often all three levels coexist in a person at the same time, but in relation to different spheres of life. For example, the most brilliant artist can be absolutely helpless in everyday life, or an ideal family man can be unbearable in the service. Sometimes fateful situations can move a person from level to level in a fairly short period of time. Thus, an orphaned child is forced to grow up earlier and be responsible for his own destiny even before reaching adulthood, that is, to rise one step higher.

I wonder what weak person both life's adversities and a sudden large jackpot can easily bring you down to the level of degradation. And even the most severe illness will raise the strong to a high spiritual level.

MALE SIGNS /+ POSITIVE/. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
They personify energetic actions in the outside world, in society. If there are more planets in a person’s horoscope in male signs, then he has greater dynamism, mobility, is less susceptible to external influences and is inclined to actively influence the world around us. The male principle is not susceptible to external influences, he himself strives to use expansive methods to influence the world around him, to change it for himself. From a psychological point of view, these are extroverts with a rational type of thinking. They are characterized by the ability to quickly react to changes in the external situation and respond to it with action, and in interaction with other signs, set the general tone and direction. These are world transformers who fill their lives with possibilities.

All male zodiac signs are characterized by: independence, individualism, openness, enterprise, ambition, the desire for superiority in any area, superficiality, globalism, the desire to expand one’s personal space.
Negative manifestations of the dominance of male signs in the horoscope can be: arrogance, excessive love of freedom, despotism, tactlessness, disregard for other people’s feelings, indiscriminateness in methods of achieving goals, self-affirmation at the expense of others.

In the area of ​​health, masculine signs are characterized by diseases caused by an excess of energy in the body. Rapidly developing illnesses, cuts, gunshot wounds, burns, and acute pain are typical. The symptoms are always pronounced. Illnesses lay the foundations for future complications. If the problem is not addressed, it will become stronger and appear later.

. Altruism, creative dedication, the ability to captivate by example. Heroism, courage, fearlessness, personal sacrifice for the sake of the common. Improving the world, spiritualizing everything rough and imperfect. Following high ideals.
EVENTS. Life is a struggle against injustice. There are many bright, memorable events that require active human intervention.

Readiness to give back, to give it all. Ebullient, sometimes unsystematic and meaningless activity, passion, desire to remake the world. It is important for a person to act immediately; the consequences of actions do not interest him.
EVENTS. Life requires activity from a person. He spends a lot of energy, is in a hurry, but not always productive. A large number of obstacles and inconveniences in life give rise to nervousness. The problems are quite simple, straightforward, requiring decisive and timely action. Success depends on the person himself.

Capture, violence, cruelty. Selfish desire to get what you want at someone else's expense. Imposing your point of view. Destructive force.
EVENTS. Life confronts a person with aggression and injustice. Fate rudely makes him understand that he is following the wrong path. In the worst case, a person becomes embittered and blames others for his troubles.

FEMALE SIGNS. /- SUPPORTIVE or NEGATIVE/ Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.
They are more stable, constant, and slower to change their attitudes and habitual forms of behavior. At the same time, they have greater endurance and internal strength. In interaction, they hear their partner better, react more subtly to his state, and, in contrast to male signs, their own is more significant to them inner world. Their values ​​are more closely related to family, home, and relationships. Internal changes are not destructive for them. IN social relations they strive more for reliable, strong forms, since here they feel less confident than male signs, and they strive to compensate for the lack of their own stability with the strength of external forms.

The predominance of planets in female signs in the horoscope inclines a person to passivity, consumption, and conservation of energy. He has no control over the events of his life: he is carried by the flow of circumstances. He is driven by the desire to blend in with the crowd, to align himself with someone stronger. A defensive life position dominates, focusing on preserving what already exists. Representatives of female signs become active only when they develop ideal conditions. From a psychological point of view, these are introverts with an irrational type of thinking. Their main features are modesty, diligence, timidity, willingness to obey, prudence, hard work, responsibility, patience, attention to detail, and restraint. The inharmonious manifestation of female signs is: fears, phobias, suspiciousness, envy, jealousy, deceit, pettiness, touchiness, slave psychology, lack of initiative, lack of own opinion, susceptibility to the influence of crowd psychology, unprincipledness, possessiveness.

In the field of health, female signs are characterized by the following problems: diseases from lack of energy in the body. Dull, nagging pain, complex and mild symptoms. Internal, protracted, chronic diseases with long incubation period. The causes of illnesses lie in a person’s past: unresolved problems, complexes. Hereditary genetic diseases.

Work on yourself, self-improvement. Mature, wise outlook on life. Loyalty to your principles. Complete self-control.
EVENTS. Saturated inner life. A person is not interested in the external, social part of existence, his mission is to transform the inner essence of phenomena, to work on himself.

.His inner world is of great importance for a person. Endurance, patience, perseverance. Dependence on your past. Difficult adaptation. Humble worker.
EVENTS. There are few external events. Slow life along the beaten path, few surprises. Much is done by inertia. A person is forced to adapt.

CHARACTER Passivity, laziness, apathy. Phobias, fear of the future. Depression, low self-esteem. They often become executors of someone else's evil will.
EVENTS. Stagnation, life relaxes a person and provokes degradation. Secret way of existence. Isolation from society.

The principle of complementarity, or polarity, is manifested in the fact that true strength is always combined with gentleness and openness. Rigidity, closedness, isolation, secrecy and aggressiveness are signs of weakness. In this regard, it is useful to recall the expression of this principle in the philosophy of Taoism: “The strong and hard perish, the soft and weak live.”

All Zodiac signs in the horoscope are divided into male and female Zodiac Signs. This division has nothing to do with gender. It denotes the energetic feature of representatives of two different zodiac groups and describes their life strategy. Find out which group your Zodiac Sign belongs to and how it characterizes you.

Male Zodiac Signs

TO male Signs The zodiac signs include: Aries, Gemini, Leo Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This zodiac group is also called active or positive. Male Zodiac Signs are more focused on creation, on the outside world and actions in society.

Representatives of these Zodiac Signs have the energy inherent in men: independence, individualism, openness, ambition, leadership, large-scale thinking and action, love of freedom, and enterprise.

Very often, male Zodiac Signs suffer from an excess of energy, which is why they need to monitor their health, since this often causes them to develop various diseases with pronounced symptoms. Male Zodiac Signs have an inherent desire to change the world, make it their own, and influence the people around them. These are extroverts with a practical type of thinking.

Female Zodiac Signs

Female Zodiac Signs in the horoscope are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Representatives of these constellations belong to the passive group of Zodiac Signs. They tend to conserve their energy, to consume rather than create.

Female Zodiac Signs very often have no control over the circumstances of their own lives. More precisely, they do not tend to struggle with the flow of problems and obstacles in their path. They are looking for a person stronger than themselves. Very often they are attracted specifically to the male Zodiac Signs, since they will be able to give what they need.

Representatives of this group of Zodiac Signs have a defensive life strategy. These are introverts, for the most part. Receptivity, ignorance and lack of initiative makes them weak. Despite this, representatives of these constellations are constantly ready to work on themselves, improve and achieve new knowledge, skills and experience. Although they are slowly, they are moving towards their goal.

The manifestation of masculine and feminine in the Zodiac Signs can be seen in life. Take a close look at your friends: there are probably women in your environment with a masculine Zodiac Sign, in whom there is a pronounced male character. Find among your friends men with a female Zodiac Sign. As a rule, there is a lot of feminine in them.

Symbol"Venus" and symbol"Mars" denote a woman and a man and have their roots in the history of Roman and Greek mythology.

Symbol of "Venus" is a female symbol, which is depicted as a circle with a cross pointing down. In its own way appearance this sign somewhat resembles the mirror of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and also personifies femininity.

Mars symbol is a male symbol that consists of a circle representing arrows and a shield symbolizing a spear. The circle in which the arrow is inscribed was usually depicted in such a way that the arrow would be directed towards 2 hours on the dial and denoted the courageous hero of the god of war Mars (Arrest).

The combination of these symbols represents multiple meanings and performances.
This sign Mars + Venus represents a heterosexual symbol and means love between two opposites, namely between a woman and a man.
Recently, this symbol has gained enormous popularity.

Another performance is when two unite male symbol Mars + Mars which are intended to show homosexual relationships between men.
Sign Venus + Venus denote love between two women However, no certainty has emerged with this kind of connection; confusion often arises, since this type of connection can mean both homosexual relationships and friendship between representatives of the same sex.

In order to indicate bisexual relationship There are several interpretations, but they have not settled on anything specific.
Bisexuality is usually denoted by combining several symbols of masculine and feminine in different sequences and quantities.

U transsexuals unlike bisexuals There are two strictly defined signs, equally popular and having the same meaning.
First sign It looks like two symbols of Mars and Venus are superimposed on each other, that is, one ring with a cross and a spear is drawn in the image.
Second sign does not use drawings of Venus and Mars, but their role is played by the symbol of Mercury.

The Ancient Greeks had an interesting tale about the origin of the sign of Mercury. When the god Hermes and Aphrodite had a child, they decided to give him a name by combining their two into one, so their child began to be called Hermaphrodite. Then the gods ordered the body of Hermaphrodite to be merged with the body of a beautiful nymph. Therefore, Hermaphroditus began to have characteristics of both sexes. This strange creature was assigned its own special sign, the symbol of Mercury.
If you try to analyze the image of the Mercury symbol, you will notice that it contains crescent signifying masculinity, as well as the mirror of Venus symbolizing the feminine.

All zodiac signs in the horoscope are divided into male and female. This division has nothing to do with gender, but denotes the energetic peculiarity of representatives of two different zodiac groups. Take a close look at your friends: there are probably women in your environment with a male Zodiac Sign, in whom a masculine character is clearly expressed. Find among your friends men with a female Zodiac Sign. As a rule, there is a lot of feminine in them. Find out which group your Zodiac Sign belongs to and how it characterizes you.

Male Zodiac Signs

Male Zodiac Signs include: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This zodiac group is also called active or positive. Male Zodiac Signs are more focused on creation, on the outside world and actions in society. Representatives of these Zodiac Signs have the energy inherent in men: independence, individualism, openness, ambition, leadership, large-scale thinking and action, love of freedom, and enterprise.

Very often, male Zodiac Signs suffer from an excess of energy, which is why they need to monitor their health, since this often causes them to develop various diseases with pronounced symptoms. Male Zodiac Signs a vivid desire to change the world, fake it for yourself, influence the people around you. This extroverts with a practical type of thinking.

Female Zodiac Signs

Female Zodiac Signs in the horoscope are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Representatives of these constellations belong to the passive group of Zodiac Signs. They tend to conserve their energy, to consume rather than create. Female Zodiac Signs very often have no control over the circumstances of their own lives. More precisely, they do not tend to struggle with the flow of problems and obstacles in their path. They are looking for a person stronger than themselves. Very often they are attracted specifically to the male Zodiac Signs, since they will be able to give what they need.

Representatives of this group of Zodiac Signs - defensive life strategy And. This introverts, for the most part. Receptivity, ignorance and lack of initiative makes them weak. Despite this, representatives of these constellations are constantly ready to work on themselves, improve and achieve new knowledge, skills and experience. Although they are slowly, they are moving towards their goal.