Grow banana from seeds at home. Banana is a berry from the tropics. We grow dwarf varieties at home

Banana is a favorite fruit of the same name. herbaceous plant, growing in tropical climates.

But Is it possible to grow this plant in an apartment or house, and even get tasty fruits from it? The answer to this question is Can.

Before you start planting a plant, you should decide on the variety. Those bananas that can be grown at home should be no more than 2 meters, for obvious reasons. Remember that many varieties of this plant can reach a height of 10-12 meters.

There are 2 types of bananas: fruit and ornamental. Depending on the variety, either one or the other can be grown at home in a pot.

Based on the name, ornamental bananas are grown for decoration, or, more simply, for decoration. The fruits of such plants are, for the most part, not edible. These include “musa velutina”, “musella lasiocarpa”, etc.

Fruit bananas are the opposite; their fruits are edible and very tasty. They are grown not for decoration, but for fruit. Basically, they grow on plantations, but it happens that they also grow at home.

For home conditions, for example, varieties

  • "musa acuminata"
  • "musa super Dwarf Cavendish"
  • “Kyiv dwarf”, etc.

Seed preparation

First you need to prepare the seeds for planting. They have a fairly dense shell and in order for the sprout to break through it, it is necessary to slightly damage the shell. To do this, it is enough to make a few scratches with a sharp object, such as, for example, a pin. But be careful not to pierce them through.

Selection of cookware

Banana seeds can be planted individually or together. For these purposes, disposable cups are suitable (if you plant bananas separately) or wide and shallow dishes (if you plant seeds together). Once you have decided on the dishes, be sure to make drainage holes so that excess liquid can drain out.

Planting seeds

The bottom of selected containers should be covered with a layer of drainage. These can be small pebbles, expanded clay or polystyrene foam. The drainage layer should be 1.5 - 2 cm. Then comes the substrate.

The best substrate for growing bananas is a mixture of river peat and peat in a 4:1 ratio. The seed should be lightly pressed into slightly moistened soil and left without sprinkling soil on top.

Remember that feeding in this case is pointless and sometimes even harmful. It won't do any good for bananas, but it will create favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria and fungi.

Seedling care

Then future bananas need to be placed in a greenhouse. It could be cling film, cake cover, bag, etc. In general, everything that can create an imitation of a greenhouse. It is necessary to ventilate it every couple of days, at the same time you can control the soil moisture. If the soil is dry, spray it with water from a spray bottle. Avoid over-watering. Banana loves light, but make sure it is not exposed to direct sunlight as this will simply kill the plant.

You will have to wait about 2-3 months for the first shoots, but then the banana will grow rapidly and within a week you will be able to transplant the sprout into a larger container. Be prepared for the fact that within a year you will need dishes with a volume much larger than flower pot, depending on the variety.

After the banana has grown and produced fruit, the plant dies. But don’t be upset, he leaves behind children who safely go through the same life cycle.

Bananas are very tasty and healthy fruits; at the end of the last century they were classified as “exotic”, but now they can be bought in every store. However, not everyone can boast that they have an indoor banana growing at home! But this plant can be easily grown not only in a greenhouse, but also in an apartment! How to grow banana at home?

Necessary care

This plant cannot be called too whimsical, but still for best result you need to know some rules and tricks.

Temperature and lighting

The indoor banana loves warmth and light, so you need to place the container on windows facing south, east or southeast. North side is not suitable, but if you have no other choice, then the plant will have to be artificially illuminated. IN summer season can you take the potty out to open air, however, the banana will need to be protected from sunburn.

To do this, you can shade the “pet” with some mesh fabric or place it in the shade of other plants. Exot is able to withstand temperature drops of up to 16 degrees, but this should not be allowed, since normal growth will stop.

Moreover, fruiting in such temperature conditions impossible! The ideal temperature for a banana is 25-31 degrees. Sudden temperature changes are also unacceptable.

Humidity and watering

The plant requires a lot of liquid due to the large size of the leaves, which evaporate a considerable amount of moisture. Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries. It should be watered very generously with warm, settled water.

Cold water contraindicated! When watering, liquid should seep through the drainage holes.

In the summer season, water the “pet” more often, but in winter watering should be minimal. Frequent watering at low temperatures can lead to root rot. It would be good to place the container on moistened sea pebbles or expanded clay. However, you cannot block the access of air to the holes in the pot, so you can use a special grid for the tray.

Both wild and indoor bananas are loved high humidity environment.

Caring for the plant is not difficult, but for the best results it is advisable to create conditions for it that are close to its “climatic homeland” - the tropics. The air humidity in the room should be at least 70-75%. In addition, in the summer, the banana must be sprayed every day and the foliage wiped with a cloth. IN winter period It is better to keep spraying to a minimum; once every 7 days is enough.

Container and soil mixture

The soil for the plant should be very nutritious and breathable.

For the base, soil from under deciduous trees (acacia, linden, birch) is ideal. Oak, chestnut and poplar are exceptions. Just dig a bucket of soil under the tree, then add 0.5 kg of ash, 1 kg of humus and 2 kg of sand.

The finished soil mixture must be disinfected using boiling water or calcination. Be sure to provide good drainage. To do this, place 3-5 cm of expanded clay or pebbles on the bottom of the container, sprinkle with wet sand, and then pour in the earthen mixture itself.

On initial stage For planting you need to take a small container. Transplanting into a large container right away is undesirable, since the “young growth” will not be able to absorb as much moisture from the large container.

This will lead to the process of rotting of the root system. It is necessary to replant the banana into a larger container, but only after the roots have sprouted through the drainage holes. During the transplantation process, you need to very carefully remove the fragile root so that it is not damaged. The ideal way- transshipment of plants to new pot. After each transfer, the indoor banana should be immersed deeper into the ground, so choose a container with sufficient depth.


In order for an indoor banana to bear fruit, it must be fed. Fertilizers should be applied only to moist soil so that the roots do not get burned. In spring and summer, the plant needs to be fertilized quite often - once every 7 days, and in winter you can do without fertilizers or feed it once every 30-40 days. As a top dressing, it is good to take mullein solution or herbal infusions from weeds. For adults, you can use a decoction of fish, this will enhance the fruiting process.

Banana propagation and growing at home

Bananas reproduce through seeds and shoots. Edible fruits that are familiar to us do not contain seeds; these varieties (Cavendish, Kyiv dwarf, etc.) reproduce only vegetatively. But fruits grown from seeds are not suitable for consumption.

Therefore, it is important to decide what you want to receive - ornamental plant or harvest! The fruits of decorative varieties (Chinese Dwarf, Velvety, Lavender) have little soft mass and a huge number of seeds; they are completely inedible, but they can become a wonderful decoration for your home.

For growing in room conditions It’s better to take unpretentious ones dwarf varieties, because caring for them is quite simple.

Such plants can bear fruit at home, but to do this you will have to buy a shoot already planted in the ground at the store. Most often, growing a banana plant is a way to decorate your apartment with unusual “greenery,” and such a plant with inedible fruits can be grown from seeds.

Growing from seeds: preparation

Caring for an adult plant is not a problem, but growing an exotic plant from seeds is a painstaking task. Banana seed shells are quite hard, so mechanical scarification is necessary to facilitate germination. Just planting the seeds is not enough; they must be carefully prepared. Take the seed and soak it for a day in water at a comfortable temperature; the liquid will need to be changed several times. After the outer shell becomes soft, you need to make scratches on it with a file, needle or sandpaper. But movements must be careful to avoid damage to the core.

Instructions for planting and care

  1. After preparing the seeds, plant them in the prepared soil mixture, pressing them with your finger to a depth of no more than 1 cm. There should be an interval of 5 cm between the seeds.
  2. Then place the pot in a well-lit, warm place, cover with film or glass. At this stage, the earth mixture should be constantly moistened.
  3. You will have to wait from 2 to 10 weeks before the first shoots appear, then we remove the mini-greenhouse.
  4. When the seedlings have formed several leaves, they can be transplanted into individual containers, ensuring good drainage. During the first year of life, the plants will have to be replanted frequently, as their roots grow rapidly.
  5. Next we support standard care. In summer, we spray the plant daily and apply fertilizer once a week, shade it from direct sunlight. In winter, we leave the indoor banana alone in a warm room, only occasionally watering and fertilizing it. Sudden temperature changes must not be allowed!

As you can see, caring for this exotic plant not complicated at all! However, you need to show a lot of care and attention to admire the result!

Who wouldn't want to at least once in their life grow banana at home? At least in childhood you probably had such thoughts, admit it.
Now is the time to make your dreams come true. So, let's learn how to grow bananas. Is this possible? As it turned out, quite.

The first step is to choose a banana to plant. If you want the plant to bear fruit in the future (and you probably do), then you need low-growing varieties- Kyiv dwarf, for example. It is best to start growing from a sprout.

There is also the option of growing from seeds, but it much more difficult, and finding seeds in a store is not an easy task.

When examining a banana fruit from a store, you will not find those same seeds in it, and all because commercially grown bananas are located on supermarket shelves and market counters.

Gardeners managed to almost completely rid them of seeds through successful selection. Sometimes small brownish formations are visible in the middle of the fruit - unformed seeds, remember this for the future so that you know in case of need.

Today, buying banana sprouts is quite easy, as many stores have them. By the way, you can immediately purchase a suitable pot there.

Growing fruit from seeds or seeds

If you can get your hands on banana seeds, great! First you need slightly damage their shell so that the seeds grow faster. This can be done using light sandpaper.

Use disposable cups for utensils. One seed per glass. The soil in the cup should be as follows: place a layer of drainage at the bottom, fill the rest with regular substrate, leaving about 3 cm to the edges of the container, but no more.

An hour before sowing, water the substrate with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. Then we plant banana seeds, not very deep, approximately in the middle of the glass, do not overdo it.

We cover the top with glass and freeze in anticipation. You'll have to wait a long time, the seeds germinate in at least 3 months. During this time, the glass must be periodically lifted to ventilate the soil.

The cups should be placed in a warm, well-lit place. When sprouts appear, follow the rules described below.

On the Internet, people often say “buy” when it comes to banana soil, but we will say “go to the forest.” It’s in the forest, after all best soil for growing bananas it is located near linden and birch trees, but land under oak trees should be avoided.

The soil must be fertilized, but there is no need to go to the store for mega-cool approvals, with which a banana, according to the promise of noble producers, will grow (grow) in two weeks.

It is ideal to use cow humus as a fertilizer; it can be found in the meadow where cows graze. Add about a liter of sand and half a liter of ash to the soil. Need soil loosen properly, then pour boiling water in order to remove all kinds of harmful bacteria.

Growing fruit from a banana part

When the soil is ready, it's time to transplant the banana sprout. No need to use too much for this big pot, as this is fraught with rotting of the plant roots. He should be short, banana bears fruit in a container with a volume of about 50 liters.

It is very important that the pot must have holes for drainage. Many people advise that before placing the pot on a stand, sprinkle pebbles on it so that there is space for air.

Pour some sand into the bottom of the pot, then fill it with prepared liquid soil. We stick a banana sprout with a lump of earth there and fill it with an additional portion of liquid soil.

Nuances when replanting a plant

Do you think it's that simple? Not so. So, let's replant the banana wisely.

  • After you have purchased a sprout, give it a couple of days to acclimatize to the new conditions and only then proceed to transplant it into another container.
  • If you see that the plant has become slightly lethargic a day or two after purchase, wait until it begins vigorous growth again, then replant it.
  • Maintain the Banana Position after transplantation. How to understand this? The side that the plant was facing south should remain facing south. Make small “north” and “south” marks on the new pot to prevent the pot from being rotated in the future. If you turn it the wrong way, it won’t do much harm, but the banana’s growth stops for a certain period of time.
  • Do the transplant when it is warm, it is best to do this in late spring or summer; in winter you should not do such things.
  • Light, more light! Bananas require maximum lighting, even sunburn leaves are not as bad as lack of lighting.
  • Plus one more little secret- in order for the banana to start sprouting canes, you can use a little of it squeeze in a pot. But this is done after transplantation, that is, a year or two after purchase and transplantation, in a non-store pot.

By following these tips, you will get rid of many problems and difficulties when growing banana.

Watering is one of the most important factors, which affects banana growth. The main thing to remember is that bananas are not afraid of drought, but... overwatering can be fatal to the plant.

Regular watering is not suitable for it, that is, when it is moistened a little and often.

You need to water when the soil on top has dried by about 2 cm. When you notice this, pour in a lot of water(all excess will come out through the drainage) and wait for the next “drought”.

It is worth considering the small nuance that ordinary running water, it needs to be left for several days to get rid of chlorine and return it to a normal temperature. But bananas really like spraying leaves, you can spray them at least every day.

When it gets cooler, watering can be canceled quite for a long period. When it's cold, the moisture almost doesn't evaporate and the banana root can rot.

If you see that lower leaves the plants dry out, this is normal, and does not mean that the root has begun to rot.

The cold season has its own secrets. The fact is that when the temperature drops, the banana stops growing, and this process can be resumed simply by heating the soil, that is, by placing the pot on a radiator. If the radiators are too hot, place foam under the pot.

Is banana sick?

Growing a banana is not the easiest task even for good gardener, but everything is greatly simplified by the fact that this plant is quite disease resistant.

While many plants are affected by harmful scale insects, they have no effect on bananas. In fact, the only thing bananas are afraid of is midges, which appear if the soil is waterlogged.

Feel free to buy a sprout and start growing it, the process is slightly complicated, but entertaining, so do it with great pleasure.

Which looks like a tree, which is where it gets its name. Lots of people it is grown in suburban areas However, you can please yourself with it by sheltering it at home. Let's figure out how to plant this plant and how to care for a banana in the conditions.

Biological features


To prevent the plant from growing excessively, its top is shaped into the required shape. But pawpaw is needed only for the decorative formation of the trunk, and also for sanitary purposes. The flowers and fruits of this plant are formed on last year's shoots, so every year it is necessary to prune adult plants. This is done most often before the start of the growth period before sap flow - in early spring.

Do I need special care in winter?

heat-loving but frost-resistant plant. Withstands temperatures down to -30°C. In winter, he definitely needs it. In winter, during the dormant period, he needs the plant much less often. Water for irrigation in winter should be at room temperature. Due to heating in winter, the air in apartments often becomes very dry, so you can periodically spray the plants. In winter, it is reduced to a minimum or not carried out at all.

Transfer rules

Due to the fragile measles system, you need to be very careful when transplanting pawpaws. If such a need arises, you need to do this by transferring it into larger containers. The transplantation process is carried out only in the spring. During this period, the banana tree is in a period of active growth and the plant will grow stronger much faster after transplantation.

Flowering and fruiting

The plant will begin to bloom no earlier than 2-3 years of life, and bear fruit no earlier than 5-6 years of life. This usually occurs in April and lasts up to 3 weeks. The fruits of the banana tree will be ready to eat at the end of summer.

Important! The soil in which pawpaw grows should not be allowed to dry out completely during the winter. This can lead to the death of the plant.

Pawpaw cannot self-pollinate, insects and hummingbirds help her with this in nature. If there is a strong desire to get fruits, the owner of the plant can try artificial pollination, but the probability of getting fruits still remains small. Artificial pollination is carried out when the color of the pollen turns brownish and the pollen itself becomes loose. The tips of the pistils should be sticky at this point and have a glossy green color. You can get fruits at home if you try to create the most best conditions and carry out pollination correctly.

Do you like bananas? Most people will answer yes. These fruits are highly nutritious and are often used as snacks. It's much healthier than eating a bun. Surely everyone, having heard about a banana tree, imagines paradise in the ocean, where clusters of ripe fruits hang from tall palm trees, and monkeys feast on them to their heart's content. Did you know that a tree can easily be grown at home? Interested? Then read on.

Brief description

If you are looking for a plant that can decorate a room and enliven the interior, be interesting and unusual, then a banana tree is just what you need. A nice bonus is that the plant will also bloom and give you a whole bunch of magnificent fruits. Of course, this is not exactly the palm tree that we have seen so often in the movies. Dimensions indoor plant much more modest, so you can easily grow it at home if you study the basic requirements.

What is the correct name?

Indeed, the banana tree is, rather, its nickname, which it received for the external similarity of the fruits. In fact, the plant is called differently - pawpaw three-lobed. Despite its exotic nature, it is not tropical. It is a deciduous tree that reaches 4-5 meters in height if not pruned. At home, it usually does not exceed two meters. Belongs to the Anon family. The plant has very interesting leaves - they are very similar to those that grow on a real banana palm. Large, up to 30 cm in length, shiny and bright green, they will delight you with their appearance until autumn. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, so it is better to move the plant to a cooler place to rest.

Growing a plant

If you want to grow your own banana tree, first consider how many years you are willing to wait for it to mature. If you can’t wait to surprise your friends and family, then it’s better to buy ready-made shoots in the store. But even in this case, you will have to wait a very long time for home-grown fruits. It must be remembered that the seeds present in the fruits may not sprout, since the plant reproduces best by lateral shoots. First of all, the banana tree (we provide a photo in the article) decorates the room with its spectacular leaves, and therefore care must be taken to ensure that the crown is healthy and strong. To do this, it is important to maintain conditions suitable for a green pet. When purchasing a ready-made seedling, do not forget to ask whether you can expect fruit from this particular specimen: the fact is that not all plant varieties bear fruit; there are exclusively decorative species.

Soil preparation

Whatever propagation method you choose, you need to prepare the soil that is most suitable for your “guest”. True, in this regard the plant is not too whimsical. You can buy ready-made soil mixture or even prepare a regular one, garden soil. It is advisable to use top layer soil, as it is more nutritious. The soil should be additionally enriched with humus, sand or wood ash. This is another one important nuance, which must be taken into account, because this is the only way to grow a beautiful banana tree. Photos displayed on the pages of magazines and on portals of relevant topics will inspire anyone to take up gardening tools and grow the same miracle for yourself.

The thoroughly mixed substrate must be steamed to protect the plant from pests. To do this, you can pour the soil onto an iron baking sheet and heat it in the oven, or pour boiling water over it (or a weak solution of potassium permanganate). It is very important to take a pot large enough for a large plant. Provide a high drainage layer so that the roots do not lack oxygen. It could be stones broken brick or expanded clay. You need to put a layer of sand on top, and only then fill it with soil.

Planting pawpaw

A homemade banana tree can also be grown from seeds; the most important thing is to buy high-quality seed material. The plant has fairly large seeds, they look like persimmon seeds. Before sowing, we should remember where this plant came from. The banana tree is a child of the subtropical zone, which means that the seeds must be stratified. To do this, it is best to place them in cups with soil and dig them in the garden. Sprouts should appear in April. If you live in an apartment, you can use a refrigerator instead of outside.

Seedling care

When the April sun begins to warm up well, it’s time to plant your plants or plant purchased ones. A banana tree grows very readily at home; the most important thing is to provide it suitable conditions. This is light, fertile soil; wood humus is also perfect. Remember to choose a well-lit, sunny place. Azimina loves the sun very much and does not grow in the shade.

Growing and care

In the first year of life, the plant requires virtually no care. It only needs to be watered and periodically very carefully loosened. In October, pawpaw sheds its leaves and prepares for a period of dormancy. Now until spring you need to provide your pet with moderate watering; you can move the plant to a cooler place. In April, sap flow begins, which means it’s time to fertilize. The best option The fertilizer will be nitrodiammophos. Approximately 20 g should be diluted per bucket of water.

Watching a banana tree grow is very interesting, although the process is not fast. Every year the plant grows by about 20-30 cm. However, it should not be replanted unless absolutely necessary, since the roots are very fragile. When your handsome little one turns 2 years old, he will begin to develop lateral shoots. Now we must not forget to feed the plant to ensure it optimal growth and development. Nitrogen-phosphorus compounds are the most favorite fertilizers for this crop.

Flowering and fruiting

It will be six long years before your plant begins to form fruit buds. They are usually laid in the fall, and next year open up into very interesting flowers. They have six petals and a large number of stamens. It is necessary to pollinate using a thin brush.

After pollination, the fruits begin to grow quickly and after about a month and a half reach 5-6 cm. They ripen by September, at which time the peel turns yellow. Ripe fruits fall off and spoil very quickly. Therefore, check them every day - ripe fruits fall off easily. As we have already said, growing this interesting plant is not difficult and is accessible even to beginners. If you do everything correctly, you will definitely enjoy delicious fruits.