Cherry slimy sawfly morphological structure. Slimy cherry sawfly. Apple sawfly caterpillars: photos and control measures

Slimy cherry sawfly

The sawfly attacks crops such as cherries, sweet cherries, quinces, plums, pears, and hawthorns. This insect is black in color and medium in size. It has a pair of membranous wings, the span of which averages 8–9 mm. Pest larvae overwinter at a depth of 2–5 cm. Pupation occurs at the end of May, and adult insects appear in June. The female lays eggs in the pulp of the leaves. Sawfly larvae are yellowish-green in color. They eat the pulp of the leaves, which leads to their death. In the southern regions of Russia, two generations of the pest develop per season.

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Cherry trees attract not only people who wish to eat ripe fruits, but also insects. What are cherry pests and how to control them? Photos and descriptions will help you better study plant enemies and find ways to destroy them.

Fruit trees in our gardens become the subject of close attention of insects that infect almost all parts of the plantings. Leaves and ovaries, flower buds and already ripe fruits, small and large branches suffer from pests. When there is a massive infestation of aphids, caterpillars of various species, and leaf roller mites, they can cause serious damage to the garden, weaken it, or even destroy it.

Which uninvited guests are the most dangerous? How to treat cherries against pests, and when is the best time to carry out such work?

Cherry weevil

Small, golden-reddish beetles up to 5 mm long feed from early veins on cherry buds, young foliage and flowers. And such damage indicates a serious danger from pests, but weevils do not disdain filling fruits, eating away the cavities right down to the very pit. Here, cherry pests lay their eggs, and the hatching larvae continue to cause damage, destroying the core of the seed. Spoiled fruits fall off, and the larvae move from them to the ground, where they successfully pupate and wait for spring.

In early spring, when the snow has melted but the buds have not yet awakened, cherry weevils can be manually shaken off onto available materials spread under the trees, collected and burned. This method is convenient if you grow in hell low-growing varieties, but is completely unsuitable when the pest threatens large trees 5–7 meters high.

Therefore, a more competent and long-term way is to install fishing belts. They will protect the plantings not only immediately, but throughout most of the summer.

When attacking weevils, they also use means chemical protection, and also traditional methods. How to spray cherries against pests in this case? Modern insecticides, which are used to irrigate crowns, trunks and tree trunks, help against beetles. Treatment is carried out early, after flowering and in the fall, after leaf fall.

In addition, cherries can be treated with a daily infusion of fragrant or chamomile. On a bucket hot water You will need 100 grams of plant materials and half a bar of crushed laundry soap.

Slimy and other sawfly species

If larvae appear on the leaves, which simultaneously resemble slugs and caterpillars, then the cherry tree on the site is threatened slimy sawfly. The cherry pest shown in the photo and its control should be under the special control of the gardener.

Smooth greenish-black larvae do not exceed 4–6 mm in length and appear on young foliage. Finding itself on the upper part of the leaf blade, the sawfly eats away its juicy part without touching the veins and bottom part. As a result of this exposure, the damaged tissue dries quickly, and the leaves on the tree become covered with burn-like spots. Mass infection leads to premature leaf fall, weakening of plants and poor wintering. In the fall, the larvae enter the soil, and in the spring they fly out, becoming adults, ready to reproduce as insects.

Close relatives of the described pest are no less dangerous for cherries: yellow plum and pale-legged sawflies, cherry sawflies. They also damage leaves and ovaries, and closer to autumn they move to the ground and overwinter safely at shallow depths.

To combat the sawfly, insecticides are used if this does not harm the ripening crop. With minimal infestation, the larvae are picked by hand or washed off with a stream of water onto a film or cloth spread under the tree.

Instead of chemicals for treating cherries against pests experienced gardeners It is recommended to take a strong infusion of smoking tobacco.

Cherry aphid

Cherry or black aphids appear on the tops of young branches in the first month of summer. Insect pests of cherries, which reproduce quickly, cover the succulent parts of the shoots in a dense ball in a matter of days. By feeding on plant juices, aphids cause deformation of the affected leaves and stems. As a result, the garden suffers and productivity decreases:

  1. Tree growth stops or stops.
  2. Plants weaken, and fungal infections easily develop in areas damaged by aphids.
  3. The chances of getting a harvest next year are reduced.

When the cherry pest shown in the photo appears, the fight against it should consist not only in processing chemicals, but also in compliance with agricultural technology.


  • reduce the population garden ants that spread aphids to cultivated plants;
  • carry out competent regular pruning of diseased and fattening shoots;
  • do not get carried away with introducing excessive amounts of foliage, which provoke the formation of young foliage;
  • clean the trunk from old bark and whitewash the trunks.

In addition to treating cherries against pests using insecticides, treating plantings with an ash-soap solution and an infusion of mustard powder are also effective in the fight against aphids.

cherry fly

Seemingly harmless flies can cause no less harm. The cherry fly, for example, is a dangerous pest of cherries, due to which you can lose almost the entire harvest. The larvae laid by insects feed on the fruits and spoil them. When the cherry falls to the ground, the grown insect goes to the surface layer of soil for the winter.

Miner flies are no less dangerous. Cherry pests are detected by the passages in the leaves. Winding tunnels inside the leaf blades indicate that the eggs laid have turned into larvae, ready to emerge and become a new generation of adult insects by spring. In case of mass infection, the leaves suffer so much that the tree cannot properly prepare for winter, as a result it freezes, gets sick, and produces a smaller harvest.

Hawthorn butterfly, goldentail and other cherry pests

Since early spring, not only bees have been circling over the cherry orchard, but also various types butterflies. Not all of them hunt for nectar. Cabbage-like hawthorn, lacewing, and cherry moth are prominent representatives of cherry pests.

Caterpillars of these species actively eat buds and foliage, so it is important to recognize the enemy as early as possible and begin to fight it. At the caterpillar stage, insects are collected by hand or sprayed with chemicals. The gardener decides how to treat cherries against pests. But when choosing an insecticide, it is important that the chemical provides long-term protection and does not harm the crop.

Since during the season many butterflies manage to produce two or three generations, the treatment is carried out not only early spring, but the appearance of foliage, but also at the end of summer.

Cherry pest control and preventive measures

No matter how fast-acting and effective modern means insect control, treating cherries against pests will not give the desired result if there is no competent prevention.

Throughout the season, fallen leaves are regularly collected and destroyed. The same is done with mummified, unripe fruits.

Cherry pest control, as in the photo, should involve irrigating the plants with chemicals. But this is far from the main stage. The main work is carried out in the fall and includes:

  • diseased, dry and damaged branches;
  • sections, as well as cracks in the bark and damaged areas with gum discharge are treated with garden varnish;
  • fallen leaves, branches and remaining fruits are carefully picked and burned;
  • the soil under the trees is loosened and carefully dug up;
  • with the onset of the first cold weather, the garden is sprayed with a 5% urea solution.

In the spring, the condition of the trees is checked again and comprehensive treatment against insects and diseases is carried out. fruit crops. Most often, systemic means that are effective against a whole range of hazards are used for this purpose. It is important to irrigate not only the trees themselves, but also the soil underneath them. Repeated spraying is necessary after flowering. Another treatment can be done in the summer.

Treating the garden against cherry flies - video

This pest is often found on small-leaved linden - our traditional one in cities and gardens. The body of a nymph - an adult insect - is black, shiny, 5-6 mm long. There are wings.

False caterpillars (intermediate stage of development) are yellow-green, with an expanded front part, covered with transparent mucus on top, so they look like small slugs. They have several pairs of legs.

Pseudo-caterpillars overwinter in upper layers soils, pupate in the spring. Flight in mid-May - June. Females lay eggs in clusters on the upper side of the leaf under the epidermis. The false caterpillars first gnaw through a small mine and gnaw off the leaves, leaving the lower layer of integument intact.

Damaged leaves turn brown, curl and dry out. Trees lose their decorative properties and become weakened. According to some observations, it often damages trees near water bodies.

Autumn digging of soil tree trunk circles partially destroys the caterpillars that have left for the winter. From chemicals spraying of plantings is used when larvae appear en masse after harvesting with one of the following preparations: phosphamide emulsion or karbofos emulsion, or chlorophos solution, or metaphos suspension.

Have you encountered such a problem?

Is the most dangerous pest chokeberry and cherries. The harmful stage of the insect is the larva.

Adult cherry slimy sawfly is a small insect of shiny black color, body length 5-6 mm, wingspan 7-9 mm. The egg is light green, elongated. The larvae of the first instars are smaller, covered with dark mucus on top, often comma-shaped.

Adult larvae overwinter in the soil under bushes at a depth of 10-12 cm. At the end of May, the larvae pupate. Adult insects emerge from their pupae in June. The flight of sawflies lasts about two months. During this time, each female lays up to 75 eggs on the underside of the leaves. After one to two weeks from the eggs cherry slimy sawfly the larvae emerge. At the end of July - beginning of August, a massive hatching of larvae occurs. They live on the upper side of the leaves. They feed on leaf pulp. With severe damage, when there are up to 40 caterpillars on each leaf, the pulp of the leaf is completely destroyed. Only the veins remain - the skeleton of the leaf. With a high infection density, the yield is significantly reduced.

The larvae feed for about a month, then go into the soil. They overwinter under plants, where they feed, at a depth of 10-12 cm.

The number of cherry slimy sawfly is largely reduced by egg-eating insects. In some years, Trichogramma infects up to 90% of sawfly eggs.

Measures to combat cherry mucous sawfly

Using Trichogramma to infect sawfly eggs.

There is the following methodology for differentiated measures control of cherry mucous sawfly. When there are more than 10 larvae (10-30) per 100 leaves, a 0.7% solution of soda ash or a 0.5% suspension of entobacterin should be used against them. If there are more than 30 pests per 100 leaves, then chokeberry bushes need to be sprayed with a 0.2-0.3% solution of chlorophos or karbofos. One bush consumes 1-1.5 liters of solution.

Spraying should be carried out 2-3 times. The first after flowering, and the subsequent ones a week later. Spraying with poisons (except soda ash) should be stopped a month before harvest. Soda ash, while killing hatched larvae, is harmless to humans and beneficial insects, and therefore treatment with soda can be carried out even more late dates, as new larvae hatch.

The cherry slimy sawfly is a hymenopteran insect. Adults do not cause any harm to plantings, since they do not feed, but the larvae, on the contrary, are capable of destroying foliage in huge quantities.

They look a little like small slugs with a thick head, but do not have horns, but their body is also completely covered with dark transparent mucus. Their most favorite delicacy is stone fruit plantings - hawthorn, sweet cherry and cherry, but sometimes they are also found on rowan or quince. The cherry slimy sawfly produces 2 generations per season and has a cyclical development.

The parthenogenetic form of these insects is mainly widespread. The length of females varies from 4 to 6 mm, they have black limbs and transparent, slightly darkened wings that reach 9 mm in span.

The emergence of flies begins in early June, with the arrival of stable warm temperatures, and the second generation appears in late July - early August. After emergence, adult females live on average for a week and manage to lay up to 65-70 eggs during this period.

By the end of summer, trees affected by sawflies risk losing their crown completely, so you need to know how to deal with the cherry slimy sawfly at all stages of its development.

Pest destruction methods

For help, you can attract insects to the site - natural enemies of the sawfly. These include soft beetles and trichogramma, as well as lacewings - in order to lure them, you can plant fragrant flowers and plants in the garden.