House ficus. Caring for ficus at home. Ficus: names of species with photos, home care Ficus with pink leaves name

Today there are more than 1000 varieties of ficus, but only a few are suitable for growing at home. Depending on the type, the plant may look like a bonsai tree, a hanging form, or an indoor tree. In the natural environment, this crop reaches large sizes, up to full-fledged 30-meter trees.

Knowing the varieties of ficus with names and descriptions is necessary if you are going to decorate a room or production room this unique plant.

Origin and botanical description of the plant

Over 600 varieties of evergreen plants live in Indochina, the tropics of India, Java, Ceylon and other islands. IN natural conditions ficus plants can reach 30 m in height, with leaves growing up to 1 m.

The ficus flower was first described before our era by the botanist Theophrastus. During a hike with Alexander the Great, he saw an amazing tree with a huge crown, hard long leaves and roots that descended vertically from the branches, forming a natural arch.

To support the massive crown, “aerial” roots descend from the branches of the tree. They form columnar supports and grow into the ground. In some varieties, the root system entwines the trunk of the plant, causing its death. All parts contain milky poisonous juice in the tissues.

In most cases, it is dangerous if it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, but the liquid obtained from certain varieties of ficus - indica, sycomorus, heterophylla - is used for the production of medicines.

Main characteristics:

  1. The leaves are dense, hard, dark green in color, lobed, deltoid and toothed. The stipules quickly fall off and are large; after the leaves bloom, they are retained only in some varieties. In nature, the leaf diameter can reach 40 cm.
  2. Flowers can be single or grouped in racemes or spikelets. Ficus flowering continues for more than 2 months. The color of the buds is inconspicuous, light, the flowers are small, shaped like a pear or a ball. They are pollinated by insects, although reproduction occurs vegetatively.
  3. The height of the plant, depending on the variety, varies from 50 cm to 30 m or more. At home, trees reach 2-3 m.
  4. Among all varieties, 10% are deciduous. The remaining 90% are evergreen. The plant is long-lived.
  5. IN room conditions You can grow only 7 types of plants that do not reach enormous sizes and are not so demanding on the level of lighting and air humidity.
  6. Belongs to the mulberry family; according to the type of formation, it can be a vine, bush or tree. Lianas can be ampel-shaped or growing upward.

Almost all varieties have a similar appearance. So, all varieties have hard, round or oval shape with a pointed tip. In some species they are solid dark green, some varieties have a different leaf color - with edging, spots, dots, veins.

Variety of species and varieties

There are several types of ficus that can grow indoors. In general, the plant is unpretentious, but it is demanding on temperature, since its homeland is subtropical and tropical zones, where the air temperature is equally high throughout the growing season.


The rubber variety owes its name to high content rubber in milky juice. In natural environments where the tree reaches enormous heights, it was used in the production of rubber. Maximum height – 2 m.


  1. It grows by an average of 40 cm per year, side shoots are missing.
  2. The wide, glossy leaves have a dark green tint; depending on the variety, they can be plain or have whitish veins and a wide edge. Ficus broadleaf - the length of one leaf can reach 15 centimeters.
  3. The flowers do not add decorative value to the plant, since they have thin, inconspicuous petals, a light shade, and are practically invisible behind the large leaves.
  4. Under natural conditions, in the first year of life, the tree has no side branches and does not branch. The plant begins to branch as it grows, forming aerial roots that form a banyan tree - a kind of support that serves as material for the growth of new trees.
  5. It practically does not bloom indoors, since it is pollinated by insects of a specific species. The fruits resemble figs, up to 1 cm in diameter, but are inedible.

Most popular varieties rubber ficus are:

  • Black Prince– the leaves are so dark that from a distance they appear black, which gives the plant its name;
  • Robusta– grows in the form of a bush with fairly compact dark leaves with juicy pulp, which are used as a natural indoor air filter;
  • Tineke– distinguished by beautiful hard leaves with a light border, which reach 25 cm in length; at home it can grow up to 2 meters;
  • Abidjan– decorated with wide leaves, Bottom part which has burgundy veins, grows bulky, and therefore is not suitable for small rooms;
  • Melanie– the variety is suitable for cultivation in small room, because it grows decorative and compact, has dark green leaves with the lower part colored pink. The plant bushes heavily;
  • Belize– leaves are three-colored, the lower part is red-burgundy, the edge is pink, the center is green, demanding on lighting.

Most varieties of rubber-bearing ficus were bred in Holland, from where the plants are supplied to Russia. It is used not only for decorating apartments, but also offices, cafes, and restaurants. Plants easily tolerate dry air and high temperature, do not require burdensome maintenance.

Ficus elastica is practically not used for industrial purposes today, since cheaper sources of rubber have been found.


Ficus benjamina grows in the rain forests of tropical Asia, mainly at the foot of the mountains. How indoor flowers used for indoor landscaping, in phyto-design, grown in pots and floor vases. In natural conditions, it reaches 20 m in height, the dense dark green glossy leaves of the evergreen plant have an elongated oval shape and a pointed tip. Depending on the variety, they can be single-colored or multi-colored, reaching a length of 5 to 12 cm.

Indoors, the tree reaches a maximum of 3 m, the crown is lush and voluminous, the trunk is uneven. Small-leaved species are used for growing as bonsai.

In natural conditions the tree blooms, but in an apartment it blooms extremely rarely. The flowers are small white peas that are hidden in the axils of the foliage.

Several species are bred in home floriculture:

  1. Daniel. A tree with very rapid growth; during the growing season the growth can be 30 cm. The leaves are glossy, dense, dark green, flat with a pointed tip.
  2. Exotic. This variety grows 20 cm in one year, the leaf length is 8 cm. The leaf is softer than other varieties and darker green in color. The length of the internode is up to 4 cm.
  3. Nicole. It differs in the color of the leaves - they have such a wide cream edging that some are almost completely devoid of a dark green background. The foliage shape is elongated, with a pointed tip.
  4. Monique. Has decorative leaves. They are light green, the edges are wavy, and the shape is elongated. The branches are practically devoid of woodiness, thin, drooping.
  5. Baroque. The color of the leaves is two-color, spotted, the length of one leaf is within 4 cm. The variety is slow growing, the maximum growth per year is 5 cm.
  6. Safari. Up to 90% of the leaf area can be whitish in color, in some cases it has a marbled color with a large number of stripes or spots. The leaves are short, do not exceed 4 cm in length, the tree is not tall, so it is often used in indoor decoration.
  7. Viandi. The stems are thin, with beautiful bends; as they develop, the direction of growth of the stems can change in any direction. In the phyto-design of a room, this feature of the plant is used to create exotic forms - the stems can be braided into a ring, or arches can be made. The leaves are bent like a boat and have a rich green color. Growth rates are low.
  8. Natasha. A dwarf bonsai tree, it has small leaves and a compact crown, as well as shortened internodes.

This variety of ficus has relatively soft foliage, so it is always lowered to the ground. For this, it received another name - “crying tree”.


The miniature bonsai tree differs from other varieties in the shape of the trunk - at the bottom it has a thickening, which serves to accumulate moisture necessary during the dry period. This dwarf bottle ficus variety is suitable for breeding in apartment conditions.

At the end of flowering, the tree grows fruits, but this is only possible in its natural growth area. Found naturally in Asia, China, and Australia. Grows mainly in sunny places.

The tree has a wide, flat shape and an amazing trunk structure. The massive root system is partially visible above the soil surface, the roots are intertwined, and the base has massive thickenings.

The height reaches 20 m, indoor samples have maximum length 1.5 m. The leaves are up to 10 cm long, have an elongated oval shape, a pointed apex, and a light green color. Their surface is smooth, the skin is glossy and thin. They are attached to the branches with a short petiole.

The lack of flowering at home is explained by the need for pollination. There are no insects in the apartments that are capable of pollinating the buds for the subsequent appearance of fruits. When flowering in natural areas, it forms spherical inflorescences of a purple hue, which look more like small berries.

Like other representatives of ficus, it has a poisonous whitish milky sap, allergic and skin irritation. Any manipulations with the plant should be carried out with protective gloves.


Fícus benghalénsis also belongs to the mulberry family and grows naturally in Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh. Reaches enormous sizes - the crown is covered with 500 square meters, the height can reach 40 m or more. In the homeland of this tree, it is considered a symbol of eternity and is used to decorate both residential premises and temples. The leaves are so strong that they cover roofs and build canopies.

Horizontally growing branches form a banyan - a pendant root system. Multiple roots develop slowly, some of them dry out without touching the soil. The rest form peculiar supports or arches and take root in the ground. Then a phase of woodiness and thickening occurs, new trunks are formed.

When grown at home, it looks like a small tree with rounded dark green glossy leaves. Characteristic feature foliage is the presence of light yellow veins. The height of the tree can be controlled by timely pruning. Therefore, in an apartment, ficus can reach 3 m, minimum dimensions vary between 40-60 cm.

The optimal container for growing is a large-diameter floor pot or flowerpot. Due to the branched massive root system, the plant requires a lot of space; in the absence of timely pruning, the crown becomes too thick, which interferes with the normal growth of leaves.


The name of this variety of ficus comes from the leaves - their shape resembles a violin or lyre. In nature, ficus lirata grows in Africa and can reach impressive sizes - up to 30 m in height, so the crown grows greatly.

Main characteristics:

  • evergreen, in indoor conditions not exceeding 2 meters;
  • the trunk is thinner than that of other varieties, has a light gray bark, rough, and weakly branches;
  • the leaves can reach 45 cm in height, have a dense, glossy green skin, wavy edges, and deepened veins of a lighter shade in the middle;
  • leaf petioles are arranged spirally along the shoots;
  • flowering and subsequent fruits appear on the tree only under natural conditions; the fruit is a round-sized berry with a green tint;
  • the tree reacts poorly to decreased temperature and lack of light.

Main varieties:

  • LittleFiddle - compact trees with erect stems;
  • Columnaris – columnar flower of small height with rounded leaves;
  • Bambino - the stem is covered with massive oval leaves.

Ficus largeleaf does not bloom at home. The buds are small, white or yellowish, invisible in the dense crown.


The miniature species (pumila) first appeared in Japan, Vietnam and China. It looks like a vine that spreads along the ground and forms a dense carpet. The ground cover ficus has heart-shaped leaves up to 3 cm long. As it grows, the length of the leaves can increase and reach 7 cm.

The pear-shaped fruits are up to 3 mm in diameter and have a light green tint. Flowering does not occur in apartments.

This type of ficus is widely used in landscape design, as it allows you to cover an area of ​​up to 4 square meters in one season. Moreover, this variety is capable of attaching itself not only to the surface of the ground, but also to entwining nearby shrubs, trees, fences, hedges, and even clinging to walls with protrusions with its roots.

Miniature fast-growing ficus small-leaved can be used in apartments as hanging plant. Optimal place There will be hanging tubs or pots for planting. The stems are soft, flexible, hanging to the ground. At the same time, there are a lot of leaves, so the small-leaved ficus quickly covers any area.

Binnendiyka Ali

The plant is native to the tropical zone of Southeast Asia, widespread in Burma, Vietnam, Thailand, the islands of Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. It grows in countries with warm tropical climates; in Europe and the USA it is used for landscaping gardens, parks and streets.

Evergreen, reaches 20 m; at home, the height rarely exceeds one and a half meters. A powerful root system protrudes above the ground. The leaves are dark green, glossy, up to 30 cm in length. Acrid juice is released at the cut sites.

Distinctive feature– leaf shape. They are long and very elongated, and may have yellowish spots or a beige border. The second name of this ficus is “willow-like”. The stems are thin, flexible, without woodiness.

Today, ficus trees decorate not only houses and apartments, but also office premises, public catering establishments, banks, and train stations. The plants are easy to care for and can live in indoor conditions for years.

Ficus- one of my favorites indoor plants. The genus Ficus (Ficus) includes many decorative species, For example ficus benjamina, ficus lyreate, ficus rubbery, which will be discussed in this article and many others.

In nature, ficus trees grow in tropical forests Asia and Africa. (Ficus elastica) is evergreen tree 20-30 meters high with aerial roots that serve as supports. In a room, this species can grow up to 3-4 meters in height. The dense leathery leaves, elliptical in shape, are very attractive and can reach a length of 20-30 cm. The leaf has a central vein. New leaves appear at the top of the shoot, opening from the shell. The leaves are attached to the trunk by short petioles.

Ficus is called the orderly of the air, since its large leaves collect dust well, and the plant itself, according to bioenergeticists, absorbs negative emotions, calms and drives away evil spirits.

Now there are many interesting variegated varieties: “Tineke” - leaves painted in several shades of green from dark to light and a cream or white border along the edge; the "Tricolor" variety has leaves painted in several colors - green, cream or white and pink. Also popular are the monochromatic varieties of rubber ficus “Decor” with raised leaves, “Abidjan” with large leaves of a purple-red hue.

Ficus- unpretentious and easy to grow indoor plant.

For rubber ficus, it is best to select the most illuminated place with diffused rays of the sun; lighting is especially important for variegated varieties. With a lack of light, the plant becomes very elongated, the trunk quickly becomes bare, the leaves turn pale and become thin.

From spring to autumn, ficus grows actively. At this time, it is watered abundantly and fed with complex food once every two to three weeks. mineral fertilizer. The temperature during the growth period should be above +18 0 C.

In winter, the ficus rests, the temperature in the room should be below +18 0 C, but not below +15 0 C. Watering at this time is limited to a minimum - once a week, and feeding is stopped.

Dry air is destructive for ficus leaves, so they are often sprayed and wiped with a damp sponge.

Ficus is sensitive to drafts and sudden temperature changes; due to these unfavorable conditions, it can shed its leaves. It also reacts to the cooling of the earthen ball in the pot, so place it on a cold windowsill or floor with an insulating pad.

The appearance of spots on ficus leaves can be caused by several reasons: improper watering, poor lighting, dry air. Changes in temperature and light cause healthy leaves to drop; try to protect the ficus from stressful conditions.

Ficus is replanted every two to three years. The pot is immediately increased by 3-4 centimeters in diameter. To prepare for transplantation, the ficus is watered abundantly, then removed from the old pot. If possible, remove old soil by shaking and check the condition of the roots. The plant is placed in new pot with a layer of drainage already poured and covered with fresh soil, the roots are sprinkled on all sides with fresh soil to the previous level of the root collar. Large specimens are very difficult to transplant, so they are simply replaced upper layer land. The soil for transplantation must be nutritious; it is prepared from fertile garden soil containing humus of manure or compost, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Not all ficus varieties are prone to branching. The grown trunk becomes bare over time and the plant loses its beauty. You can rejuvenate the ficus by rooting its top or forcing it to produce lateral shoots from dormant buds. To do this, you need to bend the trunk into a horizontal position or even bend the top to the base and secure it well. After some time, the buds wake up and start sprouting.

The main method of propagating ficus is through cuttings. They are cut in the spring to a length of 10-15 cm. Each cutting should have 1-2 leaves; it is better to remove the leaf at its base. Rooting can be done in water or in a mixture of peat and sand at a temperature of 22-24 0 C and high humidity.

You can root a bare shoot using air layering. To do this, make an incision on the shoot, wrap this area with moss and cellophane on top. The moss is constantly moistened; as soon as roots appear, the shoot is cut off and transplanted into a pot.

Different types and varieties of ficus, although considered close relatives, are sometimes completely different from each other. They can look like a bush, tree or vine. Their leaves are large and small, smooth and rough, uniformly colored and with various spots, raised upward or hanging elegantly.

Which varieties of ficus known and most often used in indoor floriculture?

Ficus rubbery (elastic) - f. elastica

Some of the most popular and beloved ficus trees are tree-like. The most famous of them is ficus rubber or elastic. This tropical evergreen can reach almost 10 meters indoors, but is usually kept shaped at 2 or 3 meters.

Particularly attractive in this type of ficus are the large leaves with a glossy top part. Their length is usually from 20 to 30 cm in length, and their width is from 10 to 20 cm. The leaves are attached to the trunks alternately using small petioles.

Forms with green leaves are the most unpretentious. The same applies to varieties with dark colors: “Abidjan”, “Black Prince”. The first leaves have a dark burgundy tint, while the second has a blackish tint.

Variegated varieties and forms are more capricious. For example, "Belize" has tricolor leaves, green in the center, white and pink around the edges. Or "Teneke" with a white pattern on a green background.

This ornamental culture undemanding to growing conditions, but blooms quite rarely in an apartment. When caring, remember that the white sap of ficus elastica is poisonous. And you need to be careful when working with it.

Ficus lyreformes - f. lyrata.

Perhaps the most effective of indoor ficus– lyre-shaped. This species is distinguished by its leaves with a wavy surface and the large size of the tree (it can grow up to 2.5 meters). In a room, it is undesirable to place ficus lyreate close to other flowers; it requires a lot of space, although under natural conditions it can grow both in the depths of the forest and on its edge.

The unusually shaped leaves are directed upward, their length is about half a meter. At first, this ficus grows into one trunk; side shoots appear only at the age of 4-5 years. The rough bark covering the trunks is light brown with a gray tint. This large “flower” is only for spacious rooms.

Thin, harsh leaves of dense green color with a glossy surface and light green color inside. Green-yellow veins stand out brightly on the leaf. The leaves are up to 50 cm long and up to 25 cm wide, with wavy edges.

The most common varieties are:

Ficus benjamina - f. benjamina

Drooping shoots with medium-sized elongated smooth leaves give Ficus Benjamin a special grace. On the trunk, covered with gray bark with transverse brownish streaks, leaves with a small pointed end are located alternately. The length of the leaves can vary from 4 to 12 cm, and the width from 3 to 6 cm.

This plant can grow to a height of almost four meters, but easily forms into multi-stemmed or single-stemmed trees and bushes. Often several young ficuses are planted in one pot, their trunks are intertwined with a pigtail, spiral, lattice or spliced.

For this variety of ficus, probably the largest number of varieties have been bred, which differ from each other in plant size, color and size of leaves, as well as growth rate.

Ficus Binnendijka - f. binnendijkii

Another species suitable for growing at home is ficus Binnendijka or Benedicta. This is a plant with narrow, elongated leaves and thick aerial roots, which is why it is sometimes mistakenly called a bottle tree. Typically this species consists of shrubs or trees, which in apartment conditions reach about 1.5 meters.

The shoots are covered with bark, which, depending on age, can be light green, brown or gray. Elongated leaves with a sharp end, painted in a thick green tint. Typically, the leaf length is from 25 to 30 cm, and the width is from 4 to 5 cm. The vein running through the middle of the leaf plate is light colored green color with a yellow tint. The upper part of the sheet is glossy, and the lower part is matte.

In indoor floriculture, Ficus Benedict is represented by the following varieties:

Ficus dwarf (creeping, pumila) - f. pumila

This species has climbing, creeping shoots with small, leathery, oval-shaped leaves from 2.5 cm in length to 1.5 in width. It has the ability to stick to almost any surface. The shoots of adult plants are lignified. Grows well in bright, full sun conditions.

Often grown as a hanging plant.

The main varieties in indoor floriculture:

Basic growing rules

In nature, ficuses are unpretentious, but in indoor conditions they are more finicky. They do not tolerate drafts, the roots rot due to damp soil, and the leaves fall due to extreme drying and low light.


IN summer time Ficuses grow well at temperatures from 25 to 30 degrees. And in winter, the preferred temperature is 16-20 degrees. However, they should not be placed on cold window sills and floors. The “legs” of these plants must be kept warm.

Transplantation and soil

Ficuses do not like spacious pots. They are replanted when the roots fill the entire container. But the top layer of soil is changed annually. The soil for these plants is selected to be nutritious, water-permeable and breathable. Sand, expanded clay, crushed coal or brick chips are added to it. The baking powder should be one-fifth or one-sixth of the volume of the soil mixture.

Top dressing

Ficus plants are fed from spring to autumn with complete fertilizer for decorative deciduous crops. Organics, such as mullein, are less commonly used.

Watering and air humidity

The watering regime for ficus plants depends on the time of year, type, air humidity and age of the plants. How to determine: it’s time to water or too early? This is what they advise experienced flower growers: You need to stick your finger into the ground. If it gets dirty, you can hold off on watering. Stayed dry? It's time to water.

These plants tolerate dry summer air well, but after turning on the batteries, it is advisable to spray them two or three times a week. In winter, water moderately, but ampelous species and varieties require more water.

Small-leaved species are often sprayed and given a warm shower. Specimens with large leaves are wiped with a damp cloth.

Leaf care

If the foliage seems dull, but the plant does not suffer in any way, then they resort to treatment with a special polishing compound. Or, use home remedies such as beer. Apply the product to a cloth or sponge and wipe the leaves, except for the youngest ones. Some gardeners polish the leaves with the inside of a banana peel.

Photo credits: gogouua, NatashaMG09, sviridova-kst,

Of all the numerous genus of ficus, no more than two dozen are grown at home. These plants have long taken pride of place in our homes; they are also in demand in modern flower arrangements thanks to its beautiful leaves, unpretentiousness, and ease of care. A very valuable feature of ficus trees is their rapid growth, which allows you to get a tree up to 1.5-2 m tall from a cutting in two to three years. Such a plant will perfectly green and decorate not only a room, but also an office, a large formal hall, and will become the highlight of the interior. Tree-like forms of ficus are most often grown indoors. Let's look at the most popular types.

Types of ficus with small leaves

The championship belongs to Ficus Benjamin, which is a tree or bush with a branched crown, with numerous flexible shoots. They can be intertwined, curled, twisted, creating fancy shapes. Thanks to the natural plasticity inherent in this species, breeders have developed a large number of varieties with wonderful poetic names:

  • Curley,
  • Starlight,
  • Irene,
  • Natasha,
  • Nicole,
  • Borok et al.

They all differ in size, growth vigor, leaf shape, and color.

Ficus benjamina is a large shrub that grows well at home up to 3-4 m in height (although usually lower) and 1.5 m wide. It has many branched woody shoots on which grow small, about 3-8 cm, lanceolate, glossy , leathery leaves with a sharp tip. A characteristic feature of F. Benjamin is its “weeping” crown. It has many varieties with different sizes and foliage color.

Leaves may be white or yellow, wavy, curled or completely green. The species grows quickly - within a few years it forms magnificent trees. It needs a lot of light, otherwise it will lose its leaves.

May have green leaves or white-green and yellow-green varieties (“Variegata”, “Starlight”). There are also low varieties, they are easier to grow in an apartment, and sometimes they are suitable for bonsai (for example, “Ester”, “Natasha”).

Lesser known types of ficus

Deltoid (Ficus deltoidea) - the original, shrubby ficus, grows similarly to the Benjamin ficus, but its shoots are less branched. Almost round, green on top, brownish on the bottom leaves are located quite sparsely on the branches. It grows well even in dimly lit rooms. The plant produces small, greenish-white fruits.

Leaves similar to those of F. Benjamin, but with a different shape have ficus nitida And Australian ficus (Ficus australis).

Ficus obtuse(Ficus retusa, variety F. microcarpa) has leaves similar to Ficus Benjamin, but with straight ends. This plant is often chosen as a bonsai tree due to its ease of care and the species' resistance to frequent shaping and pruning.

Interesting and unusual ficus microcarpa. The peculiarity of this species is its thickened roots, reminiscent of swollen intertwined tubers of a bizarre shape.

Ficus with large leaves

Ficus rubber is the most monumental of the indoor plants of this genus. This is a long-liver, which in the old days was inherited from mother to daughter. Large glossy leathery oval-shaped leaves adorn a strong tree with one or two stems.

Over the years, the plant begins to branch, and at an advanced age it may bloom. Nowadays, in addition to the traditional green-leaved forms, variegated varieties have also been bred, which have a lower chlorophyll content, and therefore are more unpretentious to the conditions of detention, compact and slow-growing:

  • Melanie,
  • Robusta,
  • Teenex,
  • Belize.

The most popular ficus (fig tree) with large leaves is the elastic ficus (Ficus elastica). It has large elliptical, leathery, glossy and entire leaves. Young leaves are initially brown or red, which turn green over time.

The most common are its two varieties - “Variegata” (has bright yellow spots on the leaves) and “Decora” (the leaves are shorter and wider, red below). Ficus elastica is easy to grow and recommended for beginners. It grows and develops quickly. Older specimens shed their lower leaves.

Another popular species is Ficus lyreata. It has large, up to 30 cm in length, thick, lyre-like, shiny, dark green leaves. Ficus lyreata is an ornamental plant native to the West African region. It is distinguished by beautiful and large leaves of deep green color, which are narrowed at the base and covered with yellow-green veins on top. In older species, the length of one leaf can reach 50 cm. Mature plants look very impressive, reminiscent of large trees. This species requires strong support. It has higher heat requirements than other types.

This species is one of the most preferred plants for interior refreshment. Additionally, gardeners say that this flower is also one of the most durable, making it recommended for gardening enthusiasts. Large and beautiful leaves ficus lyre-shaped, in outline similar to a violin, for which the plant is also called the violin tree. This proud handsome man prefers spacious premises, stability and loneliness, so it is not advisable to place it in groups with other plants.

Ficus bengal

Ficus bengal, banyan (Ficus benghalensis) has large, 20 cm long, hairy, rough leaves. This plant grows very quickly and branches out - so it requires a lot of space. It produces purple, small fruits similar to figs. The species with colorful leaves looks very beautiful.

Ficus Binnendijka

Ficus Binnendijka, or willow leaf, is very elegant. As the name suggests, the leaves of this plant resemble willow, which gives it special grace, delicacy and lightness. Popular variegated varieties:

  • Amstel Kit,
  • Variegata,
  • Amstel Queen.

(Ficus binnendijkii) is a very original, but large and widespread shrub. It reaches about 2-3 m in height and 1.5-2 m in width. Its leaves are similar to willow leaves: long (about 20 cm) and narrow. They grow densely on the shoots, creating a lush green mass.

They live on window sills and rarer types of ficus:

  • creeping (or dwarf) - a charming small-leaved vine;
  • goblet-stipule,
  • swept,
  • rough,
  • triangular (or Natal) and others.

The unpretentiousness and plasticity of most species allow them to be successfully grown in a wide variety of rooms.

Ampelous and creeping varieties

- a small climber, with long, thin shoots and tiny, almost round leaves.

The leaves may be green or white depending on the variety. This perfect flower for hanging containers. It looks great in compositions with other plants with decorative leaves. Grows well even in darker rooms.

Ficus sagitta
is creeping plant. It forms roots on leaves embedded in long, thin shoots. The leaves are larger than F. pumila, about 5 cm long, pointedly upturned. It needs more light than the creeping ficus. Also looks great in compositions with other plants.

Growing and caring for ficus

Ficus trees differ from each other in appearance, sheet size and shape. Despite these differences, they have very similar requirements.


Ficus plants require indirect light and do not like positions in full sun. They grow best in moderately sunny locations. Variations with variegated leaves require more light. Young plants can be grouped. Old ones must grow up alone.

Temperature and humidity

The optimal temperature is 18 - 24 ° C. Plants do not like temperatures to drop below 15 ° C. Ficus responds well to high humidity. You need to spray the leaves with soft water at least once a week to clean them of dust. Large leaves should be wiped with a damp sponge.

Watering and fertilizing

Ficuses should be watered abundantly, but rarely - only when the top layer of the substrate is dry. The root ball should not dry out. Do not let water sit in the pot, as this can cause leaves to quickly fall and cause root rot. During intensive growth, plants should be fed with green fertilizers every two weeks. In winter, plants do not need fertilizer and abundant watering.


Young ficus trees should be replanted every year in the spring. For old plants, it is enough to replace the top layer of substrate in the pot. Ficuses feel good in too small pot. If the plants stop growing or the flower pot becomes too tight (i.e. the roots protrude through the holes at the bottom), they should be repotted.

A very beautiful, but whimsical variety. Considered one of the most light-loving plants. Demanding about conditions of detention. The air temperature is at least 20 degrees.

The lighting is bright, but does not like direct sunlight. On hot days it needs shading. At good care growing quickly.

The leaf is 4-6 cm, slightly curved, shaped like a small boat. The color is bright green with a wide white stripe; there are almost white leaves.

ATTENTION: If the plant does not have enough light or heat, it may shed its leaves.


The variety is small-leaved with beautiful glossy leaves no more than 3 cm. The color is bright green. The tip of the leaf is slightly bent, and the leaf itself is bent inward along the central vein. The plant is less demanding to care for. It grows slowly.

As it grows, the bottom of the trunk may become exposed.


The variety is small-leaved, demanding bright lighting. Maintenance is not difficult. The plant has straight leaves, up to 4 cm in size. The color of this variety is a delicate light green color, the edge of the leaf is cream with small stripes of light green color.

REFERENCE: At a young age it has the shape of a dense bush, as it grows it stretches out and becomes a tree.

With a lack of light, the leaf becomes monochromatic. Growth is moderate.

Golden King

One of the most resistant variegated varieties. A very beautiful plant. The leaf, corrugated along the edge, has a golden-light green color with dark green small stripes.

Young leaves have a pronounced color, but as they grow, the leaf becomes monochromatic (green). Leaf size 5-6 cm.


The variety is unpretentious in care, not very demanding of bright light. Can grow in partial shade. The leaf is 6 cm, dark green, shiny, glossy, the tip is very elongated.

Like many varieties of ficus, it initially looks like a bush, but over time it grows and becomes a tree.


Small-leaved variety, leaf size no more than 3 cm in length and about 1 cm in width. The leaf looks like a small boat. Sometimes the Viandi variety is confused with the Natasha variety; they are very similar to each other. The difference is in the shape of the trunk. Viandi has a curved trunk and is very fragile.

REFERENCE: Many gardeners grow this variety like bonsai.

This is also facilitated by the very slow growth of the plant.


One of the most unpretentious varieties. It can even be grown on northern windows. Grows well in partial shade. The color of the leaves is green. Before the next watering, the earthen clod must be thoroughly dried. Sheet size 6 cm.

IMPORTANT: Water carefully. The hard coating of the sheet does not contribute to the rapid evaporation of moisture.


A variety that requires special care. He needs to create good lighting, however, it does not like direct sunlight.

The room where Curly grows should be very warm and relatively humid.

If all conditions are met, you will get a plant with dark green leaves with white spots. While other species have leaves that are more evenly colored, there are no rules for Curly.

On one plant in the neighborhood there may be twigs with white-green leaves and shoots with only white leaves. Moreover, pure white leaves are always located on one branch, and not mixed with others.

IMPORTANT: If the lighting is insufficient, Curly will lose its elegant color.

The leaf size is from 3 to 5 cm. The leaves are both straight and curved. This species grows very slowly.

ATTENTION: If the leaves lose their color and become monochromatic green, they will never be variegated again. But if the light regime is observed, new variegated leaves will grow.


A unique plant – two in one. If you look closely at it, it may seem that someone has combined two plants into one. On one branch there is clearly a shoot with pronounced characteristics of the Curly variety, and next to it there is a branch with leaves like Daniel’s.

In Thailand, enterprising guides come up with various tales about two lovers, separated by an evil fate and united in this plant. In one case it is a poor girl and a rich young man, in another a girl and a clergyman...I have heard at least 5 such stories. And everyone asks the tree for help in connecting with their loved one...

In Thailand, ficus trees are considered sacred trees. And many stories about these amazing plants are shrouded in mystery and magic.

As for our Fantasy, the plant is not very demanding, but it requires bright lighting.


A variety with large green leaves, corrugated along the edges. The plant is distinguished by thin, drooping branches. It is quite unpretentious, easily tolerates partial shade, but if the plant is left for a long time without sufficient lighting, the branches become very thin, elongated and lifeless.

The leaf size is 6-7 cm. It grows quickly, to maintain and improve the shape of the plant it is necessary to pinch the tips of the shoots.


A variety similar to Monique. The same conditions of maintenance, but the leaf is smaller - 5 cm. The color of the leaf is dark green, slightly corrugated along the edge. Just like Monique, the Naomi variety has specimens with leaves on which leaves with emerald spots are clearly visible.

Unpretentious, grows quickly, requires pinching.

Midnight Lady

The variety is not demanding to care for. Grows well on eastern windows, easily tolerates partial shade. The description is very similar to the Daniel variety.

REFERENCE: It has very dark foliage, the difference with the Daniel variety is that Midnight Lady has a slightly corrugated leaf along the edge.


A plant with a leaf size of 4-5 cm, uniform light green color. The variety is not demanding to care for. All that is required is timely watering and fertilizing of the plant during the growing season.


Small-leaved variety, leaf color is grayish-green, with a thin yellow stripe along the edge. Care is the same as for other species. Light and thermophilic.

It doesn't grow fast, but it doesn't grow very slowly either. Responds well to a “warm shower.”


In appearance it is similar to the Nina variety, but there is a difference in the color of the leaf - Nicole has a lighter and wider stripe. The leaf is bent like a boat, the edge is smooth, not wavy. The trunk, like that of the Viandi variety, is slightly zigzag.


Small-leaved variety, very beautiful, rich in variety of leaf colors. The leaf is green with a cream marbled color. It looks like someone spilled light paint on a dark green bush and it spilled and splattered in various patterns all over the surface.

The leaves look like small boats, the leaf size is no more than 3 cm. You cannot find two identically colored leaves. It grows slowly. Capricious in care. Requires constant attention.

IMPORTANT: Does not tolerate waterlogging and lack of necessary lighting. With a lack of light, it turns simply green very quickly.


A very interesting specimen. He is not like any of his brothers. The dark green leaves are twisted into a tube not along, but across the leaf.

It grows slowly and is not fussy about care. Practically does not branch. If you want to get a lush plant, plant several seedlings in one pot. Flower growers love to experiment with this variety.

ADVICE: With the help of wire, the branches of the plant can be given any direction. The stems of young plants grow together well and any plant model can be constructed.


The homeland of "" is warm countries with a predominantly tropical climate. You can find huge wild ficus trees in India, Southeast Asia, Northern Australia, and the Philippines.

You can recognize “Anastasia” by its leaves - it is distinguished from other species by a light green edging along the wavy edge and a central vein of the same color. Otherwise, these are classic ficus leaves - large (7 cm long and 3 cm wide), dense, dark green in color.


The plant's homeland is Eastern India, but information in this regard is ambiguous. The homeland of the ficus is called southeast Asia and northern Australia. In nature, it is a tall tree with a wide crown and flowing branches.

In indoor conditions, this weeping tree rarely exceeds 2.4 m in height, although specimens up to 3 m are found.


Variegated types of Ficus Benjamin are much more demanding in terms of care and maintenance than monochromatic ones. The intensity of the color of the leaves directly depends on the lighting of the place where the plant is grown.

ADVICE: How less light gets into our plant, the greener its leaves will be. And if the place is well lit, the pattern on the leaves will be clearly expressed.

Ficus trees are not very difficult to grow at home. If you carefully follow all the maintenance conditions, you will get a wonderful plant with amazing colors.

The most important thing is to choose from a huge number of varieties a plant that will become a favorite for you and your household for many years.