How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits and grease inside and outside at home. How to clean soot from frying pans? How to clean a cast iron, aluminum or Teflon frying pan from carbon deposits

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Not every housewife succeeds in washing dishes immediately after cooking. But even with timely washing, an unpleasant black residue forms on the surface of the pans. It not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of dishes and the kitchen as a whole, but is also harmful to health.

How to remove it, what products to use, and what to remember?

5 effective ways to clean pans from carbon deposits

Soot is a “mix” of soot and old fat.

It would seem, so what’s wrong with not cleaning the pans until they shine after each cooking? Many people even consider carbon deposits to be the secret to preparing especially tasty food.

But cleaning carbon deposits is still important and necessary. AND main reason is the release of carcinogens that occurs when exposed to high temperatures.

According to numerous studies, carbon deposits often become a “springboard” to the development of oncology due to slow intoxication of the body.

Therefore, you should clean your pans as often as possible. The main thing is to choose the right method.

The following are recognized as the most effective methods for cleaning cast iron frying pans from heavy carbon deposits:

  1. Apply oven and roasting pan cleaner to the pan, wrap tightly in plastic, and leave for 12 hours. Remaining carbon deposits are removed using a melamine sponge or a regular metal sponge. Next, all you have to do is wash the dishes with a sponge and regular dishwashing detergent.
  2. Carefully heat the frying pan on the stove, in the oven or over a fire, after pouring salt or sand inside. Next, remove from the heat (with an oven mitt!) and tap the dishes so that the carbon deposits fall off. Remove the residue with a metal sponge. You can also use a blowtorch for these purposes.
  3. Grinding. Using a drill and a metal brush attachment, we remove carbon deposits, as if “grinding” the pan. The result is 100%, but this work is not for women. It is also important to protect your eyes and face from flying metal shavings.
  4. Ammonia and borax. An excellent method that is even suitable for cleaning the grate from the stove. Mix in a glass with warm water a couple of drops of ammonia and 10 g of borax, apply the solution to the frying pan, pack it in a sealed bag, shake and leave overnight. In the morning, all that remains is to thoroughly rinse off the used product.
  5. Soviet method. Heat water in a large container (enough to fit the frying pan), add a bar of grated ordinary laundry soap, 2 packs of silicate glue and half a kilo of soda. Dissolve the ingredients and mix, lower the frying pan into the solution and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes, then turn off the gas, close the container with a lid and leave the frying pan in it for 3 hours. Then all you have to do is wash the dish with a regular sponge. Important: the smell from the glue is very unpleasant, you can’t do without a hood and open windows.

Scratches that appear after radical cleaning are removed using fine sandpaper.

These methods are not suitable for ceramics, Teflon and even aluminum.

Removing carbon deposits from a frying pan using folk remedies - the best ways

  • Vinegar (for cast iron frying pan). Dissolve vinegar in water (1:3), pour the product into a frying pan and heat it over low heat, sometimes adding a little water. Afterwards, you will have to boil the frying pan in a soda solution to remove the smell of vinegar.
  • Laundry soap (for almost any frying pan). We grate it, dissolve it in boiling water and lower the frying pan into the solution - let it cook for 30-40 minutes.
  • Oil with powder (for any frying pan). Pour 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil into the container, add a few tablespoons washing powder, add water and after boiling, lower the frying pan into the solution to soak.
  • Citric acid (for cast iron frying pan). Dilute 1 tsp of acid in 1 liter of water, then soak the pan in it for 1 hour. If the deposit is old, the procedure may have to be done twice.

Video: How to clean a frying pan, burners, saucepans and other utensils from years of carbon deposits and old fat?

5 Safe Home Remedies for Cleaning Pans at Home

Unlike cast iron frying pans, which can be cleaned simply by placing them over the fire, non-stick cookware requires extremely gentle care.

  1. Digestion. Dissolve a glass of detergent and 50 g of soda (preferably soda ash) in 3 liters of water, lower the dishes into a container with this solution and boil for 30-35 minutes over low heat.
  2. Coca-Cola. Pour a glass of soda into the vessel and boil for 30 minutes. To remove carbon deposits from the outside, you should boil the entire frying pan in the drink.
  3. Dishwasher. Option will do for dishes with light carbon deposits. Important: carefully select the temperature and detergent. The use of abrasives is prohibited. And one more thing: pay attention to whether the manufacturer allows washing a particular frying pan in dishwasher.
  4. Food baking powder. Mix a glass of water and a couple of spoons of the product, pour the solution into a bowl and boil. After the liquid has cooled, remove carbon deposits using a regular sponge. For external soot, make more solution and lower the entire pan into it.
  5. Melamine sponge. An option that is suitable for any frying pan. Naturally, thick and old carbon deposits will not yield to the sponge, but if you have not yet managed to bring the frying pan to this state, then a melamine sponge is in your hands! More precisely, wear gloves, because this product is not safe for health. The melamine sponge itself is ideal for cleaning carbon deposits, rust and other contaminants, but the dishes should be washed thoroughly after using it (it’s better to do it twice and pour boiling water over it to be safe).

7 best store-bought products for cleaning frying pans from soot and old grease

The chemical industry never ceases to delight customers, and today there is a huge number various means for the kitchen, helping the housewife keep her nerves - and hands - intact.

Among the most effective remedies for soot, grease and soot, buyers highlight the following:

  • Domestos. Average price: 200 rub. An effective product with a powerful scent. Work with gloves and with the window open.
  • Unicum Gold. Average price: 250 rub. High-quality grease remover from an Israeli company. Ideal for cleaning dishes from carbon deposits and old dirt. Not suitable for aluminum or scratched surfaces.
  • Mr. Muscle (approx. – Kitchen Expert). Average price: about 250 rubles. This product has already proven itself with the best side. It will easily clean grease from frying pans, stove grates, ovens, and baking sheets. Action time is about 30 minutes.
  • Schumann. Average price: about 500 rubles. The product is expensive, has a “thermonuclear” smell, but is fantastically effective. Impeccable cleanliness can be achieved in a matter of minutes: no grease or residue! The downside is that you need to wear gloves.
  • Cillit. Average price: about 200 rubles. This remedy also does not smell of roses and requires open windows and a respirator, but it removes even the oldest and most powerful contaminants that have not succumbed to any folk remedy. The product is not suitable for enameled and other delicate surfaces.
  • Miracle-Antinagar from Himitek. Average price: 300 rub. Domestic, effective remedy for quick and easy removal of food deposits.
  • Any pipe cleaner. Average price: 100-200 rub. Although such products are aggressive in their effects, they still remain the most effective for cleaning the most difficult stains. Naturally, such a product is not suitable for Teflon, but cast iron frying pan can be easily subjected to this cleaning method. With the help of such a product, carbon deposits will come off from the frying pan, even with its thickest layer. For 5 liters of water, use ½ liter of product. Important: we do not add water to the product, but the reagent itself - to the water!

Video: How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals?

Top tips for cleaning and caring for different types of pans

The most important tips cleaning pans concern, first of all, the health of housewives. Why do you need clean pans if you can, at a minimum, get poisoned by inhaling toxic fumes? household chemicals?

Therefore, the most important thing...

  1. Use rubber gloves. Remember that household chemicals can also act through the skin.
  2. Wear a respirator, if you use “vigorous” household products. As a last resort, you can use a cotton-gauze bandage.
  3. Clean dishes thoroughly after using household chemicals. Ideal option- boil so that not even a hint of the use of “chemistry” remains.
  4. Open windows while cleaning, and if possible, do it on the street.
  5. Remove children and animals from the premises when using household chemicals. Unless this is the kind of eco-chemical that can even be used to wash apples. But you can’t wash away the carbon deposits with such chemicals.

What should you remember about cleaning pans?

  • Wash the pan thoroughly immediately after cooking . This will make your work much easier.
  • If the outside of the frying pan is covered with a layer of fat and soot after cooking, put it in a bowl of boiling water - let it soak. You can boil it for 15 minutes, and then easily clean it with a simple sponge. It is easier to clean light carbon deposits than thick and old ones.
  • Avoid using metal scourers or abrasive cleaners for washing pans. The more scratches, the more unsafe it is to wash the pan with chemicals, the stronger the carbon deposits stick, the more dangerous it is to cook in such a frying pan.
  • Cast iron pans should be heated as hot as possible before cooking with them. How better frying pan warms up, the less soot there will be.
  • Wash aluminum pans without abrasives – warm water, sponge and soda. Aluminum oxidizes after hard cleaning, and this oxide, if ingested, is severely harmful to health. Therefore, such pans should be washed only with gentle products and tools.
  • Use normal when washing laundry soap – it is more effective than even the most modern means for washing dishes.
  • Wipe pans after washing hard waffle towels.
  • Teflon cookware should be changed every six months.

Fat during cooking thin layer covers the pan. Soot from the burning gas is added to the outside, especially if it contains a lot of additives. Normal way washing dishes does not remove all the burnt-on fat, and it gradually accumulates, becomes noticeable and much more difficult to remove.

Pans must be periodically washed to remove soot and grease.

Pans should be washed once a month to remove soot and grease, keeping them clean. Or wash in the dishwasher in the pan mode. Aluminum ones cannot be placed in the dishwasher.

A layer of soot forms at the bottom, which prevents the pan from heating up quickly. This is another reason to clean the burnt dishes.

Before you start cleaning, you need to decide on the material from which the frying pan is made and whether it has a coating:

  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • ceramic;
  • Teflon.

Determine what material the frying pan is made of

Ceramic surfaces are the easiest to clean. They repel fat and practically do not accumulate carbon deposits. It is enough to wet them and wash them using ordinary means using a sponge. Do not allow sudden changes in temperature, for example, placing a hot frying pan under cold water.

If a large layer of fat has accumulated, grease the frying pan on all sides with vinegar, after a while lower it into a large container of water and add soda to it. After an hour, you can wipe off all the plaque inside and outside with a sponge and dishwashing detergent.

Before you clean Teflon frying pan from soot, need to cook large saucepan, in which it completely fits. The non-stick coating is very thin. When treated with any abrasive materials, and even roughly with a washcloth, it wears off. As a result, the food will begin to come into contact with the base material, lose its nutritional value, and harmful inclusions will appear in it.

The classic way to get rid of soot and grease for all types of utensils:

  1. Pour water into a large container and add some laundry soap, half a bar is enough.
  2. Place the frying pan.
  3. Heat it with water over low heat. Turn off and leave to cool.
  4. After cooling completely, wash off the entire Teflon-coated surface with a soft sponge and dishwashing detergent.

The composition of the last century has a strong effect when you need to solve the problem of how to clean a non-stick frying pan. For 2 liters of water you need 200 ml of liquid glass. It can be replaced with stationery silicate glue made on its basis. Add half a pack of soda and shavings of half a bar of laundry soap. Dissolve everything in a saucepan, heat it, put the pan so that it is completely immersed in the liquid. After a few hours, wash off all the plaque.

Washing a Teflon frying pan should be gentle

How to clean a non-stick frying pan. It is enough to pour 2 tablespoons of salt and vinegar into the bowl itself. Mix them, covering the entire surface with the paste. Heat over heat until moisture completely evaporates. Add 10 tablespoons of baking soda, mix and leave for several hours.

How to clean a nonstick frying pan from the outside only. An old remedy from the last century will come in handy -. If you can’t get it, replace it with cheap toothpaste without any additives.

  1. Place the pan upside down.
  2. Moisten with water and evenly coat the bottom and sides with tooth powder. If you use a paste, apply it to all surfaces; you do not need to wet it with water.
  3. After a couple of hours, wash everything off with a sponge.
  4. If the layer of soot is large and it was not possible to remove everything in one go, you need to repeat it.

In a similar way, clean and inner surface Teflon coated frying pans.

Can be used activated carbon

Activated carbon can be used externally. Crush the package of tablets, moisten the outer surface in water and sprinkle with the drug. Place in a bag for a couple of hours.

There are many different Teflon-coated cookware cleaners on the market. They act gently without damaging the non-stick layer. Some of them are shown in the table.

After leaving the pan with the product applied to the outer surface, it, along with the carbon deposits, is washed off with a sponge. After this, the utensils should be rinsed and washed with dish soap.

An aluminum frying pan cannot be cleaned of grease and soot using the means listed in the table. They are mostly made on the basis of aluminum powder and oxides. Any of them will corrode the surface of the pan. You need to buy ready-made drugs for a narrow purpose, for aluminum cookware or use home remedies.

Aluminum cannot be rubbed with pastes containing abrasive elements, just like Teflon. The metal is soft and easily reacts with fat and other substances. On the surface of aluminum there is a thin protective film oxides It breaks down due to friction.

If you boil the frying pan in a special solution, it will be much easier to remove the carbon deposits.

You can cook aluminum utensils in a solution:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 100 grams of laundry soap;
  • 50 ml of liquid glass or silicate glue;
  • 200 - 250 grams of soda ash - lye.

Pour water into a large saucepan or basin, heat over heat, stirring until everything dissolves and turns into a homogeneous mass. Lower the pan, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the neglect and thickness of the adhered layer. Let cool and scrape off any loose soot and grease that remains.

The composition is caustic, harmful to the respiratory system. You need to boil in a mask, with the hood turned on at full power. It’s even better if it is possible to heat it outside by building a fire in the courtyard of a private house or in the country. A portable gas stove will also work.

Thanks to this cleaning method, the speed will be like new

Mixture boric acid With ammonia applied to the surface. The pan is wrapped in film and left overnight. In the morning it is cleaned and washed.

Cast iron frying pans are recognized by professional chefs as the most convenient for preparing various dishes. They heat up well over the entire surface, despite the size of the burner, and retain heat for a long time. So, grandma's preserved utensils are worth the time and effort to restore and clean them.

There are several ways to clean a cast iron frying pan.

How to wash the inside of cast iron cookware. Anyone will do recipe for Teflon and aluminum pans.

You need to pour salt into a dish standing on the fire. Pour in vinegar to cover the bottom. Cover with a lid and leave over low heat until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then add half a pack of baking soda and mix, covering the sides. When everything has cooled down, wash the composition and fatty deposits together with water. Wash with detergent.

Heat a cast iron frying pan with salt

It is possible that you will have to repeat several times.

The main soot accumulates in a thick layer on the outside. Therefore, it is necessary to clean a cast iron frying pan mainly from the outside.

For this a suitable method for Teflon coating – tooth powder. You can put the utensils upside down and coat them with vinegar. Then, after a while, apply a layer of soda and pour over vinegar. Clean off loose dirt and repeat. You can clean it with a knife and a metal scraper.

Vinegar breaks down fat by penetrating inside. When adding soda it starts chemical reaction, destroying soot and burnt fat. Cast iron is not afraid of abrasives, but you don’t need to get too carried away.

Baking soda and vinegar are good at destroying grease and soot.

All cast iron utensils are remarkably cleaned by soaking them in a solution with liquid glass, or . You just need to simmer the pot and pan over low heat for more than an hour. Then let it cool and remove fatty deposits with a scraper and steel wool.

After completely removing old fat, the cast iron frying pan will become covered with red rust spots. The food on it will stick and stick to the bottom. It is necessary to cover the cleaned surface with a protective layer. For this purpose it is used vegetable oil sunflower, olive and corn.

  1. Place the frying pan on the fire.
  2. Pour salt into it to cover the entire bottom by about 5 mm.
  3. Heat the salt, stirring it constantly and ignite for 10 minutes.
  4. Pour salt, coat the surface with oil, heat until it burns out.
  5. Wash the cooled pan.

A thin layer of oil will remain on the surface. It will not be washed out during normal dishwashing, will protect against metal contact with air oxygen and will create a smooth film, thanks to which food will not stick.

When the salt heats up, especially the oil burns out, there will be a lot of soot. It is necessary to ensure normal ventilation of the kitchen and operation of the hood.

Heat the pan with sunflower oil

Protect the surface in a similar way aluminum frying pan after cleansing. Only choose finely ground salt and mix it very carefully so as not to scratch the bottom. Oil the entire surface, inside and out.

Some carbonated drinks provide us with a non-standard method of protection against corrosion. Coca-Cola is the most active in this. You need to pour it into the pan to the top or grease the sides and heat it up. When it cools down, you can pour it out.

Cleaning cast iron and aluminum cookware with fire and a “witch” - a wire disc on a grinder for cleaning metal surfaces - is best left to men. In these cases, skill with the tool and physical strength are required.

The utensil is heated with a blowtorch until the layer begins to smoke and is cleaned using a wire attachment on a grinder or drill.

Cleaning with a drill

The outside of aluminum frying pans can be cleaned in the same way, but then they must be calcined, lubricated on all sides with vegetable oil.

The electrolysis process takes a long time. In addition to cast iron utensils you will need charger, plastic or other dishes with insulating properties, electrolyte.

A spacer or sheet of metal is placed in the container, and the red terminal is connected to it. The second to the frying pan immersed in liquid.

The sandblasting unit will easily clean any type of contaminant.

Even a woman can negotiate with the operator of the nearest sandblasting plant. A jet of sand and compressed air directed at the part cleans everything, including paint and primer, down to bare metal. Men usually understand this process better and will watch it with interest. Then they will delight their wife with a clean, shiny cast-iron frying pan.

Ready-made oven products are suitable for frying pans

Ready-made ones are suitable for a cast iron frying pan. Plaque on the walls inside the stove is similar to soot on dishes. The most popular of them:

  • Schumann:
  • Amway;
  • Faberlic.

The drug is applied to the surface, left for the time specified according to the instructions and washed off. You should not change the parameters, hold it longer or heat it up. The compositions are very aggressive, concentrated. It is better to do several cleaning cycles than to ruin the dishes.

We must be careful. Wear gloves and apply with a brush or sponge. Don't lean over the frying pan. The fumes are poisonous.

Sooner or later, even the best housewife has to face the problem of cleaning a frying pan from burnt food. Often, cleaning pans turns out to be not so simple matter like washing other dishes.

So how can you quickly and easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits? The choice of cleaning method for a frying pan directly depends on what type of material it is made of.

Detergents and cleaning products will cope well with the problem of light carbon deposits."Fairy" dishwashing liquid effectively fights greasy deposits on pans. The detergent is able to cope with even a thick layer of greasy soot, but it is better not to let it get to that point.

It's important to wash your pan after every meal, rather than waiting until it's covered in a thick, black layer of soot.

There are many analogues that actively destroy fat. For example, "Mr. Muscle anti-fat" can destroy even old fat from a burnt frying pan. By deleting top layer fat, you can quickly clean the pan from carbon deposits. Even Sanita cleaning cream will help you clean a burnt frying pan, of course. using a metal scraper.

Before cleaning the frying pan from carbon deposits, be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands from the effects of aggressive chemicals. A respirator wouldn't hurt either. Do not forget that these are still chemicals that, to put it mildly, do not have a very good effect on human health.

Before you clean the pan with chemicals, think twice. After all, then you will cook food in it for the whole family, including children.

How to clean the outside of a frying pan?

Few people know how to clean the outside of a frying pan from carbon deposits. Cleaning the inside of dishes is much easier, but here’s how to remove smoked, greasy deposits from outside favorite cast iron frying pan is already a question.

Carbon deposits, which are formed under the influence of direct flame, after some time cease to be washed off with ordinary cleaning agents and detergents. Over time, it can no longer be washed off. But don’t despair, housewives, and don’t think that it’s time to say goodbye to your favorite frying pan.

There are several methods that have already been tested over the years. Our grandparents also used them, and in modern life they have not been forgotten, since it is only possible to get rid of many years of soot with their help.

1. Fire flame.

By acting on the metal surface of the frying pan, the fire begins to dry out the carbon deposits and melt the fat. You can heat a burnt pan at home over an open burner, on a fire, or using a gas burner. If you decide to clean the frying pan using this method in your apartment, open all the windows, or better yet, make a draft. The smell when the greasy deposit is destroyed will not be the most pleasant. So you better take gas burner, frying pan - and straight to the street.

In order to do everything correctly and not aggravate the situation further, you need to place the frying pan on a metal stand and burn it with open fire on all sides. If your frying pan wooden handle, then act as carefully as possible or abandon this cleaning method altogether.

If an aluminum frying pan is covered with soot, it is not recommended to hold it over an open fire for a long time, since it can easily become deformed.

You will notice how during the heating process the carbon deposits will shrink and fall off in pieces. You can speed up this process by slightly picking up the exfoliated carbon deposits with a knife.

2. Mechanical impact.

Carbon deposits can be removed using iron brush using a drill with a metal attachment and a grinder. Now modern technology is used for this, but our grandmothers used other improvised devices.

Your beloved husband will help you remove carbon deposits from the frying pan using a metal drill attachment. Let Be sure to wear goggles and a respirator, since small particles of collapsed soot will fly in all directions. There is no need to do this kind of cleaning in the house., it’s better to let your man go into the garage or outside, otherwise you will find small “black soot flakes” behind furniture or kitchen appliances for a long time.

The next method is similar to the previous one, only it must be used to clean carbon deposits from a frying pan. grinding machine. A belt, eccentric or vibrating sander will do the job most effectively.

It is necessary to grind the pan until all the carbon deposits are completely gone. In this case, it will have small particles, so it is necessary to wear a protective mask and goggles. Sanding in the apartment is out of the question. Clean the frying pan from carbon deposits using a grinding machine only in the garage or outdoors.

3. Universal solution.

A special solution that can be prepared at home will remove carbon deposits from a frying pan of any material. This product is also suitable for delicate modern dishes. A burnt pan can also be cleaned of carbon deposits using this folk remedy.

In order to prepare a special solution correctly, you need to stock up on the following components:

    • 500 grams of regular baking soda;
    • a bar of 72% laundry soap;
    • two packs of silicate glue.

If you have found everything, then you can start preparing the universal remedy, following the following sequence of actions:

After such " water procedures"Even the oldest carbon deposits can be easily cleaned with a knife.

Whichever method you choose, After cleaning, the pan must be thoroughly rinsed under running water . If you use a special solution, it is advisable to boil the pan in clean water within half an hour.

In conclusion, I want to say that you will not rack your brains over how to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits on the outside if you regularly wash it after each frying.

How to clean a cast iron, steel, Teflon and ceramic frying pan?

Cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits has its own characteristics depending on what material it is made of. For example, it is impossible to clean a Teflon frying pan with the same products that were used to clean a cast iron frying pan, since the delicate Teflon or ceramic coating will not withstand harsh aggressive influences. In this article you will find all kinds of options for cleaning your particular frying pan.

In order to properly clean dishes from greasy burnt deposits, you need to understand what it is. Nagar is a combination of fatty components and oxides that are released by any metal surface in the process of exposure high temperatures. It follows from this that it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible, since the ingress of burnt soot particles into food has a negative impact on human health.

It is better to avoid that critical moment when black burnt pieces begin to flake off and get into the food. Carbon deposits should be removed immediately. But do not forget that different alloys require individual approach. We will look at how to clean your frying pan inside and outside from carbon deposits further in the table.

Cleaning Features

Cleaning agent

Preparing and using the cleanser

Teflon coated frying pan

powdered products containing abrasive particles are contraindicated

solution of soda ash and detergent

  • pour some water into the bottom and let it heat up;
  • after the water boils, turn off the heat and leave for 40-45 minutes;
  • so that the carbon deposits are destroyed more quickly, you can add a few drops of dishwashing detergent or a tablespoon of soda ash to the frying pan;
  • to complete the cleaning, it will be enough to wipe the surface with a soft sponge;
  • in order to thoroughly wash away the remaining detergent, boil the pan with clean water

Steel frying pan

use harsh abrasives and metal scrapers strictly prohibited

Rock salt

  • pour half a glass of table salt into a steel frying pan and put on fire;
  • heat the salt for 15 minutes;
  • after that, turn off the heat and leave the pan for several hours;
  • After a few hours, you can quickly clean burnt dishes from grease and carbon deposits using a hard sponge

Soda Ash

  • wet the pan from stainless steel inside and outside hot water;
  • Sprinkle the entire surface generously with soda ash;
  • Rub thoroughly with a porous sponge, focusing special attention burnt areas;
  • leave the baking soda on the surface of the pan for half an hour;
  • rinse off the remaining soda and carbon deposits with hot water;
  • if in some places the carbon deposits are poorly cleaned, the procedure can be repeated

Table vinegar and citric acid

  • pour a few glasses of table vinegar into a steel frying pan and set to heat;
  • immediately open the window in the kitchen, since the vinegar will evaporate during heating and there will be standing water in the room bad smell;
  • after the vinegar warms up a little, add a package of citric acid;
  • when the vinegar begins to boil strongly, you can turn off the heat under the frying pan;
  • leave the burnt vessel with vinegar and citric acid for half an hour;
  • at the end of the specified time, burnt residues can be easily cleaned with a brush;
  • Be sure to rinse the dishes after cleaning with cold running water

Cast iron frying pan

not afraid of coarse abrasives and even a metal scraper, you can even clean grinder

Rock salt, table vinegar and soda ash

  • fill it up table salt the bottom of the pan in a layer of several centimeters;
  • pour vinegar;
  • let the pan stand for 30 minutes;
  • after half an hour, put it on the fire and pour in five tablespoons of soda (this is a little less than a glass);
  • Boil the mixed ingredients for 10 minutes and remove from heat;
  • rinse the pan with plenty of water

Vegetable oil to create a non-stick coating

When you get carried away with cleaning a cast iron frying pan from grease and carbon deposits, do not overdo it. There is no need to thoroughly wash the cast iron from residual oil, since the thin fatty layer is a kind of non-stick coating.

If you do clean it until it shines, then heat the frying pan for the first time with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil and rinse cold water.

Frying pan with ceramic coating

clean only with a soft porous sponge or fiber cloth;

avoid sudden temperature changes;

Do not use abrasive cleaners or metal scrapers

Baking soda

If slight deposits form, wash ceramic frying pan a small amount of baking soda.

We hope you found your frying pan in the list and chose the most optimal way to clean it from carbon deposits. Believe me, this can be done at home using improvised means no less effectively than using expensive care products for a certain type of surface. But the most important thing I want to say, dear housewives, is to take care of your frying pans and clean their surfaces on time to prevent the formation of soot.

Cleaning old fat and carbon deposits using folk remedies

More and more housewives are interested in the issue of cleaning old fat and carbon deposits from a frying pan using folk remedies. In modern life, we do not always have time to clean dishes from burnt fat in a timely manner. Therefore, after some time, we notice that a thick layer of black soot has formed on your favorite frying pan, which your mother gave you.

That’s when we grab our heads and can’t figure out how to clean it from this terrible layer of fat and soot, which cannot be removed even with a steel wool.

But you shouldn’t be upset, because to solve this unpleasant problem I have a few secrets up my sleeve. Believe me, after using any of them, soot and old fat will quickly leave your favorite frying pan.

1. Laundry soap.

If the greasy layer in your frying pan has become ingrained to such an extent that all the tried means no longer help, ordinary laundry soap will help you cope with this problem:

    • grate half of the 72% laundry soap on a coarse grater;
    • pour the shavings into the frying pan and fill with water;
    • boil soap solution within half an hour;
    • Now you can turn off the heat and set the dishes aside for another 40 minutes;
    • at the end of the specified time, thoroughly wash the pan with a hard sponge or washcloth;
    • Rinse thoroughly and boil it with clean water.

2. Vinegar and citric acid.

Citric acid and table vinegar will help you remove old fat from the walls of a frying pan or pan:

    • pour some water into a container and put it on fire;
    • wait until it boils and pour in half a glass of table vinegar;
    • add a tablespoon of citric acid;
    • turn off the heat and let the greasy dish sit for about 45 minutes;
    • The reaction of vinegar and citric acid will destroy even the oldest grease that you struggled to scrape off with a knife.

This tool Contraindicated for aluminum cookware.

3. Silicate glue.

In order to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits using silicate glue, you must perform the following procedures:

    • Pour 10 liters of water into a large saucepan or other container;
    • add 100 grams of silicate glue or PVA glue and 150 grams of sodium bicarbonate;
    • Immerse the frying pan in it and boil for half an hour;
    • turn off the boiling solution and leave to cool;
    • After the pan has cooled completely, remove old carbon deposits with a metal scraper.

In addition to all the above folk remedies, you can effectively deal with fat that has become closely related to your frying pan. nylon sponge and cleaning agent oven . It is enough to apply a small amount of detergent to a cold frying pan and rub it over the entire surface, and then use a nylon sponge and hot water to clean the frying pan inside and out. Due to its dense texture, nylon effectively removes any dirt.

To achieve maximum effect Apply oven cleaner to the greasy pan and place it in plastic bag, tie tightly and leave overnight. In the morning, you can wash the pan with a nylon sponge.

You won't believe your eyes, but there won't be a trace of fat left. Even to the touch the vessel will “creak” from cleanliness.

During operation, soot, grease stains, and other contaminants remain on the pans. To effectively wash dishes, you need to choose the right detergents, apply traditional methods based on the material of the kitchen utensils.

First you need to determine what the frying pan is made of. This will allow you to choose the right product, washing method, sponges, brushes.

  • Cast iron and aluminum products are not afraid of harsh impact, so they tolerate abrasive substances and rough washcloths well.
  • Cookware with non-stick coating does not tolerate roughness. To wash it, use only detergents with a liquid, gel or creamy consistency.
  • Ceramic pans are not as delicate, but you cannot scrub them with a wire brush, although you can use a sponge with the abrasive side. You should refrain from cleaning with powders; it is better to use creams, sprays, and liquids.

Before intensive cleaning of the pan, the dishes should be soaked for half an hour in warm water with the addition of dishwashing detergent.

Cleaning the pan

Depending on the material of the dishes, you need to choose a cleaning agent, as well as the method of its use.

Cast iron

Products made of cast iron are not afraid of either abrasives or metal scrapers. It is recommended to wash them with soda, salt or vinegar.

  1. Pour salt into the frying pan so that it covers the bottom, then pour in 150 ml of 6% vinegar.
  2. After half an hour, put the dishes on the fire, add 100 grams of soda to the mixture.
  3. All ingredients are boiled for 10–15 minutes.
  4. After the procedure, the surfaces are cleaned with a brush and rinsed thoroughly.

So that it does not quickly stick to the cast iron surface new fat and no carbon deposits have formed, after washing it must be calcined, lubricated inside with vegetable oil, and rinsed with water.


Aluminum products are not as durable as cast iron, so you cannot use aggressive substances to clean them. It is better to abandon powdered household chemicals in favor of creams and gels.

A recipe that is suitable for regular care of a frying pan consists of 0.5 kg of soda ash, 100 ml of office glue and a crushed piece of laundry soap.

  1. All components are dissolved in 10 liters of hot water in a large container.
  2. Dirty aluminum dishes are placed there.
  3. After 30 minutes of boiling, everything is left in the liquid for 12 hours. Then rinse and wipe dry.

If you used a hard sponge or an abrasive cleaner for washing, small scratches will appear on the surface of the pan. You can get rid of them by polishing the product with soda.

Non-stick coating

Frying pans with non-stick Teflon coating are quite fastidious in care and do not tolerate rough handling. Therefore, you should forget about hard brushes, sponges, and cleaning powders. Non-old stains can be quickly cleaned using several traditional methods.

  1. Remains of food are removed from the frying pan, 1 tablespoon of mustard powder is poured into it, a glass of boiling water is added, and the lid is closed. After half an hour, wash all surfaces with a soft sponge; dirt will easily come off.
  2. Remove carbon deposits from outside You can use soap and hot water. A quarter of a bar of soap is grated and dissolved in 100 ml of water. After 10 minutes, add 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, mustard, ammonia. The prepared composition is applied to the outer walls of the dish and left for half an hour. Scrub the surface with a sponge and rinse the pan.
  3. Potato starch will help fight old soot. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 200 ml of water. Soak the dishes in the resulting liquid and boil for 15 minutes. After the water has cooled, the carbon deposits are removed with a sponge.

When washing, you don’t need to make an effort or rub the same place for a long time so as not to tear off the Teflon coating. It is better to repeat the procedure again.

Clean an old frying pan

Cleaning a frying pan from old carbon deposits is not easy, but it is possible. If you don’t want to use household chemicals, then “grandmother’s” recipes will come in handy.

  1. Pour a small amount of water into the container and put it on fire.
  2. After the water boils, pour in 100 grams of vinegar and add a tablespoon of citric acid.
  3. The fire is turned off and the product is set aside for 40 minutes.

Thanks to the reaction of vinegar and citric acid, even old fat will soften and can be cleaned with steel wool.

This method cannot be used for aluminum cookware.

Products for ovens and grills - Magic Power, Amway, Wpro - cope well with old carbon deposits. The frying pan is generously treated with the selected preparation, packed in a plastic bag, and left overnight. In the morning, all the fat will be washed off with a regular sponge.

Traditional methods

You can clean a frying pan from dirt using several methods that have proven themselves over many years of experience and are applicable to cast iron and aluminum products.

PVA glue and soap will easily get rid of a thick layer of carbon deposits both inside and outside the product.

  1. You will need to take a large saucepan and place a frying pan on its bottom.
  2. Pour water so that it completely covers the dirty dishes. Pour in 0.5 kg of soda.
  3. Grated laundry soap is added to 200 g of glue, stirred, and poured into a pan.
  4. The mixture is brought to a boil, left on the fire until the soot begins to fall off in layers.

After this procedure, clean the pan until it shines with a stiff brush.

Hardening at high temperature.

  1. To do this, remove the handle from the product if it is silicone or plastic.
  2. Place the pan in the oven at 250 degrees for a couple of hours.
  3. The dishes are immersed in cold water and cleaned with a brush.

To get rid of old traces of fat:

  1. You will need to take 50 ml of vinegar and 100 grams of salt.
  2. Mix these ingredients and add a little water.
  3. Lubricate the walls and bottom with the resulting slurry.
  4. After an hour, clean with a hard sponge.

Means for cleaning old carbon deposits

It is not uncommon to find cast iron frying pans with a thick black layer of soot in your home. It even happens that this abomination begins to fall off the walls in whole pieces.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals, which are abundant on store shelves, will help clean the frying pan from old soot and deposits. You need to choose products that can break down fat and remove stubborn dirt.

Some of the popular ones are:

  • Faeries;
  • Amway;
  • Zepter;
  • Sanita;
  • Mr. Muscle Antifat;
  • Antinagar Hedgehog.

The first places in safety and effectiveness are occupied by the Amway and Zepter brands. They don't have harmful substances, causing irritation and allergic reactions of the skin. Mr. Muscle Antifat is able to cope with even the most heavy pollution. But Sanita removes the top layer of carbon deposits.

When working with household chemicals, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to wash dishes in a well-ventilated area if you are using an aggressive product with a strong odor.
  2. The skin of your hands should be protected with rubber gloves, and if the substance gets on open areas Rinse the body quickly with plenty of water.
  3. It is advisable to use a respirator.

Any coating on the dishes will absorb the cleaning agent. Therefore, after cleaning, you need to rinse the pan thoroughly.

In order for pans to always please their owners with cleanliness, they must be looked after and washed thoroughly.

  1. After each use, the dishes must be washed with suitable products.
  2. Ceramic products are afraid of sudden temperature changes. Therefore, they should not be washed with cold water immediately after removing from heat.
  3. It is forbidden to touch cookware with a non-stick coating with sharp objects: knives or forks. It is necessary to use silicone or wooden spatulas and spoons.
  4. It is not advisable to clean the internal walls with abrasives and caustic chemicals. It is better to use gentle detergents or suitable traditional methods.

You should use hard sponges and cleaning powders as little as possible. And when washing in the dishwasher, turn on the mode with soaking and additional rinsing.

Prevent carbon deposits

To reduce the formation of soot on a cast iron frying pan, it must be prepared for use after purchase.

Aluminum-coated products are prepared in two ways:

  1. The dishes are washed with household chemicals, wiped dry with a microfiber cloth, and placed on the fire. Salt is poured onto the bottom, the pan is heated for 20 minutes, removed from the burner, and left to cool completely. Salt is poured out and soft cloth, dipped in vegetable oil, wipe the bottom. Place on the fire again for 20 minutes. The oil is drained and the product is rinsed with water without detergent.
  2. You can simply heat the dishes with sunflower oil. Pour vegetable oil almost to the very top and put on fire for half an hour.
  3. Teflon products are washed with warm water and wiped dry. Place on fire for 30 minutes, grease with vegetable oil.
  4. Ceramic frying pans are treated according to the same principle: washed with hot water, wiped dry, and lubricated with oil.

With proper care, pans with any coating will serve for many years. If you wash them in time, clean them of grease and carbon deposits, they will delight you with their impeccable appearance and deliciously prepared food.

Trying to please her family with delicacies and gourmet dishes, the housewife very often has to use a frying pan. But it’s not always possible to keep it perfectly clean, so soot often appears on it. The plaque that appears is the result of thermal effects on fats and oils used to prepare a variety of dishes.

Sometimes food residues burn so badly on the bottom and walls of the dishes that it is not possible to scrub them thoroughly the first time. Over time, the coating hardens and the next time you use the frying pan it turns into soot, which becomes more and more difficult to remove each time. Therefore, in order to restore the frying pan to its former beauty and shine, housewives are trying to find ways to cope with this problem.

However, since pans have different finishes, you should use the correct methods to clean them.

Store-bought products for removing carbon deposits from frying pans

Selecting funds for removing carbon deposits and old fat today it is quite wide. Many housewives use them and are never disappointed. Not only are they very effective, but they also require minimal time to remove plaque. If we talk about the disadvantages of household chemicals, then they do exist, and they are serious. During use, they release toxic compounds that are unsafe for health. But this can be avoided if you follow safety rules. Before cleaning the dishes, you must wear rubber gloves; the windows in the room must be well open during this operation.

During the time that Housewives use household chemicals to remove carbon deposits, they were able to find out which ones do the job best. Amway frying pan cleaning products, “Shumanit” from the manufacturer Bagi, and products from Mister Muscle received good ratings. Any of the above products can provide the desired effect if you strictly follow the instructions on the packaging. The products work on the same principle: you need to apply a solution to the pan, let it sit for several hours, and then remove it with a regular sponge.

How to clean a cast iron frying pan from years of carbon deposits?

Cast iron frying pans are no coincidence for several decades now continue to be actively used by many housewives. They not only allow you to cook delicious dishes, but are also easy to maintain. But the main reason for their popularity is due to their extraordinary strength: no matter how aggressive these pans are subjected to, this does not affect their condition in any way. To remove carbon deposits from a cast iron frying pan, you can use long-proven folk remedies.

The most known methods connected with thermal, mechanical or chemical effects on the structure of the material. The best proven methods for removing carbon deposits are those described below. You can use them at home and, without much effort, return the pan to its original cleanliness.

How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits: effective methods

Cleaning a frying pan with a blowtorch

How this method stands out from most others, it is its absolute safety. If your farm does not have blowtorch, then you can make a fire in the yard. The essence of this method is to burn off the carbon deposits from the frying pan with fire. It follows from this that you first need to turn the frying pan upside down, and then heat it very hot with a blowtorch.

After the dishes will warm up well, which can be understood by its appearance - the coating will fade before your eyes, the frying pan must be dipped into a bowl with cold water, and then all that remains is to lightly rub it with a regular metal sponge. According to numerous reviews, this method of cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits requires no more than half an hour for your kitchen assistant to sparkle with frequency.

How to remove old carbon deposits outside and inside with sand?

This way to deal with soot slightly similar to the one described above, but it also has its own characteristics. It is necessary to set the fire to medium intensity on the stove and place a cast-iron frying pan on it. Next, the dishes need to be cooked for several hours so that they can fry thoroughly. Sometimes you cannot achieve the desired result the first time, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to perform this procedure several times, and be sure to let it cool after each heating of the pan.

After the first roasting cycle sand is poured into the frying pan a layer large enough to completely fill the entire container. Next, the pan is placed on the stove, but this time it is kept for about 2 hours.

According to reviews, this method works very effectively. The only drawback is that you have to wait a very long time for the carbon deposits to disappear.

How to remove old carbon deposits with vinegar at home?

Main effect when using this product due to his high level acidity, which allows you to destroy fat, which is the basis of any soot. If it so happens that you don’t have vinegar in your household, then you can use regular vinegar instead. citric acid, but first dilute it with water.

The process of removing carbon deposits from a frying pan is as follows:

  • You need to pour enough vinegar or acid into the dish so that it fills the entire volume.
  • Next, the frying pan is placed in the oven and heated for several hours.
  • Boiling vinegar for many hours is enough for the carbon deposits to fall off the walls, after which you can easily return the pan to its original appearance.

Alternative methods

An effective folk remedy - activated carbon

If for some reason you don't like the above methods for removing carbon deposits from a frying pan, then you will probably like this method, which is not only very simple, but also effective. You don't even have to put in much effort to remove plaque. To achieve the desired result, you will need at least 10 tablets of the described medication, which must be crushed into powder, and then rinsed with water and allowed to drain.

We pay special attention to the fact that the pan should remain wet, but there should be no water as such. Next, powder from the tablets is poured into it and left for one hour for it to take effect. After the specified time, all you have to do is wipe the surfaces with a sponge and any cleaning agent you have.

How to clean a frying pan with a metal sponge?

Metal wool - Very effective adaptation to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits, since its structure is formed by solid spirals connected into a single shape. Even when you first get acquainted with a steel wool, it is not difficult to guess how to use this device. However, you must take into account that you need to wash the dishes very carefully, otherwise you may damage the surface of the dishes.

To make it easier for you to remove carbon deposits from the surface of the frying pan, it is recommended to first warm it up, and only then start cleaning. Please note that this method can only be used for cast iron products, which can easily withstand such aggressive influence.

How to boil a burnt frying pan with soap?

First of all you need prepare laundry soap, which needs to be chopped into chips on a fine grater. Next, you need to place it in a frying pan, add water, put it on the stove and bring to a boil.

Usually, the desired result can be achieved by boiling the frying pan in the solution for several hours.

How to boil carbon deposits using salt, soda and vinegar?

Take advantage this method of dealing with soot Every housewife can do it, since it is quite simple and does not require much effort or the use of special equipment. To remove carbon deposits, you will need the most affordable ingredients that can be found in any kitchen. The cleansing effect is provided by such well-known products as baking soda and nine percent apple cider vinegar.

The essence of this technique is as follows:

How to clean a non-stick frying pan?

As a rule, removing old carbon deposits from a frying pan with Teflon or ceramic coating is not big problem for housewives. This is explained quite simply - fat does not eat into the surfaces of these materials, which is due to the effect of the coating, which protects food from burning. Therefore after long-term operation Only a barely noticeable coating may form on the pan, which is quite easy to remove.

  • To do this, place the frying pan in hot water and support her in it until the fat begins to come off the walls and bottom.
  • Next, take a regular sponge and three pans. Usually, after the first procedure, the plaque disappears completely.

But keep in mind that for removing stains from dishes, which has a ceramic or Teflon coating, it is prohibited to use rough sponges. Do not use household chemicals containing abrasive components. You should also know that you need to be very careful when using ceramic frying pans: in addition to following the above recommendations, you should protect the surfaces from sudden temperature changes. Therefore, they can only be washed in warm water.

How to remove burnt food from an aluminum frying pan?

Very often, when the hostess on an aluminum frying pan or strong carbon deposits form from another soft metal, after the first attempt to remove it, she loses hope that it will be possible to return her original shine. So nasty appearance cookware acquires due to the high sensitivity of the material to various influences.

Especially big poses a danger to him aggressive mechanical cleaning. You also need to be careful when using household chemicals containing highly alkaline or acidic components. It is recommended to clean these pans by special means, intended for the care of dishes with such a coating. According to some housewives, ordinary baking soda can perfectly remove carbon deposits from an aluminum frying pan.


Problem formation of soot on the frying pan is familiar to every housewife, but not everyone knows how to quickly and easily get rid of it. Usually, after they have tried several store-bought carbon removers, housewives give up and lose faith that it is still possible to restore the frying pan to its former cleanliness.

However, there are enough effective and easy to use methods, with which you can even remove from the frying pan at home old carbon deposits. Naturally, it is difficult to recommend a universal method that can clean the pan after the first use, since cases vary. But do not despair if one of the methods does not live up to expectations. After all, if the frying pan has not been cleaned for several years, then you will probably have to process its walls and bottom more than once to remove the unpleasant coating.