Indian chrysanthemum: varieties, description, cultivation. Indian chrysanthemum: characteristic features, cultivation and agricultural technology

Briefly: Seed collection November 2017. Indian selection. Description- excellent perennial indoor or garden plant, harmoniously combining beauty and benefit.

Chrysanthemums modern varieties They amaze with the abundance of flowering and the richness of the colors of the inflorescences, the beautiful structure of double or chamomile-shaped flowers. Breeders around the world continue to create new varieties of chrysanthemums with excellent decorative qualities.

Due to the abundance of beautiful flowers, as well as due to the interesting bluish color of the openwork leaves.

The presence of chrysanthemum in the house not only lifts the mood of the owners and guests, but also has a beneficial effect on human health thanks to medicinal properties plants.

Rinsing the mouth with an infusion of chrysanthemum leaves helps prevent the development of periodontal disease.
Due to the ability of this plant to release bactericidal substances into the air, the presence of chrysanthemum improves the microclimate of the apartment. Chrysanthemum purifies the air like resin coniferous plants(but, unlike conifers, chrysanthemum can more easily withstand the dry and dusty air of city apartments).
So, chrysanthemum is not just a beautiful flowering plant, but also a caring friend of the gardener.

In order for the indoor chrysanthemum bush to be lush and beautiful, as the plant develops, it is pinched to develop side shoots on which the buds will be formed.
For small-flowered chrysanthemums, 2-3 pinchings are usually carried out, forming several strong branches on the bush-like plant.

Large-flowered Indian chrysanthemums due to formation into one stem and a series of multiple pinchings upper shoots can be grown as a standard tree (necessarily with support so that the thin standard does not break under the weight of the crown). When such a chrysanthemum “tree” with lush crown covered with large flowers, it is indescribable beauty!

Chrysanthemum. Care and maintenance:

Chrysanthemums - culture short day, preferring cool conditions. Therefore, chrysanthemums like that in late summer and autumn the temperature drops significantly and the daylight hours decrease significantly. Chrysanthemums begin to bloom precisely at the moment when the day length becomes no more than 8 hours.

Chrysanthemum feels good in the house at a temperature no higher than 18ºC. If kept warmer, the buds may dry out, the inflorescences quickly fade, and the leaves turn yellow.
Bright and cool window - best place for keeping chrysanthemums in the house.

After flowering has finished, cut off the potted chrysanthemum and winter it in a cold place with a temperature of about +3ºС (not prerequisite).
In March, transplant the plant into fresh substrate.
Trim the shoots growing from the chrysanthemum several times to form a beautiful bush (the resulting cuttings can be rooted).
Flower growers often regret their indoor chrysanthemum and they prune it little during the period of active growth, and as a result they get a long, bare plant with scanty flowering.

After the end of the spring frosts, a pot with a chrysanthemum that has overwintered in the apartment can be taken out to the balcony or garden until the beginning of flowering or the onset of autumn cold weather.

Chrysanthemum roots do not need to comply with narrow soil acidity standards, but the soil reaction should not be acidic.
Potted chrysanthemum grows best in a fertile and loose substrate (a mixture of turf or ordinary garden soil, humus, and slightly decomposed peat in equal volumes).
The prepared substrate into which the chrysanthemum will be transplanted is first poured with boiling water and slightly dried until it flows.

Rooted cuttings that have begun to grow and young chrysanthemums require weekly feeding with full complex fertilizer. Adult specimens also require regular nutrition during the period of their active development and flowering.

Chrysanthemum is demanding in maintaining light substrate moisture; overdrying the soil is harmful. Gardeners growing potted chrysanthemums should not forget to water these plants moderately.

If the chrysanthemum has formed a lot of buds, and you need it to bloom quickly, remove some of the ovaries. This technique will speed up the start of flowering of the plant, and the opened inflorescences will be larger.

Chrysanthemum. Sowing seeds:

If it is possible to artificially supplement the seedlings with light, then sowing can be done all year round; if not, then it is better to postpone until February. The seeds are sown in shallow boxes with an earthen mixture: greenhouse soil, peat and humus, taken in equal quantities. Or buy ready-made soil for flowers in the store. The planting substrate must be pre-disinfected. Drainage is poured into the boxes - broken brick, gravel or expanded clay and fill in the moistened earthen mixture. The seeds are scattered over the surface, only lightly pressing the palm against the soil. Crops are sprayed with water from a spray bottle, covered with glass or plastic film and place in a warm place with an air temperature of 23 – 25°C. Periodically check the crops, ventilate them, spray them warm water from a spray bottle, preventing the soil from drying out. If the above conditions are met, friendly shoots should appear in 1.5 - 2 weeks. Then the boxes are placed in the brightest place. Gradually adapting the seedlings to environment, remove the film first for one hour, then for two, and then remove it completely.

If the seedlings have sprouted densely, then when 2 - 4 true leaves appear, they are dived into larger containers - cups, boxes, special cassettes. When transplanting, you should try to preserve as much as possible root system seedlings, for this purpose, before picking, the soil in the boxes is generously spilled with water at room temperature, and all replanting work is carried out as carefully and carefully as possible. Using picking allows you to select the strongest plants, plant them at the required depth and at optimal distance from each other. Weakened or strongly elongated seedlings, as well as those that have not shed their seed coat, are not suitable for picking - such seedlings are discarded. The soil for replanting is used the same as for sowing. Immediately after this procedure, the seedlings are sprayed with a solution of Epin-Extra or Zircon (the solution is prepared according to the attached instructions) - this will help the plants to take root faster and better, and will minimize the risk of losses.

Further, caring for young chrysanthemum seedlings is simple and comes down to maintaining the temperature at 16 - 18 ºС, timely watering, fertilizing once every two weeks, and, if necessary, additional lighting. At first, the seedlings grow very slowly, after a month and a half they reach a height of about 20 cm.

When a constant air temperature of +15 - 18 °C is established outside, it is advisable to take the grown seedlings to the greenhouse - there they will receive better lighting, will be hardened.

Beautiful chrysanthemums are loved by many summer residents. Due to their decorative value, these flowers become the main decoration of the flower garden in autumn. There are a huge number of varieties and types of chrysanthemums. And each of them fascinates with its unique beauty! For growing Indian chrysanthemum in closed ground she needs to create favorable conditions to obtain a selective harvest of flowers. Special attention should be given to temperature conditions and lighting, watering and creating the required level of humidity, correct selection soil composition and timely application of fertilizing, as well as pruning of the bush. Indian chrysanthemum is a perennial. The height of the stem can reach 1.5 meters, but the average value is 80-100 centimeters. IN winter period dies. Belongs to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. In our article we will tell you how to grow Indian chrysanthemum mixture from seeds.

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Chrysanthemum Indian mixture description

Chrysanthemum Indian mixture is perennial. The stems are erect, 80 centimeters high. Inflorescences are from 2 to 25 centimeters in diameter. Seeds are sown in March-April in greenhouses or in May directly in open ground. At a temperature of 14-17°C, seedlings appear on days 21-28. Grows well in open sunny areas with nutritious soil. Used mainly for group plantings, borders, flower beds and for cutting. Yellow, orange, white, pink and red flowers are collected in double, semi-double and single bright inflorescences with a diameter of 5 - 6 cm. They stand for a very long time when cut. Pairs perfectly with decorative coniferous shrubs or ornamental grasses. Looks good in combination with flowers that bloom until frost, such as cosmos and calendula. Can be used in pot culture.

Cultivation of Indian chrysanthemum

Only orchids can compete with the duration of flowering of chrysanthemums. But chrysanthemums bloom at a time when the brightness of the colors is dulled - in the fall. This quality of chrysanthemums attracts attention. Large chrysanthemums were originally called “Indian”, since in those days it was customary to call all plants from the East that way.

Now more than 10 thousand varieties of Indian chrysanthemums have been bred. They have a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. Amateur flower growers, passionate about this wonderful plant, cultivate Indian chrysanthemums using the method of spring cuttings from mother bushes. They are stored at no high temperatures ah without hypothermia in specially designated places: basements, insulated greenhouses, greenhouses. However, it is very difficult for an amateur to grow gorgeous Indian chrysanthemums with large flowers on his own in the garden. But if you apply the advice experienced flower growers Having prepared everything necessary for this, then the opportunity to make your dream come true.

Growing Indian chrysanthemum from seeds

If you are going to sow Indian chrysanthemum seeds not in a store-bought mixture that has undergone all the necessary processing, then to prevent diseases, the soil should be calcined or frozen. Many experienced flower growers leave a bag of soil on the balcony for the winter, which freezes well. But you can use the freezer for this purpose.

Make small furrows in the soil and sow two or three seeds in them at a distance of ten centimeters from each other, this will make it easier to plant the seedlings after they germinate. Lightly sprinkle the seeds with soil (no more than one centimeter), moisten them with a little water from a spray bottle, and cover the container with glass. We leave it in this state in a well-lit place for seven days - this is exactly how long it will take for the first shoots to appear. Within seven days after planting you will need a fluorescent lamp. But the air temperature should not be high - no more than +20 °C. The seeds usually grow into fairly strong seedlings that can be planted in a permanent pot or in the ground on garden plot. They dive at the stage of the third pair of leaves.

Planting Indian chrysanthemum seedlings in open ground

Young seedlings are afraid of frost, so they are planted in the ground after the onset of warm weather. The distance between the bushes is 50 cm. Flowers prefer loose soil and abundant watering, but they begin to get sick if the soil is poorly drained and the soil is acidified.

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For the winter, the bushes are dug up, the stems are cut off at a height of 20 cm, placed in boxes, and covered with damp sand. Keep in the cellar at a temperature of +2 o C without watering. Chrysanthemum grows well in the house; it is one of the few crops that can tolerate dry air in an apartment. Indian chrysanthemum seeds are planted in the ground in May according to a pattern of 15 cm by 30 cm.

How to water Indian chrysanthemum

Indian chrysanthemums need to be watered when the topsoil becomes dry. This usually happens every three days. Watering should not be neglected, because if you skip it, unopened buds and open flowers will begin to fade. However overwatering contraindicated. Otherwise, root rot may occur. Water the chrysanthemum with water, which should stand for two days.

Pruning Indian chrysanthemum

To form a bush and provoke the growth of lateral shoots, pruning is carried out. To do this, the top of the shoot is cut off 2-3 times. Pinching is stopped about two weeks before the buds bloom. The bush should also be trimmed when you are planning to move the flower to winter storage to a cool, dry place. It is necessary to cut off the shoots, leaving only a stem 10 cm high.

Indian chrysanthemum diseases

For Indian chrysanthemums, pests such as chrysanthemum nematode, spider mite, aphid. If the flower is watered frequently, it may form powdery mildew. For control, an insecticide is used that is used to treat plants.

Features of using Indian chrysanthemum in landscape design

The golden flower will decorate any flowerbed with its unique beauty and will look great in flower beds and mixborders. The advantage of chrysanthemums is long flowering within 1-2 months without loss of attractiveness. They are recognized autumn queens, illuminating everything around with shining multi-colored lanterns. Low growing varieties They look good as borders; chrysanthemums are welcome guests in rock gardens.

A friend of mine grows flowers for sale. I really praised Indian chrysanthemums, and I also wanted to plant at least one bush for myself. Tell me, what to pay attention to when growing Indian ones?

Indian chrysanthemum is a plant with large flowers, which is most often grown indoors for cutting. Only plants grow well in a flower bed early varieties Indian chrysanthemum. For example, the Gazelle chrysanthemum variety blooms in August and has a large, white double flower up to 17 cm in diameter, and the stem height reaches 90 cm.

To grow Indian chrysanthemum indoors, it needs to create favorable conditions in order to obtain a selective harvest of flowers. Particular attention should be paid to temperature and watering, creating the required level of humidity, correct selection of soil composition and timely application of fertilizing, as well as pruning the bush.

Temperature control and suitable lighting

Indian chrysanthemum does not tolerate high temperatures. In order for it to bloom as long as possible, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 10-15 degrees Celsius. In summer, the pot should be placed in a dark place that is well ventilated, and in winter, the chrysanthemum should be stored at 5 degrees Celsius.

Since the flower does not react well to direct sunlight, eastern or western windows will provide it with comfortable “living”.

But a lack of lighting will not benefit the chrysanthemum - it simply will not bloom, so the northern part of the house is not suitable for keeping plants.

Watering frequency and required humidity

Chrysanthemum loves water very much, so it should be watered once every three days as the top layer of soil dries out. If you skip the next watering, then unopened buds, as well as open flowers, will begin to fade. At the same time, it is important not to overwater the plant so that it does not rot. For watering it is better to use soft rainwater, and if this is not possible, then the water from the tap sits for a couple of days.

To maintain the increased level of humidity required by the chrysanthemum, it is periodically sprayed with purified water. For the same purpose, containers with water are placed nearby.

Spraying chrysanthemums is best done in the morning, and should be stopped by autumn.

Indian chrysanthemum requires loose, nutritious soil with neutral acidity. IN garden soil(4 parts) for planting a flower, it is recommended to add turf (4 parts), humus (1 part) and sand (1 part).

For proper development And lush flowering Indian chrysanthemum is fed twice a month:

  • during the period of growth of deciduous mass -;
  • during the period of bud formation - feeding, which contains phosphorus and potassium.

Chrysanthemum pruning

The first pruning is done to form beautiful bush- pinch the chrysanthemum two or three times (cut top part escape). This stimulates the growth of side shoots. It is worth considering that the last pinching is carried out two weeks before the plant begins to bloom.

Next trim bush is carried out before placing the chrysanthemum in a dark, cool and dry room for winter storage. To do this, cut off all the shoots, leaving 10 cm.

Like its other relatives, the Indian chrysanthemum reproduces by sowing seeds ( annual plants), as well as by cuttings or dividing a bush (perennial plants).

Video on how to grow large-flowered chrysanthemums

Translated from Greek, the word “chrysanthemum” means “golden flower”. In total, more than 10 thousand varieties of this species are known, each of which has its own unique characteristics (shape, color, size, etc.). The cultivation of these flowers began in China more than 2000 years ago. In Europe, chrysanthemum gained popularity in the 17th century, and 100 years later they began to engage in artificial cultivation of the crop.

Indian chrysanthemum, or Indian mixture, is a perennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae (Asteraceae) family. The species is distinguished by a surprisingly long flowering period (1-2 months without loss of attractiveness), which begins in the fall, when the summer colors gradually fade. This quality gives chrysanthemums even greater value.

For your information! At first everything large species chrysanthemums were called Indian.

Features of the flower

Flowers of this species have long earned special authority; for example, a chrysanthemum is depicted on the obverse of the Chinese 1 yuan coin. Often the image of this plant is found in artistic and musical works. Chrysanthemums are also made from living plants. self made which are very popular among buyers. Many varieties, including Indian chrysanthemum, serve as ingredients (in the form of flower petals) for cooking medicines. Some varieties of the plant can also be eaten.

They contain substances such as:

  • vitamin A;
  • glycoside;
  • choline;
  • adenine;
  • essential oil;
  • eufualacon.

Chrysanthemum flowers are used to make tea, which awakens the appetite. Essential oil has a beneficial effect on the brain, which is very useful for Parkinson's disease. An infusion prepared from chrysanthemum flowers has a powerful antipyretic effect. Compresses based on the leaves of the flower will help eliminate migraine attacks.

Characteristics of the species

In nature this type chrysanthemums are found in the Caucasus, the Middle East and India. The culture is much less widespread in European countries.

Indian chrysanthemum is hardy, drought-resistant and winter-hardy. The plant does not tolerate shade, as it is one of the light-loving crops.

Important! Climate Middle zone not the best for this species. Under these conditions, the flower grows slowly, is characterized by short flowering, and has very small inflorescences.

Golden flower is actively used in landscape design. The beautiful Indian chrysanthemum will look great in any flower bed or flower bed. In one place you can grow several varieties of this species at once. In this case, the composition will look brighter and more original. The main thing in a floral ensemble is harmony and a sense of proportion.

Bush chrysanthemum in landscape design

Pay attention! Chrysanthemum Indicum Mix is ​​perfect for growing at home.

The maximum height of the stem is 1.5 m, with the average value varying from 80 to 100 cm. The stems are branched, the leaves have a dissected shape. The flowering period occurs in August-November or September-December. This or that variety depends on the climate. The seeds ripen by December.

The flowers consist of many small golden petals. yellow(there are other color options) and resemble a basket in shape. The bud is present on every branch of the chrysanthemum, which is why the bush looks especially beautiful during intensive flowering.

Important! Chrysanthemum is grown in garden and summer cottages, in courtyards, flower beds and lawns. The culture grows well indoors.

Varieties of Indian chrysanthemum

Among the most famous varieties of Indian chrysanthemum are the following:

  • Anastasia. Flowers can have different colors: from white, pink and yellow to lilac, green and lemon. Flat double inflorescences reach 17 cm in diameter. The petals have their own appearance resemble rays. The inflorescence itself is located at the top of a strong stem 17 cm long. The variety received its name in honor of Princess Anastasia, the daughter of Nicholas II.
  • Aurora. Flat double inflorescences are orange. The upper side of the flowers is red, the lower side is yellow. The diameter of the latter is 7-10 cm. The height of the chrysanthemum reaches 1 m. Strong shoots are few in number.
  • Snow elf. Double flowers, white, with a diameter of 5-8 cm. Plant height 50-70 cm.
  • Carnival. Differs in diversity color palette and long flowering period.
  • Tsiya. The flowers are dark burgundy, the petals are edged with white. The bushes are low, the flowers are medium sized.
  • Artist. Stripes of white and pink stretch along the petals.
  • North Bay. Main feature- petals are yellow-white with a purple stripe.
  • Like Worth. The flowers resemble daisies in appearance. This variety is very unusual and therefore has great decorative value. Along the edges of the orange petals, gathered around a green center, are yellow stripes.
  • Altgold. It is characterized by a flat, bright yellow inflorescence and a low stem. Blooms from August to October.
  • Vimini. Outwardly similar to a sunflower. Flowers can be yellow, lemon, or orange. The core of the flower is brown. It has a short flowering period.
  • Cleopatra. Blooms profusely for a long time. The flowers are bright, sunny shades. The variety is distinguished by its compact bush shape.

All these and other varieties of Indian chrysanthemum are unique and magnificent in their own way. Most of them are the result of artificial selection.

Planting and care

Plants with large flowers can be quite difficult to grow on your own. However, if you follow the recommendations of experienced flower growers, it seems quite possible to grow all kinds of varieties of this type of chrysanthemum.

There are two ways to grow them:

  • from seeds;
  • cuttings.

Indian chrysanthemum seeds

Growing varieties of chrysanthemum Indian mixture from seeds requires compliance with the following rules:

  • Since many are interested in the question of whether chrysanthemum Indicum Mix can grow in open ground, it is worth noting that yes, it can, but only seedlings are planted in open ground.
  • Before placing the seeds in the soil, they are wrapped in a damp cloth and stored in this form for several days. The temperature must be at least 5°C.
  • Wet seeds are planted in the soil.
  • The soil in the container should also be moist.
  • The seed material is not covered with soil to ensure penetration of sunlight.
  • The boxes with planted seeds are covered with film, ventilated from time to time.
  • As soon as they germinate, the film is removed and the soil is loosened.
  • Seedlings are placed in open ground after warm weather sets in.
  • The bushes should be located at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  • The soil requires regular loosening and watering.
  • Flowers need full access to light.
  • At the end of the flowering period, the stems are cut off, leaving 10-20 cm. Then the plants are placed in containers with moistened sand and stored during the winter at a temperature of 2-5°C.

When growing Indian chrysanthemum using the second method, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • The length of the cuttings should be at least 20 cm. In the spring they are rooted into the ground.
  • The seedlings are covered with film with the possibility of regular ventilation. Cellophane should not come into contact with the cuttings.
  • As soon as the flowers sprout, the film is removed.
  • The shoots should be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Another method of propagation by cuttings is that the flowers are first germinated in pots until they are completely rooted and only then planted in the ground and covered with film.

Important! Best time The month for planting Indian Chrysanthemum is May.

Both at home and in the garden, caring for the Mix chrysanthemum involves regular watering, fertilizing, pruning and other necessary measures. The variety does not tolerate high temperatures. For normal growth and long flowering the temperature must be maintained at 10-15°C. In summer, the pot with the plant is placed in a dark, well-ventilated place, and in winter it is stored at 5°C.

Chrysanthemum Mix does not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore it is best to place the flower near the eastern or western windows.

The plant loves moisture, so it needs to be watered once every 3 days. To prevent the flower from rotting, you should not water it too much. It is allowed to moisten the soil with tap water, but before doing this it must stand for 2 days. Periodically, the chrysanthemum is sprayed with clean water.

Chrysanthemum Mix

The first pruning is necessary for correct formation bush. To do this, pinch the chrysanthemum a couple of times, which stimulates the growth of side shoots. Last time The tops are cut off 2 weeks before flowering. The following pruning, in which all shoots are removed to a level of 10 cm, is carried out before placing the plant in a dark, dry, ventilated place for the winter.

Diseases and pests

Like any other plant, this species is susceptible to diseases and pests. Among the latter, the greatest threat is posed by:

  • nematodes;
  • spider mites (feed on plant cell sap);

Pay attention! With frequent watering and poor care the flower can be affected by powdery mildew. To combat the disease they use effective remedy- an insecticide used to treat a diseased plant. Also, the chrysanthemum needs to be isolated from other plants at this time.

Indian chrysanthemum is perfect for growing by both beginners and experienced gardeners. Flowers embody original beauty and unique style. If you care for the plant correctly, following the recommendations listed in the article, the chrysanthemum will delight you with its lush and bright flowering for a long time.

It’s hard to imagine that for more than two and a half thousand years people all over the world have been delighted with their magnificent chrysanthemum blossoms. The name of the flower is translated from Greek as “golden flower”. Indian chrysanthemum is widespread in our country among gardeners and indoor floriculture enthusiasts.


This is a fairly large perennial plant. Indian chrysanthemum in the garden grows up to 1.5 meters. It has simple stems and serrate-toothed leaves (dissected). The inflorescence is a basket in which the seeds ripen by December. Active flowering begins in September-November.

Under natural conditions, Indian chrysanthemum is distributed throughout Europe, the Middle East, the Caucasus and India. In open ground, these plants grow only in the southern regions. In terms of flowering duration, only orchids can compare with these magnificent flowers. But one of the advantages of chrysanthemums is the time of flowering - deep autumn, when the brightness of natural colors is already muted. These luxurious flowers attract increased attention from lovers and connoisseurs of natural beauty.

Large chrysanthemums began to be called Indian, since previously all oriental plants were called that way. To date, more than ten thousand varieties of Indian chrysanthemums have been bred. They all differ in the shape of leaves and flowers, color, and size. The large-flowered Indian chrysanthemum is particularly attractive, but is one of the most difficult plants for the novice gardener to grow. True, by applying the advice of experienced flower growers and preparing everything you need, you can grow magnificent flowers that will not only decorate the area, but will also become your pride. There are two methods for growing garden and indoor chrysanthemums.

Growing from seeds

When growing flowers from seeds, you must adhere to some rules:

Cultivation of Indian chrysanthemum

Only orchids can compete with the duration of flowering of chrysanthemums. But chrysanthemums bloom at a time when the brightness of the colors is dulled - in the fall. This quality of chrysanthemums attracts attention. Large chrysanthemums were originally called “Indian”, since in those days it was customary to call all plants from the East that way.

Now more than 10 thousand varieties of Indian chrysanthemums have been bred. They have a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. Amateur flower growers, passionate about this wonderful plant, cultivate Indian chrysanthemums using the method of spring cuttings from mother bushes. They are stored at low temperatures without hypothermia in specially designated places: basements, insulated greenhouses, greenhouses. However, it is very difficult for an amateur to grow gorgeous Indian chrysanthemums with large flowers on his own in the garden. But, if you apply the advice of experienced flower growers, having prepared everything necessary for this, then you will be able to make your dream come true.

How to water Indian chrysanthemum

Indian chrysanthemums need to be watered when the topsoil becomes dry. This usually happens every three days. Watering should not be neglected, because if you skip it, unopened buds and open flowers will begin to fade. However, excessive watering is contraindicated. Otherwise, root rot may occur. Water the chrysanthemum with water, which should stand for two days.

Planting Indian chrysanthemum seedlings in open ground

Young seedlings are afraid of frost, so they are planted in the ground after the onset of warm weather. The distance between the bushes is 50 cm. Flowers prefer loose soil and abundant watering, but they begin to get sick if the soil is poorly drained and the soil is acidified.

For the winter, the bushes are dug up, the stems are cut off at a height of 20 cm, placed in boxes, and covered with damp sand. Keep in the cellar at a temperature of +2 o C without watering. Chrysanthemum grows well in the house; it is one of the few crops that can tolerate dry air in an apartment. Indian chrysanthemum seeds are planted in the ground in May according to a pattern of 15 cm by 30 cm.

Popular varieties


One of the most common varieties of Indian chrysanthemum. The plant is tall (up to 100 cm) with bright orange flowers medium size (diameter - up to 10 cm). Pleases with flowering with the onset of autumn, in September - October.


The many subspecies that this variety includes differ in their shades. Chrysanthemums of the Anastasia variety can be white, pink, lilac, or have various nuances of yellow (yellow, pale yellow, lemon, etc.). What unites all subspecies is the size of the flowers. In this variety they are large (up to 17 cm in diameter), with thin petals. Anastasia is also attractive due to its long flowering period: from early autumn to late autumn frosts.


A low-growing compact bush that looks good both in the garden and as a indoor flower, on the windowsill. The flowers are attractive with a combination of white and pink shades.


Bushes of the Vimini variety have a small height (about 30 cm). Each bush is abundantly strewn with small flowers. Their petals are bright orange and the middle of the flower is dark brown.


Snow-white double flowers that form balls with a diameter of up to 17 cm are the main advantage of the exquisite Indian chrysanthemum of the Gazelle variety. The plant has a strong stem and is used for bouquets.

Valentina Tereshkova

In any flower garden and when planted alone, the Valentina Tereshkova chrysanthemum looks excellent. Its large flowers, dark crimson at the top and lighter at the bottom, are also often used for cutting.

Pruning Indian chrysanthemum

To form a bush and provoke the growth of lateral shoots, pruning is carried out. To do this, the top of the shoot is cut off 2-3 times. Pinching is stopped about two weeks before the buds bloom. The bush should also be pruned when you are planning to move the flower for winter storage in a cool, dry place. It is necessary to cut off the shoots, leaving only a stem 10 cm high.

Indian chrysanthemum diseases

Pests such as chrysanthemum nematode, spider mite, and aphid are dangerous for Indian chrysanthemum. If the flower is watered frequently, powdery mildew may form. For control, an insecticide is used that is used to treat plants.

Features of using Indian chrysanthemum in landscape design

The golden flower will decorate any flowerbed with its unique beauty and will look great in flower beds and mixborders. The advantage of chrysanthemums is their long flowering for 1-2 months without loss of attractiveness. They are recognized autumn queens, illuminating everything around with shining multi-colored lanterns. Low-growing varieties look good as borders, chrysanthemums are welcome guests in rock gardens.

Useful properties

There are varieties of chrysanthemums that are endowed with beneficial medicinal properties. And some species of this flower are eaten. Medicinal raw materials are obtained from chrysanthemum petals collected during intensive flowering. They contain: glycoside, essential oils, vitamin A, camphor, adenine, choline. It also contains eufualakone, which is the basis of chamazulene. Flowers should be brewed as a medicine. Thanks to essential oils, has a positive effect on the subcortex of the brain. In addition, this tea can increase appetite. The infusion is considered effective for Parkinson's disease. Flower tea made in a water bath can quickly relieve fever and fever.