Flowering plants - bacopa. Ampelous bacopa: care, reproduction and preservation

In an effort to decorate their living space, many gardeners often grow hanging plants. These flowers are quite unpretentious, since they feel normal both indoors and in a glass loggia; some varieties can grow in open balconies. European flower lovers have known about bacopa for quite some time. For recent years Many of our compatriots became acquainted with this plant.

Bacopa: features of the plant and its types

When meeting Bacopa for the first time, a person is unlikely to appreciate its attractiveness. Although it looks lush, the flowers are very small, so there is no need to talk about originality. But still, you shouldn’t discount it, given that in European countries this is a plant is the main decoration of house facades. Perhaps the whole point is in its simplicity, thanks to which its bushes are easily filled large spaces without overloading the area. For this flower you can use the most various options placement: it can be installed in a flowerpot, fixed under the ceiling, and also used to decorate flat surfaces, which allows you to give them the appearance of a thick carpet.

In the Bacopa genus there are also varieties that can grow well in water. A striking example that is bacopa carolina. Its usual habitats are water bodies in the southern part of America. Therefore, having penetrated the European continent, it began to be used as a decoration for artificial lakes and ponds, which are often arranged on summer cottages or close to home. It can often be found in aquariums.

  • One of the features of this flower is its rather compact leaves. oval shape, which are located on a long stem opposite each other;
  • for inflorescences there is a place between the leaves, and they themselves are concentrated at the top;
  • the petals are blue or lilac in color, some species are decorated in a white shade.

Under artificial conditions, Carolina bacopa must be grown in a reservoir, the depth of which should be at least 30-35 cm. It is also important to maintain a favorable temperature regime, which should be 20-22 degrees. In cooler conditions, it begins to grow extremely slowly, and in some cases there is a danger of it rotting. In addition, you need to monitor the water hardness, which should be 7-8 degrees. Optimal indicator acid-base balance- 7. Carolina bacopa feels good even without fertilization. She especially demanding on lighting which improves it decorative properties.

They talk about other types of bacopa that are grown on land; it is worth noting their shoot length, which is 60-65 cm. They are decorated with small lanceolate leaves that have a muted green color. These signs do not apply to bacopa columnar, which has an erect stem and is characterized by short stature. Therefore, it is not so often found in gardens and apartments.

Any place where bacopa shoots come into contact with the ground, new roots begin to form, so it grows well, regardless of the structure and fertility of the soil. Because of this, when growing, mesh wire walls are often used to make hedges from it. The inconspicuous flowers of bacopa have a diameter of 2-2.5 cm. They are formed by blue, dark blue, purple or pinkish-white petals that do not emit a characteristic odor.

Bacopa ampelous: growing from seeds

Usually, to obtain new bacopa plants, they use the method of sowing seeds, which can be done at any time. The only exceptions are situations when in the future it is planned to plant them in open ground. If the gardener intends to grow this plant in an apartment for the entire time, then sowing can be done without taking into account weather conditions. Although there are times when you have to be patient to wait for the first flowers to appear.

When selecting seeds for growing bacopa at home, it doesn’t hurt to first find out how stable the plant’s color is. After all, it is possible that 2-3 years will pass, and bacopa will no longer please you with the color of the sunset, which will be replaced by a boiling white hue. However, this usually only happens when you plan to grow plants for a long time.

How to grow bacopa from seeds?

The method of growing bacopa by direct planting in the ground is unacceptable. Before need to get seedlings, which is subsequently transplanted to permanent place.

The seeds begin to germinate by the end of the second week. Until this happens, it is necessary protect them from direct sunlight . At the first signs of calcination of the sprouts, the pot must be moved closer to the light. From this moment on, watering begins more frequently. First of all, the need for moisture increases when the planting pot is located on the south side.

A comfortable temperature for bacopa seedlings is 18-20 degrees. You can think about transplanting into separate containers only after the plants have formed two or three leaves. It is also necessary to monitor the ambient temperature: if it is already warm enough, then you can transplant the seedlings into open ground. However, first it is necessary to harden for 7-10 days so that the seedlings better adapt to natural conditions. When placing a plant in a permanent place planted no closer than 10-25 cm from each other. However, in any case, you need to take into account the height of the plants.

Bacopa: planting and care

A photo of a plant can amaze many gardeners, but the desired effect can only be achieved by using the correct agricultural cultivation techniques. Bacopa is quite a “peaceful neighbor”, so it can be grown together with other plants. However, based on the experience of gardeners, it is recommended to place it with petunias, fuchsias and nasturtiums. This choice can be explained by ideal compatibility based on external features.

All flowers differ in miniature sizes, forming a single carpet, and do not stand out against the background, and also do not create shadows for each other. Therefore, each plant is provided favorable conditions for development. Although bacopa can be grown as a separate plant, this does not in any way affect the decorative properties of the site.

Growing bacopa from seeds and caring for it is a task that any gardener can do, regardless of his experience. Regarding ampelous bacopa, it should be noted that in the process of caring for it, you will have to pinch it, although, unlike other plants, it blooms in waves. As the first flowers fade, the new wave is often as intense as the previous one. What deserves attention here are the growth points on new shoots, which must be removed immediately if you do not want the bush to begin to grow in width.

Lighting and fertilizer

Particular attention should be paid to lighting during the care process. This is very important for bacopa, since growing it in a sunny area will allow it to bloom profusely. Planting it in a shady area will not achieve the same beauty. Effect of fertilizing is insignificant, so it makes sense to carry them out only for young plants in order to provide them with the necessary nutrients. Subsequently, fertilizers are applied during flowering.

As winter approaches mineral supplements reduced and subsequently eliminated completely. Likewise come with watering. Although bacopa already feels comfortable without regular watering. The main thing is constantly control soil moisture levels and water if necessary. A more effective measure when caring for bacopa is spraying the shoots and leaves, which is practiced by many gardeners. Indeed, in this case it is possible to support optimal humidity air in the growing area of ​​the bush.

A constant supply of fresh air is of great importance for the normal development of bacopa. To do this it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil in the root zone. However, the depth of penetration should be minimal, otherwise you can hit the roots that are located in the surface layer of the soil. If bacopa is not planned to be grown as an annual, then in the fall it is dug up and moved indoors. At this time of year, it is necessary for it to maintain an air temperature of at least 14-15 degrees, although it can withstand lower values ​​down to 0 degrees.


Having seen the ampelous bacopa for the first time, many beginners and not only flower growers may consider it a plant not worthy of attention. However, this would be a mistake, because it is no coincidence that this flower is used to decorate houses in European countries. Therefore, it is necessary to find a place for him on the site, because he has many opportunities to show all his originality.

The main feature of bacopa is that it clings well to any surface, so she easily manages to create beautiful “living” carpets that look great not only outdoors, but also indoors. Growing this flower is quite simple, since during the care process it does not require fertilizing or regular watering.

The South African plant bacopa, also called sutera, from the Norichinaceae family is gaining increasing popularity among gardeners. And it’s not surprising, because ampelous sutera is a perennial that is ideal for vertical gardening of balconies and terraces, and growing in flower beds it turns into a real ground cover carpet, covered with many small flowers from March to October.

Sutera has decorative qualities not only with flowers, but also with bright green, lanceolate leaves with jagged edges, reaching about 2 cm in diameter. The leaves are arranged in pairs on drooping shoots 30-60 cm long. From the axils of the leaves along the entire stem grow small, no more than 2 cm in diameter, five-petal flowers in white, pink, blue, lilac shades. Since sutera is creeper, roots quickly form at each node of its shoots, which must be taken into account when planting in a flowerbed.

Despite the title of a perennial, bacopa, which is grown from seeds in our conditions only through seedlings, the lifespan of one plant is often limited to one flowering period, since in the future the old bushes bloom less abundantly and in the spring they are divided into cuttings to produce young plants.

In climatic conditions middle zone In Russia, sutera can be grown from seeds exclusively by seedlings. So, ampelous bacopa: growing from seeds.

Preparing for sowing bacopa for seedlings

1. Soil. To sow bacopa, loose, breathable and moisture-absorbing soil with a low acidity level is required. The plant feels best on soils consisting of a mixture of humus, peat, leaf soil and sand (2:1:1:1). Also, wet compost is used to germinate seeds before the first picking.

2. Capacity. There is no choice of bowl for growing bacopa seedlings special requirements. The main thing is that you can create greenhouse conditions for crops by covering the container with film or glass.

3. Sutera seeds are very small, and 1 g can contain about 5 thousand grains. They retain a high degree of germination for 2-3 years, which must be taken into account when choosing seeds in the store.

When to sow bacopa for seedlings?

The growing season of bacopa from sowing to flowering is quite long, so they begin to sow it for seedlings in early March. If it is possible to provide the plant with additional lighting, then some gardeners resort to sowing bacopa seeds as early as February in order to get earlier flowering.

How to grow bacopa from seeds: technology of sowing and growing seedlings

1. Planting bacopa seeds and germination conditions. Given the small size of the seeds, sowing is carried out superficially on a moist substrate. There is no need to cover the seeds with soil; just press them lightly to the surface and sprinkle them with water from a spray bottle.

It is critically important to create greenhouse conditions with high humidity for bacopa, so the crops are covered with film, placed in a transparent bag, or covered with glass. Seeds germinate in the light at a temperature of 20-23 degrees and high humidity. The first shoots appear within 10-14 days.

2. Caring for seedlings. At this stage, caring for ampelous bacopa is simple: the seedlings are gradually accustomed to being kept without shelter. Since the plant is moisture-loving and many of its relatives grow in bodies of water, it is important to maintain a sufficient level of humidity by carefully watering the sutera seedlings using a sprayer.

3. Picking. When talking about how to grow bacopa from seeds, you cannot miss such a technique as diving. Moreover, bacopa bluetopia, grown from seeds, is picked twice. The first picking is carried out in the phenophase of two true leaves. In this case, the plants are transplanted with a ball of soil into boxes of larger volume according to the 2x2 cm scheme. At this stage, the temperature regime for optimal growth Bacopa is 22-26 degrees.

When the plants have grown noticeably, bacopa is picked again in individual pots with drainage hole. If the plants were not deepened during the first transplant, then during the second the seedlings are deepened by one node. During this period, the plants begin to gradually harden and the temperature for growing bacopa snowtopia from seeds is reduced to 15-23 degrees. daytime and 13-15 degrees at night.

4. Feeding seedlings. Bacopa, grown from seeds by seedlings, is ready for fertilizing after the first picking. To do this, use complete mineral fertilizers in a concentration half as much as indicated in the instructions for the drug. After the second picking, use for feeding complex fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus.

5. Pinching shoots. In order for the ampelous sutera to bush better, the growing points of young plants are pinched. This can be done at almost any shoot length, although some gardeners recommend pinching when the shoot reaches about 10 cm in length.

It should be noted that ampelous bacopa, the cultivation of which from seeds at home is not particularly difficult, is generally not whimsical at the seedling stage. To grow it, basic care with regular watering, periodic fertilizing and good lighting. When consistently warm weather has established itself and the threat of frost has disappeared, the hardened seedlings are planted in open ground.

Ampelous bacopa with correct selection its varieties can decorate not only a balcony, loggia or terrace, but also the most sophisticated interior of a country house.

The Plantainaceae or Norica family contains a large number of interesting flowering plants suitable for growing in the garden or for home decoration. One of the very popular is the whole genus Bacopa, which includes both garden and aquarium crops. Growing in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, America and Australia, it can boast of a fairly large variety of its species, of which there are about 70 by the way.

Many of them are used for growing in summer gardens, flowerpots and hanging planters as an ampelous representative (blutopia and snowtopia), they are often presented as ground cover specimens. Ampelous bacopa is quite unpretentious; growing from seeds with your own hands begins with sowing seedlings around mid-February, timely picking and planting at a permanent place of development.

In this issue we will learn about the most prominent representatives of the sutera genus, look at the flowers of ampelous bacopa in the photo and understand what kind of beautiful plant this is and how to care for it.

Different types of ampelous bacopa

Types and varieties of ampelous bacopa for the garden, balcony, apartment and aquarium (with photo)

These are annuals horticultural crops, often used to decorate gardens. But there are perennial species and varieties of ampelous bacopa related to house and aquarium plants. Herbaceous representatives on average can reach 70 cm in length, the stems of some ground cover species extend up to 1 meter. Sutera shoots are thin, creeping along the ground and can easily be directed upward due to the fact that they tend to wrap around a support. Thus, by the way, some gardeners create beautiful partitions from crops on the site.

On lodging shoots there are a lot of nodes, which, upon direct contact with the soil, begin to take root - this should be taken into account when caring for the plant. The fact is that even though ampelous bacopa has a superficial rhizome, it will be very difficult to direct the stems upward when they take root in the soil of the garden, which happens quite quickly. When choosing a plant for an apartment or aquarium, garden or balcony, you should pay attention to the recommended agricultural practices of the variety.

Small leaves, shaped like an egg, have shades depending on the type of ampelous bacopa and the plant variety. For example, beautiful leaf plates of golden, olive and dark green shades can create openwork tops. Most species have an alternate arrangement of leaves with a serrated edge, but there are also those in which they are located opposite on the stem.

U garden species sutera there is very abundant powerful flowering. During it, small flowers are formed, with a diameter of no more than 2 cm. The funnel-shaped tubular corolla vaguely resembles a bell bud. Single flowers are formed at the very base of the leaves, which gives the flower an even more solemn and elegant appearance during the growing season. Like many garden annuals, the suter plant begins to bloom when warm weather sets in and ends with the onset of frost.

Crops grown in aquariums also bloom, but not as brightly as garden hybrids and cultivars. The buds are formed above the water level, colored white or pale pink.

Garden flower ampelous bacopa snowtopia and bluetopia

As garden decoration ampelous bacopa bluetopia and snowtopia are very often grown, and almost always this ground cover plant with bright, uninterrupted flowering with small buds. In total, there are 110 hybrids and varieties in the genus, but let’s talk and look at the photos only those that deserve it more than others and are more popular.

The largest number of hybrids are bred on the basis of the terry species, which is distinguished by very voluminous foliage and a large number of small axillary buds pale pink with a yellow throat. In the photo of ampelous bacopa below you can see several very beautiful varieties garden flower to decorate the area:

Examples of using ampelous bacopa snowtopia in decorating garden landscape design
This is how you can use suteru white V flower arrangements

Of the garden hybrids, you can often find ampelous bacopa bluetopia and snowtopia on loggias and balconies, differing only in the shade of the corolla petals. The length of the stems of these cultivars is on average no more than 30-35 cm; leaves are located on them olive color, forming dense foliage. Bluetopia has blue axillary flowers, while Snowtopia has white axillary flowers.

Often, a sutera variety called Snowflake is used for growing in flowerpots. This is a very large terry hybrid with shoots about 1 meter long. The creeping stems are strewn with small leaves, creating openwork luxurious foliage with small buds. It is important to know that representatives of this variety are perennials, but in harsh winters it is better to grow them at home and take them out into the fresh air in the summer. Big role For plant flowering, sunbathing takes place.

The annual variety Olympic Gold looks very decorative in gardens due to its golden foliage framing white flowers. During the flowering period of this plant, the green tops shimmer in the sunlight. Hanging and climbing specimens are perfect for growing in summer gardens and flowerpots.

Snowtopia (ampelic bacopa with white buds)
Blutopia and snowtopia in the photo

Another pretty big one terry variety- this is Snowstorm, its corolla petals are pale blue. The flowers of this plant rarely reach 2 cm in diameter, but this makes it even more decorative, since there are a lot of buds. Look at the photos of bluetopia and snowtopia, where ampelous bacopa is presented from the most elegant angles:

Growing ampelous bacopa at home from seeds

In order to receive beautiful plant Suters for your garden or home will require a lot of effort and patience. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that when propagated by seeds at home, not all of them will have a good germination percentage, which, by the way, decreases every year. Also, you should be aware that the process of obtaining a new plant largely depends on where exactly the ampelous bacopa will be grown - in the garden or in closed ground. We will try to talk in more detail about all these nuances, about how ampelous bacopa is grown from seeds at home and on the site.

To begin with, for the sutera to grow beautiful and strong, you will need the right substrate. To do this, you can take a slightly acidic mixture of garden and peat soil in a ratio of 1/1. Before sowing seeds, the soil is disinfected with boiling water or by keeping it in an oven heated to 100 degrees for 4 hours. After the soil is sterilized, its surface must be compacted and sprinkled with a small layer of snow. Snow is needed so that after the seeds are carefully laid out on it, melting will facilitate proper burial.

It is important to know when to sow ampelous bacopa seeds for seedlings - most often it is advisable to do this in mid-February or early March, when daylight begins to arrive. Sowing time occurs in mid-winter - February. Some gardeners do not use snow, but spread the seeds on a loose substrate, repeating the sowing twice. In this case, the first wave is without deepening, and the second with slight deepening.

For good seed germination, a certain temperature regime will be required - from 18 to 23 degrees. Its preservation can only be ensured by creating a distribution mini-greenhouse. To do this, the container is tightened cling film or covered with glass. Also, for growing and propagating seeds, you should take dishes with transparent walls. The penetration of sunlight and light into the soil will have a beneficial effect on seed germination.

After sowing ampelous bacopa with seeds, it is also important to observe high humidity soil, for this purpose careful drip irrigation is used.

The first shoots can be seen in 15-20 days; if this does not happen, then re-sowing in the same soil is required. After the appearance of 3 leaves on a young stem, the plants dive into peat pots with a diameter of about 5 cm.

Bacopa can be planted in open ground after warm weather sets in, at the end of May or beginning of June. Well-drained soil with some peat soil is suitable for this. Broken crushed stone or brick can be used as drainage. Often, in garden soil To make it lighter, river sand is often added.

In closed ground conditions, ampelous bacopa is grown in soil with the addition of humus or sand.

To preserve ampelous bacopa for next year you will need to know how to propagate it from cuttings. The fact is that even if it is possible to create favorable conditions for it, next summer flowering will be more sparse. Therefore, the mother bush is placed for the winter at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, and in the spring the strongest shoots, 12-15 cm long, are cut off from it. The cuttings must be placed in clean water which needs to be changed daily. Roots form within 2 weeks, after which bacopa can be planted in a permanent place.

Caring for ampelous bacopa

Like any beautiful flowering plant, sutera is not fussy and takes root well even at home if you provide it with proper care. Most often, plants are grown in flowerpots and hanging pots, which makes their maintenance much easier. Provide decent care ampelous bacopa snowtopia and bluetopia are not difficult if you know simple techniques agricultural technologies of this crop - we’ll talk about them further, but for now, look at the next portion of photos:

Many types of sutera tolerate small temperature changes well, but severe frosts turn even hardened perennials into annual crops. If you want to save the plant for next year, then in winter it is best to keep it in a dormant period, at 10-15 degrees Celsius. Sunbathing for bacopa is not only useful, but also necessary. The fact is that if you put it in the shade, it can completely drop all the buds, which, by the way, also happens when the soil moisture is insufficient.

Regular watering with plenty of water is the basis for proper care. In the hot season, on fresh air It is recommended to water the plant at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening after sunset. Spraying is also important for active growth and flowering of bacopa. It is worth making sure that the earth ball does not dry out, but stagnation of moisture can seriously affect its health and cause rotting of the rhizome. That is why it is necessary to provide a strong drainage layer and loosen the soil after watering in order to avoid its cracking, which, with the shallow root system of ampelous bacopa, can cause the death of the plant.
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Ecology of knowledge: Bacopa is a plant that is highly decorative. This is a real find for implementing various ideas in landscape design, because suteru can be planted in flowerpots for vertical gardening of balconies and terraces; in flower beds this creeping plant forms a real flowering carpet,

Bacopa is a plant that is highly decorative. This is a real find for implementing various ideas in landscape design, because sutera can be planted in flowerpots for vertical gardening of balconies and terraces; in flower beds, this creeping plant forms a real flowering carpet, and with supports and proper fixation, its shoots are directed upward and create an elegant foliage-like appearance. floral curtain. What is needed to grow bacopa on your site? So, bacopa: planting and care.

Where to plant bacopa?

Since bacopa is native to South Africa, it is not surprising that it grows best in open sunny areas. In partial shade, its flowering becomes less abundant andmay stop altogether.

The plant is unpretentious to the soil, but it will grow better on soils with a low level of acidity, which contain peat. Optimal soil To grow bacopa bluetopia in the garden, use a mixture of equal parts of garden soil and peat. If ampelous bacopa will be grown in containers, then it is better to prepare a soil mixture for it from sand, peat, humus and leaf soil in a ratio of 2:1:2:1. It is important to ensure good drainage in the area or container where you plan to grow bacopa.

How to plant bacopa?

The timing of planting sutera in the garden is determined climatic conditions region. Bacopa ampelous, which was grown in seedlings, although it is resistant to temperature changes, it is better to plant it in open ground when the threat of frost has passed.

The technology for planting and caring for Bacopa bluetopia is simple. Depending on the height of the bush, the distance between plants is left within 10-25 cm. Planting is carried out in loose, moist soil. Sutera seedlings are placed in prepared holes, the roots are sprinkled with soil and compacted. Water the roots with sufficient water. At the same time, bacopa flowers, which will be grown in containers or flower beds in combination with other plants, are best planted along the edge of the container or flower bed, creating a background for the main plant.

Bacopa ampelous: plant care

Despite its southern origin, the bacopa flower does not require special care. The main thing for this plant is maintaining a sufficient level of humidity through regular moderate watering, the special need for which increases in hot weather.

Growing Bacopa snowtopia and other varieties requires regular feeding, which begins two weeks after planting and is repeated every 10-14 days. To do this, use liquid mineral fertilizer for flowering plants, which is applied at the root, avoiding contact with the leaves.

Ampelous bacopa has a superficial root system, therefore, loosening the soil should be done as carefully as possible so as not to injure the plant. Also, when growing and caring for bacopa, it is not recommended to mulch the area with flowers, because this can lead to rotting of the creeping shoots.

There is no need to remove faded inflorescences on bacopa, since the plant cleans itself by shedding faded buds. To create more lush bush its shoots continue to be pinched periodically.

If lower part If the bacopa stems begin to become lignified and the number of flowers decreases, the stems must be cut back by a third. After pruning, the plant is watered and fed, stimulating its active growth. This type of pruning is done in the fall. In warm regions, it promotes more active growth of bacopa in the spring, and in cold regions this procedure is necessary before transplanting the plant indoors. Cuttings are rooted and planted in the ground in the spring.

In general, bacopa flowers, grown in accordance with the needs of the plant, are resistant to various types of diseases. But when unfavorable conditions arise, they can be affected by aphids, whiteflies and spider mite, which are best controlled using appropriate insecticides. And the best prevention of spider mites is to create optimal conditions for growing sutera, in particular, maintaining a sufficient level of humidity.

If the crown is too thick, it may appear mold. In this case, the crown must be thinned out and the plant treated with chemicals. Bacopa can also be damaged by gray mold and sooty fungus.

Propagation of bacopa by cuttings

It is worth noting that bacopa flowers, the cultivation of which requires some care, can reproduce vegetatively. Its cuttings root well in moist soil (a loose substrate for cuttings, for example, based on sand and vermiculite) and in water. To do this, use shoots about 10 cm long, which have two nodes. A carefully cut cutting is planted to a depth of 5 mm so that one node is in the ground and can take root. The other node remains above the soil surface, because above-ground shoots will develop from it in the future. Often roots appear within 14-21 days. For better root formation, cuttings can be treated with phytohormones or growth stimulants, and rooting itself is done under cover. Before rooting, the cuttings are placed in well-lit places, but do not expose them to direct sunlight. It is important to ensure that the shoot has enough moisture. When the stalk begins to grow, it is pinched for better tillering.

The most favorable periods for cutting bacopa are considered to be January-April, when mature bushes are divided into cuttings, and the end of summer, when shoots that are too long are cut off. Bacopa ampelous, grown from cuttings, is planted in the ground in mid-May, when the threat of frost disappears.

It is worth noting that white bacopa takes root best and subsequently tolerates growing conditions in the garden, while other species are more capricious and require the use of growth-stimulating drugs when cuttings.

Unfortunately, perennial ampelous bacopa, the planting and care of which began in the spring of sowing seeds for seedlings, does not tolerate wintering in open ground. To preserve the plant, in the fall it is transferred to bright room without drafts, where they are kept at temperature conditions at 8-15 degrees. The air should be humid, which will help avoid damage by spider mites and fungi. In winter, water the sutera moderately. At this time, it rests, does not bloom and growth stops. Most gardeners consider it inappropriate to leave an adult bacopa bush for the second year, since it loses its decorative effect. Usually overwintered plants are used to obtain cuttings.

Growing bacopa will not be particularly difficult for both experienced gardener, and for a beginner. At proper care its delicate creeping or hanging shoots will be an excellent decoration for flower beds, alpine slides, ponds and balconies. published

Trying to decorate their home, many gardeners often grow hanging plants, which are quite unpretentious, since they feel good even on glassed balcony, and indoors, some species can grow successfully on open loggias. Flower lovers in Europe have long known about Bacopa ampelous. Lately we have become acquainted with her.

Bacopa ampelous: description, types and photos of the plant

During the first acquaintance with bacopa, a person is unlikely to be able to appreciate its attractiveness. Although the plant looks lush, the flowers are quite small, so there is no need to talk about originality. But still, there is no need to discount it, especially considering the fact that in European countries this flower is the main decoration of the facades of houses. Perhaps it’s all in its simplicity, due to which, without overloading the area, the bushes of the plant easily fill significant spaces. For this bush you can choose the most different options placement: it can be fixed under the ceiling, installed in a flowerpot, and also decorated with flat surfaces, this allows you to give them the effect of a thick carpet.

Popular varieties and photos of bacopa:

Bacopa propagation

Bacopa ampelous reproduces from seeds, layering and cuttings. All processes are carried out easily, since the flower has excellent germination.

Bacopa ampelous: growing from seeds at home

Typically, the sowing method from seeds is used to produce new bacopa flowers and can be done at any time. The only exceptions are situations when in the future it is planned to put them on open land. When the grower intends to grow bacopa at home throughout the entire time, then sowing can be done at any time. Although there may be cases when you need to be patient to see the first flowers.

  • Bacopa begins to bloom in March, so when sowing seeds a month earlier, the seedlings do not have enough time to grow by this time. Therefore, flowering occurs no earlier than July;
  • The growing season of the plant is quite long and lasts until mid-autumn. As a rule, the growing season occurs in two stages, with the latter being the most active.

When choosing seeds for growing bacopa at home, you must first find out how stable the color of the bush is. Since it is possible that in a few years, bacopa will no longer delight you with the color of the sunset, which will change to a gray-white hue. But most often this only happens when you grow the plant for a long time.

The method of growing bacopa from seeds by directly planting them in the ground is unacceptable. First you need to get seedlings, which are then planted in a permanent place.

Seeds germinate within two weeks. Until this happens, you need to protect them from direct sunlight. At the initial signs of sprout development, the pot should be moved closer to the light. From this time on, more frequent watering begins.

For bacopa seedlings from seeds, a temperature of 19-21C is considered comfortable. You can think about replanting into separate pots only after the flower has formed 2-3 leaves. You also need to monitor the temperature external environment: when it is already quite warm, you can transplant the seedlings to open ground. But first, you need to harden for 8-12 days so that the seedlings can adapt well to natural conditions. When transplanting to a permanent place, the bushes are planted no closer than 12-20 cm to each other. But in any case, it is necessary to take into account the height of the plants.

Bacopa flowers: growing using cuttings

Cuttings occur as follows:

Reproduction by layering

During propagation using layering, after a short period of time you can grow a new fully flowering bush:

  • A container with fertile soil is placed near the pot with the mother bush.
  • Bacopa stems are laid out on the ground and carefully secured with an iron clamp. Due to the fact that the branches receive nutrition from the mother plant, their rooting occurs in a short time.
  • After a certain period, the earth is carefully dug up and the degree of development of the root system is determined.
  • At good result, the branches are separated from the mother plant and the result is a new flowering bush.

Bacopa: planting and care, photo of flowers

A photo of bacopa can amaze many gardeners, but the desired effect can only be achieved with properly used cultivation techniques. This plant is a rather “peaceful neighbor”, so it can be grown simultaneously with other flowers. But, if we consider the experience of gardeners, it is best to place bacopa with nasturtiums, fuchsias and petunias. This choice is determined by the best compatibility in terms of appearance.

All plants are different small in size, creating a single carpet, and do not create shadows, and also do not stand out against the background for each other. Therefore, favorable conditions for growth are provided for each plant. Although bacopa can be grown as an independent flower at home, this will in no way affect the decorative properties of the garden area.

Growing bacopa and caring for it in the future is a task that is feasible for any gardener, regardless of his experience. Regarding bacopa, it should be noted that when caring for the flower, you need to pinch it, although, unlike other flowers, it will bloom in waves. As the flowers fade, the next wave is often as intense as the last. In this case, the areas of growth on new shoots deserve attention; they must be removed immediately if the bush does not need to grow in breadth.

Fertilizers and lighting

During care, much attention must be paid to lighting. This is important for bacopa, since growing it in a sunny area will give it the opportunity to bloom profusely. By planting the plant in a shady area, you will not be able to achieve the same beauty. The effect of bait is insignificant, so it makes sense to produce them only for young bushes to provide the plant with the necessary nutrients. Fertilizers are then added during flowering.

With the arrival of winter, mineral fertilizers are reduced and after a while are completely eliminated. The same should be done with watering. Although bacopa feels comfortable without constant watering. The most important thing is all the time control soil moisture and, if necessary, water. When caring for bacopa, more effective event is spraying leaves and shoots, which is practiced by many gardeners. Since in this case it is possible to maintain optimal air humidity in the plant growing area.

Regular air intake is of no small importance for the normal growth of bacopa. Why do you need to periodically loosen the soil in the root zone? But the depth of loosening must be minimal, otherwise the roots may be damaged. When bacopa is not planned to be grown as annual plant, then in the fall the bush is dug up and brought into the house. At this time, the plant must maintain a temperature of at least 13-16 degrees.


Seeing Bacopa ampelous for the first time, most beginners, as well as experienced flower growers may consider this plant not worthy of attention. But this is a mistake, since it is no coincidence that this flower is used to decorate homes in European countries. Therefore, you need to find a place for him on the site, since he has many opportunities to show all his originality.

The main difference between bacopa and other plants is that it clings perfectly to any surface, so it can easily create magnificent “living” carpets that look great not only in the garden, but also at home. Growing this plant is quite simple, since during care it does not require fertilizing or constant watering.