Industrial personnel include workers. Enterprise personnel

One of the key tasks of employees of almost all organizations without exception is to directly provide economic benefits to the enterprise - and production personnel are precisely those employees who directly influence the generation of business income. However this definition is incomplete - in particular, in the question of who belongs to production personnel and what professions belong to them, economic theory and legislation do not provide clear answers.

Production personnel - what is it?

When considering the question of what it is - production personnel, first of all it is necessary to understand the key principles of creating a personnel structure at the enterprise. Despite the fact that each organization may have its own, separate, specific personnel structure, general principles her creations are the same . In most cases, workers can be divided into two key groups:

  • . This category of workers includes all managers - both individual departments, and senior management of the enterprise, as well as employees who do not influence the actual formation of the organization’s income, but have great value for the functioning of the organization. For example, administrative personnel may include employees of the accounting department or human resources department.
  • Production staff- this is a general category that includes, first of all, all specialists and workers who are actual performers, whose activities provide the organization with its income or the performance of its main functions. However, in most cases, production personnel also include lower-level service workers.

It should be noted that in economic theory There may also be other principles by which the division of workers is carried out. In particular, a separate division may be envisaged for administrative, production and service personnel. In addition, a deeper structure of division of workers may also imply the presence of support staff or administrative and technical staff.

Directly by the provisions of the current labor legislation There is no provision for dividing employees into production or administrative personnel. However, employers and employees can partially rely on the standards of uniform qualification reference books– for working professions and employees. Which, in turn, divide the various positions of workers.

Accordingly, the direct division of employees into various types personnel is optional. However, it is appropriate, as it allows the employer to more effectively assess the use of labor resources and their actual ratio. At the same time, the quality of work production staff and its effectiveness can be assessed relatively easily. The employer can draw up the legal basis for this division himself, fixing the assignment of certain positions to the category of production personnel of the enterprise by drawing up the relevant local regulations of the organization.

Who belongs to the production personnel of the enterprise

Both many job seekers and employers are interested in what production personnel are and what professions they are. Since this concept does not provide for a clear legislative division, views on this issue may differ in different currents of economic theory. However, the most common division of production personnel is made as follows:

As can be understood from the above list, production personnel do not necessarily have to participate in the production process. However, practical participation in it or simply directly bringing profit to the enterprise with one’s labor and not belonging to management employees can clearly indicate that the employee belongs specifically to the production category of workers.

Tasks of the organization's production personnel

Clearly defining the tasks of an organization’s production personnel is a rather complex but necessary process for every employer. Given the wide number of possible professions that fall into this category of employees, it is quite difficult to determine the specific tasks and functions of production personnel. Yes, the only one common task there will be direct execution of decisions of senior management and conduct of work activities in accordance with the internal labor regulations of the organization or other local regulations regulating labor activity.

Examples of specific tasks of production personnel include:

  • Serving clients and providing them with services. At the same time, production personnel can take part in various stages of communication with clients, however, the main difference in this area is the direct execution of tasks, and not the solution of a full range of issues related to finding clients, developing an approach to consumers, in contrast to.
  • Production. Direct participation in production process, at any practical stage, is often the main task of the workers who represent a large part of the manufacturing class.
  • Service to the organization. Performing your tasks within employment contract or other documentation in order to ensure efficient work organization may be the main function of production personnel.

In most cases, production personnel are required to have the same personal qualities as performers. That is, high learning ability, stress resistance, productivity. Motivation, creativity and the desire for development, development and implementation of innovations are not necessary for workers in this category, while such skills can be decisive for administrative and managerial personnel.

Other features of the activities of production personnel

Employers should take into account certain features when regulating the activities of production personnel, since they have quite significant differences from administrative and managerial personnel in many aspects of work. In particular, employers should carefully review the following features labor of production personnel:

Industrial and production personnel– these are personnel who are directly engaged (key workers) or indirectly (managerial personnel) in performing industrial and production functions of the enterprise. This category is applicable to designate employees of an enterprise engaged in the industrial production sector.

Industrial production personnel (IPP) is divided into the following groups:

  • workers - performing various technological processes;
  • employees - processing various information;
  • junior service personnel (JOP) – maintaining cleanliness and order in production;
  • security;
  • apprentices are a reserve of qualified labor.

In turn, employees are divided into three categories according to the functions they perform:

  • managers;
  • specialists;
  • technical performers.

The functions of managers are making decisions and ensuring their implementation. The functions of specialists (engineers, economists, etc.) are to prepare information (design, technological, planning, accounting), on the basis of which managers make decisions. Technical performers provide necessary conditions for the work of managers and specialists.


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See what “Industrial and production personnel” is in other dictionaries:

    Personnel of the main activity, which includes workers: 1) main and auxiliary workshops, incl. workers of power, tool, compressor, steam and water supply, etc.; 2) auxiliary industries: logging, peat mining,... ...

    In the USSR, employees of the payroll of industrial enterprises and other sectors of the national economy, directly involved in the production process or engaged in service production activities enterprises (see List... ...

    Personnel of the main activity, which includes workers: 1) main and auxiliary shops, including power, tool, compressor, steam and water supply, etc.; 2) auxiliary industries: logging, peat mining, quarries,... ... Dictionary of business terms

    - (see INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION PERSONNEL) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary economics and law

    - (from the Latin persona person) the totality of all employees of an enterprise engaged in labor activities, as well as those on the balance sheet (part of the staff), but temporarily not working due to for various reasons(vacation, ... ... Wikipedia

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enterprises (associations), organizations

In reporting on labor of enterprises (associations), organizations of individual industries material production the division of workers into personnel is provided:

engaged in the main activity;

employed in non-core activities (in service and other farms).

Below is the procedure for classifying workers as personnel of the main or non-core activities at industrial enterprises, construction organizations and state farms.

24. At industrial enterprises (associations), personnel are divided into two groups:

industrial production personnel (main activity personnel);

personnel of non-industrial organizations on the balance sheet of an industrial enterprise (personnel of non-core activities).

25. The number of industrial production personnel of an enterprise (association) includes:

industrial production personnel of independent industrial enterprises, subordinate to the association, enjoying the rights provided for by the USSR Law on state enterprise(association);

industrial production personnel of industrial structural units;

personnel of other structural units (research, design, engineering and technological organizations, computer centers, etc.);

employees of the association’s management, including employees of the association’s separate apparatus.

Industrial production personnel, in particular, include workers:

25.1. main and auxiliary shops, including workers of power, tool, compressor, steam and water supply, etc.;

25.2. auxiliary industries: logging, peat mining, quarries, container shops, production building materials, printing house workers, etc.

25.3. servicing electrical and heating networks, substations (operation and repair), employees of production services of energy departments;

25.4. transport workshops (railway, road, water and other types of transport) of enterprises primarily serving production;

25.5. those engaged in loading and unloading operations, including servicing consumers, enterprise employees (conductors) accompanying cargo to the destination station;

25.6. research, design, engineering, technological organizations on the balance sheet of the enterprise (association);

25.7. laboratories, including laboratory workers engaged in experimental, experimental and scientific research work, workers employed in design departments (bureaus) of an enterprise, including cases when they perform work for other enterprises and organizations;

25.8. engaged in the production and adjustment of experimental samples of new products;

25.9. busy commissioning works, as well as the development (preparation) of production at new enterprises and facilities, are included in the industrial production personnel from the moment the enterprise or individual workshops are put into operation, i.e. from the moment of signing the act of acceptance of the enterprise (division) into operation by the state acceptance commission or until the signing of the act of acceptance of the enterprise (division), if this enterprise (division) has already begun production industrial products(at the same time, data for the corresponding period of last year are not recalculated at the expense of these employees);

25.10. main production, engaged in land reclamation;

25.11. employed at wastewater treatment plants included on the balance sheet of the enterprise, fully or partially servicing production;

25.12. refrigerators on the balance sheet of industrial enterprises.

Note. Workers of refrigerators and cold storage plants of the USSR Ministry of Trade and Consumer Cooperation system, which are on an independent balance sheet, are classified as personnel employed in warehouses and bases wholesale trade, and are not included in the report of an industrial enterprise in Form N 2-;

25.13. communication nodes on the balance sheet production association, industrial enterprises, including those that partially serve the population;

25.14. information and computing centers, computer centers, machine counting stations (bureaus), which are on the balance sheet of a production association, industrial enterprise, including those that perform work for other enterprises;

25.15. all types of security (militarized first category, professional firefighting, security guards) who are on the staff of this industrial enterprise.

Note. Security workers for housing, communal enterprises, agricultural enterprises and other types of non-industrial activities of an industrial enterprise are included in the personnel of the relevant non-industrial organizations. Security workers serving both industrial activities and non-industrial organizations are classified as industrial production personnel;

25.16. mine, mine, factory showers and baths, serving only personnel in production of this enterprise, as well as workers in factory laundries for washing workwear and workers in workshops for repairing workwear;

25.17. plant administrations, management of the head plant, a separate apparatus of the production association with all departments and bureaus, including departments of logistics and sales, warehouses of raw materials, materials, finished products, as well as workers cleaning the factory territory and employees of the housing and communal services department, if this department is a structural unit of the factory management.

Note. Employees of departments or departments of capital construction (OKSa, UKSA) of an industrial enterprise carrying out construction using economic methods, number and fund wages which are provided for in the plan for labor in construction, must be taken into account for construction. The report on labor in industry also does not include employees of workshops, sites, warehouses for storing equipment and building materials maintained at the expense of construction funds. A report on labor in construction is drawn up for the specified personnel.

The personnel of the OKS (UCS) of an industrial enterprise, monitoring (controlling) construction, but maintained at the expense of funds allocated for construction, must also be taken into account for construction.

If the OKS (UCS) of an industrial enterprise does not carry out construction and installation work in an economic way, but only carries out technical supervision of construction, is a structural unit of the plant management and is maintained at the expense of the main activities, then the personnel of such OKS (UKS) should be taken into account as part of the industrial production enterprise personnel;

25.18. engaged in major and current repairs of equipment and vehicles of their enterprise, as well as those employed current repairs buildings and structures classified as the main industrial and production assets of the enterprise;

25.19. those engaged in the delivery of finished products to the retail trade network (loaders, dispatchers, forwarders, car drivers) of enterprises food industry, except for meat and dairy industry enterprises;

25.20. collection and exchange points at car repair enterprises;

25.21. technical libraries;

25.22. those engaged in personnel training, as well as persons undergoing training, and the wages accrued to them are taken into account for industrial production personnel in cases where, when expanding production capacity at existing enterprises, personnel training is carried out at the expense of core activities.

26. In construction organizations, the following groups of personnel are distinguished:

personnel engaged in construction and installation work (main activity personnel);

personnel employed in auxiliary production;

27. Personnel engaged in construction and installation work, in particular, include workers:

27.1. those employed in the construction of buildings and structures, including the construction of temporary (non-title) buildings, structures, fixtures and devices, carried out at the expense of overhead costs;

27.2. those involved in equipment installation work;

27.3. those involved in major repairs of buildings and structures;

27.4. those engaged in the production of non-standardized and boiler-auxiliary equipment directly on the construction site, in the pre-installation inspection of equipment and related restoration repairs and in commissioning work.

Note. If non-standardized and boiler room - auxiliary equipment is manufactured in the workshops of a construction organization, then the personnel involved in the manufacture of this equipment are included in the composition of workers employed in auxiliary production;

27.5. those employed in hydraulic flooding, drilling and blasting, stripping operations and in antiseptic and thermal insulation work;

27.6. engaged in the primary cultivation of agricultural land;

27.7. those employed in work on gasification of apartments, carried out at the expense of the population, and in other contract work;

27.8. apparatus of construction and installation trusts and contracting organizations (SU, SMU, RSU, mechanization departments, mobile construction units, etc.);

27.9. those employed directly at the construction site (and not in separate auxiliary industries) in the production of concrete, mortar, dosing and delivery of materials to construction machines, heating concrete, heating hothouses;

27.10. engaged in loading and unloading operations and movement of materials and equipment within working area, i.e. from the on-site (precinct) warehouse to the place where it is put into operation.

Note. Workers involved in transporting materials from the station railway, from base warehouses or from quarries to on-site warehouses, including the unloading of materials at on-site warehouses (their location is determined by the design documentation), must be taken into account in service and other facilities;

27.11. communications servicing construction, workers of showers, vat, etc. divisions serving workers directly at the construction site, as well as workers involved in cleaning the construction area and premises at the construction site.

Note. Workers of housing and communal services (dormitories, bathhouses, etc.) are counted in service and other households;

27.12. trusts (offices, departments, bases) of mechanization, machine rolling (repair and rolling) bases, mechanized columns engaged in the operation and technical maintenance construction machines and mechanisms serving construction, as well as industrial and other organizations;

27.13. contracting organizations (SU, SMU, RSU), mechanization departments, mobile construction units, etc.) engaged in the operation and maintenance of construction machines and mechanisms;

27.14. all types of security (military, professional, fire, guard) that are on the staff of this organization. Security workers simultaneously servicing construction and installation work, auxiliary production, maintenance and other households are classified as personnel engaged in construction and installation work.

Note. Security workers in subsidiary production, service and other farms, allocated to a separate balance sheet, refer to employees employed, respectively, in subsidiary production, service and other farms;

27.15. information and computing centers, computer centers, machine counting stations (bureaus), which are on the balance sheet of construction and installation trusts, construction organizations, including those that perform work for other enterprises;

27.16. laboratories (except for construction laboratories), regulatory research stations, safety services of construction and installation trusts, construction organizations;

27.17. production and technological equipment departments.

Note. In cases where auxiliary workshops for the production and processing of building materials are created in the production and technological procurement departments, the number of employees in these workshops refers to the employees employed in auxiliary production.

28. Personnel employed in ancillary production include workers:

28.1. organizationally separate auxiliary industries and farms that are not allocated to an independent industrial balance, the number and wage fund of which are provided for in the plan for labor in construction: concrete and mortar production; production of reinforced concrete and concrete products, blocks and building stones; brick production; quarries for the extraction and processing of stone, crushed stone, sand, gravel and clay; forges, mechanical, carpentry, repair and other workshops (except for auto repair shops at car garages), construction yards; sawmill production; logging; power plants; steam power plants and other auxiliary industries;

28.2. employed in mechanical, repair and other workshops (except for car repair shops), which are on the balance sheet of construction and installation trusts and construction organizations.

29. The following groups of personnel are distinguished on state farms:

personnel engaged in agricultural production (primary activity personnel);

personnel employed in auxiliary industrial enterprises;

personnel employed in service and other farms.

30. Personnel involved in agricultural production include workers:

30.1. those employed in crop production (field cultivation, meadow farming, vegetable growing, horticulture, planting gardens and growing perennial plantings, radical improvement of meadows, etc.);

30.2. those employed in livestock farming (cattle breeding, pig farming, sheep farming, poultry farming, fish farming, fur farming, rabbit farming, beekeeping and other livestock sectors);

30.3. engaged in the ongoing repair of buildings and structures for industrial agricultural purposes (storages, farms, warehouses, etc.);

30.4. transport, mainly serving agricultural production.

31. Personnel employed in auxiliary industrial enterprises include employees of auxiliary industrial enterprises, production and repair shops on the balance sheet of the state farm (mills, grain crushers and dryers, wineries and canneries, enterprises for the production of butter, cheese, dairy products, slaughterhouses and poultry slaughter shops, sawmills, carpentry and woodworking workshops, brick factories and other enterprises for the production of building materials, logging and firewood, and others industrial production, power plants, repair shops for tractors, agricultural machinery and other machinery and equipment), as well as transport workers serving auxiliary industrial enterprises, production and repair shops.

32. Personnel employed in non-core activities of industrial enterprises (non-industrial personnel), construction organizations, state farms (personnel of service and other farms) include workers:

32.1. transport, which is on the balance sheet of enterprises and serves housing, utilities and other organizations of non-core activities, as well as timber rafting;

32.2. transport (offices, bases, garages) of construction organizations, including transport workers involved in the operation, maintenance and repair of control systems, control systems, control systems, etc.;

32.3. offices, bases and logistics warehouses, as well as workers engaged in loading and unloading operations in warehouses and other facilities, including unloading materials from vehicles at on-site warehouses, personnel involved in placing orders for equipment;

32.4. construction laboratories;

32.5. design (pre-production) groups for organizing work and design (design and estimate) bureaus, groups, geodetic services of construction and installation trusts, construction organizations;

32.6. directorate of the enterprise under construction, OKS (UKS) of the enterprise, as well as individual workers those carrying out technical supervision of construction, the number and wages of which are provided for in construction;

32.7. employed at major renovation buildings and structures produced economically (except for those specified in

Personnel (labor personnel) of an enterprise is the main composition of qualified workers of an enterprise, company, or organization.

Typically, an enterprise's workforce is divided into production personnel and personnel employed in non-production departments. Production staff - workers engaged in production and its maintenance constitute the bulk of the enterprise's labor resources.

Categories of production personnel

The largest and most basic category of production personnel is workers enterprises (firms) - persons (employees) directly involved in the creation material assets or work related to the provision of production services and the movement of goods. Workers are divided into main and auxiliary.

The main workers include workers who directly create the marketable (gross) output of enterprises and are engaged in the implementation of technological processes, i.e. changes in shape, size, position, condition, structure, physical, chemical and other properties of objects of labor.

Auxiliary workers include workers engaged in servicing equipment and workplaces in production shops, as well as all workers in auxiliary shops and farms.

Auxiliary workers can be divided into functional groups: transport and loading, control, repair, tool, housekeeping, warehouse, etc.

Managers- employees holding positions of enterprise managers (directors, foremen, chief specialists, etc.).

Specialists ~ employees with higher or secondary specialized education, as well as employees who do not have special education, but occupy a certain position.

Employees - workers involved in the preparation and execution of documents, accounting and control, business services (agents, cashiers, clerks, secretaries, statisticians, etc.).

Junior service personnel - persons holding positions in the care of office premises (janitors, cleaners, etc.), as well as in servicing workers and employees (couriers, delivery boys, etc.).

The ratio of various categories of workers in their total number characterizes personnel structure enterprise, workshop, site. The personnel structure can also be determined by such characteristics as age, gender, level of education, work experience, qualifications, degree of compliance with standards, etc.

Professional and qualification structure of personnel

The professional and qualification structure of personnel is formed under the influence of the professional and qualification division of labor. Under profession usually understand the type (kind) of labor activity that requires certain training. Qualification characterizes the extent to which workers have mastered a given profession and is reflected in qualification (tariff) categories. Tariff categories and categories are also indicators characterizing the level of complexity of work.

In relation to the nature of professional preparedness of workers, such a concept as speciality, determining the type of work activity To within the same profession (for example, the profession is a turner, and the specialty is a boring turner, a carousel turner). Differentiation in specialties for the same working profession most often associated with the specifics of the equipment used.

Under the influence of scientific and technological progress, there is a change in the number and specific gravity individual professions, etc. professional groups of production personnel. The number of engineering and technical workers and specialists is increasing at a faster pace compared to the growth in the number of workers, with a relative stability in the share of managers and technical performers. The growth in the number of these categories of workers is due to the expansion and improvement of production, its technical equipment, changes in the industry structure, the emergence of jobs that require engineering training, as well as the increasing complexity of products. It is obvious that this trend will continue in the future.

Planning the number and composition of personnel

Personnel requirements are planned separately by groups and categories of workers. When planning the number of personnel at an enterprise, a distinction is made between attendance and payroll.

Turnout - the number of employees who actually show up for work during the day. IN payroll includes all permanent and temporary employees, including those on business trips, vacations, and military training.

The attendance number of workers is calculated, and their payroll number is determined by adjusting the attendance number using a coefficient that takes into account planned absences from work.

In practice, two methods are used to determine the required number of workers:

1) according to the labor intensity of the production program;

2) according to service standards.

The first method is used to determine the number of workers employed in regulated work, the second method is used to determine the number of workers employed in non-standardized work, mainly auxiliary workers. The number of engineers and employees is determined according to the staffing table.

Indicators of personnel dynamics and composition

The staff of an enterprise in terms of size and level of qualifications is not a constant value; it changes all the time: some workers are fired, others are hired. To analyze (reflect) changes in the number and composition of personnel, various indicators are used.

Average number of employees (P) determined by the formula:

Where P 1, R 2, R 3, ... R 11, R 12- number of employees by month.

Frame acceptance rate ( K p) is determined by the ratio of the number of employees hired by the enterprise for a certain period of time to the average number of personnel for the same period:

Where R p- number of hired employees, people; - average number of personnel, people.

The staff attrition rate (Ar) is determined by the ratio of the number of employees dismissed for all reasons for a given period of time to the average number of employees for the same period:

Where R uv- number of retired or dismissed employees, people; R? - average number of personnel, people.


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The most numerous and main category of production personnel are enterprise workers - persons (workers) directly engaged in the creation of wealth or work to provide production services and move goods. Workers are divided into main and auxiliary. Personnel management is a specific function of management activity, the main object of which is a person belonging to certain social groups.

The term “personnel” unites employees of all departments of the organization. There are different approaches to the classification of personnel: by profession or position of the employee, by level of management, category of workers, etc. The basic classification is by category of workers depending on their participation in the production process: workers and employees (Fig. 2.1.). For production personnel, physical labor predominates in their work activities.

Management personnel carry out labor activities with a predominant share of mental labor and are divided into two groups: managers and specialists. Fundamental difference The difference between managers and specialists lies in the legal right to make decisions and the presence of other employees subordinate to them. In turn, managers are divided into linear ones, responsible for making decisions on all management functions (director, shop manager, foreman), and functional ones, implementing individual management functions. In addition, managers are distinguished by management levels (top, middle and lower managers).

Managing people for all successful organizations - large and small, commercial and non-profit, industrial and service-based is critical. There is no doubt that human resources management is one of the the most important aspects theory and practice of management.

Rice. 2.1. Personnel classification.

Industrial production personnel are personnel who are engaged directly (key workers) or indirectly (managerial personnel) in performing industrial and production functions of the enterprise. This category is applicable to designate employees of an enterprise engaged in industrial production activities.

The main workers include workers who directly create the marketable (gross) output of enterprises and are engaged in the implementation of technological processes, i.e. changes in shape, size, position, condition, structure, physical, chemical and other properties of objects of labor.

Auxiliary workers include workers engaged in servicing equipment and workplaces in production shops, as well as all workers in auxiliary shops and farms.

Auxiliary workers can be divided into functional groups: transport and loading, control, repair, tool, housekeeping, warehouse, etc.

Managers are employees holding positions of enterprise managers (directors, foremen, chief specialists, etc.).

Specialists - workers with higher or secondary specialized education, as well as workers who do not have special education, but occupy a certain position.

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