Bengal cat domestic characteristics. Bengal cat: features of the breed. Nutrition of Bengal cats

Among the huge number of cat breeds, the Bengal stands out especially. After all, the Bengal cat is a noble appearance, unique character and high learning ability. You can learn about all the subtleties in caring for Bengal cats, their character traits, health and maintenance from our article.

History, description and appearance

Bengal cats were bred in the USA in the early 60s of the twentieth century. The breed was founded by Jean Mill, a geneticist by training.. All her life she was engaged in breeding new breeds of cats. The wild leopard cat, as well as a number of other breeds, took part in the formation of the Bengal variety. At first, scientists were constantly plagued by failures. The kittens were in very poor health and died from leukemia and other diseases. However, during further work By breeding, such a deficiency was eliminated. As a result, the Bengal cat appeared - perhaps one of the most popular and healthy breeds in the world. From their wild ancestors they inherited a graceful appearance, agility and strength, but they took their character from their pets.

These are quite large animals, so the weight of an adult cat reaches 9 kilograms, and cats 5.5-7 kg. The head is wedge-shaped according to the standard, the muzzle is wide, the ears are of medium size and tilted forward, the eyes are large and almond-shaped. Eye color is green or golden; other colors are not allowed according to breed standards. Bengal cats can have any coat color except blue.

This is interesting! Must have large oval black or brown spots. Bengal cats of marbled, silver and snow colors are considered the most beautiful and valuable.

The paws of these animals are of medium length, very strong, and well developed. The tail is thin and of medium length. The coat is short, thick, silky and very pleasant to the touch. In appearance, they strongly resemble wild leopard cats, ready for any adventure and exploits. But in fact, their appearance is deceptive; they are kind and smart pets.

Character of the breed

The Bengal cat is a very sweet and intelligent pet. If you raise her correctly, she will become your faithful friend and companion. No problems or peculiarities in behavior were noted. They are not aggressive or confrontational at all and can get along quite easily with your other pets, be they other cats or dogs. They get used to a person’s daily routine quite quickly and this is also an undoubted advantage of this breed. They become very attached not only to the house, but also to their beloved owner.. However, these cats are naturally very curious and can climb into the most unexpected places, which can cause some inconvenience. But possessing high intelligence, they quickly understand where they shouldn’t go.

Important! Separation from the owner is tolerated normally, if it is not for long. But if we are talking about a business trip or vacation for several months and you hand over a Bengal cat for foster care, this will certainly cause stress in the animal. This must be taken into account before getting yourself a Bengal cat. Otherwise, constant separations will make the animal nervous and unbalanced, and you also risk losing trust, because the cat may think that it has been abandoned forever.

It should also be taken into account that up to 6-8 months the Bengal cat is very active and literally plays and frolics around the clock, sweeping away everything in its path. If you are not ready for this, then it is better to postpone the purchase or get another breed. Having matured, they become quiet and calm, but Bengal fidgets are not well suited to the role of “couch pets”. At this time, they need to have a lot of toys so that they can spend their energy in the right direction. You can play with Bengal cats like dogs by throwing them a ball, and your pet will happily fetch it.

You should also remember that the wild blood of their ancestors flows in the veins of these handsome men. Staying at home all the time is not in their nature; they are not a sofa breed. Therefore, they urgently need walks on fresh air. It is best if you take them to the dacha in the summer, walking there will be much safer, since there are no cars or other threats, and the fenced area will be an excellent hunting ground for your pet.

A lost Bengali will not disappear and will be able to feed and protect himself if necessary.. But if you decide to walk your cat outside in the city, then at first it is better to take the animal out on a leash so that it gets used to unfamiliar sounds and smells and remembers the way home. TO strangers Bengalis are distrustful and completely trust only their master. If it is impossible to ensure safe walks for the cat, then you can organize areas for active cat games at home or on the balcony, but it must be glazed and the windows are securely covered with a protective net.

Bengal cats tolerate very well water procedures, so this will not cause you and your pet any particular difficulties or troubles. There are also representatives of Bengal cats who not only tolerate the bathing process well, but also love to play and swim in the bath. In general, with good care and nutrition, they live 13-15 years. However, there are also ones that live for about 18-20 years.

Nature rewarded these cats high activity, so they need to create special conditions for games and relaxation. For them, you need to purchase a house with a ladder and preferably two scratching posts. In such a cat house, the Bengal cat will have fun and relax, and it will also help protect your furniture from sharp claws. If you let your cat go outside, trimming its claws is not recommended; they will wear down. naturally, but if this is exclusively a pet, then you can do this once a month.


All representatives of the Bengal breed have a rather weak digestive system, so attention should be paid special attention nutrition issues. This is the only weak point of these cats. They can be fed natural food, but it should not be fatty, contain spices and must be fresh. From natural food, rabbit meat, beef will suit them very well, boiled fish should be given no more than once a month, you can give lean chicken and turkey.

Important! Also, the diet must include fermented milk products, this is especially important for young Bengals, this will strengthen their bones and make their coat shinier.

Older Bengal cats should be fed minced meat, their diet should also include vitamins in order to keep them in proper shape. But it will be much better and more convenient if you feed them with special food. This will make life much easier for you and your pet, since they already contain a balance of all the necessary components and vitamins.

With any, even the most insignificant, change in your pet’s behavior, it is worth changing the diet; this may be an allergic reaction to one of the products. They are not in danger of overeating, they control the amount of food they eat very well, and an active lifestyle helps them keep their figure in shape. Obesity and related problems will not affect your pet.

Bengals learn to toilet very easily and intuitively understand why a tray is needed. Instead of sand, it is better to use special granules as a filler.

Where to buy, price

Bengal kittens should only be purchased from official nurseries; this will protect you from many troubles. If you make a purchase from dubious breeders, then there is a chance of purchasing a sick or purebred animal. When purchasing, you must check the pedigree and vaccination records.

The thing is that Bengal cat kittens up to 6 months do not look at all like adults, but like the simplest yard “vaskas” and “murkas” and they can slip you a mongrel animal that is simply similar in color. Prices for Bengal cats are very high and range from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles. It all depends on the pedigree, color and class of the cat. The most expensive animals are show-class kittens. Fluffy babies from random mating can be bought for 10,000-12,000 rubles, but good health and high quality No one can guarantee the breed here.

No matter what color your pet is, Bengals always attract the attention of others. These are kind, strong and smart cats that will become your faithful and devoted friends. Good luck to you and your furry friend!

Video about the Bengal cat

The story of the appearance of these wonderful creatures begins in 1961, when biologist-geneticist Jean Sugden went on a business trip to Southeast Asia, where she noticed beautiful and graceful wild cats with a very unusual color, which almost immediately won her heart. The young geneticist was extremely upset by the state of their population - the breed was on the verge of extinction due to poachers rampaging at that time. It was because of the uniqueness and beauty of the appearance of these cats that they were exterminated and their skins were sold for huge sums of money. Since Bengals were not much larger in size than an ordinary cat, small kittens were sold in markets, passing off as cute pets, which later brought a lot of problems to their owners, because Bengal cats are not suitable for living at home.

The wild Bengal cat lives in the forests of India, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Tibet and the Philippines

Having bought a Bengal cat kitten at the market, Jean took him home to the States. She named the cat Malaysia, and she began to get used to her new home. Albeit with distrust, but gradually the cat got used to it, settled down and did not show strong aggression towards its “roommates”. During her heat, she even became friends with Jean's house cat, resulting in the birth, to everyone's amazement, of a spotted hybrid cat in 1963. After this, Jean decided to get serious about creating a breed of cats that looked like wild Bengals, but had the character of domestic cats.

Unfortunately, due to the death of Jean's first husband, the research was interrupted and resumed only 15 years later. Jean, now Jean Mill, learned that the University of California, USA, was conducting comparative studies of the immunity of domestic and wild cats, during which interspecific crosses were carried out. Jean asked to be given several first-generation hybrids for further research, and received 9 females at her disposal. It was from this moment that Jean began to seriously pursue her dream and resumed her attempts to breed a domestic Bengal cat.

Jean spent a huge amount of time and effort, overcame many difficulties, and her efforts were rewarded: in 1982, a kitten appeared - a hybrid of a domestic Mau cat and a wild Bengal cat. It had a wonderful golden-orange color (later called glitter) with the characteristic sparkle and rosettes of the Bengal breed. After this, many more crossbreedings were carried out, wild Bengal cats were brought from India for experiments, and in 1991 Jean presented the ideal kitten with a gorgeous color and sweet character. In the same year, the standard for Bengal domestic cats was officially approved.

The brightness of the color of a Bengal cat depends on nutrition and care

Description of the Bengal cat breed

Bengal cats are beautiful and stately animals that combine the exotic appearance of a wild animal and the ability to become a loyal and gentle friend to their owner.

Appearance of Bengals

Cats have a very muscular, lean body - this heritage of their ancestors suggests that they can survive in wild, extreme conditions. The size of the Bengal is slightly larger than that of an ordinary domestic cat, and the males of this breed are larger than the females. Males can reach 32 cm at the withers and gain up to 6.8 kg, cats - about 28 cm and up to 5.4 kg. The paws of representatives of the breed are round, the tail is wide in diameter, but not long. The muzzle is wide, the neck is massive, muscular, the ears are medium in size, widely spaced on the head and have rounded tips. The eyes are also widely spaced, large, oval, most often golden or green. Intense blue eye color is very rare, particularly in Snow Bengals.

Silver bengals, their appearance reminiscent of irbis (snow leopards), are the rarest and most expensive

The fur of the Bengal cat is short, soft, thick and shiny. The standard color of Bengal cats is leopard or marbled with a black pattern. The hue is most often golden orange, gray or white.

Bengals range in color from leopard-like spotted to rosette and marbled.

According to the breed standard, the ideal Bengal cat has the following distinctive characteristics:

  • shiny, soft, silky coat, short or medium length;
  • muscular, stretched body;
  • spotted or ringed tail (necessarily with a dark tip);
  • the hind legs are longer than the front legs;
  • proportional, long, thick neck;
  • chubby cheeks, massive chin, wide nose;
  • ears wide at the base, set high, with rounded tips;
  • golden or green eyes.

Bengal cat personality

A Bengal cat is a very active, sweet, curious and, with proper upbringing, a very loyal creature. Mill achieved her goal, she brought out exactly what she wanted. The opinion that Bengals are aggressive is a prejudice of ignorant people. If you teach a cat from infancy to affection and treat it with care, it will definitely become your friend. great friend. Bengals have very well developed hunting instincts, they are active and agile, so they should never be kept in an enclosure - there they can grow up shy and aggressive.

These cats very quickly get along with children and other pets. Because of their intelligence, Bengals understand that children are cubs, just like kittens, so if a child makes this breed uncomfortable, it will leave rather than defend itself. Bengals quickly become attached to people, but most often they choose one family member as their owner, and are simply loyal to the rest of the household.

Bengal cats are very playful and curious - they often retain such character traits until old age. Therefore, try to provide your pets with a variety of toys if you want the things that fall into their field of vision - curtains, chests of drawers, small things - to remain safe and sound.

Unlike other domestic cats, Bengals love water very much: they can take a bath with you or swim alone, splash in the toilet and even “fish” in the aquarium - be careful

Bengals really love attention to their person and for this they will even commit a crime, for example, they will start stealing small things like hairpins, combs, and pens. Like dogs, cats of this breed absolutely love walks in the fresh air, so they can be walked on a leash or harness.

Video: appearance and character of Bengal cats

Basic criteria for choosing a kitten

When choosing a kitten, it is important to understand: a lot depends on the pedigree, but even champion show cats can give birth to quite ordinary kittens. When choosing a pet, the main thing is that it is healthy. Therefore, you should not buy a kitten before the age of two months - it must have time to be nourished with mother's milk and develop immunity.

When choosing a kitten, carefully examine its ears, nose and anus - they should be clean and free of discharge. A healthy kitten is agile and playful. It would be a good idea to inquire about the health of his parents.

Moving a kitten to new home only upon reaching three months of age - necessary condition for the success of its further development

When choosing a kitten, it is worth keeping in mind that Bengals have three quality classes - “pet”, “breed” and “show”:

  1. "Show" - the most expensive, elite cats. They have an ideal pedigree, ideal appearance, parents with many titles. In addition, such Bengals have the most golden character; it is not a shame to show up at exhibitions with it. This class is very rare, not all breeders have it, therefore, if such a kitten is born, they try not to sell it and leave it in the nursery for further breeding and participation in exhibitions.
  2. “Breeding” - this class with ideal breed characteristics is mainly intended for producing offspring. Bengals of this class may not have a bright appearance, but their gene pool is stable, and in the future they will give birth to good kittens.
  3. “Pet” are Bengals for home keeping, pets, so to speak. They do not have a particularly bright, exhibition appearance; they may have a hidden defect that will only be noticed at exhibitions, but this does not make them any worse.

Features of keeping a pet of the Bengal breed

Many people buy a Bengal kitten just because of its appearance and character, without thinking that it will be much more expensive to keep it than an ordinary cat.

Pet food

There is a lot of debate about how to properly feed a Bengal cat. Some believe that only natural products may be beneficial to health pet, others are inclined towards ready-made food. So far, even veterinarians do not know exactly who is right. Therefore, everything depends on the owner: if you are not ready to select meat, vegetables and other natural products, competently compiling a cat’s diet, then buy ready-made food. In this case, you should first study the reviews and make sure of the quality of the product.

Ready-made cat food

The food must be premium or super premium. The highest quality ones include:

  • Hills;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Nutra Gold;
  • Eagle Pack;
  • Akana;
  • Purina Pro Plan.

It is important not to mix different foods, since Bengals’ digestion is very sensitive and does not respond well to a change in diet.

If you have any doubts about nutrition, contact the breeders and ask what they fed. The right choice quality food will save you from the problems of creating a daily balanced menu for pet.

Natural products in the diet of cats

Kittens up to one month old feed on their mother's milk. Afterwards, you can start feeding them raw scraped meat, cottage cheese, diluted milk, and meat porridge. In the first two months, kittens need to be fed 4–6 times a day; after two months, you can reduce food intake to two - four times. By five months, it’s time to accustom kittens to an adult diet and feed them no more than twice a day.

Having made a choice in favor of natural food, you should include the following products in your cat’s diet:

  • raw meat should make up 50–60% of the cat’s main diet, for example, beef, rabbit, turkey;
  • dairy products such as fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, kefir with low fat content;
  • raw or boiled vegetables;
  • oatmeal (cooked in milk), buckwheat and rice with the addition of vegetables or meat - cereals should make up no more than 15% of the total diet.

Unlike other domestic cats, Bengals are reluctant to accept fish, so it is better to exclude it from the menu altogether, especially since this product is not very useful for the cat’s health and can cause diseases of the urinary system.

The role of a balanced proper nutrition is very important if you decide to buy a Bengal cat. She inherited a shortened intestine from her wild ancestors, and therefore her body is very sensitive, and improper nutrition can lead to undesirable consequences, including death.

Video: myths about cat food

Appearance care

Caring for the appearance of Bengals is not so difficult:

  1. There is no need to comb them: they have short hair, it sheds little, and you only need to go through it a couple of times with a metal comb.
  2. Considering that the Bengal cat most often loves water, bathing her becomes a pleasure for the owner. Like regular cats, they need to be bathed infrequently - 3-4 times a year is enough.
  3. But you should clean your ears of dust and wax regularly.
  4. From a young age, it is necessary to accustom your pet to a scratching post, because Bengal cats are very active and can damage furniture with overgrown claws.
  5. It is also important to monitor your teeth and gums so that plaque does not form on them, which contributes to the development of inflammatory diseases oral cavity. It is enough to brush your teeth a couple of times a month with a special toothbrush.
  6. Once every 3 months you need to carry out anthelmintic treatment.

A kitten's tray should not have high sides; it is best to leave the one the breeder had. An adult cat, on the contrary, needs to purchase a large tray with high and rounded sides. Bengals love cleanliness and carefully clean up after themselves, burying waste deep in the sand - in the absence of high sides, cleaning will be difficult.

Defects in appearance

The breed standard is very strict. There are even defects invisible to the eye that lead to the disqualification of an animal at an exhibition. The main defects in appearance are:

  • small size, not suitable for the Bengal breed;
  • presence of white spots;
  • vertical stripes - “ribs” on the body;
  • flattened chest;
  • strabismus;
  • number of fingers different from the norm;
  • visible tail defects (for example, creases).

These shortcomings do not pose a threat to the life of the pet, but generally these Bengals no longer participate in reproduction and remain simply pets.

Diseases of the breed

Bengal cats are very resistant to diseases. Initially, they were susceptible only to diarrhea, but over time, more dangerous ailments began to develop - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and flat chest syndrome in kittens. Allergies also began to appear very often.

If you decide to start breeding Bengal cats for the first time, it is advisable to contact experienced breeders. They can explain which representatives would be best suited to breed your cat and can provide guidance on the ideal candidate. You should not try to breed your cats with regular house cats if you want small Bengals. This will result in hybrids and they may not look like Bengals, which will likely disappoint their owners.

Bengals can only be bred with representatives of the same breed

When choosing a Bengal cat for mating, you need to look not only at its health and affectionate character, but also its appearance, namely typical signs representatives of the breed: if he has pale spots or, for example, paws that are shorter than the norm, then such a cat should not be taken for mating, since his genes are no longer ideal, and his offspring will move further and further from the standards.

It is imperative to check the kitten’s pedigree up to three generations and find out whether all vaccinations are up to date. It is advisable that the kitten has ready-made tests for the presence of infectious diseases.


Bengal cats mature at approximately 8–9 months of age. Usually at this time they become nervous, unbearably capricious, and demand attention. The first mating is best done with a female who has already given birth to offspring, then you can take the cat to mating at least once or twice a week. A Bengal cat can give birth twice a year.

Cats mature more slowly, but they can be mated for the first time between 5 and 9 months. Estrus can last from three days to two weeks, and sexual passivity can last about four months.

Pregnancy lasts about nine weeks, its symptoms differ little from other types of pregnancy. In the third week, the cat begins to vomit, she becomes lethargic and quiet. By the middle of the term, the Bengal will begin to gain weight, and by the seventh week, she will begin to look for a place for a nest.

Try to make your pet a birthing house yourself: find a box for this, prepare clean and dry rags, come up with a heating system so that the future offspring do not freeze. In a week - one and a half years before giving birth, it is advisable to tame the cat to the nest so that she can feel comfortable and comfortable there with the kittens.

Bengal cats are not particularly fertile: in one litter there are a maximum of four kittens

If you decide to start breeding Bengals, first consult with experienced breeders, they will advise how to choose the best candidate for breeding. Your pet needs to look for a partner not only in a kind, sweet and affectionate cat, but also in an ideal representative of Bengal cats, healthy, vaccinated, without obvious flaws in appearance and with a good pedigree.

Mating always takes place on the cat's territory - this option brings less concern to the partners. The cat is usually left with the cat for several days so that they have time to mate several times. A successful mating is indicated by a sharp change in the cat’s behavior. She becomes calmer and stops screaming, but it is possible to say with certainty that the female is pregnant only after the results of an ultrasound scan, which is carried out two weeks after mating. If the first mating was unsuccessful, do not rush to get upset, this procedure can always be repeated.

If you are the owner of a cat and breed your pet with a cat of other owners, then the kittens belong to you, but the other party will have to give a set amount of money or one kitten from the litter

Castration and sterilization

If you are not planning to breed Bengal kittens, then the best way out will spay or neuter the animal. There is little scientific evidence about the best age to sterilize animals. There is early sterilization, when the kitten has not yet reached puberty. Its advantage is that he has not yet experienced severe psychological and physical consequences mating needs. More standard sterilization is carried out when the animal has already reached sexual maturity (starting at 7–8 months).

After the operation, the Bengal cat needs good care. In the first twelve hours you should not leave your pet; it is best to place it in a warm, soft and clean place. Under no circumstances should you feed the animal, but after six hours you can give water. It is important that there is a clean tray nearby without filler.

After surgery, you need to carefully monitor your pet’s diet, as his activity decreases, he will begin to move less, and if you continue to feed him as much as before, this will lead to obesity.

Pros and cons of the Bengal breed

Pros Cons
Sharp mind, enduranceExcessive activity and noise can ruin many things in the house
If raised correctly they are very friendlyIf you don't educate or tame, he will grow up wild and aggressive.
Practically do not shed and do not cause allergies in ownersThey love to mark their territory
Easy to trainChangeable mood
Gets along well with people and other animals at homeVery freedom-loving - some representatives of the breed do not like to be picked up
They love waterVery expensive breed. Expensive kittens + expensive maintenance, food
Very beautiful, have an unusual colorThe breed is rare, real Bengals can only be found in official kennels, which are located in the largest cities
Soft, silky wool

This amazing cat can be called a miniature copy of a leopard. And although she looks like a wild cat, her habits are no different from a domestic pet. So what kind of creature is a Bengal cat and what are the features of this cat? unusual breed? This breed appeared not so long ago, in 1970, but has already gained popularity among cat lovers, which is not at all surprising. It is unlikely that anyone, having seen such a graceful creature, will remain indifferent to it.

The Asian wild leopard, from which Bengals later descended, was small size with a silky coat of golden brown color. This species of cat practically disappeared from the face of the earth in the mid-twentieth century - poachers exterminated the animals for their valuable skin. The cubs were sold in souvenir shops.

The American scientist J. Mill set out to change the situation. She decided to take a leopard and try to cross it with different breeds domestic cats. But at first, all the experiments were failures, since the kittens that were born grew up detached from people and aggressive. The scientist did not stop there, and as a result, twenty years later, she managed to breed a Bengal cat with a spotted pattern, like a wild cat, and incredibly shiny fur. The new breed of cats managed to preserve the gracefulness of their ancestors and at the same time become domestic and absolutely tame.

Description of an unusual breed

The Bengal cat, as mentioned above, is the result of crossing an Asian wild leopard with a domestic cat. The ancestors of Bengals include Burmese, Abyssinians and even the American Shorthair, from whom they took only the best. These cats are courageous, sociable and playful, while remaining intelligent.

Bengals, which have a traditional sunny golden color with a pattern of stripes, rosettes or spots, bear a striking resemblance to their wild ancestors - leopards. They even have such a muscular body, as if it was specially created for fast running,
jumping and climbing large trees.

From their domestic ancestors, Bengals took an affectionate character and affection for their owner. Sometimes you can hear claims that Bengal cats are wild, but this is just a myth. In fact, these animals are no more dangerous than any cat that has teeth and claws.

Two decades ago, Bengals had only one color - traditional leopard, but today animals of silver and snow colors are known. Only the pattern in the form of stripes, spots and rosettes remained unchanged.

Leopard and silver cats have yellow to green eyes. different options, and in “snow” animals they vary from aquamarine blue.

The coat is silky and thick with a dense undercoat. Shedding in cats of this breed goes unnoticed. Whatever color cats are, they must have a black tip of the tail and paw pads, and shiny fur (like glitter).

Bengals reach quite large sizes: cats can weigh 7 kg, cats a little less - 5 kg. The elongated and muscular body extends into thick legs, with the hind legs being much longer than the front ones. The tail is not very long with short and thick hair, black and rounded at the end.

Like their wild ancestors, Bengal cats have a small but strong head, slightly rounded along the forehead. It is slightly elongated, wedge-shaped, smoothly turning into a muscular short neck. Proportional small rounded ears have no tassels.

The Bengal's muzzle is very expressive, with high cheekbones. The large nose is slightly convex and wide. Wide-set eyes have oval shape or almond shape.

Photos of Bengals

Bengal cat personality

Cats of this breed, like all domestic cats, are sociable, active and inquisitive. And because of their origin from a wild cat, there are some peculiarities in their behavior, namely:

They love to lead an active lifestyle - playing with their owner and even dogs, of whom they are absolutely not afraid.

They love heights, so to avoid them climbing on curtains, curtains and furniture, you should equip the room with special ladders. You can also place a cat house at a height.

They love water so much that they can play with the stream for hours or climb into an aquarium; they also don’t mind taking a bath.

Bengals have inherited an unusual voice from a wild cat,
ranging from purring to growling. These are talkative pets, and they can also distinguish human speech well.
Cats of this breed, due to their constant desire for interaction, are trainable and can follow simple commands.

It is important to know that these cats do not tolerate isolation and loneliness at all. If you don't give them enough attention, over time they will develop a grudge and become aggressive.

Mating of Bengal cats

The Bengal cat breed is quite difficult to breed. Experts have spent decades trying to eliminate or fix certain genes. Therefore, you will need a lot of knowledge and experience in correct selection partner for mating, as well as what an ideal animal of a given breed should be. At
If you lack experience, it is better to seek help from those people who have more experience in this matter.

Today, mating of Bengals is allowed only within the breed and the birth of mixed breeds is not encouraged. The owner, of course, can cross his pet with a cat of another breed, but the kittens born will no longer be considered Bengals.

Mating with an Asian leopard cat is also acceptable, but purchasing such an animal or simply finding one for mating will be problematic. Such work is carried out only in Bengal nurseries.

To be or not to be sterilization of cats and castration of cats

The question of spaying or neutering Bengals is one of the most common questions when visiting veterinarians. There are many reasons for this: cats constantly mark their territory, cats often go into heat, and not every owner of an animal of this breed will want to constantly feel the “aroma” of their pet or house their pet’s kittens. This is why sterilization or castration
Animal control is often the most optimal and humane way out of a problematic situation.

Castration of a Bengal cat involves tying off the seminal flow or removing both testicles.

There are several types of sterilization of a Bengal cat - medication, surgery, radiation. The most reliable and safest for the cat’s body is surgical method sterilization.

Caring for a Bengal cat and its health

There is also nothing complicated in caring for your pet. Brush the animal once a week, trim its nails twice a month, and clean its ears when dirty. This concludes the list of necessary procedures.

It is advisable to take Bengal cats for walks on a leash as often as possible, during which they will satisfy their curiosity and become active.


Bengals' diet should contain a lot of protein food - they need it to maintain their health. perfect condition wool That's why you need to give them red meat - rabbit or beef. Cats don’t need a lot of fish, since they don’t have it at all in their natural diet. One quarter of the total diet should consist of dairy products, such as plain yogurt, kefir, sour cream and low-fat cottage cheese.

Among ready-made foods, preference should be given to foods intended for short-haired and premium cats. They have everything essential vitamins and nutrients.

Who is a Bengal cat suitable for?

Many people buy Bengal cats only because they fell in love at first sight with their appearance and unusual color. But they simply don’t think about the fact that this animal is wayward, needs competent education, and is not suitable for everyone.

Bengals are smart and independent animals, they understand the rules of the family in which they live and accept them. Therefore, they are an ideal addition to a family with children and a peace-loving dog. A cat of this breed will happily play with children, but only with those who treat her with respect. These animals find a common language best with school-age children.

How to choose a kitten and where to buy it

Firstly, certified breeders only offer healthy kittens for sale whose pedigree can be traced. One of the advantages of nurseries is that they reject individuals that do not meet the socialization requirements and do not
are allowed for breeding.

Secondly, kittens that are less than six months old do not look as presentable as adult Bengals - their hair is longer and does not shine. That is why, at the poultry market, instead of a Bengal kitten, there is a high risk of purchasing a kitten of only a similar color, but not purebred. And this takes into account the fact that a Bengal kitten costs at least 35–40 thousand rubles.

When choosing a kitten, you must request a veterinary passport, where vaccination notes must be made.

Be sure to look at the kitten’s appearance and behavior. If the kitten is absolutely healthy, then, like any child, it will be curious, cheerful and playful, it will make contact easily and will not show aggression.

It is also practiced in nurseries to reserve kittens, which makes it possible to follow the kitten you like from a few weeks of its life until three months - the moment when you can buy and take the kitten home.

If you look at this cat, it is immediately clear that it resembles a leopard. And this is not just like that. The Bengal breed is a crossbreed domestic cat and a wild leopard. Such selection work was carried out for about 20 years, and as a result a completely harmless and cute domestic creature with a wild appearance appeared.

This breed was first officially recognized in 1991. Since then, the Bengal cat has gradually spread throughout the world.

Such an exotic animal looks very beautiful. Black rosettes are scattered on the golden or silver coat. The body is very graceful, flexible and powerful. The character of this pet is restless, as wild blood makes itself felt. However, against this background, the kitten has mercy and kindness and tenderness.

Details about their character and lifestyle

Such wild-domestic cats love communication, both with people and with other pets. Based on this information, you can guess that they do not like loneliness. Therefore, owners should not leave their Bengal alone at home for a long time.

There are times when pets can take revenge if for a long time bored in splendid isolation. These kittens communicate in their own language. They purr loudly, meow, and may even hiss as a sign of their displeasure.

Since this is part of a wild animal, the space around them should not be limited. Bengals love to run and jump high, and therefore they should have their own corner and a rather large territory.

You can install shelves for them, on which the pet can jump high onto cabinets, a refrigerator or other objects. Or put a large scratching post in your house, which will not only be useful for combating furniture scratching, but will also become a secluded corner for your friend.

Don't forget about playing with your Bengal cat. Since they have an active character, they need to splash out their energy somewhere. If an animal has no brothers in the house or lives within just four walls, then its only hope is in you.

Bengals love to run after the ball, and they can also bring it back in their teeth. They like games with feathers, catch-up or hide-and-seek. Plus, interact with your four-legged friend while playing. Don't think that these are signs of madness, kittens understand that you are talking to them and they really like it. They will not remain in debt to you.

This breed of cat is very curious and intelligent. They always and everywhere follow their owners and watch them. And such curiosity is justified, because in this way the pet learns from its owner.

It is after this that he can turn off the lights himself (if it is within his limits), open the door, turn on the computer and even go to the toilet. Naturally, such curiosity cannot always lead to good, and therefore owners should remove sharp and other dangerous objects from visible places.

One more distinctive feature his character is not a fear of water. In nature, the leopard, the progenitor of the Bengal, will easily jump into the water after its prey. Therefore, at home, a Bengal cat can easily climb into a filled bathtub with water, especially if something attracts its attention (see).

It is also worth remembering that any cat is a hunter, and even more so a Bengal. Therefore, if rodents ever appear in your house, then you should not be afraid of it. Your animal can easily cope with such pests. However, such hunting instincts can also harm their owners.

For example, Bengals may hunt for human feet or hands. As a result, they can bite household members or scratch them. Therefore, teach your pet in advance that it is forbidden to rush at people, and switch their attention to toys, ropes and balls.

It is worth remembering that Bengals are independent cats. Therefore, you should not forcibly pick them up or force them to do something. In addition, they will immediately show what they don’t like with their loud protest.

At the same time, the Bengal cat is kind, gentle, and, as we said, sociable. This is expressed when the kitten is not forced. He will come to sleep with you on the same sofa, or he will jump into your arms and start purring.

This breed of cat easily gets along with all people. Therefore, you should not worry if there are small children in your family. In some miraculous way, the cat never offends small children, as if he understands that this should not be done.

The Bengal breed treats all other members of the household equally, unlike the one who feeds it. Such a person will become the owner of such a beautiful breed. The cat also gets along well with other animals, and will even happily spend his time with them. free time, while you are not at home.

However, it is worth considering that you should not have males in the same apartment - this will be an eternal struggle and competition for territory. Females get along with each other calmly.

This animal is unpretentious in care. His short coat has no undercoat, so it should not be brushed frequently. You should bathe your pet only when absolutely necessary. But it is recommended to trim overgrown claws.

By nature, the Bengal has poor digestion. Because of this, this breed should be fed only proven high-quality food. The cardiovascular system is also a little naughty. Therefore you should avoid stressful situations for the cat, because all this can lead to its sudden death.

It is best to choose such a handsome dog from an experienced and trusted breeder. Such pets will have a pedigree, documents and vaccinations.

The Bengal cat did not acquire its name because of its Indian origin. The breed was developed in the sunny state of California not so long ago - in 1963. American breeders wanted to create a “small domestic leopard,” so they crossed it with a regular domestic shorthair. Bengals received their official recognition only twenty years later, in 1983. A kitten is considered purebred if the genes of wild leopard ancestors are clearly manifested in it (at least 12%, better - 25%).

The Bengal cat - the photos clearly demonstrate this - looks very much like a small leopard. This is a large animal: males weigh up to seven kilograms, and females - about four. They are very graceful, long-legged, and the plasticity of their movements is simply mesmerizing. Thick but short hair and innate cleanliness make caring for these animals extremely easy. It is enough to bathe your pet occasionally, especially since Bengals, unlike their relatives, simply love to swim.

Some people claim to be wild, pugnacious, or, conversely, timid. This is not true at all. Breeders worked to ensure that owners of small leopards would not have any problems keeping animals in the family. Excessively timid or, conversely, aggressive individuals were not allowed for further breeding. These pussies have a gentle disposition, like most of them.

They speak harshly to everyone in the family, although they single out one family member in particular. They show their preference by the fact that they like to take a nap on their chosen one’s… neck or shoulder. Don’t be surprised: wild ancestors, because in nature, leopard cats feel safe only when hiding in the canopy of trees.

As already mentioned, these animals are not at all afraid of water and love to splash around for hours. They will follow their chosen one into both the shower and the bath. Their favorite pastime is to put their toys into the water and then fish them out. The Bengal cat, whose character can be called extremely affectionate, will share the bed with its owner. You don’t have to buy her a personal bedding or house - she will still ignore them. Bengal is confident: best place for sleeping - under the blanket, at the owner's side.

Until a very old age, the Bengal cat retains a playful and inquisitive character. She manages to adapt completely unsuitable things for games. It is worth keeping away from her an aquarium with fish, clothes, shoes, matches, threads, newspapers, cereals... in a word, everything that can be scattered, scratched and torn. But then she should be presented with toys, always different, new and wonderful. Bengals have a vicious passion to hide somewhere in a shelter and from there watch with pleasure how all the family is looking for them.

If you are an absent-minded and even careless person, a Bengal cat will teach you how to put things in their place and securely lock the closet. The character of this animal is such that, once he sees a person opening the refrigerator and taking food out of it, he will immediately repeat his actions. Keeping in mind the Bengals' passion for bathing, you should have tight handles on the water taps in the house, otherwise the pet will decide to fill the bath for itself. These cats are “talkative”, and the sound of their purring reveals their origin: from the jungle. At the same time, these pussies do not have any smell of a “wild animal”. They get along well with dogs and other cats.