Where to start opening a spa salon. What documents are needed to open. We purchase the necessary equipment

The service sector is diverse, and its special direction is aimed at relaxation and restoration of health. If you wanted to have a profitable business that benefits people, choose a spa. How to open a spa salon from scratch? Where to start, a business plan for opening and maintenance costs, tips for organizing your own project, financial calculations and market analysis in our article today.

Where should I start?

The first thing any entrepreneur starting a new business will have to start with is an analysis of the chosen market. It’s worth saying right away that the spa market is quite competitive, although it offers many prospects for growth.

Assess the situation specifically in your region and city: it is important to understand pricing policy competitors, look at the successful moments of the organization, evaluate mistakes and decide on the concept and range of services offered. Three types of services can be provided:

  1. Cosmetology - such procedures are carried out by people with special medical education and involve influencing the health of the client’s body.
  2. Independent – ​​in this case, the client orders the opportunity to relax independently, for example, in a sauna or hot tub.
  3. Household procedures are often procedures that are familiar to us, which we ourselves sometimes do at home: pedicures and manicures, as well as work on the client’s appearance, which can be provided by absolutely any person who understands this matter.

Remember that the concept of a spa salon assumes the presence larger list services provided, rather than as usual. An analysis of the situation in the region will allow us to determine the profitability of providing a particular procedure, as well as the level of demand for the project’s activities as a whole, which will allow us to organize the work of the salon in the future.

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We register a business and prepare documents

In order to open your own spa salon completely from scratch, you need to officially register your business with the necessary authorities. First of all, you will have to register the JSC. Unfortunately, a faster individual entrepreneur will not meet the standards for the provision of medical services.

To avoid unnecessary problems and reduce risks, it is worth enlisting the help of an experienced lawyer, even if it costs money. He will help not only collect the necessary documentation, but also choose the appropriate taxation system, and obtain a license to work with clients and permits to maintain a salon.

Choosing a work site

When drawing up a business plan for your spa, start by searching for premises with the expectation that this, as well as further paperwork, will take a very long time.

Your goal is a site that is large enough to accommodate many offices and a large amount of equipment, and is also convenient for clients to visit by car or by car. public transport. Undoubtedly, the choice depends on financial capabilities and the concept that you have chosen for work.

For example, in a small regional city, a salon in populated residential areas is more likely to become successful. In this case, a suitable non-residential site ranging in size from 60 to 120 square meters is sought.

For a large city, it may be a good idea to open spa hotels outside the city for luxury services, of course, if you have enough finances. The most important thing in searching for premises is to find a small rental for a large area. Remember that for each sector of work you must allocate at least 15 square meters. You will also have to arrange three main zones:

Also take care of the comfort of your staff by selecting a separate area for rest and equipment storage. Don’t forget about the image of the salon, trying to make pleasant repairs and beautiful design. Perhaps you are opening a spa with a certain theme, and it should be supported in the interior.

Remember that the process of planning a space is quite labor-intensive, so you need to do it from the very beginning of the project. In the future, the business will develop, so we need to think about expanding the site.

We purchase the necessary equipment

As you continue to draw up your spa business plan, start looking for a reliable equipment supplier. Experienced entrepreneurs often advise purchasing devices from abroad, but not cheap Chinese ones, but high-quality ones. They are always extremely expensive, but their profitability is high, because good quality services are in high demand and customer popularity.

To avoid problems with the quality of equipment, you should ask for quality certificates and guarantees in advance, and also find out about the nearest service centers. IN required list equipment for a standard spa includes:

  1. Reception counter.
  2. Sofas and a table for the guest room.
  3. Hangers for wardrobe.
  4. Furniture for offices.
  5. Couches.
  6. Autoclaves.
  7. Mirrors.
  8. Chairs and tables for a hairdressing salon.
  9. SPA capsules.
  10. Solarium.
  11. Mud bath.
  12. Jacuzzi.
  13. Sauna equipment.

Also, do not forget about purchasing equipment for workers, such as nail scissors, combs, towels, etc., and consumables, such as cosmetics, hair dye, massage oil, and so on. All that remains is to think through the plumbing, ventilation and lighting of the offices, and you will be able to open your own salon.

We are recruiting staff

No establishment will start operating if it does not have workers. It has already been said above that for some services it is necessary to hire personnel with special medical education, while other services must be performed by people who have studied in these specializations. For the salon to fully operate, you need at least ten employees, which will include:

  • chief administrator;
  • two hairdressers and makeup artists;
  • manicurist;
  • two massage therapists;
  • consultant;
  • cosmetologist;
  • cleaner;
  • accountant.

A similar list is what is needed to open a spa salon in the regions in housing complexes; for a real spa hotel you will need many more workers and more vacancies. To increase the number of services provided, as well as to improve the safety of the clients themselves, you can also hire a medical specialist who, together with a cosmetologist, can prescribe certain procedures to the client.

We carry out a marketing campaign

An equally important part of the business plan is advertising. The influx of clients to the spa salon mainly depends on the literacy of marketing, and that is why it is worth investing in an experienced marketer who can raise the popularity of the project from scratch. This is not a case where word of mouth will suffice, although reviews are undoubtedly important for any business.

By the way, this is why it is worth creating a special business card website, where, among other things, reviews and reviews about the salon will be published. The site must contain detailed information about the project, a list of procedures provided, how much it costs to do one or another procedure, as well as the opportunity to consult with a manager and order services directly from home.

Be sure to remember about bonuses for customers in the form of promotions and discounts. For example, a discount on the following service can be given when a review is published on your website, and some types of services can be made cheaper in the morning. Remember that on weekdays it is also worth doing services slightly cheaper than on weekends. A fairly popular discount program for regular customers.

We evaluate the profitability of the project

To assess how profitable a business project is, it is worth analyzing the costs of opening and maintaining a business, correlating them with the income that will be received as a result of its activities. Let's consider the situation of opening your own spa salon from scratch in a small regional town, designed for ordinary residents. The costs in this case will be as follows:

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Rent of premises for two months 70
2 Purchase of equipment for procedures 1 900
3 Room renovation 400
4 Public utilities 10
5 Registration necessary documents 70
6 Salary of all staff 250
7 Purchase of cosmetology equipment 100
8 Advertising campaign 40
9 Purchase of consumables and cosmetics 200
10 Transport and other costs 50
11 Taxes 100
Total: 3 090

Obviously, the amount required to open a salon will be really high, because this business able to bring in a lot of money and pay for itself quickly. To recoup the initial investment you will have to work for more than one day, but the profitability of the project is still high, and now we will evaluate it.

Obviously, each spa salon operates according to its own schedule, providing different services, and the popularity of cosmetic procedures varies in individual cities, so it is impossible to accurately estimate the profitability of the project; let’s take approximate figures.

If we take the first year of operation of such a spa, the average bill per visitor will be approximately 2 thousand rubles. On average, the salon receives about 10 people every day, and about 400 visitors monthly, which will lead to approximately 800 thousand rubles in income each month.

The net profit in this case, taking into account all potential expenses, will be about 400 thousand rubles. Thus, the project will pay off in approximately 7-9 months. Undoubtedly, a business needs to be developed, and such a quick payback can only benefit a business idea.

Video: how to open a spa salon?

What are the business risks?

Any opening of a business is always associated with some risks for the entrepreneur, especially if he is new to this business. It is worth taking a closer look at the risks of a spa salon in order to prepare in advance for possible problems:

  1. It has already been said above that there are a high number of competitors in the cosmetology market, and larger chains are capable of squeezing small private traders.
  2. For cosmetics and similar consumables The price often jumps and rises, because mostly foreign brands are purchased.
  3. Some landlords will begin to raise the price of rent, given that it is almost impossible to move at the beginning of business; there is complete dependence on the landlord.
  4. The growing crisis in the country affects the purchasing power of the client, which, in turn, leads to a gradual decrease in demand for cosmetic services, although at the moment it is quite high.

A beginner must take into account every item on the list so as not to burn out. We wish you good luck.

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The niche for providing spa services in Russia is still relatively free, but in megacities services of this nature are becoming increasingly popular, since there spa salons are actually the only place, where you can not only relax and unwind, but also improve your health and appearance.

SPA salons, although they have many common features with traditional beauty salons, they still have a wider range of services. As a rule, beauty salons provide mainly cosmetic and image services. SPA salons, in addition to them, also provide relaxation and wellness services. Actually, that’s why opening a spa salon is a larger-scale event. Naturally, the capital costs for opening require much more, and the provision of medical services requires the presence of appropriately qualified medical personnel.

The main clients of spa salons are:

  1. Professional athletes;
  2. People recovering health after various injuries;
  3. People who do not want to be treated in hospitals and prefer alternative methods;
  4. People who want to relax after working days.


To open a spa salon, you need to register an LLC or CJSC. Conducting this activity in the status individual entrepreneur is impossible, since the provision of medical services is inherent in the very idea of ​​business. Also, to provide a number of services you will need a license, which you can obtain either yourself or with the help of qualified lawyers. The cost of intermediary services can fluctuate around 50-70 thousand rubles. Process of getting everyone necessary documents It takes about six months, so registration and obtaining a license should not be delayed.


The entire range of services provided by spa salons can be divided into two large categories:

  • Cosmetology services;
  • Household services.

Cosmetology services come in two categories:

  1. Services provided by people with average medical education, and services that only cosmetologists have the right to perform.
  2. Household services can be provided by specialists who do not have a medical education. Such services, in particular, include manicure, pedicure, eyebrow correction, etc.


The area of ​​the premises for a spa directly depends on the volume of services offered. Statistics show that to open a salon, the area must be at least 120 square meters. m., but if you open a beauty salon with only some spa services, then the area can be halved.

It is worth mentioning that one of the most promising formats for providing spa services is the opening of a country spa salon. However, to arrange a country salon, the area of ​​the room must be much larger. Running a business in a residential area will be less expensive. Cost of one sq. m. in a residential area fluctuates around 1000 rubles.

It is legally prohibited to set up spa salons in basements; however, an apartment can be converted into a salon, having first removed it from the housing stock. In this case, it is better to focus on the “close to home” format, then the main target audience will be the residents of the house, so it is advisable to refurbish the apartment in a respectable area.

The entire rented area must be divided into such locations as:

  • Wet area, which should include cabinets using various techniques based on healing properties water;
  • The dry zone, which should include spa treatments without the use of hydrotherapy techniques, that is, various massages, hardware methods of figure correction;
  • The image zone, which should include rooms with health treatments for the scalp and skin, manicure and pedicure rooms, and a hairdressing salon;
  • Aquazone, which should be represented by a sauna, swimming pool or bathhouse.
  • The administrative area, which should include administrator’s workstations, staff rooms, etc.


When choosing equipment for a spa salon, you need to pay attention to the availability of all certificates. The fact is that some companies import equipment without the appropriate accompanying documents, which subsequently leads to problems for the end buyer. What you need to buy is professional equipment, which is from household equipment features better build quality and the ability to long work at maximum loads. You should also ask the seller about the warranty period for the equipment during intensive use. It is advisable to purchase equipment if warranty period is at least one year. In addition to the above, it is necessary to clarify the availability service center, whose specialists can be called in case of unforeseen circumstances. Statistics show that to equip one square. m. SPA salon needs 30 - 60 thousand rubles.


Naturally, in staffing table A spa salon may provide quite a lot of positions, and not all of them require medical education. mandatory requirement. However, it is important that licensed medical services are provided only by specialists who have the appropriate certificates.

In principle, 17 people are needed to operate a spa:

  • Administrator – 1 person;
  • Technical staff – 2 people;
  • Accountant – 1 person;
  • Hairdresser – 3 people;
  • Fitness instructor – 2 people;
  • Cosmetologist – 5 people;
  • Nurse – 3 people.

Costs and payback

To open a spa salon you need approximately 4.25-7.97 million rubles, which will be distributed as follows:

  • Law firm services – 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment 3.6-7.2 million rubles;
  • Renovation of the premises - 400-500 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising – 200 thousand rubles.

IN monthly expenses will include:

  1. Staff salaries – 750 thousand rubles;
  2. Rent of premises – 120 thousand rubles;
  3. Utility costs – 50 thousand rubles;
  4. Advertising – 15 thousand rubles;
  5. Other expenses – 50 thousand rubles.

Total: 985 thousand rubles.

When fully occupied, a spa salon can generate income of about 1.65 million rubles, but such occupancy can only be achieved within 1.5-2 years of continuous operation. Thus, we can assume that the approximate payback period for the initial costs of opening a spa salon will be 4-4.5 years.

The monthly income of a spa salon is, on average, $20-30 thousand, a specialized spa center - from $50 thousand. Full occupancy of the salon can be achieved no earlier than after 2-3 years of work.

Standard services of SPA centers are massage,
cosmetology, personal services, health resort business, physiotherapy.

According to the international classification, there are many varieties
SPA centers: fitness SPA, country, city, maternal,
romantic, oriental and many others.

The most promising formats, according to experts, are country spas based on a sanatorium and urban spas based on a beauty salon.

A new direction in this business is economy SPA, which are located in residential areas.

Your own SPA business: Registration and licenses

Licenses are issued to an industry specialist, and not to an organization. They are issued by the department Federal service for supervision in the field of healthcare and social development RF. The cost of all licenses is from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. The cost of registration is about 1 thousand rubles.

Your own spa business: Premises

The area of ​​the premises depends on the SPA classification and the range of planned services. Counts. That one zone should have at least 9-15 sq.m. Thus, a beauty salon with SPA elements can fit into 60 square meters. m, and the SPA salon is 120 sq. m.

A country spa center will require more space, since it is necessary to equip hotel rooms there. Great value has appearance room, its surroundings and area.

There should be mineral or thermal springs near a country SPA center, otherwise its location in this place loses its meaning. Rental cost is from 30 to 80 dollars per kW. meter.

Your own spa business: Equipment

Investments in SPA center equipment are about $750-2000 per 1 m2. The amount of investment depends on the range of services provided.

You can reduce the cost of equipment costs if you do not purchase ready-made elements(for example, counters, a swimming pool, massage tables, a bathhouse, etc.), and initially plan them during construction. So, you can buy a swimming pool for $6 thousand, and build it for $1.5 thousand, a sauna cabin for $13 thousand, and build a real steam bath for $6.5 thousand.

The rate on manual technologies, when salon specialists do everything mainly with their hands, and not with machines.

The standard set of equipment for a SPA salon includes: a counter for the reception area, a wardrobe, a bathhouse, a sauna, a hydromassage bath, equipment for mud therapy, thalassotherapy, a massage room, equipment for a beauty parlor, and equipment for a herbal bar.

Your own spa business: Staff

The staff of the SPA center consists of doctors with higher medical education, specialists with secondary medical education, technical staff and managers. On average, the number of spa salon employees is 10-12 people. Fund wages for such a center varies from $2 to 6 thousand.

Your own spa business: Marketing

100% occupancy of the salon is achieved in the 3rd year of its operation. According to experts, to ensure profitability, the number of regular customers must be at least 500.

To attract customers and retain them, salons are developing special bonus systems with discounts for regular customers, weekends, family services, etc., introducing club cards, gift certificates and birthday gifts.

In addition to bonuses, the salon should introduce a system of penalties for canceling a visit without notice. For this reason, salons lose up to 10% of revenue.

For successful work salon experts advise regularly updating the menu, because there is such a factor as satiety with customer services.

You are doing the right thing if you are thinking about opening a spa salon in Moscow or another big city. A spa salon as a business is an attractive investment, but it does not always work out. When opening it, you must act correctly. How exactly? Read in this article.

From the material you will learn about the features of spa salons, the documentation required to open, controversial issues of registration and location of the business. All this will allow us to develop detailed business plan, which will take into account possible risks.

Differences between spas

What distinguishes spas from beauty salons is the availability of cosmetic and therapeutic procedures, for which a medical license is required. Procedures for healing and cleansing the body, as well as aesthetic medicine procedures, are expected. In addition, the SPA offers complete relaxation.

Thus, spas differ from beauty salons in the provision of not only household, but also medical services, and the presence of sophisticated professional medical equipment. Difference between SPA and medical centers- a fairly narrow specialization of services and the creation of a special atmosphere of peace.

Such a successful hybrid at one time was able to very quickly conquer the domestic services market. Nowadays, in addition to expensive spas, salons designed for the middle price segment are in great demand. Hardware cosmetology is considered promising.

Now we will step by step take on the task of analyzing, designing and opening a spa salon.

Stage #1 of opening a spa salon - analyzing the market and target audience

Since the spa industry in Moscow is a sought-after niche of the beauty market, you need to be prepared for high level competition. To create profitable business, it is necessary to select the target audience, take into account its needs and price category. This will tell you the location and list of services. Nowadays, many entrepreneurs rely on a narrow target audience, creating a specialized offer, thus securing a client base. For example, specializing in couples planning pregnancy and pregnant women.

To create a unique offer, it is necessary to analyze the offers of competitors, their strengths and successful advertising moves. Soberly assess your strengths and possibilities of creating a competitive offer. Or think about the location of the business in a place with low level competition. If you plan to create a spa in a place where there are no similar offers, best option- opening of a spa salon designed for a wide audience.

At stage #2 of creating a spa, we understand the features of design and certification

Some aspects of the design of spa salons are shaky ground that needs to be tested at the planning stage.

To create a business, it is necessary to register a legal entity, in this case an LLC. The provision of medical services is not subject to VAT, but cosmetic services require its payment, and business is also subject to UTII. Possible tax system - simplified or general.

SPA services are divided into three categories: household, which also include image, cosmetic and cosmetology. Cosmetic services can be provided medical staff with secondary specialized education, cosmetology - personnel with higher medical education. To provide these types of services, you must obtain a medical license. Moreover, there are some controversial services, such as permanent makeup, the provision of which may require a license in different regions. The decision to classify such services as cosmetic or household services rests with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. Therefore, it makes sense to have the entire list of services approved in advance by this authority.

The requirements for the premises of a spa salon are not clearly stated. When creating a business, entrepreneurs are guided by the SanPiN instructions for “wet areas” and for organizations providing “hairdressing and cosmetic services.” The premises of the future salon must meet all SES and fire safety standards.

At stage #3 of opening a spa, we select a room

SPA salons can be located in ground floor apartments with a separate entrance after the real estate is transferred to non-residential stock. The salon cannot be located in basement. If you plan to create a SPA center with wide range services, then it is possible to construct a separate building. Entrepreneurs often try to open spas in areas with reduced noise levels.

Often, spa salons are opened on the basis of beauty salons or resorts and sanatoriums. Cooperation with a beauty salon will allow you to obtain a ready-made client base. However, with such a partnership, it is necessary to spell out all the clauses of the contract, taking into account the interests of both the beauty salon and the spa.

At stage #4 of creating a spa salon, we think over the range of services

The range of spa services is now very diverse. Conventionally, they can be divided into hardware and those that a specialist provides with his own hands. Purchasing expensive equipment is a serious financial expense. On initial stage business, experienced entrepreneurs advise buying a minimum necessary equipment, the main emphasis is on the services of specialists: massage, masks, peeling. During the work, an idea of ​​demand will be formed target audience and profits can be reinvested in expanding the business and the procedures offered.

To increase profits and create a client base, a range of services are being developed, which will ensure a stable flow of profit. Also important individual approach and the formation of treatment programs. An integrated approach to wellness will ensure customer loyalty.

If you decide to enter a niche with a ready-made spa business, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the available services and the quality of their implementation. And also immediately think about how you can expand and optimize ready business to increase profits.

At stage #5 of opening a spa salon, we create special offers for clients

The system of discounts and promotions, bonus cards for regular customers is one of the most effective ways attracting clients. An effective remedy advertising - free procedures with instantly visible effects, such as peeling or massage.

To maximize the audience, salons provide various services price segment. Also, the sale of exclusive cosmetics will provide additional income and create a unique offer.

  • Risks of business at a spa salon
  • Financial plan SPA salon
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a spa salon in a residential area of ​​the city with an estimated monthly profit of 230 thousand rubles.

How much money is needed to start this business?

According to our calculations, opening a spa salon will require an investment of at least 2.75 million rubles. The main costs are related to the arrangement of the premises and the purchase of equipment:

  • Renovation and design of the premises - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment - 1,640 thousand rubles.
  • Hydromassage bath - 450 thousand rubles.
  • Turnkey infrared sauna - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Couch for wet procedures - 55 thousand rubles.
  • Charcot contrast shower - 170 thousand rubles.
  • Sun loungers (2 pcs.) - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Massage couch - 350 thousand rubles.
  • Tables and carts for spa treatments - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Massage mattresses - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Stone therapy kit (heater, set of stones) - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Accessories for SPA (stands, screens, sterilizers, recirculator) -100 thousand rubles.
  • Other equipment (chairs, armchairs, dryers, sinks, tables, tools) - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Consumables (towels, napkins, cosmetics) - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising, website creation - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 300 thousand rubles.

Description of products and services offered

Our salon plans to provide a whole range of therapeutic and rejuvenating procedures. Popular services include:

  • Aromatic peeling
  • Pink clay body wrap
  • Chocolate wrap (for lovers)
  • Diamond peeling
  • Radiofrequency lifting
  • Head and whole body massage
  • Hydromassage
  • Stonetherapy
  • Phytobarrel
  • Herbal tea
  • Aromatherapy
  • SPA pedicure
  • Sauna and swimming pool

In addition, it is planned to offer clients various SPA programs, which will include several procedures at once. For example, a wellness and relaxation program: phytosauna (15 min), relaxing head massage (15 min), seaweed wrap (40 min), foot hydromassage with sea ​​salt(15 min), moisturizing body lotion (10 min), tea ceremony and aromatherapy (15 min). Such a program will cost the client 2,300 rubles. Spa programs for lovers, anti-stress programs, relaxing and anti-aging treatments, programs for children and much more will also be offered. It is planned to sell salon services using gift certificates. Cooperation with other beauty salons and holiday agencies is possible. Salon employees will be trained in proper spa etiquette: warmly greet the visitor, speak competently and clearly about all services and procedures, strictly adhere to technology and techniques, complete procedures with recommendations, help with dressing, send cards and birthday greetings. The average bill for our organization will be 2000 rubles. The estimated number of clients per day is from 10 to 15 people.

Download business plan for a spa salon

Where to start organizing a spa salon

It is planned to rent premises for the provision of services in a residential area of ​​the city, in a separate building, in close proximity to a densely populated area of ​​new buildings. The area of ​​the rented premises will be 125 square meters. Size rent will be 70 thousand rubles per month. The premises meet all the requirements of SanPiN The ventilation, water supply, heating and sewerage systems are in good condition and do not require repair. You only need to do cosmetic repairs the premises itself. The ceiling height is 3.2 meters, there is an emergency exit. A preliminary composition of salon employees has been formed. Among them: administrators (2 people), executive director, spa estheticians (3 people), massage therapists (2 people), dermatologist (1 person), cosmetologists (2 people), manicurist and pedicurist ( 1 person). It is planned to outsource the services of an accountant and cleaner. The average wage fund, according to business plan calculations, will be 220 thousand rubles per month. In order to increase labor motivation, regular bonuses and allowances will be issued. For each client served, the craftsmen will be paid an additional percentage of the service provided.

Which taxation system to choose for a spa?

The organizational form of our spa will be a limited liability company consisting of three founders. As a taxation system, it is planned to use the simplified taxation system - a simplified taxation system, 15% of the organization's profit.

Marketing plan for this business

Among the most common spa clients are middle-aged and older women with middle-to-higher incomes. Large number of them are housewives. Therefore, the optimal methods of advertising are: local advertising in the media, image programs, information in glossy magazines, outdoor advertising (banners on highways), promotions and advertising on the Internet (website, group on social networks.). According to our calculations, monthly advertising costs will be at least 40 thousand rubles.

Risks of business at a spa salon

  • Rising prices for consumables;
  • The emergence of major players in the market, increased competition;
  • Increase in rental prices;
  • A decrease in demand for a service as a result of crisis phenomena in the economy (they save on such services first of all).

Spa financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of business economic efficiency. Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent of premises - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Utility costs - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Salary + insurance contributions - 290 thousand rubles.
  • Consumables - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Outsourcing (accounting, cleaning, security) - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total - 530 thousand rubles. Monthly income

  • The salon's average bill is 2,000 rubles.
  • The average number of visitors per day is 13 people, per month - 400 people.
  • Potential revenue - 800,000 rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a spa salon?

Profit: 800,000 - 530,000 ( fixed costs) = 270,000 rubles per month. Less taxes (USN, 15%), net profit will be 229,500 rubles. Profitability is 43%. According to our calculations, it will take at least 12 months to promote the business (reach revenue targets). According to the calculations of the business plan, the return on investment will occur no earlier than after 25 - 30 months of operation of the spa.

We recommend download business plan for spa salon, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

How to choose equipment for a spa salon

Professional, thriving spa salons have their own flavor. That is why only a true professional can decorate an establishment. He will select a palette of colors, furniture and interior equipment in such a way that you will want to return to the salon again and again. The opportunity to relax and feel peace, to undergo quality treatments is the main thing in the spa industry. As for furniture, a standard set is suitable - tables, sofas, armchairs, bedside tables, shelving. Equipment will include special devices, hydromassage baths, massage couches. It is best to purchase cosmetology equipment in a comprehensive manner at a specialized place. In Russia, exhibitions are often held at which samples of devices of foreign origin are presented. Here you can also meet suppliers and sign contracts for the supply of products.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering?

When registering a spa salon, you should indicate:

  • 02 - provision of services by SPA salons;
  • 04 - activities related to physical education and health.

What documents are needed to open

Before you open a business you will need to register as legal entity- register an LLC. It is also necessary to obtain permission from the city administration, SES and fire inspectorate.

Do I need permission to open?

Opening a spa salon is not subject to licensing or certification.

SPA salon opening technology

A spa salon is a place where harmony reigns, quiet music helps you relax, skillful hands massage therapist, hydromassage bath or shower allows you to relieve all tension after a hard day, take your mind off everyday problems and truly enjoy relaxation. This is the kind of place that will thrive. When creating a spa salon, you should be guided by these tasks and then the business will flourish for a long time.